My dear and beloved children,
May you, on this evening, filled with the unfathomable Mercy of My Beloved Son, receive once again the invisible Source of healing, peace and love that is reflected in this blessed place.
Today, on behalf of many more children, you have approached the Inner Aurora to ask for healing and redemption for the planet.
Dear children, know that when two or more hearts unite in supplicant and selfless prayer for a just cause, the Father will hear you and send you His most precious blessings.
Today, from the heart of this humble place of peace for Uruguay and for the world, your Heavenly Mother calls you, as in Lourdes, to wash and purify your consciousness in the Healing Source of Aurora, a Source that you will find within yourselves each time you enter into prayer and inner communion with Aurora.
On this evening, may all those who within themselves, for whatever reason, seek to find an answer or an inner light on their paths, receive it through the offer of those who said yes and summoned themselves to be present in the heart of the Inner Aurora.
For all this and with Motherly Love, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the New Aurora
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come to My Fount of Love and wash yourself so that you may be healed.
Come to My Fount of Love and purify yourself so that you may be renewed.
Come to My Fount of Love and draw near so that God may bless you.
Come to My Fount of Love and consecrated yourself so that you may learn to live the Will of God.
Come to My Fount of Love and elevate yourself so that your consciousness may expand.
Come to My Fount of Love and nourish from the Divine Codes of the Celestial Universe.
Come to My Fount of Love and repent so that My Son may forgive you.
Come to My Fount of Love and liberate yourself so that you may be converted into an instrument of Peace.
If you come to My Fount of Love, you will receive all My Graces, your faults will be cleansed and My Love will dissolve them. Thus, I will renew your consciousness, your heart and your life, because I Am the Mother of Graces, I am the Universal Mother, who comes from Heaven and from the Universe to remind My children of the spirit of Peace, present in this blessed place and in the hearts that believe in Me.
I am the Mother who brings from the Universe incalculable opportunities for Her children, because My objective and mission is that, through My Heart, you may be able to reach the Heart of My Son and someday convert into His apostles, into His ambassadors of Peace, of Mercy and Light.
For this reason, I ask you that your paths not become confused, that you can follow the spiritual path that I open to you today through this Fount of Spiritual and Celestial Life, so that, not only may you purify and wash yourselves, but also the past of each one of your lives may be erased, because this is possible.
I Am the Mother of Graces, I am the Immaculate Conception, which leads you to be reborn in Christ, and leads you to live eternal life for Christ, together with the Angels and the Hierarchies, in perfect communion with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.
Place yourself at My feet and wash yourself with the Fount of Life, which today, through this place, I give you, present to you and offer you, so that your life may finally be different, distant from suffering, from sin and debts, close to the Heart of the Father, so that the apostles of the end of times may be ready and fervently prepare the Arrival of My Son, and then the Arrival of His Celestial Mother.
With this breeze that touches you today, I purify your lives, re-consecrate your spirits, under the Infinite Grace of God and of all His Divine Manifestations present in the Supreme Source of Creation, which sends sacred impulses of Light, Mercy and Rehabilitation to the consciousnesses that consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart.
For this reason, at this moment, empty your being completely, divest yourself of that which weighs on you or that which you believe you control on your own. Allow your soul to elevate itself to God, just as, at this moment, My Humble Presence elevates your souls to the Kingdom of God, together with the Angels, Archangels, devas and elementals, together with all the Creative Potencies of God, which, as sacred rays of the universe, gave life and origin to each one of your essences.
Today, through My Immaculate Conception, through the Presence of the Universal Mother, Governor and Guardian of all Attributes of the Father, you are, through My Heart, before the cosmic impulses which gave origin to life throughout the whole universe, to existence in all Creation.
For this reason, I ask you to empty yourselves so that these impulses may descend to your consciousnesses and that your lives may be impelled to keep taking steps toward Christ, with one aim: to reach the Promised Land that lives within each one of you, called the Kingdom of God.
In this void, which you can reach with your effort and determination, you will also help your Heavenly Mother and the Hierarchies so that the ties and heavy chains of humanity may be liberated from the world and, above all, from the whole human consciousness. For this reason, I am here today, not only for France, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, but also for the whole world, which is a slave and prisoner of evil.
Trust, My children, trust in the power of Divine Healing that I bring you today, just as I brought you healing, long ago, through My Presence in Lourdes. But today, this healing that I bring you today is greater than the one of that time, it is a healing that makes you walk toward peace, toward the transformation of life, toward the consecration of your lives, toward the elevation of your spirits so that you may be in communion with the Father, just as you are, at this moment, My children, in communion with My Maternal Heart.
Be brave and enter the Fount of Life that reflects today like a Higher Grace, through this Sacred Sanctuary of God, where the angels that are present and all creative devas of the universe and of the planets, of the suns and the stars, of the nebulae and the universes, today for an instant are here, with Me, so that the human consciousness may attain redemption and peace.
Through this Sanctuary of God, through these Sacred Places of the Father and through all His serving Hierarchies, may your consciousnesses and minds open to the impulses of the Supreme Grace that I bring you today through My Message and My Words, because humanity still needs healing, and this is not something new, but rather an emergency.
For this reason, the Fountain that I opened in Lourdes is open to all so that you may wash your beings through the codes of the Divine Source, and thus all may finally be healed.
Because when the world becomes liberated from its spiritual slavery, it will achieve redemption and the New Earth will emerge, a New Eden will manifest itself, and its essences, Essences of the Eternal Father, must deeply aspire, with all heart and life, with all consciousness and with the spirit, to be a part of this New Eden, similar to this place, where there will exist the presence, on your surface, of the Treasures of the Father, the sacred tools of the Hierarchies, which, once ignited, will convert the planet into a consecrated world elevated to the Father, into a world consecrated to the Universe and to all Cosmic Life.
Today, by a state of inexplicable Grace, the Mother of God, the Immaculate Conception, the Lady of the World, establishes for a moment the door that opens to the New Humanity, comprised of and consecrated by all consequent souls, especially those who are victims of the Love of God.
And it is for this cause and by this inexplicable Grace which God granted Me on this day and through this place, that I make each one of your hearts partakers of a union with the Heavenly Mother, in this first preamble that gestates in humanity the Attributes of God, the same Attributes that were present in the people of Israel for a long time.
May the sacred lights of the Natural Sanctuary of God and of His Sacred Places illuminate your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters so that each one may find the path of return to the Eden of God.
Today I am here in deep gratitude for the sincere and honest response of My daughters who represent this nation of France, which needs reconciliation and forgiveness, unity and love, which begin today to be gestated through your hearts, through the hearts of My daughters from France. Present today in this valley of the Sanctuary of God with the Angels of the Heavenly Mother, with its devas and elementals, pleading together with My Heart for humanity, for the planet and especially for France so that it may finally attain the total consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, and so that neither difficult tests nor painful events may come, but rather that the consciousness of France and of its Angel may respond to the Will of God.
Also for this reason I am here, to confirm to each one of you, My beloved children, that it is possible to live the Will of God within His Celestial Kingdom.
I consecrate all those present and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now go, and wash your faces in the Fount.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Feel in your heart the confidence of being able to be in God, every day, and the renewal that you can live, beyond the moments and the circumstances.
These times will allow you to place your faith to the test, and that faith will be encouraged by your prayer, your service and your consecration.
Therefore, child, look beyond reality, and you will clearly see an infinite construction of the Wills of God, in this humanity and upon this planet.
I invite you to see beyond the facts or appearances.
I invite you to find the meaning of each moment so that you may grow in wisdom, gratitude and love.
Place your consciousness in the realization of the Purpose of God, that which you will complete and fulfill as a service through the redemption of your life, thus, you will open the doors for Divine Grace to make of your being an instrument and an example of conversion.
Having these principles very clear, your soul will be able to rule, and you will know, at the right time, which path to follow, so that you may always meet My Son who, in His Silence, waits for you so that you may live a deep spiritual communion with the Source of Love and Wisdom.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When a soul has a commitment with God, God patiently leads it through the path of surrender.
First, He inspires it to transform its life, to go through the path which leads towards His Heart, not toward the world. Little by little, He places upon its path opportunities, signs, encounters that inspire it to assume new steps towards the Heart of God.
As this soul knows the Love of God and trusts It, the Creator starts asking it for new things, new surrenders, new renunciations, until a definitive point arrives for this soul; when the Lord asks it for a greater renunciation, a complete life transformation.
When the soul throws itself into the unknown abyss of surrender, it discovers that it was falling into the Hands of God, into an endless Fountain of Love, which was hiding deep within the soul that learned to renounce and take the risk of living surrender.
Still, upon this path, the soul, inspired by the Love of God, makes many offers to Him, placing everything into His Hands. However, it offers that which in truth is known, that which had already been surrendered while jumping into the abyss. The Lord then opens a door within the depths of its consciousness and points out that which must be transformed.
A new unknown abyss is then presented. The soul is faced with aspects of its consciousness that were like hidden treasures: its skills, magnetism, self-confidence, its most hidden vanities.
And however much it continues offering its life to God, its Creator always seeks, in the deepest layers of its being, the focus of surrender, that which must be emptied from its heart. Sometimes it hurts and the soul suffers but it knows that every space that is emptied within its heart and consciousness, hidden spaces of its being, are those which are given to the Heart of God, to His Love, to His Spirit, so that there He may have a sweet home, clean and ready to dwell in.
The path of surrender, children, is eternal, deep, a path to emptiness and, at the same time, a path to unity with the Whole.
So never think that you have surrendered everything, but always allow God to go deeper. And even though it sometimes causes pain, know that the pain is human and will be repaired by the Divine Presence within.
To this day and in each moment I offer the Father all that I am, all that is within Me and all that I do, live, experience, think and speak to the world, because surrender is eternal.
I invite you to follow these steps and each day deepen into your union with God.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My message comes again to the world, especially for the hearts that are open to listen to the Word of the Divine Hierarchy, a Word that resounds in the Universe, because it is a Word that comes from God.
Because from the Word emerged the Creation and all that exists, just as the children of the Father also emerged, those who have been walking upon this cosmic trajectory in order to someday attain redemption.
But forgiveness is granted to those who decide to live the path of redemption.
Therefore, the Universe and the Hierarchy still sustain this world and humanity, because there is still time to live this path, in spite of all that may happen in this cycle.
The Hierarchy needs that the daring decide to submerge into Universal Life, a life that shows them their origin, their existence and their purpose. In simple words, the revelation of their truth and also of their past. Not of a past for them to turn back to or to remember the errors committed, but rather to remember what they learned, what they experienced and what they acquired throughout the times, the cosmic time.
Today I come to speak to the world from the Andes, one of the places where the Hierarchy has Its Heart and Its Presence, from the Mendozan and Chilean Andes, because for the Hierarchy there is no division nor borders; there is one people, a single people, one race, which, in spite of its experiences, must someday be recognized as unique in this Project of Love and Redemption, of Forgiveness and Mercy.
Therefore, I open the doors of the Universe within this place, where you are today, in order for you to accompany your Heavenly Mother; where the fallen stars and the suns that awaken can find their origin again and feel that they are a part of the whole, feel that they are a part of the Creation, of Universal Life.
Therefore, today your spirits are placed before the presence of the Universe, before the presence of the Hierarchy, before the Fount of the Love of God, because it is from this that the beings from the surface of the Earth, in this time, must be nourished from in order to learn how to survive these crucial moments while humanity faces the result of what it chose.
Therefore, I come as Mother, but also as the Governess of the Universe, as the Matrix of the Mirrors, to help you to correct the path, to teach you to find the path of peace and harmony so that your inner suns can shine and manifest the Purpose, beyond the human life, beyond superficiality.
The opportunities that the Hierarchy gives at this moment are unique and will not be repeated. For this reason, you must make use of the times and of the events. You must nourish spiritually upon that which the Spiritual Hierarchy gives you so that, each day more, you can reaffirm this commitment and this purpose that you came to fulfill for a Greater and still unknown Will.
The origins of those who have awakened, and of the ones who will awaken, unite today to this moment and to this meeting with the Divine Mother so that the true lineage, so that the true gift or virtue of each being, may give impulse to the tridimensional consciousness to take the step that it must take, and to help reverse, in service and out of love, the situation in which humanity finds itself, which is an adverse and very dark situation.
But while I am with you, beloved children, while I speak to the center of each one of your beings, where the Word of the Hierarchy truly resounds, the Universal Mother and the Greater Governess dissolves the contrary currents by means of the path of peace and harmony, without generating conflicts nor spiritual confrontations. Because love, as you know, is above everything, any situation or moment, any inner desert or agony.
Love allows you to renew and permits you to again find the path that you sometimes lose for different circumstances.
The world, and especially humanity, must acknowledge today that it is not alone in this macrocosm. This will grant the intervention and the help of the Celestial Spheres. And humanity, at least a small part of it, could then recover that which it has internally lost; and would continue to receive the impulse to live the path of Light.
Therefore, all efforts that the Hierarchy makes at this moment are immediate and urgent. Thus, your response, at this moment, must be immediate and urgent so that the greater balance can be attained in the whole human race on all the surface of the Earth, in each heart that is part of this universal family
Thus, while I talk to you and transmit My words to you, your Heavenly Mother and Greater Governess works with humanity in those situations that are not solved yet and that need the powerful Hand of God to find a solution and a path of return to the origin.
When I am here with you, I bring you the Universe, not only that which exists out there, in the Cosmos, but I also bring you the spiritual Universe where the beginning of everything and the origin of your existence is, the primordial and fundamental essence that created you, so that you might be here today, on this planet, and living this school that My Son lovingly offers to you.
By assuming a commitment with what you truly are, and not with what you appear to be, you will allow the Purpose to be attainable, to everyone, and you will be able to keep contributing to the Plan of the Hierarchy in this acute time of humanity.
Today, I come to contemplate what is true within you and not what is apparent. I come so that the center of your being may rise, which is a sun, an essence, which fulfills a purpose and a goal in this Creation, as many, many essences in the Universe and, thus, I come to unite you to the one Source, to the divine Thought of God.
I come to elevate you toward the Heart of the Father because there you will always find the inner strength you need in order to transcend and to redeem in the name of My Son, your Redeemer.
While this happens, the essences of humanity are also worked on by your Heavenly Mother, by the Greater Governess, so that at least a spark of Divine Grace may ignite the consciousness of those who sleep and thus they may awaken to universal truth.
For this to be possible, I need intermediaries, servers, faithful collaborators who follow the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and not of others, so that you do not get confused, so that you do not take vainglory, so that you only fulfill Divine Will, in obedience and gratitude,which is the Will that will always free you and guide you toward the just and right path.
While the planet experiences its purification and purification mobilizes chaos and conflicts, let Peace reign in the hearts of those who believe in God and in those who fulfill His call without conditions nor rules.
May the advent of the New Humanity now become a reality for all, because this humanity, children, must first be born within you, and then be present upon the surface; it is something profoundly spiritual and non-material.
The New Humanity will be a gift of God granted by the Eternal Father Himself for the regeneration of life and the whole Creation after the traumatic and painful experiences lived in the whole human race throughout the times and the decades.
The gift of God of the New Humanity will be a living reality in those who self-summon, so that the old flock of Israel may gather and congregate again and finally they may fulfill the promises that are written in the Heart of God, your Eternal Father.
At this moment of planetary transition, gather the inner forces that come from the love of the heart and from the love of the spirit to carry forward, upon this path, the wills and the projects of My Son, which are still to manifest in this time, although humanity lives this harsh reality.
Trust in that which is possible to fulfill, in that which is possible to concretize and in everything that is possible to attain because, as it is the Will of God, it will manifest and present itself before your eyes, and you will carry forward everything the Father has expected, for such a long time.
It is possible to decrease the risks that the planet and humanity could experience in this time, if the offering is sincere and does not waver; the Plan will be fulfilled because it is a Law, and you must believe in this, every day.
I am here with you always, to help you to build, within you, the Plan of God, so that later the Plan may be a reality upon the surface.
Obedience and fidelity will be the great key for this moment of transition, for all servers and collaborators of this work; thus, the bridge of contact between your Universe and Ours will never be missing.
May the Love that My Heart brings today rebuild you internally and place you in the Commands of My Son, so that the Work of His infinite Mercy may come to all, without distinction.
From the Andes, I invoke and proclaim to all the return to your origin, so that in this time of purification you may believe in the gorgeous and beautiful that God gave to you in the beginning.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this planetary moment! Because I know that you have never lived or experienced it. This is the great moment and the great time for all. Help yourselves of Our Love to live it. Welcome Our support to be able to face it.
I am here and I am your Universal Mother.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
May peace be established in this time, so that peace may be present in the human heart.
From now on and forever, I thank the devotion of hearts toward the Queen of Peace. And on this day, from the reign of My Peace, I pour upon the whole world more Graces and sacred Principles for the Will of God to be fulfilled in the men and women of the Earth.
Therefore, My children, the Sacred Geometries of God comply in the world with all the requests of the Father, for what they reflect is that which humanity needs in this time in order to attain the peace and the truth that will free you from the chains of illusion and of adversity.
Each time your Heavenly Mother arrives in the world or visits some nation, the Sacred Geometries of the Father, which are perfect drawings of light that come from the Fount of Love and of Unity, descend to the world through My maternal Presence so that the children of God may reach the fulfillment and the accomplishment of His Project of Love and of Redemption on Earth.
The more souls awaken to My call, the more possibilities there will be for humanity to fulfill the Sacred Project of God which, based on the return of His Sacred Geometries, as principles and codes of Light, will make of the Earth the promised place for the souls, that today live on this planet, to fulfill His Designs of love and of divine unity.
All this, My children, has the sense of leading the whole world to rediscover the path of the sacred and of the blessed, to defeat the adversity and the cruelty that exists in humanity because it has turned away from love.
Thus, as Mother, I lead you toward My Son, because My Son is the very Project of God manifested in the spiritual, mental and material Universe.
My Son is the perfect model for each one of you and He, as a sublime and Sacred Geometry of God, incarnated in the world to physically testify to the Will and the Truth of the Father before all of this Universe.
In My Son this Divine Project was fulfilled, not only from His birth, but also on the Cross when, above all error and evil, His Love won, demonstrating to the world the fulfillment of the Project of redemption in all the ones who in that time fell, and for those who are also falling in this cycle, through ignorance and lack of love.
But the Love of My Son on the Cross left the mark of the victory of the Project of the Father and built the bridge for millions of souls, throughout the times, to recover their original purity and thus, to definitely close the door to darkness.
For this reason, My children, as a Mediator and Intercessor, I offer Myself to the world, time and again, not only because I love you, but also because, being a witness of the Passion of My Son and of His Death, I know the importance of this great offering that He made for each one of you.
My ardent wish as a Mother is to convert your lives into something sacred so that, humanly, there may be in the world instruments of peace and of love in times of adversity and conflict; so that the Fount of Peace does not end within the hearts of humans and so that the nations may be the fulfillment of the Sacred Principles of the Father in all of Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Behold, from Heaven descends the blessing of God to Earth, as water and life to wash and nourish all the Kingdoms of Nature.
When the hearts truly plea to God, the doors of His Kingdom open, not only in Heaven but also inside the beings. Then contemplate, child, this door that is between His Essence and your heart.
Today and always, the Lord sends Me, as His Servant and Companion, to awaken the souls to the truth about themselves, about their evolution and about life. Therefore, search My words for the keys that open your consciousness to this truth and dispose of your being to live it.
Do not want to be this way or that way, do not want to experience this or that thing. Only remain before your own heart, knowing that it is a door for the Divine Consciousness, for the Heavenly Universe, and say to the Lord: "Here I am, Father. Here I am to know who I am. Here I am to know about You, about Your Plan, about Your Will, about Your Love and Your Essence."
Tell the Father that you aspire to fulfill His Will, that you want to be a living witness of His promises and that this is the only reason for your existence, that this is the essence of your life.
Contemplate the Creator as a Divine Source in the center of the Universe, that knows you and accompanies you: an inextinguishable Source of Love from where all the creatures emerged and that deeply knows each one of them.
Speak, child, with the One who sees you transparent, the One before which there are no masks or illusions. Speak to God and let His transparency and sincerity transform, purify, calm and release your heart, taking from you the fragility of mistakes and illusions and substituting them with the strength of union with the Creator, the strength of being in the Truth and in the Divine Will.
Deepen into your spiritual life, because this is the most necessary thing at this time. Without this sincere union with God, you will only be human fragility.
The times that will come will need to find you firm and full, not of yourself, but of God.
Therefore go and knock on the door of your chest. Speak to your God and Lord and He will listen to you and respond to your pleas.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer of the Angel of peace.
Behold the King of Universal Peace. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
The sacred Child God was born of the purest Womb of the Mother of the World and brought liberation to the Earth.
The sacred Child God came from the Breath of the Spirit, from the Creator Word that manifested itself and became flesh among humankind on the Earth, revealing the power of love and of redemption.
Today I ask you to remain with eyes closed because of the magnitude of the splendor of the Child God, so that your inner worlds may bear His extremely high divine vibration and so that, from now on, My children, before the Mother of God and the Child God, you concentrate upon the center of your heart, where is found the triumph of the soul and of the spirit, the inner dwelling place where the Christ of the end of times will be reborn.
Today an opportunity and an infinite grace are being born for all of humanity, for the consciousness of the planet and even for the Kingdoms of Nature.
This Child God is the beginning and is the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega.
He was announced, prophesized, lived among humankind, healed the sick, expelled evil spirits, revived the dead, converted sinners through the powerful Fount of Love-Wisdom.
And this Child, the Sacred God, will not only be born in you again, in the communion with His Body and with His Blood by means of this sacred night of light in which darkness is defeated and the hells are conquered, paralyzing the abysses, expelling the demons from those that they intended to perverted through superfluous temptations and the dominance of human control.
The Sacred Child God today announces His Advent to the temple of the heart of each human being so that His Radiance and all the Power of His Light may transcend boundaries, limits, and all forms, transcend the planes and all of the consciousness and, within the soul of each human being, may germinate the chance to re-ignite the Christic Light within, the Inner Sun that enters into fellowship with the Universe and all of the Brotherhood, making the Christs of the new time possible on Earth.
Just as the Kings of the Orient bowed down before the birth of the Redeemer, today the angels bow down before the rebirth of Christ in the beings of the Earth and the mirages of the human consciousness are dissolved so that the truth and the light may be born; that light and that truth that were a depository in Jesus through the Archangel Saint Michael, and transcends all times and all generations by the sacred teraphim of the Sword of Light of Saint Michael, which expels all illusions, which reveals all lies, which dissipates all hells and which concedes peace to the one that invokes it, to the one that invokes His sacred name.
Thus, today not only is the Child God here but also the splendor of His Eucharistic Heart for all those who adore Him.
Not only is the Mother of the Lord here, Who gestated grace and redemption for humanity in Her most pure Womb, but also the Archangel Saint Michael is here, the archangelic patriarch and the universal custodian of all the warriors of Christ for the end of times.
His Power has no limits; his authority has no boundaries. His presence defeats all evil by the commanding power that is born of His Heart when from Him emerges the Love of God that granted the Birth of Christ, the redemption of humanity until the Crucifixion and the Death of the Lord, and even during His Ascension to the Heavens.
For this reason, I ask you, My children, to not sleep while facing this revelation, neither physically nor spiritually, because you would be wasting many codes that are unrepeatable and nontransferable to other people.
I ask you to keep your eyes closed on facing the splendor of the Child God and the presence of the Archangel Saint Michael because in them there was a divine fusion from the beginning; a spiritual alchemy that was only known to the Essenes and which was veiled and safeguarded throughout time through the love and the unconditional service of Christ, up until these times, so that you, as current humanity, might receive this revelation on this day and at this time, when faced with a very acute planetary crises and an unbearable pain for millions of souls of the Earth because they are separated from God and the Truth.
Now I ask the consecrated to come up to the foot of this stage, and that with the light of their candles, they hold the descent of this revelation that comes from the Fount of the Celestial Father through My Immaculate Heart, for this planet, for this humanity, and for this moment.
Now you can open your eyes, because the splendor of Jesus, of the Child God, has withdrawn.
Knowledge exists in all the spheres of the Non-material Universe. And that knowledge, which is great Projects of God and part of His Divine Idea, expects to descend to Earth during this transition and after this transition, so that the concretization of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
We are faced with a scenario similar to the Birth of Jesus, at a very serious time for humanity and the planet in which the human being has already learned to self-destruct and to damage the Kingdoms of Nature.
We are in a time more difficult than the time in which Jesus lived. And you know this, My children.
Thus, for God, today the presence of each one of you here and with this means of communication, is very important. Because that represents a mature response, although unknown on the part of your souls and your inner nuclei, which make the effort and surrender even though they are not ready to live the Plan of God, transcending desires, giving up pleasure and wholly seeking Divine Life for all those who do not do it on this Christmas Eve, in which the distraction of the world is very great, and the angels struggle against the demons so that the essences of human beings may not be contaminated, lost, nor perverted by evil.
For this, the Victory of Christ in this hour is very important. Not only because of His inner Presence in this place, which reignites your inner Christs, but also because of all the Hierarchies of Light that, in a single brotherhood of Wisdom and of Love, unify in a single Spirit and under the same Purpose, to carry forward the Plan of God in this transition.
You, My children, are faced with an event similar to the Birth of Jesus.
The personas that participate in this scenario are different, but the story is similar, because the planet is suffering and its souls are called to alleviate it through gestures of love, of charity, and of good, not only for souls but also for the Kingdoms of Nature.
Today I am not only here with you, My children, but also with those children of Mine who are alone in the asylums, in the hospitals, in the dark streets. I am with the children, with the divided families, with the mothers who went through an abortion and who will have an abortion in total ignorance.
I am with everyone and in all nations, in Omnipresence and in Light, facing the coming of the Child God and of the Archangel Michael, the emperor of the Celestial Homeland. Because if His hosts are here, He too is here, operating and working with the planet at the level of spirit and of human essence.
Perhaps My message today is very symbolic and abstract. But what is most important is that you keep the words in your hearts and all the vibrations that come through them which you will need for the next cycle, to learn to fight for the Plan and for the victory of Christ, although He still has not returned to Earth.
May this light that today you bear in your hands reignite the commitment of living the inner Christ so that the apostles of the end times may be present in this cycle and in this time in which emergencies and needs will be experienced that must be attended to by everyone, so as to maintain the psychic balance of humanity, and especially the peace, where it still exists.
But hold on to your faith and hope in this Christic light that comes from Heaven this evening, which nurtures you, which fills you and which heals you so that you can be different and believe in this great change in consciousness, which the rebirth of Christ can generate in your lives and consciousnesses.
Have absolute faith in that miracle of love so that the Will of God may be fulfilled and you may be participants, in this time, of His Divine Purpose.
From the depths of My Maternal Spirit, I want to thank all those who responded to My call through the novena, and for all of the families who were helped far and wide in the world: from the most miserable families to the richest families, from the most divided families to the most united families, from the loneliest families to the most joyous families.
The essence of families and their spirituality was helped and intervened in through My armies of light by means of this novena of light that was offered. Amen.
Before the Child God, which on this night is preparing to be born within humankind, in the depths of souls and in the consciousness of spirits, we offer the prayer of the Sacred Family as a symbol of spiritual union with the Kingdom of God.
Very good, children, very good!
Now, so that this night may end up consecrated not only here, but also in the families of the world, I will ask you to play the song Silent Night again, in Spanish, so that the Child God, in the presence of the patriarch Archangel Saint Michael, with the Power of Heaven, of the Universe, and of the Kingdom of God, before the angels that surround Him and adore Him, may consecrate the elements that will be a part of the communion between souls and God.
May the Peace of Jesus Christ, dear children, be in all the hearts of the Earth.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth for all beings of goodwill.
I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And may the rebirth of Christ be a truth and a reality in each one of your lives. Amen.
In fraternity and love, for the peace on this planet and in each human heart, in the name of the Child God and of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, you may give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
Dear children,
We are now close to Bethlehem and the sacred location is being prepared, where the inner Christ will again be born.
May His spirit of peace and sovereignty fill you. May His Grace, which is infinite and merciful, keep you in deep and reverent unity with God so that His Plan, which is broad and unknown, will come close to your lives in order to carry out His Divine Will.
In preparing the sacred inner space where the Christic light will be reborn for the times of darkness, may this powerful Light that comes from the Source of Supreme Love bring for all the opportunity to reintegrate into the path of redemption and forgiveness.
My children, this is no longer the time to look to the past, but to place your gaze upon the future, on the divine encounter with the inner Christ who needs to be active and victorious through the inner lives of each being.
I give you, My children, the opportunity to live this time of grace so that your lives, finally, may become a part of the miraculous Grace of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Little soul of God,
With love, embrace the sacrifices and the renouncements that the Creator sends to your life. They are equivalent to the immense grace that you live everyday, with the Presence of God, calling you by the name to respond to His call.
Set your heart to surrender every day, and no longer think about the limitations of your body, about the miseries of your mind or about the uneasiness of your heart. Think, child, about the sacrifice of Christ, everyday, so that more each day you may go deeper into the surrender of the Lord, in the price He paid for your redemption and, thus, you may know that everything you live, surrender or renounce, cannot be compared to the sacrifice of He Who lived and died for you.
Have the limitations of your body be an offering of humility for the arrogance of humanity.
Have the miseries of your mind be an offering and a crying out for Mercy to descend to the world and fill the destructive thoughts of men.
Have the uneasiness of your heart be an offering so that the peace and trust in God may fill the inner world of beings and give them back peace.
You were called to be part of the Heart of Christ in this world, in a living, conscious and unconditional way.
The Lord put His eyes on you, not because you are perfect, but because He knows that your soul thirsts for His Presence. Because He is an inexhaustible Fount, He came not only to satiate you but to make you a new fount, so that other souls may drink of the Mercy that breaks out from His Divine Heart.
Between your miseries and the Mercy of Christ, let the Mercy of the Lord win and focus your heart on His call, rather than on your difficulties in fulfilling it.
Just as you are, Christ called you. He only expects you to say "yes" every day.
While humanity sleeps the sleep of ignorance, give thanks to the Father Who healed your blindness. Open up your heart to be a living miracle of the Lord, in this world and in all others. Because today I tell you, My child, that your redemption in this world is only a symbol of a greater redemption, even though it is unknown to your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through My Presence, God brings you His Infinite Compassion, which, approaching the Earth, will try to rescue the souls of humanity from the abysses.
Divine Compassion is capable of forgiving what is most difficult, just as it is also capable of helping maintain an absolute balance during the times of rivalries.
It is for this reason that Divine Compassion leads to the awakening of pure neutrality.
In this time, Divine Compassion will try to place souls on the path that they once lost, for different reasons.
Divine Compassion will create an inner space, within the state of eternal light, where the soul will be placed in order to find relief for its errors and purifications.
Divine Compassion brings us hope and renewal, indispensable attributes for the healing of all humankind.
May Divine Compassion guard and protect everyone so that, being in it, all may drink from the Fount of God’s Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The more you dedicate yourself to God, the more united you will be to His Heart and the more you will perceive His Purpose and His Will for this world.
What humanity calls intuition becomes sublimated, deepened and transformed into union with the Divine Will. The one who is fully united to God does not intuit anymore; he knows, because his union with the Father makes him a participant in the Plan and thWill ofe Creator.
Unite yourself, more each day, to God, child, because there will come a time in which your life and life in this world will be carried forward by this deep union, because neither outside nor inside of you, will you find an answer to what will happen in the world if your heart is not united to the Source and from it receive the instructions and indications for life.
The union with God begins in prayer but is built in the consciousness. What I am telling you does not take only one daily moment to reach this. You need to love and want to be united to God above all things, knowing that this is an urgency in your life and in life on Earth.
Day to day, in your actions, in your thoughts, in your relationship with your fellow beings and with life, manifests the fruits of your prayer and brings the union with God to your consciousness. In this way, some day, you will experience what I say.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I make you apostles of nations, those who should go to some place on Earth to bring My Love, My Peace, and My Message.
I make you apostles of peoples, so that you may bring My example, My Truth and show the way that I offer everyone through My Heart.
I make you apostles of the races so that you may carry My Christic energy in your hearts and you may help the dying in spirit so that they can learn to drink from My Fount of Love.
I make you apostles of the Way so that, like the Twelve, you may bring my trust and fullness to those who need it.
I make you apostles of the Truth so that, beyond your imperfect lives, you are able to transmit and deliver to the world My solemn energy of Love-Wisdom, because it will protect the last Christs that will emerge to help humanity.
I make you apostles of transparency and good so that, in your acts, feelings, and duties, what I need to build in you may be reflected.
I make you apostles of Mercy so that, in this remaining time, you will let the world know the infinite and pious Mercy of My Heart.
I make you apostles of the end times so that you may learn to go through the final cycle and so that you may help souls in their spiritual and physical transition.
I make you My apostles, when you allow Me to, because I still hope that all the attributes of the apostles of Christ may be accomplished in the end times.
I thank you for being apostles of My Truth!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Cry out for peace in the world, but also live peace within your own heart. Unite to the Source of Peace of the Universe, to the Consciousness of your God and Lord, to the Heart of your Mother and Lady.
Unite to Those whose peace is unalterable and not even the greatest of the indifferences or the gravest assaults can extinguish the peace within Them.
Peace is the certainty of the triumph of God beyond the appearances and beyond the possible defeats along the path.
Peace is the wisdom and the knowledge of God. Who knows God and lives in Him does not lose peace, because they recognize that His Will is beyond all Life; everything that has been created belongs to His Heart. To renew Himself and to allow His children to grow, the Creator observes and respects the workings of the Laws; however, with a breath of His, Life is made and unmade.
Unite to this unalterable Source of Peace, not to be indifferent to what happens around you, in the world or within you, but so that you may grow and be able to remove from your eyes the clouds and obscurities that the lack of peace brings and, thus, you may be able to see the events with eyes of Truth and contemplate them with understanding and wisdom.
Unite your heart to the unalterable Source of Peace so that you can look to your own inner world and know where to begin. If your heart is at peace, you will be able to take one step at a time, without hurrying and without fear, along this great stairway that takes you to Heaven, which is the school on Earth.
Seek, child, to sincerely be in the Peace of God.
When you see your heart disturbed and your consciousness entering the abyss of human incomprehension, which begins small and rapidly becomes big, pray to God and ask:
Lord, place my heart into Your Source of Peace.
Make me feel a little bit of Your Peace within me.
I, who am Your Fruit, a living part of Your Creation,
Your cell, seeking the renewal and overcoming in Your Love.
Help me to be in You, so that, in You, I may overcome these times.
Bring Your Peace to My Heart, and, through me, radiate Your Peace to the world.
Thus, simply and sincerely, speak to God and create a bond of Love with the Heart of the Father so that, without knowing it, you may finally abandon what you are and allow your Creator to transform you and convert you into an instrument of His in this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Eighth day of the Novena
By bringing to My infinite Mercy the souls who agonize or suffering in their spirits, I will be able to help and repair them in the Source of My Love.
The souls who are sick in their bodies or who are living inner sorrows are those who most need My unfathomable Mercy, because within the Ocean of the Mercy of God they will find the spiritual comfort they need.
It is in this way that through those who invoke the Mercy of My Heart I can reach the consciousnesses that you least imagine and thus the wonders of My Spirit can be accomplished in all those souls.
To have devotion to the Divine Mercy is to accept the primordial tablet of salvation so that the Kingdom of God may be manifested in humanity and this sacred Kingdom may manifest the designs of the Divine Will.
To love My Mercy is to seal the true commitment to My Heart, regardless of the circumstances.
Ninth day of the Novena
And after having implored from the heart for the Divine Mercy, the Lord of the Universe, with all the power of His Grace and Piety, will pour out His unfathomable Mercy upon the whole Church of the Earth, especially upon those souls who for different reasons, experiences and circumstances have offended the Name of the Lord with their committed actions.
You will continue to place all of them within the Universe of the Mercy of My Heart, so that they may represent Me as true and righteous ambassadors and apostles of peace in these times.
The power of My Mercy, in the fullness of Justice, will reveal what remains hidden within My Church, so that, finally, by the strength of the prayer of all, it may be purified and dignified before the Presence of the Heavenly Father.
During these nine days the Lord of Mercy not only worked with Poland, but also reached the souls who suffered many forms of moral and inner pain.
Thus the power of My Mercy granted salvation to all those who needed it most urgently.
I thank you for praying to the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
After more than fifty years, I return to Kraków to bring Peace to the world and grant Mercy to humanity.
I am here for this reason, and I have asked you to be here with Me so that souls may be freed from suffering; a suffering that stopped being historical and changed into a millennial suffering.
That is why I have brought you toward the Fount of My Divine Mercy, because I need you to go deeper into it, that you come to know it more, that you are able to penetrate more with your consciousness, because the world still needs it.
But today I brought you to a more difficult scenario, to one of the most difficult scenarios of humanity. This is why I condescended to descend here so long ago, just as My Mother did in Fatima, to have the world know what God thought and felt. But humanity has still not understood Our message, because it has not truly heard Our message.
This brings delays to the awakening of humanity. For that reason, I have returned here to Poland, through this Work, so that you may know that My Work of Mercy is a single Work, born from the same Essence and from the same Source, of which the world must come to know, not only invoke and ask.
While I am present here with you, I am present with My children of Poland and of all Eastern Europe, because I am already opening the paths with My Divine and Paternal Consciousness in order to reach Asia and Oceania.
Preparing the foundations through the Fount of My Mercy, the Work of Redemption will be able to be carried out and will be developed with the unconditional help that many have given so that Poland could receive this special opportunity.
Thus, today I am stopping the story about what has happened; that is to say, I am dissolving the human suffering, which has been registered in the consciousness of the men and women of all of Poland.
Through My Fount I come to dissolve suffering, I come to grant peace and to bring hope to hearts, knowing that there is still much to do in this humanity.
So today I am presenting Myself to you as the Lord of Mercy, but also as the Lord of Grace, as the Lord of Piety, the Lord of Love, since these attributes are the ones necessary for this moment and for what the brothers and sisters of Poland need, knowing that their own faith has saved them.
It is that faith that is so ardent, so real and pure that has allowed this Grace, that your Master and Lord of the Universe returns to Earth, returns to the place where He opened the Fount of His Divine Mercy, so that not only everything could be regained, but also so that souls receive what they need at this moment.
We are at an important time in the Universe, in the Church and in humanity. The Lord of Mercy comes to meet you, not only to erase the past, but also to have spirits be reborn in the Source of Love and of Unity.
In this hour I dissolve everything that has happened here, in this people, just as in your hearts I dissolve the impotence (powerlessness) that existed here in some moment, of not being able to survive. But now, before My Celestial Presence, the Master of Love and of Unity again presents to you His Fount of Piety and of Reparation, so that all the essences of Poland and of the world may submerge in My Fount of Reparation and of Healing, where the codes of evil will be dissolved, so that the true light that you are for the Celestial Father may be reborn in you.
Thus, on this afternoon, when Poland receives the presence of Heaven, I offer you the Gift of Forgiveness and that of Reconciliation, so that they may be instituted in your lives, in order that these gifts of My Grace help to restore many more souls that will need to detach from suffering and from agony to again trust in God, and above all, in His Divine Kingdom.
With all of the power that Heaven and the Universe institute, I bring you the Fount of My Divine Mercy, so that you may submerge in My Ocean of Love and the Codes of Light be renewed in your beings and in all of the Polish people.
In this way, I bring you expiation, so that you are able to forgive and return to love, knowing that you are all part of a same Source and of a same Origin and that someday all will be one within that Source of Love and of Unity that represents the Celestial Father.
Today let your faces not reflect the sadness of the past, for I know it is a real sadness because of the agony, the suffering, the pain. But I ask that you reflect a face of hope, because God has granted your people two successors of My Mercy: Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II.
In them you will find the foundations for this restoration. Through them you will reach My Merciful Heart, because they have offered themselves completely unconditionally to the world after having ascended to the Heavens, to help humanity and above all, Eastern Europe, in order to repair and to close the wounds; unforgettable wounds in minds and hearts.
But know, companions, that in the Fount of My Divine Mercy everything will be resolved, because while I speak to you and you hear Me, I hear the crying of the innocent, I welcome them into My paternal Heart and I carry them to the Fount of My Divine Mercy; a harmonious and peaceful Fount so that they all may be freed.
Thus, in this hour, many things are happening. There is no confrontation with evil or adversity. My Presence has neutralized all spaces. My Presence has illumined all corners. My Heart has granted the end of a spiritual captivity that has been held in the heart of the Polish.
In this intimate union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Mercy and of Piety comes to rebuild His humanity and His people, through the servers that I have sent to the world, who have gone through this Earth to announce and proclaim My Word and who will still go through this humanity as ambassadors of peace, to proclaim My victorious Gospel and the coming to the world of My infinite Mercy, before the Source of Divine Justice opens.
For this reason, companions, you not only enter the Fount of Reparation of My Heart, but also carry it to all those who need My infinite Mercy; in this way, I will be able to perform many more wonders, as I do in the spirit of those present and those not present, carrying you into a communion with My Eucharistic Heart and igniting in your souls the merciful Fire of My Love, which will finally heal the wounds, will free all souls, and will establish peace.
Thus, let the advent of the Mercy of My servers be accomplished, so that the planet as a whole may receive an opportunity, knowing that it must return to God to find the healing and the reparation of all planetary life, especially those events that have marked the history of humanity, and especially the millions of souls that have not yet achieved freedom from human suffering and pain.
But today, through My Grace and the Fount of My Divine Mercy, your Master and Lord comes to restore all essences, especially the original essence of Poland, that in spite of all that it has suffered and endured, has not lost the hope, the gladness, and the joy of experiencing your Master and Lord.
The test of the past was truly difficult, but the victory of your people is in the perseverance and in the dogma of your faith; this causes the Fount of My Mercy to return to Poland, knowing that there is still time to be redeemed through the Sacraments that I have granted to you from My public Life, up to the Last Supper, reaching the height of Mount Calvary on the Cross.
All these merits, all these gifts, all the powers of this Grace granted by God, are part of the unfathomable Fount of My Mercy that today I again pour out over Poland and especially over the souls that live here, so that in the coming time, the time of the great restoration and the great change, you demonstrate to the world that it is possible to inwardly forgive, love, and be reconciled, in spite of what happened.
It is by this means of Divine Mercy that the Lord and Master of Poland, the Lord of Eastern Europe, comes to this place, which is blessed by Grace; to again give you communion with My Body and with My Blood so that all may be renewed in your spirits, so that all may be dissolved in your consciousnesses, especially that which has stopped you from continuing to walk in faith and in the joy of living God in fullness and in trust.
So raise your hearts to the altars of our Creator Father, so that in this offering and sacrifice of the Firstborn Lamb, everything may be repaired and restored in the Fount of Divine Compassion, granting your people and the world the Mercy of God, which dissolves errors, suffering, and deep wounds.
Today, together with Me, offer this Sacrament of the Altar, so that the Angels that have come to meet Me and from the Kingdom of God, not only transubstantiate the form of the bread and the wine, but also transubstantiate all the essences of Poland, so that the Fire and the Spirit of Consoling Love may be reignited and all may be redeemed, bringing suffering to an end and entering the Portal of My Heart, of the Heart of Gladness, of Hope, and of Joy.
With these words that I bring you today from Heaven, I invite you to celebrate this Eucharist on behalf of millions of other souls in the World, that in many corners of the Earth, as in many nations of the World, wait for the Fount of My Divine Mercy.
On this afternoon of celebration and of profound reparation, I want you to carry this Fount to the world, through the communion with My Body and My Blood, thus establishing in your consciousnesses the state of My eternal Grace.
Let us then celebrate this moment, for all the priests, for all the clergy, for all the believers and the non-believers, for all those who need to submerge in the Fount of My Mercy, granting your people and humanity this special expiation that today My Heart brings from Heaven, to pour it out in your hearts, like a Chalice renewed by the Blood of the Lamb. Amen.
And all who hear Me in any part of the world also offer this sacrifice together with your Master and Lord, so that peace may not only reach hearts, but also the nations of the world that experience the conflicts and the wars of these times.
I send this Ray of My Mercy in a special and very loving way for Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. May all those souls that are there, be deserving of Divine Mercy today, so that they not lose the hope and the aspiration of finding their Master and Lord again, when He returns to the world for the second time and brings human suffering to an end, to institute the spirit of gladness of the Kingdom of God. So be it.
Let the elements of the altar be transubstantiated by the presence of the Angels of Heaven and thus the Spirit of Renewal may be instituted, bringing Peace and Mercy to the World.
Happy today will be those who live this Sacrament, for they will be able to recognize Him Who will come among the clouds, bringing the Glory of God and the return of the Kingdom of the Heavens, as it was in the beginning.
May the Holy Spirit descend over this element, so that it may scatter its Gifts in Poland and the world.
With the water I purify you and also consecrate you.
With the water I uplift you and also transcend you.
With the water I sublimate you and also sanctify you.
In this Supper that I offer you today, a mystery will be unveiled again that is to be found in the center of My Heart, which is the Mystery of the living Love of God in all beings and in all the creatures that He has created in His Image and Likeness. It is to this powerful flame of Love that you must return and come back always, because the Love of God is to be found in the Fount of My Mercy.
The Blood and the Water that sprang from the Lamb is the Blood that sanctifies souls and redeems them spiritually.
For all those who labor in My Church of the Earth and in My Celestial Church, today I offer this Sacrament so that it may be scattered as Light in the World and the darkness be dissolved.
Take and all eat of It for this is My Body that is offered by the Lamb Immolated and surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Never forget to do this in Remembrance of Me.
Take and all drink of It, for this is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is shed for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Drink of this Fount of Love and of Reparation so that all may be healed, within and outside of humankind of the Earth. This is the Chalice of the Original Conception, the Chalice of the Most Holy Trinity that is being offered in what is most simple and humble, so that it may be drunk by the children of God in order to renew all the times.
This is the Sacrament of the Faith of all humankind of the Earth. Blessed are those who commune of It to renew their consciousnesses, families, peoples, and nations, so that the Power of My Glorified and Merciful Heart may triumph.
Our Father...
Let us listen now to the Our Father in Polish.
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. (x2)
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, bring us peace.
Happy will be those invited to drink of the Blood and to eat of the Body of the Lamb, so that all may be renewed.
It is in this way that I grant you Peace, so that you may live in My Peace and be My Peace.
Go in Peace and carry Peace, for in this way the world will be restored and all humanity will be consoled of its innumerable sufferings.
I thank you for having helped Me to come here, to re-open the Fount of My Mercy, not only in Poland but also in the Middle East.
All has been consummated.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now you will give each other the greeting of peace in My Name.
Allow your soul to permanently invoke the Divine Mercy of the Redeemer, so that His Source of Love and Grace may pour upon your being the Gifts of redemption and healing.
In the meantime, My child, and even when humanity purifies itself, invoke from within the power of the Mercy of My Son, so that, it may continue descending upon humanity and the planet be washed of its profound wounds.
Acquire a spirit of meekness and hope in the midst of the tests you and humanity will encounter.
You must always keep in mind that the Divine Mercy of My Son performs miracles and converts impossible situations that cannot be solved by human will.
Be encouraged to say "yes" to the Mercy of the Savior in spite of the falls and delays.
In that way, there will be souls in constant offering so that the planet may be illuminated and blessed by the same Mercy.
I thank you for the effort of your prayers!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Son of the Great Sun and from the Inner Sun I come, thus the designs and laws are fulfilled.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Greater Sun the Principles and the great wills, which are born from the Supreme, are emanated.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes Life and from Life the Creation is manifested.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun all the Rays are radiated to the whole Universe so that the created consciousnesses may feel full and alive.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun the mysteries are revealed because it is a powerful and inextinguishable Sun, a Sun that transmutes and, at the same time, releases everything that is touched by its Light.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes the Divine Existence; from that Existence is manifested the Purpose for everything what lives in the superior and inferior Universes.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun is born the most deep and eternal essence, the essence which allows the regeneration and healing of everything what is ill and impure.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun I come to illuminate the Spirit of the Earth and everything that exists inside of it.
I Am the Son of the Sun, the Divine Being who surrender Himself to establish peace in this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I Am the Son of the Great Sun and from the Inner Sun I come, thus the designs and laws are fulfilled.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Greater Sun the Principles and the great wills, which are born from the Supreme, are emanated.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes Life and from Life the Creation is manifested.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun all the Rays are radiated to the whole Universe so that the created consciousnesses may feel full and alive.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun the mysteries are revealed; because it is a powerful and inextinguishable Sun, a Sun that transmutes and, at the same time, releases everything what is touched with its Light.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes the Divine Existence; from that Existence is manifested the Purpose for everything what lives in the superior and inferior Universes.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun is born the most deep and eternal essence, the essence which allows the regeneration and healing of everything what is ill and impure.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun I come to illuminate the Spirit of the Earth and everything that exists inside of it.
I Am the Son of the Sun, the Divine Being who surrender Himself to establish peace in this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the inner planes, I show My experience of the Passion, because I need the most contrary forces of this planet to learn to be redeemed and to turn into Light. And although that may appear impossible for the world, when the Scepter of God is taken by My Hand and your Master descends to the world, darkness will end.
You will no longer see faces with tears, nor people suffering, because the planet will have been purified, will have already gone through the last phase, the most acute one for humanity. And so you will see the signs in Heaven that I have revealed to you at other times: signs that will indicate a new time for the awakening of a new consciousness.
The New Testament will be fulfilled, because in these times I have rewritten the story in the souls that listen to Me, in the hearts that are within Me in solemnity, in the spirits that perpetually adore Me.
The Archangel Gabriel will come, bringing the Tables of the Law; and in this way, what humanity has never known will be revealed to the world: are the Tables of God, the eternal Laws that live in His Celestial Universe.
That will be the moment in which the world will enter into judgment and your Master and Shepherd will presence this event.
But from a very unknown place will come the Woman clothed with the Sun, bringing under Her mantle millions of fallen stars, which as essences, She will place at the Feet of the Creator.
And in the presence of the Holy Archangels, at a certain moment, you will see a very powerful sign, like hundreds of storms all together, that explode in the Heavens to emanate Light.
This will be the Archangel Saint Michael, who will bury His Sword of Light in the planet, burning the last cores of damnation; and everything that was the rival will be defeated by the testimony of His Infinite Love to the Supreme Source.
In this time, souls will no longer feel lost, nor lack in guidance, because your King will be here to entrust you with new challenges, to accomplish new goals, to manifest the New Humanity, that will be full of gratitude, that will be vivified by Love, the Love that has always prevailed throughout all time.
And the Woman clothed with the Sun will intercede one last time, after having escaped the desert, from the great beast that seeks Her children.
But the shadowy one will be confused, because its fallen stars, the last rescued stars, will become part of Her Crown of Light, of the Crown of Light of the Great Lady of all times.
The Crown will illuminate the planet, will illuminate the nations, will fill to the brim with Graces the spirits that never received a opportunity.
Your Master will also be a witness to this. He will write with His own Hand in the Book of God this great event, in which the Lady of the Light will have triumphed over evil.
Those who have been marked by the Seal of God will be recognized in this next time and many will not believe that this is possible. For this reason, the Son of Man comes again to meet with you, to gestate in essences this moment, a moment that is non-material and that will become material in all this world.
When Archangel Gabriel arrives with the Tables of the Law, many things will end and those who have lived the martyrdom of the times will be freed of their captivity.
There will no longer be man or woman in this world that is able to govern the planet, because the Almighty will show Himself through the Resplendence of His Divine Son.
All the cultures and all the people will recognize Him, because they will know that He comes from the Source of Love, from which everything has emerged and begun.
That is why you are receiving the sacraments in this time. Do not think that a Sacrament is just another sacrament, because if your brothers and sisters live it, you too will be living it.
I invite you to enter into eternal Communion, to be able to understand the Divine Knowledge.
These are My last Words for the world, My task is finishing, and when it ends, you must enter into vigilance, because from that point, everything will happen.
Today I am telling you this for real, not so that you be afraid, but for you to grow in consciousness and always, always step outside of yourselves. And in this way, you will be able to see what the true reality is.
Many will come knocking on your doors in various ways to ask: what have you experienced here? Some will seek help and others will seek to have you lose the faith you live in Me.
That will be the moment when the world will be on trial, and if John, who baptized Me in the Jordan River, gave his head for Me, who will give it for Me now?
My Project in this time is bold, but My Victory is unknown by My eternal rival.
I come to make of your lives a new dwelling place, so that you may be strengthened. And if sometimes you feel that I have spoken these words many times, ask yourselves if in truth you have heard them attentively. I come to repeat what humanity has not yet learned, because it is necessary to grow inwardly, to be a soldier of the Light in the end of times.
Do not think now about who will give their head for Me, because I will not let that happen. A lot of blood is already spilled in this world through the wars and many innocents suffer all the unimaginable things of those who want to govern.
I bring you the true Government of the Universe, one that is far from the lie and deceit, from illusion or appearance, from materialism or impunity.
I wish you could enter this Universal Government, which is formed by many Consciousnesses of the Light.
The time has come for you to, in this month of August, enter the domain of the Brotherhood and for your lives to, on the surface of this Earth, be mirrors of the Centers of Love, of all the islands of salvation that I will gradually activate in the end of these times.
So everything you live, offer it to Me, as a sacrifice, as an opportunity of maturing your love and of expanding the consciousness beyond the stars.
I do not wish you to leave here distracted, feeling and thinking the same, but rather growing in the Truth that will make you free, just as humanity needs to be free from its own spiritual illness.
I come to bring you the healing you need, but I also come to offer you the surrender you need, because that will make you more merciful, full in Unity and in Grace.
Not all will be here when the Universal Judgment takes place. That does not mean that it will be delayed, because the first steps of this Judgment have already begun. But yes, all will be called, regardless of the place where they are, or the plane of consciousness they inhabit.
All, absolutely all, will be called by Me; the believers and the non-believers, the atheists, the humble, the peacemakers, and also those who have deceived this humanity throughout time.
Archangel Gabriel will call all of you and Archangel Michael will order the lines of this Universal Judgment. Through His sword and the emanation of His Light, He will indicate the different contingents where you all should be, to declare to the Universe.
In that moment, it will be the loving Divine Justice that will act and nobody*, nobody will escape this Justice.
Happy will be those who have followed the Dame of the Light, because they will be on the correct paths, on the pathways that will take them to the Kingdom of God.
The last one that will be called will be the father that has fallen, one of the twelve archangels, but the Earth in that moment will be a little more uplifted; unimaginable things will be seen, because it is its own hell that will be seen on the surface.
The planet will be in a golden ruby fire, a thousand times more than a sunset. That will call the attention of humanity, because everyone will already know that they will be judged, not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to change, and of living new instructions, in other points of the Universe.
I know that not all understand what I am saying today.
So that you can understand what I tell you, through so many symbols, review My Words as many times as necessary, because remember that My Words are not wasted and if they are lost from you, it is because you are not attentive, in order to grow in consciousness.
I confess that I can count on only one Hand, those who read all My Messages.
I am not complaining about your lack of love for My eternal Plan, for the Divine Instruction and the Sacred Knowledge. The most important thing for Me is that your hearts grow and expand in Love, just as you have demonstrated today, bringing hope to the world.
Do not feel judged. I am the Lord of Divine Mercy and Mercy is in My Words, no matter how direct they may seem.
I open My Heart of Light in this afternoon of this month of August to reveal the Mysteries to you that are very far from souls, very far from the true consciousness. But your prayers have allowed that.
After forty-nine meetings, today I can tell you all these things, because your hearts are softer, more flexible, to hear the Word of your Lord. If I had told you this at the first Marathon of Divine Mercy, you would have already left Me behind, or you would have thought that all this was a big lie.
See through My Presence, the Presence of God, the Patience of the Father, the Love of the Son, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
You have the key, through prayer, to change the world. For this reason, My Holy Mother, through the ages, has repeated to you: pray with the heart and do not tire of doing so, because if you pray, you will not be mistaken nor will you step outside the Law, like the world does every day, abandoning the Love of the Universe and the Mercy of the Father.
Your missionary hearts are already prepared to know the Truth and know, consciously how to disseminate it , without changing My Words, nor modifying My Message, because it could be lethal.
I choose each word with love, to be able to pronounce it to My companions. Because each word that comes from My Lips is Living Water.
If I come from the Source, you must be satiated through Me, not because I am better than you.
I Am the Great Slave of God, Who has surrendered to redeem the world.
I Am Jesus, the Nazarene, but also, I Am the Universal Christ.
My Consciousness has risen up to the Father so that at the end of these times, I am able to uplift humanity from its permanent deviation.
Feel gladness for all that I tell you, because you are waking up to a reality that is unknown by the majority of the world.
I come in this way, to give you, through these worlds, the revelation of the Glorified Christ for the end of these times.
Remember that you signed the commitment of being here, in this time, and in this humanity, living this transition of the whole planet.
From you may emerge the possibility of changing everything.
From you may emerge the Grace of being able to love beyond how this world loves, just as the Father loves.
Through My Wounds, I come to leave the signs for the end times.
Through My Heart, I come to give you the symbol for your awakening.
Never cease to be sincere hearts, because in this way, you will be protected from yourselves.
Be like My sincere Heart that comes, in this time, to transform everything, to make of this humanity a civilization that can be rescued from the most profound miseries, from the most extensive abysses, in which My Love will triumph.
I want to hear your sincere hearts through this Glory that is descending, so that many more hearts wake up to the definition of these times, of being in love, or in indifference.
I want to hear your sincere hearts, as if you were singing to a child that must learn to survive in these times.
Sing this song softly, while your hearts become sincere with Mine; because the great definition is coming for this world in flames, in which the peacemakers must achieve the goal so that the Kingdom of God may be established.
I'm listening
We stand up.
Pray for the world... canto No. 93
From the most intimate of My Heart I leave Peace for you, for the whole world. Amen.
May the Lord always bless you, keep you, and make you happy in His Celestial Kingdom.
May your feet be free to walk toward the near future, in which the new christs will repopulate the Planet. Let it be so.
We place our hands in the sign of reception.
Receive from the most sublime of My Consciousness, the gifts of the Light, which will make the servants of Christ souls committed to My Plan of Love and of Redemption.
May this Light that I place today over your hands be carefully guarded.
Call for this Light when you are being tested, or in some conflict, because know that My Light, is the Light of My Father, is the Love of the Source for all of this Creation.
Now, hold it.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for being here today with Me and for having the courage to listen to My Revelations of the end of these times.
Remember to be guardians of My Words and My Messages, because the souls most in need will come to meet you to seek what you found. They will come with the hope of regaining peace, and this is everybody's task.
I thank you.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
Now for the last time let us sing Sincere Heart, offering this song in gratitude like a prayer.
*Jesus has lowered His Eyes, looking at the ground.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more