In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thus, the time will come in the future when souls will not know what pain or anguish is. The time will come when Mine will know the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth, for I will bring it in My Return.
In this way, the feet will no longer be tired of seeking the path to find the Purpose because those divested of themselves will find the Purpose, for they will have fulfilled the Will of My Father, which is also My Will, and must also be your Will.
Meanwhile, in this arid planetary scenario, I call you to conviction and faith, to this such great and immovable faith that your own Master and Lord lived during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, where, facing all errors and horrors of the world, your Master did not step back but rather advanced, even while feeling the weight of the sins and faults committed since Adam and Even up to the end of times in His own Flesh.
And I Am here today, companions, to testify to you that it is possible because in the apparent emptiness or in the arid desert lies God through His solemn silence to impel you into the constant transformation of the consciousness, of habits and even pleasures because nothing will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens that is not of God and His Will; the path seems to become narrower to some, or they still cannot find the way out.
Behold the Heart of the Master, which exposes Itself before you today, that Heart which was pierced on the Cross to consummate the liberation from the sins of the world, to dispel all darkness.
Thus, your human heart can also live and share this with Me, because My rod will not punish or condemn you. My Law, which is the Law of God, comes to show you the way that a great part of humanity is losing by replacing God.
I wish you to be free, just as My apostles were free, even at the most culminating moment of their fears, when they were not able to accompany the Lord on Calvary and to the death on the Cross.
I come to make you fishermen of souls and hearts, just as My apostles, servants of peace and good, who seek to start again every day, whatever it takes, because the victory of your walk or the triumph of your transformation is not on Earth but rather in Heaven, when the time to depart from this world to the sublime spheres comes to you, with the certainty of having lived an experience of love, forgiveness and redemption beyond your own human condition.
Be free of yourselves so that the world may be liberated from oppression and evil, so that those who cry out may receive Grace and Mercy, Pity and Redemption.
How many, indeed how many, wait for this day and night! Because My promise is not only for you but rather for the whole world, for all religions and peoples, for all nations.
When the most culminating moment approaches, know that it will be the hour of My arrival and My Return. Some will recognize Me and others will not. Be vigilant and in adoration to be able to hear the steps of the Lord's Return to humanity.
I have taught you the way, just as I did to My apostles in the past. I do not come to give you or deliver to you something new. I come to teach you the Truth that you can live and practice in the solemnity of the heart, life and spirit, because the Truth will set you free from yourselves and liberate the world from so many errors and maleficences.
On this third day, I have come to pray with you for those who live the death penalty and decapitation. How much anguish My Heart experiences for all this!
For this reason, the life that you can give Me and the offering that you can make to Me is what impels Me to return to the world and be here today, stepping with My Feet on this sacred ground of Aurora, which has always been a witness of the touch of God's Hand upon you, your brothers and sisters of all this Work, and all those who with faith listen to the Sacred Hearts.
It is time to work in the end of these times, it is time for each one to definitively offer their gift and virtue to God, for I come to fulfill what I have promised, I come to seek the talents that must not be wasted or lost.
What talent will you offer Me? What virtue will you give Me? What gift will you truly practice in your lives?
This is what will create the conditions for the Return of your Master and Lord to the world. Before the doors of the Heavens, I expect and wait for the response of each one, but mainly the inner response.
I want My silence to lead you to reflection and understanding so that, in the face of the superficiality of this world, you may learn how to make good decisions for your lives and for the path of the spirit, the first path that must be manifested in this time.
Do you know what your spirit is like, what dimension it encompasses, or even what part of God this spirit comes from? Because just as His Son is a part of the Spirit of the Father, the Father is also a part of the Spirit of His Divine Son.
It is in the spirit that you must learn to work so that this world may really be helped and relieved by the bearers of peace, by those who claim to practice good every day.
The spirit is what is most wonderful that God has granted to us in this Creation. Allow your spirits to present themselves and work in this time. Make room for this, open the door for your souls so that the human temperament may no longer govern or rule you, as it happens to many, because the spirit in each being must only aspire to elevate itself to God and be in communion with Higher Laws so that, through your spirits, you may be mirrors of the Creator Father on Earth, just as the holy angels are mirrors of God in this universe and in other universes.
Abandon the prison of your bodies. Today I give you a key so that the door of this prison may be opened and you may be liberated. However, will and determination, faith and courage are needed so that the moorings may be dissolved, so that the chains of your feet may be broken.
The world will spiritually resurrect with decided souls and hearts and not lukewarm ones, with those who learn how to stand My Fire, My Fire of transforming and redeeming Love, that Fire that the apostles themselves felt in the past, at each moment they shared with Me, just as you have been so many times before My Fire. Have you noticed it? Have you recognized it? Have you adopted it?
There lies the power to transform and elevate everything; although it may seem impossible, do not give up, neither you nor your brothers and sisters, because the goal is very close, closer than you imagine.
But you must amend the errors of the world and all the outrages that humanity commits in these present times so that the power of My Divine Mercy may work more than Justice.
My Hand is now separating the wheat from the chaff, the good herb from the bad herb. This is part of the Law and is part of this time, the end time.
Sow good things, seeds of love and charity, actions of good and peace.
Thus, I come to make a final synthesis on this third day.
What is the teaching you will take from these three days shared with Me?
What did I try to tell you at each moment?
Be awake, in My Words and in each meeting lies the impulse for the next step. Make good use and avail yourselves of it, do not miss the opportunity. With love, embrace My Message and above all, My Heart, which is yours. Thus, I hope that your hearts will be Mine. This is what I patiently hope for.
May the advent of the ambassadors of peace be fulfilled.
The world is in an emergency. The soldiers are being called to the lines of Christ, and I will be with those who want to be with Me. Just as today I Am with you in this beloved place of your Eternal Father.
I thank you for accompanying Me and for being here just as you are, without hiding, because I will make the Kingdom of the Heavens from the poor of heart. I want to make the Kingdom of the Heavens from your hearts, do not forget it.
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Voice echoes in the deepest silence of the universe, in which the inner worlds can hear and recognize Me. It is in this deep silence of the universe that the Father seeks the response, through wisdom, science and understanding.
Silence permeates the deepest layers of consciousness, of life and of every vibration, because in this deepest silence of the universe lies the response of God, which many times you try to find or even hear.
So that wisdom may permeate life, silence is the preamble. This sets the consciousness apart from possible errors, because the Wisdom of God is the certainty and conviction of His Spirit, which knows everything and impels everything, in this and in other dimensions. Without this Divine and Inner Wisdom, inner life would make no sense.
What was the first thing that the Father manifested in this Creation? It was the science of His Inner Life, which later on impelled Creation and everything that was created. There this matrix can be found. There this Purpose is revealed for everything that exists, for everything that lives and vibrates in this universe.
Each element, as well as each particle, each atom as well as each cell within this cosmic science, fulfills a purpose and a duty, because it exists so that it may reflect the Will of the Father, just as the holy angels do in Heaven and on Earth.
In this macro-universe of life, in this space of existence, of evolution, each element, particle or life fulfills its Purpose in the manifestation of the spirit, the mind and matter.
It is in this perfect communion, in this alignment with what is higher and internal, that one’s own consciousness must be connected, united to and even merged with Creation, so that the Principle of God, which is immutable, may manifest, reveal and build His Will in everything that was created by Himself at the beginning.
Within this infinite Creation you must contemplate the Purpose and Origin, so as to transcend the events, facts and even wounds.
If your consciousnesses do not travel in time-space, where the Divine Life vibrates and exists, the Great Purpose that created this existence, all the universes, dimensions and planes, how will you be able to overcome the end of times?
It is time to look at what is essential within yourselves, because that is where the answer is, that is where the next step is, separated from the ideas and thoughts, from everything that you might believe is better.
God is not to be found there. He manifests Himself and presents Himself to souls through His Sovereign Silence and His infinite Divine and Inner Life, so that He gradually builds His Will through them. Today is the time for you to live this, not only to receive or hear it.
Remember that My Words record a code, an impulse in the ether of the planet, so that this wounded humanity may spiritually resurrect and start anew with hope, with the arrival of what is to come, the advent of Christ.
You must think as the angels do, you must feel the way they do; in that way, you will realize how much it is still necessary to sublimate and transcend.
But it is in the origin of this existence, where the Whole is present and inner life vibrates and is present, that the Love of the Father mirrors itself with power, and puts everything in this universe in its place. But not with Justice, but rather with Mercy, through a Sublime Wisdom so that all that was created may learn to evolve and grow.
You must imitate the nature manifested by God to you, its cycles of withdrawal, as well as its cycles of expression and expansion; because just as the seed sprouts so that someday the fruits may be born, in the same way life loses its own leaves and once again sprouts and re-emerges so strongly, through the Light it receives from Heaven, which strengthens the spirit and expresses the surrender in those who live in fidelity to the Lord, Our God.
Today I want to leave you in this level of consciousness because, when I am no longer with you, you will have to seek, within yourselves and in an impersonal and mature way, the power of love and of faith. This very same inner state that I present to all, despite the different schools you are going through.
However, do not forget what I taught My apostles and the people of Israel: that in the Eyes of God, all of us are equal. To God there is no one better or worse, good or evil, awakened or asleep. God knows who each being is within their inner existence.
Can you, by any chance, value this gift, just as God values it with His amplitude and love?
In this way, you will learn how to see your neighbor with the eyes of the soul, rather than those of the mind. Thus, you will be able to recognize, among your miseries, the Inner Christ, this little spark of Light that God placed in each of His children, so that in this life and in this universe, each one may bear life in abundance.
I believe we are already before the possibility to take this step that I ask of you today, to come out of the conflicted third dimension and enter into the time of the Brotherhood, when everyone is considered, when everyone is contemplated, when everyone is heard without being judged. Because if God had placed His rod upon you, you would not be here.
Do you now understand that His Infinite Love cannot be measured by prejudice? That He, the Almighty, as a Father with open Arms and an expanded Heart, wants to have you close, so as to fulfill His Will?
How many, really how many souls need this and do not have it!
Be attentive to recognize, with gratitude, this Grace, so that in you, some day that is not far away nor distant, the wise Inner Christ may be born, the One who does not measure with a rod, but rather loves through His actions; the Inner Christ who welcomes through His Heart and is capable of feeling the miserable as a part of His own misery. Because this is what I lived for you.
With fervor, embrace My Call, and receive it also as a blessing, as an opportunity to open a new door, which with hope may look at the future and, with determination, may close the door of the past so that you may not become lost in superficial things.
Because in truth I tell you that without love, nothing is possible. How are the degrees of your love? Where does love act in you? Do not forget it.
May God’s Wisdom strengthen you. May the Love of God raise you so that you may walk decidedly toward the Purpose, that Purpose which is written in the Heart of God, because we owe Him honor and glory.
I thank those who strive and make efforts to transform themselves, those who can look at the Light of the Face of Jesus every day, in order to be blessed.
May peace promote peace, and may peace grant unity and strength to those who say ‘yes’ to Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Children,
The month of August represents the cycle in which the doors of the past must close so that the doors of the new cycle may open.
This movement, profoundly internal and spiritual, will mean that each one will be before the Grace of true repentance for all actions caused and which have deviated from the Law. For this reason, My Son will come once again, in Glory, Soul and Divinity, to show you the path that it is time to travel.
I tell you this, My children, so that each one may be attentive and, before the Love of the Heavenly Father, conduct their own examination of conscience; for My Son expects His Work and His Legacy to live in the hearts and that, through the hearts, He may begin to prepare His Return.
Dear children, August is the time of recollection of Our Sacred Hearts. The time has come and each one must now begin to walk with their own feet toward the Purpose that was thought of for each soul and for each being. Now is the time to give honor and respect, gratitude and reverence to what Christ deposited in each one of you.
In this month of August, when the Divine Hierarchy will be gathered once again to address the serious situation of the planet, Our Heavenly Hearts ask you for solemnity, truth, adherence, love and respect, so that humanity may also recover the values it has lost.
I will be praying as your Mediating Mother so that many more may recover these attributes and values of life at this stage of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Live each day as if it were the last: be true in your words, intentions, gestures and in each action of your days.
Live each day as if it were the last: be simple in your outlook, willing in your service, attentive in your prayers, transparent in your confessions, sincere in your love for God and His little creatures of all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Live each day as if it were the last: paying attention to each detail and each opportunity for surrendering a little more to God; paying attention to each opportunity for overcoming your resistances and fears, your limitations and your human condition.
Live each day as if it were the last: remain vigilant and perceive the Will of God for each detail in life.
See, child, that His Purpose dwells in all things, in the tests and the challenges, in illness or in vitality, in a profound sadness or in a full joy. God's Purpose dwells in each detail in life and, when you live each day as if it were the last, you will perceive that this Purpose guides your life and leads you to the transformation of your consciousness, so that each instant may bring you wholeness, rather than what you want or the way you think, but a wholeness in the fulfilling of God's Will for your life.
For this reason, live each day as if it were the last, but not with the desire to do all things, but rather with the peace of having an awareness of each detail, so that you may perceive the wonders of the gift of life in the small things.
And when the day and the time comes for you to transcend this opportunity of a material experience of life on Earth, your heart will be ready, not for returning to learn again in the world, but rather to take the greater steps in the ascension of your spirit, because it is now time.
Thus, do not attach your spirit to the world, do not hold on to the things of the Earth, but live each day in simplicity as if it were the last, and you will find the peace and freedom to perceive that you have no control or power over anything at all; you only have the possibility of living and being grateful for everything that life grants you as a growing and learning experience.
Let the gift of gratitude lift your heart up to God and make it His instrument more and more each day.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart, child, in the Crucified Heart of Christ, where you will understand the essence of emptiness, surrender, divestment, humility, the true meaning of having nothing nor wanting anything for the self, the true meaning of surrendering your life for others.
Place your heart in the Crucified Heart of Christ and you will understand the meaning of fullness, a fullness that does not come from this world and does not become filled with anything that belongs to it, the fullness of being in God beyond all and any circumstances.
The time and the hour has come for your being to learn to be in God and live the essence of His Project of Love, because everything has already been given to you for this: all the instructions have been given to you, all the Graces have been given to you, all the gifts have been given to you so that now, child, you may know how to divest your heart of yourself, of the world and its promises, and enter into the essence of the Purpose of life.
Do not go through the world without fulfilling your primary mission, which is to fill your heart, your spirit and your consciousness in the likeness of Christ, with His Christic path. And that means to live like Christ in His surrender, in His Love, in His submission, and in His emptiness.
Do not seek something else for yourself other than the Purpose of your Lord, and embrace everything which leads you into the fulfillment of that Purpose.
Love this cycle of the planet with your heart, because you came to the world for this. Do not fear testifying to an empty heart, do not fear testifying to a perfect Love. And to reach this emptiness and this Love, you must first live the divestment, the purification and an absolute surrender of everything you still hold on to with your hands.
Thus, simply walk in faith, and on this walk, where only the silence of the Creator will accompany you, let your steps also be silent, but full of the certainty of the triumph of Christ through your heart.
The world is in agony, child, and its suffering has no limits. The anguish of souls makes no sense and is unexplainable, has no measure. And to repair and balance this, the Creator calls upon His companions to live His Words and His Law, to live His Purpose and His Love.
Will you say yes?
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May God show you His Divine Face and illuminate your paths so that you may reach the purpose of your existence.
May the Lord, your God, anoint you with His Light and liberate you forever from all that, in your life, imprisons you.
May the Celestial Father guide you and show you the sacred path to fulfill His Holy Will.
May your heart be opened like a temple, so that the Lord, your God, the God of Israel, may dwell in you; so that you may conceive in yourself an empty heart, free from ambitions, vices and all ownership.
May the Lord, your God, Adonai, transfigure your entire consciousness, so that divine life may be in you and may one day be in all of humanity.
May Divine Grace, out of love, grant this moment, so that the New Christs may be present on the surface of the Earth."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Withdraw from your weaknesses the strength of the spirit, and let your spirit lead and guide you to the fulfilment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Rise from your falls as many times as necessary, but do not set yourself up as a victim, but as being responsible for your own actions.
Allow the power of Divine Mercy to transform all your miseries, so that you can be freed from yourself, from your own resistances.
Everything can be renewed, remember this. Nothing is fixed or permanent, the universe is dynamic and changes all the time.
Be brave enough to recognise your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself with your thoughts.
Be determined to achieve the inner freedom that I offer you. The desert is for the brave of heart, it is for those who are not afraid to be others."
Christ Jesus
Dear children,
The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.
Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.
Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.
In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.
Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.
Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.
I pray every day for families.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Hail Mary in French
Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.
(Three times)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
I come here as the Empress of Peace, bringing in My Hand the Scepter of God so that the world may live the Purpose of the Father, so that My children may join that Spiritual Purpose before it is too late.
Therefore, this spiritual impulse of the Creative Source, I deposit it in the hearts of My children today, I pour it into the souls of God today, so that the greatest possible number of consciousnesses awaken in this time of emergency and can respond to the great need of the planet, to the emergency of humanity.
Therefore, dear children, I come here, to La Salette, once again, to remind you of My Message, the Message of the Lady of La Salette, a Message that was not fully heard or accepted.
Therefore, I come to remind you of this, because there is still a little time left for everything to be reversed and transformed in all human consciousness.
Dear children, I need you here, with Me, at My side, at the side of the Mother of God, walking through this world, following in the footsteps of Christ, serving through the tireless apostolate in the face of the great planetary need.
I grieve so much for what is happening in the Middle East! So much innocent blood is still being shed!
When will humanity stop? Do they not fear the Justice of God?
Many perhaps do not fear It, because they believe that nothing will happen to them. That is why I come here as your Advocate, as the Mother Mediator and Intercessor between souls and God, because they are in dire need of it.
Therefore, I tell you again that before it is too late, dear children, awaken to the change that I ask of you. Listen to the Word of God through His Messengers; because otherwise many more souls will live the sorrow and anguish of these times, for not having listened to the Call of God that comes through the Heart of His Heavenly Mother, the Heart of the Divine Son and the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph.
Our Three Sacred Hearts, in this very delicate and grave hour of the planet, work in unity with the Most Holy Trinity so that, through the holy angels, many more souls may be protected, may be sheltered from the horrors of these times, which all of you are participating in and seeing.
My beloved children, I come to repeat once again to stop the weapons. I come to ask you, imperatively, to stop and meditate, to no longer attack each other, to stop hurting each other, to stop invading what does not belong to you, to avoid in this time the migration of millions of souls, the exile of many families because of the terror of war or death.
I come as the Empress of Peace, to the top of the Alps, so that My children may hear the deep echo the Voice of God, so that something may change soon. That is what I need most, at this moment, besides your prayers and supplications, which I also listen to attentively. Because in this way wars are avoided, through prayer conflicts are avoided, through true prayer souls are not lost, without return.
That is why I come today with the Scepter of the Light of God ignited, drawing to Earth, once again, His Divine Purpose, so that everything may be impregnated by that Higher Light, so that hearts may find again the peace they lost. Because this is the time, dear children, that all may know My Graces, that all may receive communion from My Son so that they may feel healed, redeemed and renewed.
Therefore, I am here to intercede again, to intervene again in the emergency of these times. I would not like to see more innocents die. This hurts the Heart of God, this hurts the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, this hurts the Heart of the Divine Son.
Contemplate the Mercy of God, the universe of His Love is open to all.
Reconnect with yourselves, to be able to understand this Purpose I bring you today.
Reconcile, forgive yourselves, so that the spiritual healing may come.
I thank you for being here, with Me, and for having done everything possible to be here, at this moment, accompanying the Empress of Peace in this special task, which Her Immaculate Heart and Her Divine Life are carrying out for the good of souls, for the peace of hearts, so that wars may stop, so that there will be no more innocent blood shed on the surface of this world.
I tell you this again, dear children, because these things cannot happen. The world turns away from the Law, and loses its sense of purity and innocence. I am united with all those who pray for this cause, for the cause of the call of the Mother of God.
Strengthen prayer in your families. May your prayers multiply and expand, may the clamor and supplication as one voice and one heart reach the Heart of the Father, because He wants to be closer to His Children. Do His Children want to be closer to their Father?
I come to open this door to the Kingdom of the Love of God Love, so that all may have the Grace, one day, to be worthy in the Father, to be worthy in the Son and worthy in the Holy Spirit; because it is possible, My children.
You must not forget that you are Children of God. All are Children of the Father, beyond creed, religion or any other situation. You must all remember this. That is why I am here to let you know, because many are forgetting it.
In that filiation you will find the happiness you need, the answer you seek so much, the consolation you so hope for, the peace to which you so aspire. Because everything is in the Kingdom of God and, again and again, His Kingdom can descend to Earth through those who open themselves to receive it within themselves and thus become part of the Divine Life, of their true origin, of their true existence, from where everything can begin anew.
Your Heavenly Mother, the Empress of Peace, withdraws Herself in these mountains to contemplate the horizon from above, as you also can contemplate it; waiting, with ardent devotion, for the coming of Christ from the Heavens, so that this world and this humanity may be rebuilt and finally live the Will of God. Because Christ, My Son, will bring His Government, but above all He will bring His Love and His Light, to bring your hearts back to His Eternal Peace.
Children, continue to pray, continue to respond to My call. I am here and I am your Mother, the Mother of humanity; and, under the Light and Love of My Son, I bless you for the courage to follow in the footsteps of Christ in this end time.
May the Love of God bless you and His Light guide you until you can reach the promised One Thousand Years of Peace, for the entire earthly sphere, for all of this wounded humanity.
I take, in My Hands, your intentions and prayers to offere them to God in reparation and for the healing of humanity, because healing is possible.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As the Mother of the World and Mother of the Original Peoples, I come today to step upon this sacred ground with My Feet, so as to bless it again. I come to dissolve the valley of tears of all Indigenous consciousnesses, elevating hearts and consciousnesses toward God, so that they may receive the Father’s Grace and the Universal Mother’s Love.
But this is not the only aim with which I am here today. I am also here for the soul of this nation, so that this nation may find, in the end of these times, through the souls that awaken to universal knowledge, the possibility of responding to the Will of the Eternal Father.
The spiritual debt of this nation to other nations of the world has not allowed this people to express its spiritual archetype and Purpose. It has not allowed the consciousnesses of this nation to be liberated from evil.
This is why the path that I offer to you, which is the Christic path, is the way out. A path that will lead you to re-encounter your true Spiritual Purpose, through the Will that the Father so much hopes to fulfill in this nation.
Not only God, but also the whole Universe, knows that the souls of this nation are directly affected by all that which this nation decides to carry out in these times, and souls inevitably remain under this spiritual prison.
This is why I come today to step upon this sacred ground of Oklahoma, with My Feet, so that the entire North-American people may remember the values of the Indigenous Consciousness. Despite all that has happened in this country throughout recent times and the compromise that this country has made with the world, these spiritual values, kept on the inner planes, are still alive.
Thus, just as the North-American people of the great Indigenous nation did, the North-Americans of the current times must turn toward their inner worlds and ask themselves, “What am I doing, and what is the goal of my life?”
In this way, dear children, very slowly, souls will have the door open toward the great awakening, and this people, so deeply contemplated by the Eternal Father since the beginning, will receive the Grace of forgiveness, redemption and rehabilitation.
But I tell you again, dear children, as I have said throughout times, that it is necessary to follow just one path, the path that will always lead you to the Heart of God, because in It you will be able to understand His entire Manifestation and Presence.
This people of the United States must not only continue to pray with more fervor and determination, but it must also supplicate to the Universe so that it may receive the Grace of liberation that is much needed due to the compromises it has made with evil, with My enemy, a condition under which millions of souls in this country are stuck.
However, as your Mother, who loves you and considers you, as the Mother of the whole Indigenous Consciousness, of all original peoples who live here, I come to give you this opportunity to again find the path of rehabilitation and forgiveness, which are important bases so that, through hope, the true aim of each one of your lives may re-emerge, the true Purpose of this nation, so that, through its soul, it may fulfill its written Purpose and be a nation that co-operates and collaborates in the face of the needs of the poorest nations.
All that I am saying now may seem daring to you, but it is not so if there are souls that awaken, if there are hearts that gradually adhere and that dare to break their own structures to live the Purpose of God fully, that is, His Divine and Holy Will.
This will slowly allow the spiritual bases of the Purpose for this country to gradually manifest themselves, not only here in Oklahoma, but also in other parts of this nation.
My children, I need you to understand the importance of this spiritual and inner moment.
I come here with the permission of My Son to bring expression make flourish that which needs to manifest itself here, not only on the inner planes, but also on the external planes. And the consciousnesses that awaken to the Spiritual Purpose, which are a part of this nation, a nation that is in much need of love and light, will be the pillars that My Son so much expects to see expressed on the surface of the Earth, so that the Plan may be reflected here, the Plan that God so much expects. And this goes beyond a mere ‘yes’, this goes beyond absolute adherence.
What is most important in all this, My children, is unity, which will allow the defeat of the pillars that evil has here and will also allow the dissolution of the contrary currents that dwell here, directly speaking of the soul of this nation.
In this way, you will also help the angel of this country, which carries too much weight on its back, a weight that must be relieved not only by perpetual prayer or selfless service. It is necessary for souls to be aware of this collaboration so that this angel may carry forward its Purpose and service for the United States, because, as the events take place in the world and many of them are fostered and executed by this country, uncertain doors continue to open, and there is no one who can stop this.
This is why I come here for this cause, to close these uncertain and invisible doors, so that souls may no longer live this spiritual captivity that is created and infused by the spiritual debt of this country.
In simple words, My Son sends Me to bring liberation to that which is tied, to break with His Sword the chains of illusion and materialism, which imprison souls, preventing them from emerging and awakening.
In just one Message, dear children, I am trying to tell you many things, but I would have much more to tell you, than just this moment of meeting with Me.
Do not think that everything will change overnight. If your lives change and if your lives transform, you will be like a drop in this great ocean, a drop which, however small, invisible and insignificant, if this drop of Light that your souls are were not in this vast ocean, which is this Plan, this would not be possible, this moment would not be possible.
Thus, you will be able to understand and also perceive how infinite and inexhaustible the Grace of God is, which goes beyond all times, but also all events. It crosses all structures and forms so that His Love may reach His Children, His Creatures, so that His Presence may reach that which is essential, the spirit of each North-American, which must be wide awake and attentive to receive the impulses of the Hierarchy with gratitude.
Since days ago and for the days to come, I will keep praying for you and for your brothers and sisters of this country.
I know that achieving what God so much aspires for and expects will be a sacrifice and also a great surrender. But faith and, above all, trust, transcend all forms, all ideas and even all limitations, because the heart that lives through faith is a heart ignited in a flame, in unity and in divine life, and this allows the fulfillment of any task or commitment.
I ask all My children of the United States to ask yourselves, for the sake of pity and charity:
What is my true spiritual commitment?
What am I doing to fulfill it and live it?
Do I perceive the Presence of the Hierarchy, not only of Its Word, but also Its Love?
What must I do to fulfill this commitment?
How much longer must I wait to be able to live it?
Do I understand that this commitment goes beyond myself and that all has a greater cause?
I leave these questions to My children of North America. And as the Mother of the original peoples, I ask you to contemplate the history of these original peoples and, in perfect communion, recover the values that they live on the inner planes.
I thank you for being here on this day and for listening to Me with bravery, openness and gratitude.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, Mother of the Indigenous Nation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When you become quiet, you can look within and truly know what it is that happens.
This is not only a work of reflection and meditation, but also an incessant search for knowledge and reality.
At this moment, turning inwards is attuning with the inner worlds, it is to know how to discover the truth that is beyond that which is concrete, it is to find the life of the spirit and, in the spirit, enter through the doors to the cosmos.
To know what happens within you is very important because the universe will reveal to you that which it so much expects. The effort to do so is permanent, but the responses will come, time and again.
Why do I say this to you?
Because souls do not look within, but rather outside of themselves; many of the experiences they live on this Earth could be relieved and perhaps it would not be necessary to undergo certain tests.
Openness to the inner world is fundamental in these times because the conscious world has to come to the point of discovering the truth in order to understand it and then accept it.
The Christic path is based on the unceasing search for the reality within, not as something personal nor as something of a group; it is an intelligent, very inner activity, that allows a soul to know which moment it is in and what its next step will be.
To know what happens within you is to be aware of what you have to transform and correct, where your attention and your vigilance must be so that nothing surprises you.
The unceasing search for knowledge within will bring you many answers, and also clarity to know what will be the next step.
In the inner worlds lies the Hierarchy, there lies the main epicenter of all its activities and works.
Nothing external could be based or materialized if there did not exist an inner knowledge, a permanent search for the truth and for reality in order to know them.
God writes in the inner worlds through intuition, perceptions and feelings.
In this unceasing search for Truth, the mind only has to collaborate, and not interfere; because what there is in the inner worlds of souls is very precious, but also unknown.
It is there, in this search, in this aspiration, in this continuous work, where you will find the inner wisdom for this crucial moment of humanity, in which the external answers are not clear and deviate the souls from the path of the Purpose.
As the end of times approach, the human impulses that lead souls to make definitive life decisions without wisdom or discernment also increases. This brings, as a consequence, unnecessary learning experiences, unnecessary sufferings, experiences that are not predicted, just because, from the external point of view, the soul wants to live its own will.
To get rid of that of which one believes they have power, control, authority or sovereignty, is an eternal work that leads the consciousness, the soul itself, to find on its inner levels all that of which it must gradually divest. And in this unceasing search for inner knowledge it may have the keys it needs in order to solve its unconcluded experiences, but also the marks of suffering.
When souls turn inwards, not as something personal and individualistic, but as a means to find the truth that God keeps in each human heart, the world will begin to change; while this does not happen, the world will keep suffering, and this will increase.
In this school of the planet Earth, it is up to souls to take the greater part on the path of transmutation, purification and redemption. Because when the Laws are not fulfilled, there is no balance nor harmony. Purification places you, little by little, within the Law, from where you once moved away.
The Laws of the universe exist, not only to guide the manifestation of Creation, but also to orient the inner worlds, which in truth is where the experience of Christic life must be concretized, without theories or illusions about a true Christic life, based on the common good, fraternity, on love and on Mercy.
To think of these attributes in daily life allows assistance for the inner worlds of souls to be strengthened and, in spite of what may happen in the external world, in adversity or in darkness, souls will not perish.
But the fundamental platform of your lives must be the confidence in My Presence. In this confidence, I can deposit the principles, laws and attributes that you need, time and again, so that your lives may be sanctified, so that your missions may be fulfilled in these times.
The service for the universe is not personal, but universal. It is based on the fraternal union of many inner consciousnesses that, in the different planes of consciousness, collaborate and give impulse to My Plan.
It is in this way that a great network of Love, of Light and Mercy is manifested in the different planes of consciousness, from the immaterial life to the material life. And it is with this network of consciousness, of union to the purpose, that you must unite to in these times.
Thus, you will be able to step out of that which is superficial and indifferent. You will not be embraced by hatred, intolerance, anger, indignation, but rather from your inner worlds, just like many inner beings in the universe, you will be builders of the Plan of the Return of Christ.
Because the great inner construction of My Return is the most important one, it is there where all will take place and be carried out, it is from this state of consciousness that the New Humanity will be born.
A true, inner answer of wisdom comes through quietude and not apprehension, keep this in mind at the moment of making decisions.
The Light of the Universe can guide all forms and consciousnesses, the Light of the Universe will give you that which you strictly need, without wasting your Divine Principle.
If the search for the inner world stops, the planet will not be able to withstand. It is in the inner worlds where everything is understood and accepted, where everyone is equal as consciousnesses and spirits. Because it is there where all can recognize their origin in the Source and then return to the starting point, to the beginning, to the Matrix that created you in past times, when you were essences, when you were still a part of the Light of the Source and of Wisdom.
Your experiences in the inner worlds must recreate Creation so that there may be greater opportunities in the Plan of salvation of humanity and of the redemption of souls, in which the powerful Source of Mercy can mend, repair and heal all lives, all consciousnesses, although they do not deserve it.
My Consciousness Will return first to the inner worlds, where in the invisible and in the seemingly imperceptible things lies the truth of the realization of My Redeeming Work.
From there, I will give an impulse to the awakening of the New Christs, those who, in spite of their differences and forms of life, will be placed at the foot of the Sacred Purpose to fulfill the last Aspiration of God: to again see humanity in the beginning of its origin, and thus its heavy and traumatic history will dissolve as the Divine Law acts.
Know that in the external you will no longer find the answer or the guidance that you need. Know that in the external you will no longer find allies for your ideals or beliefs, for your criticism or value judgments.
The one who does not turn toward their inner world will not be able to endure the last stage of the end of times because, as times goes by, the fire of the universe will keep descending with increasing voltage and will remove the corrupt and malign particles from humanity, to liberate it forever.
In the inner worlds you will find balance, harmony and mainly peace, and you will be able to be My great collaborators, so that other souls may learn, through you, to endure the final times.
As the Central Sun expands its current of Light throughout the universe, its atomic-molecular, physical, electric and magnetic pressure will also expand, and everything that is part of life, as you are, will feel this movement.
The one who has not built their inner world, searched for it, recognized or revered it, will suffer the consequences of the movement of the universe.
So that a new cycle may come, the current cycle must be purified and rooted out in all planes of consciousness.
The solar energies are not offensive or transgressive, they are currents of the universe itself that regenerate life and correct that which has remained twisted and out of the Law.
There remains very little time to work with the inner worlds. This is the culminating moment, this is the time of awakening and not of complaining, it is the hour of inner maturity, it is the time to correspond and follow the Plan.
If someday you feel internally closed, work to internally open; you have the instrument of prayer and voice to open the doors of the universe and to receive the descent of help.
I only ask you not to feel as victims nor to make victims of yourselves; let each one, in My Name, assume their responsibilities and their errors, and correct them, because the door of My Mercy is still open to help you.
A true inner world is the one that, beyond its imperfections, seeks transparency; it is not false, it seeks the truth and tries to reflect it; it is not a liar, it seeks service to learn how to sacrifice; it is not a traitor, it seeks fidelity to learn to love God.
May the Lord protect you; may the Light of the Source give you an impulse to find within your inner worlds, truth and knowledge, because you will need them, you have to learn to recognize reality beyond that which it seems to be. Your perception must expand.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, give My children the experience of a pure heart so that their feelings may be pure and they can have pure minds.
Lord, give My children noble hearts so that their works may be true and their ideas may be of wisdom.
Lord, give My children pure vision, so that the purpose of their lives may be healthy, capable of promoting Your wills and aspirations.
Lord, give My children redeemed consciousnesses, so that their lives may be a victory, capable of pleasing and recognizing You.
Lord, give My children a true synthesis, capable of helping them take the last great step so that, with faith, they can represent the Work of My Son, and thus, the designs may be fulfilled.
Lord, before I return to Your Kingdom, give My children the opportunity to love, to live Your Commandments and Laws, so that Your Purpose of Peace and Mercy may be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I need you to take into consideration all that I have done in this place and in other places of the world, because all that happened had a larger and unknown purpose for a great part of the world.
Placing your consciousness in the sense of what I have wanted to do, your understandings, your knowledge, and even your wisdom will not be limited to the mind, but to the soul, as that is what receives the impulse of My Merciful Heart.
There would be no other form for Me to come to the world, in this cycle, to announce My Return to humanity. But nobody knows yet how this will take place and what will happen at the time when I do return.
Through the years I have given you some examples, but it depends on each one of you to go deeper into the spiritual sense of this event.
Would My Return not be a part of this current event? Who could censure it? Why would this be done? Who has the authority, the Father of Humankind?
As I speak to you, at this moment, it is as I have spoken to you in the temple and in many places of the Holy Land, for the souls to correctly learn what was happening with the Presence of your Master and Lord in those times.
But this time it is different. Humanity is very influenced, the message is modified, seized and interfered with, and the souls fall in these great holes of unconsciousness and ignorance; but the Word of God is undeniable, especially when it descends with power and authority.
I come here to announce to you the Word of God and nothing else.
I am not the Christ of the new era, I am the Christ of yesterday and of today, the Lord of the eternal present. I have given testimony of My Presence throughout time, not only within My Church, but also outside of My Church.
By chance, isn't the House of My Father for everyone? Who would have the authority to say the opposite?
The Power is in God, in the Son and in Holy Spirit, and in this, I invite you to believe it and to live it so that everyone will be baptized by My Spirit because when I physically come back to the world, I will come for all.
What sense would it make to come only for the Christians?
The universe will move itself; the elements will be shaken and the planet will feel when the Son of Man returns to the world.
I came and I come for humanity, because I teach you to reconnect with God, to follow the teachings of the Gospel, to be a part of the experience of the Sacraments and to deepen yourselves, day by day, into the meaning of prayer.
Is this only for those who know Me? What would be the reason for having died for you?
My sacrifice was for the whole of humanity and for all generations that have passed through Earth till now. And this sacrifice will continue having value, power and authority, because it is the Father that is in Heaven who has the authority and power. I am part of the Father and the Father is part of Me, and all His creatures can be part of My merciful Heart.
My message is for those who are awake and for those who are not awake, because My Purpose is not for the knowledgeable nor for the learned, it is for the souls that are the those who should continue living in eternity, at My side, always.
But if I do not speak like this to the world, humanity continues submerging into ignorance and under the influence of other human beings.
It is time that you understand this great event that you are experiencing in this place and at a worldwide level.
Many souls are being called to renew their faith, their commitment with My Heavenly Church and the value of the Sacraments that I taught you, a long time ago, so that you can always be at My side and nobody and nothing will confuse you, because you will be in Christ and you will live for Christ, being guardians of the Teachings that I left for you, not only in the Gospel, but through this call that I have repeated in these last seven years.
This value of the legacy that I have delivered to you recently, which is a part of the Word of God for the open hearts, cannot be depreciated, neglected nor censored, because in reality, companions, nobody knows the essence of the Word of God and the transforming power that it has when it reaches the hearts and the lives of people.
Heaven comes for the self-summoned, not to those who resist nor to those who deny what happens here. Each one will experience what one needs. Remember that your choice is what will save or condemn you, and this does not depend on any religion nor on any spiritual movement.
But I am here to show you the Truth. I told you that I am the Truth, the Way and the Life, and you must recognize it in your heart and in your union with Me through the redemptive Plan of My Father.
There is a path that humanity has not recovered yet, which is the path of redemption. Therefore, I suffered for you, not only in the Passion and on the Cross, but at each moment that I was here with you, announcing My Good News.
However, I will continue coming to the world while it be necessary, and while My Heavenly Father needs it. And this will not be hindered, obstructed nor interfered with, because nobody knows, in any part of the planet, what the Power and the Will of God means.
I invite you humbly and in reverence, and in profound gratitude, to unite yourselves to the Will of My Father, because I am part of His Will. If it were not like this there would be no reason nor motive to be here speaking to the world, taking My Word to the hearts.
Awaken and do not let yourselves be mistaken. Many wolves surround My Churches, and this you already know. The Church has to correct itself a lot by its deeds and actions throughout the centuries.
Who will correct it?
For now, only one man, he who has given his life for Me, not for his words, but for his actions, the holy Father Francis. I placed him there for him to help Me in the most difficult moment of humanity and he knows, in his heart, that what I am doing here is correct, because it gives the truth of transformation and of redemption to the souls, of renewal of faith and of a union more and more profound with the Sacraments.
Is this out of the Law?
May your hearts not be filled with bad words, but may your lips be filled with prayers, because what has happened here throughout the years is just in the Eyes of God. Nobody has the authority to make accusations nor to judge you because I am the Christ, the One Who has requested and established it.
If you want to know the truth, come to see it with your own eyes and feel it with your own hearts. The souls that are here have given their lives for Me and this cannot be insulted because it will be out of the Law, and the Law will act according to your actions.
I have asked you to love one another, but you still love your own wills, therefore the world suffers. And to love one another if not to love one's own beliefs or religion, it is to love humanity, the Kingdoms for Nature, the Creation. Do not be unjust because then I will not be able to intercede anymore for you.
You know who I am speaking to.
I cannot let you deceive yourselves. My Presence and My Word are for the whole world, because when the most difficult moment arrives, which is approaching, day by day, at this time men and women from Earth, beyond their religions and actions, will receive a very potent blow to the consciousness, and each one will see before themselves what they have done with this life. At this time, you will have the last Grace of repenting or of condemning yourselves.
I would like to use My Word for what is really happening to the world, how many souls in the world are sincere and truthful, how many hearts feel without understanding and without seeing, waiting for this moment, each new month, in order to listen to their Lord and gain strength, bravery and hope among so much evil and suffering.
I invite you to keep the Commandments, to experience them and to fulfill them, but it is time that you feel and understand all that I am doing, because it is for a greater good, for the good of the whole world, for those who need it most, for those who supplicate, for those who become lost.
I invite you to collaborate with the Work of your Master and Lord, and not to censor it. I do not want to see new pharisees, because I have already had them before My Eyes.
By chance, will you condemn what I am saying now?
I suffered for you, I was heavily hit, whipped and badly hurt. My Body and My Blood was shed at each step of the Calvary. And although many times I felt that I would not make it to the end, or that I would die on the way, the loyalty, obedience and transparency of the holy women and of many of My followers gave me strength to continue, under the maternal embrace of My Mother.
I need this attitude and no other from you, because you will never understand the things from Heaven if you do not love them profoundly in advance.
Love what is out of your reach and control, love the Work of the Mercy of your Redeemer at this time.
I come to make in the nations apostles and missionaries of Mine, in love, service and prayer.
I told you all that which I expected because you allowed Me to do so.
Now I invite you, before the Sacrament of the Altar, to renew your offer to My Heart, so that the Holy Spirit may grant you the Grace of understanding and the science for the discernment and wisdom to awaken in you, and may your hearts feel the peace of what you hear and of what you experience through My Presence as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.
Bring Me the incense to elevate this moment and the offer of this altar at the Feet of Our Creator. I hope you will do so, at this moment, beside Me.
You can bring the altar.
We invite those who can to kneel for this consecration.
Know that what I had said, more than a thousand years ago, and that I do at this time, is only for only reason: Love.
"Father, accept once more the offer of Your Son, for this bread to become the Body of Christ. I raise it in Your Presence for you to bless it and, through It, to bless Your children, so that they may be ready to receive me on the expected Return.
Therefore, I offer it to You and I offer it to all, for you to eat it, because this is My Body, that will be given to humankind for the remission of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Thus, Eternal Father, I offer you once more the Chalice, fruit of the redemption of the hearts, for it to be accepted by You and by all humankind, as a form of conversion and redemption of the hearts."
And I say once again: "Take and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that is shed by your Lord for the forgiveness of the mistakes. Do it in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Body and Blood of Christ.
Let us pray the prayer that the Lord taught us.
Our Father (in Portuguese).
Our Father (in English).
We announce the Peace and Mercy of Christ on Earth.
"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say a word, and I shall be healed. Amen."
Brother Moses and brother Camilo come here, to serve this Sacrament.
Let us pray together, with brother Camilo and brother Moses, before Our Lord Jesus Christ, the prayer of the Angel of Portugal, for Christ to carry this prayer in His Heart and to give it to the Father as an offering of the souls that have converted themselves to Christ, in the Love of the Heart of the Redeemer.
O My God, I believe, I adore You,
I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.
(repeat three times in Spanish and once in English)
I say farewell to this place, after this meeting of prayer experienced with the effort and dedication of the brave hearts, carrying in My Spirit all the pleas, intentions and prayers of those who invoked the power of My Divine Mercy. All these efforts, that many cannot see and that are silent but true for your Lord, on this day are converted into Graces and atonement for the whole world. Amen.
I will rise to Heaven and return to the House of the Father, listening to the last song that will close and end this moment of instruction and knowledge for souls. The song is called "I will rest."
I thank and bless you in spiritual and inner Communion with the sacrament of the Altar. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today the whole Universe is attentive to this moment. This is why I ask you to be attentive as well, companions, because while I am here, I am with the world, bringing it a special Grace that will not be tangible, but rather inner, the Grace that will save you and that, in spite of this planetary moment, this Grace will renew you, in spite of what happens, beyond what you go through or in the face of any difficulty. My Grace is unchangeable, eternal and profound in the hearts that open to receive it.
Two thousand years ago, when I incarnated in the world to bring the Word of God to humanity, I came with a Purpose, which the majority already know.
But at that time, there was something that was not said, of which you are a part of today, after having gone through the experience of this world, after having learned about love and forgiveness. And although you still have much more to learn, this is the exact moment in which your consciousnesses are facing a special moment, in which there is no freedom that may falter, in which there is one time, one reality, which is the same one that descended when I was born in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
It is a moment for Christianity to recognize that the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus was an event beyond the material and also the spiritual planes, because that is how it had to be, given the spiritual condition of the planet and the inner condition of humanity.
What really made all this happen? It is clear that it was the Will of God. But there was something beyond that, for the Son of Man to incarnate on Earth and bring the Word of Salvation.
The Sacred Books hold the sacred events of My existence in this world. But Truth is not only in books. Is that a lack of faith?
True knowledge arises from the Supreme Source. The books that this world have are the last to receive this knowledge.
But My Word will be fulfilled within souls when My Words move through you rather than through the books.
You may be very scholarly or intelligent, or believe that you have the greatest knowledge of what I was, but it will not be so. You must recognize yourselves as humble, peace-making and selfless so that your hearts and lives may truly be prepared to receive My Knowledge. Is that false?
In truth, that which lives eternally is the spirit. Is the spirit false?
When the spirit of each one of you rises to embrace greater knowledge, what will be the reason for all this? It is not in science nor in the humankind of the surface nor in the greatest scholar of the scholars that exists in this world.
Through My Gospel, that at this time is being renewed and expanded with the experience of your redemption and transformation, I have already told you what an expansion of consciousness is really like, and that does not mean ceasing to experience God, because God is All, He is the outer and inner, visible and invisible Supreme Creation.
Do you not believe in this? Is that not the creed of your lives? Is that not what you say and repeat every day: "I believe in God the Father, Almighty Creator of Heaven and of Earth"?
God is not conditioned to one consciousness, God lives through His creatures, otherwise He would not be God. And perchance, can God not be here? What would prevent Him? What would be the reason for it not being so?
Do you understand what I say to you?
Knowledge will never stop nor will it be limited to the human mind, because then it would not be knowledge but rather just words that only pass before you and do not make any sense.
What is true spirituality? How is that spirituality achieved? Only through Christianity?
Who was there before I came into the world? Just the patriarchs and the prophets? What was all that which happened in the East?
Even the Son of God Himself was humble, while still little, to recognize the Kings who visited Him in the grotto of Bethlehem. Were they not spiritual beings? What was their form of contact to know perfectly that the Son of God was going to be born there?
Open your eyes rather than your minds. God speaks to His children, just as He wants and just as He needs, and that does not mean another religion, because I do not come to found another religion in the world. I come to make of the world a true religion that is not in the Scriptures; it is in the action of the love and the forgiveness in hearts. That is where Christ is. Is that not true?
But humankind still wants to suffer in order to learn something. I am sorry for those who do not believe without having seen, because they will regret it, and today, I declare it to the whole world.
I am the same Lord of yesterday and today, but nobody truly knows what happened in My Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.
If you do not want to open your eyes, do not open them; I speak of the eyes of your consciousness.
You will miss an important Grace, but I will not stop, nobody will prevent it, because whoever prevents it or tries to, will go against My Father, and I recommend you not do that.
Just as I spoke to the blind pharisees, today I speak to the pharisees who claim to live My spirituality.
I came out of the sepulcher to show you the truth of My Resurrection, but I will not be able to break your white sepulchers that inside are full of other things.
Will you wait another two thousand years to be able to change? Is that which the world already experiences not enough? What is the reason for not believing in the love that I have been bringing to you for so many years?
If I did not come outside of the Church, this would never have been possible. But God knows how to write and He does so as He needs it, and this you will never understand, because God does not write through words, He writes through the events, the testimonies, the change and the love that people can live, beyond any religion or doctrine.
Will you continue to delay in living true ecumenism?
Do not waste any more time, the world is suffering, occupy your time in service, in prayer and in what is truly necessary for your lives.
Do not contaminate yourselves any more with everything you see or hear.
I will leave proof that I have been here, it is a promise. And when I stop coming, that will happen, because humankind has not yet understood the Will of God.
Will you continue to challenge it? Do not do it anymore!
Love will always triumph.
I know My friends, because I see the fruits that I left in each one of them. Those are the true fruits that I seek, not the fruits of their perversion, their judgment or even their mistreatment.
Everything I have done in these end times have an unknown spiritual reason and I value everything that has happened here, for what I myself can testify to regarding those who persevere in Me.
But everyone will be tested when I stop coming here. That will be the moment that I have so awaited for, in which you will have to testify to what you say you believe in, and live for Me.
And the judgment of the two witnesses will come and the last Scriptures will be fulfilled, just as John had seen in the Apocalypse.
This is not a message of persecution nor of a last era. This is a message that comes from the Heart of the Universe, from the deep Essence of God, in which His Will is conceived and lived.
For this reason, today I have brought all the angels of Heaven, more than one hundred and forty-four legions so that, in light of the Lords of the Law, you may be witnesses of what is happening and has happened here, as part of the merits of My sorrowful Passion.
And I will consummate this testimony through the celebration of the Eucharist, because what I taught two thousand years ago was not only a legacy for the world, it is an obligation of all hearts to live that union with Me, in love and in truth. And that legacy is for those who want to receive it in reverence and humility.
Bring here the incense and the water, to bless this altar.
We stand up.
"Lord God of the Universe, Who gives Life and Grace to Your children, You Who have gestated from the beginning, since before the coming of Your Son to the Earth, this moment for hearts to feel the truth rather than appearances, because Your Power, which is Glory and sovereignty, has descended here, unmistakable and undeniable Power, a Power full of Your Love and Your Truth, of Your Light and Your infinite Mercy.
I wish, Father, that Your Will be fulfilled in those who are not worthy of Your Grace, because the Power and value of My Blood are still eternal, infinite, for all of humanity. And by the Power of My Blood, today Your Will shall be fulfilled here. Amen.
Dispel, o Lord, everything that is against Your Will and omnipotence. Let the unfathomable Power of Your Light and of Your Love descend at this moment, so that Your Love may be within the hearts”.
Just as I bless this place, I bless the hearts that listen, open to recognizing My Word, because the wolves are among the sheep. They are the wolves that you would never have imagined, those who have need of My redemption.
We bring the altar.
Water for washing the hands.
I taught you to love through this testimony, delivered to the world for the redemption of its sins and the freeing of souls from their spiritual and inner prison.
After having washed the feet and hands of My apostles, at a moment as solemn as this, I took the bread, raised it up to consummate the sacrifice of the Son of Man, immediately broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
I then took the Chalice, raising it up to God to confirm the consummation of the sacrifice of the Son of Man and that He be blessed. I then gave it to the apostles, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this always in remembrance of Me. "
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Let us consummate this moment through the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine. And just like the bread and the wine, the Body and Blood of Christ rise again in sacrifice and offering; at this moment, let us elevate our souls, hearts and lives to also consummate the greatness of this testimony of love through the Eucharist.
Thus, united to the Heart of our King, Master and Lord, we pray the prayer that He taught us.
Our Father (in Portuguese).
Our Father (in English).
We declare, at this moment, the Peace and Love of Christ in humanity.
At this moment, the angels are witnesses to the apparition of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in light of the compassionate Gaze of God and of open hearts.
At this moment, the Will of God is fulfilled and the souls that listen live their spiritual Communion with Me.
We unite with all the souls of the world in spiritual Communion with Christ and for Christ.
"Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but one word from You and I shall be healed."
We repeat.
Mother and Sister Lucía, please.
Mother Maria del Salvador and Friar Luciano, please.
The Lord is asking us that together and united, we consummate this moment in His Presence.
Your Lord, throughout the ages, in the silence of His Heart, must bear the injustice of humankind, but that feeling, so profound and unknown to you, is dissolved and filled with the love and devotion of true souls, thus, everything is fulfilled.
I bless you and thank you for having prayed with Me on this day.
My promise to come to Africa is in force and I will not give up.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, closing this meeting in the Heart of Our Lord, a last melody will sound, a last song: "By the power of the Blood of Jesus".
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
I - Seek God and Find the Meaning of Your Own Existence
A soul that lived immersed in sadness and bitterness questioned the Lord what was the meaning of their existence. Knowing that all creatures were made to express Love, and feeling that they were far from knowing and expressing this Love, the soul could not find the reason for their own existence.
With compassionate Eyes, the Lord contemplated this soul and responded also with a question: "You feel that you cannot express My Love and you live immersed in bitterness and sadness, but do you seek My Heart every day? Do you ask for My Grace and strive to overcome your bitterness and the dryness of your inner world in order to reach My Thought for you?"
The soul, afflicted and somewhat upset, responded to the Lord that they do not seek Him, that they do not feel Him, and that they are only immersed in their weaknesses and bitterness.
The Lord then said: "You are a beloved soul, and I love you as much as you could love Me and everything that exists, but since I created you, dear soul, you have distanced yourself from My path and you covered yourself with so many garments and veils that you can no longer recognize who you are nor Who I Am. But for Me to show you your true face, you need to ask Me, you need to go beyond your bitterness and weaknesses, your dryness and sadness, your desires and goals, and all that which you think about how I manifest in your life, how I reveal Myself to you, and how you can feel Me.
Let me act within your heart and, for this, just say yes to Me, every day, with humility and persistence. The purpose of your existence is to live and renew My Love but, for this to happen, there is a path of redemption and humility, of renunciation and surrender, of overcoming and rendition, in which you become lost from yourself and then you find Me, so that only then may you know what it is to express and renew My Love.
My miracle in your life begins when you say yes to Me. This miracle is constant and eternal, and oftentimes you will not perceive that My Love is acting through your heart but, above all, you must trust in Me."
Today I tell you this short and profound story because the souls of the world are not finding the meaning for their own existences, nor do they look the One Who can reveal this to them.
It is not in the world or in human goals that you will find realization and wholeness. To free yourselves of the emptiness and bitterness of a life without love, you must seek God, children, and in Him seek the answers for your deepest questions.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fourth Poem
Most Beautiful Rose of God,
may we recognize Your purity
in all that was created,
and may our hearts and lives
be part of Your original Purity.
Venerable Flower of the Father,
help us to find the beauty and the Love
that God, through His Son,
deposited within us.
May we dare to take the steps
towards the consecration of our souls,
just as You, dear Holy Mother,
consecrated Your life and Your entire being
with the yes to the Archangel Gabriel.
Teach us to understand, beyond everything,
the reason and the purpose
for us to be here on Earth.
Awaken our consciousnesses
to the true existence
and, offering the temple of our imperfect hearts,
tell our Father, God and Lord,
to live within us
so that, someday,
we may learn to love Him as He loves us.
We thank You, Holy and humble Virgin.
Do not cease to refract upon us
Your Mirror of Love and Compassion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When your Lord calls you to meet with Him, go, child, and do not fear to walk without looking back.
Place, in His hands and in His heart, all that you sometimes seem to abandon; know, in the certainty of your heart, that everything will find its path, its purpose and its place in the Heart of such an immense God, who has a unique and perfect place for every creature.
Walk toward your place in the Heart of God, knowing that the purpose of your life is to follow Him and be in Him at every moment, as His instrument, His friend, His companion in this path taken and in so many others.
Strengthen your heart through each test, through each "yes" to Christ and each "no" to that which is obscure. Know that your heart belongs to the only Lord and, in Him you must always be.
Consolidate your fortitude within you, knowing that it is being constructed in the Hands of God. And have faith, My child.
Wind, rain and discouragement will pass, but the foundations of your dwelling will remain firm. For this reason, the only necessary thing now is to place yourself in the Hands of your Father and Lord and, obeying His designs, find His most pure love for you.
Through Him, you will love all things. And all renunciation will find meaning, and all offerings will be multiplied at the abundant table of the redemption of life, where many of the hungry will eat the fruits of your service.
You sometimes do not perceive these fruits because they remain in the Hands of He who gathers them to one day be offered to the world.
Have faith and seek God. These are todays keys for the encouragement of your soul.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.
The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.
It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.
Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.
These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.
Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.
These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.
Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth, lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.
These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.
Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.
Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.
In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.
Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.
The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.
Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.
I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the world and the nations get involved in chaos, My children, I call you to enter into My Heart and find peace. I call you to cross the thresholds of human indifference that exists within you, as upon the whole planet. I call you to lose fear of what is true and unknown so that, in this way, you can look at your own inner world and find what you truly are.
May you contemplate the infinite and know that this very infinite dwells within you. And just as the stars hold in their shine a great mystery that seems to be distant from your lives, within you there is also a divine essence, whose shine, My children, holds not only the mysteries about yourselves, but about that of all life, about the Plan and the perfect Thought of God for humanity and for all creatures.
In spite of all conflicts and sufferings, in spite of all stimuli that you receive, day by day, causing one to suffer, to lose hope, to live indignation and to feel the pain of injustice, I call you today to go beyond all appearances and find that which is true, although it was nearly always hidden from human eyes.
In these times, My children, nothing else will be hidden from you, and in your hearts the divine mysteries and gifts can become unveiled, you can discover your true potentials, you can know what you were created for, what is the purpose of your lives; a purpose that is beyond the experience of forgiveness and redemption, and that is held in the expression and in the manifestation of love, in that which Christic Love awakens within you, and in everything.
These are times to be conscious of the urgency of the planet, to know and perceive that the chaos announces the Apocalypse and the Laws are being fulfilled, and they manifest that which was written. But it is also time to know the correct way to deal with the planetary situation, and this, beloved children, is not written in any Sacred Book, because it is part of the Revelation of these times; it is part of that which you must live and experience in this evolutionary stage of humanity, which you were not ready to live, and not even to know about in other times.
The Keys to cross the thresholds, that separate you from the Truth and divide the cycles of the old and new human being, are found in Our words; they are found in the state that the Divine Word places you within.
Therefore, do not only listen to that which we tell you, but let yourselves be elevated. Go deep and seek within that which only silence is capable of showing you and, with this strength, you will be ready to deepen within yourself.
It is by praying and uniting your own heart to God, and to the Divine Messengers, that you will be worthy to know what makes you like your Creator. And in this way, My children, you write with your own lives the Gospel of these times; the Gospel that is the concretion of the end, but also the beginning of the new.
I leave you My blessings so that you may be beyond every internal or external conflict; so that you may be held within My Heart and, by elevating your own spirit, you may help humanity to also be freed from the ties to the slavery of ignorance and illusion.
I love you, support you and with My Love I guide you so that you may be in God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Souls go through certain tests when they allow the door to be left open, so that the tests may come, and from that point, the adversary takes advantage of the instability of the consciousness in order to create a series of fantasies and expectations for it, which could be as felt and as real as any other belief or feeling.
At this moment, souls are exposed and are being attacked through thoughts and feelings, which will only try to pull their attention away from the Purpose.
And if the consciousness were not to have enough strength of will, the completely assembled test will drag it, and after the consciousness has experienced what "my enemy" thought up so well, it will release it and leave it adrift, without any kind of inner support.
This is what My enemy is doing with the souls that internally know that they have an undeniable commitment with Me.
At this moment, because of the situation that the mental plane of humanity is going through, there are uncertain doors open, which the Hierarchy needs to constantly close so that souls do not become prisoners of feelings and thoughts that are not their own.
This is why it is necessary to strengthen the inner worlds, so that when those moments come, souls will know how to overcome the attacks, which will come so that they may become stronger.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more