Live each day as if it were the last: be true in your words, intentions, gestures and in each action of your days.

Live each day as if it were the last: be simple in your outlook, willing in your service, attentive in your prayers, transparent in your confessions, sincere in your love for God and His little creatures of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Live each day as if it were the last: paying attention to each detail and each opportunity for surrendering a little more to God; paying attention to each opportunity for overcoming your resistances and fears, your limitations and your human condition.

Live each day as if it were the last: remain vigilant and perceive the Will of God for each detail in life.

See, child, that His Purpose dwells in all things, in the tests and the challenges, in illness or in vitality, in a profound sadness or in a full joy. God's Purpose dwells in each detail in life and, when you live each day as if it were the last, you will perceive that this Purpose guides your life and leads you to the transformation of your consciousness, so that each instant may bring you wholeness, rather than what you want or the way you think, but a wholeness in the fulfilling of God's Will for your life.

For this reason, live each day as if it were the last, but not with the desire to do all things, but rather with the peace of having an awareness of each detail, so that you may perceive the wonders of the gift of life in the small things.

And when the day and the time comes for you to transcend this opportunity of a material experience of life on Earth, your heart will be ready, not for returning to learn again in the world, but rather to take the greater steps in the ascension of your spirit, because it is now time.

Thus, do not attach your spirit to the world, do not hold on to the things of the Earth, but live each day in simplicity as if it were the last, and you will find the peace and freedom to perceive that you have no control or power over anything at all; you only have the possibility of living and being grateful for everything that life grants you as a growing and learning experience.

Let the gift of gratitude lift your heart up to God and make it His instrument more and more each day.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Place your heart, child, in the Crucified Heart of Christ, where you will understand the essence of emptiness, surrender, divestment, humility, the true meaning of having nothing nor wanting anything for the self, the true meaning of surrendering your life for others.

Place your heart in the Crucified Heart of Christ and you will understand the meaning of fullness, a fullness that does not come from this world and does not become filled with anything that belongs to it, the fullness of being in God beyond all and any circumstances.

The time and the hour has come for your being to learn to be in God and live the essence of His Project of Love, because everything has already been given to you for this: all the instructions have been given to you, all the Graces have been given to you, all the gifts have been given to you so that now, child, you may know how to divest your heart of yourself, of the world and its promises, and enter into the essence of the Purpose of life.

Do not go through the world without fulfilling your primary mission, which is to fill your heart, your spirit and your consciousness in the likeness of Christ, with His Christic path. And that means to live like Christ in His surrender, in His Love, in His submission, and in His emptiness.

Do not seek something else for yourself other than the Purpose of your Lord, and embrace everything which leads you into the fulfillment of that Purpose.

Love this cycle of the planet with your heart, because you came to the world for this. Do not fear testifying to an empty heart, do not fear testifying to a perfect Love. And to reach this emptiness and this Love, you must first live the divestment, the purification and an absolute surrender of everything you still hold on to with your hands.

Thus, simply walk in faith, and on this walk, where only the silence of the Creator will accompany you, let your steps also be silent, but full of the certainty of the triumph of Christ through your heart.

The world is in agony, child, and its suffering has no limits. The anguish of souls makes no sense and is unexplainable, has no measure. And to repair and balance this, the Creator calls upon His companions to live His Words and His Law, to live His Purpose and His Love.

Will you say yes?

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I - Seek God and Find the Meaning of Your Own Existence

A soul that lived immersed in sadness and bitterness questioned the Lord what was the meaning of their existence. Knowing that all creatures were made to express Love, and feeling that they were far from knowing and expressing this Love, the soul could not find the reason for their own existence.

With compassionate Eyes, the Lord contemplated this soul and responded also with a question: "You feel that you cannot express My Love and you live immersed in bitterness and sadness, but do you seek My Heart every day? Do you ask for My Grace and  strive to overcome your bitterness and the dryness of your inner world in order to reach My Thought for you?"

The soul, afflicted and somewhat upset, responded to the Lord that they do not seek Him, that they do not feel Him, and that they are only immersed in their weaknesses and bitterness.

The Lord then said: "You are a beloved soul, and I love you as much as you could love Me and everything that exists, but since I created you, dear soul, you have distanced yourself from My path and you covered yourself with so many garments and veils that you can no longer recognize who you are nor Who I Am. But for Me to show you your true face, you need to ask Me, you need to go beyond your bitterness and weaknesses, your dryness and sadness, your desires and goals, and all that which you think about how I manifest in your life, how I reveal Myself to you, and how you can feel Me.

Let me act within your heart and, for this, just say yes to Me, every day, with humility and persistence. The purpose of your existence is to live and renew My Love but, for this to happen, there is a path of redemption and humility, of renunciation and surrender, of overcoming and rendition, in which you become lost from yourself and then you find Me, so that only then may you know what it is to express and renew My Love.

My miracle in your life begins when you say yes to Me. This miracle is constant and eternal, and oftentimes you will not perceive that My Love is acting through your heart but, above all, you must trust in Me."

Today I tell you this short and profound story because the souls of the world are not finding the meaning for their own existences, nor do they look the One Who can reveal this to them.

It is not in the world or in human goals that you will find realization and wholeness. To free yourselves of the emptiness and bitterness of a life without love, you must seek God, children, and in Him seek the answers for your deepest questions.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When your Lord calls you to meet with Him, go, child, and do not fear to walk without looking back.

Place, in His hands and in His heart, all that you sometimes seem to abandon; know, in the certainty of your heart, that everything will find its path, its purpose and its place in the Heart of such an immense God, who has a unique and perfect place for every creature.

Walk toward your place in the Heart of God, knowing that the purpose of your life is to follow Him and be in Him at every moment, as His instrument, His friend, His companion in this path taken and in so many others.

Strengthen your heart through each test, through each "yes" to Christ and each "no" to that which is obscure. Know that your heart belongs to the only Lord and, in Him you must always be.

Consolidate your fortitude within you, knowing that it is being constructed in the Hands of God. And have faith, My child.

Wind, rain and discouragement will pass, but the foundations of your dwelling will remain firm. For this reason, the only necessary thing now is to place yourself in the Hands of your Father and Lord and, obeying His designs, find His most pure love for you.

Through Him, you will love all things. And all renunciation will find meaning, and all offerings will be multiplied at the abundant table of the redemption of life, where many of the hungry will eat the fruits of your service.

You sometimes do not perceive these fruits because they remain in the Hands of He who gathers them to one day be offered to the world.

Have faith and seek God. These are todays keys for the encouragement of your soul.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Where souls cry out for peace and unite only for the purpose of establishing peace in the world, there God will be.

The Creator hears the voice and the pleas of His children, He hears the depths of their souls that awaken. With a minimum effort of elevation, the Hands of God stretch out to the Earth and bring souls to His Heart.

The Youth Festival for Peace is that moment, children, in which souls find encouragement and breathing space, young people find meaning, hope and strength to continue their mission of transforming this world and have it return to the origin of the Divine Purpose.

Even though they do not know it and even though they do not understand the science of spiritual events, many young people are touched, freed and rescued by God. While they sing, their souls are freed; while they express with their voice, with their heart, with words spoken in poems, in testimonials, in reflections; when their feelings are manifested in paintings, in photographs, in what they call art; it is thus, in this simple way, that the Creator silently touches their souls. It is in this way that your Celestial Mother humbly transforms hearts and shows them the way that they must take.

The Youth Festival for Peace is a door to a new life, where souls recognize the path and receive a divine blessing to tread it.

Revere this moment, because those who awaken will be the precursors of the new life on Earth; they will be those who will testify to their redemption to the Infinite; they will be those who will return to the Origin with the full consciousness of their accomplished mission and will offer to God the renewal of His Love and of His Creation.

This is the Youth Festival for Peace; a doorway to a new path, a new time. The first impulse of an awakening that will culminate in the triumph of the Heart of God.

This is how you should see it and with this love, accompany their growth, their maturing and their expansion.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Keep your consciousness in peace and within it the unique inspiration of illumination, of unity with God, of the fulfillment of His Purpose, of the manifestation of His Kingdom.

Let your desires and wishes be washed from your heart, and gradually find true peace, the peace that comes from the Creator.

You already know the way, you already know your destination, because it is your Origin and dwells in you.

Pacify your heart by observing your actions, thoughts and feelings and thus remember the purpose of your life, which is to simply find God again within you and allow others to also find Him.

May every moment be an opportunity for transcendence and ascension for you. May each test bring you closer to God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order to have your heart always united with the Heart of God, everything you do, do it with love, with dedication, aware that it is for God Himself that you are working, praying, serving, living for. 

Thus, child, the ascension of your soul will occur not only when you have your knees on the floor, but rather when you have your heart in God and you allow Him to be within you.

In all things, remember that the purpose of your actions is to awaken souls, it is to carry peace to the world, it is to prepare for the return of your Lord, it is the uniting of the times, of the Time of God with the time of this world.

From the smallest task to the most elevated prayers, everything in your life holds this higher purpose. Thus, be aware of that and impregnate your actions, your thoughts and feelings with that purpose. In this way, you will find God and He will be with you in all things.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


There is no suffering that constant prayer cannot repair. There is no wound that sincere prayer cannot heal. There is no hardened heart that true prayer cannot awaken. There is no spirit distant from God that prayer made with the heart cannot, once again, bring it closer to its Creator Father.

Therefore, We repeat that you must pray.

To heal this world, pray.

To restore human spirituality, pray.

To reopen the doors that unite you to God, pray.

To receive the Grace of forgiveness and redemption, pray.

To rescue the purpose of your existence, pray.

To rescue the meaning of life on Earth, pray.

For your souls, this planet and the whole universe to find peace again, pray, children, pray with the heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


See that the cross of the world is already approaching. It is not in the pain or the challenges that your eyes or your heart should be fixed on. Contemplate the renewal of the Love of God and walk toward this purpose.

Shadows come with their harassment, sowing distractions, discord among brothers and sisters, illusions, vain glories and mundane honors. Perceive the harassment, recognize the darkness, and know how to say no to the temptations.

Remember the Universe and the Plan of God. Remember the purpose of your existence. Remember the greatness and the peace of unity and of fraternity. Make your choices according to what God has sowed in your essence, rather than what the enemy has sowed in your mind.

Clean your mind with the power of prayer and uplift your consciousness, adoring the Lord. Find refuge and protection in the Heart of God. Make of His Spirit your dwelling place and allow Him to also find rest inside of you.

The battle of this time is silent and is waged within your own heart; thus, it is much more difficult to receive the help of your brothers and sisters, and companions. The triumph of this time will occur, above all, through the persistence of your own being in God. Always lift your hands up to the Father and remember to let the Cyreneans help you when you no longer have any strength. It is in this way that, as Christ, you will renew all things.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Spiritual persistence is an extension of love. When a being loves something in a true, sincere and evolutionary way, they are able to persist in order to reach their goal. Love renews them in the face of adversities and makes them stronger when facing the tests that the path brings them to, for different reasons.

When you experience something with love, you are able to persist, to conquer your own inertia, your own resistances and, in the same way, conquer the resistances and harassments imposed by the world.

To fulfill the Purpose of God and carry the cross He offers, it is necessary to develop spiritual persistence, which is the fruit of love of the Divine Purpose.

Prayer, adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and silence in contemplation of the living God in one's own essence are keys that lead you to true love, which is the Love of God and thus, you renew yourselves everyday on your path.

Those three things will dissolve the chaos and conflicts which will naturally emerge in your inner worlds, over and over again, because this is the test of this planetary moment.

Those three keys will always be your sustenance and the priniples that will lead you to the fulfillment of all things, because through them you will find not only love and persistence, but also wisdom and courage to understand your neighbor and help them, since one of the greatest harassments of this time will be to destroy the bonds of love and fraternity between human beings, because unity, children, is what will make you manifest the Plan of God on Earth.

Therefore, today, I only tell you that, whenever you lack persistence, strength, love, fraternity and ability to overcome the challenges to unite with your brothers and sisters, stop for a moment and pray, contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord or be silent before the Universe, before your own essence, to receive the peace and the wisdom of your Father and, thus, you will be able to overcome the end of times.

Your Father and Friend

The Most Chaste St. Joseph

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

When old spirits congregate to take on their commitments and finally live an awakening,  the whole Universe contemplates the Earth.

The awakening of consciousness happens in stage and in each one of them some veils are torn, and the being draws closer to the truth about themselves, about the Earth, and about the purpose of the existence of all life, from which humanity drew away from so long ago.

In each cycle that goes by, and the closer you get, as an evolutionary project, to your final goal, the more intense are the degrees of awakening, the more intense are the impulses received, and also more intense must be the need, which pulses within beings, to respond to God.

This need comes from your souls, which become agitated as they draw closer to the path of return to the Heart of the Father and to their universal origin. Because souls indeed know the Divine Purpose, and when they are properly awakened, they deeply aspire for it.

Thus, today I come to tell you to be attentive to the impulses of this time, open to experience them and be ready to let your souls express themselves in their response, experiencing a profound and absolute transformation.

Let yourselves be guided by the defining impulses of these times, through the heart that elevates toward the consciousness, and with the consciousness in God, you will manifest His Will.

I leave you My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Grow up and be faithful to God in all ways.

Do not let yourself be carried away by the influences of this world or by that which is within yourself, which, not yet having found the path for redemption, permanently influences you to spiritually regress.

When there is confusion within you, stop your steps for an instant and think of God; contemplate the starry sky, the infinite above you, which you can find  wherever you are, and remember, child, that a Higher Plane awaits you and that it is no longer time to be entangled in human and petty things, but rather to consolidate your union with the Infinite.

Listen to the Voice of God, which is pronounced for you not only because of a Grace, but because of an urgency that is not only planetary, it is universal.

For you, the days go by the same and you little perceive the change in the times, because your heart has gotten used to everything and even chaos has become normal.

Stop your heart for an instant and look within yourself; ask yourself how far you have advanced in love and in fraternity. Observe where you are and resume the purpose of your existence. You are not on Earth to be a triumph of the world, but rather to be a triumph of God. What you conquer in the world belongs to it, but what you conquer for God is eternal and is multiplied beyond dimensions, as merits for the evolution of all of life.

Therefore, observe yourself, stop your steps and see if within you, you are building a bridge to the Heart of God. Listen to your soul. Is there fullness in it? Or is there the silence of a soul tired of not being heard by its own being?

Fullness, child, is spiritual; it is between you and God. Wherever you are, you can be filled, because it is enough to give attention to what lives in you, waiting to manifest in the life upon this world.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Calm your heart in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and remember, before anything else, to cry out to the Father so that His Peace, His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon the world.

Remember to place your small heart in the Heart of God so that the Creator may enlarge it with His Presence within you and thus, child, you may be able to fulfill all that He may ask of you in this time.

Remember that you are an instrument of God, called on to be an extension of His in the world so that the Father may renew Himself within you, as He did with His Son, from His birth until Calvary and His death on the Cross.

Never forget the purpose of your life, which is broader than what you conceive for yourself. Remember that life does not begin or end in this world, but that it has only a passage in it, a school, a learning experience to be added so that this life may be enriched and renewed.

Remember, then, that not only you, but each one of your brothers and sisters have a higher purpose to manifest and that your example will always be important to remind your fellow being and the world that there is much more to be lived and learned; there is much more to be loved; there is much more to serve.

Just as My Words remind you of the purpose of your existence, and with the Love of My Heart, I place you again in the point of faith where you need to be, be yourself also, child, a living reminder for your sisters and brothers, not with words, but with actions, with transparency, with truth, with love.

May the world see you and see God trying to surpass Himself within the human condition.

Be more than a reference for joy or for consecration. Be an element which uplifts the world to something higher. Be the one who, with their simple presence, is a reminder that something higher exists.

Your being is magnetized by all the Graces you have already received, because if today you hear these words, it is because the Grace of God has acted upon you and allowed your ears and your heart to be worthy of listening to His Designs.

Be aware of all that you have already received and, above all, be grateful in the certainty that everything has to be multiplied, added to, and shared for all beings.

Be, child, a multiplier of the Graces that you have received, and thus, let God make you a living fount of Graces and Peace, because He knows that your heart shares and allows this Grace to flow like a river that does not keep the water to itself, but gives of it to drink for all those who allow it to flow.

The grandeur of these times is still unknown to you, and this ignorance is part of your human condition, but to transcend it is part of your mission.

So open yourself to understand, to live, to feel, and to be, more each day, the Will of God. Do not stop it with your thought; let it encompass your heart, your intuition, the soul and the spirit.

May it be incomprehensible in yourself, may it be alive, even if imperceptible.

May the Love of God, My child, live in your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and eternal Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Strive so that in this new cycle your life will be more spiritual and less material. May your priorities be centered in the things of the spirit and may the demands of matter not consume you.

Concentrate in recognizing yourself as an essence coming from the Divine Source with a determined mission to fulfill and do not let your mind distract you from the Purpose with egoic and personal issues.

Child, let yourself be elevated in a leap to Light, so that you may finally understand the true meaning of life on Earth and not lose yourself in the appearances of this life.

The coming cycles will seek from you – as well as from all of humanity – a higher understanding about the events of the Earth so that you may not be confused and believe that the end has arrived before its time.

Many will be the false masters, the false teachings, the false paths, the false signs in the sky and on the earth. Only the one who is with their heart and consciousness permanently held onto the Divine Purpose will be able to feel and know within themselves when they are before the truth or the delusion. And not even that one who most want to resemble Christ in order to deceive them will confuse them.

Construct from now on, in this last cycle of awakening and of maturation, the union with God, which will bring you wisdom and discernment for the days that will come.

Remember not to allow matter to consume you and cause you to forget that the Truth stands in love, in spirit.

Your Father and Companion, This one who, in a few words, brings you great impulses,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, why do you think about the past?

To forget the past is not to be indifferent to what one has lived, or to ignore everything you have experienced as consciousnesses. To forget the past is to assimilate inside the good fruits of the experiences that made you grow as human beings and, from then on, take new steps, uplifting that which was not well in your lives.

When you leave the past to the time that corresponds to it and do not try to perpetuate an action of an experience that no longer exists, you are giving an opportunity of transcendence to this state of consciousness that you call past.

All the positive experiences must serve as a basis for the being to attain new evolutionary steps, but their eyes must not be fixed on their own feet, but rather on the top of this great staircase.

To become stuck in the past, children, is like climbing a great staircase that takes you to the Kingdom of God and detaining your own walking to observe the details of the steps that you have taken or that you keep taking. If, on the contrary, you liberate the past and take your feet off these steps, walking with firm footsteps, you will give opportunity to others, who will come after you, to climb this staircase.

Oftentimes, children, sticking to situations and people of the past because you want to perpetuate you own presence in a conjuncture that no longer suits you, is like being still in the middle of the staircase, willing to make your presence there eternal – believing that, thus, you will help the others – when, in truth, it is by walking and climbing the steps that you can help your neighbors, because you will liberate the path so that they can climb.

Walk, children, and do not look behind. Do not count how many steps you have climbed or with what details they were done. Do not stop on the staircase, do not get distracted from the target that the Creator has for you. Take your steps and leave, for He Who knows all things, the directing of those who could not accompany you. Remember that the greatest service is to evolve. If you evolve as consciousnesses, you will do it as humanity and, if you do it as humanity, you will do it in the name of the whole universe and of the whole of Creation.

Contemplate a greater purpose and no longer get lost in the distractions of a time that has passed.

Your Father and Friend, this One that impels you to the eternal present,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The essence of awakening is found in the development of faith, because it is faith that moves you to respond to the impulses of the heart.

Faith is what makes you transcend the atavisms of the limited material understanding for you to enter in the mysteries of the higher life.

Faith is what makes you cross the thresholds of life in this world, so that – although being in it – you do not belong only to it and, yes, perceive yourselves as part of an infinite and indescribable Creation.

Faith is not born in the mind: it comes from the spirit and expresses itself through the heart. Therefore, if you want that the impulses received are not lost, let faith develop itself freely in your own interior, even if you do not understand quite well the object of your own faith.

Many ask themselves, “To have faith in what?” Have faith in the purpose, faith in the teaching, faith in the presence of the Divine Messengers, faith in what moves you to transformation, faith in the communion with Christ, faith in His return, faith in the possibility that each one has to live the Plans of God, faith in Faith.

Let yourselves be transformed by the impulses of your own faith, for which the laws of matter are not the ones that prevail. Faith that comes from the spirit moves itself based on spiritual Laws. It is therefore that the hearts that have faith can experience what is called miracles that are nothing more than the action of superior Laws in the life of those who open themselves to live them.

Discover, children, the potential of faith itself and, by means of it, its prodigies.

Your Father and Friend, in faith and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

DAILY MESSAGE OF SAINT JOSEPH, TRANSMITTED on the Eagle of Light bus, during the journey from the Marian Center of Aurora, Uruguay, to Cordoba, Argentina, TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA DE JESÚS​​​​

If there is something that is to be dispelled immediately from the human heart, it is fear.

Fear is the absence of God, of love, of faith. Fear is born and grows in the heart of those who have become comfortable in the human condition and still have not recognized that what has to be dedicatedly taken care of is only the deepest essence of the being, the divine principles to be found there.

The one who feels fear is because they do not trust in love.

With your actions, you must strengthen the principles of faith, the certainty that one day, love will speak more loudly in the human consciousness, because the need for peace and unity will be so great that everyone will unite in seeking a One God.

The fear with which the original peoples live is the fear of losing their culture, losing their place on Earth. Because they do not have the basics they need to live, they feel the fear of disappearing as a people, just as so many other peoples disappeared.

In the mission taking place in Chaco, as well as in all the missions that will still take place with these indigenous brothers and sisters of yours, you must strengthen the fraternity and have them feel that you understand, or seek to understand, the spiritual role of the original peoples on Earth, because, besides provisions and basic care, you will find in your brothers and sisters the need to be recognized with their culture and their wisdom, as part of this human civilization.

In the depths of those hearts, more than hunger or poverty, they think of the abandonment and indifference of the majority of human beings. For this reason, we are dedicating these messages not only to instruct the missionaries, but to also spiritually awaken humanity and, above all, in this case, Argentina, to know the role of the indigenous consciousness, since its equilibrium depends on the purity, the simplicity and the wisdom that the original peoples maintain within themselves.

You must provide a small or a great service always keeping in mind the spiritual purpose much more than the physical act because physically, you will find infinite material, social, moral needs, the lack of basic things for survival, and a much greater effort than just a few days would be necessary in order to provide all of them.

Many may ask themselves: what is the reason for doing these so quick missions, in which not even a minimum part of the great need of these peoples is supplied?

And I respond that those who manage to see with their eyes what takes place in the spirit, and not just in the matter, know that spiritual needs move based on other laws, and sometimes, a situation that spiritually speaking is much more serious than a great physical lack, is resolved with a small act of true love.

It is for this reason that we will ask you to indeed take material resources, but what really gives meaning to a mission is the experience of love, the capacity to open the doors so that God may descend and act through your hands.

Seek to be true and do not want to be heroes. Just be simple of heart, open yourselves to learn, allow yourselves to be healed from your own human indifference, your pride and selfishness. It is in this way that you will be able to call yourselves missionaries, missionaries of the spirit, missionaries that serve to fulfill the Will of God.

I love you and thus teach you how to serve.

Your father and friend, server of the Most High God,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sister Lucía de Jesús: We were doing a group task with all the members of the Aurora Light-Community, Fraternity, in Uruguay, where we live, and we concluded the work journey with the transmission of the daily message of Saint Joseph. Although He had arrived from a refugee camp of the Middle East, Saint Joseph transmitted to us a message especially directed to the Light-Communities but, as He Himself explained to us, it may be useful to all those who consider themselves as servers of God and consecrated to His Plan. May all those who read this message practice these words, adapting them to their own lives. This was a request of Saint Joseph.

Fraternity is something that should characterize this world, an attribute that all the beings of the Earth should carry within so that it may become the starting point for the experience of Christic love. In order to give your lives for your friends, you must first learn to be fraternal.

There are beings who manage to be fraternal by the nature of their own spirits, but others will have to sweat their own egos a lot, in a hard work of transcendence of their own opinions, wills and necessities; they will have to live a true renewal of what they call “priorities” of their lives.

The priority of the human beings incarnated in this world should be, in truth, the perfect experience of love and unity with one another, each one with God and all with Him. Having this as the only priority, everything else can be adapted.

If you think you have a greater necessity than living fraternity and love, start to meditate right away about the reason for your lives and the purpose of your existence in the world.

Seek, for an instant, the reason why you wake up every day. Why do you work, study, eat, drink, build homes, schedule your days, make plans? What is the true meaning of all this?

You must not think that life restricts its purpose to your simple necessity of being alive and comfortable in this world! Or do you?

If the soul does not find a superior purpose for which to get up every day, it gradually loses interest in life.

You must make of this experience on Earth a permanent act of renewal, of transcendence, of overcoming, of freedom in God, to love! Freedom from yourselves, so that you can give yourselves to your neighbor without limits and without restrictions.

Everyone thinks they live for a superior purpose. Everyone believes they are in the world to learn love, but when they are before the food on the table, they try to quickly take the best for themselves. If they see that somebody else needs help, they pretend not to see it. If they go to a group task, they quickly seek who they like the most or who they most “need”. Are there not any other brothers or sisters who would need, more than you, to put their feet upon the ground and take care of a flower, while you could do some other task inside the house?

Those who live in the communities know what I mean. I ask for forgiveness for those who will not understand My words and it will take some time to instruct those souls, so much loved by God, who have decided to surrender their lives for the fulfillment of His Plans and who must reflect if they are really doing so.

These words will serve for all who consider themselves servers of the Plan and consecrated to God, because they must take them to their own daily routines and meditate about themselves, never about the other.

So, truly think: are you here to serve the Plan, or to live your transformation and nothing else?

Since we spoke about the Christs of the new time, are some of you working for the Christification of others or do you only think about the possibility of being a Christ yourself? You must realize that, even while this is a superior purpose, you are thinking about yourselves.

If you need to be alone and somebody needs your presence, will you pretend not to see him or her? If you want to sleep early and there is someone who has not finished their duties, will you think, “better one tired person than two?"

Dears, I speak to you as a father, because I know that souls want to grow and they must do so. The times of definition are no longer knocking on the door; they have entered your homes and are demanding from all a truly spiritual life.

If humanity does not take a step towards true fraternity and love and remains partially surrendered to God, the Plan will never be fulfilled the way the Lord expects it to be fulfilled.

God silences Himself and seeks to find you in the most profound essence of your hearts. Has anybody sought Him? Have you created conditions so that your brothers and sisters can do so?

Reflect if the true purpose of your souls is the life of the spirit.

Do you want to construct an island of salvation and rescue? So, rescue, while there is time, your own spiritual life.

I love you and that is why I tell you all these things. May every one take them within.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Often the human eyes cannot contemplate the planetary reality and do not find a real reason for their own transformation or something that may impact them in a way that generates an immediate and complete change in the being. That is why, in these times, I come to the world to instruct you, in order that you can know sublime realities of existence that may lead you to a superior quest, to the surrender of life to a higher purpose, which is the Purpose of God. I come to try to open, in humankind, not the eyes of the body, but the eyes of the heart.

I do not come to bring to the minds, concrete facts and scientific teachings that prove the veracity of the existence of a life superior to life of this world. I come so that the heart feels, in the simplicity of My words, that God calls you to remember. And that your own consciousnesses, touched by the presence of the Divine Messengers, may find the lost path to your origin.

As Our Lord, Christ Jesus has told you, the Kingdoms of Nature suffer by the ignorance of humankind that seeks power and usufruct in everything. And this ignorance is the same that does not allow you to find the truth about the human heart.

By saying this, those who know how to listen, and who meditate on the words of the Messengers of God will understand that all of them conform the same thread of light, which is trying to lead humanity to a single awakening.

Listening to the words of Christ1, do not think that they are for the others, but rather try to know, in your lives, in what point you are failing the Kingdoms of Nature; how far you only seek to physically, emotionally and mentally usufruct from the Kingdoms; and from where you are consciously trying to collaborate with their evolution.

Your work group must be only one, united in the Purpose of God. While some are with Christ more directly, liberating and transmuting the roots of millenary evil, the others must be seeking these roots within their own consciousnesses in order to extirpate them with the power of the Mercy of Christ. Thus, all together, you will be able to lead humanity to transformation and to give all human consciousness the opportunity to live something superior, and to seek the life of spirit.

I love you and for this I teach you to understand and live the Will of God expressed in the words of His Messengers.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


1Saint Joseph refers to the extra message of Christ Jesus transmitted to the visionary
friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on November 4th, 2015.


May the peace in the hearts of those who follow God be the visible sign of His Sacred Presence in the world.

May the fraternity and the love among brothers and sisters united for a single evolutionary purpose be the reason of inspiration and of surrender for those who do not know in which direction to walk.

May the unity with God, reached by means of prayer and shaped in all of the instants of life, be the light that illuminates the eyes of those who walk in the darkness.

May the communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, the care and the love for these smaller brothers and sisters, be an example for the human hearts that have lost the hope of finding a new world.

May the love for the Plan of God be greater and stronger in the heart of His companions than their own plans and human tendencies.

May the aspiration for the constant transformation in Christ impel the beings so that they are no longer the same every day and so that they may come closer to God, through their own inner world and also through their conduct in the material life.

May the new humanity no longer be only a prophecy for those hearts that follow God: that it may be a goal to be reached in life with effort, prayer, love and persistence in the truth.

Dear companions of My Chaste Heart, if you believe in My words and have faith in the presence of the Sacred Hearts, then never lose the opportunity of you being different and of walking towards the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

More than announcing Our presence with words, I ask you to announce it with your own transformation. The beings of this world need to have an example to follow, even if you are in silence.

If you want that the Plan of God be established in the world, never be doctrinal about something that you do not live. Before you bring the Good News of the Sacred Hearts, at least try every day to live Our words. I assure you that, if you do so, your example of fraternity, charity, forgiveness and reconciliation will go further than if you were disseminating for years a word that did not find life in you.

I love you and I impel you to the experience of the Will of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
