Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"My hour is ending with you and you will have to remember all the wonderful things I taught you throughout the last times.
You cannot forget the first lesson:
That you love one another as I love you; that you serve Me in the world through the least and humblest of your brothers, for truly I tell you, if you are serving the least of Mine, it is Me that you will be serving.
Remember what I once told you:
When I was hungry, you fed Me.
When I was thirsty, you quenched My thirst.
When I was cold, you kept Me warm.
When I was in prison or sick, you visited Me.
Whatever you do or wherever you serve, remember that it is Me you are serving.
I come to bear witness that in Love all things are possible and souls can be set free."
Christ Jesus
In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.
In the face of despair, I will support you.
In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.
Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.
In silence, I will make Myself felt.
In love, you will see Me made manifest.
Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.
Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.
From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.
From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.
My Hand will always be upon the just.
My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.
From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.
My Peace will embrace the simple.
Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.
My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.
I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.
Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.
Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.
I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.
Rest in My Arms.
Keep taking steps in mature love.
My Son is your only school.
Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.
You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.
You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.
In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.
Move forward, I Am here with you.
I Am that I Am.
I Am Adonai.
Dear children,
Today, with My face upon the ground, I implore, together with the entire priestly consciousness, for this suffering and agonizing planet.
I plead, together with My favorite children, that their souls may continue to be bridges of Light, Love and unfathomable Mercy, through which the souls most in need may reach the Heart of My Son.
I plead with God, with my face upon the ground, for this planetary situation, so that nations no longer be as prisons from where souls can not leave and people lose their freedom.
I ask the Father that My children of the world protect themselves, more each day, and comply and collaborate with the current planetary situation. Thus, My enemy will stop using the uncertainty and discouragement of people in order to govern.
I ask you, more than ever, not to forget to faithfully pray the Holy Rosary, every day, because, in this way, I will help you and I will come with the jar of fresh water, so that you have more inner fortitude to continue crossing this unknown planetary desert.
Cry out for faith, every day. Be an example and a testimony for My Son.
This is the time for the soldiers of Christ to be ready for unknown spiritual tasks because the need is so great that many, but many hearts that are not prepared need help.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When the time comes, Knowledge, Truth and the Light of the Universe of God will reveal itself on its own, and there will be no dogma, doctrine or institution that will be able to hide what will emerge within the beings, just like in the heights of the Heavens.
The cosmos within creatures will pulsate, and from this same infinity in Heaven will emerge the signs of a new time, of a new life that reveals and manifests the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom not understood and still unknown to humankind.
When the time comes, the silence of those who persisted will be their greatest instrument to allow the revelation of the truth, because the truth will not emerge from the words of human beings, but rather from their living examples, the signs of Heaven, and the very Voice of God who, after having been in silence, will allow His Word to resound with the power of a thousand trumpets over the world.
For this reason, do not want to convince, do not want to do it yourselves, do not want to transform the world with words, but rather with example, the testimony that speaks for itself. And when humankind becomes silent, the Voice of God will reverberate.
Let His Kingdom, always alive in those who allow for Its expression, be what will reveal the path to the world.
Let these be your constant aspirations: with the example, announce; with the word, pray and proclaim the Grace of God; with your life, express His Kingdom; with your heart, renew His Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXII - To Be Strengthened in God and Find Faith and Grace
A soul that sought to deepen their strength in Christ, to be renewed in Him in the face of each test, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, where did the faith of the first Christians come from? Where does the strength of those who knew and know how to surrender their lives out of love come from?"
And the Lord responded: "Not only the faith of the first Christians, beloved soul, but also the faith of all those who know how to surrender their lives out of love for God, is based on the certainty of My Celestial Existence. These souls know that their testimony of love rescues and inspires those who lack hope and those who have lost their faith. They know that their example generates merits for the salvation of the greatest sinners. They know that their lives are like a breath, fragile and passing, but that during this brief breath, they must love with all their being, and all their heart.
According to the commandment that My Son left to you, there is no greater love than the one that gives their life for their friends. And to give your life, little soul, is not only to die but, above all, to give of yourself, with all your being and all your heart, to be a living testimony of the surrender and love, the Grace and Mercy that flowed and continue to flow from the Crucified Heart of Christ.
For this reason, soul of Mine, may your effort be in loving and entering My Love more deeply. In this way, all faith and Grace will be revealed to you."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to be strengthened in God rather than in the world, and that in the quick breath of life, you may know how to love with all that you are.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today the whole Universe is attentive to this moment. This is why I ask you to be attentive as well, companions, because while I am here, I am with the world, bringing it a special Grace that will not be tangible, but rather inner, the Grace that will save you and that, in spite of this planetary moment, this Grace will renew you, in spite of what happens, beyond what you go through or in the face of any difficulty. My Grace is unchangeable, eternal and profound in the hearts that open to receive it.
Two thousand years ago, when I incarnated in the world to bring the Word of God to humanity, I came with a Purpose, which the majority already know.
But at that time, there was something that was not said, of which you are a part of today, after having gone through the experience of this world, after having learned about love and forgiveness. And although you still have much more to learn, this is the exact moment in which your consciousnesses are facing a special moment, in which there is no freedom that may falter, in which there is one time, one reality, which is the same one that descended when I was born in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
It is a moment for Christianity to recognize that the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus was an event beyond the material and also the spiritual planes, because that is how it had to be, given the spiritual condition of the planet and the inner condition of humanity.
What really made all this happen? It is clear that it was the Will of God. But there was something beyond that, for the Son of Man to incarnate on Earth and bring the Word of Salvation.
The Sacred Books hold the sacred events of My existence in this world. But Truth is not only in books. Is that a lack of faith?
True knowledge arises from the Supreme Source. The books that this world have are the last to receive this knowledge.
But My Word will be fulfilled within souls when My Words move through you rather than through the books.
You may be very scholarly or intelligent, or believe that you have the greatest knowledge of what I was, but it will not be so. You must recognize yourselves as humble, peace-making and selfless so that your hearts and lives may truly be prepared to receive My Knowledge. Is that false?
In truth, that which lives eternally is the spirit. Is the spirit false?
When the spirit of each one of you rises to embrace greater knowledge, what will be the reason for all this? It is not in science nor in the humankind of the surface nor in the greatest scholar of the scholars that exists in this world.
Through My Gospel, that at this time is being renewed and expanded with the experience of your redemption and transformation, I have already told you what an expansion of consciousness is really like, and that does not mean ceasing to experience God, because God is All, He is the outer and inner, visible and invisible Supreme Creation.
Do you not believe in this? Is that not the creed of your lives? Is that not what you say and repeat every day: "I believe in God the Father, Almighty Creator of Heaven and of Earth"?
God is not conditioned to one consciousness, God lives through His creatures, otherwise He would not be God. And perchance, can God not be here? What would prevent Him? What would be the reason for it not being so?
Do you understand what I say to you?
Knowledge will never stop nor will it be limited to the human mind, because then it would not be knowledge but rather just words that only pass before you and do not make any sense.
What is true spirituality? How is that spirituality achieved? Only through Christianity?
Who was there before I came into the world? Just the patriarchs and the prophets? What was all that which happened in the East?
Even the Son of God Himself was humble, while still little, to recognize the Kings who visited Him in the grotto of Bethlehem. Were they not spiritual beings? What was their form of contact to know perfectly that the Son of God was going to be born there?
Open your eyes rather than your minds. God speaks to His children, just as He wants and just as He needs, and that does not mean another religion, because I do not come to found another religion in the world. I come to make of the world a true religion that is not in the Scriptures; it is in the action of the love and the forgiveness in hearts. That is where Christ is. Is that not true?
But humankind still wants to suffer in order to learn something. I am sorry for those who do not believe without having seen, because they will regret it, and today, I declare it to the whole world.
I am the same Lord of yesterday and today, but nobody truly knows what happened in My Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.
If you do not want to open your eyes, do not open them; I speak of the eyes of your consciousness.
You will miss an important Grace, but I will not stop, nobody will prevent it, because whoever prevents it or tries to, will go against My Father, and I recommend you not do that.
Just as I spoke to the blind pharisees, today I speak to the pharisees who claim to live My spirituality.
I came out of the sepulcher to show you the truth of My Resurrection, but I will not be able to break your white sepulchers that inside are full of other things.
Will you wait another two thousand years to be able to change? Is that which the world already experiences not enough? What is the reason for not believing in the love that I have been bringing to you for so many years?
If I did not come outside of the Church, this would never have been possible. But God knows how to write and He does so as He needs it, and this you will never understand, because God does not write through words, He writes through the events, the testimonies, the change and the love that people can live, beyond any religion or doctrine.
Will you continue to delay in living true ecumenism?
Do not waste any more time, the world is suffering, occupy your time in service, in prayer and in what is truly necessary for your lives.
Do not contaminate yourselves any more with everything you see or hear.
I will leave proof that I have been here, it is a promise. And when I stop coming, that will happen, because humankind has not yet understood the Will of God.
Will you continue to challenge it? Do not do it anymore!
Love will always triumph.
I know My friends, because I see the fruits that I left in each one of them. Those are the true fruits that I seek, not the fruits of their perversion, their judgment or even their mistreatment.
Everything I have done in these end times have an unknown spiritual reason and I value everything that has happened here, for what I myself can testify to regarding those who persevere in Me.
But everyone will be tested when I stop coming here. That will be the moment that I have so awaited for, in which you will have to testify to what you say you believe in, and live for Me.
And the judgment of the two witnesses will come and the last Scriptures will be fulfilled, just as John had seen in the Apocalypse.
This is not a message of persecution nor of a last era. This is a message that comes from the Heart of the Universe, from the deep Essence of God, in which His Will is conceived and lived.
For this reason, today I have brought all the angels of Heaven, more than one hundred and forty-four legions so that, in light of the Lords of the Law, you may be witnesses of what is happening and has happened here, as part of the merits of My sorrowful Passion.
And I will consummate this testimony through the celebration of the Eucharist, because what I taught two thousand years ago was not only a legacy for the world, it is an obligation of all hearts to live that union with Me, in love and in truth. And that legacy is for those who want to receive it in reverence and humility.
Bring here the incense and the water, to bless this altar.
We stand up.
"Lord God of the Universe, Who gives Life and Grace to Your children, You Who have gestated from the beginning, since before the coming of Your Son to the Earth, this moment for hearts to feel the truth rather than appearances, because Your Power, which is Glory and sovereignty, has descended here, unmistakable and undeniable Power, a Power full of Your Love and Your Truth, of Your Light and Your infinite Mercy.
I wish, Father, that Your Will be fulfilled in those who are not worthy of Your Grace, because the Power and value of My Blood are still eternal, infinite, for all of humanity. And by the Power of My Blood, today Your Will shall be fulfilled here. Amen.
Dispel, o Lord, everything that is against Your Will and omnipotence. Let the unfathomable Power of Your Light and of Your Love descend at this moment, so that Your Love may be within the hearts”.
Just as I bless this place, I bless the hearts that listen, open to recognizing My Word, because the wolves are among the sheep. They are the wolves that you would never have imagined, those who have need of My redemption.
We bring the altar.
Water for washing the hands.
I taught you to love through this testimony, delivered to the world for the redemption of its sins and the freeing of souls from their spiritual and inner prison.
After having washed the feet and hands of My apostles, at a moment as solemn as this, I took the bread, raised it up to consummate the sacrifice of the Son of Man, immediately broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
I then took the Chalice, raising it up to God to confirm the consummation of the sacrifice of the Son of Man and that He be blessed. I then gave it to the apostles, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this always in remembrance of Me. "
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Let us consummate this moment through the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine. And just like the bread and the wine, the Body and Blood of Christ rise again in sacrifice and offering; at this moment, let us elevate our souls, hearts and lives to also consummate the greatness of this testimony of love through the Eucharist.
Thus, united to the Heart of our King, Master and Lord, we pray the prayer that He taught us.
Our Father (in Portuguese).
Our Father (in English).
We declare, at this moment, the Peace and Love of Christ in humanity.
At this moment, the angels are witnesses to the apparition of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in light of the compassionate Gaze of God and of open hearts.
At this moment, the Will of God is fulfilled and the souls that listen live their spiritual Communion with Me.
We unite with all the souls of the world in spiritual Communion with Christ and for Christ.
"Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but one word from You and I shall be healed."
We repeat.
Mother and Sister Lucía, please.
Mother Maria del Salvador and Friar Luciano, please.
The Lord is asking us that together and united, we consummate this moment in His Presence.
Your Lord, throughout the ages, in the silence of His Heart, must bear the injustice of humankind, but that feeling, so profound and unknown to you, is dissolved and filled with the love and devotion of true souls, thus, everything is fulfilled.
I bless you and thank you for having prayed with Me on this day.
My promise to come to Africa is in force and I will not give up.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, closing this meeting in the Heart of Our Lord, a last melody will sound, a last song: "By the power of the Blood of Jesus".
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
My children,
On this day, on which we continue to re-live the Passion of the Lord, continue to open yourselves internally so that God the Father may continue to work miracles in many souls of the world, especially in those that hear the Call of My Son.
In adoration and with devotion, offer your lives as a testimony of love and faith in Christ so that within the world the healing of all humanity may be established.
In this offering, dear children, you will demonstrate to the Father that it is possible to continue with His Divine Project on Earth.
For this reason, beloved children, avail yourselves of the merits of Christ, which in each new Holy Week are offered for the conversion of sinners.
Your spiritual alliance with Christ keeps the Source of Grace open. And if this inner alliance is deepened at this time, the more Grace and Mercy a needy humanity will receive so that repentance may be experienced in each of My children.
As a Mother, I accompany you during these days so that, after having gone through the Holy Week, you may be more strengthened so as to learn to undertake new challenges, which will give you the impulse to take a new step, until you are able to be in the merciful Presence of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As the days grow shorter and the end of the period of daily messages draws near, I invite you to live My instructions and put them into practice so that, at the most unexpected moment, nothing surprises you, and so that you may have the inner tools to overcome and experience that which is designed for each one of My companions, in a way similar to what the apostles experienced.
For this reason, from now on, consciously prepare yourselves. Everything has already been given to you so that you could learn to go beyond yourselves and thus be able to fulfill the part that corresponds to each one.
The time has now come in which you must testify to Me and confirm your trust in My Divine Consciousness, in spite of My no longer being present among you for quite some time.
Everyone has the responsibility of making each one of My Words the flesh of your flesh so that you may not run the risk of only having heard them.
Each instruction that I impart must resonate within you, and if that still is not happening, seek the reason why; thus you will be true to yourselves and to others.
Remember that all I tell you here is out of Love for that Greater Love that for some years now has come to meet you, to awaken you and to make you conscious of your commitment with Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To be in My Heart means to live great responsibilities, to assume great tests and to go through great challenges.
To live in My Heart represents an eternal commitment and not a fleeting one, a responsible and mature commitment that may lead you to live My Plan and its manifestation upon the surface of the Earth.
To be in My Heart represents something more than a feeling, something more than that which can affect emotions.
To be in My Heart means to live a spiritual, but also a material responsibility. It is to carry forward a purpose, a goal, a mission that the Father presents to you, time and again.
Therefore, to live in My Heart means many things. Something that you should discover, day by day, because to be in My Heart is to be before God. It is to hear Him, it is to know how to respond to Him and it is to know how to proceed according to what His Will presents.
To be in My Heart is a moment of constant definition. It is to learn how to overcome your own abysses. It is to learn how to dissolve the barriers of consciousness and of mind. It is to learn how to love, more each day.
Therefore, I give you My Heart as a testimony that it is possible to experience God and fulfill His ardent wish to see His children within His infinite Purpose, because to live in My Heart is also to assume a commitment with Me, within all of this Work of redemption and of peace, at this time, while everything is at stake with the advancement of things; human situations, the processes of the nations and the experiences of great conflicts, which humanity must learn to heal by itself, by means of the profession of its faith and of its trust in the Father.
To live in My Heart is to live sacrifice and then live greater sacrifices, which will lead you to experience great renunciations, moments of facing transcendence for each being in order to receive from Heaven the great treasures, the gifts of the Universe, the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God.
To live in My Heart is to die to oneself, it is to place another first so that others may also be placed first and thus, fraternity may be lived, a fundamental base of brotherhood, cooperation and of solidarity among souls.
To live in My Heart means that something greater must be fulfilled in this time, which goes beyond the limits of your consciousness, of your perception, of your interpretation and of your point of view.
To live in My Heart is to surrender to emptiness and to the void. It is to be confident in that which is unknown, that which is non-material, that which is not palpable, that which no one can control.
To live in My Heart is to surrender to the Power of God, to dissolve human power, which is small and fragile.
To live in My Heart is to learn in new schools and in new academies. It is to forge and awaken within each being its true mission, its purpose and the reason for being here, in this time.
To live in My Heart is also to renew, to rejoice, to again find, day by day, the meaning and the reason to serve God. It is to know that, beyond all or under any circumstance or difficulty, love must be first so that it can act and work within hearts, so that it can heal deep wounds of the consciousness and of the personality, so that the ego of each human being can learn to overcome itself, learn to surrender so that it can be transformed, so that it can be sublimated, so that it may be dissolved in the Light of God, which is the Light of Love and of Divine Consciousness.
To live in My Heart is to assume the end of times, it is to know where to be and what to do, it is to contribute, to collaborate, it is to serve, it is to give of self. It is to embrace the call with fervor and devotion and, in profound reverence, it is to fulfill it so that the Light of God can enter the world and the consciousness of humanity even more.
To live in My Heart is to cease to be what you are, what you believe, what you think.
To live in My Heart is to cross the threshold towards emptiness, it is to lose the sense of property and of human control, it is to submit, it is to let oneself be humiliated, it is to surrender for the existence and the experience of a Greater Love that moves the whole Universe and everything that was created.
To live in My Heart is to decide to imitate Me, to represent Me, to be My apostle, to not waver before difficulties, to assume with courage and bravery each one of the tests.
To live in My Heart is to learn to overcome tests. It is to blindly trust that no one will lose the path because the one who is in My Heart will never lack light, will never lack peace nor discernment.
To live in My Heart is to learn to forgive oneself and to forgive others, it is to know that, in this moment, spiritual and physical healing is fundamental within humanity.
To live in My Heart is to close the doors to evil, to adversity, to obscurity and to darkness; it is to assume to live change; it is to make an effort every day to attain a greater state and degree of love for those who do not love, for those who suffer, for those who are lost.
To live in My Heart is to assume the planet and its humanity together with Me. It is to do something for the nations of the world, for the peoples, for the cultures and for the religions.
To live in My Heart is to seek the essence of Christic Love in an untiring way, without stopping, without ceasing to walk and to row this boat that takes you to the port of My Heart.
To live in My Heart is to be in solidarity, it is to understand oneself, it is to go a little beyond the understanding of the mind and of the consciousness, it is to embrace the Universe just as the Universe embraces you. It is to truly participate in an inner communion with the Spirit of God in order to bring peace and redemption to the world.
To live in My Heart is to decide to die for Me under any circumstance, whether it be spiritually, mentally or physically.
To live in My Heart is to give testimony for Me. It is to say that I am returning and that in this time I announce Myself to the world by means of the Word of God for each one of your hearts and your lives so that you may be ready, available and attentive to this great event of the Return of Christ.
To live in My Heart, companions, is to eradicate indifference, omission and lack of brotherhood.
To live in My Heart is to dissolve lack of love, lack of hope and human disturbance.
To live in My Heart is to be able to attain Light and to give this Light to your brothers and sisters by means of the example, the conversion and the redemption of your lives.
To live in My Heart is to elevate your consciousnesses, it is to be able to embrace the cross that I give to each one of you and it is not to fear to carry it, in spite of what may happen or of what it may take.
To live in My Heart is to let yourself be driven by My Love to overcome the limits of consciousness and thus live as the whole Universe and its Hierarchies live.
To live in My Heart is to not give up, it is to say “yes” and try again, every day, until you can live it and represent Me.
It is simple to live in My Heart. For this reason, many still do not do so, because they are in their own hearts, and while you are in your hearts, in your own self, I will not be able to be within you.
What I ask you is that you submit, that you trust and surrender. Because to live in My Heart will not make you suffer, but rather will make you expand your consciousness, your service and, above all, the expression of your love for the planet and for humanity.
In this Marathon of the Divine Mercy, may all be able to return to My Heart, and may those who are already in My Heart be able to lead those who are not, due to different circumstances or fears.
May you be able to feel in My Heart the Love of God, may you feel welcomed by His Temple and by His Wisdom. Because it is in this Love of My Heart that you will be able to live brotherly love, in the love of the souls that serve God, in the love that strengthens, that dispels darkness, that transmutes ignorance, indifference, human evil.
May living in My Heart be a triumph for each one of you so that this triumph may be in each one of your nations, which you represent at this time.
May living in My Heart be, for each one of you, the possibility of healing and the redemption of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature.
My Heart is open, in Mercy and in Pity. Before the time of Divine Justice arrives, call the whole world to live within My Heart, because My Heart suffers for those who are still not in It.
My Heart is a portal to the Cosmos and to Divine Consciousness.
My Heart is the threshold that will lead you toward peace and toward the experience of the apostolate of these times, the apostolate of the end of times.
Live in My Heart so that the world can reconcile and humanity can reconsider.
In these days, may your prayers build the bridge for you to enter My Heart, and in My Sacred Heart know the reality of all that your Master and Lord feels, all that He lives and experiences from what He sees and observes in the world.
And once you have entered My Heart, be part of the fire of My Love so that I can illuminate the world and all consciousnesses that need it because, companions, if there is not love in this time, nothing will be possible.
The Love that comes from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit will save you, will redeem you and will reconcile you with the Heights, with the Universe. And you will find the Truth, you will find the way out and you will raise your heads to contemplate the horizon of My Return.
May your hearts unite with My Heart and may your prayers touch the Heart of the Father so that He may allow you to enter My Heart.
In this way, may we be in brotherhood and in fraternity, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Everything that I do at this time, in any place, among you or in some way, must be considered as a miracle of Mine, because in such an acute moment as this one, in which your Lord comes to the world to find it this way, only the action and power of a great and unknown love will allow that something, however small it may seem, can be solved.
Thus, I surrender to the world again, but this time I will not be nailed to a Cross, but I will be within you when you allow me so, for you to give testimony of Me, under any situation or reason.
The time to give testimony of Me has come, and at this moment I will be able to verify where My treasures remained.
This is also the time for you to live experiences that you never wished to live, because I need these experiences in order to justify and compensate for the errors of the entire humanity.
This is the time to give your life for Me, and it is the time to know that I will be by your side to support you, just as My Mother was until the last moment of My expiration on the Cross.
I know that for many of Mine this moment will mean effort and determination. I will give you all I have so that you can undergo it for Me and make My redeeming Project triumph.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
May peace be in this place and in the entire world, in the name of My Son Jesus. Amen.
With joy, the Empress of the Universe visits you.
And today She is not only crowned by the love of Her children. Today, Her mantle is the flag of Argentina. The Heart of the Mother of God is the Sun of this country.
It is this way, My children, so that you may experience the advent of the Return of Christ, which today is being announced in the depths of the hearts of humankind and in the miracles of love that many of My children are experiencing in this time.
As Mother of all and Mother of the Universe, I come to testify to these events through My Presence, because My Son has requested it of Me so as to carry this experience to the Thrones of God, as the truthful and real testimony that miracles exist in this time, in spite of it being a crucial time.
This mantle that surrounds My Body and which is the flag of Argentina, is what I will use, My children, until the end of this pilgrimage, because I not only come to work with your inner worlds or with the consciousness of this country, but also I come in search of many more souls that, on the inner planes, need a great deal of help to be able to get out of the prisons of life and the terror that My adversary imposes on them, day after day.
But today, not only am I crowned by the love of My children, and this is of greater value than hundreds of flowers on My altar, but also, My children, the Mother of the Sun and Mother of the Universe, with Her Feet, treads upon the head of the cunning serpent so that My children may be freed, at this moment, from the oppression they feel in their hearts and, in consequence, the nations of the world may receive mercy and pity.
Therefore, My children, I am here today to give you My testimony of love, not only through My Word, but also through My Presence, because today I can tell you, My children, that I feel the love of My children in My Heart. And it is this love that God asks Me to pour out upon the world all the time, especially in those who most need it and are in darkness.
Today I tell you again, My children, as I told you this morning, the important values of protecting the family, the universal family that is constituted by all of you. That is what God needs in this time, that the men and women of the Earth become a single family, without differences or patterns, without positions nor with a lack of human values; let it be the spiritual values of God, His divine Attributes, that will be able to have all of you see that all are equal in the Eyes of God. And if you do this, My children, the cell of the family will be protected, My Consciousness will safeguard it from all that is still to happen in the world for these times.
Today, I not only come for you but for all Argentina. In an omnipresent way, My Consciousness is not only here with you but also with all of humanity. My Consciousness especially expands from Ushuaia up to La Quiaca, from the heights of the mountains of the Andes to the la Plata River. And in this way, the powerful and invincible Cross of My Son is established so that the uncertain destiny of this country may be protected and safeguarded by God Himself, knowing that the Universal Father Himself allows and permits His children to learn what they chose.
But the strength of the love in your prayers and hearts make it possible that many things do not happen and that in time, everything may be reversed, knowing that God expects the good for all His children and the greatest love for all Creation.
That is why I am here also as a Witness of God and as His Servant, to open for you the path toward love, so that you may feel encouraged to tread it and experience it, because it is important in this time, My children, that this love may be able to heal you deeply beyond your material or mental consciousness, beyond your spiritual or divine aspect. It is this love that will rebuild all of humanity, will bring hope to the men and women of the Earth.
So as Servant of God, it is Mine to announce the advent of My Son, the Return so awaited for by all of humanity.
But first, My Son must return in your hearts. You must open the door so that you can live Christic experiences, so that your lives can completely transform according to what God needs because, in this way, you will be living in His Will and in His Love, and this will be mirrored and will be radiated to all of Argentina and the entire world. The values of God will protect you and you will be free from many oppressions.
Then, begin, My children, to protect your families and your loved ones, all those you have around you daily, living the principle of reconciliation and of faith, of brotherhood and of fraternity, so that love does not disappear from the families of the world, but rather love may be the engine that transforms everything, that expands your consciousnesses and hearts, that will someday cause you to achieve freedom from this planetary prison that humankind created on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, I come under the Will of God and at His request because, within you, My children, exists something infinite and non-material that waits to be shown before your eyes, in your inner worlds and consciousnesses. It is this divine aspect that has come to fulfill a special mission on Earth, at the request of the Creator Fathers. And this mission must be fulfilled in this time, not only for your awakening but also for your charity.
I am here, My children, to help you and guide you, to safeguard you and protect you, so that this divine essence that is within you has its fundamental mission in this time, and it may take first place in your lives for, in this way, all suffering will dissolve; pain will disappear, the healing of the soul will come and the spirit will rejoice for the presence of the Love of the Living God, which will be within you, and you will be able to give to the whole world through your service and surrender to God.
It is in the simple things that God will be able to re-consecrate the planet, transfigure the human consciousness of all the errors that it has committed up until today, stepping out of the Laws and of the Commandments.
God will place you upon His Hand so that you can feel His protection and you may feel unconditionally supported by the Sacred Hearts, to feel encouraged to live this transformation that will resound in the entire world and mainly in its families.
It is in the simple where the truth will be seen. It is in the simple and humble where My Son will return and will be able to be among you preaching His Word of salvation and of redemption, of gladness and joy again for all souls.
In truth, My children, it is to Him that we owe everything that has happened up to today, for He is the great Intercessor before the Celestial Father, He is the great Mediator and Consoler of hearts. I am His Servant and His Slave and, I invite you, My children, for many more to be His servers and apostles, because in Jesus the Christ is your salvation and this will allow your inner Christ to awaken and have you feel you are on the path of the Celestial Father, able to find again the meaning of being here, in this very critical and difficult time of humanity. Because your real mission goes beyond the material and you must always perceive this, My children.
You must profoundly thank, without complaints, for everything that the Universe sends you for learning, for in this way you will grow inwardly and your consciousnesses will expand in degrees of love when every day you decide to love unconditionally and without rules, just as My Son loved you and loves you for all eternity.
Today I consecrate many souls in the spiritual Universe and all these souls will face God at some moment, and will become aware of what they have come here to do in this time. For this reason, I am here today, in Argentina, to bring this opportunity to the hearts that still have not awakened and that, in their inner world, cry out for redemption, just as all of you cried out today to the Celestial Father.
I am this bridge that will always take you to God and that will protect you on the path of the spirit because, My children, it is your spirit that must be aware and awakened for this time so that your minds and hearts may be available at the service of God, so as to support this humanity that has lost its sense of the truth due to so many influences it experiences, day after day.
I need, My children,that in these twelve years you to continue to transform into My roses of light, so that the center of your original purity may be what governs your consciousnesses and may carry your hearts into a devotion to God and an incessant search for the truth, which will show you the path you are to follow for the coming time.
If your lives convert, your hearts will be peace-bringers and will represent Christ on Earth, and He will be able to come to call you when He physically returns to the world so that, in the company of the tribes of Israel, He may repopulate this Earth with new principles and codes that humanity has lost since Genesis.
This is why you receive the Sacraments and are blessed in this end time, so that your souls may be ready for His next advent and in this way, they do not lose the meaning of everything that He wants to show you and point out to you in this cycle.
In this way, My children, My Beloved Son will count on you because you will be before a spiritual maturity that He needs to see present in this time for everything that will happen, for everything that will come and be shown in a surprising way to humanity.
He will have pillars, He will have soldiers, servers and collaborators, He will have columns of light, living and available, which will be able to become His armies and commands so that, when He comes in an unexpected way, in light of the manifestation of the reality of the Cosmos and of something that humanity has still not ever seen, there may be hearts and souls that support this universal movement that the Universal King Himself, My Beloved Son, will carry out in the company of the Creator Fathers, the Archangels.
In this hour, everybody will see their own reality. The majority will repent, but many more will be glad upon experiencing that re-encounter with Christ. They will have memory of their passage at the side of Jesus, My Beloved Son, and will feel such a strong and such an inextinguishable impulse, that it will position them as warriors of the Light in the lines of His armies, to announce and pronounce the redemption of Luzbel.
And in this way, everything will end. The Universe will be rebuilt as it was in the past times, the same way it was changed in the most ancient times. The origin of the origin of what God thought of, meditated upon, contemplated and profoundly wished for will return to the present, to this actual time, so that in the presence of His Son, the Christ, the new humanity may emerge, which will no longer have a religion because its own religion and its own faith will be the Love of Christ, which will unite all things and will no longer separate anything, because all will see and recognize themselves as worthy Children of God. And everything will begin again and the Project will be fulfilled.
That is why Argentina has a very important mission in light of this event. God asked us to be more present here for the coming times because now, and after these end times, everything that has happened up to this point has only been a small preparation.
As from this August 8 of 2019, your real mission begins.
So be it.
And behind Me, My children, the Universe is here today, that leads you to God, that takes you to His infinite Presence.
In gratitude and joy for His having allowed Me to be here up until now, for twelve years, we will send our love to the Supreme Source through song and voice.
We stand and place our hands on our hearts to feel God within us in this commitment of renewal and of faith on August 8 of 2019.
And together with your Heavenly Mother, to close this meeting, in the presence of His Celestial Church and of His Creation, through My Heart, My children, you will invoke the Attributes of the Father through "Adom, Adom, Olam."
We now place our hands in the position of reception so that the Light of His Attributes may descend upon us and, in consequence, in Argentina and in the whole world, and so that the very definitive decision that this nation will take in the month of October may benefit and safeguard those most in need and who cry out for justice. Amen.
I am listening to you.
We place our hands on our heart and give thanks.
Feeling this very strong union with God, very sincere and real. And in this way, we renew our faith, our joy and trust in the Father, in the Eternal Father.
And let us give thanks to the Mother of God, for through Her intercession and mediation as our Advocate, as our Mother, the Father has called us, as imperfect as we are, to decide to follow Her Son on this trajectory on the path of love and toward Infinity.
Dear children, in the name of Christ, I leave you Peace, so that you may always remember Peace and it may be in your hearts, and may these moments serve as an aid and protection, as encouragement and momentum to experience the tests of these times, knowing that behind every learning, school or experience, God is there with His Arms open and with His Heart expanded to receive you.
On this day, may souls be able to generate in Argentina the coming of the Kingdom of God.
And at this altar that you have lovingly offered to Me today, which has led you to the Great Portal of the Universe, where My Consciousness and Spirit dwells so as to elevate you to God, more each day, I have used this scenery to bring you the Presence of the Father and the testimony of His Love.
Behold His Servant and Slave, the Co-redeemer, Mother of the Savior and Mother of God, the Celestial Advocate of those who cry out and the Mediator of those who ask from their hearts for help and mercy.
Let this altar be established here until August 13th so that your Heavenly Mother, at the request of the Father, may continue to deepen Her task here in Argentina and so that My children, who will be consecrated on August 13th, may also experience the safe and trustworthy path of their profound awakening.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and I thank you for responding to My call on this very important day, because at the end of your days before going to the Schools of Infinity, before walking towards Paradise, and toward where God needs you, at some point of this Creative Manifestation, you will understand this day and will remember it as if it were today. Amen.
At the request of Our Lady Mary, the Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, we will listen to a song that is felt in the heart of all Her children, who trust in Her Presence and in Her Intercession. A song, says Mary, that was born of a great disciple of Hers, a follower of Christ.
United through melody and voice, let us listen to "Mirarte a Ti".
My children,
May the Light of My Heart illuminate the path of redemption for Europe and for the world.
Europe needs to recognize, in this time, the Light of God and His Mercy and, more than that, understand its history in order to redeem it and embrace the Divine Will for its future and thus, live it.
Just as the sun rises every day, for all beings of the Earth, also do the Graces of God descend from the Heavens upon all of His creatures, and His Mercy is poured out upon human beings and on the Kingdoms of Nature, granting them forgiveness, healing and redemption so that they may attain peace.
In Europe, very ancient errors were lived and a great illusion was instituted through the suffering endured in the hearts. Many closed themselves to God and to His Grace for not perceiving that the divine presence is beyond the actions carried out by the free will of humans.
But the Creator, who never gives up on His children, repeatedly sends His Faithful Servant to this world and, through simple hearts, seeks to awaken beings to piety and to forgiveness.
With this I want to tell you, My children, that Europe must be the testimony of the Divine Mercy; a testimony that when beings bow their head in humility to serve and receive the Grace of God, it is possible to transform even the most ingrained human conditions.
We are in a time of miracles, but miracles of redemption, of healing and of Mercy; miracles of conversion, not conversion to a religion, but the conversion of the human condition.
Europe must speak to the world and to the Universe through the transformation of its history. Just as on Earth, many were the errors lived in the Cosmos, and the healing and the love that you awaken here will be the balm to redeem and transform the roots of the mistakes of human beings in the hearts of the angels who have fallen by their ignorance.
Do you understand, My children, how important the redemption of Europe is for God?
May the hearts open for this miracle of redemption, and may all of My children accompany with faith each one of the steps of God. There is nothing that cannot be redeemed; there is no hardened heart that cannot open before Divine Mercy.
To those who have awakened, I ask: be vehicles of the Love and of the Grace of God through the purity of your hearts, understanding that your beings are instruments of the Father for the planetary redemption.
Thus, may the roots of perversion and of human indifference be torn out of the Earth by the true “yes” of the hearts that love God and that recognize, in the Blood shed by My Son, Jesus, the door to their redemption.
Today, My children, I bless you and leave you My Peace so that you may learn to take it to this world, and thus proclaim the redemption of the Earth.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, under this sky I reposed My Immaculate Heart, warning the world about the trials of all times, calling human beings to penitence and prayer, to consecrate this world to My Heart, and so that humanity might live a longer time of peace.
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, My Heart opened to the world a new cycle, attracting universal and divine Laws that, with the presence of My angels and archangels, made the original purity descend over this planet, manifesting here its dwelling.
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, I brought to the Earth the Mirrors of Purity, which radiate to all life the purest essence of Love and of Divine Grace, the thought that God emanated when He created His Celestial Mother, when He emanated the Divine Womb, from which all things would arise, from which His First-Born Son would someday be born on this planet.
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, God granted a unique Grace to the planet, and the key to access it is the power of sincere prayer and the purity of the heart.
The Creator Father delivered to His children the gifts that would allow them to return to the Source and, more than this, sanctify and consecrate humanity through the Christic code of love and wisdom.
The Sun that shined forth here, dissipating the clouds that were in the sky, brought an eternal light to the Earth, removing the millenary roots of error and of evil in the heart of human beings, which instigates them toward wars and self-destruction.
Today, children, I come as a new Sun, a spiritual and profound Sun, which descends to the Earth with new Laws, instituting and opening a new time and a new cycle. Prayer will continue to be the key for you to find what I tell you.
I come to warn you today that the world still needs peace, but not only the peace that dissipates wars, but rather spiritual and inner peace, which gives back the life of those who have lost it, although they circulate in this world as if they were alive.
The human beings are losing their original essence, their divine purity. And today I come with a new Sky to prevent and deter the advancement of darkness over My children. My Kingdom must be revealed to this world, universal Truth must become a reality in the life of all beings so that they may recover the sense of their existence.
Do not be afraid to accompany My steps; do not be afraid to surrender your lives out of love for God and to lose human control and power so that God may reign within you.
In this time, it is urgent that souls awaken and that the Kingdom of God may be established. It is urgent that the supreme Truth may come to light, that beings may receive the Gifts of God, that nations may be redeemed and the spirits may return to their origins with the learning of the Christic Love.
I just ask you to accompany Me with prayer, but also with action, with instruction and with the transformation of your lives.
The flowers of God, which are the precious souls of His children, are drying in this world, because they do not know the Truth and the Love of the Father.
Therefore, no longer fear to announce the new, no longer fear to enter other Laws, no longer fear to perceive that you are in this world to announce, attract and live something different and, although you may be persecuted, humiliated and rejected, do not fear.
The love and meekness of your hearts must speak louder than the criticism of humanity. The truth mirrored in the testimony and in the example of your lives must be the sign of sanctity that speaks to the world about the presence of the Divine Messengers.
A new reality must be established in consciousnesses; a new instruction must descend to the Earth. And for this, it will not be enough that instructor souls, sent by God, speak to the world. But all of you, My children, must accompany this new cycle, without fear.
Be the heralds of a new time, be the saints of the last days, those who overcome themselves out of love for a Greater Plan and Purpose.
Today I bless and support My dear daughter, the one I sent to represent My Motherhood to all of you. And I tell you that it will not be enough that she give all of herself; each one of you must accompany and support this surrender.
Be one body and one Work that, on behalf of humanity, responds to God’s Will and Designs.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima
Christ taught you to love, not only so that you might know and experience Love, but especially so that you might multiply it and take it to all those who do not know it, do not live it and do not have any knowledge about it.
Therefore, after so many impulses, go and give testimony of the Love that has touched your heart. Give testimony of the spiritual and divine Presence of Christ, through your actions, your words, your feelings and your thoughts.
It is in the expression of a new behavior, different from all that humanity already knows; you will make those who are blind be able to see that the Return of Christ is approaching and, with it, a new life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am the Lady of the Cross, and on this sacred day I remember all the important and blessed acts that My Son left as a legacy for humanity.
I am the Lady of the Cross, and today I remain embracing it, because the Cross is the most important spiritual reliquary of redemption and of love for souls; because in the Cross is the salvation of the world and the liberation for the lost.
I am the Lady of the Cross, and I relive the great mystery of love and of compassion that My Son expressed since when He was in My womb until His glorious resurrection.
Which is the mystery of the Cross?
It is the immeasurable and infinite love surrendered by a human heart, the same as yours, that donated itself until the last moment, up until the last breath, to grant redemption to the world.
I am the Lady of the Cross, and today I contemplate all of the new legacies that My Son will give you during these days so that My children may learn to go through the end of the ends, the closing of a cycle, in order to begin a new one.
I am the Lady of the Cross, and today I invite you, dear children, to be a living part of the testimony of the Holy Cross.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Invocation to the Divine Attribute of Humility
Our Lord,
make me small and insignificant.
May my person not take vainglory in anything;
may my heart be a bridge towards Your holy Peace.
Lord, make me helpful and good,
kind and merciful to others.
May my consciousness always receive
the necessary corrections from life;
may my human heart never close;
may I learn to thank
all lessons and experiences.
May I do everything for You, Lord,
and nothing for me, nor for my own imperfect will.
Teach me to empty myself.
Teach me, in humility, to recognize You
alive and present in the Communion,
in the consecration of life,
in each one of the vows
that I have proposed to take for You.
destroy my pride,
dissolve my arrogance
and heal me from spiritual negligence.
May I learn to protect, from myself,
Your majestic Work;
may I no longer be a thorn in Your meek Heart,
but rather a flower at the foot of Your sacred Altar.
light me in Your Humility,
vivify me in the constant void
and redeem me all the time
in the loving fire of Your Heart
so that, at least the smallest portion of my life may be
the testimony of Your Love and of Your Divine Will on Earth.
I thank you for saying this prayer from the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network
Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.
May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.
Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.
Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.
My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.
May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.
In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.
The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation.
All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.
This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.
May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.
I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!
May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop in beautiful Aurora to contemplate its splendor and the daily work of those who, out of love and unconditionality, offer their lives to God, every day.
I stop in Aurora to witness the beauty of its effort, the untiring work of those who sustain it, in spite of challenges, deserts and instability.
Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop here, within this place, to contemplate the faithfulness of a few; of those few who follow Me, no matter the consequences or the results; those who are faithful to My Word and testify to My Message through sacrifice and their constant giving of self.
All of that and much more is what causes me to stop in Aurora, to contemplate what many do not see with the eyes of the heart, but that some feel, through the perceptions of the soul.
Aurora is the House of the Son of God because it is something beyond the physical; it is a spiritual dwelling place that was a setting for the great Masters. This month, and in those coming, My Heart will be felt here, leaving you the message of My eternal company for an Aurora that gave completely of itself, beyond its possibilities and its means.
For this reason, God recognizes the brave, the soldiers and the sailors that in the storm have overcome shipwreck, loneliness and emptiness.
Behold the Son of Man, Who returns in the quietude of the coming months to dedicate His Consciousness to those who have always revered it.
Aurora is a part of My Heart, just as My Heart is part of the children of Aurora.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I return to a place called Aurora, which throughout times has donated itself completely and which, in the silence of its imperceptible Kingdom, has sustained the Banner of the Redeemer, despite the challenges and trials.
Today, I return to a place that was witness of the Presence of God, a place that was chosen by that same Father to carry forward a planetary task.
Today, I return to the origin and the place where everything had once begun, and all of this gladdens Me, because I know that Aurora will never be forgotten, it will be like the bird that is reborn to again give testimony of My Presence in the world.
For this reason, I chose to return to Aurora, so that all those who had once and throughout times benefitted from it, will never forget that they owe very much to this Kingdom of Love.
Aurora will be reborn as a Mirror, and will be firmly sustained like a sword.
Aurora will always go to meet the valient ones, and will fill with its light those who seek it with humility.
Aurora is the portal that will again take us to the feeling of eternal gratitude.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I come to the world to call those who consciously prepare for My second return to humanity.
For that reason, I come in search of the most imperfect.
I come in search of those who sin the most, those most ungrateful and unfaithful, so that someday, through the vast offering of My Love, they may learn to be good, just, charitable and merciful people.
You will never see Me in the palaces, amongst the rich, with those who call themselves powerful, or those who say they know everything. I hope that the Law itself will show them the Truth, and they cease to see the mirages of their own self.
I come seeking those who decide to follow Me until the end, in spite of carrying their defects, imperfections and sins every day.
I do not come seeking realized or skilled souls, no.
Just as I once came more than two thousand years ago, I come from the Universe to form new apostles, who with all their miseries, complaints and lack of understanding, will allow themselves to be lead by the guidance of My Love, an immutable, unconditional and faithful Love, which understands all things, which accepts all things, which endures all things.
My wish is that these new and last apostles, who will be formed to serve Me and live Me, be like Me, or better than I Am; that they are capable of not selling the Master as He was sold for thirty-three coins; that they dare to learn from faithfulness, just as My Father teaches them to be faithful.
To achieve this degree of union with Me, you only need to be obedient and no longer deceive yourselves, because obedience will protect you from yourselves. Thus, I will be able to place you, in spite of what happens, in extreme situations of risk or emergency so that you may testify to My Consoling Love.
Those who are not here amongst you today, it is because they were not obedient, and as a result, did not manage to be faithful to me.
Obedience is not just to do perfect things for Me, but rather it is to be true and transparent with oneself, with life, with your fellow being; it is to say "I do not understand", but it is also to accept and to yield.
Today I tell you this because difficult times will come, just as they did for the apostles.
It is time for you to sincerely ask yourselves everything that I tell you today; thus, I will find more refuge in your hearts.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more