In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through My silence, I come to lead you to a state of prayer, a state of supplication for the planet, for humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Through My silence, I come to lead you to a state of clamor, a clamor that makes itself heard from inside out, when the word is emitted within the heart, through the sound of intentions, rather than that of the vibrations that the mouth pronounces.

Through My silence, I come to teach you to pray in silence, to observe your own inner worlds and know how to find in it the Celestial Father and all His Creatures. Silence, children, reveals to human beings their creative potential, their potential to open doors and unite dimensions. Silence balances the chaos in the world, balances the disorder of souls, the disorder of inner purification and of the harassments of the enemy.

True silence, the one that transforms into prayer, unites you to the Divine Consciousness, reveals to you the inner universe and the bridge that exists within the heart of each being for them to find God.  

I know that many of you are before a great abyss today, as if you had come to a moment of your evolutionary trajectory in which you find yourselves before a great precipice, the precipice of purification, surrender, rendition, renunciation, humility.

This precipice, this abyss, does not exist to deter your steps, but rather to reveal your potential, because it is before this abyss, children, that you learn to create bridges, and these bridges are created first of all within yourselves, with the true intention of reaching the Heart of God simply to fulfill His Purpose, simply to live His Love, to know this unknown Love that transforms Creation, that makes evolution ascend among dimensions, that allows creatures to approach their Creator.

Do you want to know this, or do you want to remain in human condition?

Do you want to know this unlimited Love of God, or remain in conflicts, in inner confusion, in the affirmation of your own limitations?

Before this abyss, children, I invite you to build bridges. I invite you to enter into confession before the Father, because confession is one of the ways to liberate oneself from the past, to liberate oneself from the ties, to liberate oneself from beliefs, from limitations, so that you can believe and understand that you must be builders of evolutionary life.

The bridge will not emerge on its own before your eyes; it must be built. And it is built first within yourselves, in the transparency of your hearts, in the firm will of being united with God and with one another. Unity is a great tool of the evolutionary path, a tool that allows you to built together bridges that will serve not only yourselves but also all of Creation.

Therefore, start with the intention of being united, truly united. Seek within yourselves the understanding of these times, seek to understand the pain and misery of others, to pray for your brothers and sisters, to love your enemies, serve the selfish, be humble before the proud, become silent to hear those who want to speak, give way to those who want to follow at the front, allow others to grow, because you do not diminish when someone else grows. 

You grow in spirit and truth when you collaborate with the evolution of one another, when you rejoice at the triumphs of one another, when you walk together, without seeking the central role, without the need of standing out. You build together a work that does not exist in humanity today, and that must begin to exist, because it is through these principles that you will be able to bear the times that will come.

Today I would like to lead you to a Celestial Space, I would like to build, with My own Hands, the bridge that you lack to reach God. However, the Creator does not allow Me to do this, because the perfection of His Project lies in the effort and persistence that each one of His Creatures makes use of to reach His Heart.

Just as I cannot build this bridge for you, you cannot build it for others, only for yourselves. However, each time a human being builds this true, solid bridge that leads them to God, they create a path in the human consciousness as a whole so that more beings may find a way to tread this path, to build this bridge.

How many times have I told you that the transformation of your own consciousness is the greatest service you can render in this time?

But your eyes, still so human, seek magnificent purposes, unattainable goals, perfections that you believe to be the only truth, the only way to demonstrate evolution, sciences, mysteries that aggrandize your knowledge, ennoble your consciousness, but that on their own do not build human transformation.

Knowledge must walk together with daily transformation, with true actions of service, selflessness, prayer, supplication for your neighbor, joy for the triumph of your brothers and sisters, and accompaniment of the growth of your neighbor.

Knowledge must walk together with true actions of love, because it is in this way that Heaven manifests itself on Earth, it is in this way that miracles take place within consciousnesses, that healing expresses itself, that redemption happens: small acts of love, true acts of transparency, true rendition, true humility.

I know that humility is a great mystery and that those who are humble will never know this, but this must be an aspiration of your hearts, you must practice it every day. Even if you do not notice any change, even if you still feel the boiling of human condition, of tests, the pain of falls, the harshness of walls, even then, children, you must continue to walk, because when you least expect, this Purpose will be fulfilled within you. And even if you do not see it with your human eyes, there is a Divine Gaze that sees all, that reads the hearts of His Creatures, contemplates the deepest intentions of His Children, and it is there, within this deep and hidden place, that the Purpose is fulfilled.

I do not come here to bring you words of hope; I come to bring you words of consciousness, words of elevation, which may remove you a little from the human condition and place you a little into the Divine Purpose. But this Purpose is simple.

I do not speak in this way for the path to seem easy to you. There is a great difference between being easy and being simple. No, children, this path is not easy. It is a path of many stones, it is a path of eternal ascension, it is a path of great effort, profound pains, unknown suffering, profound sacrifice and complete transformation.

But it is a simple path, which must be found in the simple things of life, in the possibility of serving, loving, becoming silent when you want to judge, of praying when you cannot stop criticizing, of offering a prayer for those who cause you some rancor, of offering some service for those who awaken some anger within you.

This path is simple, yet profound, and must be seen through your lives. Today it is not enough to live this path within you. You must begin to manifest it. Humanity needs examples, and being an example is a great service, which you are called to live today.

If you want to know what your mission is, today I give you a mission: be an example of transformation for humanity, be an example of love, service, surrender, prayer, be an example of charity, be an example for your children, be an example for your parents, examples of forgiveness, of going beyond all errors, all sorrows, all traumas experienced, to come to know a Greater Love.

Place yourselves above conflict, place yourselves above chaos, place yourselves in the vibration of forgiveness, because it is this forgiveness, which comes from the Divine Source, that will heal your hearts and allow you to love that which is unforgivable to the human mind.

Today I bring you a Grace, the Grace of being consistent. But this Grace must become life, and it becomes life through the Ray of Will, the Will and Power of God, which His Children are able to attract to Earth.

Wake up every day and affirm to the Creator:


Father, here is Your child.

Manifest Your Will in me,
manifest Your Power in me.

May my life be Your reflection.
May my actions reflect Your Mercy.
May my thoughts and feelings reflect Your Love.
May my intention be transparent.
May my actions be true.
May my being be Your instrument.
May my consciousness be in You.

Thus, children, affirm this Will day by day, affirm this Power. Believe in the Grace that the Divine Messengers bring to you. Your hearts hold a great treasure, which, throughout the last fifteen years, has been gradually accumulated so that today this treasure could be poured out upon the world.

Do not be rich and selfish, be servants.

Do not allow the celestial riches to remain in your hearts, in a treasury sealed under lock and key.

Multiply these gifts through action and prayer.

Give to others of that which exists within you, and you will discover the potential of what it is to be a human being.

You have My blessing for this.

May those who will consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph today kneel down here.

To My Children and Friends, I ask: do not forget that I am your Father and intercessor, do not forget that I walk with you, that I hear your prayers, that I wait to intercede for your families, for your spirits, for your plans, for your sincere intentions, for your deep prayers, for the impossible and unthinkable causes, because miracles, children, spring from the faith that God walks by your side.

A miracle is a manifestation of Divine Love, and it is possible whenever your hearts unite to the Will of God, and this Will is fullfilled in your lives so that you may bear testimony of it.

To My Children and Friends, I ask: pray for your families, pray for the families of the world, pray for one another, so that the purpose of this Work may be realized, so that the human purpose may be realized.

Whenever you are before something that seems unattainable to you, ask for My help, and I will help you, because as a human being and son of God, I have also been before many things which I thought were unattainable, but the Creator showed Me that there is a potential within each being, which expresses itself through love, and makes those impossible things possible.

Therefore, today I intercede for you, I give you My peace, My blessing, I consecrate you as My Children and Friends so that you may walk with Me, just as with the Sacred Family of Nazareth. May you walk with the Virgin Mary, may you walk with Christ Jesus, may your lives be a testimony of a new life.

You have My blessing, My Grace and My peace for this.

Please bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water purify you from all lack of love, from all ignorance, from all indifference and lack of faith. May this water cleanse you from all lack of hope, from all lack of forgiveness, from all inability to move on. May this water renew and consecrate you, by the intercession of My Chaste Heart, with the celestial blessings that I bring from Heaven today.

With this incense, I purify, transmute and cleanse you, I offer you at the Altar of God, so that you may be renewed by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. And just as one day My Son made Me know purity and Divine Purpose, may you also be worthy of living purity and of expressing the Purpose of God.

Remember, children, that where sin has abounded, Grace has overabounded. And no longer look at the past but rather to your potential to bear testimony of transformation.

Move on, always walking forward, always building this bridge that unites you to the Heart of God.

I thank you and bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to pray with you, for you and the world.

Today, I come to stay close to your hearts and in silence, so that you can feel and can understand what your Mother sees in this world, which does not stop to think and to seek God first, so everything can be remedied.

I call on you to live in My silence, in this same spiritual moment, in which Heaven unites with the Earth.

The universe shows you what happens in this world to hearts that truly want to see the indignation of the Mother of God for souls that do not listen, that are behind each one of you, without a path or a direction.

I come to profess this silence in the name of the Love of God; so that you not only listen to Me, but also learn to feel I am here, in each part of this world that has need of the Light, the Light of God.

I Am the Queen of Peace, and come to invite you to a deep silence, for if you are in silence, you will be able to understand what I tell you.

Dear children, the world is about to collapse, and nobody believes this can be possible.

I come to stop the anger of God over your heads, for I am your Mother, I love you and wish the best for you.

Once again, I come to give the same Message; now through My silence; because it is necessary, My children, that you grow in the Truth.

The world will not bear it if it truly does not seek to change in the small things of life.

Who will be a part of the New Earth if My hearts only give Me half of their lives?

I need you to seek the Truth and not fear finding it. Thus, I come to pray for you and for all My children, mainly for those that do not listen to the Word of God.

Now do you understand, dear children, the need for My Sacred Centers to be manifested by you?

I do not come to remove any coins from your pockets. I come to call on you to become part of the manifestation of God; in this way, your hearts will be reconciled with the One and all debts incurred throughout the history of humanity will be relieved by the Grace of God.

My silence, My children, is a Grace. I need you to seek silence.

How will you understand what My Heart suffers? How will you feel My deep core and My Most Pure Womb, which is assaulted when each mother causes a life to be lost? I am in the little ones, but I am also in you. Each time you remove a life it is a sorrow for God.

The debt becomes ever greater. Who will pay it? Who will be worthy of suffering out of love for others and surrender their heart into the Hands of God, so the Queen of Heaven may make Her offering in the last intervention God grants Her?

I come to show you the world through My wounded Heart. My Life is not only glory, but also the suffering of others, the suffering I assume from this world.

My Heart lived among you since the beginning; and throughout the times has showed itself to all, trying to reveal the sacred secret, the secret of the Love of God which can completely transform your lives.

Today, My warm voice speaks with sadness; because while the world moves rapidly without stopping, souls condemn themselves to the fire of the abyss and become embers at the feet of My adversary. Who will rescue them? Who will help Me?

I do not come only to bless you because you are My children; you must be My soldiers of the end of times, who respond to any call without an interest, without conditions and with no indifference. In this way, My works will be able to be accomplished through your hearts. But I know it is difficult for you to leave this world; it is conquering many hearts, mainly those that do not pray from the heart and who only do it as a commitment, without giving any love.

I come to teach you, My children, about simple things. It is necessary that you grow up in time. Things are not the same as those of yesterday. The world changes day after day without being perceived, and the Kingdoms of Mother Nature are what most suffer the consequences of this humanity. Have you thought about the seas without whales, the lands without trees, deserts with less and less water? Have you thought about those that live on what God gave them?

A creature without water is a soul that dies. An animal without peace is a disturbed spirit. A tree that is cut is a spirit that does not rise up. How will God be able to reach you if you cut off His Hands? How will He embrace you through His blessed Creation if you assault all the principles of the Law?

But My Message is for all the consciousnesses that, in truth, want to wake up to a great change.

These are already My last Words for the end of these times. Mother Nature asks for help and few are listening to Her. I not only need you to serve others, but that you serve Creation.

Today, My Mantle is lined with the Nature of God. With Me, in My Heart, is the Kingdom of minerals, the devotion of the plants, the love of the animals, and the Kingdom of the Angels that have given everything for this world.

Perhaps what you hear is not what you want to know. Blessed are the humble hearts that recognize the Word of God, for they will not lose themselves, but rather will be guided by the Spirit of God toward the Kingdom of Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Words are simple and always have been throughout the history of humanity. Thus, few were able to understand the grandeur of My Heart, were able to understand that it was God who descended to this world to tell you His Will, to reveal to His creatures the path to the perfection of the heart and of the human essence.

Those who recognize My Presence and deeply seek Who is before their hearts, can feel within themselves that it is the Mother of God, the Lady of the Divine Verb, Who brings this Sacred Verb to the world.

I want you to learn from the simplicity of My Heart, and that you never tire of listening to Me, even though My Words are not what you would like to hear.

Do you know why you are disinterested in what I tell you so many times? Because if you heard Me attentively, you would be carried into being completely transformed.

The Will of God, My children, is not the same as what you experience in your daily life. By any chance, do you ever simply gaze at an animal as you pass it by?

Do you feel the devotion of the trees, which in every instant try to inspire humanity in its upliftment?

By any chance, did you feel the beauty of the minerals, which support this world, which attract the Rays of the Universe for the healing and redemption of all creatures?

Who of you one day decided to attract the Rays of God from the Universe, not for yourself but rather for this sick world, so each creature would be able to reach the perfection of Divine Thought?

The Kingdoms of Nature permanently give of themselves to humanity, showing them through different attributes, which path is for the manifestation of the Human Kingdom. And this Kingdom, My children, which expresses in each of your hearts, should manifest the maximum attribute of the Kingdom of God, which is Love, that heals everything, forgives everything and redeems everything.

If you observed the Kingdoms and were ready to learn with them, you could come to this expression.

But, on My Words being so simple, sometimes you do not want to hear Me. You do not know, My children, Who speaks to you; you do not know that the Kingdom of God descends to this world and a unique opportunity is given to humanity, not only to those present here, but also to all those who can awaken upon hearing My Words.

Today I show you the reality of this world, but I also bring you the grandeur of the Heavens so you may know you can surrender all that you are, because all that you are is very little in the grandeur of the Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

How much I love you, dear children! And I know everything that you can give Me in the simplicity of prayer, in the love of your hearts that give themselves completely to Mine, to thus concretize the Works of God in this world.

Let us pray, dear children. Let us pray, as the Lord indicates; and while we pray, let the children who today will be consecrated come here so I may bless them with My motherhood.

I am here present, praying with you.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

(thirteen times)


And in this way, I carry your prayers to plead to God for this humanity.

Through the blessed Grace God granted Me at My Conception, I come to bless you so the Spirit of God manifests the principle of His Will in your lives.

I come to consecrate you in the Holy Name of the Son, so He may manifest the sure path toward redemption in your lives.

I come to bless you through the Holy Spirit, so that Its Gifts, true and deep, may be sown in your spirits; and thus, just like the apostles from the past, you become the new apostles of Christ guided by the simplicity of the Love of God.

May this mission be accomplished in your lives and you are able to achieve living in the Will of God and in the maximum expression of His infinite Love.

Through the Grace which My Immaculate Heart pours out, My dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will make the Sign of the Cross twice more, at the request of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Presence of Adonai, I rise up to Heaven, as it was in the Assumption of My Body and My Soul, in honor of all My children of the world and for the salvation of all of Creation.

Sing and be glad in humility; you are the children of My Heart.

I thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
