Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May God show you His Divine Face and illuminate your paths so that you may reach the purpose of your existence.
May the Lord, your God, anoint you with His Light and liberate you forever from all that, in your life, imprisons you.
May the Celestial Father guide you and show you the sacred path to fulfill His Holy Will.
May your heart be opened like a temple, so that the Lord, your God, the God of Israel, may dwell in you; so that you may conceive in yourself an empty heart, free from ambitions, vices and all ownership.
May the Lord, your God, Adonai, transfigure your entire consciousness, so that divine life may be in you and may one day be in all of humanity.
May Divine Grace, out of love, grant this moment, so that the New Christs may be present on the surface of the Earth."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Withdraw from your weaknesses the strength of the spirit, and let your spirit lead and guide you to the fulfilment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Rise from your falls as many times as necessary, but do not set yourself up as a victim, but as being responsible for your own actions.
Allow the power of Divine Mercy to transform all your miseries, so that you can be freed from yourself, from your own resistances.
Everything can be renewed, remember this. Nothing is fixed or permanent, the universe is dynamic and changes all the time.
Be brave enough to recognise your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself with your thoughts.
Be determined to achieve the inner freedom that I offer you. The desert is for the brave of heart, it is for those who are not afraid to be others."
Christ Jesus
Souls go through certain tests when they allow the door to be left open, so that the tests may come, and from that point, the adversary takes advantage of the instability of the consciousness in order to create a series of fantasies and expectations for it, which could be as felt and as real as any other belief or feeling.
At this moment, souls are exposed and are being attacked through thoughts and feelings, which will only try to pull their attention away from the Purpose.
And if the consciousness were not to have enough strength of will, the completely assembled test will drag it, and after the consciousness has experienced what "my enemy" thought up so well, it will release it and leave it adrift, without any kind of inner support.
This is what My enemy is doing with the souls that internally know that they have an undeniable commitment with Me.
At this moment, because of the situation that the mental plane of humanity is going through, there are uncertain doors open, which the Hierarchy needs to constantly close so that souls do not become prisoners of feelings and thoughts that are not their own.
This is why it is necessary to strengthen the inner worlds, so that when those moments come, souls will know how to overcome the attacks, which will come so that they may become stronger.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When the Hierarchy needs to make a decision, They must measure the consequences and what beneficial impact that it will have on the Universal Plan; because what is most important is that any decision must always be filled with wisdom and with discernment.
In all this experience, the decisions may broadly modify the destiny of a consciousness, of a situation or even of the Universe itself.
It is essential that within the decision that is taken, the sacrifice or the sacrifices that will be assumed are also kept in mind so that an inner purpose may be accomplished, assuming the consequences and the possible results.
Not all consciousnesses are ready to experience a decision or a moment that will modify their parameters or their own meaning and reality of what this represents for evolution.
With this, I want to tell you that the moment will come when the Spiritual Hierarchy itself must sacrifice or give the best It has for the fulfillment of the Purpose, since it will be necessary that certain spaces of manifestation remain ignited.
This action could take place at any moment because the need for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Infinite is great.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When souls place themselves, with sincerity, to pray for a difficult situation, the Universe will always respond and the angels, and all the hosts, will dissolve that invisible interference that is feeding on the indignation and fury of consciousnesses.
Thus, group prayer, regardless of being gathered together physically or not, fosters an operative and angelic movement in search of those causes that generate disharmony and rebellion within people.
In this time, such operative prayer will keep the portals open and the hells closed so that souls may not find themselves encouranged to move forward with actions that they will later repent of, for the rest of their lives.
Even after having prayed for a long time, if apparently nothing happens or everything continues on the same, do not be alarmed nor question yourselves, because you will see the power and the results of the prayer carried out, and how many situations will be benefited for having prayed with the heart.
Remain firm in this purpose, for you will not only be protected, but you will also have wisdom to be able to proceed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, for the first time, I am wrapped in the mantle of the Argentine flag and, through this symbol, I wish to announce that My purpose for this people is still unknown to the majority of souls.
For this reason, so that souls may understand the meaning of your Master and Lord returning to Argentina in the month of August, which will be the most daring goal of all times, for in this people I will place one of My seven aspirations so that it may be fulfilled, through the adherence and the perfect union of all My servers.
This is the time for granting to the world the concretion of many miracles, as it is also the time in which humanity sees the reality that it always wanted to hide from its sight.
Argentina is a laboring and working people, a virtue that also reflected in their spiritual life with the same strength and determination.
Thus, I will make use of the inner power of the heart of the Argentines to prepare My return and, in this way, fulfill the promise in humanity that was once made for all, that I would return at the most culminating moment on Earth.
And as it is the time, and that hour is approaching, I will again visit My companions of Argentina so that the foundation of the bases of a Light-Colony of souls may be finished in South America, which in the name of many more, will fulfill the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
And now, My Precious Blood, full of Codes of Light, is poured out upon the deepest entrails of the consciousness of Germany and of its people.
The Divine Blood of your Redeemer, full of the Codes of Light of life, enters into the aspects of the lower consciousness of the men and women of Germany, so that in the coming time the spiritual purpose of this nation may be fulfilled.
Therefore, companions, the Divine Blood of the One Who was like a lamb carried to the slaughterhouse, bears an incalculable spiritual value so that the souls of Germany, through this pitying Grace, may receive the merits they need to take steps in the awakening of consciousness and in individual and collective evolution.
In this sense, My purpose for arriving in the city of Berlin is because, until today, no consciousness has managed to generate the necessary condition to contribute to the liberation of all the failures committed in the last 20th century.
For this reason, your Redeemer will gather the devotees and pilgrims so that they continue with the concretion of the aspiration of your Master and Lord, which is to see redeemed the consciousnesses that caused great pain in humanity, and who until now were never forgiven nor loved by any being on Earth.
The triumph of My Sacred Heart at this time will happen by the redemption and conversion of the great leaders of nations who, like Paul of Tarsus, will receive the impact of My Celestial Light that will defeat them, and convert them forever.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
We begin to work on the inner planes with all that the Celestial Father expects will happen through this new Pilgrimage for Peace, which once again touches the soil of Europe, so that souls may be blessed by the Love of God.
From now on, the Marian sanctuaries of Europe will become large and important epicenters of light and of salvation so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may be able to work with souls that will need to awaken in this time.
The time has come in which hearts are to re-ignite with fervor and praise for God so that these souls may find the path toward the expression of the Purpose which brought them to the Earth.
Thus, the spiritual Universe prepares to prompt great changes so that the majority of the souls of Europe may find the path of redemption and of peace.
Everything has been prepared to commence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I reflect Myself, widely, by means of the Sacraments.
The Sacraments and their forms are the extensions of the Attributes and of the Graces that come from Heaven.
When the soul comes into contact with some of the Sacred Sacraments, it has the opportunity of going through the divine mystery and of uniting, essentially, to the Supreme Truth.
The Sacraments and their forms are like spiritual bridges of Light that conduct the soul toward the fulfillment of its purpose and of its mission on Earth.
The Sacraments put us in contact with the diverse Designs of God and they provide wisdom, reverence and devotion to those who live them and adopt them as standards of inner conduct.
In this sense, the Sacraments are still pouring blessings and graces on the souls so that the human beings may learn, through them, to overcome the inner duality, to live their individual and group purpose and, mainly, for all to learn to share and to live the Christian ecumenism and human fraternity.
The Sacraments are gifts, but they are also a means to live redemption. Their practice in daily life and the devotional and ardent value that we place before each one of them will allow the human being to receive the necessary protection to transit the end of times, in this moment of planetary chaos.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Consciousness does not come from this world, I emerged from a Source very similar to a pond of light. I came to the Earth for a purpose that was fulfilled and I shall return to it for a mission yet to be accomplished.
For this reason, I must have apostles in the last times to be witnesses of the advent of Christ; within them, I forge Christic life, based on unconditional love for others.
I teach you to love life and to accept it according to the debt of each one.
I offer you a life free of oppression and calvaries, I have already gone through that school for each one of you. Now the moment has come for your hearts to go through the end of times with courage; thus you will learn to love much more than I have loved.
You will always have a Father Who will guide you and protect you, this is why He surrendered His Son so that the experience of love and of forgiveness could be a living reality on the entire Earth.
Now it is up to My disciples to be witnesses until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
O My Lord!
make me patient and persevering
just as You were
in each moment of Your Passion.
May I see, reflected in everything,
the Divine Will of God,
and even if sometimes it may seem unfair to me, Lord,
allow me to always
see the purpose of the Truth
that emanates in each deed.
Small and invisible, I want to be, Lord Jesus,
just as You made Yourself small
and simple in humanity.
May my steps reflect
the absolute trust
of being able to follow You.
Elevate my consciousness
in state and vibration
so that from now on,
beloved Jesus,
I may find the meaning
of everything that could happen.
May my inner hearing
not close; may it open,
just as my heart opens
to recognize Your Presence
in my brothers and sisters.
Help me, Lord,
to understand life
beyond what it seems to be.
Help me to experience
each test or obstacle
with the importance they have
for reaching the transcendence of my being.
Liberate me from myself,
in all senses and forms.
May You, my Jesus,
be the One who acts, proceeds
and manifests the Supreme Will
in order that, someday,
I may learn to die to myself
so that You, Sacred King,
may live in me
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If you truly saw Me as I see you, many things would no longer happen in your inner and outer world. I come to call those who are lost in themselves, and many times escape from the Truth. In them I have repeated My Purpose for a long time and will wait for a wise response, a true response, until the end. But now, when everything seems to be very confused in many, the Light of My Wisdom envelopes you, comforting you.
I see that My Father, through so many sages and celestial beings, has trusted in you and in many more; but the path of Truth begins through seeking transparency in oneself, to then radiate the purity and thus the true intention of the heart.
When the Purpose is seen by you, I assure you, that you will fail in the first attempt, because the Truth has not been shown to you and you will be subject to permanent deception. For this reason, free yourself from yourself, so I may do what I have foreseen, since before your birth in the world. For My Truth, which is not known, is to be found in the spirit of Peace, and that same spirit is sown by the Love of God, wherein exists the supreme center of Truth.
As many do not know these simple mysteries of life, I come to reveal the Truth, that you no longer should act through the impulses of your own imperfection. For this reason, many cause My Sacred Heart to suffer, and it shows the Blood that is spilled through the errors of the world, which offend God, without your perceiving the seriousness of these times.
Before the Law descends from Heaven, where I live in Glory all the time, I will intercede with My Father to alleviate the indelible spiritual causes and wounds which many induce in the Most High Creator.
I suffered for you, so that you would not suffer in life. I died for you, out of Love, so that you would not die in spirit.
Woe to those who offend Me, out of ignorance and a lack of consciousness, in these times that will come!
Whoever opposes My Purpose will suffer from the action of their own will and My Infinite Mercy will become a spring of Justice in those unfaithful to Me.
Life cannot be lived on two paths; choose in time what path you will follow, that of the Light or that of the eternal darkness of the world. Beasts and diabolical nets will be released over the world, like rain on a cold night, and they will convince many to follow false paths, moved by emotion and deceit. Woe to those souls that open wounds for Me before their time!
Where will what I have given you with so much love and trust end up?
But Truth is sought in humility, which must never end; but if it should be lacking, invoke My Presence, so that the pride that many possess not drown them and flood over them like a ship on the sea.
I Am the Salvation and the Perfect Path for those who humble themselves before Me; but I know that many, because of their own ideas and their own precepts, will not allow themselves to yield to My Love, and at the appearance of the smallest life crisis, will decide to be unfaithful to Me, and in truth, do not know what this means in this time of tribulation.
Pray so that your beings detach from the causes of damnation. Do not be prideful, but rather, brave and humble, so as to find surrender. Whomever is ready to follow Me, I will help them until the end and will not leave them alone in spite of the seriousness of the times. Thus, seek a sincere unity with your peers; in this way, your hearts will be mirrors of the Truth and of Mercy which, through the power itself I will give you, will expel evil, dissolving it on any path.
To be My apostle, it is necessary to be humble rather than clever; your own miseries can submerge the project entrusted to your lives. Unite and everything will be resolved through My Infinite Presence.
Under the Love of the Father, who welcomes you and forgives you, be true, and thus, you shall please Me,
The Glorified Christ Jesus
I Am the Lord of Grace and Mercy because all souls can direct themselves to My Heart to plead for help.
But there are rays of Grace that I pour over those who daily invoke My Paternal Presence. In all these hearts I can leave the Source of My Wonders only when they are encouraged to say yes to Me.
In this time of changes for all, My Rays of Grace and Mercy descend from the universe to illuminate the dark path of those who walk among the shadows of the Earth. I come in search of all those who have forgotten about Me.
For this, My Repairing Source of Mercy needs receptacles to be able to deposit the Sublime Grace. These new receptacles will be My Apostles of redemption and forgiveness, those who in service and surrender to the neighbor will give testimony of My Existence in their hearts.
Now it is time to continue walking without looking behind because you must only concentrate your spirits in the redeeming purpose of the Earth.
I contemplate you, I follow you, I encourage you to give more.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My message with the heart!
Christ Jesus
If you call Me, I will listen to you, and in an instant we will be ONE in heart, in mind, and in spirit.
Between My Heart and yours there must never exist divisions nor barriers, because My Purpose always will be to bring you to the encounter with the One and Only. You know that time passes and that the changes are approaching; live through the pulsing of My Heart and may your heart beat be the motive for the sublime search.
Find the sacred in each space, and revere that which the universe provides at each instant of life. Seek in the path, the new and unite yourself to My Eternal Heart so that the Light of Heaven may indicate the crossing to My Peaceful Heart.
Just reflect about what has occurred and cultivate a spirit of freedom so that your essence flies close to the House of the Father. Be meek, and answer quickly, according to the necessity. To be a true Christ is to serve. To be a true Christ is to be attentive to the details and to the emergencies. To be a child of God is to live in the Supreme Law and, at least, imitate it.
But in all of the path there is Pure Love, that which will always overcome all pain and all challenge, because the Christic Love renews.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My Message with the heart!
Christ Jesus
On this day of Mercy My Heart irradiates the Graces upon the souls that most need them , principally upon those who have been distanced from Me.
In this way I gather the essences for the great moment, so that all of them return to unite as one and represent the new redeemed flock, a flock on which I will count for the important hour of My Return to the world.
But now it is necessary to cultivate the seed of inner pacification because this sublime light of peace must serve as an incandescent focus that relieves the perturbation of many inner beings in the world.
By merciful prayer the world will reach peace and the victory of the Kingdom of the Father will be possible by the effort of the little beings who serve the Plan of God. In this time I call you to inner unity, I call you to the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose in every being, and for the Higher Good of the world.
Now, in this path of prayer that the pilgrims traverse, I call you to proceed through the safe path of faith and love, because in this way many more will imitate your Christic example of evolution. Above all things, remember that now and always you will be in My Heart of Love.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My message through the love of the heart!
The Merciful Christ Jesus
At three in the afternoon My Heart likes to enter into all of the homes where My Spirit is welcome and expected.
This act by the faithful devotees of My Sacred Heart represents the true mystery of the faith that springs from each soul, and this act of love also represents for Me an emblem of the unity between Heaven and Earth.
My Heart prepares in this time, all of the days at three in the afternoon, the soldiers of My Infinite Mercy, those that must give testimony to the world of My unprecedented approach to your Earth, to My Original House.
By your precious prayers will be prepared the Earth in which will be sown the new seed of the New Humanity which will blossom like a beautiful flower that will emanate aromas of redemption.
For this today I ask you to persevere in My Purpose so that God may send to you His Eternal Graces, those that will help you to walk between the abysses and the great battles. But for this to be possible the sincere testimonials of your faith and love for My confident Heart must emerge.
In this era of tribulation and of light God calls all of His Children so that they may climb on time onto the boat of salvation, that boat of the Divine Mercy that passes by your homes and touches the essences of your hearts.
For this I will send, as in the past, the new apostles, this time clothed in Peace and Mercy so that in humility and in prayer they may give the example of redemption and of rebirth to the life of the spirit, to the universal life of God.
All will happen in the extent of the surrender of those who may in love favor My Sacred Redeeming Project.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I Am the conductor of your life.
I Am the Captain that from love will lead you to find a new port, the port of salvation.
Only through Me are opened the new paths.
Only through My Heart the soul will find wisdom because only through My Love you will achieve Mercy and Piety.
Never forget that I love you as God created you; that My Heart knows about your difficulties. For this hold on to My Light so that you may walk step by step under the protection of My Heart.
I want to lead you towards something that now you are not. For this you must give Me your yes so that the great miracle may happen in your spirits.
I ask you to pray for those who are internally and spiritually blind because they are the souls that most separate themselves from My Merciful Heart. I ask you for faith and truth, surrender and full trust in My Heart.
The new Christ’s are already awakening to perceive that they must not carry anymore upon their shoulders the cart of yesterday. The new and merciful waits for you, do not fear that it may not be that which you have controlled so much through all this walk, only dedicate your life to the Plan of God and vigil so that the Purpose may always be clear before you.
The time of resting between My Arms and of affirming the unusual path that today My Heart proposes to you has come.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My messages from the heart!
Christ Jesus.
As a worker in the path of the souls, My Heart conducts and straightens the pathway of those who have separated themselves from My Father.
By means of the Divine Mercy My steps guide each one of the souls towards the purpose of the Father.
My dears:
I love those who in sacrifice surrender themselves to the plans of My Heart because in this way I will be able to deposit My Gifts so that Mercy may be radiated to the world. Rest today in My Arms because in this way I will comfort you again and I will relieve you. Follow My Path in love, peace and unity.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more