Carry in your hearts the badge of the Brotherhood.
May those who have fallen rise.
May evil be submerged itself into its hells and may the doors to perdition and to the condemnation of souls be closed at last; because the Almighty has come to meet you in order to be able to fill you with His Light and His Mercy, and to make of His creatures a new flock of Light, full of the Love of God and impregnated by His Gifts of Compassion, Unity, and Faith.
Today I come as the Priest of the Universe; I come to give you My Peace so that you may be in My Peace, and I give you My Peace so that you may multiply it and make it alive in your hearts and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
I have come from a very special place for Me, and also for My Father, one of the most beautiful places in the Creation of this Planet.
I come from the high peaks of the Himalayas, where the spirit of the sacred, of the pure, and of the reverent is gestated for humanity.
I want those who are Mine to walk with Me upon this mountain. I want you to feel your feet free in order to be able to do so.
I want you to be able to attain the goals that I propose for you for these times, and that, in spite of everything, you continue trusting in Me, because even though the purification may be extensive, the Mystery of Faith is infinite and it is what allows souls to be in God, and God to be in them.
I wish you to contemplate these mountains of the Himalayas as a great revelation of your Master and Lord, who, while amongst you, more than two thousand years ago, already knew what existed there.
Let the mountains be the example and the principle of the elevation of humanity, and, above all, of the elevation of the human mind, which is volatile and destructive.
I come to give strength to those who consider themselves to be My soldiers.
I come to bring the Light that rises in the infinity of the horizon.
For this reason, walk together with Me upon that mountain path, until you reach its highest point, thus, your spirits will rejoice, for you will no longer see obstacles nor will you have limitations in rising up to God. While matter is purified, let the spirit be firm in its purpose and in its mission.
Precious jewels of the Brotherhood are being delivered to everyone and they must be recognized first within yourselves, so that later you are able to express them in the physical life.
In order to climb to the top of this mountain, you must follow a rule that is necessary for Me: that you be what I need you to be, that you give the example of your true spirituality and that, no matter what happens, you keep faith and know that nothing is lost.
Humanity has never faced such difficult times as these. It is the first time that it crosses a portal towards a definition of its consciousnesses and of its purpose.
I come from the heights of the Himalayas to be able to show the world that it is possible to attain the goal and to reach the end of the purpose, no matter what the cost may be.
But if your hands remain united as brothers and sisters, and you create a great chain of Light up to the heights of the Himalayas, the one who is last, and experiencing the hardest test, will be able to be elevated through you and achieve the Light, feel Peace, and, in this example, will be able to find the Spirit of Brotherhood.
Many places of the planet keep Sacred Mysteries.
Unknown keys will be activated in the end of times so that the sleeping humanity may awaken.
And in order for this to happen, first this initiative will come from you, because, in truth, you already know what exists in the inner worlds of this Planet, which allow for the true awakening of humanity.
Today I show you the Himalayas so that you can see within them the spirit of that which is sacred, of all that is good, that can be permeated in the consciousness that seeks the transcendence and elevation of its being.
I am not the only Master in that place; there are also others who, on the inner planes, work for the purpose of the salvation of this humanity, especially the most unconscious of humanity.
Enter the heights of these mountains and feel your spirits in deep freedom.
See how your souls fly like the bird; feel how your hearts open to the beat of the Brotherhood and of all that is sacred.
Discover in yourselves the true Sun that you are. Let it shine and let it dazzle in order to be able to fulfill its purpose in this humanity.
I come to free you from the roots of indifference.
I come to raise you up to the spirit of Truth so that you may enter these mountains, free of the past, redeemed in your actions, and healed of your wounds.
In this way, you will receive the inner light that you need, and with gratitude you will embrace the Codes of Love that God will send you through His Presence in those sacred places of the planet.
From the heights of the Himalayas, I come to proclaim My coming to the world, so that all ears may hear within their inner worlds, and this Word may echo and resound where it should resound, beyond this Universe.
Meanwhile, the doorways to an incalculable opportunity are opening so that souls may recognize their origin and cease to be ignorant and asleep in the face of the Mysteries of the Universe that are being unveiled in these times, in which everything is in play.
Today I leave you all in the heights of the Himalayas, in one of the places most Sacred for My Father, in which He has chosen to place His Feet and again bring His Spirit of Reconciliation and Peace, to give it to all of His creatures.
His Fount will become visible in the times that will come, and souls will awaken and set aside their ignorance; they will open their eyes to what they truly are and set aside arrogance and everything that is petty in this surface humanity.
The chains of error of the past will be dissolved because Saint Michael the Archangel will wield His sword over them. Saint Raphael the Archangel will pour out His healing over the spirits that are unconditionally with God.
The keys of the Doors of Heaven will be given into the hands of the simple, to those who have followed the Path of the Lord, in spite of their purification and their tests.
Blessed are they who enter into My inner Himalayas.
Blessed are they who commune of this Mystery and reveal it to the world.
Blessed are they who with gratitude give thanks for all of these things without deeply knowing them.
Blessed are they who seek the Spirit of Brotherhood beyond themselves and their imperfections.
Blessed are they who take care of the Project of God and make It a part of their lives, defending it from themselves.
Blessed are they who remove their shoes to enter the Temple in an act of reverence and devotion to Divine Compassion.
Blessed are they who bow down in the heights of the mountains to plead to the Father, to Adonai.
Blessed are they who build the new and maintain it throughout time.
Blessed are they who have nothing to gain nor to lose because the Kingdom of the Heavens will be within them and scripture will be fulfilled; they will be freed of the sin of Adam and Eve. And a New Humanity will finally rise, full of new Christs, servant spirits, of souls in constant adoration.
Blessed are they who care for their work of prayer, truly and without deceiving themselves.
Blessed are they who build the foundations of spirituality and hold them in their hearts, as the last legacy.
Today your High Priest speaks to you; the Almighty pronounces His Words through His Beloved Son so that the flocks spread throughout the Earth may assemble at the foot of this mountain of the Himalayas, awaiting the great moment of the Return of their Beloved Lord.
"I ask You, Father, to open the Heavens over a world that is in darkness and that, through the Compassion of your Heart in the world, You may see the lights that ignite to recognize Your Call.
See now, Father, how Your fallen stars shine and how they rise up to the heights of the Firmament to become part of Your Universal Kingdom and Your Great Heavenly Vault.
Now, Father, do not leave anyone behind. I promise to give those who are lost refuge in My Arms. I promise to fulfill Your Works through those who give of themselves to Me and who are unconditionally consistent with My Invitation.
Today, in the heights of the Himalayas, Father, I leave those who most need You, so that those who are most aware and awake may, at the feet of these sacred mountains, may care for the rest of Your flocks.
I place My Scepter upon the heights of these mountains and I strike it on the Earth, to ignite it in Light.
The false temples will fall to My right and to My left, and the ruins of perdition and of the hells will be swallowed up by the earth so that Your Great Portal of Compassion may open between the East and the West, and, finally, Father, Your Words may be accomplished in Humanity. Amen."
Today I send My thanks to those who take care of the Sacred Instruction of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy. Through them, My Word is known throughout the world, and all languages can receive My Message so that it may be accomplished in Humanity.
I wish to dedicate My Love to those who make the effort for this to be accomplished, according to My designs.
Know that, through My Words, and all those who revise and correct them, so that My Message of Light may expand through the world, your hearts are deeply worked upon, time after time, and without your perceiving it, your consciousnesses are unified with Mine, and, thus the Plan manifests.
After these last years of work, those who take care of the instructions of the Divine Messengers should know that they have a spiritual treasure in their hands and that, through their offering, this spiritual and inner treasure may reach many souls that also need it.
For, in this way, the one hundred and forty-four thousand will awaken, who will wait for their Lord during a night of vigil.
And, before the sun will rise, before the new Aurora emerges, in your silence, you will hear the footsteps of the Lord, who is drawing closer to again meet with you, and thus seal the Covenant between hearts and God.
So be it.
My Silence speaks of the deep need to love more than you love, to surrender more than you surrender, and to serve unconditionally, more than you serve; because if with twelve apostles I was able to redeem the world, what will I be able to do with more than twelve consciousnesses that await My Second Coming to the world?
Today I come from a place where My Presence is lived in those who are transparent and true.
A place that has been mercifully blessed by My Mother, for a long time, and that She, with Her incommensurable humility, continues to bless; not looking at the mistakes of humans, but at the essences that go astray.
In the place whence I come there is a cross on the top of the Mount, the same way as My Mother is on the top of the hill, summoning all to peace.
In this place I am adored considerably through the Eucharist.
In this place I listen to the confession of the faithfuls and of the sinners through the ears of the humble priests that live My Priesthood, which I taught Peter in the past.
In this place is experienced the conversion of the heart and the multiplication of the vocations, something that nowadays and in the world of today would not be possible because there is so much evil and so much sin.
God, through His servant and through the presence of His Son in the Eucharist, has put His trust in this place; place so similar to others where My Mother has appeared to give testimony of the Presence of God and of the Love of His beloved Son.
There is no place in the world that is not led into temptation, into perversion or into errors.
As long as there are human beings who deal with the Works of God, as they are so humanly fragile, there will always be mistakes. But if there is consideration in what is lived and in what is practiced as spiritual life, there will always be a support for the souls to feel guided; this is why not all are in the same school of understanding the mysteries of the Lord.
Each one lives what they have come to learn in this life, and it is what God has destined for each one of souls.
I only invite you to be guardians of the Maternal Centers of Love that your Holy Mother has founded in several parts of the world.
God does not need you to observe what the others do wrongly, because the time of Justice will come.
You must pray for your enemies, you must pray for those who cannot live the truth, and not judge them.
Each one of you has sinned in something and My forgiveness was given, infinite times. Seek the transparence of your hearts and you will find the peace that you do not live today for different reasons.
I know that when human beings manage the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries in the world, many faults are committed because ostentation is very great, more than prayer.
But now, God is not placing His look at the unjust but in the faith of millions of souls who need to live their conversion and redemption through these nuclei of love, which, as Sources of Graces, the Celestial Universe has founded on Earth.
If you are part of these Centers of Love and of these Marian Sanctuaries, it is because you need healing and need to take this healing to the ones who do not have it, either by ignorance or blindness.
Because of this I have come from this Mount where a cross so similar to this one has been placed. Where pilgrims get to it to ask for redemption and peace through the intercession of the faithful Servant of God.
The work of the Sacred Hearts is one and is not divided; it is the adversary who divides the things in the minds of men and women and confounds them so much, so much, that they lose the opportunity of learning to love just as I wish it every day and in each moment of your lives.
Awaken to the truth of Heaven and make yourself part of it; do not get lost in what is superficial, in what is apparent, or in what is not clear.
Open your eyes and see the Source of Love of the Sacred Hearts come, which is disseminated in several parts of the world and through different Marian Centers and Sanctuaries.
I invite you to seek Unity in all this. It will make you strong and invincible and will not separate you from My Heart, but will unite you more and more to God, to His divine Consciousness.
Fulfill the prophecy of these times, about the advent of The One crowned by stars, because She does not stay in the small and in the insignificant.
Her voice echoes in all the Universes, because She is the one who is Her humiliation has incarnated the Son of God in Her most pure womb, and has brought to all the mercy and the peace that from time to time the world needs.
Be Her message and fulfill it. Be guardians of Her Marian Sanctuaries and you will understand right away the Plans of God.
Because of this, I have come from this place, in Medjugorje, because I was sanctifying it, so that it never loses the essence of its truth, and it is here that the Son of God makes the bridge between Medjugorgje and South America, so that all may see that in essence everything is a single thing, a single principle and a single mission.
Do not seek to understand what are the charismas or virtues, seek every day to be part of this Source of Graces that emanates from the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries and you will at last be the servants of the Woman clothed with the Sun, who brings the moon at Her feet to announce the new age.
Do not just be Her children. Be Her servants, be Her disciples, be Her collaborators of peace, and thus you will free yourselves, I assure you, from the mediocre and superficial things that the human beings do to wound the faith of souls and the credibility in the Kingdom of God.
The only thing that matters, dear companions, is that God is working with so much mercy and piety to save millions of souls that, if not finding places like the Marian Sanctuaries, would be so lost, so separate and so far away from the Truth.
Today I come to give this message to the hearts that are in the first school of preparation. For them to be able to understand in the new schools all the mysteries that are based on Love.
And thus, I separate with My Hands what wants to confound you, to separate you from the Truth of the Sacred Hearts.
We are in a time of spiritual battle, where love and indifference play on a board to define who will gain this final instance.
Place yourselves in the army of love, of perseverance and of faith, and see how much the Love of God transforms everything it touches, especially My companions, My friends and My children, who live Me in the faith and in the hope of someday, under the grace of God, once again seeing Me for second time.
May this cross that I bring today from the top of Medjugorje unite, liberate and sanctify all peoples.
May there be no more languages, races nor creeds; but only love, which springs from My Heart, from the Source, to the whole humanity.
If you have love in your hearts, you will understand My Mysteries, if you have you minds before love, you will confound yourselves.
Do not seek the answers in wrong places, be more intelligent than My adversary and defeat it through prayer and unity.
Because God knows in His infinite Mercy what each child needs.
Do not try to force an answer that you do not understand, because you will always go astray, and you will thus lose hope of finding here, on this day, a new path to the sublime consciousness.
I was the Jesus who communed and lived with the poor, with the rich; who took
the power from the erudite and from the kings and gave the treasure to the simplest and the humblest of heart.
Through My Passion, through the Cross and through My Death I taught you how you should love.
Once I told you, in My greatest Agony: “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they do”.
Today I ask you, out of mercy, that you forgive those who do not know what they do.
If you ask for mercy, also be merciful with your fellow beings.
Open your ears and quieten your hearts so that My Divinity can again commune with humanity.
Why do I make all these explanations? Because the time has come for all to live the Work of God according to your schools, knowing that it is the Son of Man who unites all the schools into one single love, which is the love of the Source.
All will come to witness the return of Christ, from different schools, religions, creeds, peoples, and regions.
In the end, all will become aware that the path has always been one: to go through the door of My Heart; the door to Love, Truth, and Unity.
May the Lord bless all these elements at the foot of the altar, which will be a source of Graces and of renewal for the souls that will receive them today.
Thank God for all that you receive, and not for what you do not understand. Remember that your guardian angels write in your books the opportunities that you have of loving more.
May the Lord sanctify these elements so that souls may live love, and let none miss the opportunity of awakening to what is true, unique, unknown, and sublime.
Lord, exorcise everything that is not part of Your Light. May the minds be freed from their questioning so that evil is defeated and the Power and Glory of My Sacred Heart triumph.
May the Lord bless this water, which is created by His divine and loving Thought, so that it baptize and regenerate the souls that today will be blessed by the Light of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord will renew today the vows of the souls that are consequent, just as the vows of many other souls in the world that will aspire to help the Divine Mercy of the Redeemer.
The Lord blesses you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.1
May this symbol of the Golden Heart represent the union of your hearts with Mine, forever.
Now, the Lord is going to bless you in the name of all the souls that assist Christ in the Work of His Divine Mercy.
Father, multiply the Graces in these hearts, and may they be a part of the Ocean of Your Infinite Mercy, so that as renewed lights in the world, they evangelize the Earth with their examples of charity and of unconditional service to those who are most in need. Amen.
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord shares this supper with His disciples; with daughters who are consecrating themselves today to His Divine Mercy, so that Divine Mercy may be spread throughout the world as a Source of Reparation and of Healing for the souls who agonize and suffer in their abysms.
Just like more than two thousand years ago, sitting with My apostles on the ground, I took the bread, I gave thanks for this sacrifice, and I said to them: all eat of this for this is My Body that will be surrendered for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in My Memory, for the times that will come.
In the same way, I took the chalice and giving thanks to God for that great sacrifice, I said to them: all take and drink of It, for this is My Blood of the new and eternal alliance, which will be lived by all souls until the end of times.
This is the Sacrament of Redemption, the Renewal and the Healing of humanity.
Let us pray.
Under the Light of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I bless you, and I bless this humanity, so that it may walk towards Redemption.
Today I rise up to Heaven with a new song. And today you will say: “I am with you, Lord, because I believe in Your Mercy, because I believe in Your Power, and I accept living Your Will as God has thought it from the beginning.”
I thank you for having done of this marathon, a marathon of liberation and of infinite forgiveness.
Amen. We can sing.
1. The helpers are anointed with oil.
Write My Words in your heart and may they not disappear, because they will be necessary Words for the coming times.
I Am so similar to this Light, that whoever follows Me will never be in the dark. Happy will be those who follow My Light and recognize it within themselves, for they will not miss the opportunity to feel the power and strength of My Love.
When My Light is present, there is no darkness. The dark ones and the demons fall into hell, because My Holy Father, Archangel Michael, has defeated them one by one. This is why you do not have to fear anything now, but for not converting your hearts; a conversion that must be consistent with My request, at this final time, in which all is defined within and outside of beings.
Whoever searches for this Light will not perish. Whoever lives in My Light will be light in the dark of the three days of darkness.
My Light is the essence of love and My Love is the essence of life, the life that God has given us from the beginning to all His creatures. Most beautiful is His Light in the universe, for it is triumphant and cannot be defeated.
You will see the hells moving. You will feel the Earth tremble. You might see terrible things in the times to come, but know that it will be the moment of great definition, and the decision and freedom to do it will be in you because I need souls that shine with My Call. I need warriors to fight against immense things, against that which they have never fought. Therefore, I integrate all of you into My Light, that is the eternal Light of God; it is unity, it is omnipresence and it is the universal science.
Woe to those who do not enter the Light of My Heart. How will you be able to persist in these acute times?
I come to give something to the world, to which most people pay no attention, but only give attention to the superficial and petty. You will see men and women beating their chests for not having done it, for not having searched for My Light, the eternal Light of the Creator.
My Essence is being delivered until the last drop. I am giving an account of you and the world to My Father. Do not reject or miss this opportunity, because it is one of the last, and in you, all the treasures must be alive, which month by month and from time to time, I have been delivering to you through this simple meeting of prayer.
It is time for you to place the keys of Heaven upon the table and to contemplate with gratitude the Graces that My Father has given you through My Glorified Heart. You, if you are My followers, have the keys to open the new doors and not to close them to those who need to cross into the new life, into renewal and hope. Define your paths, because the time is approaching and I invite you to be part of My Light so that, by being in Me, I may be in you at each moment and in each hour.
And if My Light is in you, My enemy will not triumph. He will not be able to defeat any of My souls, those that throughout times I have summoned to be part of the armies of the final time, of the preparation of the Return of your King.
Drink from the Source of Light that I bring you today because, in essence, it is Adonai who, with immense Mercy, is giving Himself to your spirits, souls and consciousnesses, for those who do not accept Him, for those who deceive Him, and especially, for those who do not experience Him.
I invite you all the time to be true, so My Light may be in you because nothing belongs to you. Your lives are part of an original Project that has been distorted throughout times and centuries.
I come to complete, at this hour, what I could not do two thousand years ago because My Father called Me and I had to ascend to the heavens to listen to Him, as a good son listens to his father and rejoices in his words of wisdom and love.
In the same way, I would like you, My companions and My friends, My servers and My servants, to listen to the Words of your Lord, your Master, your Shepherd and your Father as if they were the last ones for this last era because you must witness what you have experienced with Me and you may or may not be witnesses of this Truth that I bring you.
Today you will place your faces before your enemies to testify that I have been here, in these last years, with you and with all who have welcomed My Call in humanity.
Therefore, the time has come to commune not only with My Body and My Blood, which is the greatest gift of My Love and My Sacrifice for the world, but the time has come to merge yourselves with My Light and to never leave it again, to not lose yourself in the tribulation that this world will experience and that it will face in these times.
With all the Glory of Heaven, I bring you this Light that belongs to no one but the Primordial Source, where Unity and Love reign in all creatures. May this Light shine in the dark spaces. May this Light banish the emblems of evil. May this Light triumph in the pure hearts and may the New Christs, the new apostles, the peacemakers of the Redeemer finally be born.
This Light, that I bring you today, comes from a profound and sublime place, from an unknown dimension of the consciousness, from which your Lord and Master of Love emerged, like His Holy and Virgin Mary, as well as all the archangels that exist in Heaven and in the universes, who praise Adonai eternally.
You are children of this Light. Awaken, awaken your brothers and sisters from world hypnotism. Remember that you are children of the Source and that you are essences that come here to experience the principle of redemption and forgiveness for all that has happened beyond this plan.
This Light of My Heart brings you Grace. This Light blesses and renews you because it brings you Mercy and grants indulgence to your hearts that need it so much in the whole world.
If you are around this Light, the Light of My Heart, you have nothing to fear. The purification of your consciousnesses, the rendition of your human aspects and the liberation of your atavisms will be difficult. But whoever is near My Light will never perish, for they will be contemplated by the universe for having been contemplated by the Son of God, who believes and has hope in a New Humanity, healed and redeemed of its eternal mistakes.
Raise to the Heavens and spiritually, the Light that exists in your hearts and essences. Offer to God this Light as reparation and recognize that without this Light you cannot do anything and will never be guided to the final goal.
Dignify your consciousnesses and receive, through this Light, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that should spread throughout the world for souls that fall into the hells of the planetary surface. Furthermore, I tell you that this Light is also granted by the angels of the universe.
Today, at My Father's request, I stop the actions of the evil in humanity and will no longer allow the innocent to suffer the attacks of hell, because My Light, which is invincible, will triumph.
Happy will be those who believe in this mystery, because, just by believing, they will be within My Light without perceiving it; and truly I tell you to commune with My Heart until the end of the days, until you see Me coming among the clouds, in the Glory of God.
It is thus that in this hour I stop the perdition of souls, the agitation of the hells, human injustice and sin in the humanity of the surface. This Light grants, at this moment, an instance of peace for those who need it most, for those who suffer most, for those who despair and have not yet found any way out.
Today you have communed with the Sacrament of My Light, a mystery that I am revealing to the Church on Earth because, beyond the communion of My Body and My Blood, you can commune with My Light, and thus you will be communing with My Divinity.
Now listen to the prayer of your Master, who kneels before the altars of Adonai, just as all the angels of Heaven kneel before the Primordial Source. And in this way, with this prayer, I will bless all the elements, because while I speak, My Divine Energy, that is the Energy of God, magnetizes all things and transforms them into something sacred and into worship. Everything transforms itself in a great ceremony when the Light of My Heart projects itself upon humanity.
"Listen, Eternal Father, to the Voice of your Servant, of Your Essence, of an immeasurable love, who kneels before Your Throne to beg You, to convert this moment into something sacred, pure and immaculate.
At the Feet of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, we beg with the angels of Heaven for the emergence of a New Humanity free of mistakes, free of suffering, free of bitterness, free of sadness, free of uncertainties, free of failures.
May Your Divine Light, Lord, which permeates and lives in all universes, descend now upon those who listen to Your Sacred Word, through the most beloved Word of Your Son.
May souls always find refuge in My Heart so that I may take them to You, and You, Father, hold them in Your Arms to protect them and to contemplate them with the sweetest gaze of Your infinite Love.
So, Father, at the request of Your Son, banish what causes indifference. Open the eyes of those who are blind spiritually. Make yourself be felt like a powerful Ray in the most closed hearts, so that all may experience the splendor of Your Celestial Kingdom.
I promise, Lord, until the end of days of this world, to rescue Your children from Your Holy Justice so that all may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy and in this way find peace, the hope of experiencing you and of participating with You in eternal Communion.
Now I send the angelical armies for them to fill the whole Earth with Your Light, and that the greatest sinners be liberated from perdition, so that they too may experience the Source of Your Love and Your Truth.
Bless, Lord, this moment with Your eternal Light and, in Your Source of Life, immerse Your creatures, the ones that You have conceived according to Your Divine Thought and Your Project; thus, with the surrender of Your Son on the Cross and with the cross of the New Christs, My eternal rival will be defeated, for his defeat is near. The triumph of Your Kingdom will descend upon Earth, the New Humanity will be born and it will no longer be indifferent to Your Words and Designs.
Believe, Father, and observe with the gaze of Your Love what I have done in Your children throughout times.
Listen to the praises of the saints.
Receive the honor, Father, of the blessed ones.
Hear, Father, the song of the angels, because You are always Our Light, Our Guide and Our Truth.
I offer the Light that you have granted in My humble and poor Heart, for those who do not experience You yet and do not even search for You.
Lord, have Mercy, and may no soul stop being able to kindle their inner light before Your Presence, before Your omnipotence and omniscience.
May Your Will be fulfilled, Lord, in the hearts that receive it today and that they may be forever aware of this sacred commitment with Your eternal Heart.
Today I ask You, Father, that by Your infinite Grace and by Your greater Love, the hells succumb in their hells and that You close the doors to evil, just as Your Son implores You, with all that You have granted in essence, in life and in divinity, in My Sacred Heart.
May Your Rays of Grace reach those who need it most.
May you grant the healing of consciousnesses and may joy return to all who have lost it for some reason.
May Your children, Lord, Your creatures rejoice to experience Your Celestial Kingdom because Your Paradise is approaching, and at the end, Lord, at last, the thousand years of peace will be fulfilled.
Today the inner lights of your creatures have risen to Your Kingdom. Today Your altars are lit by this Light. May your divine Light, Lord, make more humble, simple and meek those who follow Your Path with faith, hope and trust.
My Heart rejoices in You, Father, just as My Heart rejoiced, in spite of everything, in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that this time would come and that everyone would know through these means, the power of Your Words, the decree that exists in the Heavens.
May the Light of God purify Your children and may each child, who comes from You, fulfill Your Will with joy."
I baptize with this Light all those who have followed Me through the ages and I institute on this day, among all, the new Congregation of Faith, under the guidance of your Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the peacemakers raise their voices to the Heavens, for the ears of the Father will hear their melodies. May the peacemakers of the Redeemer proclaim to the four corners of Earth, without any fear of saying that they are Christians until the end, until their Master returns to establish a new time in humanity.
Let us pray to the Father with gratitude and rejoice.
Prayer: Heavenly Father
Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of our Lord let us sing together "Peacemakers of Christ the Redeemer" and let us invite our brothers and sisters from the Monasteries, from the Communities, from the groups of the Light-Network and all the praying beings of good will.
Let us offer to God this Light that He has granted us in our interior as an offer of repair and healing for humanity.
Here is the Sacred Ark of God, which holds the greatest treasures of the Universe.
It will return with Me to the Earth to institute the new Plan of God at the moment of the emergence of a new humanity.
I will return more brilliant than a sun and more luminous than hundreds of stars.
My Spirit will be as fleeting as the wind and similar to the force of the oceans and of all the seas.
A Portal of the Universe will open on the Earth, and the one hundred and forty-four thousand will feel it because they will hear My Voice in their hearts and they will know that the hour is approaching.
It will be the moment in which God will have declared His Justice over the world, and the unbelievers, the unjust will know it.
This is why I come to offer this Sacred Ark as a last salvation for humanity.
Within it I have placed My Sacred Heart full of thorns so that it may be venerated, adored, and restored by humanity.
The angels will participate in this event of the Coming of the Son of Man, and there will be no consciousness that will remain unaware, because God is already putting an end to human injustices, to all that is sin, and to all that is lost.
As I did more than two thousand years ago in the Holy Land, I come to offer My Heart as a symbol of universal atonement so that souls may find a safe refuge and know how to act in the coming times, without losing the possibility of being guided.
With all of this, I come to reveal to you the mysteries of My Sacred Heart, which are not truly contemplated nor sought by all in these times.
I have chosen this place to do it, because one of Mine has come here; they have come in My Name to leave something that humanity has not understood and has changed that opportunity into a perdition for many souls.
But My Mercy is infinite, greater than all the oceans and all of the Universe.
My Fount of Grace will never stop flowing, but I must be obedient to My Father, just as you must be obedient to the Law and to Justice.
My Grace will not end, but I must have it cease at some point. Because of this, in these times, I come to strengthen you to try to make your lives new instruments that can respond to the need of My Plan and of My urgent return to the world.
While the world is unjust to all that I have given it through My Sacrifice and the Cross, through a profaning of the Word, of the Divine Verb, and of the Eucharist, it will still suffer more than it expects.
This is why I come with so few to change the events and make of your incarnations a moment of renewal and of hope for the world.
I would like you pray to Me every day as you have prayed today.
I would like you to walk towards the Portal of Peace every day as you have walked today, in simplicity, in love, and in attunement.
This has allowed Me to come here to gather up the purgatories that exist in all of Europe.
When your feet walk with determination and firmness toward My Portal of Peace, I can do many things through you; and all those that I can do are very unknown to humanity.
Today you have allowed My Father to grant the bringing of the Ark of the Sacred Covenant here, under the deep veneration of My Sacred Heart, which is within it as essence and energy.
I want your eyes to observe the horizon of My Heart, the Universe of My Love, and the Divinity of My Consciousness, and that you are able to believe that beyond all this there is something greater and more real, which the world still does not know.
Today I was able to leave in your hearts the Dwellings of My Father, those dwellings of which I have spoken in the Gospels, in the New Testament.
I want you to pray not only for yourselves, but also for the unfaithful and selfish world; for those who use My Name and the Name of My Mother to promote themselves and have many consciousnesses believe that all of it is true.
You do not know how much My Heart feels when you distort things, as purpose and as celestial design.
I have nothing else to give you but My Heart and My Life, My Soul and My Divinity.
I aspire to be in Mine much more than what I Am.
I aspire to be able to convert what I am not yet allowed.
I aspire to be able to liberate what is still resistant within you, out of fear or shame.
My Eyes of Mercy do not come to see what is not right, but rather they come to see what My Father has created in the depths of your consciousnesses, from the Beginning.
It is for the essence of the souls of the world that I pray every day, at the foot of a luminous cross similar to this one, which is beside My altar.
On this Cross I gave everything for all, and much more than what humanity knows through stories or tales, through experiences or visions.
God will never completely reveal His Mystery, because He knows that humanity is weak in the flesh and in temptation.
But yes, He can give all His treasures and what exists beyond this Universe to those who have faith in Him, to those who believe His Word, to those who live in His Will and respect it, to those who fully trust in His Merciful Love.
The world is very sick in body, in mind, and in spirit.
Who will assist this wounded world full of injuries?
A world that suffers as a consciousness, through humanity and the Kingdoms that My Father has created for its benefit, for the benefit of His creatures.
I am like a tree, waiting for you to contemplate Me.
I am like the birds, waiting to be praised.
I am like the sea, so that you seek Me in the silence.
I am in the wind, so that you may recognize the caress of My Love in all that has been created.
My Love, which is the Love of My Father, is in everything, awaiting reparation and healing.
May the brave feel encouraged to follow Me.
May the persevering not become weary of following in My footsteps.
May the imperfect not become frightened.
May the sick believe in the Power of My Healing, and may the peacemakers not cease to bring peace, no matter what happens.
Because in truth I tell you, happy will be those who do greater things than the ones I did, because in Heaven they will be crowned for living and seeking My Humility; because in the Universe they will be recognized as My servants of the end of times, and as the saints of the last days.
Offer your little sufferings for those who suffer the most.
The planet as a whole, as consciousness, is the greatest pain for this Universe.
I will return in Glory to correct this human project and this great idea, divine and immaculate, that My Father emanated from His Heart into Infinity.
When you see that evil makes everything tremble and that the greatest difficulties of the Work present themselves, know that My enemy is uneasy, because I am taking firm steps on the path to My Return.
May the torches of the New Christs come alight.
May the banners of rehabilitation be raised.
May the flags of peace be seen at the top of the hills, because the end is coming, although many do not believe.
Take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.
Pray, worship, and wait in silence, because a significant sign will come to pass, and you must not be distracted and unable to see it.
This sign will indicate the end of the very end and the arrival of the Omega to humanity.
The Sacred Books will finish being written because the Woman Clothed with the Sun will open the new coffer, where the most precious pearls of redemption will be presented before the Thrones of Our Lord.
The Archangel Gabriel will announce to His angels the moment of My arrival, and the last trumpet in the Celestial Universe will be heard. Woe to those that do not do penance!
Justice will be very great for what humanity has done, but My Mercy will save the one who truly surrenders for themselves and for their brothers and sisters.
Search no longer for the chaff in someone else’s eye. Judge no longer, criticize no longer.
Be merciful as I Am, until the end of the cross, until you are pierced by the spear of the Love of Our Father.
Even at that time, do not give up, because even though I am apparently not present, My Divine Spirit will always be in the one who believes and experiences My Trust.
May this Ark be the symbol of the newly redeemed that peacefully venerate My Sacred Heart, and do it for a lost and indifferent race.
Happy will be those who do so, because they will never lack faith.
The Kingdom of God draws near to pour out His Justice, and I will do everything possible and a little more for the fallen. So be it.
I will pray in these days along with you so that these roses that you have brought to My Altar may be blessed, and on the third day of this meeting you take them as a gift of light from My Sacred Heart, and as part of the donation of the Kingdoms of Nature to humanity, an unconditional donation.
In this Marathon let us pray for those that do not live My Commandments, for those who violate the Laws of the Universe every day, for those who are religious and spiritual and are not true, so that the Holy Spirit open their eyes and break the locks of their hearts; so that the Grace of My Merciful Heart descends and souls be rescued from their abysses. Amen.
While I rise up to the Universe with all the pleas received, in this hour I need you to ease My Heart of all that It sees, day to day, in this world.
And I am here for those who listen to Me, for those who live Me, for those who search for Me, for those who believe in their Divine Lord.
I need you to restore My Heart today with a song, so deep for Me.
I am here with you, and through this song you will say: Lord, You are here always.
I bless you with the saving power of the Cross, with the luminous sign of redemption and of peace, so that impure spirits may be liberated, and so that souls may find peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more