Thursday, April 17 of 2014

Sacred Week

Today the heavens are opened to reveal their mysteries of redemption and peace.

And as I have told you recently, I wish to share again this table with you, this supper of reparation and conversion that may help in this age to liberate the sins of the world.

Today I come before you as the Sacred Heart, so that your eyes may open to My Grand Mystery, which I am revealing in this time.

I give thanks, on this special and important day, that you have opened yourselves to receive me in this Supper, to safeguard My rightful place in this world, so that I may diffuse My Love and My Light towards everyone.

This sacred table which you are sharing with Me today, will be of help and light for other consciousnesses, especially to those who are not found here today accompanying Me.

Do you truly understand what it means that I am among you in this week?

Do you truly understand what it means that I am in this world?

I come to bring a message of renewal to all, an infinite joy and a hope for souls.

Today the Heavens rain their petals of light to bless those who have opened themselves to find Me and follow My path of redemption and rehabilitation. 

Today angels prepare this special altar and pour out their Rays of Light upon these elements, in the same way as they do with Adonai, eternally praising the Father forever and ever.

I also give thanks in this day for the songs that you have offered Me; the great mystery of song and voice is not known by all. It is an instrument that God uses to open the doors of Heaven. But do not be worried because each one of you has a gift to develop. Some of Mine have to develop the gift of the voice and this is a precious tool to the Creator.

I invite you to join the sound and vibration of the voice, so you do not join preferably to one person.

It is time for My apostles to know the gifts in each consciousness, so that they will, in this way, allow the fruits which are kept in their hearts to be expressed.

Know that My Love has a predilection for all souls that are on Earth and I come, through you, to rescue those which have succumbed in hell and submerged themselves in the abysses of this material life.

Therefore, My Presence in these days brings you the divine life (and I correct it because it is important that you listen well), the spiritual life that many must incarnate. Thus, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach in the same way as with the apostles.

Yet, it will not be necessary that you know the gifts of the Holy Spirit in depth, but that you practice them through simplicity and charity. In this way the Spirit of God itself will flow among your cells and you will find the answer to every question that you have. Yet, it is time to open yourselves to these mysteries that are unknown to you in this life.

I come to reveal the important and the good, I come to correct your paths again, so that you may follow only one path through My Heart.

Yet know that My voice is expanded in the world through other consciousnesses throughout times and centuries, because it is necessary that My voice is heard in every part of this Earth.

More than for you, I especially come for those who are not here. You already had great meetings with Me in this life, even if you do not know them or have not felt them. Understand when I passed before you, leaving My footsteps imprinted so you could follow them.

Today, My Father has sent Me to remind you of this commitment. May this heat of the afternoon, so intense and strong, serve as a fire of transformation for your consciousnesses. Know that the rays of this sun that illuminates you, are being cosmically opened to send an important impulse. Let yourselves be burned, may the fire transform and transfigure you. In this way everything will be accomplished as it has been foreseen since the beginning, since the moment that you were born from the wombs of your mothers.

You must fulfill the mission that God has requested of you. And again, I am not only referring to you, but also to those who are not present here, that should have been sharing this Supper with me.

Yet know that My Mercy is profound and unknown. I want to say, with all of these things, that I am present in every part of the world, mainly for those who live this Week of My Passion.

I only ask you not to turn away from Me after this week, because all these Gifts that I have poured out, within days will want to be removed from your spirits, from your hearts, through disturbance and restlessness. Do not be intimidated, this will be the moment when you must be firm to live it and confirm to My pastoral Consciousness that you are really with Me, despite everything.

I come, as My Most Holy Mother, to ask you simple things, that you may walk by My side in silence and devotion. Therefore, My Spirit has consecrated new mothers in this Order, mothers who will be mediators of My Universal Mother, who will be the arms of Mary upon Earth; the hands that shelter and give warmth to those who suffer, that relieve and heal the lonely hearts. These mothers must be the manifestation of My Universal Mother.

Tomorrow you will remember something important from My Passion, when I gave My Mother Mary to you, to the world, to humanity, to all souls. You still have not understood what this means: That the feminine God of Love wants to embrace and console you deeply, through this Great Consciousness that lived among you here on Earth, who understood the condition of humanity, the suffering and sorrow of souls in that time.

Yet God, through My Most Holy Mother, worked and fulfilled His great plans upon Earth.  

These plans that have emerged since the beginning of My birth have not ended, they must continue to be accomplished and you must be that path, that bridge, so that they may be fulfilled.

Again I tell you, dear companions, My voice is announced to the world, but who will gather My words in the heart, will make them incarnated life and spirit so that you may carry forward and manifest the Will of the Father upon Earth?

Therefore I give you, on this Holy Thursday, My Sacred Heart, so that you may feel it as a heart that constantly beats for love of you, so that everything may be fulfilled as foreseen.

Remember that each one of you has a time to be able to fulfill it.

I will not ask you anything else, only that you do what I ask of you, just as I did when I was among you, and as My Mother complied with it when she was among you. Therefore I send Her in the end of this time, so that She may be My Messenger and Mediator of the Heart, so that She may guide you as a flock and congregate you around My Heart, because thus, everything will be said.

Now, I will raise this table towards the Altars of My Father; I will raise it in spirit towards the Throne of the Creator, so that what I want to be fulfilled today may be fulfilled: may the Temple in your hearts be built; that the foundations for this life may be firm; and that the pillars of love, unity and humility may raise the Grand Apex of the Creator above you. Thus you will recognize the Will of My Father when I am not here and you will live the Will of My Father until I return. Thus you will be true apostles.

We will do the blessing of this table and of all the fruits, fruits that must re-sprout as seeds in your essences. We will repeat these intentions because there is something that must be experienced. The fruits must re-sprout in you, so that new fruits may be born in service to the Creator and be living food for those who do not have it, thus you will help in My redemptive project.

Remembering, dear companions, this Holy Thursday, in that God made man and made consciousness, gave Himself up for you, I want to pour out My Mercies to everyone this afternoon, and know that I am reading your intentions, therefore I bless all these sacred elements.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me today.

At the request of our Lord Jesus, at this moment we will make the representation of the Last Supper and the Communion among all. 

While they were eating, Jesus took the bread and blessed it, broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying: "Take and eat of it all, this is My Body that will be delivered for you."

Then He took a cup, gave thanks and passed it on, saying to the apostles: "Drink from it, all of you, this is My Blood. This cup is the new covenant, sealed with My Blood, that will be poured out for you, for the forgiveness of your sins.

Do it in My memory.