Saturday, October 28 of 2023

Weekly Messages

My dear children,

So that hate, impunity and revenge do not end the world, and especially with some unprotected nations, I come to ask that you unite with the Mother Untier of Knots through a special novena important to Me, to be done from October 30th to November 7th of 2023, so that the Most Holy Mother is able to untie the nine main knots that bind humanity.

For this, My children, through praying seven times during nine days, the prayer of the Lady Untier of Knots, you will unite with Me and you will take up the heavy rope of the human condition, so that through the fervor and the love of your prayers, the world may free itself of the nine main knots about which you will be praying with Me:

  1. The knot of impunity.
  2. The knot of injustice.
  3. The knot of negligence.
  4. The knot of arrogance.
  5. The knot of the unborn and aborted.
  6. The knot of indifference.
  7. The knot of human cruelty.
  8. The knot of wars.
  9. The knot of evil.

Praying with Me during those nine days, you will allow your Heavenly Mother to safeguard, protect and intercede for the helpless and innocent, so that the wrath of God does not descend over the regions of the world and over the consciousnesses that are outside of the Law. For this reason, My dear children, I come out of love to ask you this favor.

Once again I will be attentive to the voice of those who pray.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the helpless

Monday, October 23 of 2023

Special Apparitions

Hail Mary in French

Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.

Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.


Surrounded by the great angels of the mountains from all over the planet, today I come to meet with you, to meet with a needy humanity, to meet with a sick humanity in need of healing and of love.

For this reason, today I am here, dear children, and for this reason, I brought you here, not only those who are present at this moment in this sacred place of God, but also, from the inner planes, I bring all the souls who need the spiritual healing that, in this place, is reflected by the Kingdom of Lys.

Remember, dear children, that not long ago you were here and were also carriers of My Message and My Peace; but since then up to the present, My children, the scenario on the surface has changed. It is a time of emergency, when there is an imperative need for peace.

Thus, I am here not only as your Heavenly Mother, but also as the Immaculate Conception, to remind you, My children, that from the beginning of this Creation, the Eternal Father first thought of creating the water that emanates from the depths of the Earth through the sacred gift of the Mineral Kingdom.

This blessed and sacred water, chaste and pure, constantly gives of itself to the children of Creation so they may always purify themselves and cleanse themselves of the stains of sin and error.

I Am the Mother of the waters, and through them, I pour out Graces upon My children, through the oceans and the seas, through the rivers, through the rain, through the morning dew.

This is the manifestation of My Love for souls, this is My desire that all may purify and cleanse themselves so they may be reborn in the Love of God, so that your hearts and souls may purify from all traumas and errors, become free from all traumatic experiences that you may have experienced throughout time.

It is so simple, dear children, that through this sacred place, a sacred mirror of the Kingdom of Lys, I come to remind the world of the presence of Creation; because the Kingdoms of Nature, although they are outraged and attacked, continue to give of themselves for the healing of humanity, for the healing of the human consciousness, for the healing of all Creatures of God. And this manifestation of Creation, blessed and sacred, is for all of you, My children,

How can you think there will be no wars, illnesses, and even sin if you destroy Creation?

Thus, for one moment, contemplate what you have turned this planet into, but above all, observe with the eyes of the heart, with the feeling of the soul, what this planet has become and how much the Mother Earth silently suffers, and few can perceive it, few can hear Her cry in this moment of transition.

So, My children, to reestablish this communion with the Laws of Creation, it is necessary that you stop and meditate. I have already told you many times, just as the other Sacred Hearts have told you.

While the world is not in communion with Higher Laws, the evils of the world will not stop. For this reason, call souls to a change of heart and tell them they have a wource of life, expressed through the Kingdom of the Waters, which untiringly gives of itself for the purification of the human being.

 Seek this inner communion with Creation through Sacred Nature. And not only the waters, but also the rest of the Kingdoms will assist in purifying the human being from the feelings of revenge, impunity and destruction.

And you will become free of yourselves when you learn to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature, when you learn to love and respect them, knowing that the Younger Kingdoms of this planet also have their place in the Heart of God; because the Eternal Father thought of all that is best for you, dear children, and it seems that for humanity, it was not enough; thus, it lives an ambition and conquest of the spaces and places that do not belong to it.

Even so, God again gave of Himself for you through the Birth of Christ on the Earth. And even so, He allowed Himself to be nailed to the Cross so your most ingrained sins could be forgiven. And even so, My children, the world continues to offend and violate Creation.

In nature that is the healing that each of you needs, not only the healing of the ill body, but also the spiritual healing that millions of souls need in these times.

Thus, I am here as Mediator and intercessor so that between you and nature, between you and the Higher Laws, between you and the planet, the great bridge of the Mother of God may exist, which is the bridge of reconciliation and peace between the inner worlds and the Law of Creation. Because My wish is that the good that is being lost in the world may be restored. My aspiration is that charity may be established.

Thus, once again, I come to purify you so that you may be renewed, so that within you, at the very core of your hearts, you may find the path of return to the Celestial Father, in communion with all the Lower Kingdoms, loving each one of the Lower Kingdoms, being aware, My children, and above all having great discernment that it is no longer the time to destroy or contaminate; that it is time to rebuild the planet on its surface, and through the long-suffering Kingdoms of Nature, it is also time for reparation.

In this way, without your perceiving it, the Lower Kingdoms themselves will offer humanity a spiritual and physical healing, because the small and inoffensive Kingdoms hold mysteries of healing unknown to you.

There is everything that you need to be able to evolve as consciousness; to be able to grow inwardly and reflect the Sacred Purpose of God on the surface through your lives, just as the Kingdoms of Nature reflect it, and which is not seen by many at this time.

Thus, My children, stop using the Kingdoms as something common; stop violating them, stop offending them, stop contaminating them, do not allow the great powers of the world to destroy Creation. Enough of this, My children! No longer become submerged in ambition and in darkness.

It is not enough that God gave you through the planet?

It is not enough that God gave you through the universe?

What is it that you most need to be able to surrender and love?

My Heart suffers when there are many sick consciousnesses, and with each passing day, new illnesses inexplicably appear.

Where is the deviation from the Law, the deviation taken by the human being? Because the healing you need is through nature and I could also say, the redemption you need.

Become silent, listen to nature and you will realize on your own where you have come to as a civilization.

I am here not only as your Mediator Mother, but also as your Teaching Mother, so that the knowledge can penetrate your hearts, so the Word of God may be in you and is fulfilled, because I wish for your good, because I wish for your inner and outer peace, peace throughout the planet.

It is possible, My children, to achieve the celestial happiness of consciously serving God, and of loving Him beyond yourselves, beyond any condition; because the Love of God is very great, It is so great and infinite, so broad and so merciful, that He gave you all of the best He had, He gave you the beauty and that which is most sacred of Creation.

Let the Laws between Heaven and Earth be re-established.

Let the weapons and wars stop.

Let innocent blood and the blood of animals no longer be spilled.

Let hunting no longer exist, because this causes you to go backward, My children.

Live in simplicity, so as to live in communion with Creation. Defend nature from yourselves.

What planet will you give for the next generations? Have you asked yourselves this?

What will you leave for the next children, who will be part of the New Humanity?

For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy works untiringly: so that you may have a planet, so that you may have ground, so that you may have a surface on which to place your feet and live in peace and in communion with life and with all of Creation.

Today, let the waters of the mountains purify you, renew the Sacrament of Baptism of all those who have had this Grace of being able to live a rebirth in God, so that evil may be dissolved from the consciousness of the planet.

Let the light of the waters purify you, baptize and consecrate you again.

Today, after 45 days, we close here the Pilgrimage for Peace.

Your Heavenly Mother wants to thank, from the depths of Her Maternal Heart, all those who made this sacred task possible, which was able to be expanded beyond what was foreseen.

Many important tasks were carried out, spiritual tributes took place, the inner worlds were worked on. seeds of Light were sown in the consciousness of some of the nations that you visited.

Let us continue to walk in faith and in hope, as a world of peace and of good is possible.

And after this sacred moment, we will prepare, dear children, for a new mission in Canada and in South America, so My Mantle is able to expand even further in the world, so the Light of My Heart may protect souls in need.

I love you and thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Sunday, October 22 of 2023

Special Message

To My beloved children of Argentina

Dear children:

In these recent times, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart has accompanied, step by step, the social and spiritual situation of My beloved Argentina.

Today, I want to tell you that, at each moment, I have suffered with you the regression that the country has lived in recent years and, above all, I have contemplated the needs that the most vulnerable have experienced, as well as the entire families that have been forced to abandon My beloved Argentina due to the insecurity and the lack of future.

However, many of you remained in the country and, like the apostles in the Sea of Galilee, have faced the hard storm of the country and of all its people.

Argentina is the food provider of the world, and this will never change. This is why, on this day of decisions for each one of My Argentinian children, I want to tell you that, despite the situations of wars and emergencies that the Divinity attends, My Heart of a Mother will be with each one of you, because in the last four years, which were painful to My children of Argentina, your Heavenly Mother closely accompanied the experience and anguish of each son and daughter of Mine.

This is why, once again, My beloveds, I call you on this day not only to invoke the discernment of the Holy Spirit, but I also call you to pray with Me.

Therefore, this Sunday, in a special way, I invite all prayerful beings, and especially My children of Argentina, the Light-Network of this country, to unite in prayer, by praying a Mystery of the Holy Rosary together with the visionaries of this Work.

In this way, My appeal to God will be so that Argentina and all its people may live a greater time of Peace, Justice and Grace, so that the angel of Argentina may have the necessary strength and support of all My children of Argentina so that the country may rise spiritually and materially again, so that harmony, the common good and a fraternal spirit may be the bases that allow the country to recover the hope and peace it has lost.

Today, more than ever, dear children, in prayer and supplication, I will be united to all My Argentinian children, so that you may not forget that I love you and I will lead you to Jesus, so that you may live under His Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján

Saturday, October 21 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Dear Children:

As the Immaculate Conception, I come on this day so that I may go with you on pilgrimage to Lourdes, so that, spiritually, we may gather the Water of Life that will purify the planet and all human consciousness.

With the Water of Life, the Mother of God will purify souls, so that they may recover the innocence that is so necessary and that is disappearing from the world.

Dear children, I will take you by the hand to Massabielle so that, like Bernadette, you may wash your faces with the healing water of Lourdes, because by washing your faces you will be washing away the sins of humanity and the offenses that the planet receives.

My children, your Heavenly Mother returns to Lourdes to pray for the sick planet and for the dissociated human mind, so that the creatures may recover peace and goodness, the inner communion with the Divine Laws.

I come once again to Lourdes to make known to the world the way of reconciliation and to remind My children that inner healing is possible. Thus there will be a more peaceful and less vengeful world, thus there will be a more fraternal and less indifferent humanity.

I will pray in Lourdes for the healing of those who have not yet experienced it, because it is My desire as a Mother that all may have the Grace to be healed and redeemed.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose o Peace

Friday, October 20 of 2023

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As a refugee Mother, I come seeking consolation, the consolation that can be given to Me by My children, for whom I tirelessly and immediately pray, so that they may be protected under My Mantle, so that all may feel the caress of the Mother of God through Her serving and humble Hands, which I place upon your faces to encourage you to continue on.

Today, in an extraordinary way, I am here at this sacred church. I am here to bear testimony of the Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle, as well as in all Tabernacles of the Earth, in which My Beloved Son is recognized and adored.

Today, I come seeking this spiritual consolation of My children, because I need it.

Today, I come to ask you for this in a special manner, because I know that through My children and through the prayer of all consistent ones, all those who respond to My maternal call, I will be able, dear children, to relieve and help the souls who are unprotected at this moment, much more unprotected than you can imagine.

The lack of protection of My most innocent children causes indescribable pain in My Immaculate Heart; because today, once again, the Heart of the Mother is pierced by a spear, the spear of human cruelty, the cruelty that some of My children practice in the world today, causing disgrace, suffering and very great despair to all the mothers who lose their children, especially the mothers that suffer and have to endure war.

Another reason for being here today, dear children, is so that you may accompany Me in pilgrimage to Lourdes, because it is imperiously necessary for humanity to achieve spiritual healing.

May the spiritual healing that Lourdes provides to souls reach as many inner worlds as possible, especially those who are suffering war and mortal persecution at this moment.

Today My Holy Land, the Sacred Land of all, is divided and dissociated. The land on which My Son stepped with His Feet, walked and went on pilgrimage to meet the most needy and most unprotected of that time, to announce His Gospel of salvation to the fallen hearts.

Today, My Holy Land is being invaded and persecuted, because it is the land of all religions and all creeds, of all those who seek the essence of God’s Love.

Today, this land is once again filled with blood and, just as it was in the flagellation of Jesus, the Mother of Jesus collects, through Her Mantle, the innocent blood that is shed, so that it may be deposited in the chalices of all martyrs of Heaven.

Dear children, I invite you to Lourdes not just for one more pilgrimage. Today, I invite you to Lourdes so that you may accompany Me in this spiritual task that is an emergency for Me, and I know that to some extent you will not be able to understand it. However, follow in My footsteps of a Mother, the footsteps of the Consoling and Co-redemptive Mother, because through the Spiritual Spring of Lourdes, I need not only that the surface of the Earth may be purified of so much evil transmitted, but also that the souls of the innocent and martyrs who are stuck on the lower planes after having lived through terrorism and persecution, may be elevated in Glory to the Heavens. And this is the task of the Mother Mediator and Intercessor of hearts.

This is why I come here in an extraordinary way to announce to you this spiritual request of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that this war may not reach dimensions that cannot be controlled later on.

In the meantime, dear children, My Mantle remains stained by the blood of the innocent, and I will take it to God as an offering for the reconciliation of those who are lost and fallen, for the redemption of those who are condemned to the fire of hell, after having committed this grave and delicate action. Because what remains on the etheric plane of the planet is an energy of evil that is very difficult to transmute. In this way, peoples and nations are intoxicated by this vibration.

This is why it is important to live the prayer of the heart in this time, and ask for all sinners and condemned in the world, so that they may have the Grace of the opportunity to be forgiven by Christ, My Son; because your Divine Mother wants good for all Her children, without exceptions or conditions. She wants this good so that all may be in peace, in the happiness of living in the Kingdom of the Heavens, although they are on Earth.

Because although My Heart today is pierced by the spear of human cruelty in this time, your Divine Mother brings you the Kingdom of the Heavens in this place, just for a moment, so that you may commune with Divine Purpose and, through this Purpose, you may live the Will of God that has been written for each one of My children since the beginning.

On this special Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, your Heavenly Mother collects the prayer of all Her children, as the last chance for the salvation of humanity so that the Law of Justice may not descend, because it is a Law absolutely unknown to all.

Despite the pain of My Heart, I ardently wish that all My beloved children may have the Grace of continuing to know Divine Mercy, so that this Divine Mercy may liberate them completely. This is My yearning, dear children.

The angels of Heaven, at this moment, are still collecting the blood of martyrs and of the innocent through chalices, because someone, in this universe, must justify this terrible human cruelty.

And before the Most Blessed Sacrament, before the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which today we contemplate and adore together in a special way, I come to ask, kneeling before the Eternal Father, for Him to have Pity and Mercy not only on those who have unjustly died in the world, not only because the law of condemnation and death continues to be experienced, but I also come to ask for those who are condemned and live evil, because deep down, they are hearts that have distanced themselves from the Love of God, and at this moment live the law of revenge and impunity.

Dear children, these situations and vibrations are the most difficult ones for the Hierarchy to transmute. This is why the sacred spirit of prayer will always relieve these terrible sorrows and open a tiny door of Light in the great abyss of planetary darkness.

There cannot be peace in the world while there are martyrs in the world today. There cannot be good in the world while there is impunity in the world. But keep working faithfully with the prayer of the heart. Because this is the time, dear children, after having lived in My school of prayer all these years, for you to practice this exercise with consciousness, and not just as a discipline or commitment.

It is necessary that the prayer of the heart burns within you, so that the Word of God may resound in you time and again, whenever it is necessary. In this way, you will be transformed and converted into true apostles that allow the Divine Energy to transfigure you completely, although you are still living the human condition.

Have faith in the sacred science of the Sacraments that My Son gave you. Have faith in the incalculable power of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because each time you are before the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of Christ, your hearts will be liberated and will help liberate the world from these ideologies and terrible ways of life. Remember, dear children, that the Human Project needs to be rebuilt and repaired.

The Lady of Israel invites you today to walk barefoot, divested of your intentions and preferences, empty of heart, so that the All, the Supreme, may fill you. This will be the fundamental attitude, the essential attitude that will help you to go through these painful times. In this way, you will always be able to invoke the Sacred Light of Hope and Love of God, so that the neediest souls may be touched by this Light of Hope and Love of God.

I will go to Lourdes to wash My Garments, so that the blood of the most innocent and martyrs may be purified by the water of Massabielle, so that the divine and spiritual healing that I left to be held through Lourdes may flow as an inexhaustible spring, as a spiritual spring upon the world situations that do not have a solution today. Because the power of Love can convert and transform everything when you simply have faith in the Love of Christ.

Today I speak to you about the Middle East because it is a grave situation for God, because He placed His Word and His Message there. God, through His Heart, reflected His Call for all souls of the world there, and this must not be in vain, dear children. This has an incalculable responsibility before the Law.

But I want to tell you that your Heavenly Mother also contemplates the grave errors that take place in Africa and the oppressive slavery that some nations of Latin America live. Do not forget that My Gaze is upon all and everyone, and that the Mother of God has no preference, but rather Love.

In this time of planetary darkness, may the power of prayer and adoration burn again in you, so that the Higher Laws may stabilize the disasters of the planet, and love may not completely disappear from humanity.

If this should happen, My Heart will be completely torn, and the cry of the Mother of God will be heard throughout the universe, just as God heard the cry of Mary on Mount Calvary, when Her Only Beloved Son was nailed to the Cross.

May the Divine Blood of Jesus purify these times and this moment.

May the Rays of Mercy prevail over evil.

May the Rays of Grace transcend impunity, because no human being on this surface can live without Love, for the Love of God is life. The Love of God is the spiritual impulse that motivates you to continue on despite the times of tribulation, despite the consequences.

This is why I ask you not to forget that the Love of God is at stake in this world and it is humanity that is removing it from itself. Do not forget that you must love one another, just as My Son loves you and as I love you.

Therefore, may Love always live among you. Be a testimonial of the Love that I bring to you today and remember the innocent and martyrs, whose love and life were taken away. Thus, love more than you think you love, more than you think you know.

Love is infinite, Grace is invincible, and this is what I want to say to the world.

Let us reinforce prayer for the Middle East. I am attentive, once again, to the voice of supplications.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Let us pray for peace.

Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Spanish, Portuguese and English)

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, October 14 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Dear Children:

Today, as the Mother of purification, I hold with My Hands the flag of the nation of France, so that its spiritual consciousness may be purified through the Light of My Heart, so that its soul may be purified through the Love of My Heart, so that its people may be reconciled through the Peace of My Heart.

Today, My children, I contemplate a France unrecognizable in its spiritual aspect, not only because of its society, but also because of its religion, which stained the soul of many consciousnesses through its acts. That is why, children, as the Lady of La Salette, I weep before all that this beloved country of Mine is experiencing.

I come for you to know that France has always been the cradle of important saints and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. France has always been chosen by Me to carry the message of peace and penance.

In Lourdes, I came to call souls to repentance to prevent the bloody French colonization from happening, but My call was not accepted.

Through the Message of La Salette, I came to guide My children to the Purpose of God, but it was not enough.

And today, I return once again to My beloved France so that, as a country, it may be a people of open arms and not a society of constant confrontation.

That is why I am here, as the patient Mother who cries and cries out for France to recover its spiritual and human dignity; so that what is so characteristic of all French people may help to heal the wounds of colonialism, slavery and the errors committed throughout the ages in Africa and in the world.

France needs to place its knees on the ground and implore for Mercy and Pity so that it may reach the conversion of the heart and of its innermost essence.

I will have My Mother's gaze upon this dear people of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of France.

Friday, October 13 of 2023

Special Apparitions

Hail Mary in French

Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.

Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.

(Three times)


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

I come here as the Empress of Peace, bringing in My Hand the Scepter of God so that the world may live the Purpose of the Father, so that My children may join that Spiritual Purpose before it is too late.

Therefore, this spiritual impulse of the Creative Source, I deposit it in the hearts of My children today, I pour it into the souls of God today, so that the greatest possible number of consciousnesses awaken in this time of emergency and can respond to the great need of the planet, to the emergency of humanity.

Therefore, dear children, I come here, to La Salette, once again, to remind you of My Message, the Message of the Lady of La Salette, a Message that was not fully heard or accepted.

Therefore, I come to remind you of this, because there is still a little time left for everything to be reversed and transformed in all human consciousness.

Dear children, I need you here, with Me, at My side, at the side of the Mother of God, walking through this world, following in the footsteps of Christ, serving through the tireless apostolate in the face of the great planetary need.

I grieve so much for what is happening in the Middle East! So much innocent blood is still being shed!

When will humanity stop? Do they not fear the Justice of God?

Many perhaps do not fear It, because they believe that nothing will happen to them. That is why I come here as your Advocate, as the Mother Mediator and Intercessor between souls and God, because they are in dire need of it.

Therefore, I tell you again that before it is too late, dear children, awaken to the change that I ask of you. Listen to the Word of God through His Messengers; because otherwise many more souls will live the sorrow and anguish of these times, for not having listened to the Call of God that comes through the Heart of His Heavenly Mother, the Heart of the Divine Son and the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph.

Our Three Sacred Hearts, in this very delicate and grave hour of the planet, work in unity with the Most Holy Trinity so that, through the holy angels, many more souls may be protected, may be sheltered from the horrors of these times, which all of you are participating in and seeing.

My beloved children, I come to repeat once again to stop the weapons. I come to ask you, imperatively, to stop and meditate, to no longer attack each other, to stop hurting each other, to stop invading what does not belong to you, to avoid in this time the migration of millions of souls, the exile of many families because of the terror of war or death.

I come as the Empress of Peace, to the top of the Alps, so that My children may hear the deep echo the Voice of God, so that something may change soon. That is what I need most, at this moment, besides your prayers and supplications, which I also listen to attentively. Because in this way wars are avoided, through prayer conflicts are avoided, through true prayer souls are not lost, without return.

That is why I come today with the Scepter of the Light of God ignited, drawing to Earth, once again, His Divine Purpose, so that everything may be impregnated by that Higher Light, so that hearts may find again the peace they lost. Because this is the time, dear children, that all may know My Graces, that all may receive communion from My Son so that they may feel healed, redeemed and renewed.

Therefore, I am here to intercede again, to intervene again in the emergency of these times. I would not like to see more innocents die. This hurts the Heart of God, this hurts the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, this hurts the Heart of the Divine Son.

Contemplate the Mercy of God, the universe of His Love is open to all.

Reconnect with yourselves, to be able to understand this Purpose I bring you today.

Reconcile, forgive yourselves, so that the spiritual healing may come.

I thank you for being here, with Me, and for having done everything possible to be here, at this moment, accompanying the Empress of Peace in this special task, which Her Immaculate Heart and Her Divine Life are carrying out for the good of souls, for the peace of hearts, so that wars may stop, so that there will be no more innocent blood shed on the surface of this world.

I tell you this again, dear children, because these things cannot happen. The world turns away from the Law, and loses its sense of purity and innocence. I am united with all those who pray for this cause, for the cause of the call of the Mother of God.

Strengthen prayer in your families. May your prayers multiply and expand, may the clamor and supplication as one voice and one heart reach the Heart of the Father, because He wants to be closer to His Children. Do His Children want to be closer to their Father?

I come to open this door to the Kingdom of the Love of God Love, so that all may have the Grace, one day, to be worthy in the Father, to be worthy in the Son and worthy in the Holy Spirit; because it is possible, My children.

You must not forget that you are Children of God.  All are Children of the Father, beyond creed, religion or any other situation. You must all remember this. That is why I am here to let you know, because many are forgetting it.

In that filiation you will find the happiness you need, the answer you seek so much, the consolation you so hope for, the peace to which you so aspire. Because everything is in the Kingdom of God and, again and again, His Kingdom can descend to Earth through those who open themselves to receive it within themselves and thus become part of the Divine Life, of their true origin, of their true existence, from where everything can begin anew.

Your Heavenly Mother, the Empress of Peace, withdraws Herself in these mountains to contemplate the horizon from above, as you also can contemplate it; waiting, with ardent devotion, for the coming of Christ from the Heavens, so that this world and this humanity may be rebuilt and finally live the Will of God. Because Christ, My Son, will bring His Government, but above all He will bring His Love and His Light, to bring your hearts back to His Eternal Peace.

Children, continue to pray, continue to respond to My call. I am here and I am your Mother, the Mother of humanity; and, under the Light and Love of My Son, I bless you for the courage to follow in the footsteps of Christ in this end time.

May the Love of God bless you and His Light guide you until you can reach the promised One Thousand Years of Peace, for the entire earthly sphere, for all of this wounded humanity.

I take, in My Hands, your intentions and prayers to offere them to God in reparation and for the healing of humanity, because healing is possible.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, October 11 of 2023

Special Apparitions

Hail Mary in French

Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.
(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Grace is not poured out in abundance upon this world because a part of My children does not accept it. This is why I come to implore all for peace, so that the world may not enter a path without return.

This is why, after My Son, I come here, to the Alps, as a Mediator of Peace, as the Advocate between Heaven and Earth, as the Intercessor between Justice and Mercy, so that My children may not miss the opportunity to reach God, to be in His Heart, to receive His abundant and infinite Graces.

But I cannot hide My pain from you, the pain of a Mother for all Her children, the pain of the Mother of the nations that confront one another with weapons, that provoke death and destroy families without mercy or compassion.

This is why religions in these times are used as a weapon of war. And this is a grave fault before God, because He manifested religions so that all His Children might have the path to find and live Him, and this goes beyond dogmas and philosophies.

The religions of the world must be a bridge to reach God and, through religions, all must be good children on the surface of this wounded Earth.

This is why once again I come to open the wellspring of the Grace of God, to bring to the Heavens all those who have died on these days through war, above all the innocent souls who have nothing to do with this entire situation.

How will the Mother of Heaven console the mothers of the Earth who have lost their children?

Do you remember what My Son told them at the Stations of the Cross, during His Sorrowful Passion?

He told them not to weep for Him, because they would weep for their sons and daughters of the Earth. But humanity did not listen, and humanity still does not want to listen, because all they do on this surface is done as if it no longer has any value or dignity. But there are souls in this world that do have value and dignity.

There are souls that work in service for this human dignity, which is nothing religious or spiritual. It is just the world learning to be dignified, and that this humanity may be humanly dignified before God, not to lose their path and the sense of the Purpose of being here.

This is why I take the holy rosary with My Hands, so that in this month of October, the month of the Most Holy Rosary, you may remember that the doors of the Heavens will be open to receive the supplications and prayers of all Children of God. Because I will not tire of telling you this, dear children: pray, pray and pray.

May prayer not be something automatic, monotonous and lifeless.

May the fervor of prayer spring from your hearts and essences, because many are the needs and emergencies. These will only increase, and much prayer is necessary to sustain them, to meet those needs, so that everything may find a quick and immediate solution.

This is why I am here, dear children, as the Mother of Consolation and the Mother of Mercy, as the Mother of Ukraine and the Mother of the Middle-East, as the Mother of the World, so that My children may listen to Me and come out of this hypnotizing sleep of the end of times, so that they may awaken at the dawn of each day, clearly keeping in the consciousness what they have to do and what they have to respond to.

Here, I am not speaking of great things. I am speaking of what is small and perhaps of what many cannot see, of what you can truly be in this world, by being part of the Spiritual Dignity of God, as His beloved Children.

I also come here with a Message of Peace, so that peace may be established in humanity. While this does not happen, as I told you last time, innocent blood will continue to be shed upon the surface of this world.

Who will mend these errors through prayerful surrender of their life?

Who will be a mediator, in this time of tribulation, to grant to the world not only peace, but also the justice and good that many need?

Who will forge within themselves the true warrior who will defend the Divine Purpose, first of all from themselves and also from others? Who will have clarity about what they have come to this world to fulfill and do?

Who will give more than they have already given?

Who will untiringly offer their life?

I am here, dear children, to teach this to you, because I lived it and still live it. Do not forget that I Am part of you, I Am part of this humanity, even though I have soared to the Heavens.

From the Heavens I will always come, to call My children to the perpetual prayer of the heart, to tireless and selfless service, so that the time of peace may be fulfilled, within and outside of beings, in each human heart.

May the light of prayer be abundant in this world, so that more souls may be protected from the great errors of just a few, so that souls may be protected from war and persecution.

There should no longer be slavery on the surface of this world. This continues to happen, dear children, as well as the exploitation of all that exists on this surface.

Who will mend the Law of Creation?

Who will open the door of their heart to receive the great and last call, to make it flesh of their own flesh, to make it spirit of their own spirit, to manifest and concretize it on this surface?

These are the times to know how to fight through the prayer of the heart, because these are not the times to raise weapons, it is time to raise hearts to God, this is the time to receive all My Graces before it is too late.

May this Light, which bathes the mountains today, Light of God, untiringly given by the Sun of this Solar System day by day, moment by moment, bathe you through the Holy Spirit so that it may grant wisdom and peace to the world.

Listen, Lord, to the Voice of Your Servant,
who comes to implore You for Your Children,
for this Sacred Project of humanity.

Listen, Lord, to the Voice of Your Slave,
who comes to offer to You Her Holy and Immaculate Heart
in this month of the Holy Rosary,
so that souls may receive healing and redemption.

Listen, Lord, to the Voice of Your Advocate,
the Queen of the angels and saints,
the Mother of all servers,
the Lady of consecration,
so that the spirit of innocence
may emerge in this world,
so that evil may be dispelled from hearts,
so that nothing may remain unpunished,
but rather all may attain the redemption
so much awaited by My Beloved Son.

May the Light of God bathe the planet,
may the Light of God bathe the nations,
illuminate the darkest corners of the Earth,
so that love, truth and justice may be born again,
for all those who suffer,
for all those who are slaves,
in this time of challenges and tribulation.

May the Light of My Heart,
just as the Light of the mountains,
permeate the innermost depths of human consciousness,
so that deviations may be corrected, so that communion may be established with the Law
that vibrates in the cosmic space,
and emanates as a stream
of Mercy and Peace to the whole universe.

I leave this place, expecting that My children will listen to My call. Do not take it as something normal. Embrace this call as an emergency, as the deepest cry of My Heart so that weapons, evil and wars may be deterred, so that all may live in peace, because all have a place in this world to live in peace. This is possible, but above all it is possible to have a place in the Heart of God.

I bless you and thank you.

Remember My call, My call for peace, within and outside of beings.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, October 7 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who walks beside Her children to guide them and lead them to God.

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who illuminates the paths of the Children of God.

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who opens the doors and hearts so that they may be touched by the Love of God.

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who protects the path of those who follow the Footsteps of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who assists and gives help to those who ask Me for it, I am the one who accompanies, internally, the path of the apostles and servants of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who silently sustains the transformation of the human heart, I am the Mother who contemplates each honest and true step of those who surrender to My Beloved Son.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother in bare feet. I am the Slave of the Lord, I am the one who offers herself perpetually to guide the flocks of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who diverts from Her children the abysses and traps of the enemy, I am the one who dispels darkness from the path of My children through the Love of Christ. 

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who, patiently and prayerfully, awaits all the companions of Christ to reach the goal of their inner path.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who accompanies you at every moment of life, because My desire is that all of you, through your paths, reach God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
