Leave your soul surrendered in My Arms so that I may deposit in your essence what I have prepared for a long time.

I need you to give Me permission so that I may be able to work and polish, with My Hands, everything that, some day, must shine as gold.

You are the greatest treasure that I can bestow to the Universe and, mainly, to Creation.

Your life is like a raw crystal that must be worked on so that it shows its beauty and splendor.

Let me remove the streaks of the impurities. Allow me to be able to use the instruments that I have prepared to make of you what My Will has determined.

Do not retreat, advance without fear and with courage so that those who are behind you may also be able to advance.

Be conscious of My Words and remember My Acts so that you can finally perform My Sacred Will.

Take the risk to feel inner detachment of all power, all autonomy and all prestige.

A true servant of Mine is always willing to clean the sandals of his brothers so that they may neatly enter into the Divine House of the Father.

I invite you to decide to be part of Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Wherever you go, take with you, and in your heart, the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy; pour it out wherever you go; convey it wherever the Father has you walk and pray.

I thirst for the most distracted souls, because the power of My transforming Love still does not reach them.

You must take My Unfathomable Mercy wherever you go, because thus, by some inner means, I will find a place where I may sow My Redeeming Light, so that the souls most separated from My Heart may one day recognize My Will and My Merciful Love.

Carry in your being My Unfathomable Mercy and make it known in the unfaithful world, because thousands of souls would not be able to reach Me if in truth there were no apostles of mine, servants of My Heart and of My Soul, to bring the refuge of My Mercy wherever necessary and whenever necessary.

Let no place cause you contempt or fear. Accept, as of now, the human condition that humanity has, the same that you have.

Thus, being merciful and prayerful, you will be with Me to transform this planet that is in agony day after day.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you for this next mission,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

With the Eucharist superposed In My Heart, I radiate to the world and to the souls what they so much need for this time.

With the Sacred Eucharist superposed on My Heart, I separate everything that causes pain and dissolve the currents contrary to My Divine Proposal.

With the Sacred Eucharist superposed on My Heart, I establish the Kingdom of God and I give to drink, from the spiritual Fountain, to those who need it the most.

With the Sacred Eucharist superposed on My Heart, I call and convoke the servants of Christ in their different peoples and races, so that more suns may awaken in humanity.

With the Sacred Eucharist superposed on My Heart, I make concrete the Designs of the Eternal Father in the souls that attentively listen to Him.

With the Sacred Eucharist superposed on My Heart, I decree new Laws for the planet and I approach My children to the Divine Purpose.

With the Sacred Eucharist superposed on My Heart, I raise the human conciousness and take it to find the sense of its inner evolution.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Establish the Kingdom of God within you, this space of peace where the universal Laws find their manifestation.

Establish in you the union with the Father and let yourself be similar to Him, giving Him the authority to transform you, according to His Will.

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world, where some enjoy their own riches and the majority suffers and works to serve the latter.

In the Kingdom of God everything is permeated by the Divine Consciousness. The Creator is in all of His servants. He Himself is the essence of humility, living in the smallest of all as in none of the others.

In the Kingdom of God only triumphs peace, goodness, love and unity, principles that become laws manifested in the lives of all creatures that share this state of consciousness that is the Kingdom of the Creator.

Live these principles in yourself and become worthy of being the bearer of the Kingdom of God, which first emerges in the interior of the beings from the union with the Father, and then establishes itself outside, in the material life of this world.

Every principle, law or manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, before settling externally in planetary life, first meets its dwelling in the heart of each being. The heart is the bridge to God, it is the door to Heaven, it is the great manifester of the divine will. Everyone who has a mission first knows it within the heart: feels it, understands it and accepts it, to then, afterwards, live it.

Christ will first come to the hearts in Spirit and Divinity; afterwards, He will manifest Himself in Body and Soul, when His Dwelling has already been established in the hearts of those who have recognized His presence within their own hearts. They will recognize Him when He returns, and, with Him, they will fulfill the end of this redeeming Work. Therefore, bring the Kingdom of God into yourself; do it being consequential with it, living peace, love, unity and humility as premises.

Let, child, that the higher Laws act in your heart and, from you, reach the whole world. Let yourself be shaped, transformed, corrected. Prepare yourself and consolidate in yourself the Kingdom of God, a secure dwelling for the Redeemer.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph,

The One who prepares the return of Christ in the interior of the beings



If you want to see fraternity being the premise for the human relationships in the world, elect to be fraternal above all your needs. You already know how to do it and how to be it, but you still have not been willing to come out of your comfort for this.

I know that, for many, it is beautiful to admire the spirit of service and of charity in the other, and it is much easier to think that, for yourself, it will happen in another way, because you will be fraternal and charitable based on your points of view, but not as God calls you to live.

Your consciousness has already a sufficiently resounding voice in your interior to indicate you the path and show you the moment and the situations that need you. Be mature to promptly say “yes” and to assume an act of charity, as simple as it may be, as the most important one.

Learn to be in the present without immaturity, and yes, to take your responsibilities and to watch over the task you have been assigned to, but never ceasing to help the neighbor, when any situation presents itself.

Remember that, before being an entrepreneur of Christ, you are His servant. For this reason, before thinking about the achievement of your own goals, even if they are for the Lord, be humble and a servant of the Christ who inhabits in the interior of your brothers and sisters and who hide Himself in the hidden side of all things. If you proceed like this, you already will see how great goal will achieve the Lord by means of you, who does not only have the appearance, but also the spirit in Christ.

Do not go about observing your brothers and sisters: be yourself unique, different, authentic and true in all things, trying to live what you already know, without expecting the others to do it. Because you also know that everything needs an engine to impel to transformation. Be yourself this living engine, encouraged by the Spirit of Christ.

Give your tiredness to the arms of charity and elect to yourself the eternal rest and not the temporary one. It will no longer be the resting that will nourish your bodies in these times, because it will only be the fullness in the Spirit of God and the experience of the Gospel of Christ that will keep you standing up. Therefore, be as you have studied.

Do not let any indication of your inner world to pass unnoticed to you: respond to the voice of the heart in everything; thus, it will speak each day louder within you.

Your Father and Companion, your Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be happy, rejoice in the Lord!, says the Universal King, because the planet is becoming saved for a time.

Today, at the feet of our Most Sacred Hearts, the image of the world shines before the eyes of the Throne of the Creator.

The Immaculate Heart disseminates Her Face upon the face of the Earth; the Most Chaste Heart invokes the presence of the little servers, and My Merciful Heart of Light calls all the sheep so that they may come to graze in the new fields that We have opened to all, in the fresh and fertile meadows, where the paths for simple souls are opened.

Today God has sent Us as a Triune Presence, to express His Majesty through Our Hearts. As the Angel in Bethlehem said: " Glory to God in the highest, and peace on Earth to all men of good will!"

The Immaculate Heart of Mary says: Glory to God in the Highest and healing for the souls that have not been redeemed! Liberation for the hearts that have sinned, healing for the souls that live in darkness!

The Most Chaste Heart says: Glory to God in the Highest and goodness for the souls that live in the Lord, for in them will be sown the Holy Spirit and the Supreme Light of the Father! Through their hearts, He will fulfill the Project of the Origin, which has not yet finished, until He can fulfill the face on the New Earth, the Face of the Lord that will be engraved in your consciousnesses for the coming time and where new things will emerge for all.

Glory to God in the Highest! says Christ, because the celestial assets will descend upon the world. Woe unto those who have not lived in the Lord! You are in time to repent from your sins, for in this way you will be a part of the New Earth.

Your spirits are called to the Mighty One. The Lord rejoices in the souls who serve Him, for thus everything will be fulfilled, as in the beginning. 

Glory to God in the Highest! says the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Adams and the Eves of that time will be freed from this world and the new promised people will re-emerge, and that trajectory of the people of the desert, which has remained unfinished, will end in the time to come, when the Star of the Era descends upon the Earth. Hearts will be able to glimpse the Light of the Lord and the flocks will congregate in the Spirit of the Father. 

Glory to God in the Highest! says Christ, for those who are willing to be baptized with the water of My Life, because not only will their faults and debts be cleansed, but also their souls and hearts; their bodies and cells will be cleansed and they will be prepared and renewed for what is new.

Glory in the Heights! says Saint Joseph, for those who respond to the Lord. That which has not yet been fulfilled, will be fulfilled, the omega will merge with the alpha, and the people will be one as in the origin. The race will be one in the eyes of God. 

There will be no differences between colors, between races, or between societies, because the Spirit of the Father will descend upon the good, especially for those who proclaim the Kingdom of the Lord.

Glorify the Lord, says Christ, you are in time to venerate and honor Him, and thus you will be able to transcend your difficulties of this world. Your lives will be living testimonies for the other brothers and sisters and they will cease to be serious debts in the eyes of the Father. Your families will reconcile in the time to come.

Blessed are they who live in My Faith and who will trust in my call up to the final moment, when the Archangel Michael, with His trumpet, announces the Voice and the coming of the Master.   

A bolt of Light will descend upon the world, and the confused eyes, those that cannot see the Light of the Lord nor the Mercy, will open for just that one moment and everyone will see that Ray of Light that will expand from East to West. East and West will be one and their will be one culture in the eyes of God.

But a few must keep on rowing the boat, guarding with prayer and with the heart. Glorify the Lord until the final moments. Do not be afraid for those who will leave My boat, I will strongly support them until the end.

I only ask you one important thing: be true in the eyes of Our Father, thus your hearts will be crystalline and the Gift of the Holy Spirit will not abandon you.

Open your hearts to the Laws of the Cosmos. It is time for the immaterial world to descend to Earth. May men, women and children commune with this Higher World, thus, all will rise to the Higher Life, and in the coming time, they will recognize their origin.

Let us praise the Thrones of the Father on this afternoon of glory. The newly baptized will baptize the rest with the gift of love, charity and service.

The keys of Heaven are being given to you. Keep them in your hearts so that they will not be lost.

I do not ask you to open doors to the Heavens, but rather that you open your hearts to receive the Kingdom of God.

May the signs of the three Hearts be engraved in your essences.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Hear the voice of My daughter Lucía:

Dear and beloved children, My Immaculate Heart is speaking to you, so that, through My maternal energy, the Presence of these three Most Sacred Hearts may merge within your essences, because today I tell you, My beloved ones, as Mother of the Sun and as Universal Mother, that you will only understand what is happening today in your lives when you can look at your journey on Earth from the Kingdom of the Heavens.

My children, your lives experience a great mystery at this moment, a Celestial mystery, which, through the Love and Mercy of the Lord, has descended to this Earth to make divine that which was matter until today.

Through the faith of your hearts, we come to the world to transform your lives, your souls, your essences, and through you, to be able to reach all of humanity.

Today, I want you to ask yourselves, My children, what is the commitment that your souls are making on this day through responding to the divine call of being in the Presence of the three Most Sacred Hearts?

Today we present you with an archetype of life so that you may transcend your material life and be capable of living the imitation of this Sacred Family, for we were flesh in the world.

Our blood was alive just like the blood that flows in your bodies, and with this Body and this Soul incarnated within the human condition, we were capable of transcending humankind, material life, for the Love of God, for the Love of the Divine; because we knew in our Heart that something greater existed, which transcended all understanding, and that it would not be through the mind, but rather in the depths of the heart that we would open that door, so that the Kingdom of God might descend to the world and a New Humanity could emerge through our Sacred Family.

My Children, on this afternoon I invite you to overcome the limits of matter, to go beyond the limits of comprehension, of understanding, and in this way, to open the path so that the Kingdom of God may reach the world.

On each day of this Sacred Week, a sacred key was given to you, so that you may open the doors of your consciousness and awaken to a new planetary cycle; because the time has now come, My children, for our Word to be able to address the world in a mature way, because humankind is now capable of understanding and loving the celestial mystery.

But in order for that to happen, we summon your souls, your hearts, so that, on behalf of humanity, you may take the first step by loving this infinite mystery, ardently aspiring to this unknown life, which was placed in front of your eyes so many times and which, as humanity, you did not want to see.

My children, today I ask you to open yourselves to a new life, an immaterial life that has always existed, that was always in front of your hearts, and that, since the beginning of this world, has pushed humanity so that, in the end of times, the times you are experiencing today, you could cross this threshold of redeemed consciousnesses, to a Celestial Universe, a Divine, Cosmic, Universal world, which has waited for you for so long.

Christ Jesus says:

Your intentions today are contemplated not only by My Merciful Heart. The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph also contemplate them. I know that your souls will not understand the amplitude of our presence on this day.

But may your hearts welcome Our Hearts, thus you will be able to be guided in silence, in the fortitude of a prayer, in the peace of the soul, in the communion of the spirit of each one of you with the Father.

Today, the Most Sacred Hearts bring the Most Holy Trinity, so that souls may be baptized by the Spirit of God, and many more souls may be baptized by the Spirit of the Father.

The promise of the origin must be fulfilled and all participate in this great mystery.

Now we will bless all these elements with all our love, and all the sacred elements that you may carry in your hands, so that they may be the visible sign of the Most Holy Trinity, through the ascension of the Sacred Heart, through the descent of the Immaculate Heart to the world, and through the perfect and loving union of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

When you sing to Me the songs of other souls, it is all souls singing to Me. In the Kingdom of souls, all of you are one, and the melodies expand throughout the Universe of the Heart of God.

Do not be afraid of singing what another has composed, nor be afraid that others may sing your melodies. The blessed live in one sound of peace, in one vibration of life and elevation.

Also, on this afternoon, we bring the Kingdom of souls for all of you and all the brothers and sisters that are united at this moment, especially on this afternoon, dear friends, through the Power that God has granted Me for you, under the authority of the Holy Spirit and the absolution that the Son of God has to carry out before your creatures; I will consecrate the communion for all of you and all the spiritual families that are united at this moment.

During His Apparition, Jesus transmitted a prayer so that we may share the moment of communion. Let us repeat it phrase by phrase, and know that these words were born of His Sacred Heart.

Prayer to the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ 
Sacred Chalice of the Lord,
pour over us Your codes of Life,
pour over our souls
the Sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit.

O Sacred Chalice of the Lord,
commune with us eternally,
dispel from our lives the aggressions of evil
but unite, day and night,
our hearts with the Principle of the Primordial Source.

O Holy Chalice of Light and Wisdom,
give us to drink from the Divine Blood of Christ,
we aspire to be redeemed,
we wish to love You, Lord, more each day.
Today we consecrate ourselves as worthy children of God.


Among the simple and true sheep My Sacerdotal Consciousness helps the great planetary consciousness.

Among those who pray and those who adore My Most Holy Glorified Body I construct the path for the New Humanity.

Among the silent ones, the reverent ones and the devotees, I construct the Source that will give to drink to all those who have thirst.

Among My ones I accomplish all of the works and to all of them I give of My Sacrifice so that they may be formed as new Christs.

Because with the humble and the peace makers I manage to get deeply into the abysses of this world and I collect essences that have fallen into mortal sin. For this each new day My Heart will ask for a little more from My servers because it will be necessary to reverse the planetary situation and as I have always said: amongst My ones I will make My Great Works.

For this say yes to Me because I will always accompany you.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thanks for being in My Sacred Heart of Peace!

Christ Jesus


Children and companions of Mine:

I love the bravery of those pilgrims that with faith in the Higher and the heart surrendered to the Lord accomplish the celestial call of the Divine Mother from Heaven.

In this first special Apparition, together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I want to pour over you My Blessing; especially to all the pilgrims of My Holy Mother who, on this 25th day of February, in conditions of effort, prayer and sacrifice have corresponded to the divine call of Our Father.

Today I say to you My Companions, that the merciful rays that sprout from the Most Holy Heart of Jesus have been able to touch the heart and the essence of many souls that suffered agony in the hells of this world.

With this I want to say that the Merciful Christ embraced your sincere offer of prayer and of ascent to the Hill of Salta during these two past days, and the day of today has culminated with the divine accomplishment of the redeeming task of Christ before the souls in agony and perdition.

The Heavens, My children, will be touching with love your hearts, because I will pour My Graces over those who today, during the peregrination of the heart, gave Me an absolute yes. I share with your souls My Gratitude and Divine Graces, because you have received for this task the absolution of the possible offenses that wounded the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

Out of Love to the One and Only Father, the Divine Mercy is in this moment pouring itself victoriously not only over you but also over those who, condemned to hell and to purgatory, have received liberation and the tablet of salvation.

For this I say to all: “By their fruits you will know them and by them you will be saved, because they will be called servers of Christ…”.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed by My Restoring Love.

Thank you for answering and for listening to the divine call!

Christ Jesus


I especially adore My daughters who, by loving Me, day by day, glorify My flagellated Heart. I call all of them My Spouses, spiritual spouses of Jesus, the Spouse who loves the souls of all daughters who adore and honor My Sacred Heart.

I call My Sons My beloved servers, who walk towards Me to find Me in prayer as well as in the Eucharist.

My dear ones, today I leave you a lesson of love and an inner task: that you may recognize Me and find Me in all souls, because the pain of a daughter or a son is My pain manifested in different ways, so that the soldiers may cure and heal the scourge that My Heart still lives.

My Love for your hearts is infinite and great, My Kind Love shows you My Face in all the Faces of My children, thus those who serve Me without tiring and without delay may help Me assist and alleviate, and in this way the Universe will be repaired, which is full of offenses that come from this blind humanity, which does not want to see Me nor hear Me.

You, My companions, must first learn to free yourselves from your own selves so that My Love may find a great space where It can work and irradiate My Mercy to the hearts that do not have God, that do not have the great Redeeming Love. In your hands lies the power of prayer, and prayer will give to you the power to be in vigil with your heart, the power of guarding, through the vigilant prayer, all souls that day by day escape from My hands.

I want to intercede before God for all. For this there must be many of My servers, and they must renounce so they can always see My requests through each being. I Am revealing to you how to also reach Me through those who are most sick and in need.

My dear ones, there is still a lack of love in many creatures, and now all My disciples have the responsibility to alleviate the great evil that lives throughout the world.  From Me the Source of Mercy rises, and in you My Redeeming Love may rise.

In the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My lessons in your hearts!

Christ Jesus


Opening My arms once more, today I tell you, dear children, that if you are like children and come to Me you will be in the new paradise of God. Day by day the world uses up the precious resources that God has given you through each one of the Kingdoms of Nature.

My children, the time of outrages against the Kingdoms will end and humanity must account for everything it has received from the Hands of the Creator. It is time for pride to disappear from the hearts of My children so that the true Peace of God may dwell in the lives of all My children.

I ask you to be strong in the prayer of the heart so that the Celestial Grace may be able to convert and repair every offense of humanity towards God.

Dear children, this is a time of transition that your lives are going through, these are no longer normal times. I call you to the awakening so that your hearts may be able to face each event in the world and you, as servants of My Son, participate in everything, collaborating with the sincere prayer I ask from you, a prayer that may be a source of love for all.

In this way, My children, you will be able to perpetually have the presence of My Son Jesus in your souls and in your hearts. You, who are more open to the prayer of the heart, must convert yourselves, not only to sanctity, but also into servers of the blind humanity.

Know, My children, that the Grace of Reparation is in your hands and it comes by means of the prayer done with the heart. If I repeat this, it is because you still need to practice My requests more.

I thank you for your response!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Remember with humility that I am the Universal Mother of all your hearts and that I especially share the path with you by means of prayer.

In these times you will find strength and shelter in each one of your lives in the spirit of prayer that will lead you along the correct path to the encounter with My Son, the Redeemer of souls. Because of this, today I invite you to reencounter the Kind Heart of My Son in prayer. In this way you will be able to feel the Mercies that will be poured from His Most Beloved Heart over each one of you.

Dear children, while many souls walk in desperation from the lack of Light and Peace, I call you to conversion through prayer. I need you, as faithful servants to My call, because each moment of prayer can save a soul that is lost.

My little children, the world is in the apex of its own test and the time of human opulence is ending. If souls do not convert themselves by means of My call to peace and to the conversion of the heart, what else will the Heavens be able to do?

God the Father loves you profoundly and contemplates you from the Heights.

Dear children, the world is in an emergency, as the Earth and for the souls that live on it. Therefore, do not waste even a moment of life without being invaded by the fire of prayer. I want to make you recognize the new coming of the Holy Spirit, which will touch some hearts.

Souls need prayer from all of you so that they may have the courage to pray. They need a Divine and sincere Love so that they may trust again. The world also needs prayer so that Mercy may be a reality for all hearts.

Beloved children, I am true with each one of your hearts. This is My last call to the consciousness. God has granted Me the Grace of Faith for all those who may listen to Me. You will be able to feel Me in the depths of your hearts. I will be there.

Thank you for responding to My call. Peace for all. Peace!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Trust in My Maternal Love and you shall be saved. Com- mune with My divine presence so that your hearts may be liberated of all pain and may be reborn as little lights for the Lord.

Dear children, the Lord needs to avail Himself of you every day in this life and during all the time that passes by. Therefore, My little hearts, hold tightly to My Mantle of Light so that under My humble feet you may see the path that I will indicate to the throne of the Lord.

Let us pray for peace in the world and especially let us pray for all those hearts that live day after day suffocated by suffering and that are lost in the confusion of the heart. To alleviate all these ills, My little ones, I am in perpetual need of your prayers. Thus, My dear ones, many hearts that in this final time are lost may be rescued from the twilight of life and of the world, and thus be saved.

The Lord, who is worthy, wondrous and merciful wants, through My Maternal Presence, to safeguard all the hearts that, without perceiving it are distanced from His Heart of Love. Now, My soldiers, the time has come to give everything out of love to the Supreme Father. This will help in the liber- ation of the great faults that many people commit unjustly against the Heart of God.

To you, My little ones, who as servants of prayer respond to My call of Peace, I say: I, the Queen of Peace, count on the beating of your hearts that, full of prayer and of Mercy, will assist in the harmonization of many blind hearts.

My Divine Light, light that monthly I am bringing to your hearts, is the same that must be radiated to your brothers and sisters, those who wait to rest in My maternal arms. For this reason, My dear children, each day of service that passes is the equivalent of years to rescue the hearts that are absent from the Most Beloved Lord of the Heavens.

My little ones, we are in times of Special and Unique Graces that, by means of My Immaculate Heart, are being conceded to the hearts that would not deserve them. And as My Love is great and immense for each one of you, you will be able to understand that My Divine Heart of Mother and Servant is working in honor of all My children in need of My Love.

I am preparing your hearts daily for the times that will come. I will listen to you and will meet you in the inner exercise of prayer, because, I assure you and I confirm to you that My Immaculate Heart will be inside your little hearts.

It is time, My beloved ones, that the Love that springs from My Divine Heart be an expression of life, for each one of your souls.

May the Lord at each moment bless all of you, My children. Who adores you and shelters you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
