My dear and beloved children,

May you, on this evening, filled with the unfathomable Mercy of My Beloved Son, receive once again the invisible Source of healing, peace and love that is reflected in this blessed place.

Today, on behalf of many more children, you have approached the Inner Aurora to ask for healing and redemption for the planet.

Dear children, know that when two or more hearts unite in supplicant and selfless prayer for a just cause, the Father will hear you and send you His most precious blessings.

Today, from the heart of this humble place of peace for Uruguay and for the world, your Heavenly Mother calls you, as in Lourdes, to wash and purify your consciousness in the Healing Source of Aurora, a Source that you will find within yourselves each time you enter into prayer and inner communion with Aurora.

On this evening, may all those who within themselves, for whatever reason, seek to find an answer or an inner light on their paths, receive it through the offer of those who said yes and summoned themselves to be present in the heart of the Inner Aurora.

For all this and with Motherly Love, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the New Aurora



The Word of God brings down the mighty from their thrones and welcomes the afflicted.

The Word of the Lord, your God, banishes the ungrateful and heals those who live in pain.

The Word of the Lord, your God, dispels darkness and brings clarity to those who are confused.

The Word of the Lord, your God, is engraved with His fire in hearts and burns with His ardor those who do not live in goodness.

The Word of the Lord, your God, is the Law in the universe and on Earth, is the support of the needy and is the impact on the undefined consciousness.

The Word of God is the guide of those who have lost their way and is the wall for the proud and impious of heart.

The Word of the Lord, your God, is the rebirth among the ruins, is the confidence multiplied in Grace and Life.

The Word of the Lord, your God, is the emptiness for those who seek to empty themselves, but it is also the all for those who aspire to be filled by the Greater Universes.

The Word of the Lord, your God, is just, is austere, is solemn, is not wasted and is able to rebuild inwardly what was destroyed.

The Word of the Lord, your God, is the bearer of Infinite Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


I open for you once again the Spiritual Source of Massabielle so that you may wash and purify yourself.

I open for you once again the Spiritual Source of Massabielle so that humanity may be healed of its mental and spiritual sickness.

Come to the Source of Massabielle and drink of this healing water that your Heavenly Mother opened to wash souls from sin and perdition.

In this water of Massabielle lies the rebirth of the spirit and of the consciousness which, beyond all, love God, the Creator.

This Source is once again offered by the Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Conception, so that spiritual, mental and physical healing may reach souls.

Just as this Source of Grace was physically opened to souls, so too, through the call of the Immaculate Conception, hearts are summoned to live their act of penance and repentance, so that the principle of healing may come as an abundant Grace to souls.

Son and daughter, may your bare feet, like the bare Feet of the Immaculate Conception, be free from the past so that, walking on the path of Christ, all may be renewed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children of North America,

After a long time, I am again gathered with all of you in the name of the Love of My Son, a Love that grants hearts the long-awaited Grace of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Today, as your Heavenly Mother, I come with the Sacred Star of Light from Mount Shasta on My Forehead; so that this new cycle, which begins for the Work in the United States, may bear the fruits so long awaited by the Heavenly Father.

Dear children, I want you to know that the Heavenly Father also places His Paternal Glance upon His Children most in need of spiritual healing. This is the reason and this is the motive, this is the moment in which will be born through the new Light Nucleus that principle of healing through love that the souls of the United States need so much.

From now on, I await with joy and rejoicing for the service that you will render in the coming times to the souls and hearts traumatized by war and all its consequences.

This is the day awaited by the Lord so that, in North America and through the Star of Light of Mount Shasta, the time of hope and reparation for the forgotten hearts of this country may arise; that sentiment and empathy may be born for the maimed of war, for those young and old who were prisoners of a movement and an idea that demoralized their lives, families and spirits.

Dear children, may the angels of Mount Shasta accompany you in this stage of manifestation of the Heavenly Father's Will for North America.

I bless you with My Maternal Love.

I thank those present for having responded to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May the Light and Love of God always shine upon this House on the Hill; so it will be when you always aspire to live charity and service for those who suffer the most.

In these last twelve years of construction and manifestation of the spiritual hospital of Padre Pio in this place, you yourselves experienced what the value of human life means and, in all these years, you learned to protect it through the care and support of those who are most disadvantaged.

My dear children of the House of the Light on the Hill, I would like to tell you that the Purpose of this house was fulfilled according to the reason for which it was created: to give comfort and relief to those who suffer, including your closest brothers and sisters.

Dear children, I would like to encourage you once again to go forward, expanding the bases of healing and relief for those who suffer at all levels of consciousness.

Know that My Son Jesus has been on the path of service that you have traveled in these years, through all those whom you have helped and in all those who help.

Therefore, I would like you to contemplate the value of what it means to love in service. It represents that, through your own hands, you are at the same time welcoming and healing the Body of Christ through your most needy brothers and sisters.

The House of the Light on the Hill should always be that Light that is found in the darkness of life.

The House of the Light on the Hill should always be that spiritual father and mother with open arms, transforming the human condition itself through the sacred condition of service.

The House of the Light on the Hill shall always be the refuge of those who feel discarded and forsaken.

In the name of My Son, I thank all My brave servers of the House of the Light on the Hill for giving of themselves to those who need the most.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Hill


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 


Dear children,

The healing of humanity will be achieved when souls truly forgive, without resentment or guilt. These non-evolutionary feelings are that which stop the descent of the Law of Healing in humanity.

For this long-awaited healing to take place in the consciousness, it is necessary to forgive and to then reconcile.

Bad feelings also obstruct the performance of the Law of Healing. Therefore, seek to have a humble and pure heart so that, through you, the planet can also be healed of its spiritual illness.

At this time, the cause of so many illnesses is the lack of union with the current of healing due to a profound disconnection from the life of the essence of each being. This promotes not only an emptiness that sooner or later turns into depression, but also into illness of the body.

Therefore, may the healing of this humanity be in the joy of serving others, in fraternity with the fellow being and even with the outraged Kingdoms of Nature, which are a pure unknown emanation of the Law of Healing.

Learn to heal yourselves internally, in reconciliation, so that the long-awaited healing may take place in body, in soul and in spirit. 

Seek to heal what you have not yet forgiven, seek to love that which you still reject, for in the end only healing love will triumph, beyond forms and beliefs.

The technique is not the path to healing, but the love with which we give ourselves to others, because in giving, lies the liberation of being.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this special day, in which the cycle of the one hundred Prayer Meetings of Mercy is celebrated, it is My wish for each one of My children that they may place their gaze within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus, see how, on this day of victory of the Divine Mercy, His Rays of Love, Healing and Light touch and bless all souls, especially those who most need Mercy.

As prayerful soldiers of Christ, raise your banners and walk as a great army of Light toward the center of the Altar of the Lord so that, once again, the offering of each heart may be deposited at the Feet of the Redeemer, so that your inner vows may be renewed, and, as in the last one hundred Meetings of Mercy, you may contemplate the descent of God's Mercy.

Today, I also invite you to remember the moment, for each one of My children, when, for the first time, you made contact with Mercy, and this Mercy made of your life a testimonial of conversion.

Remember all the beautiful moments of praise and the prayers sustained throughout these recent years.

See, My children, for a moment, that the Will of God may be fulfilled within you.

May today, the Sacred Spirit of renewal and of the unfathomable Mercy of My Son keep healing the wounded Earth so that the Good and Peace may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


XXV - To Live in Balance

A soul that felt disturbed by their uncontrolled inner world, their sick body, their imbalanced mind, felt that their problems could no longer have a solution, and they questioned God, saying: "Lord, I am a well of illnesses and miseries, a well of imperfection and difficulty. I feel there is no solution for me, I feel that I do not have a reason to live. Can You tell me what sense there is in remaining like this?"

And after a long time in silence, the Lord responded: "Beloved soul, the solutions of Heaven are not the same as the ones of the Earth. Everything that you seem to suffer without end is in truth already the response for balancing something within you that needed to be balanced. The illnesses that beings experience in truth, have innumerable reasons and meanings, but all of them seek to awaken the sense of human frailty so that souls do not remain in self-sufficiency but rather perceive that only when there is unity with all life, there will be healing.

A body will only be in balance when all its systems function in unity, and if the smallest of its cells feels self-sufficient and begins to build its own plan within the body, there will be imbalance and illness; however a cell may be, a being can come to death simply through its rebelliousness.

When a soul is ill, they need to understand themselves to be a part of an All. To return to their balance, to be healed, they must be sheltered by the power of unity; they must let love and the help of the neighbor supply that which on its own the soul is no longer managing to achieve; they must allow unity with life, with the universes, with God to again reign within their heart. May this soul must not feel alone, isolated or separate from a greater body.

Each being, little soul, is a cell of the Mystical Body of your Lord and God. For this reason, you must perceive the flow of the laws, the meaning of life, which is not one's own, but rather a universal meaning. Each cell has its function but the purpose of a body is one. For this reason, beloved soul, do not seek a personal purpose; seek the purpose of the Universe, seek your place in My Heart. In consciousness, enter the space where you belong, within this infinite Body of Creation, and this is achieved with humility, allowing oneself to be helped, with peace and with profound rendition, the fruit of a heart that has learned to sincerely pray."

May this dialogue, children, teach you to always be in balance within the Mystical Body of your Creator.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


XI - A Higher Purpose

A soul that claimed not to believe in God nor in a spiritual life, was in a state of great inner emptiness and, before their deepest anguish, the soul looked up and said:  "What is there after death? A new life? From where and why did life emerge? You, Who people call God, do You really exist? Where are You? Why do You not make Yourself visible to those who call themselves Your children?"

And contemplating this soul with great compassion, the Lord responded: "From Me emerged life, a broad, deep, complex and very ancient life, previous to the existence of this world, previos to  the existence of the human mind and the time of humankind, in a space where science does not reach, the mind cannot explain and even the patriarchs and prophets could not understand, for a reason that is kept within My Heart yet not understood, but only loved and experienced.

I did not create life for any reason, but out of Love. Therefore, I am not reached through an answer, but rather through a profound living of the same principle and gift that allowed Me to manifest all things. This mystery is to be found within your little heart.

Beloved soul, when with humility you embrace the healing of your deepest wounds, you will know that I Am God.

When you allow yourself to be loved by a Love that is not of this world, but that comes from the Infinite, you will know that I Am God.

When the knowledge of your smallness and fragility is greater than the illusion of your pride, maturity and vanity, you will know that I Am God.

When you place your forehead upon the ground and surrender your mortal mind for an eternal Love, you will know that I Am God.

When, in the emptiness of your consciousness and the solitude of your heart, you take the risk to look inward and discover that I am within you, you will know that I Am God and I am in everything.

Within you, I wait in silence, and within your silence, I will be able to speak to your heart. You will come to know My infinite Love and, through it you will come to know that which you call the reasons for which everything was created. What for you is a reason, for Me is a Purpose. There is no reason for life but there is a Higher Purpose: that of renewing My Love and returning to Me."

May this dialogue with God inspire you, children, to turn inward and experience Divine Presence.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



To the Pioneers of the Grand Canyon of Colorado

Only love will allow you to understand the immensity of the meaning of that what God has given you, with all the strength of His Love and Power.

Love will lead you to accept that which is unacceptable and everything that may be said to you, which to you may seem outside of the Purpose.

Each moment that God sends you is to forge within you the maturity of this love which, in the culminating moments, must not step back nor be poor.

Love will allow you to understand the unknown, the Universe and all its infinite Creation. But true love, which is born of the heart and that one day will be able to be perfect, like My Love, will lead you to accept and recognize everything that is said to you.

Otherwise, if love, which is a powerful creative stream of the Universe that flows throughout everything that lives, did not cause you to see the truth, then of what use would love be to you?

Love always positions you in the place where you should be so that in this sense you may learn to overcome your own disagreements.

Love allows inner healing to come, but love also has its aspect of justice, not of something that imposes itself or judges, but rather a just, blessed and non-transitory love.

This love, which is not transitory nor volatile, will lead you to persevere in time, and you will become humble knowing the mysteries of the Universe in daily life, being capable of embracing any situation or condition out of love, just as I taught you.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I Am this primordial Sun of the Spiritual Universe that illuminates the dark times so that the human consciousness may have the unique opportunity to reconsider and change.

I am this Spiritual Sun that can never be obscured by any darkness or tempest, because this Sun that speaks to you leads you and guides you toward the Purpose that God has for these times.

I am this Sun that brings you the light of renewal and an intimate communion with the Most High so that your essences may become Christified and you may achieve the same degrees of love that I once achieved for each one of you.

I am this Sun that brings you the principle of healing of the spiritual consciousness, the Grace of completely erasing from your beings all that oppresses the consciousness and that does not allow you to take the steps of love and sacrifice toward Me.

Today you are before the Spiritual Sun of God, so that in this time you may be a witnesses that divine assistance is still available for all, until I have to return and make you participants in the new time, in a time of renewal and redemption.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


May the Spirit of Peace invade the Earth and fill it with its divine and eternal gifts so that all essences, regardless of their beliefs and religion, may feel the coming of the Spirit of Peace and, thus, humanity may perceive that it is now time to repair and forgive itself so that love may not be lacking among creatures and among the nations of the Earth.

May the Spirit of Peace infuse renewal and healing in the essences of the planet so that, under this Spirit of Peace, souls may have the Grace of recognizing the best in each brother or sister, beyond their school or their purification.

May the Spirit of Peace attract souls to God, so that no heart may feel alone but rather safeguarded by the great stream of Divine Love.

May this Spirit of Peace help people to recognize their errors and, by changing them through service and the giving of self, may they all discover the value of what fraternal and mutual assistance means.

May the Spirit of the Peace of God bless you all, so that everyone may someday achieve the Aspirations of God and, thus, His Eternal Will may be accomplished.

May the Spirit of Peace embrace this wounded planet, and may all assist in relieving it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Stay close to Me and everything will be ok.

Stay close to Me and everything will be healed, there is nothing impossible or difficult for your Lord.

Stay close to Me and you will always be reborn in the joy of serving Me, in the joy of having Me, in the absolute security of fulfilling the Plan of God.

Stay close to Me and you will understand everything. You will lack nothing, you will receive everything, because you have always been blessed.

Stay close to Me, just as you are, because I will understand you, I will accompany you step by step and I will not let you lose My Path.

Stay close to Me and everything will be restored. You will find a new key, you will walk a new path and you will fly as high as the birds in the Heavens.

Stay close to Me and do not think anymore, find the exit through My Heart. Love with holy madness, live Me with plenitude. Be part of your Redeemer and everything will be redeemed.

Stay close to Me all the time and you will find the perfect meaning of being with Me, you will find the reason and the cause for which I have called you to serve Me.

Stay close to Me, nothing else.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I was called by the sweet voice of your hearts; that is what truly drew Me here to be close to your spirits, to be able to engrave in your consciousnesses My Impulses of Light.

Through this scenario, we can understand and feel how much beauty God manifested for us.

The human being only needs to love in order to open the door to the Will of God, and through the steps taken in life, learn to live it.

I wanted so much to be here in Brazil! I counted each day to be able to be here with you. Because you know that I love you and I understand you and I hope for the best for your lives, what you really came to do here as consciousnesses, what you really came to fulfill and to manifest through the Gifts of God.

That which is so sacred and sublime, which is found in the inner world of each being, is what I have come to rescue from the human consciousness, especially from Brazil.

Because that inner and spiritual force of each human heart is what allows Me to be here, just like the other Spiritual Hierarchies, which come with the Silence of God, in complete neutrality, in order to aid the planet and humanity.

The human being of this time, within the end of these times, must establish in itself what it is, what God deposited in its essences since the beginning. That is what will cause the Earth to be repopulated with new attributes.

Good works, cooperation, the good, and the love of all beings is what will repopulate the Earth with new codes and principles.

Because while the world suffers and a large part of humanity is in agony, you have the Grace, companions, of having Me close as Consciousness and Spirit, as Soul and Divinity, that comes to the world in the name of God to awaken the human consciousness to its true reality, which until now it has never seen.

And through your prayers and your love, I have the permission of your souls and inner worlds to be able to help the planet, and the energy of Divine Mercy is able to reach places very unknown to you, where souls are thirsty for My Light and fervently plead for My Redeeming Love.

I come from the Universe, bringing the Consciousness of the Eternal Father so that humanity may become rescuable and does not miss the opportunity of growing inwardly, knowing that the values of faith and the principles of prayer will be what will transform the Earth and make of souls true Temples of God.

While I am here with you, I not only contemplate Brazil, but also the whole world, and I listen to the pleas of My servers and companions, calling them and elevating them through the Consciousness of God; because when I hear the prayer of My companions, I go to their aid.

When the prayer is fervent, it transforms many situations on the Earth, unimaginable things within and outside of the consciousness of beings, because the power of prayer is still unknown. For this reason, do not stop immersing yourselves in this school, because in this way, you will become rescuable beings and instruments at the service of God, collaborators in the maximum work of My Heart.

Today I have also come here to give you My blessing through the Sacraments. Because each time this spiritual practice is renewed, the greater the opportunities of redemption, of conversion, and awakening of the consciousnesses, and a Grace draws close to your lives to transform everything into something sacred, just as the Father needs it.

Today I want you to live this legacy as if for the first time, knowing that through it, you will be able to be renewed, healed, redeemed of your spiritual and inner ills, and as a result, you will heal humanity through the sacred offertory of your prayers and lives to the Kingdom of God.

Let these spiritual treasures be revived today by everyone.

May lives be restored through the Foot-washing,  may history be erased so that the power of the spirit of each being be reborn, and that through the Communion with My Body and with My Blood, the codes of My perfection may enter again into your essences and the temple of your souls, for this will allow you to understand many more things of the Spiritual Universe, of the Sacred Will of God for these defining times. From here is radiated the great Mirror of My Heart for the world.

The oceans do not only cry out for healing, but they also radiate their sacred energies to transform and sublimate the human consciousness.

The Elements unite with this divine conjuncture of the entry of the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe so that many more souls may be assisted, as well as everything that lives within this planet and that is greatly suffering.

Through the Sacraments, I come to restore your lives and give you the possibility of finding the true love, which will bring Redemption to the world.

So uplift your hearts before My Celestial Church and may your souls, in a deep silence, proclaim the offertory to the Celestial Father, so that more situations may be redeemed and restored, and especially, may Brazil not lose peace. Because the devotion that this people has before the Celestial Universe is what allows peace throughout the times and the generations, and thus, your spirits are also carriers of My Peace.

Today this peace is radiated to the world from the great Mirror of these oceans so that the angelic consciousness may descend, transfigure, and transform what has been corrupted; so that in the transformation of matter and of the spirit, the human consciousness may unify in God and thus, the Divine Grace may descend, which will always bring you gladness and the joy of living in the Celestial Father.

So let us begin, companions, with this consecration so that your lives may also be consecrated to My Sacred Heart, so that an extremely powerful Mercy, like an infinite tributary of Grace, of Compassion, and of Pity, may descend in this moment over Brazil and the world, so that peace, prosperity, and justice for this people may continue to be strengthened.

I have not lost hope of Brazil being the Eden of the New Humanity and that you will be part of this new Eden, which is not something physical, but profoundly inner and immaterial that can be reflected in a spiritual way upon everything created within the material Universe.

Brazil is the cradle of this future emergence. You are a transition so that this can take place.

God wants to establish Genesis here again, as it was in the beginning, so that everything that has been lived throughout the times and the eras may be erased, and the human being, in a profound rehabilitation, may again take the place that it lost after so many errors and deviations.

That is the work of the infinite Mercy of God and it is possible for these times. But first, companions, this will begin within you, in coexistence  with your families and loved ones, in the days of work and labor and in the important moments of prayer. 

Draw to the world the Attributes of the Universe, because humanity is sinking in a great abyss, and during the most difficult moment is when I will return. You should no longer hear My words, but rather feel and see My Presence; it will come from the Glory of the Celestial Father, from the Universe announcing the new time, the resurgence and the advent of hope.

May your faith be sustained by My Love and may your love be sustained by My Spirit, so that you may always be connected with Me in that perfect inner attunement with the Greater Universe.

Let us begin the ceremony.

We stand up.

Father of infinite life, Divine Breath of Spirit, Creator of all that exists in what is visible and invisible, through My Plea, the Plea of Your Divine Son, pour out all Your possible Graces, so that souls may be restored by the balm of Your Love and for Brazil to be constituted as the Promised Land. So be it.

With this water, Lord, bless all those who plead for You, through Your Grace and Your Mercy; that those who cry be consoled, those who suffer be relieved, the ill be healed, and the pain be erased, and may Your Divine Love and infinite Joy return to those who believe in You, so that Your Peace may be established for ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, You who are Life and Mercy, Who vivifies everything You touch and in Your Love re-ignites all who plead to You and also hear You; deposit Your Gifts in these elements so that souls be washed by Your Spirit and souls be healed by the sublime joy of Your infinite Love. So be it.

Wash the feet of the past, activate Your disciples, Lord, so that they may walk in faith and in love, they fulfill , Father, Your Divine Project in the four corners of the Earth. Amen.

And more than two thousand years ago, I left you an indelible spiritual legacy that reverberates throughout time and the generations. It is the great mystery of My Love for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

I remind you that at that time I took the bread, gave thanks to God for this Sacrifice, and told My apostles: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me until the end of times."

And upon this bread I leave not only the transubstantiation of My Eucharistic Body, faithfully adored by all the adorers on the Earth, but also I leave My cellular Christic Code, that which achieved perfection in the Passion and the Death.

In the same way, I took the Chalice that the holy women had specially prepared for Me, and God blessed It. I gave thanks for that Sacrifice and said to My apostles: "Take and all drink from It, for this is My Blood of the new covenant between beings and God; Blood that will be preciously spilled by humankind, for the forgiveness of all errors. Do this also in Remembrance of Me until I return in the end of times to give you My living Word."

I transubstantiate this element into My precious Blood in the presence of the Celestial Choirs and in offering to the Celestial Father for the sincerity of all the souls present and united with Me in this moment, for the Redemption of humanity, the conversion of hearts, and the renewal of life. So be it.

In gladness and joy, companions, avail yourselves of these sacred elements that manifest the Sacrifice of the Son of God for humanity and the inextinguishable opportunity for each one of you to learn to love more each day, just as I love you for all eternity.

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
Amen. (x3)

May the Unity, Love, and Peace that come from the eternal Heart of the Celestial Father be in your hearts, in all of Brazil, and humanity, so that the new Christs may emerge that will repopulate the Earth with the infinite Codes of My Love.

As I said to My apostles, today I say to you: "I give you My Peace so that you may live My Peace and take peace to all the corners of the Earth."

In remembrance of My spiritual Legacy, for the Sacrifice, Passion, and Death of Our Lord, I fraternally ask you to give each other the greeting of peace so that Peace may be in Brazil.

I thank you for having been with Me today.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We give each other the greeting of peace.


Pour your love into My Heart and, in this way, I will multiply the Graces that will arrive as sparkles to the hearts that cry out for My Mercy.

Receive from Me consolation, reparation and healing, so that redemption and forgiveness may live in the depths of your cells.

Live with Me every moment and share every experience of life with the Master, so that you can learn to surpass Me in Love and Service.

Keep in your memory every moment shared, because it will be useful to you when the end times come in which you must witness My Presence and My Word.

Therefore, observe and learn from the sense of Love and Grace and, in spite of what happens, hold on to Me.

Draw from Heaven all that exists in it and share with your fellow being this great moment of being able to experience redemption in all aspects of life.

Keep going, until one day you will find yourself with Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The triumph of Light and the defeat of evil

The silent triumph of the Plan of the Most High is approaching, and it is imperceptible to the world of illusion; but there exist essences that feel, in the depth of themselves, this moment.

It is the triumph of Light and the defeat of evil.

When the scene of events is stablished in nations and peoples, when revolutions and conflicts are installed, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

The culminating hour is approaching and the Mother of the World places all Her children under Her invisible mantle of stars. She arrives to the most impenetrable places of the consciousness, since those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

Nothing and no one will be left behind. The veils of illusion will fall and the spiritual blindness of humanity will be healed; because the angels of eternal service will wash the eyes of human beings with the water of the Divine Fountain, and those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

After so many intense spiritual battles, the soldiers of good will be strengthened, and even though the great and last beast comes out of the abyss to the surface, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

Meanwhile, the Universal Mother gestates in Her sacred Womb the New Humanity, the new planet which will be free from its millenary debts and that can be prepared to truly live the Plan of God. Those will be signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.

You will then see the great Archangel of the Celestial Militia descend from the Superior Universes and, at the sound of the seventh trumpet, the end of time will come, not only for the enemy, but also for all the Universe that will learn about redemption.

The strength of the breath of the Sacred Spirit will open the doors so that everything is revealed; the most hidden mysteries will be unveiled, and the human race will become aware of the time it lost in order to be able to unite to God.

Those who have responded to the call without understanding will be happy, because an impenetrable protection will be in them; those who were distracted with the world will cry because it will be too late and even through the Divine Spirit has called them, they will recognize too late what the Universe many times wanted to dictate to their hearts.

But the most difficult time will cease because the New Light will penetrate the planet with all its Rays and, from nothing, all darkness will dissolve in any state of consciousness. This New Light will be the New Face of the Master among the Masters, it will be the Sacred Sun that will bring with It the thousand years of Peace and, then, the Earth will be populated by beings of kindness and love.

Those who have not incarnated these principles in themselves will no longer be on the planet; they will have, in the next world, their dwellings prepared for them to learn again to be beings of good, beings of Light. And the Earth will live its maximum joy when the Solar Son, together with the Resplendent Ones, bless the beginning of the New Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today, let the caresses of My Hands touch your face, so you may feel the profound warmth of My Heart which restores all things, heals all things, purifies all things, just as  God needs it.

Today, may you feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, so that your spirit is comforted, so that your soul is fortified, so that each corner of your being may finally say 'yes' to Me.

Today, may you feel the beat of My Motherly Heart, may you achieve holiness and a complete consecration through small but sure steps.

Today, may you feel the motherly protection of My Mantle, so your being will feel God's shelter and the protection of all His Celestial Kingdom.

From all these gestures of love, may you receive the essence of compassion, so your being is able to be completely healed and then be redeemed.

From Heaven, receive today the perfect caress of the angels of love and of all the spiritual stream of My Immaculate Heart, so that every day you are renewed until achieving an immovable state of peace, serenity and calm.

Today, the universe is here.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who sanctifies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
