Wednesday, February 27 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

Today I accompany you on this journey in which you return home to rest in My arms.

I have prepared a place inside of My Heart, so that you may find the rest you need, where you will recover forces to continue together with Me in the planetary task of the rescue of souls.

I have observed with My eyes of love each detail of your surrender; I know when you are totally willing and active in the task and offer Me all of your being. I also observe when your bodies are tired and fall into inertia, faltering.

Dear children, live in Me all the time; turn to this Mother that will always help you and through Her love will give an impulse to your beings, so that you may always be active and available for the task.

Have I ever told you how your minds and bodies respond to the impulse of My Love?

Each time you are with Me, alone or in group, by means of prayer, all My impulse of love pours upon you, and codes of celestial light enter your cells. They light up rapidly and are revitalized, finding, in this way, the strength that lifts you and makes you continue.

Fervent prayer removes from your consciousnesses all oppression, all perturbation.

Observe, dear children, how your beings react to the Love of My Heart; Love that you attract each time you enter in prayer.

Remain in peace; My angels wait for you in your place of repose to guard your rest.

I wait for you in the next prayer made with the Heart.

Thank you for being with Me on this day, responding to My call.

Mary, Queen of Peace

Tuesday, February 26 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My children,

The Lord sends Me on this day to unite, in the Heart of Salta, all Marian groups, with a redeeming and saving purpose.

I want each one of My pilgrims and those who pray to be united as one heart with My Sanctuary of Salta. So that from there I can open the Door of Salvation for the souls that wait for Me.

Each one of your hearts, My children, must be ready and willing to accompany Me in deep abysses of suffering, to rescue the souls that for centuries have been arrested in these realities.

Today, I want to carry out, with My children, a Mission of Peace and Mercy that will confirm the Glorious victory of the Lord, and will shape His Mercy on this town of Salta, and on the whole North of Argentina.

I invite you today to alight your hearts in a prayer that renews itself after each bead. And, in this way, you will help Me to maintain alive and lit the essences of many of My children that are being put out.

As the Lady of Guadalupe, I come to place in My arms all races, and above all My beloved indigenous children. By means of the Love of My little pilgrims, I want to liberate the suffering and incomprehension that live in the hearts of many indigenous peoples on this planet.

As the Queen of Peace, I come to pour My Peace upon the world. And by means of each Marian group united to My Heart, at this hour I will find a door to enter into each nation of this planet.

Therefore, wherever you are, My children, know that I will arrive there, and whenever you pray with love, you will be opening the doors of your cities, nations and continents for the entering of My Peace.

As the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, I come to bear within each nation the Triune Spirit. I come to announce the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the lives of each being on this Earth, as long as you permit that the Holy Spirit of God lives in your hearts.

This is the correct time. The Lord has prepared His Hosts and His Holy Spirit already flies over the periphery of the hearts and consciousnesses, waiting for the moment of being able to enter and merge with the creatures of God.

Therefore, pray today with special devotion, united with Me. I will accompany you in this triumph of the Divine Light.

I thank you, little children, for responding to My Call every day.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Tuesday, February 26 of 2013

Special Message
Special Message for the Vigil of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Worship the missions of Saint Joseph in the world through your hearts.

Within you, carry love for the full service for God and for His preferred plans for souls.

Today I want you to serve to repair the causes that oppress many hearts that have been forgotten for a long time.

With My Heart, I elevate the sincere offerings of all the pilgrims that dare to work out of love for the Mercy of My Son.

Dear children, today I am here to thank you for your response to being here in Salta.

Now, as from the new cycle announced by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, prepare the instrument that represents the heart of each of you, because the Lord is calling on you to labor through the means of service, fraternity, and humility, attributes that must first be born in you to then be experienced as light on other children of Mine.

Today I pause with My gaze to observe the sincerity of your hearts. It is time to continue walking in the faith of the heart.

I thank you, children, for responding to My call in Salta!

Mary, Queen of Peace

Prayer of Saint Joseph transmitted during the vigil of prayer of February 26, 2013, in the city of Salta, Argentina. A prayer that must be repeated seven times at the beginning and at the end of the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Prayer of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
O beloved mediator and intercessor Saint Joseph!
plead for us before Christ
for all eternity.



Monday, February 25 of 2013

Weekly Messages

After the transmission of the daily Message of Christ Jesus, the Most Holy Virgin Mary transmitted Her Message to us:

Now, My dear children, that you have entered into the Most Holy Heart of My Son, for a longer time, venerate this mystery of infinite Love that the Sacred Heart of Jesus pours out.

Dear children, pilgrims, with My arms open and My Heart beating with gladness and joy, I also thank all those who pray throughout the world, and specially the pilgrims that are in Salta, for responding to the Commandments of Our Lord God, the Most High.

My children, as Mother of Grace, during this 25th of February, I accompanied each one of you in the steps you took towards the Hermitage of the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

After erecting the Hermitage, that I requested of the visionary of Salta, this loving pilgrimage of devotion, carried out by My pilgrims, accomplished an important purpose requested by God the Father.

Beloved children, this purpose, after consecrating the Marian Sanctuary in Salta to My Immaculate Heart and the task accomplished today by your pilgrimage, refers to awakening the sublime Grace of the salvation of millions of beings of indigenous peoples who waited for an opportunity of salvation.

Dear children, I want to reveal to you that through the Sanctuary and the pilgrimage, the work of the Immaculate Mother of Salta will be fulfilled beginning next year, in which other important spiritual events, as a Grace, will embrace other consciousnesses throughout the world.

The honest and true union of your prayer and pilgrimage during these last two days allowed the works of the Virgin Mary in Argentina, in Uruguay and in Brazil to remain united on the sublime Celestial Planes.

Now, after this Grace poured out by God, the next path will be uniting with My Marian task of Medjugorje.

Dear children, in this way, you will see that the Woman Clothed with the Sun, with the crown of twelve stars and the moon under Her feet, will be giving the visible sign of a coming time of Grace and of greater changes, for all My children.

My little ones, on this day, may My Immaculate Heart beat within your hearts so that you can feel My Love and My Glory, because I love you, I love you so much that if you knew it, you would recognize Paradise.

I thank you for responding to My call that has been accomplished.

Thank you, My beloved servants and pilgrims!

Mary, Queen of Peace

Monday, February 25 of 2013

Weekly Messages

I am the Morning Star, announcing the Sun that emerges in the life of all My children.

I am the One who once gestated the Firstborn Son of God, and who now comes, once again, before the Lord, announcing His descent upon the Earth.

I am the One who lived by Faith so that Christ could find encouragement and strength to be renewed in God during His Passion. When He was a child, I nourished Him with the milk that flowed from My Heart, and, in His Passion, I nourished Him with the Faith that came from within Me so intensely that I felt that I could not bear being there.

Today I come accompanied by My Glorified Son, so that together we can nourish humanity with Faith on this path of sorrowful ascension.

Well, if the Lord has already lived the Passion for all of us, we must achieve this same Faith and this same power to rise, rise and rise again, after each fall.

My Presence, accompanying the path of humanity, is to nourish and always strengthen your hearts. I only need that each of you, just as My Son Jesus did, be able to look into my eyes and feel the Love that I bring you.

Trust in Me, just as Jesus trusted, and soon you will understand that I am always there for all of you. And when you feel loneliness and discouragement, simply seek Me. Look to the side and you will see Me. My arms are here, always open. My Mercy is the infinite power of renewal.

I am with the Father and the Son and I lead you to Our Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, to which all souls of this world belong.

Come, come without delay into My arms. In Me, there will be no fatigue, only faith and eternal sacrifice.

As the Mother of each one of you, I wait for you day and night so that you return to Our Home. And I will neither sleep nor rest until I see you arrive.

Confirm the Glory of God in the joy of serving Him.

I accompany you, as Pilgrim Mother, throughout the whole day today, to show you the signs in everything that I ask of you, so that you learn what God needs you to learn on this day and in all of life.

I adore all My children and I am beside you always.

Mary, Queen of Peace

Sunday, February 24 of 2013

Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

On this day of prayer for the nations of the world, together and united with the Eternal Father, let us especially pray for the nation of Argentina, which must definitely be taken into account of salvation and redemption.

Dear children, this is why My maternal Heart announces itself daily in your lives, to remind you of the importance of praying the Rosary every day, in a spirit of conversion and peace, throughout the whole world. The more groups of prayer fulfill the simple but magnificent divine requests, the more circumstances in humanity can be avoided, many souls will find peace and the conversion they look for so much.

As Mother of the universe, every day I bring you the only guiding Star that will lead you into finding love and peace. This guiding Star is called Christ Jesus, the saving and redeeming King of the universe.

Seek Jesus, aspire to be within the most beloved Heart of My Son; He has His Divine Heart of Light perpetually and eternally open for those who say 'yes' and dare to enter the redeeming Temple of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My children, for this reason, today I call on you to convert into true disseminators of My call for peace and for redemption; the most correct path will be through your hearts that will be able to transmit the love that many do not possess, the peace that so many souls search for in the world, the serenity and the faith that many hearts have lost in this time.

My children, through your pure, humble and simple hearts, Jesus, the saving King, will be able to radiate His Gifts because, He once said: "By the power of the Love of God, My saving Spirit will be present among My companions, laborers and servers of Mercy."

So, My beloveds, let this meeting in Salta with the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, bring you closer to the meeting with the Savior, with My beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth, now King Jesus of the universe.

Dear children, as pilgrim Mother, I will accompany your steps every day of your lives. For this reason, you will be able to unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and all the prayers that proclaim the Light and the Peace of the Lord.

On this day, may your hearts be renewed through the prayer of the heart, because from your hearts can emerge the flame of life and peace that represents My Son, the Savior of the world, Christ Jesus.

I thank you for attentively listening to My new call!

Who always loves you from Heaven,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Sunday, February 24 of 2013

Special Message

Dear children,

This morning, I come to announce that My Heart will be amongst you throughout the day, accompanying the vigil and the prayer that you will join together with Me. Therefore I expect from your hearts a total openness to the Lord, so that His Kingdom may come to Earth and remain on it, for the rescue and salvation of souls.

This is a week of special Mercy because the Lord has allowed Me to be even closer to My children and, together with them, work for the salvation of souls.

On this day I gather the offer of everyone, so that you may place at My feet, not only the talents of your hearts but also the miseries. And to find, together with Me and through Me, the path of conversion; I tell you that the shortest path is service, prayer, confession and fasting.

When you pray for souls with the same fervor with which you pray for yourselves, when you cry out for the world with the word that emerges from the depths of your being, the lord turns his eyes to the earth and sends his hosts help, bringers of redemption and Mercy.

When you serve with gratitude, peace and reverence for souls, Divine Mercy finds a space within your hearts so that, through them, it may be poured out to souls.

When you confess to God and to Christ, removing the sin and bitterness of the heart, when you are able to forgive your neighbor and yourselves, you are releasing the sin of the world and are giving an impulse to the souls that are unable to do it.

When you fast with sincerity and feel hungry on behalf of those who truly have nothing to eat, you balance the evil of the world and you give an opportunity to those who have nothing, to receive what they need one day.

It is necessary that you know how to practice what I ask of you with a broader consciousness, with the intention of the benefits that the world will receive, far beyond what each of you may receive.

If you act this way, acting for the good of the world, and may the good of your beings be a consequence, you are taking great strides towards Heaven, and soon you will be by My side.

Count on My Presence, My help and My motherhood.

Listen to My Words with love. I come to instruct you and accompany you, tracing a path of humility for your hearts.

I love each of My children.

Mary, Queen of Peace.

Sunday, February 24 of 2013

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At Our Lady's request we will listen to the Hail Mary in Quechua and the Lady also said that She will pray in Quechua.

Our Lady says we can begin. 


Prayer: Hail Mary in Quechua (twice).


I thank you for responding to My call!

All peoples of the true origin are in My Immaculate Heart.

Praise Christ, My children!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: Ave Luminosa.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We are going to share some indications that Our Lady has given us and then we are going to make some comments.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, we felt that the Divine Mother came in a different way and She explained to us what was the reason for coming in a different way.

She appeared today as the Queen of Peace, like yesterday, and She told us that today She was not coming specifically to transmit a Message to us, because the Father considered, at this moment, that She had already told us enough, that She had already transmitted many instructions yesterday and today.

At that moment, the Mother begins to dialogue with us through some questions and answers that She was transmitting to us.

One of the questions we asked the Divine Mother was about the Via Crucis. She explained and transmitted to us, that, in the same way that She had asked us to do some spiritual exercises such as fasting, now She was asking us to practice the Via Crucis.

Our Lady explained the purpose of our living the Via Crucis. She told us: “I want you to be able to meet My Son in the Via Crucis."

She also told us that the Via Crucis was an important exercise in these times, because not only through this exercise would we work on our redemption, but also on the redemption of our families and other consciousnesses.

She told us: “On the Via Crucis you are going to find humanity, because My Son suffered and endured for humanity.”

She also told us: “In the different passages of the Via Crucis you will find humanity present and also many keys.”

Something that our Mother added was the following: “If My Son had not lived His Passion, you would not be here today and I also mean that you would not be able to have at this moment, for example, the presence of the Peace of the Lord. But this is now possible because the Via Crucis marked many steps for the world.”

She explained to us that, from what happened in the Passion of Jesus, this had also reached many generations.

When She lovingly referred to the exercise of the Via Crucis, She asked us to concentrate our being, our heart on the facts and the passages, because there are many, many keys, many attributes for us there.

I remembered an important point of the Apparition: when Our Lady asked a sister to pray in Quechua, we heard our Mother praying the Our Father in Quechua. She said to me, at that moment: “Wait for the sister to pray in Quechua and you will see what will happen.”

When the sister prayed the second Hail Mary in Quechua, Our Mother opened Her Arms and showed us something that was under Her Mantle and beyond Her Mantle. Under Her Mantle and to the right and left of Our Lady were many Indigenous children from different cultures and places of the world.

She began to call other consciousnesses and they were all gathered, many peoples of different cultures appeared; smiling and looking towards us, She said: “They are in Heaven.”


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Our Mother also asked the pilgrims who share this task with us today, that we could organize a vigil in this house, in these days that we are going to be here, because She needs to rescue some souls that are here, in this region of Salta. So, afterwards we are going to organize this vigil.

And on Tuesdays, when we hold the vigil with the prayer groups, praying the Rosary, the Mother asked us for permission to do this task in the house of the sister who prayed in Quechua. So, let us see if she gives us permission.

She told us that She wants to go there so that we can all pray together and, we do not know why, but She saw something in that place.

Thank you all very much, we are going to say goodbye singing.


Song: “Divine Mother.”

Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us!

Saturday, February 23 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear pilgrim children of the whole world:

Praised be Jesus!

Today My call is proclaimed to all of My children who, month by month, in efforts and in faith, respond to My call for prayer and peace.

Beloved children, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Heaven, wants to tell you something on this day. For the presence of some Marian groups in the city of Salta, Argentina, My third house in the world, I am calling you so that from your groups of prayer you may accompany Heaven in a consecrated and special task. The task will be the one to be carried out by the pilgrims present here in Salta on February 24 and 25, 2013.

You have Heard My words, which have invited you in the past months to prayer, to fasting, to confession and to fraternity.

Now the Queen and Mother of Heaven is calling you so that in humility and faith and for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on February 24 and 25 at 10:30 a.m., you may realize the Via Crucis, a spiritual exercise of redemption that My visionary and pilgrim children who are in Salta will realize during the climb of the Cerrito Hill where the Shrine consecrated to the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is.

This peregrination to the Shrine, along with the exercise of Via Crucis, will help in the salvation of souls and in the special reparation of Argentina as well as of other nations of the world. This exercise of climbing the Hill of the city of Salta will also be in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Those pilgrims who, wherever they are, also realize this spiritual exercise, will be placed in the merciful intentions of the Virgin Mary.

During these two days, My Immaculate Heart will pour out a special and Greater Grace and you, from the spirit and from the heart, will be uniting to My Marian Work that is carried forward in the north of Argentina.

Whoever, without judgments or comments, but with an open heart realizes the Via Crucis of Our Lord, will be contemplated by Christ Jesus at the time of their passage towards the infinite, as also in the life that you live upon the Earth.

Dear children, I thank you all for uniting to My celestial and mediator call for all of souls!

Mary, Queen of Peace. 


Saturday, February 23 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Beloved children,

I come on this day to prepare your hearts and the depths of your inner beings so that you may live the Will of the Lord for this time.

I thank all the pilgrims that accompany Me Apparition after Apparition, and I say to you that, little by little, your hearts are being consecrated to Our Lord God.

I want, during all of this week, to approach My children to the Divine Mercy that the Redeemer brings. I hope that by means of the sincere offer of your hearts, this energy that descends from an inexhaustible Source from Heaven may live in each one of you.

For this, My children, it is necessary that you pray, that you pray much. And that you may be united in the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus.

The day in which the Redeemer will land His feet on the Earth is now close.

There is no evil that can stand being in the hearts of those that look in the Merciful eyes of Christ.

He will cross the planet from North to South, from East to West. And those who have lit the inexhaustible flame of Mercy in their hearts will soon recognize Him.

Also the ones who did not prepare themselves will recognize Him, but they will regret not having their hearts clean to receive Him. My faithful pilgrims must not be among these.

For this I come day by day. To wash your hearts from all sorrow, to awaken forgiveness, and to forgive what must be forgiven. I come bearing in My hands the Divine Mercy, as an infinite torrent for your lives.

When you pray with Me, this Mercy can profoundly touch your beings and redeem them. When you accompany Me, step by step with Me, the Lord pours the Graces that transform your lives and your hearts. Because these Graces that come from Heaven, they do nothing else but seal the eternal commitment with God.

What the Lord asks Me, each time I prepare Myself to descend to the Earth, is that I transform the hearts of His creatures, permitting in this way that they may someday see their Creator again.

God asks me to awaken My children who are asleep, so that they can walk fast back to the Kingdom of the Heavens.

After Me, His Son will come. And with Him, those who have made their definitive choice will walk.

Walk, My dears. Walk fast. Because it is already time to awaken.

I love you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Saturday, February 23 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved children of Argentina,

Tireless, I am here again amongst you, to bring you My Peace, My Love and so that you may meet with My Immaculate Heart.

Salta has been My home for more than twenty years, and it will continue being so while all of My children from this nation and from the world seek Me, and want to be under My Grace.

Today I bring here these children of Mine who live within My Immaculate Heart and who are available to live the unity, the fraternity that My Son taught when He was here on Earth.

I am here accomplishing a plan of Our Father, the one which unites My message of love and warning to humanity so that all may know that the Mother of God is the Mother of all in the world, and that in this time She has the task of gathering the flocks of the Great Shepherd for when He comes in his awaited Return.

My voice will never tire of calling My children in those places where God, Our Lord, has allowed Me to sow a mirror of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, a place of prayer and devotion where all of My children of the world may find Me.

Today I want to pour My peace upon this place that has been receiving Me for such a long time, and that not any difficulty has managed to tarnish.

When I no longer appear publicly to My visionaries in the world, these holy places, My beloved Marian Centers, will be spaces of love, peace, prayer and devotion, where humanity will find refuge for their doubts, conflicts and despair.

Pray, My children, pray for My Marian Centers in the world so that in spite of what will come they will stay firm and available for all of humanity.

I will always be there. My Spirit and My Maternal Love will always wait for you to cover you with My Mantle of Protection.

I wait for you tomorrow in My place of devotion because together we will create a flow of light that will be able to rescue many souls. I want this nation to definitely be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so that I can intercede before God in the time of the Great Justice, which is coming.

Open your hearts to receive Me, beloved children, and do not tire of crying out for My presence in your lives.

I love you deeply and, in Glory, I guard you within My Heart. My Son waits for you within His Heart to fulfill you with His Love and His Light.

Mary, Mother of all creatures. 


Friday, February 22 of 2013

Weekly Messages

When the Divine Mother established the contact She very softly sang a beautiful melody and these words:

“… Ora pro nobis… Ora pro nobis” (“...Pray for us... Pray for us”)

Listen to My Voice that asks you for more prayer. Listen to My Voice that clamors for more prayer from the heart.

Sing to contemplate the Heart of My Son and My Immaculate Heart.

Sing to elevate your souls towards the spaces where We, the Messengers of God, are, and there we will teach you to contemplate the Consciousness of God so that in this way the Source of Mercy and Forgiveness for humanity may descend.

Sing so that your souls may quickly arrive in the planes where Light and Peace share with the angels that eternally praise Our Lord.

If you did this, you would contemplate with the heart the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Sing, together with the Angels praise the Kingdom of Our Father and see your consciousnesses converted into divine Light.

I know that you little understand what I tell you, but those who seek to accomplish these, My requests, as the Divine Word pronounced for My little creatures, will get to know one of the universal mysteries that have always been available for the Children of God.

Elevate your prayers as Celestial Music towards Heaven and the Lord will listen with immense gratitude to your song of the heart.

Offer your talent, the one that God has given you so that through the Creator Word the essences and the souls of humanity, which suffer in dark places, may be rescued by Me and by My Angels. This melody of love will open the doors of the abysses and there I will enter to rescue My children that are lost.

Elevate yourselves, My children, elevate yourselves through the Word made Celestial Music and find in it a sacred instrument of love and redemption.

I wait for you in the Kingdom of Heavens to play this sacred instrument and to have you travel together with Me through the unfathomable abysses where My other children wait for an opportunity to return home.

Sing, My little ones, sing through your spirit!

Thank you for responding to My call of today.

Mary, Queen of Peace and of the Celestial Sound.

Wednesday, February 20 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear daughter, dear son:

Stay in My peace, within My Immaculate Heart, and I will make your anguishes, your sorrows Mine, and I will convert them into light that may give clarity to your ideas, peace to your feelings and protection to your actions.

Come, come up to My Kingdom through prayer and rest there with Me. You must fear nothing because you already know that united we are one with God and in God all is perfect, loving and luminous.

Open to new possibilities so that new consciousnesses can arrive, that may bring more prayer to this world and to all regions of the planet, to all cities, to all families, to all beings.

Open your heart so that the new may displace the old, that which you already know that is not good for your life. Open your mind so that new thoughts may replace those which maintain you in the illusion of “wanting” and “having”.

Open your consciousness for a new feeling based on the balance with the Law that may be the protection of all your walking.

Let your soul, united to Me and to My Son, command your life and take you through the new and safe trails where the gifts that the Holy Spirit wants to give you may flourish.

Give your life to the Creator, and the Spirit of God will permeate you and will make of your being a server full of God.

Enter completely in this new time with trust and completely unite to the plans of God. He seeks in you a companion for His Son, Christ Jesus, and a kind child for the Queen of Heavens and of Earth.

Take refuge in the Heart of the Messengers of God when you need it and once you have found peace there, stand up, take your sword of faith together with the shield of love, stand up like a Warrior of Mercy and follow My Son with joy and gratitude to wherever He takes you.

I am the Mother of all Servers of Peace.

I am the Mother of all Soldiers of Love.

I am the Mother of all Warriors of Mercy.

I am the Mother of all new Apostles of Christ.

I am the Mother of all Christs of the New Time.

I am the Universal Mother, the Mother of all.


Tuesday, February 19 of 2013

Special Message
Special message received of the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.

Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.

Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.

Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.

As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.

I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.

Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.

I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.

Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.

I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.

I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.

Who loves you, mercifully,

Mary, Queen of Peace

Tuesday, February 19 of 2013

Special Message

Most beloved children,

This is a day that My Heart has waited for with special joy, because it is the weekly meeting with My Marian groups.

I asked that you meet on Tuesdays, My dears, so that the fire of prayer can be kept alive in your hearts, so that all My Marian groups find a space to be renewed with Me, and through this prayer, in which all can meet, may your hearts be filled and sustained by each other, creating the unity that the Lord has so hoped for from human beings.

This is a month of great impulses; for this reason, My Heart desires to be ever closer to My children.

The Lord observes you with special attention in these times. Thus, My dear ones, offer your lives to the Creator. Place in His merciful Hands all affliction, anguish and misery of all the aspects you may be experiencing in this time. The universe is waiting for this to be the time of the definitive changes in your hearts. This must be the moment in which fervent prayer begins to become flesh in your beings.

It was in this way, through faithful prayer to the Creator, that the Verb was made flesh in Jesus. So much did He rise to the Father that, at a certain moment, the Father was with Him permanently.

This is the true path of prayer, so that you may be with God all the time and thus convert your hearts and your faults.

If you sincerely fast, in a true offering to the Creator, if you are able to confess to My Son, surrendering your miseries without fear into the Hands of the Redeemer, and if you pray daily with Me, My children, you will then find a definitive transformation.

Thus, prayer and persistence are necessary; persisting in the Purpose of God and in the true aspirations of your hearts, those that lead you into the Arms of the Creator.

Be always prayerful and vigilant. In this way, you will be able to perceive My Presence and My help in the moments of need.

I am with My beloved children.

And I thank you for responding to My call to the life of prayer.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, February 19 of 2013

Special Message
Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

My beloved children, creatures of God Almighty,

On this day, in which you are all gathered together with Me, and I am able to carry your prayers as offerings of perfumed petals to the Creator, I see that some of My children, My Marian soldiers, have need of My help.

Beloved little ones, come to Me, run into My arms like children. I am here to embrace you and shelter you, to give you peace and protection. Find in Me refuge for your souls, your minds.

Do not hesitate, because it is within My Immaculate Heart that you will find the Light that will guide you in these times of tests. Perceive how a bridge of light is being built between each of your hearts and Mine when we are in prayer. It is in this very simple way that I will be able to be with you in every moment.

Make prayer, My children, a precious meeting with Me, which leaves within you the warmth of My motherhood, the caress of My Love.

Do not fear, for you will always find Me. Call Me by My name. Cry out: Mary! Mary! Call out to Me, Mother! Little Mother, and feel My Presence. Set aside resistances, prejudices, doubts and reach Me in prayer.

In a few days, I will be with My children in Salta. I will be with all the pilgrims of other regions and countries, igniting the heart of Argentina once again.

There, all united, we will be able to consecrate those souls to My Immaculate Heart that have not yet dared to know Me.

In the Heavens, the Almighty God will unite My Marian work in Argentina, this, My beloved nation; so that all may always find a place in all the regions of the planet where you can find My Presence, My channel of Light and My merciful Love.

Today, as a Grace, beloved children, I leave you My profound Peace; that which My maternal Consciousness pours out over you each time we are all united, like today.

Hold this celebration of My groups of prayer in your hearts; and there, you will be able to find this experience of love, of love and of unity, when the tests for humanity begin to be unleashed.

I am with each one of you, My children, with each group, in each city of each nation, from north to south, from east to west.

I love you, My little ones.

I bless you with the Light that comes from Our Creator Father and I hold you eternally in My Heart.

Thank you for responding to My call of Peace!

Mary, Universal Mother


Monday, February 18 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved children from the Earth:

My mantle of protection and light is upon you.

In these days in which My Marian soldiers peregrinate again with Me, I want to tell you all to take refuge in My arms of Mother so that you may not fear the tiredness nor the pressure that the enemy places upon you in this time.

Now, more than ever, is when you are with Me, within My Immaculate Heart.

You, children, who peregrinate with Me to wherever the Creator allows me to go, are like My angels on Earth, those who create the conditions so that I may reach all, as My guardian angels do.

They, as much as you, are part of My task of rescue, which is carried forward on Earth and in the Universe.

You are united to Me by an ancient love that has grown throughout time and with the work for souls. Our hearts have merged into one, a heart that loves, and this love is the permanent impulse for the salvation of humanity.

You will be with Me, passing through each place of this world that cries out for My presence. Prepare your hearts to live in Me, in the refuge of My Immaculate Heart, and in it, you will reach the most distant places in total peace and protection.

To My little children, who follow and love Me, God has conceded the infinite Grace of taking them directly to Paradise when the time so longed for comes. But I hope that you get to know the Kingdom of Heavens before this time that is still very distant, that you get to know it and visit it day by day when you enter into My Immaculate Heart. 

Prepare yourselves, dear children, because our definite path before the coming of the Redeemer is beginning.

I guide you, I love you and I thank you for being with Me in the rescue of souls of this humanity.

Thank you for always responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

Saturday, February 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

With an broad call, today I convoke you to reconciliation with your hearts and the feelings that, as souls, you generate day by day. Today I take you all towards My Kingdom, as many other times, to show you that the Love of God is great and merciful. As hearts, I want to see you more humble every day, practicing, with the neighbor, the good and charity, the love and peace that must spring from the depth of your beings.

As Queen of Peace, I remind you, My children, the premise of living the attribute of peace so that you may, in these times, reach the Kingdom of Heaven through your own holiness.

Today I share with My children the comfort and adoration of Jesus for you.

But conversion is necessary! And this will begin when you are united in prayer with Me, because, as Mother, I want the best for you, considering the very accelerated life that you live in these times.

Humanity needs much prayer, without detaining itself in other things because in the chores of life, in the tasks that are given in glory to God, you will also live a state of deep prayer and union with Me.

To all groups of prayer, I call to accompany Me in this Marian mission for Venezuela, which has the aim of diffusing My message and of strengthening the spirit of the groups through prayer.

Children, other missions will come in the end of times because, as Mother, I feed with My Spirit with the hearts that belong to Christ, so as to form you as disciples of the New Time. This aspiration of Mine is not far from you, it is very near to being materialized in this time. I also hope that all of the groups in the world, those which work through prayer, prepare themselves to receive Me in this year that has already started in accordance with the plans of God.

Dear children, I need your constancy until the limits and you must believe that God, that the Heart of My Son and My Immaculate Heart will protect you.

Many were called, but few responded to the plans of the Father because to respond to this Magnificent Universal Will means conversion, redemption and much prayer.

During the Judgment My Heart will intercede for all. As Mediator between Heaven and Earth, I have received the power of helping My children in the end of times, while Heaven acts upon Earth to take forward the purpose of the Father.

In this week that will start I call you to deepen in the meaning of living the Supreme Will, leaving thus the personal will. I want to teach you to live the mysteries that God revealed to My Heart when I was amongst you. Now as Mother and Queen of the Universe, I place upon you My crown of stars so that your path may be full of light and wisdom, as was Mine.

Dear children, My pilgrims: during the days of next month, while you prepare My arrival, hold your appeals in My Maternal Heart so that I may answer them quickly.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call, this week, for Peace and Reconciliation amongst your hearts!

Mary, Queen of Peace.

Saturday, February 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

My Immaculate Heart wishes to transmit to you on this day a reconciling message, so that you may understand the importance of union among My children.

My dears, to build My Marian Center and accomplish My Mission of Peace for the world, it is necessary that the Truth of the Lord be alive in your hearts. For the accomplishment of My Plans, unity and humility must reign in all My Marian groups. Because in this way, My children, your prayers will travel in the world with the power of My Love and My Truth.

As Mother and Messenger of the Lord, I come to form each heart that has decided to walk with Me. For this, permit yourselves, My children, to learn by means of My word, and let yourselves be permeated by My Light. Because, by means of My Presence, your hearts will be able to be purified, and the deepest intentions of your beings will have the purity of My Heart.

Iin these times, I need merciful hearts, willing to construct the good by means of prayer. Be simple, My children, and be truly united with Me. This union will be reflected in all the actions carried out in life. Because My soldiers must, in this time, manifest Mercy and Compassion in daily life.

Count, My children, on the permanent guidance of My Heart. Because I am here to instruct you not only in prayer, but also in conversion, in charity, and in the reconciliation that all must live in this time.

For this, My dears, I come to tell you not to fear the transformations of this time, but that you walk bravely towards the conversion of life.

My Heart will guide you, and will accompany you always.

I only ask you to be prayerful and vigilant, so that you do not fall into the traps of the enemy. And when you are strengthened, never forget to accompany, with the heart, with actions, and with prayer, all of those who are experiencing difficulties.

I am united with each one of your hearts.

Be strong and merciful always.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Queen of the World

Saturday, February 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My dears,

You already know, because it has been My instruction and the one of My Son, that the Reconciliation with God, Our Lord is a step that all must take in these times.

To reconcile means to take this step towards the Heart of God, trusting that His Will is the best for all, even though at first you may not understand what it is about. This is the first step to attain peace.

You must live this reconciliation also amongst yourselves because this is the Will of Our Father. If you aspire to live in the Will of God and to serve in His plan for the Earth, you must reflect about the opportunity that you are receiving in these times, the one of being under My mantle of protection and under the Ray of Mercy of My Son.

Do you, by any chance, think that your ideas and thoughts are worth more than the Graces that Our Lord wants to give you?

Do you, by any chance, find more peace in your minds than in My Heart or in the Heart of My Son?

Remember that My Love of Mother has called you to be in sacred lands to love you and serve you where nothing from the past may disturb you.

Surrender your beings to the sacred task of serving the Mother of God and the Firstborn Son, and definitely abandon the old garments.

It is necessary that you convert your hearts into flames of light that permanently illuminate the path of others and, for this, it is necessary that your consciousnesses be free from all that the world of illusion has taught you.

Brotherhood and fraternity, dear children, are based on greatness of the heart, on transparency of thought and on inner determination. Before the Plan of the Divinity for Earth, no personal impulse makes any sense.

Pray, pray for the reconciliation of all souls. Pray for the conversion of all My children and you will be praying for each one of you and for all humanity.

I wait for you within My maternal Heart so that you may reflect together with Me.

I love you and I guard you inside of My Heart.

Mary, Mother of all of the creatures.

Friday, February 15 of 2013

Weekly Messages

In this time, when the great movements of the near future are gestated, it is when you must be more united to My Immaculate Heart in the prayer made with love.

In this time, dear children, positive causes will be generated that may manifest actions of good, which will balance the upcoming events. My Heart suffers because more of My children that had commitments with the Light of the Creator feel weak before the enemy. This weakness is caused by the lack of surrender to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Christ. If these souls were truly in the Heart of the Messengers of God, they should fear nothing.

Pray for those who must be the strength of all.

Pray for those who in tests feel weakness.

Pray for those who sustain with their hands the hands of other sons and daughters of Mine.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to come to your lives and fulfill you with wisdom and courage.

Pray, My children, pray without ceasing because the events of tomorrow depend on the prayer of today.

I am with you, praying eternally for all of My children of this world. Do not doubt the power of sincere prayer, done with the heart, because on it will depend the salvation of humanity.

Pray for those who are committed to the Return of My Son. Be always attentive to the movements of the enemy and do not let yourselves be deceived.

Pray for all the eyes that see Me and the consciousnesses that follow Me in total obedience, so that the Universal Power of God, My Maternal Mantle of Light and the Power of Love of the Redeemer may guard you eternally.

Take care so that My words and those of My Son may be revered by all. Be examples of devotion before any situation because the enemy is ready for calumny and dishonor.

Unite more than ever to Me, and the power of the Holy Spirit will descend in your lives to bring peace and light upon the consciousnesses.

Go ahead, My children! Allow My Love to triumph in your lives and to lead them towards the Heart of the Savior.

I meet you, as today, in the repairing prayer of the heart.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.   


Wednesday, February 13 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

As the Immaculate Conception, I Am your path and bridge to the salvation and redemption of your hearts.

To the world, I Am the Morning Star that reveals the new times of peace for all of humanity.

I Am the Universal Star that announces, as was written, the victorious coming of the Redeemer.

I Am the Mother of Graces, who prepares the consciousnesses, by means of forgiveness and love, so that they may live in the Promised Kingdom.

My children, in this month of February, consecrated to the Lady of the Immaculate Conception, I ask you, before the reality that humanity lives day by day, to repeat, praying with the heart:

O Holy Celestial Mother!
O Immaculate Conception!
Who opened to the world
the Source of the Healing Water of Life
that springs from the Blessed Heart of Jesus.

Dissipate from us all the evils that disturb us,
open our hearts
through the Flame of Your Immaculate Heart,
forgive our faults
and free us from the deceits of the enemy.

O Holy Mother of the Universe!,
stay with us
so that under Your Universal Love,
we may live in Christ,
Our Lord, eternally.


If you recite this prayer that is born from the Blessed Mother of the Immaculate Conception, My Virginal Spirit will assist you and will help you whenever you truly need it, giving you hope and comfort, and freeing you from all inner pain.

Dear children, on this day of more prayer and devotion, remember the Lady of the Immaculate Conception, who, in Masabielle, Lourdes, appeared to give the Message of penitence to humanity and to give spiritual healing through the visible sign of the water of the Lourdes Fount. Wash your faces from the past, and, renovated through the prayer of the heart, respond ardently to the Call of the Father for this time.

Strive to not offend God because He is already greatly offended by the whole world. Be charitable and donate your time to serve your brothers and sisters. Commune every day with the Merciful Love of Jesus and, in this way, heal your hearts from all conflict, suffering or pain. Pray the holy rosary every day for the peace and conversion of the world because in this way you will accompany the steps of the Virgin Mary.

Open your hearts always so that those who need your peace and love may approach you. Imitate Christ in humility, surrender and prayer, as well as in vigil. Leave space every day for prayer with family and in the groups of prayer so that My Blessed and Immaculate Spirit may be amongst you. Feel the greatest possible peace and radiate this sacred attribute to all those who wait to receive it.

Live and say the Truth of the Father so that you may erase from yourselves all lie and illusion. If you pray the rosary with the heart, My Immaculate Heart will guide you and My promise will be to take you to Christ, to the Kingdom of His Divine Mercy.

Dear children, hold on to the moment in which the Immaculate Conception brought the message of healing to the world. Be like Saint Bernadette, who, in her humility and her purity, reached the Grace of God.

I am with you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother and Lady of the Immaculate Conception. 


Wednesday, February 13 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

I come in the beginning of this day to announce My Kingdom to the world and to elevate the prayers of My little children in offer to God for the Redemption of souls. I come to collect the sincere offers of each one of the hearts of the world and grant to many the Grace of being touched by the Holy Spirit of God.

My Heart has suffered profoundly in the last days, but the sincere Love of My children will be able to relieve the world and My Heart. And so that there is no illusion in the heart of My soldiers, I give you, day by day, the attributes of a soul consecrated to prayer and to the Redemption of the world.

A soul consecrated to prayer elevates its word without time and without tiring. It prays to the Lord out of Love for God and not for an obligation to pray. There is no correct moment to invoke the Sacred Heart of God, because it seeks to be in Him all the time.

A soul that seeks consecration through prayer finds, in the spaces of life, the moment to be with God and to be with Him in everything it does.

This soul offers to the Lord each work carried out in the world, at home, with the family, and with those in need of God.

To consecrate the soul to the Universe of prayer, it is necessary that the Love that comes from the spirit may descend and that you may allow it to be the true guide of your lives.

Each soul that only aspires to consecrate itself to My Heart, to the Heart of Christ and to the Heart of God, will relieve the Kingdom of Heavens from the suffering it receives from Earth.

That soul that ardently wishes to be in the Heart of God, let it only feed its devotion and not seek to evaluate it.

Those of My children who want to say “yes” to Me, even if they do not know if they will really be able to follow Me, may they elevate their word to the Creator and I will take them by the hand and will lead them directly toward the Will of the Lord for their lives.

It is the love in your hearts, dear children, that will show you if you are truly in Me. And if you cannot feel this Love, surrender your lives as a simple offer to God, and I will elevate you and will place you in a secure place within My Heart.

Today I come to thank you for the sincere answer of My children and all the Love that you send to relieve My Heart. The Lord has heard your prayers and little by little the world is being relieved.

I ask you to continue feeding the fire of devotion to overcome the power of inertia. Feed Love in order to step out of the dream that you do not know you are living.

If, upon hearing My words, you take them as true for you, you will find the reason of My Word and you will discover that which I want to transform in your lives.

I love each one of My children and I thank you eternally for responding to My Call.

Mary, Queen of Peace and of all souls of the World.

Tuesday, February 12 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My children:

Today My Immaculate Heart wants to make a special request to your hearts.

In the last days there was a deep darkness in the world and many souls chose not to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but to plunge into the depths of darkness and suffering through the ignorance in which My children of the entire world live.

I come to request the intervention of your hearts so that through true prayer done with love the souls may receive a ray of the Light of My Heart that may help them to awaken from the dream in which they live.

Pray My children, because the doors of the House of God are open to receive those who are able to arrive there.  But the doors of the house of the false god are also open and the enemy waits for all My little children who have their eyes veiled and who cannot see the true Light that wants to guide them.

Pray so that they may see My light.  And pray so that those that are among you do not plunge into this ignorance.  Because the world calls you and many decide to follow the world and not My Heart.

Pray with fervor and light up your hearts so that the flame of the capital desires do not overcome the flame of prayer and the Peace that I gave to you in these last years.

My Heart does not tire to be with My children.  My Peace is poured as an infinite source upon the world.  But there are those who, being in ignorance, prefer to follow the enemy. They do not know the greatness of My Kingdom.  And it will be through a living example from the devoted hearts of My children that the world will awaken.


For this I ask you to pray, to confess with souls and with the spirit that communes daily with My Son.  Because in this way, little by little, the transformation will arrive to your hearts and one day, by surprise, you will look backwards and not encounter any trace from what you were just a little time ago.

Prayer, My children, is not only to be given to Me but also to convert your hearts.  To illuminate each hidden space of the consciousness of My children, and thus you will live the true transformation.  Because the Spirit of God may work through your hearts and through your example.

Be strong and persistent because great will be in Heaven the reward for those who overcome their own selves on Earth.

May the Grace of God work in your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Tuesday, February 12 of 2013

Weekly Messages

A special call of the Virgin

Beloved children:

Heaven is attentive to the words of pleading from all those who pray, that ask the Most High God for mercy. Heaven is attentive to the world and especially to the spiritual moment that My children live.

Today I ask you: pray! pray!  pray much with the heart! So that the Church that My Son founded may receive the sublime help of the Holy Spirit. Pray! Pray without judging nor understanding! Because if your prayers spring as a fountain from the heart they will be received in the Kingdom of the Father as a last tablet of salvation and redemption.

Pray! Pray much! So that the millions of souls that follow with effort and faith the Church of My Son may be guarded in My Maternal Heart. If you pray with love and devotion God the Father will listen to your true supplications.

Dear children, today I ask you more than ever that you pray together, in unity, love and devotion because the moment has come of manifesting the Ecumenical Spirit among brothers and sisters of all of the world. Still the world, in a great part, lives in sin. For this, pray, My children! This is My urgent request. Pray! So that the Holy Spirit may accompany you in this so definitive cycle.

Pray! So that the whole humanity that trusts in the Church of My Son may reconcile its heart with the Most High Father of the Universe.  My call proclaims itself to all, without distinctions nor differences.

Dear children, the world changes quickly day by day. For this I ask you to pray together so that the plans of the Father, the plans of Christ may be accomplished. Pray! So that the enemy may not take advantage of this moment of test and debility. Pray! So that My sword of Light that will free the souls may be protecting all. Pray in permanent vigil! Because God will give you the necessary strength to walk in His Will and in His Faith.

My children, today you may see that we are in abnormal times. My Voice wants to manifest to you the great necessity that humanity has to reach light, good and redemption. As I have never done before, I ask you, dear children, pray with consciousness, truth and love! Because this cycle of changes must be supported with the collaboration of all of those who pray in the world and, especially, by the Angels of the Father.

My children, under the Power of the Father, the Glorified Son and the Holy Spirit, let us pray together for the Church of My Son, for the spirit of the gospel in the hearts of all of My children.

For the Peace in all, I thank you for answering to My call!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.

Monday, February 11 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Be serene My child, My daughter, that I am here with you.  Enter into the Kingdom of My Peace and there your consciousness will receive all the light and clarity that you need.

Never be apart from My Immaculate Heart because in it, and through it, you will always know what to do, where to be and what has to be said.  Do not fear because My love is more great and more strong than any opposition sheltered in the heart of any brother and sister.

When you feel that the heart of a sister or brother soul is closing, invite them to pray and cry out for My presence, together with you. You will see that prayer and My company will dissolve all incomprehension and all conflict.

It is in the Kingdom of My peace inside of My Immaculate Heart where you will always find the love that is lacking to transcend the tests.

Never stop from loving each other, beyond that which is not understood between you, pray together and the prayer will bring light, will dissipate the darkness and the tricks that the enemy wants to make to My beloved Marian soldiers.

Remember that there is nothing more important in this time than the unity among the brothers and sisters, and that upon this unity and love the Purpose of the Father will be sustained and  the Plan of Rescue will triumph for the souls in this world.

It does not matter what will happen, be strong and do not allow for the love among you to wither.  Remember that I am here, that inside of My Heart you will be saved from the enemy.

My plans of peace must be lived by you, before everything, in your inner.  Feel the ardent Voice of the Redeemer that is calling you by your name.  Do not pay attention to anything else, because only this call is real.

Remember, Warriors of Mercy that the time of the commitment is now.  It has arrived now, the hour so awaited by all.  Be happy because Christ Jesus has come to take you and, among so many sheep of His Flock, has asked you to accompany Him as little shepherds and so help Him to bring His Love and His Mercy to the world.

Donate yourself entirely until your consciousness feels that it cannot anymore, and there you will discover another part of yourselves that you do not yet know.  Let the seed of love that My Son sowed in each one so long ago sprout, and be revealed as you truly are.

I accompany you and guide you in all moments.  Open you heart and allow that My Love may be radiated by means of your beings.

I love you, I wait in prayer.

Mary, Queen of Peace.

Saturday, February 9 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

Lifting My eyes towards God I intercede for you and for humanity so that you may reach the light of the heart, the peace that you so much need to live in fraternity, together with My Son and My Immaculate Heart.

Children, today I wait for you again in prayer so that together, one more time, we may establish the Kingdom of the Peace of the Lord, mainly in the hearts that are sad, and tired, and that need My Maternal Love.

My dear creatures, I pray for you so that you may reach the promise of Redemption. I pray to My Son so that He may put you in the ocean of His Mercy. Thus, children, I pray for the world, asking God for all of the souls because as Mother I await that My Marian servers may lift their eyes and look at the Light of God, the Most High, a Light that comes to your lives through My Maternal Heart and from the announcements of My Son Jesus.

For this next week may you exercise the internal union with the Holy Spirit of God. Thus, little children, you will be able to find the answer in wisdom, forgiveness in discernment and the great miracle for your lives in the science of God. For this I pray so that you may convert yourselves soon, before the coming of My Son to your hearts, to your world.

Do not fear anything! Trust in My co-redeeming words because My Heart aspires that My Children, in this time of many changes, reach peace and may live the forgiveness that they so much seek for in the inner world.  As Mediator before God I pray for you as humanity, enabling thus to make your hearts shine so that they may illuminate the others.

When you live the Sacraments, such as Confession and Communion, you are helping the world greatly and especially the plans of God, the Creator. For this, each of your prayers converts itself into a rose for the offer of My Heart to the thrones of My Father. In this way your hearts approximate themselves to My Kingdom, the Kingdom of My Son, the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of the Father, an eternal promise that you must accomplish until the end of your days.

I lead your feelings and thoughts towards the light of God. Raise the miseries to My Son now because He will transform them into pure redeeming love and I will raise them to the Father as an offer of redemption.

Go ahead, My children, it is the time of Peace, Peace, Peace and Peace! This is what I want for you and today, facing the Universal Sun that represents My Maternal Consciousness, I love you and I bless you in the luminous sign of the Cross of My Son.

Thank you for responding to My call for Good and for Peace!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace. 

Saturday, February 9 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

I come on this day to pour upon each one of your hearts My Peace. I come to bring to you the announcement of a life full of blessings. It is the announcement of an unknown life for many of My children that today I invite you to live.

My dears, My Heart comes today to dictate words of hope to those hearts that bravely may be willing to walk with Me towards the maturity of the spirit. This is the time in which My little children take their own steps.

For this moment of the planet, My children, it is necessary that each one be impelled from the depths of their own heart. My impulses of Love have already arrived upon your souls and upon your spirits. My Son Jesus has already left a seed that germinates in your hearts. For this search in the depths of the depths of your beings the impulse to take the so necessary step for a new time.

My announcements are not distant anymore My children. You will no longer have to wait to see My words materialized because the Kingdom of the Heavens descends to the Earth and comes each time a little more closer into your lives.

Today I ask you that each one enter into the most unknown of their own inner and bring the light of prayer so that it may illuminate the inner abysses, preparing in this way your beings for the days that are coming.

It is time to revise your own life, your own aspirations and the actions that you realize in this time. Because there is time to be transformed, to transform life and mainly to renew and to clean the inner abysses, the places where miscomprehensions and anguishes, fears and pains are guarded.

I come to liberate your hearts, My children, because it is time to forgive. And if you truly allow Me I will be able to enter into the darkness that many do not know that exists within themselves. I will wash this place with Absolute Forgiveness. I will then pour My Love and I will prepare this space with Mercy.

Because the Redemption that the Lord sends will be able to transform the abysses into temples. It will be able to remove fear and to convert it into Love. And that place which before was the perfect dwelling for the enemy will be able to become the Temple where the Great Priest of Love will commune in the Universal Life.

Love these words, My children, and they will be able to become a reality in your hearts.

Thank you for answering to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

Saturday, February 9 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved children:

You know that I am always with you, beyond your conflicts and indifferences. I love you with all of My Heart and it is through this love that I give you, in each moment ,My Celestial Peace so that your beings may strengthen themselves.

Courage, temperance and love, these are the three pillars that sustained Me during the Passion of My Son and the absolute certainty of the purpose of the Father in this moment.
I want that you contemplate with your heart that which sustained Me in total fidelity and determination. These will be the pillars by which you, My beloved children, will also sustain yourselves.

Apostles of My Son, Warriors of His Mercy:

In the same way that I accompanied the Apostles of yesterday, I want to express to you, for you to guard it in your consciousnesses, that I will be with you until the end of your days here on Earth. And I will soon wait for you in the Kingdom of Heavens, there where Our Father prepares a favorite place for the servers of His Firstborn Son.

I want that you also guard in your heart the absolute certainty of My love for all of humanity because I will not rest until the last of My children may step over the threshold of the compound where the essences are guarded from all evil.

Today, as it was more than two thousand years ago, I guard in My Heart a place for those that, out of ignorance and fear, have not been able to believe in the words of My Son. I have also forgiven all of these creatures of God that today will have another opportunity of receiving the Sacred Mercy of God.

Today I guard once again a place in My Heart for all of those who will slander you and condemn you with their ideas and with their voices. Do not fear for anything because I will be there to lift up every soldier of light who may faithfully answer to the call of Heaven.

Place in your heart My maternal words and always trust in my love of protective mother and guardian of all. I accompany you today and forever in the definitions that your consciousnesses are living while the Voice of My Son resounds in your souls bringing towards them the universal commitment that each one is on the way to concretize.

The burning Voice of Christ Jesus calls you and My Maternal Voice conducts you towards His Heart.

I love you, dear children, with My Love of Mother, Mother of the world and Lady of your souls.

Thank you for answering to My call of love.

Mary, Queen of Heaven and of Earth.

Tuesday, February 5 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Most beloved children,

I come today to transmit to you a special message of consecration to the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that all of the Marian groups may be renovated in My Heart. What I ask to each one of My Marian groups today, My children, is that they persist in accompanying Me with joy and fidelity, opening their hearts to the perpetual union with Me.

In this way, My children, I will come by means of your hearts to awaken and to save all of My children that are lost in this time. I come, through the redeeming prayer of your hearts, to rescue My missionaries who became lost during their missions. I come to strengthen those hearts that perceive themselves as weak before the world and each test that humanity lives in this time.

My children, to all those that have decided to persist united to My Heart, I warn: do not fear to live the tests of this time, for it will be necessary to learn to Love, as My Son Jesus loved, even amidst the apparent chaos.

Know, dear children, that each test lived by your little hearts in this time, as hard as it may seem, is sent by the Lord so that My little children may see themselves strengthen and mature.

I consecrate and bless all of the groups of prayer that accompany Me today. And I reveal to you, My children, that I am with each one of My Marian groups. And I ask you, each time that you start to pray, to listen to My voice guiding your prayers, because I come as a kind mother to teach each one of My children to pray with love, with the heart and to renovate themselves with each pronounced verb.

In this day, My children, consecrated to My groups of prayer, I ask you to offer the awakening of yourselves to all of My children of the world who do not find the strength to accompany Me and who day by day lower their arms.

I come, in this end of the day, to deeply thank you for praying together to Me and for recognizing My presence in your hearts.

I Am with each one of My children, in your hearts and in your houses, sharing the sacred daily life of each one. And for Me to be even more close to your hearts, My children, transform your lives into a perpetual prayer conducted by the Virgin Mary and thus, each step, from waking up to falling sleep, will be guided by My Heart.

I thank you for answering to My Call.

Mary, Queen of Peace and of your lives. 

Tuesday, February 5 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dearest pilgrim children:

Raising with My hands the flag of My Immaculate Heart of Peace, I bless My children, the pilgrims, and today I tell them with love: Gratitude, Peace and Blessing for all, this is My message for them!

With roses in My Hands I take this offer from your hearts to God, contemplating through this feeling, the love of My children for My Heart and for the Heart of Jesus. Today I elevate to God this love that is in your hearts, a love that must renovate itself day by day and take you to find Peace before all things.

My Maternal Heart loves the hearts of all of the souls, for this, live in this love every day, waiting that it may nourish you in spirit and in consciousness.

This love, dear children, is the Love of God, which must consecrate you to My Immaculate Heart, to the Heart of Christ and to the Plan of God for Earth. From the Universe comes this Source of Love for all of you and to this Love of God you must answer because in this way you will find the Light that you need, the Wisdom that you seek and the Love inside of the love that you do not know.

Today I come to reveal to you this Source of Love that many of My children attune to, however, they must manifest it with their brothers and sisters. I come from this Love in the same way as My Son, and you are sparks of the Source of this Love. That is why your hearts are able to express it and to bring to all the relief which many are seeking for in this time due to not having My Peace.

Today, dear children, these flowers that I have picked are engraved with the love and the joy of your hearts for having answered to this simple call.

Remember, dear children that in this year My Immaculate Heart will visit the heart of your cities allowing in this way to awaken the call in many of My children that are not awake to the life of prayer.

Your exercise of prayer will radiate to these times the new Life, the Spirit of the true Consecration to the Highest. Dear children, each prayer meeting amongst you provides new fruits, the ones that are especially observed and contemplated by the eyes of God.

Now, dear children, do you understand the importance of living in prayer and for prayer? This is My main call for this time and through the simple answer from your hearts, My Plan of Peace and of Salvation along with My Son will become concretized on the Earth.

My children, dear pilgrims, for being all united to My Maternal Heart, in My Heart of Peace: cheer up, little souls! Do not fear, I Am with you! I Am the Queen of Peace and of the Fount of the Love of God.

I thank you today for answering to My call!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace. 

Tuesday, February 5 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

In the day of today I give graces to all for the answer of your beings of love and I bless your paths, those which take you towards the Heart of My Son.

Today the loving answer of all will give even more strength to My Marian work in this part of the world, the one which day by day grows, as grows your love for Me.

In these moments, My children, in which your souls are closer to Me and to the Presence of My Son whenever you give all for love, whenever you only donate yourselves for love to Me, to humanity and to the Creator.

Today I bless you with My love of Mother, of Pilgrim, of Guardian of all of the souls. I will be with you this year more intensively than ever, and know My beloved children, that the more you donate yourselves to My work of love on Earth the more present I will be.

Clamor for My presence in your lives, clamor for My presence in your homes, in your cities and God the Creator will hear your sincere pleas.

Here I am, children, together with each group of prayer, together with each soldier of My Heart. My guardian angels spread themselves through the whole world accompanying you like sparks of celestial light that only seek to take peace and protection to all.

They will be with you every time that your heart and your house open themselves to receive them.

I am with you, along with My Son,  I observe you and accompany you.

Thank you for answering to My call.

Mary, Mother of God and of all.

Monday, February 4 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Listen, My beloved children, listen to My Voice, the one that comes from Heaven bringing the proclamation of the Creator.

Open your hearts, prepare your consciousnesses, because the days of Great Glory are approaching.

Listen to the Voice of the Redeemer that day by day enters into your consciousnesses sowing Light, Peace and Celestial Love.  Listen to the voice of your Shepherd which announces to His Children the path of Divine Mercy – that which God still has for humanity – before the arrival of the Justice.

It will come as a Celestial Ray that lights up the obscurity of the hearts, that which will put an end to the despair of many and will initiate the fall of the veils of humanity, which has intended to remain asleep despite all the proclamations of the prophets.

The time has come in which the angels of heaven begin to be seen and heard by all of those who permit it, that the Voice of the Master of Masters penetrates into the hearts.  My Love is guiding you towards Him so that you may enter a new stage of peace, that which will come after the purification.

Do not fear My little hearts, because there is nothing to fear, I am here with you, I Am your Protective Mother, your consolation in difficulty and trial, I Am the Guardian of all the souls, the one who treads on the obscurity that intends to bring My children to error and helplessness.

We have traversed together part of the path, preparing ourselves to cross the stage that is arriving, this part that will be very serpentine for some, dangerous for others and that will seem impassable to some others.

But from My hand nothing will be impossible.  Remember that I Am your Celestial Mother and that if you enter into My Heart, My angels will lift you and your feet will not touch this path that seems uncertain.

My Son is coming to each blessed heart that opens in trust its doors to live the definitive liberation, that which brings it to the reunion with God the Creator.

Listen, My children, Listen to My Voice and the Voice of the Redeemer.

I wait for all of you inside My Heart.

I love you, I love you eternally.

Thank you for being with Me in this hour.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.

Saturday, February 2 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

I daily conduct you towards the inner encounter with My Son Jesus. For this reason this coming week I will be closer to your hearts in order to announce to you the Kingdom of My Immaculate Peace.

My dear children, today I come to you to pour out to you the Kingship of My Grace and of My Peace because your souls still need this maternal encounter with Me. While the world is moving I carry between My arms, to this world, each one of My children, the ones who need My Mercy to be able to arrive to the Mercy of My Son.

Today I Am also here to demonstrate to you the greatness of My Maternal Love for you and, through this Maternal Love , I ask you to be able to sustain yourselves in order to continue through the path that My Son is manifesting to you. Children, this path is called redemption, conversion, mercy, unfathomable peace for your little spirits. 

Dears, My maternal gaze is also upon those children who suffer, especially upon those children who are in My beloved nation of Brazil. I call all of them once again to strengthen the prayer with Me. If I am not amongst you as the Immaculate Heart, who will aid you, dear children?

For this, My little ones, My aspiration to be near you is deep at each moment of life, but I find sadness in some of My children and I find despair in others. For this, do not fear! Relieve your hearts by calling Me! I Am your Immaculate Mother, the one who aids all who sincerely open to Me the doors of the heart.

My Children, do not fear! I Am with you! I pray for you, I clamor for you before God every day. Now, dear children, allow for My Peace to embrace you strongly so that your hearts may only calm themselves and stay in Me.

I love you deeply.

Thank you for answering to My call!

Mary, Queen of the Universal Peace.

Saturday, February 2 of 2013

Weekly Messages


Dear children,

My Heart descends from the Heavens today to bring you courage and hope to purify and liberate your hearts from any evil that may approach it.

I ask today that My children be here by My feet, just as My visionaries, in order to feel the Power of My Heart and to know that My mantle receives all.

I called you one by one today so that you may receive the opportunity of being even closer to the Heart of the Blessed Virgin, the same who placed Her feet upon the city of Nazareth so long ago.

What My Heart also hopes is that through simplicity you may reach purity. And with the candles lit you may represent before God all of My children who allowed the inner flame that united them to Me to be extinguished.

Come to Me, My children, for all those who do not approach to My Heart. Be confident together with Me so that I may free your hearts and your spirits.

I want today, as Queen of Peace, to pour My Peace upon your hearts so that you may renew yourselves in the Source of Grace that I bring from the Heavens.

Be always merciful so that the Plan of God may not get lost in the world. Walk with your hands together with each other and always aid those of My children who are afraid of moving along.

I will always be here, together with your hearts, children of Mine, as I Am now. I only ask you to always carry this sign, a burning flame in your hands and in your hearts. Because the enemy attempts, at every moment, to move My children away from the true purpose of God and to take them through mistaken paths of deep inner darkness.

I warn you in this time: be strong, brave and courageous. Seek the force that My Heart emanates because this Power that comes from God will always nourish you. Pray day by day with fervor and the flame of your hearts will burn all the evil that wants to come near.

My path is only one: the one of Conversion and of Peace. Walk together towards the Creator.

I will always guide you.

I adore and love each one of My children.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Peace be in your hearts. 

Saturday, February 2 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Today I gather you together with Me because I want to caress your souls with My Love.

I am feeling in My Heart the suffering of some from the difficult lessons that they are living in this purification.  Do not fear My children because I am here to console you and to support you, to care for you and to free you from all evil.

Keep in your hearts, in a secure place, the faith in God the Creator that is beyond the tests and the sufferings.  Do not allow that any experience, no matter how painful it appears, to take you away from the Heart of God and the Heart of My Son.  Know dear children that I am with you and I hope that you will place your heart inside of Mine.  This is the place of the greatest protection that exists where it will be cared for and protected from all evil.

Today My dears you walk on the pathway of spiritual maturity, that which will allow you to observe with tranquility and without fear the suffering of others that search in My presence for relief for their lives.

Now begins the time in which many will come close to seek for relief, peace and an opportunity to heal their lives.  Remember that I announced some years ago when we began this task that here will arrive many of My children searching for consolation that they could not find in any other place?

Do you remember why you are here?

Open your hearts, My children of Aurora, to receive in this House the planetary suffering because I will fill with Grace these hearts as I have filled yours.

Today in this time, a time of great tests for all, I raise My Sword of Light and I cry out to the All Powerful God for Mercy for the erring humanity, I cry out for Grace for those who open their heart and for Clemency and Forgiveness for those that have been the enemy of God until now.

I cry out on this day so that the Love of the Heavens, the Celestial Kingdom, may descend upon all of you and upon this place, My House of Spiritual Cure.

Blessed are those that believe without seeing because they will receive the Forgiveness of God.

I love you and I protect you under My Mantle of Celestial Light.

Thank you, my courageous ones, for having faith in My Voice and for responding to My call for the healing and peace of humanity.

Mary, Queen of Peace, Lady of all of you.

Friday, February 1 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved children,

From heart to heart today I say to My beloved souls to hurry and start praying because the need is great in the world.

My plans of peace are being carried out together with My Marian soldiers and this is the time to unite ourselves shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart so that those who have always denied God may not find how to inflict in the hearts of My children the spiritual blindness that sprouts from this planetary chaos.

Today I have come here to reinforce in your hearts the faith in My Son and in My Immaculate Heart. Your Redeemer, day by day through His instruction, sends all of His Codes of Peace, Mercy and Love, codes that convert the hardest hearts.

He lovingly prepares the dwelling of each member of His Flock so that when He arrives, all of His Sheep will already be grazing in His Meadow.

Some time ago I told you that My Son would enter with power in your hearts, that His Redeemer Love would dissolve any doubts, any pain or suffering. His love is so great that no fear may exists in those that embrace His Mantle of Love.

Today I announce for you the good news: that My Son will accompany Me before long, when I will be with you dear children. He will unite His Love to Mine and will give to everyone the new signs of His Return.

Announce to everyone that the Love of the Redeemer and of the Mother of the World will impregnate the soul of each child of this humanity that opens its heart and that trusts in the Love of these two Messengers of God.

Remember to put on the altar that you will offer me in the next apparition a candle for the King of the Universe, that in soul and in spirit is coming.

Prepare your hearts so that all of the Universal Love may reach and enter into your beings. He will heal all the pain, redeem all faults and clean all consciousnesses that in gratitude will be in front of God Almighty.

I leave you My Celestial Peace for all. My mantle of light covers you with Divine Protection.

I love you, I wait for you.

Mary, Queen of Peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
