My dear children,

So that hate, impunity and revenge do not end the world, and especially with some unprotected nations, I come to ask that you unite with the Mother Untier of Knots through a special novena important to Me, to be done from October 30th to November 7th of 2023, so that the Most Holy Mother is able to untie the nine main knots that bind humanity.

For this, My children, through praying seven times during nine days, the prayer of the Lady Untier of Knots, you will unite with Me and you will take up the heavy rope of the human condition, so that through the fervor and the love of your prayers, the world may free itself of the nine main knots about which you will be praying with Me:

  1. The knot of impunity.
  2. The knot of injustice.
  3. The knot of negligence.
  4. The knot of arrogance.
  5. The knot of the unborn and aborted.
  6. The knot of indifference.
  7. The knot of human cruelty.
  8. The knot of wars.
  9. The knot of evil.

Praying with Me during those nine days, you will allow your Heavenly Mother to safeguard, protect and intercede for the helpless and innocent, so that the wrath of God does not descend over the regions of the world and over the consciousnesses that are outside of the Law. For this reason, My dear children, I come out of love to ask you this favor.

Once again I will be attentive to the voice of those who pray.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the helpless

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As a refugee Mother, I come seeking consolation, the consolation that can be given to Me by My children, for whom I tirelessly and immediately pray, so that they may be protected under My Mantle, so that all may feel the caress of the Mother of God through Her serving and humble Hands, which I place upon your faces to encourage you to continue on.

Today, in an extraordinary way, I am here at this sacred church. I am here to bear testimony of the Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle, as well as in all Tabernacles of the Earth, in which My Beloved Son is recognized and adored.

Today, I come seeking this spiritual consolation of My children, because I need it.

Today, I come to ask you for this in a special manner, because I know that through My children and through the prayer of all consistent ones, all those who respond to My maternal call, I will be able, dear children, to relieve and help the souls who are unprotected at this moment, much more unprotected than you can imagine.

The lack of protection of My most innocent children causes indescribable pain in My Immaculate Heart; because today, once again, the Heart of the Mother is pierced by a spear, the spear of human cruelty, the cruelty that some of My children practice in the world today, causing disgrace, suffering and very great despair to all the mothers who lose their children, especially the mothers that suffer and have to endure war.

Another reason for being here today, dear children, is so that you may accompany Me in pilgrimage to Lourdes, because it is imperiously necessary for humanity to achieve spiritual healing.

May the spiritual healing that Lourdes provides to souls reach as many inner worlds as possible, especially those who are suffering war and mortal persecution at this moment.

Today My Holy Land, the Sacred Land of all, is divided and dissociated. The land on which My Son stepped with His Feet, walked and went on pilgrimage to meet the most needy and most unprotected of that time, to announce His Gospel of salvation to the fallen hearts.

Today, My Holy Land is being invaded and persecuted, because it is the land of all religions and all creeds, of all those who seek the essence of God’s Love.

Today, this land is once again filled with blood and, just as it was in the flagellation of Jesus, the Mother of Jesus collects, through Her Mantle, the innocent blood that is shed, so that it may be deposited in the chalices of all martyrs of Heaven.

Dear children, I invite you to Lourdes not just for one more pilgrimage. Today, I invite you to Lourdes so that you may accompany Me in this spiritual task that is an emergency for Me, and I know that to some extent you will not be able to understand it. However, follow in My footsteps of a Mother, the footsteps of the Consoling and Co-redemptive Mother, because through the Spiritual Spring of Lourdes, I need not only that the surface of the Earth may be purified of so much evil transmitted, but also that the souls of the innocent and martyrs who are stuck on the lower planes after having lived through terrorism and persecution, may be elevated in Glory to the Heavens. And this is the task of the Mother Mediator and Intercessor of hearts.

This is why I come here in an extraordinary way to announce to you this spiritual request of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that this war may not reach dimensions that cannot be controlled later on.

In the meantime, dear children, My Mantle remains stained by the blood of the innocent, and I will take it to God as an offering for the reconciliation of those who are lost and fallen, for the redemption of those who are condemned to the fire of hell, after having committed this grave and delicate action. Because what remains on the etheric plane of the planet is an energy of evil that is very difficult to transmute. In this way, peoples and nations are intoxicated by this vibration.

This is why it is important to live the prayer of the heart in this time, and ask for all sinners and condemned in the world, so that they may have the Grace of the opportunity to be forgiven by Christ, My Son; because your Divine Mother wants good for all Her children, without exceptions or conditions. She wants this good so that all may be in peace, in the happiness of living in the Kingdom of the Heavens, although they are on Earth.

Because although My Heart today is pierced by the spear of human cruelty in this time, your Divine Mother brings you the Kingdom of the Heavens in this place, just for a moment, so that you may commune with Divine Purpose and, through this Purpose, you may live the Will of God that has been written for each one of My children since the beginning.

On this special Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, your Heavenly Mother collects the prayer of all Her children, as the last chance for the salvation of humanity so that the Law of Justice may not descend, because it is a Law absolutely unknown to all.

Despite the pain of My Heart, I ardently wish that all My beloved children may have the Grace of continuing to know Divine Mercy, so that this Divine Mercy may liberate them completely. This is My yearning, dear children.

The angels of Heaven, at this moment, are still collecting the blood of martyrs and of the innocent through chalices, because someone, in this universe, must justify this terrible human cruelty.

And before the Most Blessed Sacrament, before the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which today we contemplate and adore together in a special way, I come to ask, kneeling before the Eternal Father, for Him to have Pity and Mercy not only on those who have unjustly died in the world, not only because the law of condemnation and death continues to be experienced, but I also come to ask for those who are condemned and live evil, because deep down, they are hearts that have distanced themselves from the Love of God, and at this moment live the law of revenge and impunity.

Dear children, these situations and vibrations are the most difficult ones for the Hierarchy to transmute. This is why the sacred spirit of prayer will always relieve these terrible sorrows and open a tiny door of Light in the great abyss of planetary darkness.

There cannot be peace in the world while there are martyrs in the world today. There cannot be good in the world while there is impunity in the world. But keep working faithfully with the prayer of the heart. Because this is the time, dear children, after having lived in My school of prayer all these years, for you to practice this exercise with consciousness, and not just as a discipline or commitment.

It is necessary that the prayer of the heart burns within you, so that the Word of God may resound in you time and again, whenever it is necessary. In this way, you will be transformed and converted into true apostles that allow the Divine Energy to transfigure you completely, although you are still living the human condition.

Have faith in the sacred science of the Sacraments that My Son gave you. Have faith in the incalculable power of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because each time you are before the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of Christ, your hearts will be liberated and will help liberate the world from these ideologies and terrible ways of life. Remember, dear children, that the Human Project needs to be rebuilt and repaired.

The Lady of Israel invites you today to walk barefoot, divested of your intentions and preferences, empty of heart, so that the All, the Supreme, may fill you. This will be the fundamental attitude, the essential attitude that will help you to go through these painful times. In this way, you will always be able to invoke the Sacred Light of Hope and Love of God, so that the neediest souls may be touched by this Light of Hope and Love of God.

I will go to Lourdes to wash My Garments, so that the blood of the most innocent and martyrs may be purified by the water of Massabielle, so that the divine and spiritual healing that I left to be held through Lourdes may flow as an inexhaustible spring, as a spiritual spring upon the world situations that do not have a solution today. Because the power of Love can convert and transform everything when you simply have faith in the Love of Christ.

Today I speak to you about the Middle East because it is a grave situation for God, because He placed His Word and His Message there. God, through His Heart, reflected His Call for all souls of the world there, and this must not be in vain, dear children. This has an incalculable responsibility before the Law.

But I want to tell you that your Heavenly Mother also contemplates the grave errors that take place in Africa and the oppressive slavery that some nations of Latin America live. Do not forget that My Gaze is upon all and everyone, and that the Mother of God has no preference, but rather Love.

In this time of planetary darkness, may the power of prayer and adoration burn again in you, so that the Higher Laws may stabilize the disasters of the planet, and love may not completely disappear from humanity.

If this should happen, My Heart will be completely torn, and the cry of the Mother of God will be heard throughout the universe, just as God heard the cry of Mary on Mount Calvary, when Her Only Beloved Son was nailed to the Cross.

May the Divine Blood of Jesus purify these times and this moment.

May the Rays of Mercy prevail over evil.

May the Rays of Grace transcend impunity, because no human being on this surface can live without Love, for the Love of God is life. The Love of God is the spiritual impulse that motivates you to continue on despite the times of tribulation, despite the consequences.

This is why I ask you not to forget that the Love of God is at stake in this world and it is humanity that is removing it from itself. Do not forget that you must love one another, just as My Son loves you and as I love you.

Therefore, may Love always live among you. Be a testimonial of the Love that I bring to you today and remember the innocent and martyrs, whose love and life were taken away. Thus, love more than you think you love, more than you think you know.

Love is infinite, Grace is invincible, and this is what I want to say to the world.

Let us reinforce prayer for the Middle East. I am attentive, once again, to the voice of supplications.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Let us pray for peace.

Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Spanish, Portuguese and English)

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer of the Servant of God

O Lord,
fill our lives
with the gifts of Your Grace.

Reveal Yourself, My God,
at each step of life.

Make Yourself present in the smallest thing,
so that many more may discover
the sacred power of Your Humility.

Lord, open the doors of Your Kingdom,
so that all may enter.

With Eyes of Mercy,
may You contemplate the magnificence
that all Your Creatures are in You,
and You, Lord, in them.

May the blazing flame of Your Divine Purpose 
be recognized by those
who go through the dark night,
for You, Lord, are the Light of the world,
You are that bridge that shows itself
before our eyes,
so that we may cross it
with confidence toward Paradise.

Lord, do not look at the indifference of humankind,
the cruelty of the unbelievers;
place, Your Gaze, Lord on all those
who in sacrifice and love surrender themselves to You,
to praise You and to recognize You
as the Only Lord, Adonai.

Lord, may Your unfathomable Love
sanctify the lives of Your Children.

Make the star of Bethlehem shine once again
in the innermost depths of the hearts
of those who aspire one day
meet Christ, face to face.

Thus, My God, prepare the New Earth
through those who, out of love, offer themselves to You,
so that Your Sacred Kingdom may descend to Earth.

In this perfect union
between Your Heart and the hearts of Your children
may Your existence be vivified,
because at the end of everything,
when all will have been fulfilled
as You have decreed,
Your Creatures and You, Lord of the Universe, will be one,
and nothing more will separate life from essence,
reality from that which is immaterial,
that which is internal from that which is divine and cosmic.

Your Servant and Slave, once again, offers Herself,
in love and renunciation,
so that many more may be reborn in You.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Servant of the Lord.


Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus

Sixth day

Today, My child, remove, from the very depths of My Heart, the thorn of violence and the transgression of human life through abortion.

My Heart feels a very huge weight and an unbearable pain when in hospitals, or in secret places, hundreds of mothers surrender to violence and cruelty through abortion, causing a permanent suffering in the soul that was being gestated, a suffering that it will carry within, for the rest of its spiritual life.

If the mothers, who decide to abort the life they carry, knew the repercussions of the action they are about to commit, perhaps they would previously think of controlling their unbridled temptations, being conscious of and taking responsibility for the new life they could bring to Earth.

Humanity, even from a religious point of view, still believes that the new life that is about to incarnate in the womb of a mother only begins at gestation. 

The Creation of God is perfect and, above all, so is the Gift of Life, one of those most transgressed by human beings; this causes extremely grave debts that humanity incurs for violating the Law of Life.

Thus, with great fervor in your heart, offer your prayers to the Heavenly Father so that the inexhaustible Fountain of Mercy from the Heart of God may open and descend like a powerful current over the mothers and over those responsible who, in these times, practice, foster and spread the transgression to the unborn as a method, as a personal pleasure and even for contempt. 

May the Heavenly Father hear your supplications and, for the painful sufferings caused by this thorn in My Heart, may Mercy be able to overcome, beyond all errors, and those miserable souls that practice these barbarities be forgiven.

Hold tight, My child, to the Mercy of God and beg, with all the inner power of your heart, that the power of My Grace may act instead of Justice.

Through the petition of your heart, allow that the mothers, who are tempted by My adversary to take the life of the unborn, become aware for a moment and reconsider, in order to protect and respect the new life.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted during the trip from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the city of Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Awaken! See your Heavenly Mother in a great planetary mission with the missionaries of peace, those who together with Me prepare themselves to meet the greatest needs of love and service in Turkey.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother, with the missionaries of peace, head toward one of the farthest places in the Middle East to carry out an important, essential rescue of souls, that need to know My Peace.

This way, My children, the missionaries of peace must radiate the spirit of paternity and maternity towards the smallest and most forgotten,

In the upcoming second phase of the humanitarian mission, My missionaries will start to enter the true camp of refugees, the one that is projected in the planetary consciousness of the helpless and those who are marginalized because, in reality, dear children, the total abandonment and exile lives in the spirit of each being.

This next phase will demand that the missionaries of peace face the internal results of human cruelty, something that they will be discovering under My holy guidance as the mission takes place throughout different regions of Turkey.

Istanbul will be the final and hardest phase because My missionaries will see the apex of great human exile.

The service to the children will require spiritual, moral and physical attention to the little ones, those who, through wars or the loss of their families, have lost the joy of living or the purpose of being in this world.

The paternal and maternal love of each missionary is essential, therefore, dear children, I invite all of you to consider this part of the mission as important, because the missionaries must unite themselves to the inner Christ of each little child of Mine, so I will be showing you, My missionary daughters of peace, where lies the need of the greatest maternal love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees

​​​​​​​Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

When we were halfway through the prayer work of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, I began to see a desert-like place, a place that was unknown to me. At the end of the prayer and while we were singing "Christ, You are Love", I saw the Master walking in this place. He said it was the Middle East, specifically Syria, where He was spiritually gathering those brothers and sisters who had died trying to cross the desert, looking for a way out, an alternative. I also saw Him in the ships of the refugees, rescuing the soul of each of these consciousnesses.

During the whole time that He was here transmitting His monthly message, He continued to carry out this task in that place. It was an invisible and profound task, with each person that was there needing help.

He showed that the demand was very great, and that His Consciousness was able to encompass up to a certain number. At that moment, we asked Him why, and He responded that it was what the Father allowed, what the Law of the Universe permitted, since with what is happening in the Middle East, the conflict and the refugees, there is a great imbalance in the Laws, and He respects the Law. But nevertheless, the Master helped those consciousnesses.

At another moment, we saw Him with many children in His Arms. He showed the faces of many children in need, many of them undernourished and almost dead.

When He appeared here in Aurora, He showed Himself dressed as an Arab, the clothing covered all His Body, and only His Face could be seen, drawing attention to the brilliance of His Eyes, of a deep sky blue. While He transmitted the Message, in His left hand He held His Heart. It was a human Heart that beat, that was alive, and through which circulated vital, living and luminous Blood. He was stretching out His Hand to us and offered His Heart, to us and to all of humanity.

Look at Me and I will be with you.

Seek Me and you will find Me.

Do not turn away from Me and stay by My side.

I still offer you My Heart as salvation and rescue.

I still offer My Heart for you, especially for those that do not want Me nor live Me.

Today I have come from the universe not only to give you My Peace and dissolve all evils. Today I came in the name of My Father, to please Him and bring relief to His wounded Heart.

Today I came from a special place that is unknown to many, because you have only been there through prayer, through your souls and your sincere offerings to My Heart.

Today I come from far lands where hearts suffer and many despair because they cannot find peace and because of living in fear of death all the time.

Today I come with the vestments of a great Arab Master that travels through the deserts because in all places He hears voices crying out for help and pity.

Today, in My Arms I have held those who have died, those who are shipwrecked, those who are lost in the seas from so much indignity.

And today they are here in My Lap, in this warm manger that is being prepared to again incarnate the Son of God, in the face of a great time of tribulation and of darkness. But who has shed a tear for those they do not know and that suffer?

Today I come to remove you from your comfortable spaces, so that you may see beyond yourselves the true need of the Plan. It is for this reason that My Father, through My prayers, heard the supplications of His Son, so that consciousnesses in offering and service could carry My Peace, the Peace that I have given you here for such a long time.

Today I do not come to demand anything from you, but rather to ask you to finally decide to be what you still do not want to be, to be My instruments, My lamps that light up a world that is in the dark.

Today I have come to show you where the need is. While I walk through the desert of faraway Syria, I listen to the crying of the innocent. But to transcend the sorrow that I feel on seeing so much cruelty and indifference, in the face of so much lack of love and of pity, I offer My Heart as a refuge.

Today I am planting My last ray of light in the world, so that those that were imprisoned by their own brothers and sisters may find the way out to redemption, that they may see My Light on the horizon shining like the Aurora to bring a rescue to those who truly deserve it.

Companions, in light of what is happening in the world, you can perceive the smallness of your difficulties. If you turn away to not speak with a brother or sister, what would you do if you were facing a rifle about to kill you? Would you give up your life for Me to testify to the world that I was among you and resurrected from among the dead to give you eternal life?

There is no time to waste on superficial things. You must not give yourselves permission to become lost in such insignificant things that have no value or essence in the Eyes of God.

I come to awaken your consciousness, which is still asleep in you, because it is now time for it to awaken to the call of the Plan. Look around you and understand what is happening, and thus, continue to firmly walk to console those that call and cry out for My Mercy even though they do not know Me. That is why I am in the desert and also on the seas, stretching out My Hand to those that are shipwrecked all the time and have no land or place to live.

O companions! How insignificant are your things that have not seen hundreds of children crying from hunger, for bread or for water.

The times seen by John are taking place and nobody will be able to escape. The hour of evil has come and it is not enough, companions, that you hide in your amenities or in your ideals to justify to My Father that this is not real.

Thus, I offer you My Heart as a living and resplendent flame, for your Master that is in Heaven, and that is now in Syria, prepares the important mission of carrying peace from one heart to another. Of carrying love from one spirit to another. It will be in that hour that I will confirm if in truth you have understood My Law of loving one another in spite of your errors and your faults.

While souls know the first steps of their purification, let nobody fear, for who seeks My Heart will not be lost nor will be empty of feeling or of word.

I come seeking that which you still have not given Me, I come to banish what still does not want to die and that has increasingly deeper roots in the consciousness. I have no need of your dry and hard roots. I come to transplant you so that you may be a new being, a new consciousness, in which My Light may act in the most difficult moments.

I know that you all fail Me again and again, but My gaze is on your talents that are a refuge for My Gifts, which I place in each human heart. That is why I have come to assemble you all for this new mission in the Middle East. You will bring reality to many, that will help many to experience My Message and make it part of their being.

Recently humanity is crossing its first darkest part, but the worst has not begun. It is at that hour that I will return to reveal to the world the time of its judgment before My Lord, before the angels of Heaven. There is where the Earth will enter a new state, a new beginning, and those who have rejected My name will no longer be present, because the Earth will be repopulated by those that I have called to live My path. I need this mission to be carried out because the most acute hour is drawing closer.

May this Christmas be the Christmas of the renewal of consciousness and not of childishness, naivety, or indifference. You are already prepared to give the fruits that My Heart needs rather than being bad fruit in clean baskets with fresh fruit. Do not destroy what I am building.

I know that many will not believe what I am saying, for truly humble is the one that listens and is silent so as to recognize reality. I do not need your barriers, I do not want your obstacles, I need companions with a pure heart where God and His Work lives throughout time. Do not let your hearts become as hard as stone, be free of yourselves once and for all. Always seek a filiation with Me and with My Father Who is in Heaven.

I do not want you to deceive yourselves. I come to bring you My Light and the testimony of My Truth. I come to give you what you do not deserve, although I know you have offered yourselves for Me many times. Friends, I need your unity, where My adversary cannot enter. If in the basket there is a rotten fruit, the rest will be lost and that will not be because of lack of My care, but rather because of your actions, for you do not care about the great need of this planet.

I give you My Love that is the Love of the Living God, the Love of the Eternal and Omnipresent God; it is that Love that through the centuries takes care of fragile souls. The same as a plant dies because it cannot manage to survive, I give you of that water, but you do not drink it. I give you a little of My Love that transforms you, but you become closed. I give you My Word and you do not want to hear it. If I gave all these things to My children of the Middle East, the war would end and the thrones that have been built would fall down to the right and to the left of God, because the Father Who is in Heaven is the One Who has the Power and not you or any being of the Earth.

I incarnated in this world so that you could learn to love and to live through My Heart. I am always here, but you do not seek Me. I always wait to give you My embrace and My consolation.

Everything that must die will experience its suffering, but do not fear; love overcomes all barriers.

Be My witnesses in this time and walk at My side so as to always see peace. Remember that My Love is invincible and penetrates all things.

Surrender your powers at My Feet and I will resurrect you. It is time for humility.


The great grief of My Immaculate Heart is due to the cruelty and the lack of love that exist among the beings on Earth.

And that, children of Mine, is not due to lack of proof or witnesses of the power of love.  Jesus Christ was and will be the most truthful proof of love that overcame all in order to take the leap to the universal consciousness.

For this, Your Mother of Heaven comes to remind you about the Love of God manifested through His Beloved Son.  Humanity no longer feels the need to love, but to conquer, judge and above all, destroy the spiritual and moral dignity of others.

That increases the sorrow that the Heart of God feels by seeing His children created in full captivity and shipwreck.

But the power of the Love of God transcends all barriers and although in this time there are souls that do not want to love, but to harm and hurt others, Your Mother of Justice holds the scale that is about to break down due to the weight of sin, omission and martyrdom.

This time would come; the majority of humanity chose the pleasures of material life and the ambition for everything, thus, day after day, separated itself from God until replacing Him for the modernities and false gods that it assumed as its own.

The prophecy of John, the Apostle, is fulfilled as it was written but before everything happens your faithfulness to the designs of God will make the difference between walking to Paradise or towards hell on Earth.

Children, sorry for My profound statement because the glass not only overflows but it spills and poisons many hearts.  Now this glass is about to break by the impact of the Angel of the Justice of God.

Help Me! Help Me and pray! The fraternal power of My Immaculate Heart will help humanity.

Thank you for answering to My pleas for peace!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe


Dear Children,

May in times of battle, only exist peace, and may the peace of the heart manage to absolutely reestablish the love of God in the poor hearts that have lost it. For this, children, in this time, Your Celestial Mother comes from Heaven in order to prepare you to live the great spiritual battle that the Woman Dressed of Sun will hold against the enemy.

Live the peace of heart in this hour, and may your lives, passing through the cycle of purification, only find a favorite refuge in the Heart of My Son.  But, while the King who will banish evil does not arrive to call you to live the last supper of this cycle, your Celestial Mother is already running to the desert and protecting Her children from the sharp claws of evil.

My dears, the time of definition has already arrived.  Do not turn your faces away from the great inner change that is approaching, which needs you to be purified before My Son returns to your encounter.  

For this, beloved, do not waste even one minute in superficial things, only seek to gestate within yourselves a greater strength, which is not built with arrogance or self-pride.  Be more and more humble and you will be safe from the claws that beguile all the time the most naïve and impure of heart.

I wish, in this cycle, that your purification passes quickly, thus you will be up to know how to answer to the Divine Will that calls you all the time.

Your Celestial Mother is already in the desert protecting Her children from all adversity and deceit, because the time of mirages has come to all.  Destroy with the love and the power of the internal prayer, all the parallel reality that seeks to divert you from the only objective: Christ.

Reverent and humble, manifest the possibility that peace accomplishes prodigies and salvations in those who would not deserve it due to their own cruelty towards the Kingdom of God.

With your meekness you will know how to recognize false from true and nothing will drive your attention from the true Christic path that you came to traverse.

Through your renunciation the world will recover its purity.  Be attentive to the signs that your Celestial Mother will send you through the messages, because this is the last opportunity for all. 

My Glory and Love supports you.

I thank you for answering to My Call.

Who gathers you in the Heart of the Master,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
