To My dear and courageous children of the House of Our Lady of the Poor
My beloved children,
Today, with joy and jubilation of Heart, your Heavenly Mother gathers you around the Merciful Heart of the Redeemer so that, in this cycle, the spiritual teraphim of the House of the Children of Mary may continue to bear fruits of love, conversion and peace, not only in the families of this city, but also throughout the entire human family of the planet.
Dear children, from this day on, may you be able to make an internal synthesis of the steps that have been taken up to now.
Through the protection of My beloved Association Mary, the Messages of My Son, of the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and of His Divine Mother will be able to reach the world, and above all the families, through each Child of Mary who, in this cycle and the year 2025, must actively commit themselves to live the vows they professed with Me on the glorious day of their consecration.
Thus, the House of the Lady of the Poor will continue to lovingly serve the families, as it has been doing thus far; but the time has come that in every city, in every country or place in the world, where a consecrated Child of Mary exists and is present, the impulse of the Rosaries of Light, the impulse of charity to the poorest and neediest, and the service in this cycle to those deprived of freedom and to those who are held captive by the demon of drugs, I am referring to My youngest children, may be manifested and expanded.
Dear children, this is the time to put My Message into practice. It is the time for you to follow the signs that I will send you. It is the time for you to share the Graces of redemption that you yourselves received on the great day of your consecration. The House of the Lady of the Poor can no longer be just a space present in a city in the interior of Brazil.
This House, which I Myself have entrusted to you out of Love, must have its expansion and its roots through all the Children of Mary who can be instruments of Christ through initiatives of prayer, service and charity.
For this reason, I created the great network of souls on Earth to help your Heavenly Mother to help and assist those who are in spiritual and material danger in this cycle of renewal. The service to the sick and especially to those who are alone will also be important.
It is imperative, at this time, to share and spread the Love of God through actions that counteract the threats and infiltrations of My enemy.
Finally, My beloved ones, all of you and your brothers and sisters in the world will prepare yourselves for the next Sacred Week, through Lent. May each one of you live that inner synthesis to know what the next step will be.
As always, I will accompany you at that moment, I will encourage you and I will show you the universe of service that will present itself on your paths.
Courage to all the Children of Mary!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Silence and gratitude, two keys and important attributes to learn to recognize and to listen to the Voice of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that dissolve misunderstandings and open the way to receive the Wisdom of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that attract providence and, at the same time, Grace.
Without silence and gratitude one cannot contemplate the next step of God, a step that is reflected and manifested through His children.
Seek silence and gratitude to become aware of the heavenly treasures entrusted to you through the unique work of the Love of God.
Without silence and gratitude no safe decision could be made, and no project could be built and manifested.
It was silence and gratitude that allowed the redemptive Work of the Lord to be carried forward.
It was silence and gratitude that established communion between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, through the Holy Eucharist.
Silence and gratitude are what enabled My Son to accept and bear the Cross.
Silence and gratitude are what help to accept and adhere to the designs and requests that the Father presents.
Without silence and gratitude there is no light and without light there will be no understanding.
Ask yourself how the silence and gratitude are within you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
That which is most pleasing to God, at this time on the planet, is the emptiness and silence of hearts. An emptiness of intentions, of expectations and dreams, and a silence that leads each one to look inside themselves to know how their inner life is.
At this time and without this premise, it will be difficult for souls to be able to transcend certain cycles and to be able to go through certain experiences, which must find you free of yourselves; because in the inner emptiness the inner life is born, and in the silence of self one can listen to the Voice of God and thus recognize His Holy Will.
Imitate the example of your Heavenly Mother who, being the Slave of God, received in Her bosom the Call of the Eternal Father so that His Will could be fulfilled. At no time was there a why or a questioning.
God calls you, at this time, to enter with joy into this state of emptiness so that you may recognize in yourselves His Love and Compassion.
I am here with you, in this hour of the planet when everything is purified, so that souls may find the path of peace and goodness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of the coming of the Redeemer, may your hearts already be cleansed and purified through the Holy Sacrament of Confession so that renewed, you may enter through the Portal of Hope onto the path that My Son so much expects you to travel.
Through the Portal of Hope, which is the Living Christ, receive the preparatory impulse for the Return of Christ and may you, already aware of everything, make use of the tools that We give you, through service, prayer and the Sacraments.
In this last cycle of preparation, I call you to the opening of the heart so that, being free of yourselves, you may walk resolutely on the pathway of the Lord, on that path that He Himself prepared for His disciples to cross.
Remember that for a divine reality to become a concrete reality, it will only depend on your predisposition.
I will always be here, as your Mother, to pray for you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more