Contemplate the cycles of life with the heart and be renewed with each new cycle as well as with each new day.
Do not be afraid, children, of the times to come. Rather, have your heart always ready to defend from yourselves the Divine Will and Plan. If your hearts are open and your spirits awake, you will be capable of going beyond all the tests that the planet will be moved into experiencing.
For this reason, over the years, we have taught you about the power of prayer, intercession, and service, because these are the keys that maintain your consciousnesses in the vibration of a correct awakening, in unity with Universal Laws and their Divine Rays.
While you keep your hearts awake and vigilant, your spirits in prayer, and your consciousness in service, you will always receive the Graces from Heaven which you need to take your steps, for you will be aligned with the Law and the Divine Rays.
Always be vigilant so as to not become distracted with the world and its tendencies, to not let yourselves be carried away by the ideals which today confuse so many hearts.
As long as you pray and are humble before God, keeping the dialogue with the Creator alight and alive, you will always know what to do, where to be, and what steps you are to take to fulfill His Will and remain on His Path. Prayer and surrender, humility and service will be your shields in this time of illusions. Through them, you will always know to return to the Purpose that God has for your lives.
Everything has already been said to you, all the Graces have already been given to you, all the gifts you need are already latent in the depths of your hearts. Now, children, it is time to make them emerge.
With the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, you will be tested in the fire of your hearts, for the world will seek to carry you into inertia, emptiness, and instability, but within you will be the key to go beyond that, to be and live the instruction you have received for so many years. Thus, always return to Our Words, and daily, remember what We have already told you; there you will find answers and the fortitude, there you will find peace.
Be persevering and brave, be true and simple. Seek always the spirit of peace and transparency to be in God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After having transmitted His Weekly Message, Saint Joseph consecrated new Children and Friends of Saint Joseph:
Today I bless this water so that it may bless your little lives, cleanse the past and your deepest wounds. I welcome into My Chaste Heart the intentions you bring to lift them up to God, your families, your nations, your stories, so you may find peace again.
While the Grace of My Chaste Heart touches your lives, pray also for the families of the world, so you may always be a network of intercession and of healing, because the healing that comes to you must also permeate the world.
You will receive this anointing in the name of humanity, so that the healing that comes from the heart of Aurora may touch your hearts, traverse your cells, your spirits, your souls and reach the soul of humanity, the human consciousness. Receive the touch of this anointing as the touch of Aurora, as the response to your prayers and the regaining of peace.
May this incense bring you freedom, release the deepest ties which prevent you from returning to God, of taking your steps toward the Celestial Father. Let these ties be released by the gentle aroma of the surrender of your lives.
The incense represents the soul that surrenders and rises up to the Father. Thus, today you are blessed through this holy element that, since the patriarchs and up until today, inspires hearts to return to the Origin.
Today I bless you and consecrate you as Children and Friends of My Chaste Heart, as serving and interceding souls for humanity, the planet, and its Kingdoms.
Walk by My side, as well as by the side of the Holy Family. May your hearts no longer know loneliness, discouragement or helplessness, because when you should feel that way, children, pray, and you will feel Our Presence. We will always be at your side.
Receive My blessing, My Grace, and My peace.
From Aurora receive your healing, and from its green heart, the principle of redemption, so you may take up again the purpose of your lives and your existence.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through My silence, I come to lead you into a state of prayer, a state of supplication for the planet, for humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Through My silence, I come to lead you into a state of clamor, a clamor that makes itself heard from inside out, when the word is emitted within the heart, through the sound of intentions, rather than that of the vibrations that the mouth pronounces.
Through My silence, I come into teach you to pray in silence, to observe your own inner worlds and know how to find in it the Celestial Father and all His Creatures. Silence, children, reveals to human beings their creative potential, their potential to open doors and unite dimensions. Silence balances the chaos in the world, balances the disorder of souls, the disorder of inner purification and the harassments of the enemy.
True silence, the one that transforms into prayer, unites you to the Divine Consciousness, reveals to you the inner universe and the bridge that exists within the heart of each being for them to find God.
I know that many of you are before a great abyss today, as if you had come to a moment of your evolutionary trajectory in which you find yourselves before a great precipice, the precipice of purification, surrender, rendition, renunciation, humility.
This precipice, this abyss, does not exist to deter your steps, but rather to reveal your potential, because it is before this abyss, children, that you learn to create bridges, and these bridges are created first of all within yourselves, with the true intention of reaching the Heart of God simply to fulfill His Purpose, simply to live His Love, to know this unknown Love that transforms Creation, that makes evolution ascend among dimensions, that allows creatures to approach their Creator.
Do you want to know this, or do you want to remain in human condition?
Do you want to know this unlimited Love of God, or remain in conflicts, in inner confusion, in the affirmation of your own limitations?
Before this abyss, children, I invite you to build bridges. I invite you to enter into confession before the Father, because confession is one of the ways to liberate oneself from the past, to liberate oneself from the ties, to liberate oneself from beliefs, from limitations, so that you can believe and understand that you must be builders of evolutionary life.
The bridge will not emerge on its own before your eyes; it must be built. And it is built first within yourselves, in the transparency of your hearts, in the firm will of being united with God and with one another. Unity is a great tool of the evolutionary path, a tool that allows you to built together bridges that will serve not only yourselves but also all of Creation.
Therefore, start with the intention of being united, truly united. Seek within yourselves the understanding of these times, seek to understand the pain and misery of others, to pray for your brothers and sisters, to love your enemies, to serve the selfish,to be humble before the proud, become silent to hear those who want to speak, give way to those who want to follow at the front, allow others to grow, because you do not diminish when someone else grows.
You grow in spirit and truth when you collaborate with the evolution of one another, when you rejoice at the triumphs of one another, when you walk together, without seeking the central role, without the need of standing out. You build together a work that does not exist in humanity today, and that must begin to exist, because it is through these principles that you will be able to bear the times that will come.
Today I would like to lead you to a Celestial Space, I would like to build, with My own Hands, the bridge that you lack to reach God. However, the Creator does not allow Me to do this, because the perfection of His Project lies in the effort and persistence that each one of His Creatures makes use of to reach His Heart.
Just as I cannot build this bridge for you, you cannot build it for others, only for yourselves. However, each time a human being builds this true, solid bridge that leads them to God, they create a path in the human consciousness as a whole so that more beings may find a way to tread this path, to build this bridge.
How many times have I told you that the transformation of your own consciousness is the greatest service you can render in this time?
But your eyes, still so human, seek magnificent purposes, unattainable goals, perfections that you believe to be the only truth, the only way to demonstrate evolution, sciences, mysteries that aggrandize your knowledge, ennoble your consciousness, but that on their own do not build human transformation.
Knowledge must walk together with daily transformation, with true actions of service, selflessness, prayer, supplication for your neighbor, joy for the triumph of your brothers and sisters, and accompaniment of the growth of your neighbor.
Knowledge must walk together with true actions of love, because it is in this way that Heaven manifests itself on Earth, it is in this way that miracles take place within consciousnesses, that healing expresses itself, that redemption happens: small acts of love, true acts of transparency, true rendition, true humility.
I know that humility is a great mystery and that those who are humble will never know this, but this must be an aspiration of your hearts, you must practice it every day. Even if you do not notice any change, even if you still feel the boiling of human condition, of tests, the pain of falls, the harshness of walls, even then, children, you must continue to walk, because when you least expect, this Purpose will be fulfilled within you. And even if you do not see it with your human eyes, there is a Divine Gaze that sees all, that reads the hearts of His creatures, contemplates the deepest intentions of His children, and it is there, within this deep and hidden place, that the Purpose is fulfilled.
I do not come here to bring you words of hope; I come to bring you words of consciousness, words of elevation, which may remove you a little from the human condition and place you a little into the Divine Purpose. But this Purpose is simple.
I do not speak in this way for the path to seem easy to you. There is a great difference between being easy and being simple. No, children, this path is not easy. It is a path of many stones, it is a path of eternal ascension, it is a path of great effort, profound pains, unknown suffering, profound sacrifice and complete transformation.
But it is a simple path, which must be found in the simple things of life, in the possibility of serving, loving, becoming silent when you want to judge, of praying when you cannot stop criticizing, of offering a prayer for those who cause you some rancor, of offering some service for those who awaken some anger within you.
This path is simple, yet profound, and must be seen through your lives. Today it is not enough to live this path within you. You must begin to manifest it. Humanity needs examples, and being an example is a great service, which you are called to live today.
If you want to know what your mission is, today I give you a mission: be an example of transformation for humanity, be an example of love, service, surrender, prayer, be an example of charity, be an example for your children, be an example for your parents, examples of forgiveness, of going beyond all errors, all sorrows, all traumas experienced, to come to know a Greater Love.
Place yourselves above conflict, place yourselves above chaos, place yourselves in the vibration of forgiveness, because it is this forgiveness, which comes from the Divine Source, that will heal your hearts and allow you to love that which is unforgivable to the human mind.
Today I bring you a Grace, the Grace of being consistent. But this Grace must become life, and it becomes life through the Ray of Will, the Will and Power of God, which His Children are able to attract to Earth.
Wake up every day and affirm to the Creator:
Father, here is Your child.
Manifest Your Will in me,
manifest Your Power in me.
May my life be Your reflection.
May my actions reflect Your Mercy.
May my thoughts and feelings reflect Your Love.
May my intention be transparent.
May my actions be true.
May my being be Your instrument.
May my consciousness be in You.
Thus, children, affirm this Will day by day, affirm this Power. Believe in the Grace that the Divine Messengers bring to you. Your hearts hold a great treasure, which, throughout the last fifteen years, has been gradually accumulated so that today this treasure could be poured out upon the world.
Do not be rich and selfish, be servants.
Do not allow the celestial riches to remain in your hearts, in a treasury sealed under lock and key.
Multiply these gifts through action and prayer.
Give to others of that which exists within you, and you will discover the potential of what it is to be a human being.
You have My blessing for this.
May those who will consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph today kneel down here.
To My Children and Friends, I ask: do not forget that I am your Father and intercessor, do not forget that I walk with you, that I hear your prayers, that I wait to intercede for your families, for your spirits, for your plans, for your sincere intentions, for your deep prayers, for the impossible and unthinkable causes, because miracles, children, spring from the faith that God walks by your side.
A miracle is a manifestation of Divine Love, and it is possible whenever your hearts unite to the Will of God, and this Will is fullfilled in your lives so that you may bear testimony of it.
To My Children and Friends, I ask: pray for your families, pray for the families of the world, pray for one another, so that the purpose of this Work may be realized, so that the human purpose may be realized.
Whenever you are before something that seems unattainable to you, ask for My help, and I will help you, because as a human being and son of God, I have also been before many things which I thought were unattainable, but the Creator showed Me that there is a potential within each being, which expresses itself through love, and makes those impossible things possible.
Therefore, today I intercede for you, I give you My peace, My blessing, I consecrate you as My Children and Friends so that you may walk with Me, just as with the Sacred Family of Nazareth. May you walk with the Virgin Mary, may you walk with Christ Jesus, may your lives be a testimony of a new life.
You have My blessing, My Grace and My peace for this.
Please bring incense and blessed water here.
May this water purify you from all lack of love, from all ignorance, from all indifference and lack of faith. May this water cleanse you from all lack of hope, from all lack of forgiveness, from all inability to move on. May this water renew and consecrate you, by the intercession of My Chaste Heart, with the celestial blessings that I bring from Heaven today.
With this incense, I purify, transmute and cleanse you, I offer you at the Altar of God, so that you may be renewed by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. And just as one day My Son made Me know purity and Divine Purpose, may you also be worthy of living purity and of expressing the Purpose of God.
Remember, children, that where sin has abounded, Grace has overabounded. And no longer look at the past but rather to your potential to bear testimony of transformation.
Move on, always walking forward, always building this bridge that unites you to the Heart of God.
I thank you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:
On this day of Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, let us prepare ourselves, in solemnity and reverence, to receive our King, through the song “Pater Noster.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The day of Universal Judgment has come, and, each day that passes, this moment draws closer to humanity. But do not think that this moment, this great universal event, could be a punishment for the planet or for all its inhabitants.
This is the time of correction so that the energy of impunity and world injustice may be eradicated from the human consciousness and, in this way, it may liberated from all inhabitants of the surface of the planet.
For this reason, this day is approaching, and all of you see, with your own eyes, these events happening, which are very painful for the Eternal Father, very inexplicable situations for millions of souls throughout the world.
But on this day, when you receive Me and glorify Me, once again, I come to grant you spiritual amnesty, not only for those present, but also for all who are hearing Me at this moment and who believe in the Word of the Lord.
For this reason, we are, not only as a planet, but also as a universe, at a great moment of inflection, when the powerful currents of the universe, through the manifestation of the Angels and Hierarchies, silently activate to help humanity at this moment.
And although, at this moment, war, persecution and death are the news throughout the world:
Rise up, companions, because the day of your redemption is near!
Rise up, companions, because the Heavens will open when I return to the world!
Rise up, companions, and sustain with faith the banner of My Peace!
You have come, at this time and at this moment, to live these events for Me. For this reason, as My sacred sheep and as My beloved apostles, you will be placed by Me wherever I may need you; this will allow Your Master and Lord to enter those places in the world that are most in need, not only of Ppeace, but also of Mercy.
In this Sacred Week, which is culminating, but also definitive for Me, I invite you to enter the same Christic Spirit of Love so that compassion in your lives may show and reveal to you the true necessity of these times, which, as you know, My beloveds, is not limited to your purifications and tests, but also includes the mandatory need to serve Me, to announce Me and to testify to Me in the place of the world where I might need it so.
For this reason, what is most important in this Sacred Week, besides the fact that your hearts already have to be ready, is that your hearts must already be open to listen to Me, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain alive and hidden in the hearts that trust Me.
Now that you are at the doors of the Temple of the Father's Celestial Church, let us prepare this moment, blessing this altar that you have offered to My Heart, through a loving yet simple offering of two souls that I have chosen so that, on behalf of humanity and on behalf of My beloved Africa, you may glorify the Lord, at the doors of the New Jerusalem, where all are being contemplated and received by the Celestial Father, Adonai, through the Presence of your Master and Lord.
I invite you to stand up.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And at this moment, let us bring the incense that, at the beginning of this Sacred Week, will be offered to Our Lord by the sisters from Ethiopia, Martha and Tseguereda. You may come here, before Our Lord.
Let us keep concentrated, at the request of Christ, so that our consciousnesses do not become disconnected from Him, but rather that, through Him, we may sustain this moment of planetary intervention on the first day of the Sacred Week, which Our Lord today blesses and opens for all.
Today, My Heart gathers here the universality of all peoples and races, which, throughout times and generations, have participated in the sacred opportunity of the Project of God, through different cultures, races and peoples, just as it was with the people of Israel.
This incense that you are offering today to your Master and Lord represents the greatest offering for this cycle that prepares the Return of Christ, when the souls of the world unite to Me, to prepare this sacred moment of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Lord of the world.
For this reason, this incense, brought from the lands of Ethiopia, not only glorifies the Lord, as it was in the Grotto of Bethlehem, but it also prepares the great planetary moment during Good Friday, when your Master and Lord will again die so that you may have abundant life and live through Me.
I sanctify these elements, just as I sanctify this altar and all who are listening at this moment.
May hope awaken again within you, hope that will lead you to Peace and the Light of God, because the end of calvary is near, and you will participate with me in the Sacred Table of the Return of Christ where, together with the angels, saints and blessed ones, you will eternally enjoy the Presence of the Lord.
May the bell towers of the Cosmos sound. May the doors and dimensions open at this very moment so that, through Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel and Saint Raphael the Archangel, souls may receive, in the depths of their being, My impulses of Christification and holiness, for the victory and triumph of My Heart, for the centuries to come. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ is asking the sisters to pray Our Father in Aramaic, as an offering for the important task that He will have in Africa, through this Work, in some countries of that continent, and so that many more African nations may receive the regenerative codes of Love and Forgiveness.
Through these consciousnesses, your Master and Lord blesses all exiled and refugees throughout the world, especially those who flee wars, dangers and adversity, so that, in My Name and for My Name, they may rebuild their lives and families forever. Amen.
“Adonai, Beloved Father,
who listens, in Your silence,
to the voices of Your children, who cry for You,
sanctify this altar and all the elements
that will be offered on these days
to remember the Passion of their Master and Lord,
for the Redemption and Peace of the entire human race.
May the doors to evil be closed.
May the doors of the Light open
so that the angels may descend
and grant Eternal Life, at this moment,
to all consciousnesses.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
“Most Holy Father of the Universe,
You, who have the power to resurrect all life,
You, who have the power to heal all hearts,
You, who have the power to again raise all Your creatures,
through the water that You have created
in the image and likeness of Your children,
bless the whole world,
bless all those who listen
and, especially, bless, Lord,
all those who flee wars seeking peace,
so that those who take refuge in Your Heart,
through the humble and simple refugees,
may be recognized, honored, respected and loved,
just as You love them, Lord.
Because I have promised to You, Eternal Father,
to return, first for all of them,
so that they may participate with Me in the joy of the New Earth.”
I withdraw into the hearts that listen to Me.
I find relief in the hearts that embrace Me.
I rejoice in the hearts that receive Me.
I rest in the hearts that open.
Thus, I sanctify all that I touch, in order to glorify the Lord, the God of the Universe.
Thus, I prepare you for the coming times so that, together with me, you may build the bases of redemption for the good of the world, for the peace of humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us celebrate, at this moment, the Holy Eucharist, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, on this first day of the Sacred Week, we will celebrate this moment, at the request of Christ, for all refugees so that, at the request of Our Lord, they may be heard, welcomed and loved as a part of this living humanity. And Christ invites the sisters from Ethiopia to accompany us in this celebration. Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.
“Father, glorify all that You have created,
unify all that You have built
and accept this offering of the altar
so that You, Father, may be glorified, adored and honored
for the times to come
through the humble and simple hearts
that vivify and adore You.”
At the doors of the New Jerusalem, before the Angels and the Archangels, before all beings of goodwill that at this moment are congregated, by My Love, in this Sacred Week, I again offer the same sacrifice that I once offered you.
That moment that I shared with My apostles, today I share it with you again, taking the bread and offering it to the Father for it to be converted into My Body. Thus, I break it and again share it with all of Mine, saying to them, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that will be given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We adore the Body of Christ, for the redemption of the entire human race, so that the one thousand years of peace may be established.
In the same way, before this Supper ended, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to the Father so that it may be converted into My Precious and Divine Blood. Thus, I offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which today is shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We adore the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, liberates us and grants us Peace.
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and, in an act of reverence, let us give peace to our brothers and sisters.
In this Sacred Week, I want to see and feel you with the same faith and conviction as the centurion, and that, before Me, with devotion and fervor, you may repeat this simple yet profound prayer:
I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, let My companions rejoice, for I have promised reconciliation and life to them.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thus, we announce, in the Name of the Lord, the Spiritual Communion of all those congregated in the Love of Jesus who are present throughout the whole world.
And, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will accompany this moment of Communion of all those present, live, so that each one who is present at this moment of Communion with Christ may make their offering for this Sacred Week.
While the priestly brothers prepare to distribute the Communion, let us sing, as one heart and one voice, a song He has asked of us: “The Song of the Centurion.”
I want to convert your hearts into living tabernacles of My Love, because My aim is that you may be instruments of My Father so that I can heal the Earth and thus renew the planet. This is My aspiration for each one of you.
I thank you for having responded to Me, and, in this Holy Week, may your essences receive the Codes of My Passion for the redemption of the entire human race.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You may go in peace.
While I am present, reconsider everything that I have told you in these last days, and define your lives in My Merciful Heart, that opens like an inexhaustible spring for souls thirsty for the Love of God.
On this day, I prepare you for tomorrow, at My Last Supper, where we will relive the great mystery of My Divinity and of My Agony, before the Passion.
My Heart offered Itself completely for each one of you, and it lost nothing.
I am before you as before the people of God, who gather together as a single flock to receive Me in this Holy Week.
I have already anointed your feet, blessed your bodies, purified a part of your lives, and brought you even closer to the Heart of My Father, so that renewed by My Spirit, you will be able to survive in this transition that is approaching, which you should love, although you do not understand it or know it; for the world has to be purified, companions, so as to be able to incarnate a new humanity, and write a new story in the sacred books of Heaven, through this cenacle that we will live today and of this blessing that we will propagate for the bliss of all.
Lift up your intentions again so that My Father may hear them, and thus, in His infinite Mercy, contemplate all the needs of His children in the whole world.
You know, companions, that there are souls that suffer more than you at this planetary hour; that is why the work that you are all in must be continued, and not hesitate.
My Holy Mother has given you the foundations for carrying out these works, based on the integration of fraternity and in the union of the beings of the Earth that assemble in My Name to serve Me, and thus, serve My Father Who is in the Heavens.
Do not want anything for yourselves, but rather everything for others; in this way, you will find your freedom in the simple donation of things, and in the absolute expansion of the love of your hearts.
Oh, My friends! How I would like for many more to listen to Me, just as you listen to Me with your heart open, and with the preparation that I convey to you to live in the end of times.
Do not leave your spiritual work behind, never allow this. Walk with confidence toward My Heart and in this way, you will be able to live the spiritual renewal of your inner beings every day.
Now I will show you an example [1]:
This is the greatest secret of My Love for the world.
This is the perfect revelation of the Love of God for all of His creatures.
Who contemplates it will be saved.
Who internalizes it, finds the liberation of their spirit from all their forms.
Who loves the Most Holy relives My Passion and embraces it as their inner work.
This, companions, was what I surrendered for the twelve and for all of humanity.
On the material plane, I show you My Presence.
Happy are those who believe in it and live it permanently.
This is the portal through which you can pass every day and leave behind your mundane customs and habits to raise your spirits, which will free you.
Who crosses through this Holy Monstrance toward the Kingdom of God, will be strengthened and will never feel lost.
This is My expression of Love for the world, and I repeat it, so that you may feel it as real and pure.
Here is God present with all of His Consciousness, small and similar to you, alive and glowing, like the humble hearts.
This is the symbol of My Patriarchy, this is the emblem for My legions, for the adorers of Christ and of His Holy and Living Face.
This is food for the hungry.
It is the light for those who are in the darkness.
It is the solution for doubts, clarity for uncertainty, strength for those who are blind and cannot see Me.
Who will want to adore Me as the angels adore Me all of the time?
I Am not something unknown to you; that is why I incarnated in the world and I gave you the greatest testimony of God for all of humanity.
On Wednesday, after having lived My greatest agony for love and of having supported all the sins that until today the souls would commit out of ignorance and perdition, before the last supper, I withdrew into the silence of the heart.
I come, companions, to reveal to you this light that I Am, for all of the Universe; this saving symbol for souls that seek a way out and cannot find any truth on their path.
See the Son of God, resplendent in this Mystery, before His Passion on Friday.
How much love was reflected for each one of you in that time!, and which is still alive through hearts and of all the generations that live Christ within themselves.
This is the commitment of all the adorers who may want to assume the equilibrium of the planet and of humanity in their lives, in this time of chaos: to Adore the Blessed Body of their Master until the last days of the battle.
How much love there is to pour out through this Monstrance and this symbol of peace!
How many hearts could be alleviated, if you would only look at Me with simplicity and devotion!
I do not come to establish fanatic souls, but rather spirits in constant contemplation and elevation towards the high; living mirrors of God on the surface of the Earth that retransmit the Divine impulses of this holy symbol through their hearts: to be mirrors of peace, to be a light in the darkness and the gloom, to be lovers of My Merciful and Peaceful Heart.
Assume this legacy in your lives, because there are souls that have come to this world to fulfill this, My Will, of adoring Me all of the time.
At the table of the last supper I instituted this Principle of God in the world and for all creatures.
My Heart surrendered for you, and offered Itself like a great living eucharist of flesh, blood, and water, so that souls could be saved under the intercession of your Lord.
And today, companions, I impose here the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity on this archetype, this symbol of peace for the world.
Who walks behind it will be a spark for the world, glowing in the abysses.
Who lives for Christ will find peace and will never perish, when their trust is greater than their fears and all their tests.
Now, son, show the world what I Am.
Leave your aspirations deposited in this symbol; in truth, I will never abandon you, because who is in Me fears nothing and will have eternal life.
I bless you, children, with My Light and with My Peace.
Rest your faces upon My shining Heart and feel the love that comforts you in this hour of surrender and of renunciation for the world.
You consecrated yourselves to Me, and I am pleased by that.
You said "yes" and I accept you, in imperfection and in immaturity, because I do not see your miseries, companions; I only see all that the world can give when it walks in transcendence and it confirms itself in the faith of serving God until the end.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And even when I am present, I expect you to know how to contemplate Me in the continuance of your love and of your devotion for Me, because the only thing that I want, companions, is the redemption of your lives and the pacifying of your hearts, in you and in your fellow beings.
Let us lift to the Heavenly Father the offering for today, that My Merciful Heart welcomes, and feel the peace, only the peace of living in God.
In the offering of the incense, companions is found the purification of the spirit and the soul, and of each part of the bodies that align with the light to be uplifted.
The water is the symbol of the purification of all matter; it is the chastity of God manifested through this sacred element; it is the baptism for all those who must be renewed.
In the oil is found the remedy for the sick in spirit, the renewal by means of Grace, and the sacred objects that trace the upliftment of souls through contemplation and adoration, are the perfect connection for beings.
I institute the code of My Divine Blood.
Through My Body I institute the essence of My glorified Soul.
Second day of intentions blessed by My Spirit.
The Our Father is recited in Aramaic and some intentions are read and answered.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
At the request of Christ and for all these intentions, we will listen to "Páter Noster"
[1] Friar Elías asks for the Monstrance to be brought.
As the smoke of the sacred incense that exorcises darkness, the clouds of Heaven on which My feet alight exorcise the creations of evil and I establish the Kingdom of Light where it did not exist before.
In this war of end of time, dear children, there is nothing that can oppose the light of the Mother of the Sun, because if it did it would burn due to the intensity of the solar impulse which the divine fire holds.
My children, the angelic tools will always be available to the missionaries and the soldiers of peace so that, seeming nothingness, they emerge and are able to defend themselves from all evil.
The Armageddon already surrounds the planet and very few are willing to accept that the times have changed; resistance to change, even if in part, affects the whole which is the present world, and delays the steps that the majority must take.
Once more I tell you, in this final battle for the spiritual conquest of the next kingdom there can be no interference of any kind because if it were like this the consciousnesses would not be prepared to endure the expected purification of the planet.
Through the humanitarian service and the donation of love, may the false kingdoms created in the great regions continue being deactivated, kingdoms that exist to terrorize the consciousnesses and separate them from God.
True victory will be in those who persevere with the heart. My Son will never leave you alone when among the hearts there is certainty and absolute faith that Jesus dwells and lives in each human heart. This cannot be taken away by anyone or any weapon of physical or spiritual extermination.
The Love of Christ that lives in the hearts is the Love of the Father that embraces you and guides you to the final goal. Today I speak to you of the refugees, your brothers and sisters, who persevere until the end in the sacred hope that someday they will find the Promised Land, after a long exile.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Celestial Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Bring incense to Me here and nine candles to honor Me, incense to expel and purify, the candles I will bless and give to the nine mothers of this Order constituted by My Spirit.
After nine days that you have prayed to My merciful Heart, I will tell you what else I want.
I have chosen nine mothers for this task.
Now I will tell you a secret...
Now, listen to My Message for this time.
Seek My Heart at this moment and let that be the reason for being here with the Son of God.
I thank you for the offering you have made, My daughter, for it has pleased My Heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
"Brothers and sisters, today we were present before an aspect of Christ that was a little different, we could say that it is rather an aspect of justice, it was this Presence of Christ that is preparing to come in the time of the Final Judgment, as He said.
But this face of Christ came filled with a very deep love, a love that transformed little by little. Today He came accompanied by many angels.
And as the Master blessed each of the sacred elements, He brought us a passage from those He lived with while here on Earth. He brought this Presence, this information that He slowly worked in our unconscious, and in this way, little by little, He was renewing something within us that we did not know about.
And He then gave us this message; He also asked that the brothers and sisters present there in the name of everyone receive communion of His Body and His Blood.
We knew that this act He had us carry out with Him, of communing and of drinking from the Chalice of Christ, was for a planetary situation.
Now we are going to share with everyone this message He brought today.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón then shares the monthly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, received on August 21, 2015, transmitted during the Apparition to the visionary.
The angels witnessed My Death and the women of compassion surrounded My sepulcher with a gentle, perfumed and real incense that glorified My Heart. This is the incense of purity, humility and liberation, for hearts that believe God is present in simple things.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Look at these candles that lit My sepulcher, carried by the hands of the devout women of Jerusalem who, faithful to the end, believed in My Presence and in My Resurrection. Happy are those who receive the Light of Christ into their hands, for I assure you that nobody and nothing will blind your eyes, for you will always see My Glorified countenance.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And just like the twelve, drink today of My Blood and celebrate this ministry with Me, this priestly ministry that I bring you from the universe through the inner fusion of the Communion with My Body and with My Blood.
But today I want to pay special attention to this Chalice, for this is how your hearts must be, chalices, receptacles of My Divine Codes.
Some of your chalices must be purified, others must be restored, but few are prepared through, the fortitude of prayer, for receiving My Spirit in the sacred temple of the heart.
I make possible all impossible things. Happy are those who believe in the Presence of My Blood within the Sacred Chalice.
Drink and participate with Me in this perfect union with the Universe of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the Holy Communion is found the covenant with My Divinity, and all spirits are assembled by My Great Spirit, because through My divinized Spirit, everything becomes possible in the life of souls.
Happy are those who commune in their heart with Me and have a remembrance of My first Communion with you, here on this planet.
After having fulfilled all My ministry, which is the ministry of My Heart and of My Peace, today I will be able to leave this place rejoicing, for your souls opened to respond to My Call, and through this Sacrament, have accepted My Will, no matter what the cost.
I thank you and I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
It is important to go over the Message of Christ again, at some other time and calmly.
Because He probably wants to send us an impulse so that we can awaken a little more each day.
Let us give thanks for the presence of everybody here and those that followed us in this meeting through Misericordia María TV.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
After having followed the track of My Passion, carry your cross with valor and without delay, for in the coming time, I will wait for you so that you may be a part of My Glory, after you transform.
Do not fear what will come, but rather work so that nothing can happen.
I am calling the last ones that will form the last lines so that the ones who are in front of you can follow Me.
The Universe is showing you a mystery that is loved by few.
Now that you know everything, follow Me, for there is much to do. And this is not just words, it is the Word of God pronounced through My mouth, through the Son of God Who assembles you.
The Cross is known to few, but its mystery is huge; it is a sea of Mercy for those who may want to submerge in it. It is enough to take one step and trust in what I give you, for your purification must be immediate.
There is no more time for waiting. The Universe calls you to the Great Task, which is not only in this world but in all of this vast Universe that silently waits for your definition.
When that happens, companions, everything will have been accomplished and the doors will open from one side to the other, from west to east, from north to south, and in this way, all will be able to see it when they are paying attention and are watching with Me.
While you sing to experience the merits of My Passion, in this afternoon of Mercy I will receive your intentions, and mainly, those of all My daughters consecrated to My eternal Heart.
Let us sing "Be in vigil united with Me, always praying."
While you sing to My Heart, give Me that which has reached its time for exile, so that the Light of God may be born.
Song: "Be in vigil united with Me, always praying."
While the world burns in flames through its own decisions, the Glory of God comes to your assistance to rescue you. Happy are those who believe in My Good News, for thus they will not desist.
My daughters, kneel before your Master and just like on the first day of your consecration, you will honor Me.
Song: "Devotional to the Divine Mercy."
Those who follow Me are not sorry.
Those who follow Me give all of themselves.
Those who follow Me are nurtured by My Spirit.
Those who follow Me are transformed, just like the tree, which loses its leaves, gives new fruits, and then revives all the time.
Those who follow Me do not get lost, but rather find the path they lost.
Those who follow Me are My witnesses and the ones who wait for Me to be able to receive Me.
Those who follow Me do not stop, but move rapidly to reach the Feet of the Master.
Those who follow Me receive everything and lose nothing. Graces are their supreme strength.
Those who follow Me hear the Call and accomplish it like a premise.
Those who follow Me wait for the advent of the new.
Those who follow Me represent an apostle of the times.
Those who follow Me do so because they trust and have complete confidence in knowing what they are doing.
Those who follow Me hear within themselves the signs of the Advent.
Those who follow Me are attentive to the change of the times and assist in any need.
Those who follow Me wait patiently for the day of their redemption, but never stop, for they experience an infinite transformation.
Those who follow Me do so because they have already said "yes" to Me.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Bring Me the incense to bless it, for you have to wait until Sunday for the Resurrection of the King in the heart of those who were dead.
I await you.
Go now, to the moment of the birth of Jesus, and remember what took place there. Remember what happened there with the kings of Persia, of the East, and of the most distant Orient, what it was that they offered the King and what it is that I ask you to offer Me today.
The representation of the life of nature in the incense is the most sublime offering of the creation of material life.
Anoint your beings with incense so that they may receive the Grace of Mercy and remember what it represents throughout time, which is the liberation of human impurity, which corrodes souls and separates them from God through absolute ignorance.
Today I offer you this consecration so that you may see in these signs the presence of My Spirit that exorcises you.
Before the authority of the Celestial Father and in glorification of the Son of God, at this hour in which He lives His death and pours out His Mercy upon the world, together with the creator angels, let us lift up to the celestial altars the offering of the incense as redemption and the doorway to experience rehabilitation.
Song: "Pater Noster."
Experience My meeting as something unique.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and in honor of the Creator.
Archangel Michael says: "Adore the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is a reason for honor, glorification and Mercy."
The Power of My Heart is unknown to many. Therefore, I come at this time to reveal this secret to you; after a great battle comes the moment of restoration, of cure and healing, through the works carried out by My guardian angels.
I send each one of them to descend to humanity and heal all souls, especially those who recognize My Priesthood, and who work together with Me without separating, not even for a moment.
I come here this afternoon to reveal to you the power of My liberation, that which I fulfilled on the Cross after Death.
After so much time, I come to search for those who condemned Me, who martyred Me and those who nailed Me onto the Cross without a single drop of compassion.
For this reason, I open My Arms mercifully, to assist not only humanity, but also all those states of consciousness that humanity does not want to see or recognize.
But the time of the Supreme Law is coming and everything that was said will be fulfilled. You will see things emerge on the horizon, the Aurora that is born and the moon that is bloody marking a new sign for the world.
What was said in the past by the great patriarchs will be lived again and everyone will participate in such unknown mystery.
My Eyes of Light observe you today with charity and compassion. They observe each one of you and each one of those who hear My Voice. Your souls become crystalline before My vision and I can see everything, even the depths of your consciousnesses.
The time has come, at this time, for Me to tell you the Truth, the Truth that will prepare you and lead you towards the goal. But know, My flocks, that you must bear witness to My Presence in the world, so that all My children who are very confused, even those who live My message, can be resurrected by My Presence, by My Love, by My Mercy.
You have not yet understood what it means that I shed such precious Light every day at 3:00 p.m., when My Light descends to Earth, opening Rays of Light upon all consciousnesses, so that evil can be extirpated and all can be redeemed through My Merciful Presence.
Today I am at the top of a great mountain inviting you to climb up to the top so that you can meet Me and that I can make you feel what for so long I have wanted you to feel in your hearts.
I know that many of you will not understand My Mystery, but keep My Presence in your lives as a fundamental key. Trust in this time in all that you are living; Each thing has its place and its time, and I accompany all those who dare to say "yes" to Me.
I open doors for hearts that are wounded, and I resurrect the spirits that are living dead.
I open the hearts that have no light and gather them all around My sacred table.
The most important thing I want to tell you on this day is that you keep a memory of all the meetings you have had with Me. Know that I come to lead your higher beings.
Matter will die on Earth, but the soul will continue its evolutionary path. My main objective is that you reach the Great Star and may be able to merge with Me in the Spirit of God.
That is why I am here, companions, to open your eyes again. I need your sincere and definitive "yes" so that I can build new dwellings in My return.
I gather you again around My Most Sacred Heart and I show you the value and power of My luminous Heart, so that you can identify it as the great star of this Universe.
I will assist those who say "yes" to Me.
This spiritual mountain on which I find myself today is the same one as that on which I pronounced the Beatitudes.
Where I have been on this world My footprints have remained.
Those who trust in My Presence, throughout the times, have been able to resort to My primordial assistance. I have given My Healing and My Mercy to you. And all those who have trusted in My passage through the Holy Land, have received in their hearts what I had waited for so long.
Therefore, it is a cycle of great opportunities for everyone. Take the risk to die through Me. You will lack nothing. You will not be alone, but you will be in My Divine Trust and My Words of Light will reverberate in your hearts, so that the seeds of light can be sown, those that will be born and will sprout in the New Earth, the Earth that the desert people sought so much. A spiritual and immaculate Earth, a Kingdom of blessed and good servants who are constantly around Me, where I hope that many more can enter, in spirit and in consciousness, in serenity and in peace.
Today a great liberation has occurred in the world. It is not by chance that all souls come together through My Passion. Each year that you live this new mystery, everything can be liberated, and My Heart opens the doors for those who have fallen, cures what no one has been able to cure and heals what no one was ever able to heal.
I have already said a lot to you. It is important that you keep My Words for the difficult times.
In any situation, of any severity or pain, look into My Eyes.
In the face of any disturbance, dissociation, or distrust, look into My Eyes.
When everything seems to be fallen and you feel defeated, look into My Eyes.
When you do not have the strength to go forward and bitterness is greater than hope, look into My Eyes.
Feel My Presence. I am already returning to baptize you again with My Spirit of Mercy.
Look into My Eyes and feel God in every place and in every space.
Look into My Eyes. Even if evil wants you to succumb, My Power will save you because I am in everything and with everyone, even in the smallest details.
Look into My Eyes and do not lose sight of Me.
Look into My Eyes, I am here to heal your path.
Look into My Eyes, I am here because I need you.
Who will dare to give a little more? I am the great pillar for your lives, the Flame of the Heart that dazzles the darkness.
Do not fear to suffer, but fear when you cannot serve; service is in everything and God is in all service.
Look into My Eyes, because in that way I will be able to tell you where to go and to walk.
Look into My Eyes and feel the Presence of My Love, the Spirit that comforts and encourages; that heals and redeems.
Look into My Eyes when you commune with Me, so you will be one with Me and I will be One in you. Will you risk being one with Me? This is My call, My petition, and My great aspiration.
Look into My Eyes and trust Me.
And before the blessing of the sacred elements that will be part of My Body and My living Blood, I will tell you an event that took place in the sepulcher, which also helped in My restoration and Resurrection: My Mother, Mary, loved incense. She would place it in every place of the house preparing Her moment of prayer with the Father.
Incense brings the angels of God closer and this mystery was also lived with Me in the sepulcher, while Mary and the women prayed. The scent of good incense spread all over the space.
Incense represents the physical manifestation of the Spirit of God. It is a sacred element that the patriarchs and hermits would use to exorcise the evils that are gestated in this world.
But today I will bring a special blessing to those elements, on this second day, to bless you through the Spirit of My Father and prepare your consciousnesses for the moment of union with Me through Communion. Prepare for that moment.
I also wish, dear companions, that from all parts of the world you send Me your intentions and requests, so that I can bless them and respond to them, according to the Will of My Father.
Therefore, prepare a golden basket for tomorrow, so that all souls write their intentions directly and I can receive them in My Heart. Although I already know them, it is necessary for your hearts to share this gesture of love with Me, this pastoral blessing of all the intentions of My children of the world.
Do not dwell on writing down your needs. That which is simple, I will recognize as something important, because the most necessary thing, dear companions, is to express the intentions of each being with the few words that the heart radiates, in that way everything will be said.
Jesus tells us that all the brothers and sisters who are in their homes, can have in their hands a small piece of bread for the consecration. He will also bless it.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more