Monday, October 23 of 2023

Special Apparitions

Hail Mary in French

Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.

Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.


Surrounded by the great angels of the mountains from all over the planet, today I come to meet with you, to meet with a needy humanity, to meet with a sick humanity in need of healing and of love.

For this reason, today I am here, dear children, and for this reason, I brought you here, not only those who are present at this moment in this sacred place of God, but also, from the inner planes, I bring all the souls who need the spiritual healing that, in this place, is reflected by the Kingdom of Lys.

Remember, dear children, that not long ago you were here and were also carriers of My Message and My Peace; but since then up to the present, My children, the scenario on the surface has changed. It is a time of emergency, when there is an imperative need for peace.

Thus, I am here not only as your Heavenly Mother, but also as the Immaculate Conception, to remind you, My children, that from the beginning of this Creation, the Eternal Father first thought of creating the water that emanates from the depths of the Earth through the sacred gift of the Mineral Kingdom.

This blessed and sacred water, chaste and pure, constantly gives of itself to the children of Creation so they may always purify themselves and cleanse themselves of the stains of sin and error.

I Am the Mother of the waters, and through them, I pour out Graces upon My children, through the oceans and the seas, through the rivers, through the rain, through the morning dew.

This is the manifestation of My Love for souls, this is My desire that all may purify and cleanse themselves so they may be reborn in the Love of God, so that your hearts and souls may purify from all traumas and errors, become free from all traumatic experiences that you may have experienced throughout time.

It is so simple, dear children, that through this sacred place, a sacred mirror of the Kingdom of Lys, I come to remind the world of the presence of Creation; because the Kingdoms of Nature, although they are outraged and attacked, continue to give of themselves for the healing of humanity, for the healing of the human consciousness, for the healing of all Creatures of God. And this manifestation of Creation, blessed and sacred, is for all of you, My children,

How can you think there will be no wars, illnesses, and even sin if you destroy Creation?

Thus, for one moment, contemplate what you have turned this planet into, but above all, observe with the eyes of the heart, with the feeling of the soul, what this planet has become and how much the Mother Earth silently suffers, and few can perceive it, few can hear Her cry in this moment of transition.

So, My children, to reestablish this communion with the Laws of Creation, it is necessary that you stop and meditate. I have already told you many times, just as the other Sacred Hearts have told you.

While the world is not in communion with Higher Laws, the evils of the world will not stop. For this reason, call souls to a change of heart and tell them they have a wource of life, expressed through the Kingdom of the Waters, which untiringly gives of itself for the purification of the human being.

 Seek this inner communion with Creation through Sacred Nature. And not only the waters, but also the rest of the Kingdoms will assist in purifying the human being from the feelings of revenge, impunity and destruction.

And you will become free of yourselves when you learn to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature, when you learn to love and respect them, knowing that the Younger Kingdoms of this planet also have their place in the Heart of God; because the Eternal Father thought of all that is best for you, dear children, and it seems that for humanity, it was not enough; thus, it lives an ambition and conquest of the spaces and places that do not belong to it.

Even so, God again gave of Himself for you through the Birth of Christ on the Earth. And even so, He allowed Himself to be nailed to the Cross so your most ingrained sins could be forgiven. And even so, My children, the world continues to offend and violate Creation.

In nature that is the healing that each of you needs, not only the healing of the ill body, but also the spiritual healing that millions of souls need in these times.

Thus, I am here as Mediator and intercessor so that between you and nature, between you and the Higher Laws, between you and the planet, the great bridge of the Mother of God may exist, which is the bridge of reconciliation and peace between the inner worlds and the Law of Creation. Because My wish is that the good that is being lost in the world may be restored. My aspiration is that charity may be established.

Thus, once again, I come to purify you so that you may be renewed, so that within you, at the very core of your hearts, you may find the path of return to the Celestial Father, in communion with all the Lower Kingdoms, loving each one of the Lower Kingdoms, being aware, My children, and above all having great discernment that it is no longer the time to destroy or contaminate; that it is time to rebuild the planet on its surface, and through the long-suffering Kingdoms of Nature, it is also time for reparation.

In this way, without your perceiving it, the Lower Kingdoms themselves will offer humanity a spiritual and physical healing, because the small and inoffensive Kingdoms hold mysteries of healing unknown to you.

There is everything that you need to be able to evolve as consciousness; to be able to grow inwardly and reflect the Sacred Purpose of God on the surface through your lives, just as the Kingdoms of Nature reflect it, and which is not seen by many at this time.

Thus, My children, stop using the Kingdoms as something common; stop violating them, stop offending them, stop contaminating them, do not allow the great powers of the world to destroy Creation. Enough of this, My children! No longer become submerged in ambition and in darkness.

It is not enough that God gave you through the planet?

It is not enough that God gave you through the universe?

What is it that you most need to be able to surrender and love?

My Heart suffers when there are many sick consciousnesses, and with each passing day, new illnesses inexplicably appear.

Where is the deviation from the Law, the deviation taken by the human being? Because the healing you need is through nature and I could also say, the redemption you need.

Become silent, listen to nature and you will realize on your own where you have come to as a civilization.

I am here not only as your Mediator Mother, but also as your Teaching Mother, so that the knowledge can penetrate your hearts, so the Word of God may be in you and is fulfilled, because I wish for your good, because I wish for your inner and outer peace, peace throughout the planet.

It is possible, My children, to achieve the celestial happiness of consciously serving God, and of loving Him beyond yourselves, beyond any condition; because the Love of God is very great, It is so great and infinite, so broad and so merciful, that He gave you all of the best He had, He gave you the beauty and that which is most sacred of Creation.

Let the Laws between Heaven and Earth be re-established.

Let the weapons and wars stop.

Let innocent blood and the blood of animals no longer be spilled.

Let hunting no longer exist, because this causes you to go backward, My children.

Live in simplicity, so as to live in communion with Creation. Defend nature from yourselves.

What planet will you give for the next generations? Have you asked yourselves this?

What will you leave for the next children, who will be part of the New Humanity?

For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy works untiringly: so that you may have a planet, so that you may have ground, so that you may have a surface on which to place your feet and live in peace and in communion with life and with all of Creation.

Today, let the waters of the mountains purify you, renew the Sacrament of Baptism of all those who have had this Grace of being able to live a rebirth in God, so that evil may be dissolved from the consciousness of the planet.

Let the light of the waters purify you, baptize and consecrate you again.

Today, after 45 days, we close here the Pilgrimage for Peace.

Your Heavenly Mother wants to thank, from the depths of Her Maternal Heart, all those who made this sacred task possible, which was able to be expanded beyond what was foreseen.

Many important tasks were carried out, spiritual tributes took place, the inner worlds were worked on. seeds of Light were sown in the consciousness of some of the nations that you visited.

Let us continue to walk in faith and in hope, as a world of peace and of good is possible.

And after this sacred moment, we will prepare, dear children, for a new mission in Canada and in South America, so My Mantle is able to expand even further in the world, so the Light of My Heart may protect souls in need.

I love you and thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!