In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At this moment, we revere the most important legacy of humanity that Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought today. That legacy is the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which four angels have brought with Our Lord.
We revere this spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, that is before us today under the protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the presence of Abraham and Moses.
Today, this legacy is radiated to all humanity, to the four corners of the Earth, while Christ, Abraham, and Moses, together with the angels, contemplate the Holy Ark.
And inside of it, we see all that it holds as a spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, and how the center of Light of the Heart of Christ emanates a powerful Light over the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where are to be found the Crown of Thorns, the Nails that He carried on the Cross, the Holy Chalice, and the Tablets of the Law, those called the Commandments that Moses received, as well as other elements that are part of this spiritual legacy for this material Universe.
And we are surrounded by the Universe that has this spiritual and inner event as its center at this moment.
In the same way as the angels, that adore and protect the Holy Ark, let us allow ourselves to be filled by this legacy and this mystery that is revealed before us.
Around this event, we see the Ancients who also showed themselves to John at the end of his life, when he saw the Apocalypse.
Here and now, at this moment, the Order of the Celestial Brotherhood is formed, which today has come before each one of us, so that its love and its vibration resound within each one, at the center of our being and essence, so that we may enter into communion with the spiritual legacy that will form the bases for the New Humanity.
Meanwhile, the Ancients that are present hold in their hands a Sacred Book that they indicate has blank pages and they are attentive, vigilant, and contemplative to register and write what each one will offer for this legacy, so as to be watchful and vigilant, guardian and protector of the Divine and Cosmic Knowledge.
At this moment, we see how Christ, simply with His gaze of Love, illuminates the Holy Chalice within the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so that through the Holy Chalice, a powerful column of Light communicates Heaven with Earth even more, that the Portals to the Universe open even further, and at this moment, with this spiritual opening done by Christ in absolute silence and attunement, we see above this space and this event a powerful Triangle of Light of equal sides that represents an aspect of God, Abba.
Within this Triangle of Light that observes us and contemplates us is God, Who also contemplates the event of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the Presence of Christ, Abraham, Moses, the Ancients, and the angels.
Under the Ark of the Holy Covenant, we see our planet being presented and outlined, it is filled with the rays of Light which this Holy Ark expresses, and the spiritual aura of the planet is ignited and sanctified by each one of these powerful currents that the Ark is emanating at this moment through all its sacred elements.
While Abba, through the Triangle of Light, further illumines the present space, the synthesis of each one of His Holy Names appears at this moment, during this spiritual and universal event.
The angels, in the Presence of the Father, the Almighty, do not cease to keep their head on the ground as an act of adoration and of reverence for our Creator. And at this moment, we see how different hosts of Light, armies of angels begin to surround the Presence of God.
All are summoned to this meeting to receive the balm of the Love of God and the principle of His Wisdom.
To finish uniting Earth with all the Universe, and before continuing with all that Our Lord wants to accomplish on this day, in an act of greater reverence and love for our Creator, in the face of this revelation and Divine Presence, we will intone the Name of Abba through "Primary Source" as a single voice and single heart, until Our Lord gives a sign.
At this moment, we are going to allow each one of the principles and attributes of the Holy Ark to not only bathe our planet with Light but also the nations and the peoples, the Kingdoms of Nature, the oceans, so that all life, at this moment, be in God.
We can begin.
Song: "Primary Source"
We see how our offerings have been written in the Sacred Books of the Ancients, and which will be kept in there until God asks for them.
Our Lord withdraws The Holy Chalice from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, spiritually speaking, it may be placed on this altar and this afternoon we celebrate the communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ.
We feel this Holy Chalice very close to us, the Chalice with which Christ celebrated the Last Supper and which testifies to and expresses the most important relic of humanity, which is the precious Blood of Jesus.
Christ said to us:
My words today are represented through this experience of love because there are many of you, aware and prepared on the path of the spirit and service to humanity, that are ready to live these experiences that only I could lead, through the authority granted to Me by My Father. An experience in which I make each one of you a participant, so that your souls and essences may be strengthened in this service of the end of times, in which your giving and surrender will be the fundamental key for concretizing My Return.
For this reason, today on this simple altar I have left the Holy Chalice so that it not only radiates for you but also for the whole world, which needs it with extreme spiritual urgency.
Thus, to all those who listen, I demonstrate the validity of the spiritual communion with Me, when you simply open up to experience it.
The Ancients are the witnesses of this humanity and of this planet up to their last days; this is why they are here with you and with the world.
Abraham and Moses are a fundamental part of the history of your humanity which, at different times and periods, achieved important spiritual movements of expansion of consciousness and fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.
This is the third moment, after My Passion, Death, and Resurrection, in which the same thing could happen, as long as souls adhere to the discovery of this spiritual legacy, held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant for all the essences of the Universe and beyond it.
Today the Ark of the Holy Covenant comes to bring healing and renewal to humanity because souls are in need of healing so as to be physically healthy and thus find again the path to God at this planetary moment, in which love and indifference confront each other when the coming time will be defined for all the human race.
At this moment, Moses and Abraham withdraw, taking with them the Ark of the Holy Covenant toward the center of the Triangle, where God is, to safeguard it where it always is.
But the doors to the Heavens still remain open, for we were carried to another space of the Spiritual Church of Christ, called Celestial Church. The center of this Church is the legacy of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that the angels safeguard, adore, and protect with an infinite love for all the sacrifice Christ lived for this humanity and for each one of us on this planet.
Although it may seem incomprehensible and impossible, we are facing Abba and Our Lord Jesus Christ, filled by His profound celestial silence and by His eternal Love that emanates from the Father, from the Son, and from the Source.
The Holy Chalice still remains close to us, because Our Lord will return it to its place when this ceremony between Heaven and Earth, between the Celestial Church and souls, has ended.
And so, we see how Christ ignites thirteen points of Light in all of the Americas and each one of those points of Light, which emerge from the interior of the Earth, bring a tone, a vibration and a melody that humanity needs to be able to enter into the coming time; and we see how in perfect harmony, those thirteen points of Light unite, emerging on the surface, beginning in North America down to South America, in the whole column of the Rockies and the Andes.
We are standing before a Network of spiritual Light that has always been present on the planet since its origins, but which had its time for awakening. Let us visualize the Americas lit up by those thirteen points of Light and let us perceive, at this moment, what our heart feels.
What Christ asks of us is that we hold the memory of this feeling, so that we may always recognize it and starting with this profound and inner feeling, we have the strength and bravery to be able to renew all things, in the same way that Christ renews us.
Thus, we see replicas of this Holy Chalice at the thirteen points of Light. We see that a spiritual Blood is shed on each one of the Chalices that the angels pour out at this moment into them, and the planet is bathed by the powerful Blood of Jesus.
In this way, all souls receive this impulse of Our Redeemer.
And in the heights of the Andes, we see the same Cross that was on the heights of Mount Calvary, and at its foot, our Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, as well as all Her children, beings of love, of prayer, and of goodwill spread throughout the four corners of the Earth.
That Cross is a Cross of Light that illuminates each one of the Chalices and we are filled by the Holy Spirit.
We see our Most Holy Mother pray for the world and for humanity, placing the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and the Americas, at Her side. And through the Americas, humanity stands up again, as Christ stood up during the Calvary.
The Triangle of God travels through each point of Light of the Americas, placing each one of Its aspects and Sacred names over them; and from the center of our planet, we feel the pain of Mother Earth being relieved at this moment by the Blood that Jesus spilled on the Cross.
We empty ourselves again so as to be able to receive all this; we recognize our smallness in the face of this great mystery, the mystery of the Love of God for humanity.
And in this scenario, with the Holy Chalice close to us, we celebrate this moment with a profound act of thanks for this revelation of Our Father, God, through His Son, the Christ.
Christ has asked that, at this moment, we wash our hands as a sign of purification and of surrender, in the name of humanity.
At the request of Christ, we will wash the hands of the brothers and sisters of the Council of this Work, in the name of humanity.
We ask that, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this moment, if Friar Supremo is listening to us, that he also washes his hands, making the same offering that Our Lord requests, so that Love may heal all the pain. This will always be so that Love may defeat impunity.
Before the Light of the Holy Chalice, we remember Our Most Holy Mother at the foot of the powerful Cross, in the heights of the Andes, because She is also receiving our offering at this moment, as Mother of humanity.
My God,
I believe in You, I adore You,
I wait for You and I love You.
And I ask forgiveness
for those who do not believe in You,
do not adore You,
do not wait for You and do not love You.
(prayed in English three times)
Take it and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body, that today is given to the world for the forgiveness of sins.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Take it and drink it, for this is My Chalice, the Chalice of the New Covenant between souls and God, with the Blood that is shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
By the powerful Light that is emanated by the Holy Chalice at this moment, in union with Our Most Holy Mother in the heights of the Andes, in union with the thirteen points of Light that were ignited by Our Lord, let us together pray the prayer He taught us:
Our Father (in Spanish).
Our Father (in English).
The Body and the Blood of Christ.
Blessed are they who avail themselves of this legacy of Love.
May Peace descend on Earth.
Our Lord withdraws the Holy Chalice from the altar and carries it in His Hands to return it to the Ark of the Holy Covenant. And in this way, the thirteen points of Light return to where they emerged and manifested. Our Mother, the Virgin Mary, rises up to Heaven together with Her Son, as well as all the angels that participated at this moment, to be able to continue in adoration of God.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Light of the powerful White Mountain will congregate and gather all the Masters of the past, all those who have participated in the Conclave of the Hierarchy throughout times.
Their Presence will be visible, but the majority will not be able to reach Them, because They will be under a certain mission and task, under a certain purpose and request for the Creator.
And, thus, the treasuries of the inner Retreats of the Earth will open, and not only will the light of each one of them be seen, but so will the most sacred relics from when this planet began, as a creation, and as a genetic project. From them, a stronger and more powerful light will arrive, because the great sign of the White Light of the Mountain will bring with it many revelations and the mysteries will be unveiled.
Everything will become visible to all, but no one will be able to violate these treasures and relics, because a powerful and invisible energy will protect them.
In this way, the Masters will come from very far places of the planet. Some will descend from the Himalayas, others will come from the Andes, and some will come from here, and silence will show the truth.
The Heart of God will be touched at this moment, because the Masters of the past, the Masters of Light, the instructors of the planet and of humanity will prepare the Return of Christ, and this will be the great compensation and inner sustenance for My Church.
All that is written in the Universe throughout the stars will be shown. And that which is written in the Universe will descend to the planet, like something very similar to the comets, to the shooting stars that illuminate the firmament at night.
Those who aspired for so long to ascend to the mountains to find their inner world will find it after having struggled for many centuries against themselves, to transmute their desires, their temptations, their duality, their imperfection.
In this hour the Sacred Chalice, the Holy Grail, will emerge, just as it was once here, in this Sacred White Mountain.
Again, the table of redemption will be prepared.
The tribes will also arrive, just as Israel arrived after it was liberated from the slavery of Egypt. But the people of Israel, the ancient people, will no longer take 40 years to find me, to find the Second Person of God, the Son, but rather they will know the path because the Masters will be their very stars that will indicate upon the firmament, just as it was in Bethlehem, the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer.
There will no longer be any consciousness upon the Surface of the Earth, a nation, any human power or any person that can hide from what will happen because all this movement and this event will be through the greater impulse of Cosmic Love, which has created you in the image and likeness of the Father to be able to fulfill, in this material and spiritual plane, His Designs and Wills.
The winter will pass, the dark night will end, because the powerful light of the inner Retreats will bring the new, that which no one has been able to see since this planet and this genetic project began.
And, at last, before the Son of God arrives, the Confraternity will gather. From their essences will shine the great stars of their origins.
The faces of the just will no longer cry for lamentations and guilt, but rather they will rejoice. The cry will be of joy, of rejoicing and bliss, because the Holy Grail will be there, resplendent, on top of the White Mountain.
And the synthesis and the legacy of all the love lived by Christ, your Master and Lord, will open the great portal between Heaven and Earth, for the glorious and victorious descent of the Son of God.
The great Light of the White Mountain will be the one that will open the door to the new time. But, afterward, many signs will be shown, even though the planet and its humanity may be touched, stirred or disturbed.
Those who were assigned to fulfill a task and a mission in these times will be consciously called and the Eternal Father will no longer have to wait until His children awaken and become aware of the truth.
Just as I speak to you today, from the top of the White Mountain, so will that event be, but even more striking and revealing.
The Masters of the mountains who will descend from the Himalayas, from the Andes, and who will emerge from the inner Retreats of the planet, will bring with them their entire legacy and all learnings, and, above all, the experience of Christic Love, lived as great universal and cosmic consciousnesses.
No one will be able to say that this will not be true, because God needs it this way and determines it for the construction and the advent of the new race, which will no longer violate nor outrage the laws, the principles or the attributes that are a part of a Higher Will and a Design that comes to the world and to your consciousnesses in order to elevate them toward the Higher Purpose.
Meanwhile, and when all this happens, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will also come after Her Son, and those who did not believe in Her will see Her in glory, just as She ascended to the Heavens, surrounded by angels and stars.
Her great Universes will be shown, Her Faces will be revealed, and in the end She will show the last path along which to return to the Father, to be in communion with His Spirit and with His Consciousness, for all eternity.
Suffering will no longer be the cause of all evils and anguishes, of so many sorrows and tests, because in this hour, My enemy will be defeated, and his head will be under My Feet.
I, Myself, and the Archangel Gabriel will redeem him, and all his fallen armies that sentenced all the civilizations and peoples of the planet and of the Universe throughout the times. And, thus, Creation will be recreated and everything will again have a meaning for God.
A great many, indeed many souls will recognize their mistakes. But the Light of Divine Mercy will come as the last lifeline at the moment of the great universal Judgment.
At that hour, all will be defined. This is why I prepare you with these announcements and words, because you must not forget them. There will no longer be another moment when I can repeat and announce them, as I do today, on this day.
Because when all this happens, you, as a part of the extension of My Will and of My Work upon the planet, will understand the meaning of all that you have done, of all that you have lived and experienced, of all I have asked you to faithfully fulfill.
In this way all will begin again, and souls will rejoice, they will no longer lose the path nor the meaning of their existences because, when the King returns through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, at that moment, all will be accomplished, and the new scriptures will be fulfilled.
The Bible will be renewed and restored from the outrage that humans have made towards it, because a new history will be written, not only in the Heart of the Father, but also in the heart of His children.
The cycles will close when the inner Retreats become visible, and, everything, absolutely everything, without much time left, will begin from scratch.
Be ready for this moment, be conscious of what I tell you.
Spread My Words throughout the world, because as they are the last, they are the most revealing. There is a part of these signs that you must understand for yourselves, in attunement and love with Me. In this way, you will keep growing in love and truth, in justice and in service for all those who do not do so, and who, someday, in the next time and in the next world, must do so.
God created His children for them to serve one another, to love one another, to grow together and in unity.
Keep praying for your Master to be able to continue speaking and announcing the Word, which is no longer His own, but is the Word of God, which comes from His Source, and, above all, from His Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My message comes again to the world, especially for the hearts that are open to listen to the Word of the Divine Hierarchy, a Word that resounds in the Universe, because it is a Word that comes from God.
Because from the Word emerged the Creation and all that exists, just as the children of the Father also emerged, those who have been walking upon this cosmic trajectory in order to someday attain redemption.
But forgiveness is granted to those who decide to live the path of redemption.
Therefore, the Universe and the Hierarchy still sustain this world and humanity, because there is still time to live this path, in spite of all that may happen in this cycle.
The Hierarchy needs that the daring decide to submerge into Universal Life, a life that shows them their origin, their existence and their purpose. In simple words, the revelation of their truth and also of their past. Not of a past for them to turn back to or to remember the errors committed, but rather to remember what they learned, what they experienced and what they acquired throughout the times, the cosmic time.
Today I come to speak to the world from the Andes, one of the places where the Hierarchy has Its Heart and Its Presence, from the Mendozan and Chilean Andes, because for the Hierarchy there is no division nor borders; there is one people, a single people, one race, which, in spite of its experiences, must someday be recognized as unique in this Project of Love and Redemption, of Forgiveness and Mercy.
Therefore, I open the doors of the Universe within this place, where you are today, in order for you to accompany your Heavenly Mother; where the fallen stars and the suns that awaken can find their origin again and feel that they are a part of the whole, feel that they are a part of the Creation, of Universal Life.
Therefore, today your spirits are placed before the presence of the Universe, before the presence of the Hierarchy, before the Fount of the Love of God, because it is from this that the beings from the surface of the Earth, in this time, must be nourished from in order to learn how to survive these crucial moments while humanity faces the result of what it chose.
Therefore, I come as Mother, but also as the Governess of the Universe, as the Matrix of the Mirrors, to help you to correct the path, to teach you to find the path of peace and harmony so that your inner suns can shine and manifest the Purpose, beyond the human life, beyond superficiality.
The opportunities that the Hierarchy gives at this moment are unique and will not be repeated. For this reason, you must make use of the times and of the events. You must nourish spiritually upon that which the Spiritual Hierarchy gives you so that, each day more, you can reaffirm this commitment and this purpose that you came to fulfill for a Greater and still unknown Will.
The origins of those who have awakened, and of the ones who will awaken, unite today to this moment and to this meeting with the Divine Mother so that the true lineage, so that the true gift or virtue of each being, may give impulse to the tridimensional consciousness to take the step that it must take, and to help reverse, in service and out of love, the situation in which humanity finds itself, which is an adverse and very dark situation.
But while I am with you, beloved children, while I speak to the center of each one of your beings, where the Word of the Hierarchy truly resounds, the Universal Mother and the Greater Governess dissolves the contrary currents by means of the path of peace and harmony, without generating conflicts nor spiritual confrontations. Because love, as you know, is above everything, any situation or moment, any inner desert or agony.
Love allows you to renew and permits you to again find the path that you sometimes lose for different circumstances.
The world, and especially humanity, must acknowledge today that it is not alone in this macrocosm. This will grant the intervention and the help of the Celestial Spheres. And humanity, at least a small part of it, could then recover that which it has internally lost; and would continue to receive the impulse to live the path of Light.
Therefore, all efforts that the Hierarchy makes at this moment are immediate and urgent. Thus, your response, at this moment, must be immediate and urgent so that the greater balance can be attained in the whole human race on all the surface of the Earth, in each heart that is part of this universal family
Thus, while I talk to you and transmit My words to you, your Heavenly Mother and Greater Governess works with humanity in those situations that are not solved yet and that need the powerful Hand of God to find a solution and a path of return to the origin.
When I am here with you, I bring you the Universe, not only that which exists out there, in the Cosmos, but I also bring you the spiritual Universe where the beginning of everything and the origin of your existence is, the primordial and fundamental essence that created you, so that you might be here today, on this planet, and living this school that My Son lovingly offers to you.
By assuming a commitment with what you truly are, and not with what you appear to be, you will allow the Purpose to be attainable, to everyone, and you will be able to keep contributing to the Plan of the Hierarchy in this acute time of humanity.
Today, I come to contemplate what is true within you and not what is apparent. I come so that the center of your being may rise, which is a sun, an essence, which fulfills a purpose and a goal in this Creation, as many, many essences in the Universe and, thus, I come to unite you to the one Source, to the divine Thought of God.
I come to elevate you toward the Heart of the Father because there you will always find the inner strength you need in order to transcend and to redeem in the name of My Son, your Redeemer.
While this happens, the essences of humanity are also worked on by your Heavenly Mother, by the Greater Governess, so that at least a spark of Divine Grace may ignite the consciousness of those who sleep and thus they may awaken to universal truth.
For this to be possible, I need intermediaries, servers, faithful collaborators who follow the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and not of others, so that you do not get confused, so that you do not take vainglory, so that you only fulfill Divine Will, in obedience and gratitude,which is the Will that will always free you and guide you toward the just and right path.
While the planet experiences its purification and purification mobilizes chaos and conflicts, let Peace reign in the hearts of those who believe in God and in those who fulfill His call without conditions nor rules.
May the advent of the New Humanity now become a reality for all, because this humanity, children, must first be born within you, and then be present upon the surface; it is something profoundly spiritual and non-material.
The New Humanity will be a gift of God granted by the Eternal Father Himself for the regeneration of life and the whole Creation after the traumatic and painful experiences lived in the whole human race throughout the times and the decades.
The gift of God of the New Humanity will be a living reality in those who self-summon, so that the old flock of Israel may gather and congregate again and finally they may fulfill the promises that are written in the Heart of God, your Eternal Father.
At this moment of planetary transition, gather the inner forces that come from the love of the heart and from the love of the spirit to carry forward, upon this path, the wills and the projects of My Son, which are still to manifest in this time, although humanity lives this harsh reality.
Trust in that which is possible to fulfill, in that which is possible to concretize and in everything that is possible to attain because, as it is the Will of God, it will manifest and present itself before your eyes, and you will carry forward everything the Father has expected, for such a long time.
It is possible to decrease the risks that the planet and humanity could experience in this time, if the offering is sincere and does not waver; the Plan will be fulfilled because it is a Law, and you must believe in this, every day.
I am here with you always, to help you to build, within you, the Plan of God, so that later the Plan may be a reality upon the surface.
Obedience and fidelity will be the great key for this moment of transition, for all servers and collaborators of this work; thus, the bridge of contact between your Universe and Ours will never be missing.
May the Love that My Heart brings today rebuild you internally and place you in the Commands of My Son, so that the Work of His infinite Mercy may come to all, without distinction.
From the Andes, I invoke and proclaim to all the return to your origin, so that in this time of purification you may believe in the gorgeous and beautiful that God gave to you in the beginning.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this planetary moment! Because I know that you have never lived or experienced it. This is the great moment and the great time for all. Help yourselves of Our Love to live it. Welcome Our support to be able to face it.
I am here and I am your Universal Mother.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved ones,
Today My feet tread upon the high mountains of the Andes; but beyond the distance, I am close to you, My dear youths of Peace.
Today the Universe recognizes the true efforts of having built, out of love and service, this new edition of the Youth Festival for Peace.
It is in this way that God avails Himself of the impulses that are born within young souls in order to materialize His Work of Love and Mercy.
Now, more than ever, Uruguay needed an edition of the Youth Festival for Peace with extreme urgency, for the young hearts that are there have the commitment to establish the Presence of God in the consciousness of this country; but not an institutionalized God, rather a God that lives with all His Power and His Kingdom within each being.
The Youth Festival for Peace has reached Montevideo, which is the heart of mistaken decisions, in order to give a chance to the consciousness of the Uruguayans that, in spite of its artificial dream and the instilled illusion, must someday recognize that it has distanced itself completely from the one Truth and that the country, being conducted by a few idealists, is moving toward an unrescuable state.
Thus, as Mother of Uruguay and Lady of the Thirty-three, I return once again to the Uruguayan people so that it may hear the voice of the faithful Servant, the Mother of the Uruguayan church corrupted by power and by the indifference before everything the nation freely practices and experiences, distancing itself from the principles of dignity and human fraternity.
The Youth Festival for Peace came to Montevideo to create an inner echo through the voice of the young people, the ones who, in the near future, must face and assume that which a few have decided on for the life of the nations, such as Uruguay, which was called upon to be the cradle for the Return of Christ.
Yet, Uruguay as a society denies the Church of My Son; the Uruguayan people, who used to have a warm devotion, which later became a cold devotion toward God, have lost trust in those who manage Peter's institution.
Here there are many responsible for the faith of the Uruguayans becoming impoverished and completely separated from the Truth; and furthermore, for this faith being turned toward substances and plants that promote a fictitious spiritual freedom.
Do you understand, children, the importance of it being the youth who peacefully promote the change?
Fully into the twenty-first century, Uruguay absolutely believes that, through the practices it has imposed, it has achieved a form of evolution.
Everything that the country experiences today as freedom, granted by the laws of humankind, is the result of an instability in the essence of meaning and discernment.
Through the Festival, Uruguay has the Grace of perceiving that it not only has distanced itself from reality, but that it has also distanced itself from love, because true Love would never allow losing the sense of what is healthy and good.
Uruguay, Uruguay! Awaken from the dream you have entered.
Uruguay! Do not forget that your commitment is sealed by the Light of the New Aurora.
Uruguay! React and do something for your people and for your land before it is too late.
Uruguay, I am your Mother and I come to help you.
I thank the youth for all the efforts offered.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The treasures of Argentina that are not unveiled, which are not physical but spiritual, are held and widespread from El Calafate through San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Mendoza to the precious summits of Jujuy.
Argentina is the spiritual cradle of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy, and a great confraternity silently works in these spaces in order to support humanity.
Argentina is the region of the planet with the most contact-beings present on the surface of the Earth and which, in most cases, were members of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy. The majority of those contact-beings will place themselves at the service of the spiritual Hierarchy in this acute cycle of humanity.
These suns and stars on Earth will be known by their fruits rather than their abilities and skills, because only Christic Love will awaken them, and no other movement will manage to do so.
They are consciousnesses that will come from unimaginable experiences of life and that, within themselves, hold an ardent devotion to the Hierarchy.
They will not flaunt absolutely anything about themselves and will not receive recognition nor any prominence. Their silent, anonymous and unconditional service will identify them.
In this way, Argentina will count on souls strengthened and safeguarded in prayer, which will offer their lives and their hearts at the service of the Greater Plan.
These sacred spaces, present at different points of the Andes mountain range, will be their reference and their spirituality in the most acute moments of the Earth, and these will help them to maintain their faith in the Love of Christ.
Those contact-beings will be similar or equal to the Fathers of the desert, who gave their lives to support humanity.
But they will not be isolated from society; rather, their example of love, of goodness and of service will give impulse to the occurrences and will keep hearts open so that all may survive in this final time.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
As a response of the Celestial Universe, today I carry in My Hands a Rose of Light. It is the tribute of the Love of My children for the Mother of God, of all those who pray in Argentina who have responded to My call of love in the face of these critical times.
This Rose of Light that I carry in My Hands today is the essential testimony of each praying heart. It is the loving response of My children of Argentina to the Mother of God.
With all the tenderness of My Heart and My Soul, I will carry this offering of the souls to the Kingdom of God.
I will be able to intercede not only for all beings of the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the most marginalized and sinful; I will also be able to intervene for the souls in purgatory and in hell that scream for light and for peace.
All of this is possible, dear children, when your response is true, when from your hearts is born a tenderness for My Maternal Heart.
In this way, Heaven communicates with Earth, the Mirrors of the Universe communicate with the mirrors of the hearts, and the divine energy of Peace is established through this spiritual science, which comes from the Universe to aid all beings, especially the nations most in need of Light and of Redemption.
I invite you, dear children of Argentina, to continue working through effort and service so that each human heart can be the New Kingdom of God, which will arrive with the second coming of My Son.
Today I come from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the lake Nahuel Huapi, because I also am the Mother of Divine Nature, and I want My children to learn, in these times, the importance of being able to take care of and protect the Creation of God, all that He manifested for His creatures from the beginning, thinking of each detail, so that the souls of Earth should feel welcomed and whole, and that in each place they would observe or contemplate, they could feel the Presence of God.
To value the Kingdoms of Nature will be of important significance for humanity, and the response of this protection of the Younger Kingdoms on the part of this current race will allow the continuity of a new race, with a new consciousness and a new energy, which will begin with interest in the sacred and in reverence, in the preservation and the care of all that is manifested by the Creation of God.
You here, dear children, as in all of Argentina, have great spiritual treasures held in this natural beauty, that are part of the Gifts of God. As much as you may not see them or feel them, they are present there since a long time ago.
Open your consciousness to an interest in the Universe and Greater Life will descend into your lives, to that you may recognize in these times that you are not only material beings, but also spiritual, that have come to Earth to fulfill a mission and a purpose, not only as individual beings, but also as a nation.
Each response of My children to the Mother of God is a new opportunity for intercession for souls and for the planet.
From now on, dear children, live this new inner culture of preservation of the Kingdoms of Nature, and sacred values of Light and of Love will awaken in your hearts; you will feel the compelling need to take care of the Creation, for the coming of the new generations.
That is why I come today from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the great Mirror of the lake Nahuel Huapi, radiating from here the Attributes of God to all Argentina.
This was the place chosen by the Father for the Heavenly Mother, in this new stage of the pilgrimage, to descend from the Universe to this sacred place, in order to establish again in Argentina the necessary values that will protect it spiritually and that will allow the emergence of a new consciousness based on goodness and on fraternity, on love and on brotherhood among beings, even in the Younger Kingdoms of Nature.
My wish, dear children, is that you feel God in each space present here, that you are able to discover the wonders of His Eternal Heart, lovingly manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature, because the healing of Humanity, dear children, is in the Kingdoms of Nature.
I will carry this Rose in My Hands to the Kingdom of God as the offering of each one of your hearts for this new stage that should begin in Argentina, first on the spiritual plane, and then take place on the material plane.
My Son has already given you the first impulse for this to happen. The foundations are already built in your consciousnesses. Now it is time to erect the inner temple in each human heart, so that the joy of living in God and feeling His Celestial Kingdom on Earth may again blossom in Argentina.
So, dear children, today I bring you what is most sacred in the Universe of God and is also within you, which is that Divine Essence that will cause you to understand the Mysteries of God simply through the prayer of the heart.
In this way, you will open the doors so that the secrets may be unveiled that are to be found in sacred places such as this one and which come to assist humanity, so in need of light and love, in a silent and imperceptible way.
I place you, dear children, before the sacred Flame of the Love of God, before the burning Fire of His Heart, which gave impulse to the Creation of the worlds and of the stars and of all Universal Life.
I place you before this Divine Sacred Fire so that you may recognize your spiritual filiation with the Celestial Father and discover your origin within yourselves, which will make you be born again and find meaning in your lives.
That is why I have come here, dear children, not only to take to Heaven the Rose of Love that you have given Me, but also to give you the Flame of Love of God, that Flame that vivifies the spirit and the consciousness, that brings understanding and wisdom, wholeness and trust in the Will of God.
As from now, My children, feel different, feel yourselves to be other people, souls renewed by the Love of the Father, that have rediscovered the path you had lost to your spiritual trajectory.
In light of the invisible Sacred Kingdoms of Creation, held in the natural landscapes of the Earth, I come to testify to My children of Argentina on the Love of God through His Divine Sacred Flame, so that souls may re-encounter the sense of purpose and of life, without the need of changing evolution or of modifying Universal Laws, which are a part of your planet and your humanity.
In respecting the Law of Hierarchy, you will be worthy of the Grace of God as consciousnesses and as a people, and you will be able to embrace the call of God as you have done at this moment, as much as you do not comprehend or understand it, feeling the truthfulness of the Love of God in your hearts, which comes to guide the world toward the path of the great awakening.
May the advent of the Purpose of God be accomplished in Argentina; may souls be participants in this advent, and taking refuge in the Love of God, they may participate in the coming of Christ, being worthy of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, to represent the new Christs on Earth.
Today, in light of My Celestial Presence, souls are being consecrated that are as special as so many others that have heard My call, to continue living it and fulfilling it in the end of these times.
I want those who today will be consecrated as Children of Mary to come here, because in a few words, My children, I have told you all that God needed you to hear for the spiritual growth of your inner worlds and the awakening of your consciousnesses to Divine Life.
You may kneel.
This "yes" means an important response to the Universe. That response is welcomed by My Immaculate Heart, not only yours, but rather of all the souls that are part of Argentina and that one day will receive the awakening of consciousness, to realize that life does not end here, but rather that it is eternal.
Through this consecration, enter into the new Laws of the Universe, so that your lives may be governed by new principles and your spirits may always be entrusted to the magnificent Work of the Holy Spirit of God, so that His divine gifts may be accomplished in you and you may find the path of service, so as to concretize on the Earth the second coming of the Redeemer.
Placing your hands in a sign of reception, dear children, receive this spiritual consecration for all the souls of the world, as from now vivifying the sacred commitment to prayer, so that your souls may be healed of all that you have experienced in the past, so that your consciousnesses may be embraced by the Fire of the Love of God, and thus the Promises of Christ may be fulfilled in you.
Listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, lifting up the flame of your heart to Heaven, receive this blessing directly from My Immaculate Heart, for you and for Argentina, for the favorite love that I have for this people and because here a great missionary of God has emerged, the Pope Francisco, ambassador of Christ on Earth; a peace-bringer that learns to live the Word of Christ and have his Church survive in these critical times, so that the Celestial Church of Christ may triumph in humanity.
Let no differences exist, let no barriers exist, let no disunity exist. In the essence of each soul, may all consciousnesses be united under the same purpose, knowing that the Love of God must always prevail so that His divine Kingdom may triumph throughout the centuries. Amen.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
I new light will come to humanity and it must be born through all the Children of Mary.
Although some are no longer with Me, the commitment to the Mother of God is indelible in the Universe.
But I will gather the flock of Christ again so that you may discover that behind all that Mystery of God there exists something essential and paramount, which is Love, that triumphs over all evil.
I am listening.
Maternal Exhortation
My beloved and dear children, servers of Christ,
On this day, I descend from Heaven to give you a special petition, which will try to attend the migratory crisis that is happening in My beloved Colombia.
It is for this reason that, in the name of My Son, I come to ask for humanitarian aid on the border between Colombia and Venezuela by means of an extraordinary humanitarian mission, which I call "Humanitarian Colombia."
This mission must arrive as soon as possible with the aim of attending, at the other side of the Andes, to My poor and suffering children of Venezuela, who are going through a social and humanitarian crisis.
In Colombia, the Fraternidade will establish a permanent space, in the same way it did in the beginning in the State of Roraima, in Brazil.
For this special cause that today My Maternal Heart presents to you, I wish the Light-Network and brothers and sisters with medical, dental and psychological specialties to be summoned for this first mission.
Colombia, in a short time, has been converted into a scenario of the end of times and My purpose, as in Roraima, will be to contain the wave of spiritual energies that are starting to infiltrate, more and more, in South America.
I ask, especially, that the Fraternidade, through the ONU, presents itself before the authorities of Colombia to announce that in an honorary manner it will, out of love, provide this humanitarian service.
Thus, with the inner strength that I will give each missionary who self-summons themselves for this "Humanitarian Colombia" mission, you will help your Heavenly Mother to succor and relieve the grave suffering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
By means of the Light-Communities and the Marian Centers, that must be founded within this next cycle, in the height of the Andes of Ecuador and of Colombia, your Master and Lord will create, from the plane of the spirit, the first refuges and spaces of material protection for the most acute time of the Armageddon.
For this reason, the foundation of the new Communities, which at first will be nuclei of love and of light, must count on the unconditional support of all the members of the Work; because just like the future Community in Mount Shasta, the Spiritual Hierarchy will have a manifested space where it will be able to deposit and keep the Sacred Treasures of the Universe.
As everything is still to be manifested, from the spiritual plane to the material plane, the first step for those responsible for such work and its sustenance will be their internal and permanent union with the Hierarchy so that, beginning with this union, all spiritual principles of the Communities may be visible and conscious within the souls that will be part of this important task.
While your Master fervently expects the concretion of these next Communities, never forget that everything sustained and fulfilled for the Communities is out of love for the Divine Hierarchy, so that this humanity may count on spiritual resources that may help it to take its steps toward redemption.
Therefore, everything you do and everything you offer to the Light-Communities, from the smallest to the greatest, will be for the permanence of the Hierarchy present there, in each human heart, as in each space.
In this time, within the Communities, that is, within the islands of salvation of the end of times, there will only live consciousnesses that, with reverence and obedience, follow the definitive steps of the Hierarchy; otherwise it would be impossible to project a New Humanity, a new consciousness.
I wish for you to remember, in the coming times, that your Master and Lord patiently waits, with fervor in His Heart, for the concretion of the next points of light and love in Ecuador and in Colombia, lands appreciated by God since the beginning.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
What joy My Heart feels on seeing the works being accomplished, in the way that My Father had foreseen!
After having walked in the deserts and in the Andes, I return to My home to meet with My disciples and re-found again the spiritual bases of the Divine Work.
With inner tranquility, today I can be close to you to have you feel My trust and the grandeur of the Love of God, which is what renews all things, from time to time.
Today I come to present Myself to you before you fully enter into My Sacred Passion. After this Lent, many more things will be unleashed in the world, because the hour of My return is coming. And it will not be only one or two that will see Me, but rather millions, in living and resplendent Presence.
Meanwhile, continue to fervently pray to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother; because the Kingdom of God is near, after this cycle of chaos in which evil will be judged for all its errors, for all its roles and for all the souls that have lost their spiritual dignity before the Creator.
For this reason, each thing you do within My Spiritual and Divine Work is indispensable to Me. It is another step that I am taking beside you, giving you the impulse to walk on this path for the concretization of the Plan.
Even though the desperation in the world or within you may be very great, trust in Me.
Even if everything falls apart within you, around you or in your families, trust in Me.
Even though everything seems not to have a way out or a solution, trust in Me.
Even though you may be going through the greatest desert and do not know how to cross it, even though the soul may be dry without the Water of Life, trust in Me.
Even though you do not believe you will be able to overcome yourselves or transcend your resistances, trust in Me. For I will always give you the answer, I will show you the way and I will indicate the way out from any inner or spiritual captivity.
It is enough, companions, to trust in Me and I will be able to manifest My Will in you. Because the time has come for you to definitely live your spiritual mission, that mission that you committed to live with Me during past times and that, in this time and in this cycle, presents itself again in your lives so that you may be able to remember it and carry it out.
For all My suffering, I will save you. For all the martyrdoms and for all the Wounds, I will save you.
You must trust in My Celestial Power, for in this way, you will be able to give Me your lives for all that I hope to accomplish in your hearts as instruments of light.
I always bring the Government of My Father with Me, where Truth and the realization of the spiritual life exist. Through this Celestial Government, I concretize the designs of God on Earth and bring for souls a universe of opportunities, in which all can live their mission, although it may not seem so.
Through the new Sacred Week, I will come to prepare you for the new time, different from everything you have experienced until now. I would wish you could know that I will try to do everything possible in each one of your lives, around you and in your life projects; because My ardent desire is that you may be with Me all the time, above all in this cycle in which the planet gets worse through the density of humanity, and above all, because of its cruel actions.
Through your souls and your trust in My Heart, I will be able to carry peace to the world and it will be such a real and visible peace, that any soul that approaches you will feel it. Because I say to you: "Who trusts in Me is in eternal communion with Me, on Earth as in Heaven."
May your hearts, My children, be meek in these times, because meekness must fill the planet and beyond nations. May the fire of your prayers for the nations of the world be inextinguishable, eternal, and infinite so that the Mother of God may triumph.
I come now and in this time, every day, to be closer to you so that you may live My Message, so that you may fulfill it and carry it out on the surface of this planet, so that there may still exist columns of light that are able to illumine the planet, and above all, the nations in great conflicts.
My Heart prepares for the second time, after Rwanda, to return to Africa so as to carry Heaven to all those who suffer in a terrestrial purgatory. This will also be part of your mission by the merits achieved in My Passion, by the Blood and the Water spilled from My Side on the Cross.
And at last, I will reach Asia as well as Oceania, to finish concretizing the request My Father has made to Me. When you are experiencing that moment, you must remember that after that, I will be returning, at the most acute moment for humanity, in which everything will seem to be lost.
You must not lose the faith of your heart nor the trust in My Spirit. Thus, in these end times, I come to administer the sacraments with My Divinity. I come to open the doors for new consecrations according to the capacity of each soul, according to its surrender and availability to My Merciful Heart.
Everyone can experience the consecration according to their awakening and their union with God. It does not matter how, for God it is only important that it be real and that you work on this real consecration every day; knowing that you are sacrificing your lives for a greater and unknown Plan, that someday will be fulfilled on this Earth, when the thousand years of peace have come.
I do not wish to see your sad eyes or your downcast looks. Believe that the end of your captivity is near. Believe in inner freedom and the power of My Sacred Blood, which continues to be shed by the Angels of Light, to repopulate the Earth with universal Codes that can sanctify souls and redeem all lives.
The Sacred Chalice will be present during the days of My Sacred Passion; so that, through non-material, spiritual science, and symbolically, each of you may feel it in your hands and drink of this commitment, which is a source of renewal and of hope.
The Sacred Teraphim of God will radiate to the world the merits achieved by your Master and Lord more than two thousand years ago. And in this way, the past will not exist, because your King and Redeemer will unite the times and the spaces so that all may enter in consciousness into the events lived by your Lord, by your Divine Lady, by all His Apostles and even by His holy women.
When you cross this threshold together with Me and re-experience the events of the Passion of the Lord in the Holy Land of God, the testimonies and the miracles of love, believe, companions, that you will go through the doorway of this room being someone else forever, as long as you trust in Me in spite of the spiritual tempests of these times.
I will come in this next Sacred Week not only to bless the Cross of Emmanuel, so that yet another point on the planet may directly receive the Kingdom of God, but this time, on the Hill; but also, I will come like the sweet Master, as the simple King, as the humble Shepherd, to tell you face to face what it is that I need from you in this end time, before the Armageddon develops.
Many will not manage to be by My side when that moment comes, but with those that are at My side, in full trust and gratitude, I will accomplish My Project and carry out the Works of God until the thousand years of peace are instituted all over the planet.
I only ask that you continue at My side, in trust and gratitude, for in this way, I will be able to transform it all and nobody will be left behind.
So that you may see how great My Love and My Grace are for the souls of the world, and how full My Heart is of the Mercy of God that, sometimes I am unable to pour out the Rays of Grace over all His children.
I come to testify with My Presence to the consecration of new disciples of Mine, in likeness to the Holy Women of Jerusalem that, in this coming Sacred Week, will prepare the spaces for your Lord until the moment when He enters the Sepulcher to be anointed by the hands of My disciples of these times and thus, rise again in the brave hearts who have unconditionally said 'yes' to Me.
Today I would also like to give a special Grace to a family that has conceived within themselves the spirit of Christianity and the spiritual formation of an evolutionary life, according to the patterns of the universe and of the Will of My Father. Today, I will wash the feet of these simple people in the representation of My priests, to bring in this way to Earth another Grace from Heaven, in these hearts that represent many more families in need of the Divine intercession of your Lord.
My intent is to tell you as much as possible in a short time, but you will have Me present during the Sacred Week, a unique and unrepeatable moment in this cycle for each of your souls.
Blessed are they who will be here with Me during the next Sacred Week, in which the prodigies and the miracles of God will be visible among your hearts and the Holy Spirit of God will come, like at Pentecost, to fill spirits with its sacred gifts. Trust that this will be so and will be carried out, because it is the ardent desire of My Father and the plea of My Heart.
Today I come showing the world My five principal Wounds, the Wounds of the Glorification of the Lord, the Wounds that were transfigured and were illumined during the Ascension of your Lord. And these same Codes, these same Graces and this Mercy, will return to the world today to be placed in trust in the hearts of all those who say 'yes'.
Bring Me water to bless the feet and consecrate the paths of those that today I have chosen in representation of many more. Bring here the hearts of gold, to place them in the heart of My new servants and so that all may experience, at this moment, a renewal of the inner consecration.
Below this stage, prepare four chairs with foot-washing basins, so that this family may receive the Sacrament. Today I will witness this moment because My Father has requested it of Me. This means that I will be working with the consciousnesses of the families of the world, above all with those families that have become separated and divided through a lack of love and of compassion.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
"Lord of Love, Father of Compassion and of Mercy, bless all these elements so that Your extraordinary and inexplicable Graces may expand into these souls that will today be sanctified by Your Spirit, renewing the vow before Your Celestial Thrones for a definitive consecration to My Sacred Heart. So be it.
Lord of the Universe, Father of Grace and of Mercy, infuse Your Sacred Spirit in all You have created so that souls may recognize You in each space of this Creation. Amen."
When a heart is consecrated, a light is ignited in the world, and My Work of Mercy expands on Earth. This is the symbol of the hearts that will consecrate themselves to My Heart and will persist for Me, in spite of what happens.
Father, just as I said to You on the Cross: "Into Your Hands I entrust My Spirit," today I entrust, Father, all those who follow My paths, all those who struggle for the concretization of Your Divine Plan.
And renewing this moment, sanctifying all things, I remind you again of the extremely important moment of the last Supper.
Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins.
Take and drink, for this is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that is shed by Your Master and Lord for all the martyrs of all times and of the end times, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me, until your Master and Lord returns to the world to sanctify the planet, and celebrate the Supper of glorious Reconciliation, of the triumph of the Light over evil. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The new assistants can come up here for the Consecration.
May the Lord bless you in this new stage of your lives.
My daughters, may your inner strength never fail. May the fire of devotion to My Heart never end and temperance be established in your lives, so that the infinite Mercy of My Heart may be radiated to the world.
May all the families of the world be blessed.
May unity and love be established in all the marriages that have split apart.
May children learn from their parents about the Sacred Offering of God, the permanent and spontaneous giving of self for the realization of the Kingdom of God.
May suffering be alleviated.
May reconciliation and peace reign.
May hope blossom again in the bosom of families, so that all the families of the world, like the Sacred Family of Nazareth, receive the gift of joy forever, for serving God, your Creator. Amen.
And now that I have been a witness to the infinite miracles of God, in such impossible cases such as that of the families of the world, I want you to raise your voices so that, together with Me, you reach the Kingdom of the Heavens and more Graces of reparation and healing reach more hearts in the world, so that Peace, Love, and the Good may be established among beings.
In profound devotion and praise, you will sing "You are the King" for Your Lord.
I thank you for being with Me in this sacred preparation. The Lord blesses you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I thank you for being with My Heart.
Here, in the Presence of My Son, this Pilgrimage for Peace is coming to an end, which has left Graces, treasures, and spiritual fruits in the most simple consciousnesses of the world.
So that all of this spiritual impulse may have continuity in the nations of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, the Children of Mary must continue to work so that the Work of the Mother of God reach more hearts, promoting meetings of prayer, of service, and of union with the Kingdoms of Nature.
If this is maintained and continues to move forward in the loving and unconditional company of the members of the Light-Network, more conditions will be generated, in a next stage of the Pilgrimage, for the Work in this part of the world to be mature and to embrace more children, as God expects.
Through the visit of the Pilgrimage Virgin to the homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, and institutions for minors, as well as jails, your Heavenly Mother will be able to be instilling Graces of conversion and of love in more hearts.
Ecuador will be the heart of this task, so it therefore must have arms fully open in order to disseminate the Work in the other nations.
For this, I come to ask for unity among the nations, in order to conceive in these peoples the sacred values of faith and of a commitment to the Plan of God.
I am grateful for all that has happened and I hope that all of My children accompany Me to establish the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the Americas.
I thank you for having received Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Message
From the top of the mountains, I come to pronounce the Word of God.
You are before the Prince of Peace, before the King of the Universe, before the Humble Heart of God, the One that comes to seek the works of mercy of His children.
I Am the Prince of Peace and I want to take you to the Peace of My Heart so that you know how to overcome these times, so that you know how to transcend the barriers, so that you find the way out that I am indicating to you in this time and that leads you towards My Merciful Heart. In this place I have a sacred space for everyone, without preferences of anyone.
I come to seek what is true in you, what God created from the beginning so that you could evolve and awaken throughout times.
I Am the Prince of Peace and I show you My Sovereignty. I bring you My Celestial Government, that government that God granted Me after the Ascension so that, after all, I might call the sheep by their names and they might come together with Me to fulfill the Plan.
Today I come with the Peace of the Kingdom of God, which stabilizes energies and spaces; which brings serenity to the consciousness and awakens meekness in the heart. Without this Peace nothing can be lived in these times, above all, the plans that God expects to accomplish, because He needs, companions, to mirror His Plans on His children.
You know that the majority of humanity will not awaken; but the Prince of Peace will make the attempt, because the Grace of God is also for the most miserable, for those who are most distant from Me, for those who do not feel My Heart neither seek It.
Enter, now, towards this state of Celestial Peace, in which everything is balanced, in which everything quietens, in which there is a profound retreat to allow feeling God within.
The Prince of Peace comes with the angels of Peace to announce to the world the last time of peace before everything happens, before everything is unleashed, before the humanity of surface sees the reality which it does not want to see yet.
Build in you, companions, states of peace that are unalterable. Seek wisdom and patience so that this can be built in you and in the most difficult moments you may know how to transcend difficulties and obstacles.
From the top of these mountains I pronounce My Voice, and My Divine Word echoes in the hearts.
May My Word resound in the inner worlds.
May the inner worlds raise the temples again so that God can dwell and make of human beings new people, make of the spirits, consecrated consciousnesses who do not fear to know who they truly are and what they have come to fulfill in this cycle.
Today I place My Hand on My Chest and I make you feel My Heart, My Pacifying Heart, so that everything may be neutralized, so that the obstacle may be dissipated, so that souls may find again the path and the security of being in God.
Today I come among the clouds to announce to the world My arrival, first in Divinity and then in Glory; first within your spirits and then around you, upon this surface.
The time has come for the return of the Lord, the time has come for the last preparation of the hearts for all that is supposed to come in these definitive times.
Keep yourselves in the certainty of being in My Heart, build in yourselves this bridge that unites you to Me, and do not allow earthly energies to make you oscillate.
Be firm before the Purpose, be firm before life, because in this way you will be good apostles, thus you will fulfill My call and you will fulfill My Work on this planet, a Work that is for the whole world.
Retreat your inner beings on top of these mountains and discover the true reality that exists in them, the true treasures that they keep and where many still cannot see them.
But I reveal these treasures to you, I reveal to you these principles and these Gifts that come to build the New Human, that come to make the old human die, that come to awaken in the spirits that which renews.
Allow these treasures that are kept here to be received by your spirits and the old human to lose their garments, so that they may baptized by the Spirit of God and this may make them worthy of His Kingdom.
While I Am here, with you, I Am with the world.
I bring you Peace so that you may feel it and live it. The Peace I bring you comes from Heaven and from the Universe. It is the Peace that comes from the Silence of God and from His most intimate and eternal retreat.
May this Peace raise you again as My consciousnesses, soldiers, apostles and servants.
May your essences be impenetrable to the harassment of the world.
May your essences be strengthened before My Celestial Presence and may the codes of a New Life be placed in them, the codes of the Light that I bring through My Heart, in order to cause to rise in you what God has requested from Me for each one.
May the advent of the New Christs be fulfilled.
May the advent of the last called be carried out so that the Earth may be prepared and also the whole human consciousness may recognize the coming of the Redeemer, Who still waits with His open Arms for the embrace of His children and His companions, to relieve the pain that His Heart feels because of human indifference, ignorance and error.
May the celestial Peace dissolve indifferences.
May the celestial Peace unify hearts.
May the celestial Peace establish the Kingdom of God within humankind so that life may be regenerated and the Suns of these times may awaken and emerge in the firmament, giving a “yes” to the Creator Universe.
May no one lose hope of being able to redeem themselves.
May no one lose the joy of serving Me.
May no one fail to follow My steps, because they are the last ones I am taking before My Return to lead you through the path of the great awakening.
May the Universal Laws be fulfilled in humankind.
May the Rays of the Universe descend upon the consciousnesses to rebuild the inner temples and, thus bring to the Earth the Grace of God.
May this Marathon be offered for the unification of beliefs, for the transcendence of human doctrines and philosophies so that everyone may achieve Christic Love and may unite to Me, in essence and spirit, so that the Church, which I founded more than two thousand years ago, may live the Designs of God and may not alter them.
This is why I come to call out of My Church those who need Me, those who expect Me and also those who do not seek Me, because in everyone is the Christic Love, because this Love is in you since the beginning when you were created in the image and likeness of God.
May the flame of faith ignite in hearts so that the Plan may triumph.
Because I will not come through the greater door of My Church for you to recognize Me, I will come in a different and anonymous way, through a place no one thinks, that no being imagines.
I will come in the night of the great Moon, because it will illuminate My paths and will announce the dawn of the New Aurora.
May God bless you and bless your lives, bless all beings of the Earth so that they may awaken to My grand summoning someday.
It is time to return to the Love of God because there, all will be fulfilled.
In the name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Musical Note of the Heart
My dear children:
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the note that resonates in the spaces of this world when the soul feels the Love of God within itself.
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that this world may be redeemed and so that the hosts of Light of the Father may open the doors of the Heavens.
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the musical note that vibrates in the subtle worlds and attracts the Mercy of God to Earth.
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that voices may be ignited by the Holy Spirit and this humanity may again receive the powerful current of Divine Healing.
Today let hearts play the musical note of love, so that it may expand in devotion and light throughout all corners of the Earth.
Let the musical note of your hearts reaffirm, on this day, the victory of My Son on Earth, and may your souls enter into the celestial choirs to confirm the Plan of the Creator within this grieving humanity.
Today let the musical note of your hearts light up with the spirit of joy, the devotion to all that is sacred and the faith that strengthens consciousnesses.
Children, on this very special day of elevation of the human consciousness, I ask you: within your voices and instruments, let the musical note of the heart vibrate, because this very deep note in our souls will open the doors to Heaven so that Grace, redemption and healing may be established in humanity.
Let the musical note of your hearts revere Creation and all the Kingdoms of Nature, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom.
Today, let all of your voices be one, to gestate sacred unity between souls and God on Earth.
From Ecuador, as the Mother of the Andes and of all the singers of God, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May this sacred mission motivate you to live the changes.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Celestial Mother, together with Her children on mission, enters another nation already consecrated to My Son, to be blessed by God for a second time.
The first blessing was received from the Holy Father, who opened the inner doors for the arrival of the Sacred Hearts.
The second blessing will be given by My Beloved Son in the capital of this country, and also your Celestial Mother, in service and love for the souls, will expand that divine blessing to the rest of Ecuador.
It is thus, children, that the Sacred Hearts prepare themselves, just like you, to enter into a town also very hurt and discriminated against by the inhabitants of the first world nations.
But Ecuador holds one of the most important spiritual treasures for the Plan of God. It was the land spiritually chosen to shelter the Essence of the Love of the Source, inner Essence that pulsates within the Sacred Enclosures that are protected in the ranges of the Andes.
That is why, children, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace will start in the city of Cuenca, where My missionaries will go into retreat for some days to meditate and contemplate inwardly on the reason for arriving in Ecuador at this end of the cycle and the importance of the manifestation of new Light-Communities that are to be guardians of the Treasures of the Father that will emerge for the new humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The emptying of self will allow you to cross any desert in life; and in that emptiness of wanting nothing or expecting nothing, you will allow the Universe to flow through you.
The emptying of self is more than divestment, surrender, or penance.
Emptiness is more than an attitude of introspection or a profound silence.
The emptying of self is to trust and have faith in the Arms of God in order to feel His Will and His desire at every new step in life.
Emptiness maintains you within the Law of Impermanence.
Emptiness does not allow the static or that which leads to terrestrial inertia.
The emptying of self is an impulse that the spirit can give you, from time to time, so that inner paths may be unblocked and so that, once open, the steps toward the light may be taken in humility.
The emptying of self is not arrogant, proud, or ostentatious of what does not belong to it.
Emptiness is empty; it is to be in the void in order to enter the universe of the All.
The emptying of self is a new school for disciples; it is a path that causes you to find neutrality and the sense of inner life.
Emptiness of self is premeditation and, at the same time, wisdom.
In the emptying of self one learns to be silent.
In the emptying of self lies a doorway to inner liberation.
The emptying of self never wavers, it is always prepared for new challenges.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Olam, the Sacred Eternity of God
Dear children,
One of the Aspects of God, Olam, leads the earthly humanity to the elevation of spirit and of the senses.
Olam represents, in this Universe, the possibility for each creature, created in His image and likeness, to discover within its inner universe the aspect of immortality, that is to say, that which is eternal, which nothing can dissolve.
Olam brings eternal life, eternal service to Creation and consecration to the supreme Life of divine existence.
Within the Universe, the spiritual aspect of Olam helps correct the path of evolution, it helps each human being to stay within the path of awakening and the evolution of consciousness.
Therefore, Olam represents in these times the time of the correction of the essences of the Universe and the time to again direct them towards the threshold of eternal Life, a place in which the spirit of each creature will hold forever the remembrance of the Love of God and His divine spiritual Science of divine Alchemy, which conceives in the essences the new patterns of eternity and ascension.
Olam brings, in these times, the readjustment of consciousnesses of the Earth to the cycle of the end of times. This sacred Aspect of God facilitates the intimate affiliation of each soul and each spirit with the Celestial Father.
Olam means this fire that, being eternal, sublime and divine, purifies the human consciousness and elevates its plane toward a spiritual and unique level.
Olam is the essence of our inner resurrection to the light of the Spiritual and Mental Universe.
Olam is the path to find the Dwelling of the Elysians.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The arrival of the Aspects of God from the Universe
I would like humanity to understand the inner, universal and cosmic meaning that in certain places of the planet the Aspects of God descend, brought by the angels within great celestial spheres and placed in the most sacred places so that the spiritual consciousness of humanity may be helped, liberated and transmuted from the precarious conditions of its own spirituality and life.
Therefore, children, the descent of the Sacred Names of God, to the interior of the planet, generates a space of luminous, atomic and cellular renewal of humanity. In this way, the spiritual meaning of humanity is protected and the great spheres of the Consciousness of God bring to humanity a sense of rescue and salvation that it also needs.
In these times, the descent of the Aspects of God to the planet generates an immediate possibility of being and remaining in communion with Creation and with Life, thus being able to repair the serious mistakes that the present race makes, distancing itself from the Law and from the essence of Creation.
The Father, who is fair and merciful, comes to the world in search of union with the essential life of His children; thus helping, in every way, the unconsciousness of humanity that is deteriorated by all of the actions committed.
The Aspects of God allow the creation, within the sacred and spiritual spaces, of this new bridge that will help the creatures in the inner world to recover their affiliation with the universe and with all existence, with their true inner origin.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the White Mountain of Peace and whoever climbs to the top of it will achieve, through prayer and service, the elevation of their consciousness.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which in its heart keeps the greatest treasures of the universe, the sacred knowledge of the Celestial Brotherhood.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that radiates the Grace of God to the world and impels its children to human transcendence.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which reveals the Mysteries of God to humble hearts, a mountain that helps in the transformation of consciousness and the whole being.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that calls the pilgrim of the spirit to rise through it, by means of faith and constant redemption.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that will make each heart a victory for Christ and for the Creator.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which will show Its pilgrims the path of the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As Mother Earth and Mother Universe, I come on this day to unite the essences of all My children of the original peoples through the Universal Father, so that through their sacred knowledge, they may continue protecting and safeguarding life, tradition, and culture.
As Mother Earth, I come to speak to you in the name of all the beings of Nature, so that not only the peoples listen to Me, but also all of humanity that does not look at the suffering that, day after day, the elements of this Creation experience.
Through the original peoples, humanity could recover its spiritual dignity, if it knew how to protect and take care of everything the Universe and Life has given it.
I would like the sacred Principles, which were gestated in the consciousness of My children from the original peoples, to make you understand the importance of a change of consciousness, since present humanity destroys and dissipates all it will need from the Kingdoms of Nature in order to survive.
As Queen of Nature, as Sacred Spirit of the Peace of the universe, I come to tell you that I will always be with you, in the silence of nature, as well as in the presence of each Kingdom. My Sacred Spirit will make it possible to have each one of you be a sacred essence that shines before the Creator in these times.
On this day, I leave you My maternal blessing so that everything can be healed and renewed in you, so that the traces of suffering may be erased from your paths, so that each story experienced may be repaired and bathed in the love of the wise Spirits of the universe.
I leave you My Peace and I renew you in the faith and in the Wisdom of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the inner planes, your Heavenly Mother is already gathering the consciousnesses of this nation so that, at the foot of these sacred mountains, they may surrender to Christ and participate in the communion of reparation that My Heart will offer you during these next days.
This surrender will be first spiritual and then material, so that the consciousnesses of this country may come into contact with their spiritual and physical reality and, thus, be able to live their moment of redemption.
This will take a long time until, finally, most recognize that it is important to look at God every day and to be able to live in His Heart of Compassion and Love.
Therefore, from now on, I invite you to continue praying for the intentions of your Heavenly Mother so that they may be fulfilled, one by one, and that, in these definitive times, healing and peace may be established in most hearts.
This will also help My Immaculate Heart triumph!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Colombia, as an Andean and indigenous nation, holds one of the most important original legacies of the primitive and wise peoples.
For Creation, the Andes as a whole represents the spiritual elevation of the consciousness of humanity.
All the original peoples who developed there managed to spiritually maintain a union with the Divinity of the Eternal Father.
When the peoples were decimated and enslaved by the white man, a great spiritual and inner wound remained in the last descendants.
This unforgettable wound, which expanded throughout all the Americas, from the peoples of North America, going through the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, left a pending debt to be resolved.
This is one of the many causes of what can be seen in this time, a consequence of what happened in other times.
It is this wound that your Mother of Grace wishes to heal and dissolve through the power of restorative love.
For this reason, Colombia is the cradle to be able to again awaken reverence and devotion for the principles of sacred and divine life.
In Bogota, your Heavenly Mother will try to open a celestial doorway of Mercy, and this will be possible especially because of the help of all the groups of prayer present there, during the days of the meetings with your Divine Mother.
For this reason, children, one of the just causes, for which all the groups of prayer of the Americas, especially of Central America and the Caribbean, pray for this Marian objective, is so that as from now, the Law of Divine Mercy may be established on this debt caused by Europe.
Thus, your Mother of Guadalupe will be the patroness of the mission in Colombia and the United States. I will return, as in Tepeyac, to call humanity to a profound reconciliation, for in this way, through forgiveness and communion with My Son Jesus, the Andes and Europe will close a cycle of suffering and cruelty generated in the primitive indigenous civilizations.
Dear children of Mine, for this reason, from now on I prepare you in consciousness, revealing the real story of humanity to you, for God hopes that the same errors will not be repeated.
For this, your Lady of Guadalupe will return to the heights of the mountains of the Americas, so that the Bird of the Sun may emit the voice of redemption and forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and unites you with Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more