Sunday, April 20 of 2014

Sacred Week

Peace be in you.

Let there be thirty-three strikes of the bell announcing My Return and My Resurrection in the hearts that had been dead.

My Kingdom is your Kingdom. My house is your house.

I am not of this world, but I came to save it.

Happy are those hearts that opened to hear My Voice, because the Holy Spirit is making its dwelling place in those souls on this day of resurrection of the spirits that were fallen.

Lift up your hearts to the Throne of the Father.

Let your hearts feel themselves to be glorified and blessed, because the Promise that was written is being fulfilled. And the new beings on Earth will write the Words of God in the Book of Light.

Glorify the Father in this moment.

Let us praise the God of Love and of Unity.

The supra-universes are coming to this place.

The stars and suns are assembling for the Greater Plan; they radiate their rays and their lights over the world on this day.

In this way you are coming to know the Power of the Son of God, Who comes to welcome you and gather you together in the name of Love.

Glorify the God of the Heights, because for the second time, He is sending His Son to the Earth.

I ask you to again be witnesses of all that you have experienced in these days, because somebody will have to experience it also in a later time, through all that has been sown in your hearts.

Today My Heart is enriched by your love.

Today My Heart feels the peace of your hearts, and the thorns that were withdrawn from My bleeding Heart during these seven consecutive days.

Servants of My Father, My friends, you will not understand what this means, but I continue to invite you to love what is invisible; that is where the real Plan of the Father is for this world.

The Kingdoms open before your eyes and hearts, so that the Words of Light may be sown in your essences and the Laws be fulfilled in the hearts that are poor, that have been left without God and without Love. That is why you are the so-called  apostles of the new time.

Your consciousnesses are gathered together in this cycle of the Apocalypse to accomplish what is in the Scriptures.

Many have understood that this would happen in other religions. But I come again to the most simple ones, as I was simple among you from the beginning.

Today I give you My humility and My peace-bringing, important pillars to provide support in this end of time. In Love you will be able to live the Laws that the Lord expects of you.

At all times I need you available and open to hear Me.

I will not be able to tell you when I will return for so many contiguous days.

Let your cells feel the engraving of the codes of My Light, My Christic and Redeeming Light.

With Love and Mercy, I have shared the Spirit of My Divine Blood. I poured out the Water that was born of My Side upon your beings, to be able to prepare your consciousnesses for the new.

But of all those who were called, I know that few will respond.

In a small Cenacle I will return, and the most simple will wait for Me for the new Supper, where I will share again the Bread of Life and the Blood that will transfigure your bodies.

Avail yourselves of this Mystery so infinite, love this Mystery so infinite; in this way, you will be able to enter into what I need you to enter into. Let your dwelling places be temples for God, where the Law, Unity, and Love are lived. 

Feel My Peace in this moment and unite with Me, as on the first day; but at the end of this day I will try to do something more with you. Open to that which is unknown to your eyes and that has no answer for your minds.

My Spirit is already omnipresent and powerful, and It projects onto different parts of the Earth to assemble those who have forgotten the Father, who came to fulfill this part of the Project of God. But today, in joy and in glory, I want to commune with you, that you may again receive My symbol of peace through this Communion.

Be happy, because your hearts will commune of My Glorified Body and will drink of the Blood of Redemption.

Remember that when you are before these sacred elements, you are before the Presence of God. For this reason, take care of that which has been given to you with such love.

Many would wish to receive this very special gift, this supreme Grace that descends directly to your hearts, with no intermediary, simply through My Merciful Heart.

Do you know what this means for this current time?

But, once again, I come to remind you of the importance of living My Gospel, because in light of all that you have received for so many years, you are now prepared to help your peers, to take on mature and conscious tasks, and to spread the Peace of Christ over all the places on Earth.

The one hundred and forty-four thousand are no longer a theory. I come to reveal that Mystery that many do not know. The one hundred and forty-four thousand are being called from the four corners of the Earth.

And the old tribes of Israel are assembling, for a current and necessary time, where love and willingness are needed, so that all may unite through the Love of Christ and, as mediators on Earth, allow the Plan of the Father to be accomplished.

I call you to this greater task. First unite with My paternal Spirit, and in due time, I will speak of all the things I desire.

Now I come outside of My Church, because all are deserving of My Divine Mercy. That is why I come to speak at this end, about the beginning of My Church, of the inner Church, which many have left behind through living in the outer church.

The Spirit of My Father is the great Church in your hearts, that must rise up to the Universes of Light, so that after this terrestrial life, you may find eternal life and paradise, supreme consciousnesses that exist above this universe, where many are dwellers, saints and the blessed that work for this Greater and Infinite Plan.

God has instituted Me as the Omega and also as the Alpha. I opened the door of liberation for you at the beginning of My coming to the Earth as the Messiah; now I will close the door to evil, but it will be necessary that there be apostles willing to follow Me.

I will always hear your sincere petitions.

The new Church of My Heart must be erected in the essences of your hearts, so that they may glorify God through prayer and unity.

This is My important message for today's humanity; seek the inner Church, the true Temple of the One and the Supreme. Turn inward for just an instant, and observe the state of your inner church. Is it abandoned? Does it lack Light or Love? Where is the seed that God left you through Me? Seek within yourselves what you still have not found. The answer is to be found in the center of your hearts.

Do not feel disturbed or alone, because when the time of tribulation descends over this current humanity, and although the demons create adversities in the bodies of human beings, the Son of God will descend with His Power, pouring out Graces and Mercy upon the fallen, closing the hells that this humanity opens, that lack of awareness in all that you do.

I will come to revive you again in spirit and you will see your ancestors in the Glory of God, pronouncing the promise to the people of Israel, which to this day, they do not experience or believe, and in the stars of the Cosmos you will see the great masters, where the Spirit of God will be sent to make peace fruitful, and all will be one in the light of My Father, and everything that has not gone well throughout the centuries will be destroyed by the strength of My powerful Love.

You will see Me come among the clouds and the stars, and many will be able to find Me in their hearts, for they will attune to My Cosmic Key, which I shall pronounce again for the Earth, which will transform humanity, the continents, and the Kingdoms of Nature.

And under the authority of the Supreme, the Son of God will reign among souls forever. And the Kingdom of God will be real on Earth; it will cease to be invisible to the eyes of many.

So before this happens, My dear ones, God sends His faithful Servant, that small consciousness that said "yes" since the beginning, and opened the great door for the redemption of humanity.

Have you thought, dear companions, about Mary saying "no" to the call of God? But Her purity is greater than Her terrestrial thought. From Her birth She was overtaken by the Holy Spirit. Her gestation was prepared by the Spirit of God; Her purity fertilized the new Earth and allowed the freeing of Israel and of all the tribes that lived at that time in the world.

But She returned over the course of time, announcing Herself as the Bird of the Holy Spirit, with love and peace, caring for humanity.

Many have reached Heaven through listening to Her message. Many have brought relief to My  suffering Heart because of all that humanity has done over the course of time.

Now I send Her to you with love and reverence so that She may transmit the celestial aromas to your essences, those which were a part of our spirits since the beginning, and allowed the freeing of this decadent humanity.

And now, although the Kingdom is a little fallen on Earth, it will not be necessary that any other King exist.

Know that I am the Governor of the Universe, and as the Greater Governor, I will come to humanity, announcing the word of healing and of mercy.

Thus, My angels will announce this long expected moment for everybody, and the aurora will rise in the hearts that hear Her voice. She will lift up to the Heavens the coming of the Messiah and the stars of the Cosmos will be seen by all, because each one, with its particular brilliance, will announce My coming so as to be able to be among those of Mine and so that everything may begin again.

Song: Holy Spirit Come

At the request of Our Lord, we will repeat the prayer to the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ, and He asked that all the brothers and sisters that are connected at this moment, that we commune at the same time of the bread and the wine, as a single humanity, responding to the call of Christ.

Prayer: Prayer to the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ .

Saturday, April 19 of 2014

Sacred Week

Be happy, rejoice in the Lord!, says the Universal King, because the planet is becoming saved for a time.

Today, at the feet of our Most Sacred Hearts, the image of the world shines before the eyes of the Throne of the Creator.

The Immaculate Heart disseminates Her Face upon the face of the Earth; the Most Chaste Heart invokes the presence of the little servers, and My Merciful Heart of Light calls all the sheep so that they may come to graze in the new fields that We have opened to all, in the fresh and fertile meadows, where the paths for simple souls are opened.

Today God has sent Us as a Triune Presence, to express His Majesty through Our Hearts. As the Angel in Bethlehem said: " Glory to God in the highest, and peace on Earth to all men of good will!"

The Immaculate Heart of Mary says: Glory to God in the Highest and healing for the souls that have not been redeemed! Liberation for the hearts that have sinned, healing for the souls that live in darkness!

The Most Chaste Heart says: Glory to God in the Highest and goodness for the souls that live in the Lord, for in them will be sown the Holy Spirit and the Supreme Light of the Father! Through their hearts, He will fulfill the Project of the Origin, which has not yet finished, until He can fulfill the face on the New Earth, the Face of the Lord that will be engraved in your consciousnesses for the coming time and where new things will emerge for all.

Glory to God in the Highest! says Christ, because the celestial assets will descend upon the world. Woe unto those who have not lived in the Lord! You are in time to repent from your sins, for in this way you will be a part of the New Earth.

Your spirits are called to the Mighty One. The Lord rejoices in the souls who serve Him, for thus everything will be fulfilled, as in the beginning. 

Glory to God in the Highest! says the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Adams and the Eves of that time will be freed from this world and the new promised people will re-emerge, and that trajectory of the people of the desert, which has remained unfinished, will end in the time to come, when the Star of the Era descends upon the Earth. Hearts will be able to glimpse the Light of the Lord and the flocks will congregate in the Spirit of the Father. 

Glory to God in the Highest! says Christ, for those who are willing to be baptized with the water of My Life, because not only will their faults and debts be cleansed, but also their souls and hearts; their bodies and cells will be cleansed and they will be prepared and renewed for what is new.

Glory in the Heights! says Saint Joseph, for those who respond to the Lord. That which has not yet been fulfilled, will be fulfilled, the omega will merge with the alpha, and the people will be one as in the origin. The race will be one in the eyes of God. 

There will be no differences between colors, between races, or between societies, because the Spirit of the Father will descend upon the good, especially for those who proclaim the Kingdom of the Lord.

Glorify the Lord, says Christ, you are in time to venerate and honor Him, and thus you will be able to transcend your difficulties of this world. Your lives will be living testimonies for the other brothers and sisters and they will cease to be serious debts in the eyes of the Father. Your families will reconcile in the time to come.

Blessed are they who live in My Faith and who will trust in my call up to the final moment, when the Archangel Michael, with His trumpet, announces the Voice and the coming of the Master.   

A bolt of Light will descend upon the world, and the confused eyes, those that cannot see the Light of the Lord nor the Mercy, will open for just that one moment and everyone will see that Ray of Light that will expand from East to West. East and West will be one and their will be one culture in the eyes of God.

But a few must keep on rowing the boat, guarding with prayer and with the heart. Glorify the Lord until the final moments. Do not be afraid for those who will leave My boat, I will strongly support them until the end.

I only ask you one important thing: be true in the eyes of Our Father, thus your hearts will be crystalline and the Gift of the Holy Spirit will not abandon you.

Open your hearts to the Laws of the Cosmos. It is time for the immaterial world to descend to Earth. May men, women and children commune with this Higher World, thus, all will rise to the Higher Life, and in the coming time, they will recognize their origin.

Let us praise the Thrones of the Father on this afternoon of glory. The newly baptized will baptize the rest with the gift of love, charity and service.

The keys of Heaven are being given to you. Keep them in your hearts so that they will not be lost.

I do not ask you to open doors to the Heavens, but rather that you open your hearts to receive the Kingdom of God.

May the signs of the three Hearts be engraved in your essences.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Hear the voice of My daughter Lucía:

Dear and beloved children, My Immaculate Heart is speaking to you, so that, through My maternal energy, the Presence of these three Most Sacred Hearts may merge within your essences, because today I tell you, My beloved ones, as Mother of the Sun and as Universal Mother, that you will only understand what is happening today in your lives when you can look at your journey on Earth from the Kingdom of the Heavens.

My children, your lives experience a great mystery at this moment, a Celestial mystery, which, through the Love and Mercy of the Lord, has descended to this Earth to make divine that which was matter until today.

Through the faith of your hearts, we come to the world to transform your lives, your souls, your essences, and through you, to be able to reach all of humanity.

Today, I want you to ask yourselves, My children, what is the commitment that your souls are making on this day through responding to the divine call of being in the Presence of the three Most Sacred Hearts?

Today we present you with an archetype of life so that you may transcend your material life and be capable of living the imitation of this Sacred Family, for we were flesh in the world.

Our blood was alive just like the blood that flows in your bodies, and with this Body and this Soul incarnated within the human condition, we were capable of transcending humankind, material life, for the Love of God, for the Love of the Divine; because we knew in our Heart that something greater existed, which transcended all understanding, and that it would not be through the mind, but rather in the depths of the heart that we would open that door, so that the Kingdom of God might descend to the world and a New Humanity could emerge through our Sacred Family.

My Children, on this afternoon I invite you to overcome the limits of matter, to go beyond the limits of comprehension, of understanding, and in this way, to open the path so that the Kingdom of God may reach the world.

On each day of this Sacred Week, a sacred key was given to you, so that you may open the doors of your consciousness and awaken to a new planetary cycle; because the time has now come, My children, for our Word to be able to address the world in a mature way, because humankind is now capable of understanding and loving the celestial mystery.

But in order for that to happen, we summon your souls, your hearts, so that, on behalf of humanity, you may take the first step by loving this infinite mystery, ardently aspiring to this unknown life, which was placed in front of your eyes so many times and which, as humanity, you did not want to see.

My children, today I ask you to open yourselves to a new life, an immaterial life that has always existed, that was always in front of your hearts, and that, since the beginning of this world, has pushed humanity so that, in the end of times, the times you are experiencing today, you could cross this threshold of redeemed consciousnesses, to a Celestial Universe, a Divine, Cosmic, Universal world, which has waited for you for so long.

Christ Jesus says:

Your intentions today are contemplated not only by My Merciful Heart. The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph also contemplate them. I know that your souls will not understand the amplitude of our presence on this day.

But may your hearts welcome Our Hearts, thus you will be able to be guided in silence, in the fortitude of a prayer, in the peace of the soul, in the communion of the spirit of each one of you with the Father.

Today, the Most Sacred Hearts bring the Most Holy Trinity, so that souls may be baptized by the Spirit of God, and many more souls may be baptized by the Spirit of the Father.

The promise of the origin must be fulfilled and all participate in this great mystery.

Now we will bless all these elements with all our love, and all the sacred elements that you may carry in your hands, so that they may be the visible sign of the Most Holy Trinity, through the ascension of the Sacred Heart, through the descent of the Immaculate Heart to the world, and through the perfect and loving union of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

When you sing to Me the songs of other souls, it is all souls singing to Me. In the Kingdom of souls, all of you are one, and the melodies expand throughout the Universe of the Heart of God.

Do not be afraid of singing what another has composed, nor be afraid that others may sing your melodies. The blessed live in one sound of peace, in one vibration of life and elevation.

Also, on this afternoon, we bring the Kingdom of souls for all of you and all the brothers and sisters that are united at this moment, especially on this afternoon, dear friends, through the Power that God has granted Me for you, under the authority of the Holy Spirit and the absolution that the Son of God has to carry out before your creatures; I will consecrate the communion for all of you and all the spiritual families that are united at this moment.

During His Apparition, Jesus transmitted a prayer so that we may share the moment of communion. Let us repeat it phrase by phrase, and know that these words were born of His Sacred Heart.

Prayer to the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ 
Sacred Chalice of the Lord,
pour over us Your codes of Life,
pour over our souls
the Sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit.

O Sacred Chalice of the Lord,
commune with us eternally,
dispel from our lives the aggressions of evil
but unite, day and night,
our hearts with the Principle of the Primordial Source.

O Holy Chalice of Light and Wisdom,
give us to drink from the Divine Blood of Christ,
we aspire to be redeemed,
we wish to love You, Lord, more each day.
Today we consecrate ourselves as worthy children of God.


Friday, April 18 of 2014

Sacred Week

For some, I have not returned to Earth yet; for others, I was not the Great Messiah, but there are others who believe in My Return.

Come to Me and take My Heart, My Heart of Gold, My Heart of Light.

On this day, experience My Passion with joy and rejoicing, and no matter how difficult it is to remember My flogging, see in all of this principle a great mystery, a great liberation that was realized for the world, a great burden that was relieved from the heart of humans.

Come to Me and take My Heart, thus you will be able to quench your thirst of love.

No one but I can offer you the Great Love of God. Seek Love in the Divine and the Supreme. Do not be with the love of this world which is poor and weak. But may your hearts, through My Heart of Gold, be forerunners of that Christic Love that humanity seeks so much. Be peacemakers, be evangelists. Bear witness to My Message about what you have seen, so that others will be able to awaken in time in this difficult age.

The organs of Heaven today play a new melody. The angels announce with their seven trumpets a new time.

The Son of God is returning for the second time to the spirit of humankind. And whoever believes in it will live. Poor those who do not believe in My Return! How can they be in My pastoral lap?

I long to hug you and kiss you, to bless you with My paternal and merciful love. This is what I seek in this difficult time.

But few will see the signs of the one who returns from Heaven. Therefore you, who are awake at this moment, come to Me and take My Heart. May My Heart be your heart. May My shed Blood be the transfiguration of your blood. May My Water, which has poured from My Side, be the water that flows through your bodies, that sanctifies your cells and atoms so that the new redeemed consciousness is born.

But I only ask you in this age a permission, a permission that is very difficult to be granted by everyone, because they fear the greatness of My Love, the maddening power of My merciful fire, My embracing and healing Soul, My Spirit and My Divinity, which will elevate you completely to the Kingdom of My Father. Therefore, unite with Me in this most merciful hour. May your cross be My Cross forever.

Today I will not come to carry your cross in this century, but I will come to liberate it and remove the tethers from your hearts. That is why I need your sincere permission. I know you asked Me how to do it, but everything was already said and written. Has anyone ever experienced the Word of Life? Has anyone encouraged themselves to incarnate it in their heart?

Therefore, I need true disciples, souls who are simple and willing to respond to My call.

What I look for in this time are your spirits, your higher spirits that come from Heaven and the Universe, that signed a commitment to Me at that time and that sought, after a long time, the right path. That is why My Father sends me to correct your paths.

Humanity has forgotten My Word of Life and this has impeded them from experiencing the Divine Word, so that it became Spirit in their spirits, Soul in their souls and Heart in their hearts.

I need you to live within My Kingdom. May you seek It every day, despite the differences and all that this world offers in this difficult time.

Yesterday I told you that many will seek what I gave you in these days. But do not fear what will happen. Protect My Words in your hearts, they are already creating a new temple. They are elevating your spirits to God.

Therefore, I tell you on this day: the organs of Heaven are playing a new melody. Unite yourselves to the divine vibration of the Cosmos. Listen attentively to the signs that come within you. Do not interpret them, just listen to them so that you can experience them and the gifts that God expects can be manifested. I repeat a gift, because it is an important gift, a gift that many do not experience yet, which is the virtue of love and humility, of charity and hope among Mine.

And thus, just as well I gathered the apostles at that time and celebrated the Table with many men and women, today I return again to celebrate the encounter with you.

After so many instructions that you have received for so long, the King of kings comes to give you a great Instruction: Do not forget to love, to love with your heart and soul, because those who do not love at this time cannot live in the Kingdom of My Father.

Today I give you My promises and My aspirations, My great Truth that descends upon the world and is again spoken to humanity.

Do not forget about Me when things get difficult. Enter into My Spirit, My Heart, and My Soul, and strength and firmness will emerge from your consciousnesses so that you may you continue. Even though the impious and idolaters want to pull down what I am building, hold yourselves firmly to My Hands, hold yourselves firmly to My sacred mantle, and thus you will not lose the path of Light.

My Heart visits your hearts, just as I visited many hearts in the world after My Ascension towards Heaven. I returned to Earth several times, seeking the new shepherds, the flocks that have been scattered far from Me.

But that long-awaited time, the one pronounced in the Apocalypse, is coming to the world and the new beginners will become the formers of those who will come late. And you will be able to transmit the Teachings I have given you.

It will not be through the word, but through the heart. I need your lives to be an example of life. Remember that I am beside all My companions.

This Cross that I carried on My Shoulders converted and redeemed humanity on all levels of consciousness.

In all the hells of this world, My Calvary was releasing spirits who were committed to evil and My Light redeemed the darkness. My Mercy has released the wrath of the hearts. In My Passion, the passion for many souls was experienced, and many came to My Heart, resurrected to the life of the spirit and began to experience the Will of God.

On this day, where I am in reclusion, I offer you My Heart of Gold so that you commune with It. May it be your eternal communion today.

Feel My Heart in your hearts. My merciful fire promises great works in free hearts, because it transforms and redeems all that it touches.

Today I come to bring you hope and set aside My Passion. Although it was an important event for the Cosmos, I left imprinted, important keys to the world. My signs stayed recorded in the hearts of all of those who were with Me or those who were against Me. No one was excluded from feeling My Divine Mercy. My Divine Mercy is a powerful source.

Today I see with compassion and mercy the new little souls that are in the arms of their parents, spirits prepared by Myself so that they sow the New Earth. And to the flowers that have died in many hearts, those that represent the Spirit of Divine Life; May these flowers resurrect and resurface.

That is why I send souls from all places of the Cosmos so that they sow the New Earth; that land that Moses sought with his people and to which I took all those who were with Me at that time. That is why I return to seek all those who have yet to enter into what is the Kingdom of the heart, the Kingdom of the soul, where God lives eternally and is present.

I seek in each of My disciples to remember the forgotten path, to return to it because they are still in time. This is My great aspiration on this day of Passion, liberation, redemption and rebirth for the consciousness of this age.

Then you will not see Me, after a long time. But you will remember in your memories these passages you had with Me.

Keep this Light very precious that I have given you these days, may it not be erased from your hearts. So that does not happen, My friends, may all listen to Me well.

Come to Me and take My Heart of Gold. I give you My Heart as a great offering, so that the words will not be scattered, will not be replaced by other words in the world.

The Divine Word must incarnate again in humanity. That is why My Mother works tirelessly with you. Because, as She was by my side quietly, experiencing the inner passion and surrendering Her Son in the arms of the Creator, She comes in this cycle to seek all Her children, and mainly those who have forgotten God.

Remember this moment and bear witness of life. Thus you will rejoice My Heart, in this world that hurts My Heart and makes it suffer for the things it does, without conscience, without love, without humility, without simplicity, without being united to God.

I am the bridge to My Father. You must walk upon Me, cross the great bridge of My Heart, pass through My Soul, My Spirit and My Divinity with joy, with rejoicing, without suffering and without disturbance, and the time of suffering and pain must end.

May your hearts rejoice, because as the prophets announced at that time, the living Christ, the Christ of Love, the Universal Christ, will put His Feet upon the Earth and all, or despite all, who believe or do not believe, will recognize him. Because I will come as the poor of the night seeking food and water, knocking on the door of its beings, asking for reclusion, rest, prayer, and vigil.

Get ready! Get ready! Just get ready!, thus you will be with Me.

We will hear thirty-three chimes, says the Lord, announcing the reclusion of My Spirit in the tomb, the tomb that restores you and  unites you again to God; death that turns into life, life that turns into the spirit, the spirit that joins the Greater Source.

This is the Mystery of My Resurrection.

I thank you!

Consecrated brothers and sisters, elevate your crosses for blessing, the Cross that redeems the world, that releases evil, that heals souls, that opens hearts toward God.

My Heart unites to your hearts, always.

Thank you for being with Me on this day.

Now and forever I will thank you.

Thursday, April 17 of 2014

Sacred Week

Today the heavens are opened to reveal their mysteries of redemption and peace.

And as I have told you recently, I wish to share again this table with you, this supper of reparation and conversion that may help in this age to liberate the sins of the world.

Today I come before you as the Sacred Heart, so that your eyes may open to My Grand Mystery, which I am revealing in this time.

I give thanks, on this special and important day, that you have opened yourselves to receive me in this Supper, to safeguard My rightful place in this world, so that I may diffuse My Love and My Light towards everyone.

This sacred table which you are sharing with Me today, will be of help and light for other consciousnesses, especially to those who are not found here today accompanying Me.

Do you truly understand what it means that I am among you in this week?

Do you truly understand what it means that I am in this world?

I come to bring a message of renewal to all, an infinite joy and a hope for souls.

Today the Heavens rain their petals of light to bless those who have opened themselves to find Me and follow My path of redemption and rehabilitation. 

Today angels prepare this special altar and pour out their Rays of Light upon these elements, in the same way as they do with Adonai, eternally praising the Father forever and ever.

I also give thanks in this day for the songs that you have offered Me; the great mystery of song and voice is not known by all. It is an instrument that God uses to open the doors of Heaven. But do not be worried because each one of you has a gift to develop. Some of Mine have to develop the gift of the voice and this is a precious tool to the Creator.

I invite you to join the sound and vibration of the voice, so you do not join preferably to one person.

It is time for My apostles to know the gifts in each consciousness, so that they will, in this way, allow the fruits which are kept in their hearts to be expressed.

Know that My Love has a predilection for all souls that are on Earth and I come, through you, to rescue those which have succumbed in hell and submerged themselves in the abysses of this material life.

Therefore, My Presence in these days brings you the divine life (and I correct it because it is important that you listen well), the spiritual life that many must incarnate. Thus, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach in the same way as with the apostles.

Yet, it will not be necessary that you know the gifts of the Holy Spirit in depth, but that you practice them through simplicity and charity. In this way the Spirit of God itself will flow among your cells and you will find the answer to every question that you have. Yet, it is time to open yourselves to these mysteries that are unknown to you in this life.

I come to reveal the important and the good, I come to correct your paths again, so that you may follow only one path through My Heart.

Yet know that My voice is expanded in the world through other consciousnesses throughout times and centuries, because it is necessary that My voice is heard in every part of this Earth.

More than for you, I especially come for those who are not here. You already had great meetings with Me in this life, even if you do not know them or have not felt them. Understand when I passed before you, leaving My footsteps imprinted so you could follow them.

Today, My Father has sent Me to remind you of this commitment. May this heat of the afternoon, so intense and strong, serve as a fire of transformation for your consciousnesses. Know that the rays of this sun that illuminates you, are being cosmically opened to send an important impulse. Let yourselves be burned, may the fire transform and transfigure you. In this way everything will be accomplished as it has been foreseen since the beginning, since the moment that you were born from the wombs of your mothers.

You must fulfill the mission that God has requested of you. And again, I am not only referring to you, but also to those who are not present here, that should have been sharing this Supper with me.

Yet know that My Mercy is profound and unknown. I want to say, with all of these things, that I am present in every part of the world, mainly for those who live this Week of My Passion.

I only ask you not to turn away from Me after this week, because all these Gifts that I have poured out, within days will want to be removed from your spirits, from your hearts, through disturbance and restlessness. Do not be intimidated, this will be the moment when you must be firm to live it and confirm to My pastoral Consciousness that you are really with Me, despite everything.

I come, as My Most Holy Mother, to ask you simple things, that you may walk by My side in silence and devotion. Therefore, My Spirit has consecrated new mothers in this Order, mothers who will be mediators of My Universal Mother, who will be the arms of Mary upon Earth; the hands that shelter and give warmth to those who suffer, that relieve and heal the lonely hearts. These mothers must be the manifestation of My Universal Mother.

Tomorrow you will remember something important from My Passion, when I gave My Mother Mary to you, to the world, to humanity, to all souls. You still have not understood what this means: That the feminine God of Love wants to embrace and console you deeply, through this Great Consciousness that lived among you here on Earth, who understood the condition of humanity, the suffering and sorrow of souls in that time.

Yet God, through My Most Holy Mother, worked and fulfilled His great plans upon Earth.  

These plans that have emerged since the beginning of My birth have not ended, they must continue to be accomplished and you must be that path, that bridge, so that they may be fulfilled.

Again I tell you, dear companions, My voice is announced to the world, but who will gather My words in the heart, will make them incarnated life and spirit so that you may carry forward and manifest the Will of the Father upon Earth?

Therefore I give you, on this Holy Thursday, My Sacred Heart, so that you may feel it as a heart that constantly beats for love of you, so that everything may be fulfilled as foreseen.

Remember that each one of you has a time to be able to fulfill it.

I will not ask you anything else, only that you do what I ask of you, just as I did when I was among you, and as My Mother complied with it when she was among you. Therefore I send Her in the end of this time, so that She may be My Messenger and Mediator of the Heart, so that She may guide you as a flock and congregate you around My Heart, because thus, everything will be said.

Now, I will raise this table towards the Altars of My Father; I will raise it in spirit towards the Throne of the Creator, so that what I want to be fulfilled today may be fulfilled: may the Temple in your hearts be built; that the foundations for this life may be firm; and that the pillars of love, unity and humility may raise the Grand Apex of the Creator above you. Thus you will recognize the Will of My Father when I am not here and you will live the Will of My Father until I return. Thus you will be true apostles.

We will do the blessing of this table and of all the fruits, fruits that must re-sprout as seeds in your essences. We will repeat these intentions because there is something that must be experienced. The fruits must re-sprout in you, so that new fruits may be born in service to the Creator and be living food for those who do not have it, thus you will help in My redemptive project.

Remembering, dear companions, this Holy Thursday, in that God made man and made consciousness, gave Himself up for you, I want to pour out My Mercies to everyone this afternoon, and know that I am reading your intentions, therefore I bless all these sacred elements.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me today.

At the request of our Lord Jesus, at this moment we will make the representation of the Last Supper and the Communion among all. 

While they were eating, Jesus took the bread and blessed it, broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying: "Take and eat of it all, this is My Body that will be delivered for you."

Then He took a cup, gave thanks and passed it on, saying to the apostles: "Drink from it, all of you, this is My Blood. This cup is the new covenant, sealed with My Blood, that will be poured out for you, for the forgiveness of your sins.

Do it in My memory. 

Wednesday, April 16 of 2014

Sacred Week

Feel in My Silence the saying of everything, the truth that emerges to the life that was death.

Today I am together with the twelve, those who were with Me in the past. I brought them so that you may recognize and appreciate them as redeemed, the humanity that has redeemed and will keep redeeming.

While I walk by your side in these days, I bring good news to all, hope for the hearts and souls, and mercy to share and spread.

I thank this afternoon for those who make an effort and who in weariness work for My Father, without time and without deterring. Know that this will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heavens. God does not separate from His prodigious children, but supports and accompanies them in the silence of the heart.

Today I would like to share with you an important deed: before the Last Supper in that time, many good souls joined Me in prayer.

In different parts of the East, around Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem they joined My inner Passion and opened the doors so that the Mercy of God would accompany them.

In that time, everything that was happening was important, from solitude to joy. I was living each step in the Passion, a new sign that God was manifesting, for My Consciousness and My Heart, when I instituted the Supper as an important ceremony.

I wanted, in that time, everyone to be able to live My Passion in a true way, therefore I opened the doors so that the Divine Laws would descend and everyone could recognize that the Son of God was present on Earth.

The Laws were fulfilled in that time so difficult, but My Mercy was diffused throughout the whole world in the same way that I did with Faustina Kowalska, bringing again to humanity something important and mysterious, which is the Mercy of My Passion, the Water and Blood that redeem and wash, that purify and transmute the sins.

Therefore, live in this Greater Source, the Source that springs out from My tireless Heart and is available for those who search for and are encouraged to serve from it and to be nurtured by the Spirit of My Heart, by My Divinity and My Greater Consciousness.

In these days I come to reactivate your hearts. I come to remind you of the commitments that you have with the Sacraments, because each ritual of the Sacraments is important for your spirits, gestates new things to the soul, to the consciousness and to the life, and everything becomes lighter, more serene and more peaceful.      

What I bring you in these times is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which you will live through the other Sacraments. It is not by chance that I instituted the Eucharist so that My Universal Spirit would be present in bread and wine, and in each new communion which the soul lives with Me, may renew and open itself to the Greater.

Know that your whole being communes with Me; each part of your beings and each particle, the cells and blood of your beings, the water that circulates in your bodies are nurtured by My Spirit at the moment of the Communion. 

I invite you to know this mystery, to open your eyes for the reality that you live for the Communion, because are kept there many keys for everyone, mainly for those who live in My trust.

In the Last Supper, at that time, I instituted something important for the planet which is the descent of God through My Body and Blood, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in bread and wine, the Transfiguration and Resurrection that I lived for all. Laws that are unknown by this Earth, but many who were simple lived and practiced them with humility.

Imitate those beings that lived holiness. Follow the steps that they followed in a simple way, because God needs from your hearts a pure and whole dwell, available to receive the Will of the Lord.

I come again to open your eyes to something greater and something divine.

I gather you in this afternoon again, so that you reinforce your commitment with Me and drink with peace of My Blood and My Water, spiritual gifts to the whole humanity poured out spiritually in this time for the hearts that thirst for the Light of God and need to heal their consciousnesses so that they may be redeemed, blessed and be good servers of the Firstborn Son.

From today on you will remember something important during three consecutive days, which is the birth of My Consciousness in humanity and everything that I did for you in that time.

In each moment that you share with Me, each deed and each passage that I will deliver you, live it as something true and important. Thus your consciousnesses will be nurtured through My Christic Spirit and you will receive the Divine Fire of transformation.

And after a time you will not recognize yourselves, because I will have you completely transformed and you will not notice it because you will be transfigured by My Light and My Love.

Be encouraged, risk yourselves that I may overcome you through Love and Mercy.

In little time you will not recognize yourselves, because you will have drunk from My Fountain in a sincere and true way by means of the Communion and constant prayer, keys that will help to change humanity, keys that will open new doors for the coming time.

But, for that to be fulfilled, companions, it is necessary to risk a little more  and fear nothing, because you count on My trust and My inner support, when you only say "yes" to Me.

Today the apostles come to bless you all, through the pastoral exercise, of the blessing of the great Spirit of God that each one of those consciousnesses cultivated within their hearts.

Today I show you all these things so that you may believe that it is possible to live in holiness. And it will not be necessary to consecrate just to Me, but to live a life of charity, service, of prayer, which may be testimonies to your brothers and sisters, which may be incandescent flames of light for the other brothers and sisters, wherever you walk through or wherever you go.

When you reach this point of consecration and surrender, many will recognize My presence in you, because I remain being the Great Shepherd of Humility, the Star of the Universe for the whole planet, who prepares the advent and return of the transformed and renewed Christ, who everyone will see and be surprised at.

For the first time, dear companions, I will answer to seven intentions of this basket. But know that all of them are important to My Heart. I deeply know them, but I know the meaning and value that the answers have to you in this life, answers which come from My Most Sacred Heart, light for darkness, wisdom for confusion, lightness for gloom, love for the one who is bad, hurt, whipped or tired.

I love and correct you because your are flocks with the potential of awakening. Everything that I say comes from Love, from the Spirit of My Father. 

"Juan, I wait for you, when you simply accept to enter in My Kingdom."

"Be calm, your family will be saved. Unite yourself day by day to Me. The reconciliation will be established, because My Spirit will be part of your home and I will comfort your consciousness."

"Franco, your angel is called Joel. My Path is being prepared so that you may enter it as a new apostle of love. Be encouraged to follow Me, I await you."

"May your aspiration be to love the planet every day, because it will be home for those who are coming soon."

"Humility is found in the key of service, in endless charity, in saying "yes" every day to every need that presents itself, thus the spirit is forged to transformation."

"Yes, they already know it, they are now in Heaven with Me, your steps have allowed it. Today they salute you."

"I would like you to be a daughter of My Divine Mercy, thus you may consecrate to My Sacred Heart and everything will be fulfilled in your spirit."

Yesterday, I liberated many souls that were condemned, but I need instruments willing to help Me, transmutation pillars that serve Me and constantly donate themselves. If that would be possible in the greater part of humanity, humanity would be saved.

Today I am going to give you a blessing through the sacred oil, the same oil that anointed My wounded Body, that restored and healed it and prepared it for the Resurrection.

The oil unites you to the soul, and you are anointed by the Divine Spirit of God, with the Primordial Source of His Love and His Unity.

Each time that you are anointed, your spiritual scars and wounds are dissolved by My Merciful Love.

The sacred oil has the power of reparation, opens the doors to the principles of the healing of the ill body and soul and opens the doors to the Greater Spirit of God, simply with a sign of the Cross. Thus all will be done.

I bless all these elements that today will be part of the new communion of you with Me, preparing you for the Holy Thursday, where I will invite you to sit at My table and to confirm yourselves as the apostles of Love, as the servers of Mercy.

I bless you always with My Spirit of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me today. 

Tuesday, April 15 of 2014

Sacred Week

Archangel Michael says: "Adore the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is a reason for honor, glorification and Mercy."

The Power of My Heart is unknown to many. Therefore, I come at this time to reveal this secret to you; after a great battle comes the moment of restoration, of cure and healing, through the works carried out by My guardian angels.

I send each one of them to descend to humanity and heal all souls, especially those who recognize My Priesthood, and who work together with Me without separating, not even for a moment.

I come here this afternoon to reveal to you the power of My liberation, that which I fulfilled on the Cross after Death.

After so much time, I come to search for those who condemned Me, who martyred Me and those who nailed Me onto the Cross without a single drop of compassion.

For this reason, I open My Arms mercifully, to assist not only humanity, but also all those states of consciousness that humanity does not want to see or recognize.

But the time of the Supreme Law is coming and everything that was said will be fulfilled. You will see things emerge on the horizon, the Aurora that is born and the moon that is bloody marking a new sign for the world.

What was said in the past by the great patriarchs will be lived again and everyone will participate in such unknown mystery.

My Eyes of Light observe you today with charity and compassion. They observe each one of you and each one of those who hear My Voice. Your souls become crystalline before My vision and I can see everything, even the depths of your consciousnesses.

The time has come, at this time, for Me to tell you the Truth, the Truth that will prepare you and lead you towards the goal. But know, My flocks, that you must bear witness to My Presence in the world, so that all My children who are very confused, even those who live My message, can be resurrected by My Presence, by My Love, by My Mercy.

You have not yet understood what it means that I shed such precious Light every day at 3:00 p.m., when My Light descends to Earth, opening Rays of Light upon all consciousnesses, so that evil can be extirpated and all can be redeemed through My Merciful Presence.

Today I am at the top of a great mountain inviting you to climb up to the top so that you can meet Me and that I can make you feel what for so long I have wanted you to feel in your hearts.

I know that many of you will not understand My Mystery, but keep My Presence in your lives as a fundamental key. Trust in this time in all that you are living; Each thing has its place and its time, and I accompany all those who dare to say "yes" to Me.

I open doors for hearts that are wounded, and I resurrect the spirits that are living dead.

I open the hearts that have no light and gather them all around My sacred table.

The most important thing I want to tell you on this day is that you keep a memory of all the meetings you have had with Me. Know that I come to lead your higher beings.

Matter will die on Earth, but the soul will continue its evolutionary path. My main objective is that you reach the Great Star and may be able to merge with Me in the Spirit of God.

That is why I am here, companions, to open your eyes again. I need your sincere and definitive "yes" so that I can build new dwellings in My return.

I gather you again around My Most Sacred Heart and I show you the value and power of My luminous Heart, so that you can identify it as the great star of this Universe.

I will assist those who say "yes" to Me.

This spiritual mountain on which I find myself today is the same one as that on which I pronounced the Beatitudes.

Where I have been on this world My footprints have remained.

Those who trust in My Presence, throughout the times, have been able to resort to My primordial assistance. I have given My Healing and My Mercy to you. And all those who have trusted in My passage through the Holy Land, have received in their hearts what I had waited for so long.

Therefore, it is a cycle of great opportunities for everyone. Take the risk to die through Me. You will lack nothing. You will not be alone, but you will be in My Divine Trust and My Words of Light will reverberate in your hearts, so that the seeds of light can be sown, those that will be born and will sprout in the New Earth, the Earth that the desert people sought so much. A spiritual and immaculate Earth, a Kingdom of blessed and good servants who are constantly around Me, where I hope that many more can enter, in spirit and in consciousness, in serenity and in peace.

Today a great liberation has occurred in the world. It is not by chance that all souls come together through My Passion. Each year that you live this new mystery, everything can be liberated, and My Heart opens the doors for those who have fallen, cures what no one has been able to cure and heals what no one was ever able to heal.

I have already said a lot to you. It is important that you keep My Words for the difficult times.

In any situation, of any severity or pain, look into My Eyes.

In the face of any disturbance, dissociation, or distrust, look into My Eyes.

When everything seems to be fallen and you feel defeated, look into My Eyes.

When you do not have the strength to go forward and bitterness is greater than hope, look into My Eyes.

Feel My Presence. I am already returning to baptize you again with My Spirit of Mercy.

Look into My Eyes and feel God in every place and in every space.

Look into My Eyes. Even if evil wants you to succumb, My Power will save you because I am in everything and with everyone, even in the smallest details.

Look into My Eyes and do not lose sight of Me.

Look into My Eyes, I am here to heal your path.

Look into My Eyes, I am here because I need you.

Who will dare to give a little more? I am the great pillar for your lives, the Flame of the Heart that dazzles the darkness.

Do not fear to suffer, but fear when you cannot serve; service is in everything and God is in all service.

Look into My Eyes, because in that way I will be able to tell you where to go and to walk.

Look into My Eyes and feel the Presence of My Love, the Spirit that comforts and encourages; that heals and redeems.

Look into My Eyes when you commune with Me, so you will be one with Me and I will be One in you. Will you risk being one with Me? This is My call, My petition, and My great aspiration.

Look into My Eyes and trust Me.

And before the blessing of the sacred elements that will be part of My Body and My living Blood, I will tell you an event that took place in the sepulcher, which also helped in My restoration and Resurrection: My Mother, Mary, loved incense. She would place it in every place of the house preparing Her moment of prayer with the Father.

Incense brings the angels of God closer and this mystery was also lived with Me in the sepulcher, while Mary and the women prayed. The scent of good incense spread all over the space.

Incense represents the physical manifestation of the Spirit of God. It is a sacred element that the patriarchs and hermits would use to exorcise the evils that are gestated in this world.

But today I will bring a special blessing to those elements, on this second day, to bless you through the Spirit of My Father and prepare your consciousnesses for the moment of union with Me through Communion. Prepare for that moment.

I also wish, dear companions, that from all parts of the world you send Me your intentions and requests, so that I can bless them and respond to them, according to the Will of My Father.

Therefore, prepare a golden basket for tomorrow, so that all souls write their intentions directly and I can receive them in My Heart. Although I already know them, it is necessary for your hearts to share this gesture of love with Me, this pastoral blessing of all the intentions of My children of the world.

Do not dwell on writing down your needs. That which is simple, I will recognize as something important, because the most necessary thing, dear companions, is to express the intentions of each being with the few words that the heart radiates, in that way everything will be said.

Jesus tells us that all the brothers and sisters who are in their homes, can have in their hands a small piece of bread for the consecration. He will also bless it.

Monday, April 14 of 2014

Sacred Week

Dear beloved and favorite ones,

I am present here, believe that for an instant.

I come to gather the not chosen, those who have remained behind on the path of transformation.

I come to open the door of your hearts through My Heart, so that the infinite mysteries of My Love may be revealed.

I need to create new apostles upon the surface of this humanity, and that there may emerge those who will announce My near coming in a simple, humble, and austere way, because the true Word comes from the Divine Word of God, and your hearts can be enriched by the Light of the Holy Spirit.

As it was some time ago, I come again to be in your lives for seven consecutive days. My hope is to share the Instruction and parables with all of you, as I did once in the past.

So I will gather you around My sacred table again, so that you may share the Bread of Life and the Redeeming Blood with Me.

New souls congregate in the consecration to My Sacred Heart this evening. For this reason, I gather the beginners again, those who must learn to love and serve.

In truth I want you to be able to feel the warm Word of Life.

I will also be gathered with all of those who are by My side, sharing this path with Me in each center of prayer and each home. Thus, you will be able to see, dear companions, how My merciful Rays stretch out upon all the places on Earth.

The Holy Father Francis has begun this Sacred Week with an important question for humanity, which I consider to be important for you. I have meditated upon it and I wish to tell you, not as an observation, but rather as meditation and reflection for your consciousnesses: On which side were you in the epoch of Jesus?  Were you the Apostles or the Pharisees?

It does not matter who may have condemned Me or who may have loved Me, I come to demonstrate the power of My infinite Mercy to you because the Love of God can do anything when the soul is willing to experience it from the heart and to learn the new lessons that Heaven presents to all souls that are on the Earth.

Today I want to address Myself to you through Love, to open the dwelling places of your hearts through the new keys that I bring in My Hands to assist hearts that have fallen and to heal souls that are wounded.

In each new meeting with Me through merciful prayer, in a group of souls as well as in solitude, I am present there to help you.

My Silence is eternal and permanent. My Words are spoken in your hearts through the Guardian angels, through all those that follow this Higher Plan.

Thus, in this week that is beginning, may your hearts begin to warm up through My Divine Fire. I would wish to place many gifts upon you so that the task may be fulfilled and the mission may be concretized just as I have foreseen from the beginning.

I would like to send a greeting of peace to all those who unite with My Passion. Precious and divine codes will be poured out upon the consciousnesses that open to listening to My call of the end of time.

I come directly from Heaven into your lives to announce something better, something good and kind that is born from My Merciful Heart. For this reason, do not fear to abandon that which you have not done well.

My Heart comes to heal the past and also the present. Open yourselves to the channel of My redeeming Healing. In these days I will be a stream of Light in your hearts, water that will wash your wounds, and linen that will heal your wounds.

I offer Myself this evening to listen to more prayers that may ignite My Merciful Heart, to feel your true love for Me, so that more Light can be poured out upon the world, mainly upon those souls that have been denying My Presence for such a long time, and even though I crossed their paths, and had been seen by everyone, they did not recognize My Priestly Presence through the good hearts that serve in prayer and service, because through such simple acts, I am also present in everything.

I gather you all in the cenacle of My Most Sacred Heart. A new celestial gathering, a new meeting with Me is being gestated and this will be born through My Divine authority, through the power of My invocation to all souls. Because My Light, My Love, and My Spirit are disseminated throughout the world as a fire of peace, igniting new sparks of light in hearts, bringing healing and redemption to all.

I know that many have questions for Me. Offer them, because I will listen to them, and in due time I will respond to them.

I have a perfect path for each one of you. The time has come for you to return to the Master, to the Shepherd of the heart.

Now bring the water, the bread, and the wine for the consecration, Heaven awaits.

Each Communion will be different on these days. I invite you to find the answer in the act of Communion with Me. If you open your hearts and minds, you will find the answer.

I will pour out a divine gift upon each Communion, and at each new Supper, a further piece of your beings will be healed.

The Light of the Universe resplendently shines today.

I invite you to bow down before Me for the consecration. Today is the day, it is the beginning. Today is the Alfa and Sunday will be the day of the Omega.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking for more water because he says it is too little.

This water will be sprinkled upon all those present, as my first blessing on this Sacred Week.

Let us pray, at a request of Our Lord, the Devotional to the Divine Mercy seven times:

Water, Blood, Life and Redemption
that flowed out from the Blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
Have pity, mercy, and compassion
on all of us. (x2)

Celestial Father,
Supreme Unity,
Supreme Consciousness,
Supreme Love,
Have compassion on all of us
and on all humanity.

This afternoon, My Feet land on the ground of Aurora, very close to your hearts and lives.

I come to bring relief to those who cry out for redemption and especially for those who have forgotten My Father. Make an offering to God at this moment.

The Altars of Heaven open through My pastoral Priesthood so that all the offerings may be placed at the feet of the Creator. My Heart will be like a bridge to you for this to happen.  

I Am the expansion of the Light of God to the world.

I Am infinite Love for all beings, the living and resplendent Love, the curing and healing Love.

Receive the blessing of My Heart at this moment.

A Ray of My Heart is emanated upon these elements and all humanity.

I expand the entire Source of My Divine Mercy from My Celestial Universe.

I bring you Peace and rehabilitation, the new path that you must follow with Me, which I invite you to follow in trust and wholeness through the powers and gifts of the Father, through the powers and gifts of the Son, through the powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and I bless all the hearts that listen to Me.

Go ahead, a Higher Paradise awaits you. Trust in Me.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: "Mercy, Supreme Creator".

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
