Hail Mary in French
Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.
(Three times)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
I come here as the Empress of Peace, bringing in My Hand the Scepter of God so that the world may live the Purpose of the Father, so that My children may join that Spiritual Purpose before it is too late.
Therefore, this spiritual impulse of the Creative Source, I deposit it in the hearts of My children today, I pour it into the souls of God today, so that the greatest possible number of consciousnesses awaken in this time of emergency and can respond to the great need of the planet, to the emergency of humanity.
Therefore, dear children, I come here, to La Salette, once again, to remind you of My Message, the Message of the Lady of La Salette, a Message that was not fully heard or accepted.
Therefore, I come to remind you of this, because there is still a little time left for everything to be reversed and transformed in all human consciousness.
Dear children, I need you here, with Me, at My side, at the side of the Mother of God, walking through this world, following in the footsteps of Christ, serving through the tireless apostolate in the face of the great planetary need.
I grieve so much for what is happening in the Middle East! So much innocent blood is still being shed!
When will humanity stop? Do they not fear the Justice of God?
Many perhaps do not fear It, because they believe that nothing will happen to them. That is why I come here as your Advocate, as the Mother Mediator and Intercessor between souls and God, because they are in dire need of it.
Therefore, I tell you again that before it is too late, dear children, awaken to the change that I ask of you. Listen to the Word of God through His Messengers; because otherwise many more souls will live the sorrow and anguish of these times, for not having listened to the Call of God that comes through the Heart of His Heavenly Mother, the Heart of the Divine Son and the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph.
Our Three Sacred Hearts, in this very delicate and grave hour of the planet, work in unity with the Most Holy Trinity so that, through the holy angels, many more souls may be protected, may be sheltered from the horrors of these times, which all of you are participating in and seeing.
My beloved children, I come to repeat once again to stop the weapons. I come to ask you, imperatively, to stop and meditate, to no longer attack each other, to stop hurting each other, to stop invading what does not belong to you, to avoid in this time the migration of millions of souls, the exile of many families because of the terror of war or death.
I come as the Empress of Peace, to the top of the Alps, so that My children may hear the deep echo the Voice of God, so that something may change soon. That is what I need most, at this moment, besides your prayers and supplications, which I also listen to attentively. Because in this way wars are avoided, through prayer conflicts are avoided, through true prayer souls are not lost, without return.
That is why I come today with the Scepter of the Light of God ignited, drawing to Earth, once again, His Divine Purpose, so that everything may be impregnated by that Higher Light, so that hearts may find again the peace they lost. Because this is the time, dear children, that all may know My Graces, that all may receive communion from My Son so that they may feel healed, redeemed and renewed.
Therefore, I am here to intercede again, to intervene again in the emergency of these times. I would not like to see more innocents die. This hurts the Heart of God, this hurts the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, this hurts the Heart of the Divine Son.
Contemplate the Mercy of God, the universe of His Love is open to all.
Reconnect with yourselves, to be able to understand this Purpose I bring you today.
Reconcile, forgive yourselves, so that the spiritual healing may come.
I thank you for being here, with Me, and for having done everything possible to be here, at this moment, accompanying the Empress of Peace in this special task, which Her Immaculate Heart and Her Divine Life are carrying out for the good of souls, for the peace of hearts, so that wars may stop, so that there will be no more innocent blood shed on the surface of this world.
I tell you this again, dear children, because these things cannot happen. The world turns away from the Law, and loses its sense of purity and innocence. I am united with all those who pray for this cause, for the cause of the call of the Mother of God.
Strengthen prayer in your families. May your prayers multiply and expand, may the clamor and supplication as one voice and one heart reach the Heart of the Father, because He wants to be closer to His Children. Do His Children want to be closer to their Father?
I come to open this door to the Kingdom of the Love of God Love, so that all may have the Grace, one day, to be worthy in the Father, to be worthy in the Son and worthy in the Holy Spirit; because it is possible, My children.
You must not forget that you are Children of God. All are Children of the Father, beyond creed, religion or any other situation. You must all remember this. That is why I am here to let you know, because many are forgetting it.
In that filiation you will find the happiness you need, the answer you seek so much, the consolation you so hope for, the peace to which you so aspire. Because everything is in the Kingdom of God and, again and again, His Kingdom can descend to Earth through those who open themselves to receive it within themselves and thus become part of the Divine Life, of their true origin, of their true existence, from where everything can begin anew.
Your Heavenly Mother, the Empress of Peace, withdraws Herself in these mountains to contemplate the horizon from above, as you also can contemplate it; waiting, with ardent devotion, for the coming of Christ from the Heavens, so that this world and this humanity may be rebuilt and finally live the Will of God. Because Christ, My Son, will bring His Government, but above all He will bring His Love and His Light, to bring your hearts back to His Eternal Peace.
Children, continue to pray, continue to respond to My call. I am here and I am your Mother, the Mother of humanity; and, under the Light and Love of My Son, I bless you for the courage to follow in the footsteps of Christ in this end time.
May the Love of God bless you and His Light guide you until you can reach the promised One Thousand Years of Peace, for the entire earthly sphere, for all of this wounded humanity.
I take, in My Hands, your intentions and prayers to offere them to God in reparation and for the healing of humanity, because healing is possible.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As the Mother of the World and Mother of the Original Peoples, I come today to step upon this sacred ground with My Feet, so as to bless it again. I come to dissolve the valley of tears of all Indigenous consciousnesses, elevating hearts and consciousnesses toward God, so that they may receive the Father’s Grace and the Universal Mother’s Love.
But this is not the only aim with which I am here today. I am also here for the soul of this nation, so that this nation may find, in the end of these times, through the souls that awaken to universal knowledge, the possibility of responding to the Will of the Eternal Father.
The spiritual debt of this nation to other nations of the world has not allowed this people to express its spiritual archetype and Purpose. It has not allowed the consciousnesses of this nation to be liberated from evil.
This is why the path that I offer to you, which is the Christic path, is the way out. A path that will lead you to re-encounter your true Spiritual Purpose, through the Will that the Father so much hopes to fulfill in this nation.
Not only God, but also the whole Universe, knows that the souls of this nation are directly affected by all that which this nation decides to carry out in these times, and souls inevitably remain under this spiritual prison.
This is why I come today to step upon this sacred ground of Oklahoma, with My Feet, so that the entire North-American people may remember the values of the Indigenous Consciousness. Despite all that has happened in this country throughout recent times and the compromise that this country has made with the world, these spiritual values, kept on the inner planes, are still alive.
Thus, just as the North-American people of the great Indigenous nation did, the North-Americans of the current times must turn toward their inner worlds and ask themselves, “What am I doing, and what is the goal of my life?”
In this way, dear children, very slowly, souls will have the door open toward the great awakening, and this people, so deeply contemplated by the Eternal Father since the beginning, will receive the Grace of forgiveness, redemption and rehabilitation.
But I tell you again, dear children, as I have said throughout times, that it is necessary to follow just one path, the path that will always lead you to the Heart of God, because in It you will be able to understand His entire Manifestation and Presence.
This people of the United States must not only continue to pray with more fervor and determination, but it must also supplicate to the Universe so that it may receive the Grace of liberation that is much needed due to the compromises it has made with evil, with My enemy, a condition under which millions of souls in this country are stuck.
However, as your Mother, who loves you and considers you, as the Mother of the whole Indigenous Consciousness, of all original peoples who live here, I come to give you this opportunity to again find the path of rehabilitation and forgiveness, which are important bases so that, through hope, the true aim of each one of your lives may re-emerge, the true Purpose of this nation, so that, through its soul, it may fulfill its written Purpose and be a nation that co-operates and collaborates in the face of the needs of the poorest nations.
All that I am saying now may seem daring to you, but it is not so if there are souls that awaken, if there are hearts that gradually adhere and that dare to break their own structures to live the Purpose of God fully, that is, His Divine and Holy Will.
This will slowly allow the spiritual bases of the Purpose for this country to gradually manifest themselves, not only here in Oklahoma, but also in other parts of this nation.
My children, I need you to understand the importance of this spiritual and inner moment.
I come here with the permission of My Son to bring expression make flourish that which needs to manifest itself here, not only on the inner planes, but also on the external planes. And the consciousnesses that awaken to the Spiritual Purpose, which are a part of this nation, a nation that is in much need of love and light, will be the pillars that My Son so much expects to see expressed on the surface of the Earth, so that the Plan may be reflected here, the Plan that God so much expects. And this goes beyond a mere ‘yes’, this goes beyond absolute adherence.
What is most important in all this, My children, is unity, which will allow the defeat of the pillars that evil has here and will also allow the dissolution of the contrary currents that dwell here, directly speaking of the soul of this nation.
In this way, you will also help the angel of this country, which carries too much weight on its back, a weight that must be relieved not only by perpetual prayer or selfless service. It is necessary for souls to be aware of this collaboration so that this angel may carry forward its Purpose and service for the United States, because, as the events take place in the world and many of them are fostered and executed by this country, uncertain doors continue to open, and there is no one who can stop this.
This is why I come here for this cause, to close these uncertain and invisible doors, so that souls may no longer live this spiritual captivity that is created and infused by the spiritual debt of this country.
In simple words, My Son sends Me to bring liberation to that which is tied, to break with His Sword the chains of illusion and materialism, which imprison souls, preventing them from emerging and awakening.
In just one Message, dear children, I am trying to tell you many things, but I would have much more to tell you, than just this moment of meeting with Me.
Do not think that everything will change overnight. If your lives change and if your lives transform, you will be like a drop in this great ocean, a drop which, however small, invisible and insignificant, if this drop of Light that your souls are were not in this vast ocean, which is this Plan, this would not be possible, this moment would not be possible.
Thus, you will be able to understand and also perceive how infinite and inexhaustible the Grace of God is, which goes beyond all times, but also all events. It crosses all structures and forms so that His Love may reach His Children, His Creatures, so that His Presence may reach that which is essential, the spirit of each North-American, which must be wide awake and attentive to receive the impulses of the Hierarchy with gratitude.
Since days ago and for the days to come, I will keep praying for you and for your brothers and sisters of this country.
I know that achieving what God so much aspires for and expects will be a sacrifice and also a great surrender. But faith and, above all, trust, transcend all forms, all ideas and even all limitations, because the heart that lives through faith is a heart ignited in a flame, in unity and in divine life, and this allows the fulfillment of any task or commitment.
I ask all My children of the United States to ask yourselves, for the sake of pity and charity:
What is my true spiritual commitment?
What am I doing to fulfill it and live it?
Do I perceive the Presence of the Hierarchy, not only of Its Word, but also Its Love?
What must I do to fulfill this commitment?
How much longer must I wait to be able to live it?
Do I understand that this commitment goes beyond myself and that all has a greater cause?
I leave these questions to My children of North America. And as the Mother of the original peoples, I ask you to contemplate the history of these original peoples and, in perfect communion, recover the values that they live on the inner planes.
I thank you for being here on this day and for listening to Me with bravery, openness and gratitude.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, Mother of the Indigenous Nation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Mother of God penetrates the planet today with Her Light and helps, on this special day, in the awakening of humanity, of the hearts that are asleep and that need to recognize their commitment to God in this time.
Today is a special day, in spite of the events and of the climatic phenomena, in spite of the purification of the planet, of the purification of the Kingdoms of Nature and of the transition that many, but many hearts live at this time.
It is a special day because it is the day of the last saints, of those who in spirit of abnegation and surrender, of renunciation and sacrifice for their Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son, offer their lives so that, through silent pain and inner recollection, the souls may be liberated in different parts of the world, in different continents, in order to exit the profound dream and inertia, the spiritual somnolence and the blindness that does not allow them to see the light. And that, by this sole act of love and surrender, they will awaken someday and they will feel the call inside of them, as you also felt it at some moment.
They will feel the need to serve and to get out of themselves as you did it at some moment, even though you are still learning it through transformation persistence, and faith.
Today is a special day for your Heavenly Mother because many more lives receive, in spirit, an extraordinary Grace that is not palpable to the eyes of men, to the feeling of humans, or to the vision of those who are concrete; but it is profoundly internal, I would say immaterial; that descends from above to this world, to the inner universe of each being and brings the new, what it renewing, what opens the consciousness to the unknown, to what is imperceptible and dwells in the Heart of God.
The angels of the Universe help in this impulse of this day, bringing among their hands the Treasures of the Father, precious spheres of light full of many codes that are sown in those who sleep and in those who will be about to awaken in these coming times.
In this way, children, I show you that the task is deeper than it seems and that each encounter with Me is a moment to enlarge, even more, the Plan of God in humanity and that the divine and spiritual fruits may be available to the souls that need them the most and that still have not recognized their mission in this humanity.
These Graces of Heaven and of this day, come today for those who know and for those who do not know.
Because in the Spiritual Universe of each being it is possible to do everything, because the Laws flow there, the Principles manifest and the different Rays of the Universe are shown, which foster in the souls the awakening of the consciousness and the defeat of human illusion so that the new apostles may be born, so that the new apostles participate in the last Redemptive Supper of Christ at the moment of His second return to the world.
All that is lived at this time is a preparation, My children.
Each moment offered by you is a Grace. Each step given is a new opportunity that presents for souls so similar to yours.
Like this a great network of light is woven and brings to the world a greater rescue, although most of humanity does not respond as God needs; but everything is possible by those who offer themselves and because your Heavenly Mother is here, bringing you what is new from the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.
This opens doors to new events; this brings to the hearts a clear truth of knowing that there is still much to do and that the world awaits the help of more hearts and more servers, especially projected on the youth, who are the ones who will help to sustain the world, although it does not seem so. Because they have come thus, at this time, to be able to move the Plan forward with the impulse of the Hierarchies of Light, with the company of the Sacred Hearts.
Children, everything can still be renewed and many more can follow the path of holiness, even if they have not thought about it for their life. Holiness is surrender for something greater, it is service for something unknown, which is not palpable. Holiness is to say "yes" at each moment and before any circumstance. Holiness is to love your fellow beings as they are and not to have preferences for anything, without expecting any result and without expectations.
This is the holiness that God and His Heavenly Messengers live, and the holiness that the Father expects to be able to see in His children on this planet.
Therefore, from time to time and from century to century, there have been saints, souls that have incarnated in humanity for a greater service, even if they did not have total consciousness of this. Because everything is part of a greater Purpose, of an idea thought by the Father for the evolution of His children in degrees of love and service.
This helps to sustain the lost humanity, the lives that are blind on their spiritual path and all of those who are fallen and will need to rise from the abysses in order to be able to see the light on the large horizon of Christ.
Children, today I will be like this with you, because the Father wants it so, so that in this school that I invite you to live daily and, through this Work you may learn in simplicity to recognize the Supreme Will and not to force changes of events, and to learn to read in everything that happens around you on a daily basis in order to be tuned with the Highest so that you may understand it all and thus, carry the Plan forward.
For this reason, today is a special day, not only for the incarnation of your spiritual Mother on Earth, but for all that this means in the inner plans and in the Supreme Consciousness, because in the same way, children, each one of you is important for Me and above all, for God.
A destiny is written in your lives. A purpose is still to be manifested and expressed upon the surface of this planet and for the renewal of times.
Continue walking with Me through this burning love in the heart for the Work of the Divine Messengers, which is the Work of God, alive and intact in the Universe.
I encourage you to deepen the apostleship through the next mission in Europe and Africa, which, this time, as in other moments, can be followed by everybody at each moment of prayer for the nations of the world, at each moment of recollection and introspection, to be able to follow the Will of God, by means of each part of the Purpose that is gradually fulfilled with the help of My children and in the company of your prayers.
After thirty years of instruction as a spiritual family and as a people of this planet, you were called to follow the same steps that Moses followed with the ancient people of the desert, but this time with more commitment and with more conscience, knowing that everything you offer will be a treasure for God, preciously considered by His Divine Spirit and by His precious Source.
Your lives, as so many other lives that are consecrated in this world, have come to testify that it is possible to live the Plan of God and to make it part of you every day.
With this Light and this Love that spring from My Heart, I bless you and give you the impulse to follow the new through the history that Christ is writing in the hearts that have awakened and in the hearts that will awake.
Today I leave My Rose of Light on the heart of your mother, so that this Love that comes from Me and directly from the Source, may reach those who need it most, under the Spirit of motherhood and the acceptance of all things.
May this Spirit of Love reach all the mothers on the Earth and especially the mothers who have removed the children from their wombs for fear to fail.
May all lives be reconstructed and may the lives that were not born be contemplated, so that they may reach Heaven and return to start a new universal trajectory someday.
I thank you for responding to this special call and for accompanying the steps of the Divine Messengers in the lands of Europe and the Middle-East.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Place your gaze upon My Heart so that you may find the Universe of My Peace.
On this day I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, who takes care of religious life and also of the evolution of souls.
For this reason, I have come today with the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you may feel encouraged to enter into it and confidently feel your true origin.
This is the House of the Father, where everything is created and recreated.
This is the plane and the dimension where everything exists and nothing is separate; because here, in this place, the Primordial Source arises from where this entire Universe that was created has come, from the moment in which the Father emitted His Thought and His Feeling of Love so that everything would exist, as well as His creatures, so similar to His Divine Consciousness.
It is from this Higher Heaven that I come today as Mother and Lady of Mount Carmel, to strengthen the spirituality of souls.
Today I show Myself like this, before your inner eyes and before your hearts, so that you may see that something greater exists, and which is unknown to many.
In this place is also Christ, your Lord, your Master and Sovereign.
From there, with the Laws of the Father, He rules the Universes and commands them, so that fraternity, love and unity may exist.
Into this Heaven, not all can enter, but there are other Heavens that are open to receive you.
I show you this Heaven from where I come today, because it is where I will take those to whom I have appeared through this Work, so that together with Me, and in the next world that will not be material, they may continue to serve Me and may continue to respond to the call, which is not only for the future humanity, for the next humanity, for the next race, but also for everything that will come afterwards, for this Universe and beyond it.
Each one of the souls has a place in Heaven, which it must conquer with its sacrifice, with its surrender, with its renunciation and above all, with prayer.
If these foundations do not exist in your lives, how will you be able to enter into these Heavens, where your spiritual and infinite life will continue together with the blessed angels, together with the Sacred Hearts, which from this place cry out to the Father for a greater Grace for humanity?
Even though, to many, it may seem that many things do not make sense in this material life, or that it does not matter if they are lived or experienced as sacrifice and surrender, today I tell you, dear children, that all of this is very important to God; because it is the testimony and the way for you to pay for your debts of the past, and that through the Divine Mercy that arises from this Primordial Source, you may be able to enter, in the next world, the Universes that I offer you today with so much mercy, grace, and love.
Today, everything that surrounds My celestial aura is sublime and infinite, it is cosmic and higher, because in this place equality, justice, brotherhood, and equilibrium are lived.
Everything is in its place, so as to be able to awaken and evolve, just as God thinks and feels it. But the world and humanity have their gaze placed upon other things, and the time of definition is approaching, and it will depend on each one of My children for them to be able to take this great step towards their spiritual mission and towards their path, which will continue in the stars.
Meanwhile, I come to you to call you, so that you may follow Me in trust and faith, because in this way, on the inner planes I will be able to call all of humanity, and above all, the part that is most asleep and far from God, without knowing true love, true existence, and the true meaning of being incarnated in this time and in this final cycle.
All the tests that you go through will strengthen you.
All the difficulties that you experience will make you grow, so that you may be able to find the path and the meaning for responding to something greater and sublime.
From this place whence I come today, from one of the seven Heavens of the Creator, I come to call you so that you are able to expand the consciousness of your charity and service to others, because it is necessary to help a world that suffers and is in agony day after day.
I come to teach you to generate, through good examples rather than through resistances, the necessary merits to be able to enter into the Universes that God hopes so much for in the next world.
Quickly acquire a spirit of charity and service to others, and learn, in these times, to take care of the Work of God in all details, because each thing that you do in this time will have great influences in the Plan.
Help the destiny of this Plan to be fulfilled as it is thought.
Help yourselves so that the Plan can be concretized.
In this Universe where I come from today, many things happen that are unknown to the conscious humanity.
Here are kept projects, ideas, and treasures that the Creator emanates directly from His Source, in a permanent and continuous way.
I am talking to you about the designs that are born of His Eternal Heart, so that in all the manifestations of His Creation they can be fulfilled, and the souls may finally come know the essence of Love, which in this time they must conquer with effort and sacrifice.
This, at least, however simple it may seem, will make of this humanity a redeemable humanity; it will generate a possibility for new Laws of the Universe to be able to act in an infernal and indifferent world.
But in spite of everything, dear children, My Heart is untiring, My patience is infinite, and My purpose for you is even greater, and I work for this.
I wish My words would not pass, as other words or other messages have passed.
I need you to internalize My messages and to be able to understand, through your hearts, all the symbols that I reveal to you, because in this way, you will be consciously prepared to see the signs that the Universe will show in a short time.
And in spite of this, the planet will not stop suffering.
I need My servants and the apostles of Christ to be responsive to each need that presents itself in these times, no matter how simple it may seem. If you do not do it, dear children, you will not be growing inwardly, but rather will be evolutionarily stagnating.
And you must continue growing to be able to embrace new principles and new purposes that God will show you in the coming years.
Your lives are no longer your lives; your paths are no longer your paths; your decisions are no longer your decisions.
Learn to be in Christ, for Him to be able to be in you, and thus act. And be aware, be discerning, and have the wisdom not to make mistakes or err.
I invite you to be stewards of an unknown Purpose.
I invite you to be the pillars of an infinite Work, that does not only begin and end in an apparition, in a message, or in the liberation of a region, of a country, of a people, of suffering, or of a culture.
With the bases of Instruction that you have received in the last thirty years and in the recent times, I need you to be able to act just as God needs it.
The demand will be greater, but the consolation will be very great.
My Immaculate Heart will be the fortitude of those who are consistent, of those who say "yes" without thinking about it so much, and of those who respond spontaneously, without any resistance to live that which is new, renewing and transforming.
I wish you would receive in your hearts the Designs of God, just as My Immaculate Heart receives them at this time, as the Sacred Lady of Mount Carmel, who again gives you the symbol of the scapular of peace, so that souls may have on their bodies the union between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, between this Universe and Paradise.
you may have the mysteries of the Infinite, of the Universe that holds you and will always hold you, as your strength for the tests that will come, because they are supported by the Faith and the Hope of God Himself, your Creator Father.
I come to prepare you for a time in which My voice will no longer sound upon the world, but the echo of My words must be inside of you.
Everything that I have said to you throughout these years and that I will say the years that will come must remain imprinted in your consciousnesses and reflected in your lives as pure and simple actions, of hearts that are awake to fulfill the Plan of God.
Many want to find the Celestial Mysteries only with the research of the mind, but forget about the simplicity of the heart, of building this path with the stairway of a true prayer, of service to the neighbor, of the understanding the miseries of their brothers and sisters, to heal in oneself that which they expect to see healed in others.
deeper mission, in which I will conduct the human consciousness to unknown Universes.
the symbols that will manifest in the future, in order to dissipate the disbelief of hearts and so that you are be able to guide others in the moment when everything may happen.
Today, My children, as Our Lady of Carmel, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lady and Mother of all consecrated spirits, I grant a special Grace to all My religious children of this world, so that they may be liberated from the atavisms of the past and that their consecration may be real; so that all of the brotherhoods, monasteries, convents, temples, in real union with God, may become these pillars of light that will sustain the world, and that the Truth may be lived there, rather than human mediocrity.
in a near future, face to Face, without guilt or fear, for not having done what He expected of His companions.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today I come surrounded by many choirs of angels in order to establish, at this place, and throughout this whole nation, a purpose that may be impossible before your hearts and lives.
But if faith emerges from you, this purpose will be carried out, because it is my ardent desire that it may be fulfilled in this part of humanity which absolutely needs the Love of God to be able to redeem itself and once again find the path into the Light. The path into the infinite, which many consciousness, beyond those present, have lost at some point when separating from God, for not having known the Will of His infinite Love for each of their lives, and for each of the members of their family
It is in this way that I have decided, dear children, to arrive here, in California, to open a new cycle in this deep-sleeping humanity which must awaken to My maternal Love, to My infinite Love, to My most pure Love, which I have for each one of My children.
If I have come here, to the United States, it is because other children throughout the world have created the spiritual and material conditions so that I would be here, lovingly among you, bringing peace, the inner peace that you need so much to be resurrected into spiritual life, to the path of redemption which My Son offers you in these end times. A path that is a preparation for each one of you. A path which will take you to redemption, to conversion.
And this will be possible, dear children, when your hearts decide to trust in My Heart, because from this trust the Work of God will be realized in the hearts of North America, including Canada and Alaska. Because I desire to arrive there some day, so that hearts may once again find the Love which they have lost, the Love that I have poured out in these times over Central America, Mexico, South America and Europe.
I want you to know, dear children, this most powerful Love which is the Love that emerges from My Immaculate Heart, which comes to separate you from the obscurity that surrounds many governing minds. A Love that comes to remind you of your affiliation with the Celestial Father, a Father that patiently expects His children to be able to awaken to this call from My maternal Heart.
This is how tonight I invite you, dear children, to live the first step of the reconciliation with the Father. The Father is very offended, the Father who are in Heaven has been denied by many children in this place.
This is the reason why, dear children, by means of the Latin Americans and all the immigrants who live here, looking for the hope of life, looking for an opportunity to carry out their projects, I reunite you with the North Americans as one people, as one race, as one sole humanity that emerges since the beginning of Creation, to live and fulfill a purpose that is still unknown by many.
But it is through the greatness of My Immaculate Heart that I bring you the Love from Heaven, the Love that God has granted in My Most Pure Heart so that souls awaken to this Deep Love which comforts and heals any wound or illness that might seem impossible.
Through this declaration, dear children, I bring to the United States the last Grace from God. After having begged, at the Feet of the Creator, together with the holy women who accompany me in this Mission, I bring you this special and infinite opportunity, beyond your lives and hearts, because I desire, dear children, that this Grace may descend into your hearts, because this country needs this Grace so that it may not lose sight of the sacred Purpose of God that it is still shining upon the horizon of the Celestial Universe, and, that, through My sacred Words and the absolute love from My Heart, I come to bring for each one of you today.
Perhaps you were waiting for a miracle and a confirmation, dear children, that could change your lives around. But truly, I tell you, dear children, that the true miracle that My Son permitted Me to bring you on this day is that you may remember love, that you may experience it, practice it through works of service for those most in need, through an ardent prayer that may consecrate this nation to My Immaculate Heart through the charity and fraternity that make you embrace, at your homes and within your hearts, all the immigrants who arrive here, seeking an opportunity to survive, just as you are.
When everything is about to happen, in the upcoming months, dear children, do not fear, do not fear evil, because if My Heart is within you and in your groups of prayer that must be formed to bring even more of the Grace of God, I can assure you that a good Mother will never abandon you.
Because if God has allowed me to arrive here on this day and on this crucial moment for this country, I implore you, dear children, to not forget the unity among you and your fellow beings, because, this unity, dear children, will always lead you to peace and to the discovery of a profound love that will avoid many social and national conflicts.
Thus, peace will prevail when each one of you confirms it within your hearts as the emblem, as the universal flag to bring to Earth, in order to establish upon this planet an inner peace, that is very unknown to all.
With the rosary in my hands, as your Lady of the Holy Rosary, just as I told you in Fatima: “Pray, dear children, may the prayer transform you completely so that the Gifts of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may descend upon this part of humanity, and especially upon the hearts that are fallen”.
Through My Presence, on this day, I come to avoid many things that could come upon this American people, because My deep desire, dear children, is that all of you may be redeemable beings in the Eyes of the Father, before His Celestial Thrones, before all His angels and archangels.
Thus, with the motherhood of My Heart, dear children, I come to remind you that each one of you has a Guardian Angel who waits to serve and help you in order to lead you on the path of goodness and brotherhood. This is My desire on this day.
Keep listening to me with the love of your hearts and the devotion of your spirits, because this has allowed Me to arrive here, on this day and at this end time.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
I have opened the doors of My Kingdom in this place because it is from here and through the devotion of your hearts that I expect to reach this whole nation.
Through your prayers, My children, God has allowed Me to send each one of My angels to those places that are most in need, so as to take from the abysses of ignorance those children of Mine who have a commitment with God, and the moment to fulfill it has come.
I arrive in this nation, children, so that you may learn to fight for peace and not for the establishment of human will.
I do not come to ask you to fight for another government, but to open your heart to learn from human choices and demonstrate to the world that it is possible to convert these actions when the heart simply prays and cries out for peace.
I come here to ask you, children, not to allow any more wars in this world. Do not allow that more hearts suffer because of the human need to stretch their power and submit more souls because the time has come for humanity to live unity with one another, and with God.
I want to teach you to manifest this unity in your lives, children, beyond religions and creeds.
I want you to learn to recognize the One God, respecting the religions of each brother and sister, trusting that each one, when they proclaim love and unity, may lead you to One Creator, who is the Creator of all things, who grants you one universal Love so that you may awaken the true potential of the human heart, as His Son did.
All that I say to you is not a utopia, it is the truth to those who awaken faith and cry out to the Father every day, so that they may be true, transcending the human condition, awakening love, proclaiming peace on this planet.
Today, I also come to ask you, My children, that you may gather with the Kingdoms of Nature, that are so outraged by the human heart, mistreated to create conditions so that humankind may have more comfort and modernity. And you are not seeing, children, that you are killing the planet, little by little. Which is the Holy Heart of God expressed in all life.
When the Creator manifested Earth, He placed in each space, hidden in each being, His perfection and the potential of His Love.
Not only do the human beings of this world have the possibility to manifest Divine Love, but also each Kingdom, from the smallest to the greatest, keeps this potential of loving that awakens when the human hearts comprehend the unity that is in all life and commune from the existence as a whole, finding the Divine Presence in each creature of this Earth.
Today I want to awaken your consciousness to a superior love and not only to a human love.
I want you to understand, My children, that for borders to be dissolved between nations, first they must dissolve within the consciousness of each being.
It is for this reason that today I teach you to commune with life, with the universe, with Creation, so that in this way Divine Unity may descend upon you and upon the whole planet.
In the same way, My children, for peace to be established among nations, and in each human heart, first you must live this peace in your inner world, in your homes and in your families.
Before praying for the reconciliation among peoples, cultures and religions, reconcile with your families, reconcile with your friends, reconcile your spirit with God, because in this way you will open the doors so that a superior reconciliation may occur.
Today I tell you, My children, that to consecrate this nation, first I will consecrate your lives. And through your hearts I will reach every space of this nation as well as this planet.
Through you, I will consecrate each heart, and together with My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, I will make the intercession and the Divine Grace descend upon this soil, to convert the evil that embraces it, that blinds and deceives the human heart, to allow you to live, from this day on, a new horizon before your eyes, the possibility of a new life and of a new being, that is at reach for all of you.
Just pray wholeheartedly. Surrender your souls before God. Ask Him for forgiveness. Ask Him to teach you how to be humble and simple of heart so that He may enter into your lives and transform you forever.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
For this reason, I come, dear children, as the Great universal Spirit of Peace, to consecrate souls and consciousnesses to the Divine Plan, so that this Plan may be fulfilled beyond these children. Today, My holy hand, with the luminous sign of the Cross, will consecrate each one of them.
Let those who today will become children of My Immaculate Heart come here. I wait for them.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
I want you to offer this consecration for each being of the North American nation, thus generating merits so that I can pour the Celestial Forgiveness upon all souls that do not deserve it.
Thus, I will entrust you, children, with the task of praying for those who do not listen to Me, do not love Me, who ignore My Presence in Heaven and on Earth, who do not allow My Peace to be established in the world.
I will ask you, children, to offer at least one Hail Mary every day for the most ignorant and blind souls so that their eyes may open to the true Light of God and their souls may be liberated from obscurity and ignorance.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Like the Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, I want you, My dear children, to symbolically, in this night of consecration, place your heads upon My chest, to feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that sometimes is full of thorns and is not alleviated by the world, but only by the hearts that, in trust and in love, pray to My Heart so that It may pour its Peace and thus avoid Divine Justice in the world.
Today, during this consecration, dear children, I contemplate each one of your souls. With My gaze of Light, I penetrate into the depths of your spirits to bring to you healing for your wounds, liberation of sins and the ascension of your souls, together with Me, to the Kingdom of the Redeemer, before His throne of Light and the Sovereignty of His Love.
By the authority that God has granted Me, I consecrate you, dear children, to a life of ardent prayer for peace in the world, for peace in hearts, for the awakening of consciousness to the truth of the Celestial Kingdom and for the consecration of a peaceful California, and of a country that attracts fraternity into the world, unity, and, above all, the Love of God, to share and radiate for all humanity.
Together, with the angels that accompany Me today, opening the Portal of Peace from the Heart of Lys-Fatima, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children, may the hymn of your consecration, in this moment, be heard by the Celestial Father. So be it.
I thank you for responding to My call and for opening your hearts to receive me here, in San Francisco, to all of North America.
Hail Mary ( three times in English).
Song: Hymn for the consecration of the Children of Mary.
Through this water I pour My Grace upon your souls, being washed by the Holy Spirit, who spreads Its Gifts within all hearts of North America.
Keep singing.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
With these words that Mary has given us, with these impulses of love that She deposited into each one of your hearts, let us promise, on this day, to Our Lady of Fatima, to bring this Love and this Peace to our brothers and sisters.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more