In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My message comes again to the world, especially for the hearts that are open to listen to the Word of the Divine Hierarchy, a Word that resounds in the Universe, because it is a Word that comes from God.
Because from the Word emerged the Creation and all that exists, just as the children of the Father also emerged, those who have been walking upon this cosmic trajectory in order to someday attain redemption.
But forgiveness is granted to those who decide to live the path of redemption.
Therefore, the Universe and the Hierarchy still sustain this world and humanity, because there is still time to live this path, in spite of all that may happen in this cycle.
The Hierarchy needs that the daring decide to submerge into Universal Life, a life that shows them their origin, their existence and their purpose. In simple words, the revelation of their truth and also of their past. Not of a past for them to turn back to or to remember the errors committed, but rather to remember what they learned, what they experienced and what they acquired throughout the times, the cosmic time.
Today I come to speak to the world from the Andes, one of the places where the Hierarchy has Its Heart and Its Presence, from the Mendozan and Chilean Andes, because for the Hierarchy there is no division nor borders; there is one people, a single people, one race, which, in spite of its experiences, must someday be recognized as unique in this Project of Love and Redemption, of Forgiveness and Mercy.
Therefore, I open the doors of the Universe within this place, where you are today, in order for you to accompany your Heavenly Mother; where the fallen stars and the suns that awaken can find their origin again and feel that they are a part of the whole, feel that they are a part of the Creation, of Universal Life.
Therefore, today your spirits are placed before the presence of the Universe, before the presence of the Hierarchy, before the Fount of the Love of God, because it is from this that the beings from the surface of the Earth, in this time, must be nourished from in order to learn how to survive these crucial moments while humanity faces the result of what it chose.
Therefore, I come as Mother, but also as the Governess of the Universe, as the Matrix of the Mirrors, to help you to correct the path, to teach you to find the path of peace and harmony so that your inner suns can shine and manifest the Purpose, beyond the human life, beyond superficiality.
The opportunities that the Hierarchy gives at this moment are unique and will not be repeated. For this reason, you must make use of the times and of the events. You must nourish spiritually upon that which the Spiritual Hierarchy gives you so that, each day more, you can reaffirm this commitment and this purpose that you came to fulfill for a Greater and still unknown Will.
The origins of those who have awakened, and of the ones who will awaken, unite today to this moment and to this meeting with the Divine Mother so that the true lineage, so that the true gift or virtue of each being, may give impulse to the tridimensional consciousness to take the step that it must take, and to help reverse, in service and out of love, the situation in which humanity finds itself, which is an adverse and very dark situation.
But while I am with you, beloved children, while I speak to the center of each one of your beings, where the Word of the Hierarchy truly resounds, the Universal Mother and the Greater Governess dissolves the contrary currents by means of the path of peace and harmony, without generating conflicts nor spiritual confrontations. Because love, as you know, is above everything, any situation or moment, any inner desert or agony.
Love allows you to renew and permits you to again find the path that you sometimes lose for different circumstances.
The world, and especially humanity, must acknowledge today that it is not alone in this macrocosm. This will grant the intervention and the help of the Celestial Spheres. And humanity, at least a small part of it, could then recover that which it has internally lost; and would continue to receive the impulse to live the path of Light.
Therefore, all efforts that the Hierarchy makes at this moment are immediate and urgent. Thus, your response, at this moment, must be immediate and urgent so that the greater balance can be attained in the whole human race on all the surface of the Earth, in each heart that is part of this universal family
Thus, while I talk to you and transmit My words to you, your Heavenly Mother and Greater Governess works with humanity in those situations that are not solved yet and that need the powerful Hand of God to find a solution and a path of return to the origin.
When I am here with you, I bring you the Universe, not only that which exists out there, in the Cosmos, but I also bring you the spiritual Universe where the beginning of everything and the origin of your existence is, the primordial and fundamental essence that created you, so that you might be here today, on this planet, and living this school that My Son lovingly offers to you.
By assuming a commitment with what you truly are, and not with what you appear to be, you will allow the Purpose to be attainable, to everyone, and you will be able to keep contributing to the Plan of the Hierarchy in this acute time of humanity.
Today, I come to contemplate what is true within you and not what is apparent. I come so that the center of your being may rise, which is a sun, an essence, which fulfills a purpose and a goal in this Creation, as many, many essences in the Universe and, thus, I come to unite you to the one Source, to the divine Thought of God.
I come to elevate you toward the Heart of the Father because there you will always find the inner strength you need in order to transcend and to redeem in the name of My Son, your Redeemer.
While this happens, the essences of humanity are also worked on by your Heavenly Mother, by the Greater Governess, so that at least a spark of Divine Grace may ignite the consciousness of those who sleep and thus they may awaken to universal truth.
For this to be possible, I need intermediaries, servers, faithful collaborators who follow the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and not of others, so that you do not get confused, so that you do not take vainglory, so that you only fulfill Divine Will, in obedience and gratitude,which is the Will that will always free you and guide you toward the just and right path.
While the planet experiences its purification and purification mobilizes chaos and conflicts, let Peace reign in the hearts of those who believe in God and in those who fulfill His call without conditions nor rules.
May the advent of the New Humanity now become a reality for all, because this humanity, children, must first be born within you, and then be present upon the surface; it is something profoundly spiritual and non-material.
The New Humanity will be a gift of God granted by the Eternal Father Himself for the regeneration of life and the whole Creation after the traumatic and painful experiences lived in the whole human race throughout the times and the decades.
The gift of God of the New Humanity will be a living reality in those who self-summon, so that the old flock of Israel may gather and congregate again and finally they may fulfill the promises that are written in the Heart of God, your Eternal Father.
At this moment of planetary transition, gather the inner forces that come from the love of the heart and from the love of the spirit to carry forward, upon this path, the wills and the projects of My Son, which are still to manifest in this time, although humanity lives this harsh reality.
Trust in that which is possible to fulfill, in that which is possible to concretize and in everything that is possible to attain because, as it is the Will of God, it will manifest and present itself before your eyes, and you will carry forward everything the Father has expected, for such a long time.
It is possible to decrease the risks that the planet and humanity could experience in this time, if the offering is sincere and does not waver; the Plan will be fulfilled because it is a Law, and you must believe in this, every day.
I am here with you always, to help you to build, within you, the Plan of God, so that later the Plan may be a reality upon the surface.
Obedience and fidelity will be the great key for this moment of transition, for all servers and collaborators of this work; thus, the bridge of contact between your Universe and Ours will never be missing.
May the Love that My Heart brings today rebuild you internally and place you in the Commands of My Son, so that the Work of His infinite Mercy may come to all, without distinction.
From the Andes, I invoke and proclaim to all the return to your origin, so that in this time of purification you may believe in the gorgeous and beautiful that God gave to you in the beginning.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this planetary moment! Because I know that you have never lived or experienced it. This is the great moment and the great time for all. Help yourselves of Our Love to live it. Welcome Our support to be able to face it.
I am here and I am your Universal Mother.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you do not understand the Works of the Lord, join them, because someday you will understand them. I only need that you love what I ask of you and that you always do it well, so that the Father, who is in the Universe, may be honored and glorified, and souls may be participants of His Grace through those who respond to His call.
Do not try to understand what is happening in this time because you will not succeed. Hold on to the sweetness of My Heart, because in this way, you will understand all things in its proper time.
The signs that I bring to humanity are to generate the great change of consciousness and in some cases, it will be painful and difficult, but every change has a reason and a meaning.
What I need, companions, is that you immerse yourselves in Communion with Me so that you can always have My Gifts available, which will be guiding stars on your paths, and above all, in your inner world.
Today I come to seek rest in those who do not tire of being in Me.
Today I come to seek refuge in hearts faithful to My Presence, in those who unite with Me every day in an unconditional spirit and under the protection of love.
Today I come from Heaven to give you something. Through Me, I bring the prophecies of Heaven, which today I show to some so that they can understand what is to come.
After I have left here, after having blessed you, this will come and will be manifested; for this reason, seek to live in Me and unite through Me with all the Universe.
Up there is what you really need. Up there is what you will experience afterwards, but in order for what is above to descend, you must be connected with the Source, and solutions will come.
There is no test in this life that does not have an answer; thus, I bring you that answer, and through prophecy, I bring you revelation.
I have asked to come to this humble place to be able to tell you this, because here nobody who is contrary to Me will find you.
In the refuge of the Communities, I protect My sheep. When My sheep are scattered and do not hear the call of the Shepherd, I cannot protect them and have to reach them in some way, through some sign or some message so that they may return to My Path, so that they may return to the Dwelling Place of the Celestial Father.
The flocks in this time are present on this Earth not only to learn to graze upon new attributes, but to experience a transition and a purification; something that nobody has experienced in any other time. That is why souls fear the pressure of these times. But I come to release that pressure that you may be experiencing in this time.
If I am here, it is because My Father wishes it. If I am here, companions, it is because I have come to offer you My Heart, as that inexhaustible Spring that will renew, purify and relieve you.
Through the Word of the Son of God, I bring you prophecy, something that cannot be understood with the mind; it can only be felt with the heart, although it is a mystery.
Something grand may be experienced here in Europe, but it will depend on that unconditional adherence to the great Messenger of God.
If you are here, it is because it corresponds to you to be here and not in another place. Those who are not here today are supposed to be someplace else, which is to say, in another school and in another learning.
Everything you experience has a meaning and a path. I come to reveal to you through My Word the meaning of this Path, even if it may be a painful path or a joyful path.
I invite you, companions, to find meaning in everything that you experience in life, because you will then not be intimidated; you will find an answer to all that you need and will understand the reason of all that happens.
I feel that you are not understanding what I am telling you; your inner worlds do understand; your souls do hear.
Your hearts may or may not feel My Words, but if I am here, it is because I am indicating to you where you must be, which is here, in this part of the Work that I carry forward with you for a Will still unknown to all.
In that serenity that I bring you today, I ask you to open to an understanding of My Words, because there is no time any longer.
What must be built for the next cycle is important. There are still many souls in Europe that wait for your service. Go out of your homes, of your ways of life, to meet each one of them, just as I, in these two last months, together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, have gone to meet these souls. And here you have a living example of that.
It is time to mobilize for the Plan, because the movement itself and the flow itself, in the very sense of the energy and the universal current, you will transform imperceptibly and will help to build what is new in what is already old and archaic.
The Plan of God is not hermetic, the Plan of God is not solid; it experiences a constant dynamism, because the Higher Source feeds it so that it can be fulfilled.
The Plan is still to be accomplished and you must be aware of this in your effort, in your dedication, in your unconditional service, in your presence and in your adherence to what is asked for, as much as it is not understood.
The Plan as a whole is based on love, and it is that love which gives it its own intelligence so that souls may awaken and live it.
Today I bring you the Ray of My Sovereignty and of My Fortitude, the Principle of the Governor, because it is time for the Divine Purpose to be correctly aligned in your spirits, so that what is up there in the Universe can descend. It will only be able to descend through instruments, by means of vehicles, of souls and of essences.
The help of the Universe is available to all, and answers to all questions are available. God is full of Wisdom and also in Science. Learn to overcome the doubts in life, the barriers and the obstacles that your lower consciousness may be imposing on you.
Place yourself at the epicenter of Universal Love and let your cells expand through the fluid of that Universal Love that comes to show you the correspondence and the meaning of the next steps of the Divine Plan of Love.
I just hope that you do not miss the opportunity; I will not tire of warning you up to the last moment, because behind everything that does not seem to materialize, in the inner worlds a great work is being built that the glad in spirit and the humble of heart will experience, and will be able to see with their own eyes what has been built with so much effort.
No one has the power in all this that I ask of you, not even I have the power in all that I speak to you. Do you understand what I am telling you?
Everything comes from God and if He thinks and feels it, it is concretized. But His children, His smallest creatures of this humanity are called to be participants in this Thought and in this Feeling of God, which wants to lead you to expand your consciousness beyond what is normal and superficial.
If I am here, it is because I am offering Myself for that.
The foundations of this community should already rise in the firmament. The pillars of this Marian Center should already be erected, because it will carry its task and its spiritual mission as the counterpart of the Sanctuary of Fatima, to give shelter to all the souls that are not understood, that are rejected, that are discriminated against, and that are expelled because of their spiritual or material poverty.
The essence of Lys and the purity of Lys is in its humility and patience; this is what makes it true, this is Lys in the Mother of God.
You must be the hands that offer this mystery. That is why you must release from within you that which no longer helps you spiritually. It is time to renew the bases of this pillar in Europe; not only for Europe, but also for Africa.
Africa waits for you. We have already given examples, companions, of how urgent the help for My children of Africa is. When you take the step, I will be able to reach Africa to carry all toward My Mercy, just as I have carried you since the beginning.
I just hope that this will come about and will materialize. Africa must be part of the pillar of My Mercy. And although I know that there are valuable missionaries there, and serving souls there who relieve the suffering, Africa still lacks its main spiritual pillar, which is a next Marian Center that will depend on this, so that it may manifest according to Divine Will.
This will take many souls from the abysses toward My Mercy, from slavery to freedom, from exploitation to the eternal gladness of being able to find God again through the spiritual Centers that serve the Hierarchy.
You have already had thirty years to understand this. It is time to unite for the love of My Sacred Heart; it is time to build rather than to divide; it is time to join forces, to fraternize; it is time to be illuminated rather than become darker; it is time to carry forward the design that God gave you by means of My Heart, through the Source of instruction.
The bases of your knowledge are already erected. It is time to finish building the Temple so that God, in His most infinite Wisdom and Compassion, may dwell within you forever and thus the Plan may be realized.
Do not get stuck in the human. Do not remain in the mental. Ask your hearts: "Father, what am I doing? Father, give me the answer I need. Open my eyes to Your Will and help me to accomplish it, according to Your wish and your divine thought," and in this way, you will know to love more, as I love you, as I understand you, just as I accept you.
I will not have another day or another hour, another cycle or another future time to come and tell you this. This is the only time that I will be able to say it. This is the only time in which you will be able to deeply penetrate My Heart so that you may only accept what I need, which goes beyond human life, the incomprehension or the doubts that My enemy may be imposing.
That is why today, the Governor of Heaven, the Spirit of Wisdom and of Love, comes to bring spiritual clarity and transparency to your inner worlds, so that you may be filled by My restoring Spirit.
I take this time because I will not have another and these words apply to everyone, irrespective of the school you are in, or live. The words are for the awakening of love in beings, for the expansion of the consciousness of the last Christs of the last days.
I do not want more souls to go through the doorway of Justice. I want many more souls to go through the doorway of My Mercy, because in this way, My Heart will triumph, just as it is written in Heaven.
I have chosen this blessed place to tell you this. God still touches this place with His Hand and I want you to never again forget this, because in spite of your being purified or suffering, God has His Hand in this place and under His Hand are all of you. Do you understand?
If God has His Hand here, it is because of something greater that your minds still will not understand. You must love the Will of God to understand it, otherwise, you will experience many obstacles in order to understand it.
Be participants in this mystery and in this revelation that I bring you today.
Here today, through His Son, God gives shape to His Will, so that someone may accomplish it, so that many more decide to accomplish it, not only for this place, but also for all of Europe and Russia; because Russia still must participate in forgiveness and that is in your hands.
In My Silence you will be able to feel My Words and in My Words you will find the keys that you need to open the doors to the new, to what is still to descend from the Universe.
So today I offer Myself in Body and Blood, so that you may experience this Mystery in Me and make it part of your beings every day, knowing that there is something higher and greater that moves everything, that leads you and guides you in these crucial times in which love struggles against indifference.
Let us lift up our gratitude to Heaven and in your hearts receive the appeal of God, the deepest wish of His Spirit, so that in Europe what is written may be realized according to the sacred books of the Universe.
We will celebrate this communion with the Heights and with the depths of yourselves, so that more souls may be worthy of this Mystery and of its revelation, which I bring you through Communion.
Here there are souls that would give everything for Me; that is why I am here, awaiting that moment.
The angels of the Kingdom of Lys are gathered today around the Lord and all the souls present and not present, so that, entering that Universe of Love and of Purity, the doors may open to the redemption of hearts and to the conversion of the spirits that must convert into new Christs.
Through the elements of Nature, the non-material laws are manifested and the Purpose of God is sown on Earth; something that your souls receive forever and which you must care for.
Again I testify to what My cousin John once did with Me, of baptizing Me with the Spirit; but today I not only baptize you with the Spirit, but also with the Grace that converts and redeems the impossible. Amen.
This is My Body that has been given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of it and be participants in My Glory. Amen.
This is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Drink of it and be participants in My Mercy.
Our Father...
These are the elements that will give you eternal life. Happy are those invited to partake of these Sacraments, in communion with the saints and the angels from Heaven.
Go in peace and be My Word in the world.
The spiritual foundations of this Center are already manifested. It is time to work and to concretize the Plan, just as God wishes it in His deepest ardor, so that love on Earth may be realized.
After being blessed, you have to fraternally bless with the greeting of peace.
I thank you for listening to Me with heart and soul.
I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to this part of Argentina to institute again the Principles of God that the souls of this place of the nation must live.
I come to banish certain capital powers that have made so many consciousnesses objects of evil.
Because of that, as Co-Redeemer I come to this part of Argentina and return to My beloved Marian Center of the Holy Spirit to be close to My children and to give them what they need to keep taking the steps of faith towards Christ.
I wish by all means, spiritual and divine, that my sons of this region of Argentina, came out of spiritual mysticism, that they opened their eyes and feel in their hearts the true and only Brotherhood, the one that comes from the Universe and permeates with Its Light this part of Argentina.
I come to gather the lost ones, to the searchers of something greater, the ones that have forgotten God within their inner self.
With all of them I will make a new flock so that, recognizing on their paths the footprints of Christ, they may consecrate again to the Plan of the Creator.
This mission that God has commissioned Me has just begun.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Carry in your hearts the badge of the Brotherhood.
May those who have fallen rise.
May evil be submerged itself into its hells and may the doors to perdition and to the condemnation of souls be closed at last; because the Almighty has come to meet you in order to be able to fill you with His Light and His Mercy, and to make of His creatures a new flock of Light, full of the Love of God and impregnated by His Gifts of Compassion, Unity, and Faith.
Today I come as the Priest of the Universe; I come to give you My Peace so that you may be in My Peace, and I give you My Peace so that you may multiply it and make it alive in your hearts and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
I have come from a very special place for Me, and also for My Father, one of the most beautiful places in the Creation of this Planet.
I come from the high peaks of the Himalayas, where the spirit of the sacred, of the pure, and of the reverent is gestated for humanity.
I want those who are Mine to walk with Me upon this mountain. I want you to feel your feet free in order to be able to do so.
I want you to be able to attain the goals that I propose for you for these times, and that, in spite of everything, you continue trusting in Me, because even though the purification may be extensive, the Mystery of Faith is infinite and it is what allows souls to be in God, and God to be in them.
I wish you to contemplate these mountains of the Himalayas as a great revelation of your Master and Lord, who, while amongst you, more than two thousand years ago, already knew what existed there.
Let the mountains be the example and the principle of the elevation of humanity, and, above all, of the elevation of the human mind, which is volatile and destructive.
I come to give strength to those who consider themselves to be My soldiers.
I come to bring the Light that rises in the infinity of the horizon.
For this reason, walk together with Me upon that mountain path, until you reach its highest point, thus, your spirits will rejoice, for you will no longer see obstacles nor will you have limitations in rising up to God. While matter is purified, let the spirit be firm in its purpose and in its mission.
Precious jewels of the Brotherhood are being delivered to everyone and they must be recognized first within yourselves, so that later you are able to express them in the physical life.
In order to climb to the top of this mountain, you must follow a rule that is necessary for Me: that you be what I need you to be, that you give the example of your true spirituality and that, no matter what happens, you keep faith and know that nothing is lost.
Humanity has never faced such difficult times as these. It is the first time that it crosses a portal towards a definition of its consciousnesses and of its purpose.
I come from the heights of the Himalayas to be able to show the world that it is possible to attain the goal and to reach the end of the purpose, no matter what the cost may be.
But if your hands remain united as brothers and sisters, and you create a great chain of Light up to the heights of the Himalayas, the one who is last, and experiencing the hardest test, will be able to be elevated through you and achieve the Light, feel Peace, and, in this example, will be able to find the Spirit of Brotherhood.
Many places of the planet keep Sacred Mysteries.
Unknown keys will be activated in the end of times so that the sleeping humanity may awaken.
And in order for this to happen, first this initiative will come from you, because, in truth, you already know what exists in the inner worlds of this Planet, which allow for the true awakening of humanity.
Today I show you the Himalayas so that you can see within them the spirit of that which is sacred, of all that is good, that can be permeated in the consciousness that seeks the transcendence and elevation of its being.
I am not the only Master in that place; there are also others who, on the inner planes, work for the purpose of the salvation of this humanity, especially the most unconscious of humanity.
Enter the heights of these mountains and feel your spirits in deep freedom.
See how your souls fly like the bird; feel how your hearts open to the beat of the Brotherhood and of all that is sacred.
Discover in yourselves the true Sun that you are. Let it shine and let it dazzle in order to be able to fulfill its purpose in this humanity.
I come to free you from the roots of indifference.
I come to raise you up to the spirit of Truth so that you may enter these mountains, free of the past, redeemed in your actions, and healed of your wounds.
In this way, you will receive the inner light that you need, and with gratitude you will embrace the Codes of Love that God will send you through His Presence in those sacred places of the planet.
From the heights of the Himalayas, I come to proclaim My coming to the world, so that all ears may hear within their inner worlds, and this Word may echo and resound where it should resound, beyond this Universe.
Meanwhile, the doorways to an incalculable opportunity are opening so that souls may recognize their origin and cease to be ignorant and asleep in the face of the Mysteries of the Universe that are being unveiled in these times, in which everything is in play.
Today I leave you all in the heights of the Himalayas, in one of the places most Sacred for My Father, in which He has chosen to place His Feet and again bring His Spirit of Reconciliation and Peace, to give it to all of His creatures.
His Fount will become visible in the times that will come, and souls will awaken and set aside their ignorance; they will open their eyes to what they truly are and set aside arrogance and everything that is petty in this surface humanity.
The chains of error of the past will be dissolved because Saint Michael the Archangel will wield His sword over them. Saint Raphael the Archangel will pour out His healing over the spirits that are unconditionally with God.
The keys of the Doors of Heaven will be given into the hands of the simple, to those who have followed the Path of the Lord, in spite of their purification and their tests.
Blessed are they who enter into My inner Himalayas.
Blessed are they who commune of this Mystery and reveal it to the world.
Blessed are they who with gratitude give thanks for all of these things without deeply knowing them.
Blessed are they who seek the Spirit of Brotherhood beyond themselves and their imperfections.
Blessed are they who take care of the Project of God and make It a part of their lives, defending it from themselves.
Blessed are they who remove their shoes to enter the Temple in an act of reverence and devotion to Divine Compassion.
Blessed are they who bow down in the heights of the mountains to plead to the Father, to Adonai.
Blessed are they who build the new and maintain it throughout time.
Blessed are they who have nothing to gain nor to lose because the Kingdom of the Heavens will be within them and scripture will be fulfilled; they will be freed of the sin of Adam and Eve. And a New Humanity will finally rise, full of new Christs, servant spirits, of souls in constant adoration.
Blessed are they who care for their work of prayer, truly and without deceiving themselves.
Blessed are they who build the foundations of spirituality and hold them in their hearts, as the last legacy.
Today your High Priest speaks to you; the Almighty pronounces His Words through His Beloved Son so that the flocks spread throughout the Earth may assemble at the foot of this mountain of the Himalayas, awaiting the great moment of the Return of their Beloved Lord.
"I ask You, Father, to open the Heavens over a world that is in darkness and that, through the Compassion of your Heart in the world, You may see the lights that ignite to recognize Your Call.
See now, Father, how Your fallen stars shine and how they rise up to the heights of the Firmament to become part of Your Universal Kingdom and Your Great Heavenly Vault.
Now, Father, do not leave anyone behind. I promise to give those who are lost refuge in My Arms. I promise to fulfill Your Works through those who give of themselves to Me and who are unconditionally consistent with My Invitation.
Today, in the heights of the Himalayas, Father, I leave those who most need You, so that those who are most aware and awake may, at the feet of these sacred mountains, may care for the rest of Your flocks.
I place My Scepter upon the heights of these mountains and I strike it on the Earth, to ignite it in Light.
The false temples will fall to My right and to My left, and the ruins of perdition and of the hells will be swallowed up by the earth so that Your Great Portal of Compassion may open between the East and the West, and, finally, Father, Your Words may be accomplished in Humanity. Amen."
Today I send My thanks to those who take care of the Sacred Instruction of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy. Through them, My Word is known throughout the world, and all languages can receive My Message so that it may be accomplished in Humanity.
I wish to dedicate My Love to those who make the effort for this to be accomplished, according to My designs.
Know that, through My Words, and all those who revise and correct them, so that My Message of Light may expand through the world, your hearts are deeply worked upon, time after time, and without your perceiving it, your consciousnesses are unified with Mine, and, thus the Plan manifests.
After these last years of work, those who take care of the instructions of the Divine Messengers should know that they have a spiritual treasure in their hands and that, through their offering, this spiritual and inner treasure may reach many souls that also need it.
For, in this way, the one hundred and forty-four thousand will awaken, who will wait for their Lord during a night of vigil.
And, before the sun will rise, before the new Aurora emerges, in your silence, you will hear the footsteps of the Lord, who is drawing closer to again meet with you, and thus seal the Covenant between hearts and God.
So be it.
Receive in this hour all the Strength and Love of God, in order to overcome the tests, definitions, and unexpected events.
Receive in this hour all the Trust and Grace of God, in order to carry forward His Plan in a world of chaos and abysses.
Receive in this hour all the Faith and Wisdom of God, in order to step by step, materialize the Divine Designs and make of each moment an opportunity for redemption.
Receive in this hour all the Intelligence and the Science of God, in order to manifest at each stage, the Will of the Creator and thus allow hundreds of souls to be benefited by this action of service and charity.
Receive in this hour all the Life and Regeneration of God, in order to express the spiritual and inner healing that this race sorely needs.
Receive in this hour all the Mercy and Peace of God, in order to gather together the self-summoned from different schools, experiences, and paths, and in this way manifest the new flock of the Lord for these times of definition.
Receive in this hour the Unity and Fraternity of God, in order that the Plan of Redemption may be carried forward for this world and all humanity, so that higher Love and the inner and definitive union with the Consciousness of the Father may be experienced.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and protects you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The New Prophecy
Its foundations are made of covered stone, but in essence, there is nothing that supports it.
Its high columns elevate the apparently conquered power, clearly forgetting that God is the one who has the Power.
Its heart is lined with gold and shows all the beauty that is not from Heaven.
It shows its supposed justice, but inside its temple, the truths are hidden from the great vastness of its people.
The sacred Name of God is used in order to carry out its works.
But who will awaken ahead of time in order to be see the reality and not the appearance?
The Eyes of Fire observe its actions and the majority fall into a sort of trap of surprises. Faith is put into play and it is necessary to find the truth.
It emanates water so similar to a fount, and the thirst for light and love is so great in souls that all of them run, half blind, in search of a solution.
Because of this, few know that not all is right, just, and healthy.
The temple is going to be removed, and its faithful will feel it, but the majority will remain hypnotized by what is external.
It will be difficult to defeat this power; it grew so much after the trust granted by Christ. But as from the actions, the paths completely deviated.
Who will correct the mistakes of whole centuries?
For this reason, the Father observes with Mercy and only trusts in those who live His Truth and do not distort It.
Many are the shepherds who are responsible for entire flocks, but very few do what the Lord has taught them.
With their hand they take up the shepherd’s crook, but they do not know how to guide the flocks on the path of faith.
The temple is so similar to a coin, it has two faces: one of fire, and another of gold. On it is written a story of the past that, at last, must be purified.
Its steps are as confused as the soul that does not know how to walk or to find its direction.
No one has managed to oppose it; it is the mother of the apparent “peace”. But its works are not luminous or real.
Many will cry for having had their faith bought. Thus the divine Scepter of Light will strike so hard that its structures will move, just as the earth moves in an earthquake.
Despite its most acute phase, the Lord places His Divine Hand on the one who is just and simple, but who in all must keep silent in order that his people not be shocked.
The Father will give him the strength to move forward; his name is poor and this will protect him. From him the strength of the very Christ will be born in order to purify the temple and all its kin.
The greatest suffering will be to know the Truth, and as it was said, not one stone will be left upon another.
Even in the times when Christ is returning, all unfaithful foundations will move, within and outside the consciousness.
In the next dawn, the Sun, the Aurora, and the Light of Love will show themselves to the crystalline hearts, and they will show themselves to the opaque and perverted hearts that are ruled by spiritual ambition.
In order for love and the good to be fulfilled, the Mother of Heaven comes to intercede, but now under the command of Divine Justice, which will correct the events of the past.
It will be the moment in which each soul, and each life, will know where it has placed its faith, and in whose hands it has placed it.
Blissful will be those who will, above all, have been able to place their heart in Heaven, and unhappy will be those who will remain on the surface of the events.
The Lord sends His Servant to save the faith of thousands of souls, because the adversary still continues working.
Wise will be those who pray, because they will possess discernment.
Illuminated and clear will be those who always seek humility.
Holy will be those who have divine compassion for their brothers and sisters.
Nothing will be perfect until Christ returns, Who will finally govern in sovereignty, and the power will be taken out of the hands of humankind.
The simple will experience hope, and in spite of events, will be able to remain in the inner light.
In this way, all will become aware of the true request of Christ, His House is poor, and not lined, within the heart of the humble.
And all will see the coming of the House of the Light from the Universe, and will know that their dwelling places inhabit the subtle worlds.
Lastly, the old keys will be removed and the angels will show human beings who has the Keys of the Heavens.
Meanwhile, let us pray, until the Night Sky announces the sign of this forthcoming moment.
Your Celestial Mother will dry the tears of those who will strike their chest for having trusted in humankind.
But Christ will bring the joy of being able to live and feel Him vividly, above all appearances.
The time has come for the true apostles of silence to give testimony of the Kingdom of God to those that cannot manage to see It.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who prays together with you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate, dear children, My Maternal Heart flagellated by all the mistakes of the world and by all the sins of indifference and omission.
Contemplate, dear children, My flagellated Maternal Heart, and see how much weight It is carrying to help to transmute humanity.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart, and relieve It from all the offences that souls of the world commit towards God.
Contemplate My Maternal Heart flagellated by seeing the priests of My Son in a deep indifference and pride.
Who will guide the flocks of My Son?
Contemplate My Maternal Heart flagellated by all the bad thoughts emanated by those who have closed their hearts to the Love of God.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart full of thorns of ingratitude and evil generated by the souls that commit themselves day by day with My adversary.
Contemplate, My children, My Maternal Heart flagellated by the actions of power over life, unfairly performed by humanity and by the ones who are most conscious.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart carrying the weight of the mistakes of all those who, in their spiritual illusion, believe that they are doing the right thing and forget the essential, forget Christ.
Contemplate with love My flagellated Maternal Heart and repair It at this time when much mercy will be necessary in order not to awaken the Wrath of God upon the consciousness. At this time, dear children, let us enter into prayer so that everything will be relieved.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart and share My pain, so that My cry will stop and My tears can be the most pure offer of reparation for all the bad actions committed.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart and do not forget to be in Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To respond to the convocation of Christ means to unite with His Heart and concretize His Plan of Redemption on the surface of the Earth.
That convocation, which is done by Christ, embraces many purposes, in which the majority of souls are invited to participate.
In this time, in which everything is defined, the flocks of My Son are called to graze in new fields, where their consciousnesses and missions can be carried out and expanded, just as the Holy Creator thought.
Thus, dear children, those who respond to the convocation of Christ are able to discover the inner purpose they came to accomplish, for this humanity and for this planet.
The convocation made by Christ, in this time, opens the doors of Grace and of Mercy; and the consciousnesses that follow Him are able to reverse all their errors and experience a special atonement that dissolves all the previous links with evil.
Today, the Lord of Mercy knocks on the door of each soul to call His new apostles, so that they may accompany Him on this preparatory mission of His expected Return.
It is in this way, My children, that Christ comes into the life of each disciple with determination so that the inner consciousness is activated, glimpses its main mission and makes of it a torch that will illuminate its paths to the Kingdom of God.
As your Mother, I follow this moment, in which those that wake up to this truth, essentially discover that they had always been here to take a great step, a step toward the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I am contemplating the needs of the world, of all the souls that must find again the path to My Heart and to My Peace.
I do not cease looking at those who distanced themselves from Me, and who now return, after a long time. This is a miracle in the Universe: it is a truth that souls that were asleep, awaken to My call and then become a part of My army of Light, in this fount of prayer that I pour out for all when they unite with Me.
Today I will baptize you. Today I will anoint you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, so that the Gifts of God are able to incarnate again in your beings, just as God conceived of it in the beginning.
I want to be with you all the time, and I want you to open the doors of your hearts to Me so that I may enter.
I want you to be that sincere heart, that you so aspire to be, in light of My Glory and My Celestial Kingdom, which is the Glory and the Celestial Kingdom of My Father, on this afternoon of Mercy.
And now, in My presence, I want to hear your voices again, opening the doors to that Sincere Heart that promises, for the world, the realization of the work of God in those who are redeeming themselves.
Today let it be your souls singing, and not only your voices.
Through My Heart, lift up this request and this testimony before the Celestial Father.
Sing as if it was the last time that I am with you, to vivify you in spirit and in My eternal Love.
Make this offering for humanity, for those who are indifferent and unjust, for those who sleep and for those who are lost, day and night, without being able to see My Heart.
Sing, so that I may carry this song to God, so that He may hear it in His Heart, as the materialized promise of His children, in this material Universe and in this humanity.
Sing with the guardian angels and those of the eternal company.
Sing only once, because I need to continue working, with you, to finish fulfilling what My Father has asked of Me through this meeting, and in this nation of Argentina.
As an offering, I will choose three souls who will light a candle, to offer it as a repentance, reconciliation, and forgiveness to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
While I choose those souls, sing "Christ, You are Love."
The Light that I bring is that which comes from My father and that ignites souls in the Love of God, that renews, that inspires, and that motivates hearts to never give up until finding their true mission in this humanity, and for this planet.
It is My angels, the angels of God, that guide this purpose.
It is the Light which I ignite in those who most need it, so that they may feel Me and live Me in this crucial hour of humanity.
This Light multiplies for all those around you, who are also invited to find Me in this proposal of love and of redemption, which comes from the Greater Universe for all those who wake up to My call. And also for those who return to My arms after a long time.
In this way, I give you My Sacred Heart as the only love of your lives, as the perfect communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, so that your lives may be reborn and find meaning in this incarnation, which is the one that will define the next step in your evolution.
Thus, dear companions, I establish and constitute new stars on this planet, that is in darkness.
Suns that light up before My eyes, through the power of My Love and of My Grace, that comes from My Divine Mercy. In this way, I baptize all with the Holy Spirit of My Father, which is the greatest Grace that can be received at this time of tribulation and of evil.
I am opening the doors to you so that you may enter the Kingdom of God and so that you never again forget Him.
For the Kingdom of God must be what is real for you, companions. It must be an aspiration that you must never stop seeking, nor allow yourselves to grow tired before being able to find it.
My Heart, which suffered and endured for you on the Cross, allows these things. I make flowers sprout in all hearts. I make spiritual life to be reborn in souls that were lost, and I guide My scattered flocks toward the stable of My Heart, where you will be able to feel the warmth of My Spirit and of My Life.
And now yes, I want to hear you as one voice. I am listening.
In union with the Spirit of the Father and of His Son, companions, let us lift up this offering for Argentina, so that the plans of God may be accomplished in the greatest possible number of souls and that they awaken to this summoning through the inner call that My voice emits in the Universe and which resounds in all the hearts of the Earth.
Before the Altars of God that are here today, through My merciful Presence, let us lift up this offering to Heaven together with the angels, in gratitude and love.
Let us sing "Praise be to God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah, Hallelujah."
Companions, I want to tell you how much I love you and I thank you for having been with Me these days, in prayer and in faith, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and His triumph in humanity.
To lift Me up to Heaven, I want to hear the voice of the apostles, of the apostles of love, of those who dare to live the Love of Christ in these times.
So may it be.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am the Mother of the Holy Adoration; I assemble the flocks of Christ so that they may adore the Lord and glorify Him.
I am the Mother who opens new doors for those who are searching for the path to Infinity.
I am the Mother who solves the impossible and leads consciousnesses towards a single path, towards the path of the Lord.
For this reason, those who adore Christ will find themselves spiritually benefited by the gifts that the Blessed Sacrament always radiates. This mystery has now become the new sacrament for the spiritual life of humanity, which could reverse all the causes that repress the evolution and the awakening of the New Christs in the times of chaos.
I am the Mother of Mercy; I am the One who allows states of Grace to be poured out upon places in which everything would be lost.
I am the Advocate of souls; I am the Intercessor between creatures and God. Whomever lives Me and feels Me through prayer discovers the sure keys that will open all the doors of Heaven.
This is why My insistence for you to pray and adore is important; in this way, you will be in a spiritual place protected and isolated from the influences of My adversary, influences that will be conveyed to a non-believing humanity more and more.
Thus, I come again to show you this portal of Adoration so that, beyond every test and difficulty, you may remember in the coming times that Christ, present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, will hold you within His Divine Glory, and in this way, you will not be unprotected when faced with any action of the adversary.
The adorers of the Christ-Eucharist shall become happy and fulfilled. Thus, the time has come for you to use the instruments in a proper way, the instruments of Adoration, of prayer, of Confession and the instrument of silence, which is an attribute and a powerful asset the enemy is unaware of because of the constant noise of its world.
Children, I give you the keys; you must open the doors of the temple so that Christ may enter and have a dwelling place within the hearts purified and cleansed by the only celestial truth: the truth of Christic and Redeeming Love.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who unifies you in the essence of the precious Adoration of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The task God entrusts to you is to be fulfilled through love and trust. In this way, gratitude for the Plan of the Most High can be lived and expressed.
Each entrusted task receives a spiritual impulse that is capable of helping to bring internal relief so that they may accomplish the Purpose.
In these times, the tasks are profound because they encompass not only the state of consciousness but also some need that is to be resolved in this humanity.
In this way, the flocks and the peoples of God gradually take form through the tasks that must be accomplished with a maturity of spirit as well as an absolute trust in the Plan of God.
Now that the armies are being convoked, the schools of inner instruction are being formed to be able to spiritually respond to the need for the education of all souls.
It will be in this way that Christ will count on a certain number of armies to concretize the mission of His Return.
For this, there is one premise to be accomplished: constant effort.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who contains you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Cling to My Cross and do not tire of sustaining it, My Pure Spirit will give you the strength that you need to be able to follow My Path.
I promise to My valiant soldiers the eternal sacrifice and the donation for others; these are the secure keys to live your sanctification. My Full Redeeming Love today consecrates you, despite the falls and the mistakes; the Lord gathers you around My Most Holy Heart so that you may feel in your lives the hour of My Return.
I promise to My followers deep trials, unreachable challenges and distant goals, but My Divine Mercy, which is perpetual and glorious, will be the engine of life that will propel you to walk by My side despite it all.
For this cycle I come in search of all of those that have said yes to Me despite what has happened, I come in search of those who have given Me the sacred permission to banish from life the pride that blinds and the vanity that condemns, because behind the imperfections of the beings, is found the Infinite Temple of God.
I come to reconstruct that which in this life you have demolished by your human actions; I come to search the essences that have offered themselves to form part of My Sacred Flock.
In this hour of world transition for humanity and for all the hearts, I come to convert you definitively to My Path.
For this, quench your spiritual thirst in My Gospel and that through My Word you may find the path again. The times will not be easy for anyone, but I always, when I see you fall or already fallen to the ground, I will lift you and I will take you by My Hand to the House of My Father.
Rethink for your lives the experience of My Life in your lives. The hour is indicating the accomplishment of the call and the offer that many have made to My Heart. Do not fear suffering, do not fear loneliness, and only when you open the door of truth for Me, I will be in the silence and in your hearts.
My Mercy is directed as a powerful ray over the Community of the New Earth and for having honored and glorified the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Eternal Father has sent Me to help you through My Trusting Love.
Dear Friends of Mine and My little ones from New Earth: Go ahead! Continue gestating in your hearts the powerful symbol of the Child King; your works and continuous charities give joy to the Heart of God and they repair all the outrages that the great part of the world commits day by day.
The Unfathomable Source of My Divine Mercy will always be your shield against all evil, because today, in joy and in honor of your offer to God, Jesus Christ, the King of kings, also consecrates this community of precious souls to the Sacred Heart of Christ, by saying:
It is All for You, Lord
Under the Sacred Glory of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, be blessed.
Thank you New Earth for being born in the simple hearts!
Christ Jesus of Mercy.
May there always remain a great space in your hearts so that My Redeeming Light may be able to enter and prepare a new dwelling for God.
Today with celestial joy and rejoicing I descend in the Spirit of Truth upon these precious hills with the spiritual mission of consecrating Argentina to My Sacred Heart. On this day of Glory the Sacred Hearts will deposit Their Celestial Relics in this place so that a new cycle of Mercy and of Pity may be able to be born in the souls that most need My Spiritual Redemption.
I reunite on this day all of the flocks from different origins and I call them with joy to celebrate with Me the new supper of love and of forgiveness, the supper that will prepare you for My Return, so awaited in all of the universe.
I Pour My Rays of Light upon this Center Consecrated to the call of My Most Holy Mother and I dedicate My special attention to the hearts that with faith and braveness will be encouraged to carry forward the activity of this new space of light and of brotherhood consecrated to the Divine Hierarchy.
My Shepherd Heart is ennobled from seeing the effort of My disciples. Among the tests, challenges and triumphs in the daily life I invite you to walk without fear at My Side because, know that My Steps of light will always indicate to you the moment to proceed or to meditate with wisdom and attention.
Always invoke the power of the Shield of My Heart so that the superior universes may be the guiding star that may illuminate you during the night and may thus protect you. Know that My Heart is with you and that today My Divine Mercy is poured over the whole world, especially upon this, Your Sacred Dwelling of the Celestial Father.
May the Holy Spirit inspire you and may It be your inner guardian.
Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My Words in the heart so that they may grow as light in your little consciousnesses!
Merciful Christ Jesus
My pitiful Heart is expanded to the boundaries of the universe to rescue the essences that are lost and especially the souls that are forgotten and have forgotten about Me since the beginning.
My Unfathomable Mercy has pity on the enemies, on those who oppose the accomplishment of My Works in the souls that I have come to awaken at the end of this time.
As I have told you, pray for your enemies and opponents so that the light of the sublime redemption may open a space of love in these consciousnesses, those that have lost the sense of the spiritual life.
In this hour My Shepherd Consciousness gathers all of the flocks that will need to answer to My universal Commands of redemption. Do not fear finding obstacles because they are part of the maturity of the love in your beings. Continue firm without looking behind, with the merciful prayer as a shield and no longer unquiet your hearts.
It is time to transfigure the past for a good future of graces and blessings. My Heart will rehabilitate some of the consciousness that have forgotten about My Confident Heart. Open your arms and say yes to the Supreme Will that the Father is giving to you. In confidence and love continue walking because humanity must redeem itself.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living always in the protection of My Merciful Heart!
Christ Jesus
When your prayers are donated with love they arrive to My Heart as flowers of relief for It.
For this, My brothers and sisters, companions of the long trajectory to the infinite, give Me all that you are and that you are not so that I may transform it according to My designs. Surrender to Me what is good inside of you or that which anguishes your heart because at three in the afternoon My Heart pours the Source that liberates you from sin.
Assume that you will not be able to be anything, but only through Me. Do not be discouraged from your falls nor be happy for your successes because only the spirit of humility will let you know that all must be in the perpetual silence of the heart.
I guide My Sheep until the end of the path so that from there they may begin to walk with Me as apostles in redemption. If My Consciousness had chosen wise and perfect souls what would have been the reason of My coming to the Earth?
I came to the world to liberate it from error and to demonstrate to it that in My Mercy is found the liberation of oneself. For this continue walking in spite of the landslides on the path of life. My Hope for redeeming you will comfort you. Whenever you address yourself to Me, do it in confidence and without fears. I Am the Son of the God of Love, the One who will always understand you and encourage you to transform into something that you do not know because you will be a part of My redeeming Design for the end of time.
Rejoice at being conscious of Me and at knowing that, through My Eucharistic Communion, you will find eternal life.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Mediator
On this day of Mercy My Heart irradiates the Graces upon the souls that most need them , principally upon those who have been distanced from Me.
In this way I gather the essences for the great moment, so that all of them return to unite as one and represent the new redeemed flock, a flock on which I will count for the important hour of My Return to the world.
But now it is necessary to cultivate the seed of inner pacification because this sublime light of peace must serve as an incandescent focus that relieves the perturbation of many inner beings in the world.
By merciful prayer the world will reach peace and the victory of the Kingdom of the Father will be possible by the effort of the little beings who serve the Plan of God. In this time I call you to inner unity, I call you to the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose in every being, and for the Higher Good of the world.
Now, in this path of prayer that the pilgrims traverse, I call you to proceed through the safe path of faith and love, because in this way many more will imitate your Christic example of evolution. Above all things, remember that now and always you will be in My Heart of Love.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My message through the love of the heart!
The Merciful Christ Jesus
Blessed be those who pacify the souls in My Name by means of the Divine Mercy because at this time occurs the great miracle of love.
For this go with Me to the encounter of the pilgrim and of the solitary because at this moment My Light will come to the aid of those most in need of My Spirit of Light. I ask you that in this journey My Apostles be the living testimonial of conversion and of redemption because, if it were like this, the path to be travelled would be open and those who that need Me would listen to the love from your words.
In this time the flocks will be regrouped so that they may be conducted towards the stable of the single and true Shepherd. But now it is necessary to go and seek the sheep that are forgotten or that are hurt by the old incomprehensions of life. It is time to unite and not to separate.
It is time, for those who claim to be with Me, to recuperate the most injured sheep or those that are most separated from My Path, because, in the end My Divine Mercy is for all without preferences and without partiality.
My Pure Love defeats error. My Pure Love opens new doors and new opportunities for those who in trust are surrendered to Me every day. It has come the time to reunite those who are lost as souls and those who must, before the new cycle, be in My Sacred Redeeming Heart.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for being in My Eternal Heart!
Christ Jesus
I come to your encounter every day to remove from your consciousnesses and hearts all of the sins that offend the Great Kingdom of God. It is by means of My Mercy and of your absolute trust that I will be able to redeem you and to forgive you.
Live in this time the path of pacification, of surrender, of renunciation of your own selves. In this way, through this spiritual exercise you will help to awaken from sleep those who live without God and who believe that it all is fine.
For this I Am calling My Flocks: to ask them to live the path of transformation and of consecration to My Most Pure Heart. Through your daily consecration, constant and devoted, you will allow that, by means of yourselves, will be lost the burdens on the path that are like stones for the spiritual life.
In spite of all I need you strong and determined to live the transformation towards the perfect model that your consciousness are building through the passing of the years.
For this My purpose will be to show to some the path and the model of holiness, the path of abnegated service to others and the path of merciful prayer for the majority of My flocks. I am here to tell you that today you are forgiven by My Most Sacred and Blessed Heart.
Under the Divine Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Sacred Heart all of the days!
Christ Jesus, Your Father and Protector Master.
Go in Peace and in Communion with Me.
Many of those who should be together with Me were absorbed by the achievements of the world. For this I count on few disciples to realize My Redeemer Work on the entire world.
Some human eyes are spiritually blind and these, from remaining in a dark night, do not even see My Light that is approaching on the horizon.
I am gathering all of My flocks, those that have answered and those that have not answered Me because My Father will send for the second time His Glorified Son to separate the hard chaff from the beautiful and the good wheat. With the wheat that I may get I will, with My Hands, elaborate the new flour that will give the new Bread of Life for humanity.
In this way those who have persisted in faith to My Call, will eat of the Bread of Life and I will send to the ones who have distanced themselves from God to other points far from the Earth so that, recognizing their sins, they may serve God in reparation, conversion and redemption.
This new flour that many do not know is already being elaborated by My Holy Hands. For this, those who may want to eat of this Bread that will give you the Eternal Life again must search for it in the heart. This flour is the fruit of the wheat that has been well cared from the moment of its birth, well sown and, afterwards, well harvested. These wheat that were born and have been kept twisted by life will receive the opportunity of My Mercy. This will be before the rays of the great sun that illuminates your days radiates the Power of God upon the world, Power that will burn the impure and that will make to sprout again what has remained dry from the bad work of other hands.
For this try to have a pure heart so that the temptations and the rivalries of this world do not submerge you as they have submerged many of My flocks, those that now are sinking without direction and without harbor.
The law will allow you to correct life. Many have forgotten the keys of the Commandments. The time that approaches calls you to inner growth and for this you have Me, because My trust will never fail you, It will nourish you with My Supreme and Good Love.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
The one who has the courage to open the wings of the heart will be able to arrive quickly to My Kingdom of Peace and Redemption, because the soul that day by day surrenders itself to Me by means of merciful prayer will receive the precious gifts of My Sacred Heart.
In this time the flocks will be only one because through them I will always intend to prodigiously share My Graces of Love and Mercy. That heart which at three in the afternoon opens its door to Me will be aided by My Spirit that comes from the Universe as an immaterial and divine presence. In this way It will erase from the memory of its soul all of the sufferings caused to My Merciful Heart.
But My Grace that comes from Heaven and from the Kingdom of God descends all of the days at three in the afternoon to be multiplied in love, truth and fraternity. My Heart looks for thirsty souls and souls that may still not know the greatness of My Universal Love.
In this time I gather the sheep so that they may graze new laws, very close to Me, at My side, without losing sight of the path of redemption that each one must go through in this world.
For this My Sacerdotal Spirit comes again from the Universe to free from sin all of those who may open themselves to recognize that the Son of God is near and that He will arrive at each one of your lives to unite you again in Peace and in Love.
Something that this world lacks today, the world that God perpetually contemplates, is to live in the Love of My Heart, something important that humanity forgets about. If you live in this love, the alliance that must exist between My Disciples will be able to be materialized in the same way that I created it between the apostles.
My dears, today I gather you and I come to your Prayer Gathering to open the doors of your hearts because this will be the way for this final time. Open the doors of the heart, in this way your spirits will be redeemed and they will find the safe path towards the victory of My Light.
Tirelessly unite yourselves to the indispensable hour of My Mercy because once more, through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I will be able to liberate from hell many who live there perpetually for not having met love and for not having accepted My Redemption.
I belong to you in Heart, Soul and Divinity and I give you, for the beginning of these journeys of prayer, My Peace and My Mercy in the hope that soon may blossom within you the fruit that I have left to you, a fruit that will flourish in the spring of My next coming to the world.
May Peace be the shield for you and may faith soon transform you.
Go ahead, My companions!
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for sharing My teaching from the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
And whenever you feel a lack of consolation or feel perturbation, confusion or disquietude, repeat with full trust and love towards Me:
Lord Jesus,
Only and Favorite Son,
Christ Redeemer,
keep me in Your Heart
for all Eternity,
and liberate from my heart all evil,
in Glory to the Universal Father.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more