Mary, at this moment, appears dressed in white, barefoot, with the moon at Her feet and the Crown of twelve stars.

At the center of Her chest, a symbol of a great Eucharist appears which has the letters JHS. And in the Presence of Our Lady, the spaces balance. Her energy of peace establishes harmony and unites this space and this place with the Fount of God, by means of the work of prayer that was carried out.

Thus, at this moment Our Lady asked us to first transmit Her Words so that we can accompany Her in what She is doing at this moment.

We will join and attune with this Presence of Mary, as the Mother of the Sacred Eucharist.

Dear children,

From Heaven, I bring you inner protection, because if you are with Me, you are with God and with His Plan of Love which, although for humanity it is unpredictable, it is a Plan that will be fulfilled, first on the levels of the inner worlds and then it will manifest on the surface by means of the souls and the hearts that will be redeemed in Christ.

I bring you this inner security because I know you need it in order to be able to keep trusting in God and in His Presence.

Thus, today I bring you the Sacred Eucharistic Body of My Son because, as a Servant and Disciple of the Lord, I am the first who must adore and honor Him, not only for His task and mission carried out on Earth, but rather for His great Work of Mercy and of Grace in the Universe and in humanity.

I bring you, at this moment, a space of the Kingdom of Lys in which this inner security expresses and manifests itself through the angels who are present there and work with all pilgrim souls that come to the Sanctuary of Fatima to recognize, time and again, the Mother of God, the victor and triumphant one over the darkness.

However, this is the time, My children, to learn to live the most difficult moments of humanity, because thus you will help other children of Mine to do so. You will help and teach others to go through the end of times knowing that, although the three days of darkness will be present, you will know how to continue because who is before the Eucharistic Body of My Son, is before God, His celestial Presence, His Throne, His Power, His Majesty.

Thus, in the silence of My Heart, I bring you the Truth of knowing how to listen to God through the Divine Messengers, of being able to trust beyond the events or the changes.

I bring you the opportunity of truly living sacrifice for My Son without illusions nor imaginations.

I know that it is a very great step for all the servers of Christ, but God needs to express these very difficult moments within humanity so that the human consciousness may learn to change and transcend itself; so that it may learn to seek reconciliation with God and never again move away from Him, from the Source of His Love and of Grace.

Before the Presence of the Eucharistic Body of My Son in My Heart, I also bring you the Wisdom of God, knowing that in these difficult times great decisions must be made so that the Work of My Son may be fulfilled, in spite of the consciousnesses or of the changes.

Know, My children, that you have never gone through such a different time as this, such an unpredictable time as this, because it is a time in which you must learn to be in Christ and in the Love of My Son so that in this perfect union with Him you may strengthen and move forward, fulfilling His Plan and His requests.

By means of the Kingdom of Lys, I bring you Peace, the Peace of the Angel of Portugal because this faithful Messenger of God, in this pilgrimage, is working hard to help the angels of the other nations of Europe that need liberation and help, just as all of My children of this historic and wounded continent.

However, the Light of the Kingdom of Lys emerges as great spheres of consciousness in which Hierarchies and angels of Light manifest themselves to assist and help the inner planes, where the great intermediations take place to relieve souls, to rekindle the hearts in devotion to the love of God, to bring peace to the world in places where it no longer exists, for ignorance, for error.

But the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will occur during extreme situations, in extreme moments, in culminating and decisive times.

Therefore, My children, I appeal so that you can recognize these moments and be attentive and watchful, just as your Heavenly Mother is, before the adversity of these times and before the spiritual battle of these times.

But the Hand of God will never separate from you, if you allow the Hand of God to be upon you all the time.

God profoundly wishes love and good for humanity, but many do not accept it.

In order to be able to see Christ in His Second Return, important changes must take place within humanity and on the planet, changes that must begin in the consciousness and then be reflected in actions, in examples and in acts, knowing that a group like you, at the service of My Son, must sustain what is impossible for the three-dimensional and human consciousness.

However, the force of My Immaculate and maternal Heart will impel you to carry forward the torch of peace, which will illuminate the world and in consequence will bring the Presence of Christ to humanity and to the lost hearts.

Know that you must not survive in these times as many are surviving, in a spiritual and material way.

God gives you everything, so that you can give everything.

God does not complain to you. God waits for you and listens to you, welcomes you in His eternal and infinite Heart.

God brings you Peace through His Heavenly servants.

God establishes His Mercy in those who hear His call and do not retrogress, because this is a time to grant a great healing for the planet and humanity. It is time to sustain what is unsustainable and to love what is impossible to love, to understand what is impossible to understand.

It is time to consider the values that the Hierarchy has given you, at each moment and at each stage, because in this way you will always have a direction, a path, a light on the horizon of the times of darkness.

I bring you, by means of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, the Strength of God, that same Strength that My Son needed in the culminating moment of the Garden of Gethsemane when, in a profound loneliness and darkness, He did not doubt God not even for a moment. Because although He had been a simple and humble man, He maintained His Faith in the Heights, in the Will, beyond understanding or experiencing it.

For this reason, He is the Christ. And you can also be so.

My Son, in this time, does not say words only to cheer you up or to encourage you.

The New Christ is the one who imitates My Son in the example and in the inner life, although they fall and stand up many times.

My Son gives you the impulse to be New Christs because they will be the apostles who will defend and proclaim His Second Return to humanity in the four corners of the Earth. Brothers and sisters whom today you do not know will proclaim the coming of the Redeemer, and the prophecy that is written in the Bible will be fulfilled: “The Woman clothed with the Sun will come again to the Earth, with the Moon at Her feet and the Crown of Light on Her head, announcing the arrival of the Redeemer, of the Savior, of the Master amongst masters, of the one who triumphed in Love and in Truth”.

Be one in Christ, in each moment, in each circumstance, under any situation or experience. Thus, he will be amongst you and you will be within Him. Thus, He will fulfill His prodigies and will manifest His graces to those who have needed them for a long time.

I offer you the Eucharistic Body of My Son as a door to your redemption and to your surrender to God.

My Maternal Grace will be your strength and your consolation for the difficult moments.

Have faith in what I tell you and pray for the causes of God so that His Will may be fulfilled and His Plan of Love may be carried out on Earth.

I thank you for listening to me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Although the deepest wounds of the planet are at this moment being shown through the chaos in this world, My Immaculate Heart protects and safeguards all the children that cry out to God in heartfelt sincerity.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother is interceding, at this moment, for all the innocent souls and for the most sinful souls who draw the violence of the elements of nature to the world.

Today, I am placing each one of them in My Arms of a Mother, so that their deepest nuclei may be safeguarded by the Love of My Motherly Heart.

Although the world is collapsing, I will always be with you.

Although the world seems to be falling apart, I will always be with you.

Although catastrophes, wars, unjustly spilled blood exist, I will always be with you.

Although the violence of the end of these times is unleashed overnight, even during the three days of great darkness, I will always, always be with you. For I came and come to this world to recover what is lost, what nobody wants to take care of in this humanity.

I am determined, at least, to allow My Heart to triumph in the inner worlds of the inhabitants of North America.

It is My mission and My destiny that the most imperfect and lost souls, that the peoples, cities and nations broken by the wave of the intense purification may have an opportunity and gain a Grace from My Heart.

There will be no element, catastrophe or physical or inner disaster that will stop Me; because I Am the Mother of your Master and Lord, I Am the untiring seeker of the love and prayers of souls.

When that alliance is consummated between you, My children, and your Universal Mother, when you live the same love and the same service that your Celestial Mother lives, I assure you that the planet may shake or sway, but the love between us will be inextinguishable; and I will receive your love and service in each moment to present it as an offering of sacrifice of humanity.

Do not hesitate, do not waver, the Lord is merciful and consoling with everything that is happening today in this world.

Believe and reaffirm the Coming of Christ in yourselves, for it will happen in spite of what takes place.

I leave you in My Motherly Arms, now and always.

Who blesses you, with the holy sword of the Archangel Saint Michael,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 50th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat:

Come, Humility of God,
and strengthen my life.
Come, Humility of God,
and make me nothing in Your Divine Essence.

And now, at the request of Christ, we will do it together.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come toward you with all the Rays of My Glory, Rays more brilliant and golden than all this altar, than all the suns that exist in the Universe; more brilliant than all the stars, than all life and all essence.

This is the Humility of God in My Heart, that makes the impossible possible, converts sin into love and dissolves error through Divine Mercy.

These are the Rays of the Divine Humility of God, that will shape you, strengthen you, and encourage you to continue, in these times, the path of apostleship that I show you today, to which you have offered yourselves through your intentions in this simple basket.

I come to bring you the Gift of the Humility of God, which has allowed all existence; because in the Humility of God there is love, and love is in Sacred Unity, which is the Source of expression of all things.

I come with My resplendent Heart on this day, feeling the deep bliss of your hearts for opening the paths to Me so that I may travel on them, together with you, on this sacred planetary mission.

I come to give the Gift of the Divine Humility of God to all souls, especially to those seeking the  Truth, to those that still do not feel whole in the Lord.

Today I come to ask, beloved companions, that you no longer look at your errors; that you see in yourselves the virtues, the holy virtues of inner transformation, not to boast or to magnify yourselves.

The Gift of the Divine Humility of God will allow you to carry out My Work and fulfill it at each stage, as My Sacred Heart has foreseen.

In this Sacred Humility of God, in this Divine Humility of the Father, the renewal of your lives is found.

Because if you live in the Humility of God while you are on the surface of this planet and in these chaotic times, nothing else will matter.

May your hearts and lives be sources and instruments of that Divine Humility.

Today I have decided to come before the foreseen time, because Grace has allowed Me to and because your hearts aspire to find Me within you, whole and alive.

I invite you, companions, to seek in these times the Divine Humility of God.

Remember that yesterday, I told you I would place My Designs in your hands; this is the first and fundamental one, because in the Divine Humility of God you will always find the way out of the difficulties and all the tests that you may go through and experience in this time.

I encourage you to not be afraid, but rather strengthen your trust in My merciful Heart.

I am finally living in your lives, the Virtues of God, the spirit of the realization of My Work in the most imperfect souls of this planet and in the spirits that were very far from God, a long time ago.

Thus, I come to demonstrate that it is possible to live in the Divine Humility of God. This will always unify you as brothers and sisters and My adversary will not place its hand to try and destroy My Plans in you.

You have already built in yourselves, in these last fifty meetings, the Gift of Fortitude, which causes you to always have more wisdom at the moment of making important decisions in your lives.

An example of all this is the Adorers of My Most Holy Eucharistic Body.

See how I have not done anything, but rather how you have done everything through your constancy, your perseverance, your faith; overcoming obstacles, inner and outer; overcoming barriers, limits and all possible disruptions, to finally be united with Me in the Sacred Source of the Eucharist of My Heart.

So today I come as the High Priest, to celebrate this moment with each of you, for humanity, for all peoples and all races, for all the nations of the world; even more so for those that are far from God, in their profound darkness.

Today I want your hearts to become reliquaries, to become tabernacles, so that I may place the Eucharist of My Heart in the most perfect unity with your essences.

Thus I come to weave, symbolically, with strands of gold from My Heart to each one of your hearts; bringing you the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which have truly shown themselves in your souls, in each group of prayer and in each service group, that perpetually supports My banner of Peace.

Tempests will come, the Earth will tremble, the universe will cry out and terrifying things will be heard, but I ask that in this fiftieth meeting, your hearts do not falter, but rather that you put into practice the spiritual virtues that you have acquired through prayer, communion, and the Adoration of My Sacred Heart. That will make you invincible, in spite of any madness. That will make you strong, in spite of any conflict.

Even if Heaven and Earth may pass away, My Words will be perpetuated in those who have believed in them, for you will be victorious as Your King of the Universe and each divine essence that vibrates in this sidereal universe is victorious.

I come to give you strength, courage, valor, enthusiasm, and an inextinguishable motivation for the difficult times that will come.

I cannot deny you the three days of darkness. You must be My Light in the world, more brilliant than the Sun and than all the stars, for in this way, you will be lamps in the world that will illumine in the night all the fallen essences, and the angels of the universe that will come to the aid of humanity to withdraw it from its abyss and its defeat.

Thus, I will send the Archangel Raphael so that He can heal you, still in these days that are left.

I will send the Archangel Gabriel so that in your inner worlds the Word of God may be announced, and you will know how to be, act, and proceed to where I need you.

I will send the Archangel Michael so that your souls will be converted into a luminous sword that will cut the tempests, dissolve the abysses, and illumine the paths of those that are in tribulation.

Thus, My Most Holy Mother is announced in this time to give the message of My Return.

The last phase that humanity will experience will be a great and more demanding service, until all takes place.

That will be the hour for you to take refuge in My Heart, so that the Lord, the All Powerful, may sustain you and safeguard you from all evil.

But I will ask a last thing from you at this moment, that you pray for those who will remain in the darkness and will leave this world in the shadows because they have sought that destiny for their lives.

Nobody will be able to escape the Universal Judgment. It will be necessary to go through that because otherwise, a New Humanity will not be able to exist.

I prepare you so that you may be a part of this New Humanity, so that you may believe that you can be above all things, and especially, so that you stop feeling like fallen stars, because now you are already redeemed stars for the Glory of My Heart.

Then accept, on this afternoon, this Communion with Me so that we may prepare for that coming time with complete awareness and discernment.

Through the priests, I come today to officiate these sacred Sacraments that will act as a spiritual impulse for souls, of healing and of renewal for all those who experience them inwardly.

Today I do not want to speak to you of the evil done by the world, no matter how great it is. Today I want to stay in the rejoicing of your hearts for having trusted in My holy Word; even if you do not see Me, even if I do not perform great phenomena or miracles before you, because the real miracle is the conversion and the redemption of your hearts; thus, My Will shall be accomplished.

Let us then celebrate, children of My Father, this special juncture where My Heart is the Portal toward Heaven for each of you, where Heaven goes through My Heart to reach here and unite with your souls.

Let us enter, then, in the jubilation of My Celestial Kingdom, where I have prepared a dwelling place for each of you after this life.

Do you accept this Dwelling Place of God?

Do you accept going with Me to Paradise?

Then My Work will be accomplished even further, I will count on you, step by step, in all that I will need for carrying out the Redeeming Project.

On this afternoon, feel the bliss of being with Me and, through this union, dissolve the evil in humanity.

You are souls in service to the Father, live in the spirit of His Holy Humility and the Earth will be repopulated with New Christs.

I will now consecrate the elements and also those who are being consecrated today, after having experienced this exercise of Adoration of My Eucharistic and Divine Heart.

May this exercise be fulfilled until the end of your lives, so that more souls may feel the magnetism of experiencing, like you, the sacred Adoration, bringing the Universe of God to Earth with a simple gaze at My Eucharistic Heart, full of kindness, Mercy, and a deep love that I have felt from you in many moments.

This is what causes Me to return here; because it would no longer be possible because of all that the world and its humanity does, because of all that this race of the surface fosters in Creation and in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Finally, companions, with My Hand on My Heart, I can say that you are already a part of My Hands and My Feet, and I Am in you, in this Work of planetary redemption, through the groups of prayer, the pilgrims and the members that are part of My universal Light-Network.

Shine like suns all the time.

Shine like souls and essences, and your difficulties will dissolve.

Shine like the Adorers have shone and continue to do this so that you surpass Me in Love and in all that I have lived for you during My Sacred Passion, because I believe it is possible for you to surpass Me in Love.

In the Name of My Father, hallelujah!

I will not continue to emanate any more Love because you could drown.

I am demanding, but I love everything I contemplate, everything I seek and who I call on to serve Me.

Let us celebrate this alliance between Heaven and Earth. Let us celebrate this alliance between God and His peacemakers so that a greater time of peace may exist on this planet.

Now, so that the angels can transubstantiate the elements, we will intone the song Hallelujah, just as you have intoned it with the bliss of your hearts in My priestly Presence. I am listening.

I feel happy when souls are consecrated, and the Plan of My Father is carried out and manifests in the simplest and most humble things. This is a faithful example that there you will always find the Kingdom of God.

All can be Adorers of My Heart through following the principles of the Order that I have founded, in strict obedience. This testifies to My being present, laboring and working through your hearts and lives. This is what will always cause My Work in humanity to be eternal.

I thank you in the presence of the angels and the choirs of God.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before I leave here, I also want you to glorify this moment with a simple song so that through it, I am able to cause much more love to rain over the world.

I thank you.

Song: Rain of Love.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Write My Words in your heart and may they not disappear, because they will be necessary Words for the coming times.

I Am so similar to this Light, that whoever follows Me will never be in the dark. Happy will be those who follow My Light and recognize it within themselves, for they will not miss the opportunity to feel the power and strength of My Love.

When My Light is present, there is no darkness. The dark ones and the demons fall into hell, because My Holy Father, Archangel Michael, has defeated them one by one. This is why you do not have to fear anything now, but for not converting your hearts; a conversion that must be consistent with My request, at this final time, in which all is defined within and outside of beings.

Whoever searches for this Light will not perish. Whoever lives in My Light will be light in the dark of the three days of darkness.

My Light is the essence of love and My Love is the essence of life, the life that God has given us from the beginning to all His creatures. Most beautiful is His Light in the universe, for it is triumphant and cannot be defeated.

You will see the hells moving. You will feel the Earth tremble. You might see terrible things in the times to come, but know that it will be the moment of great definition, and the decision and freedom to do it will be in you because I need souls that shine with My Call. I need warriors to fight against immense things, against that which they have never fought. Therefore, I integrate all of you into My Light, that is the eternal Light of God; it is unity, it is omnipresence and it is the universal science.

Woe to those who do not enter the Light of My Heart. How will you be able to persist in these acute times?

I come to give something to the world, to which most people pay no attention, but only give attention to the superficial and petty. You will see men and women beating their chests for not having done it, for not having searched for My Light, the eternal Light of the Creator.

My Essence is being delivered until the last drop. I am giving an account of you and the world to My Father. Do not reject or miss this opportunity, because it is one of the last, and in you, all the treasures must be alive, which month by month and from time to time, I have been delivering to you through this simple meeting of prayer.

It is time for you to place the keys of Heaven upon the table and to contemplate with gratitude the Graces that My Father has given you through My Glorified Heart. You, if you are My followers, have the keys to open the new doors and not to close them to those who need to cross into the new life, into renewal and hope. Define your paths, because the time is approaching and I invite you to be part of My Light so that, by being in Me, I may be in you at each moment and in each hour.

And if My Light is in you, My enemy will not triumph. He will not be able to defeat any of My souls, those that throughout times I have summoned to be part of the armies of the final time, of the preparation of the Return of your King.

Drink from the Source of Light that I bring you today because, in essence, it is Adonai who, with immense Mercy, is giving Himself to your spirits, souls and consciousnesses, for those who do not accept Him, for those who deceive Him, and especially, for those who do not experience Him.

I invite you all the time to be true, so My Light may be in you because nothing belongs to you. Your lives are part of an original Project that has been distorted throughout times and centuries.

I come to complete, at this hour, what I could not do two thousand years ago because My Father called Me and I had to ascend to the heavens to listen to Him, as a good son listens to his father and rejoices in his words of wisdom and love.

In the same way, I would like you, My companions and My friends, My servers and My servants, to listen to the Words of your Lord, your Master, your Shepherd and your Father as if they were the last ones for this last era because you must witness what you have experienced with Me and you may or may not be witnesses of this Truth that I bring you.

Today you will place your faces before your enemies to testify that I have been here, in these last years, with you and with all who have welcomed My Call in humanity.

Therefore, the time has come to commune not only with My Body and My Blood, which is the greatest gift of My Love and My Sacrifice for the world, but the time has come to merge yourselves with My Light and to never leave it again, to not lose yourself in the tribulation that this world will experience and that it will face in these times.

With all the Glory of Heaven, I bring you this Light that belongs to no one but the Primordial Source, where Unity and Love reign in all creatures. May this Light shine in the dark spaces. May this Light banish the emblems of evil. May this Light triumph in the pure hearts and may the New Christs, the new apostles, the peacemakers of the Redeemer finally be born. 

This Light, that I bring you today, comes from a profound and sublime place, from an unknown dimension of the consciousness, from which your Lord and Master of Love emerged, like His Holy and Virgin Mary, as well as all the archangels that exist in Heaven and in the universes, who praise Adonai eternally.

You are children of this Light. Awaken, awaken your brothers and sisters from world hypnotism. Remember that you are children of the Source and that you are essences that come here to experience the principle of redemption and forgiveness for all that has happened beyond this plan.

This Light of My Heart brings you Grace. This Light blesses and renews you because it brings you Mercy and grants indulgence to your hearts that need it so much in the whole world.

If you are around this Light, the Light of My Heart, you have nothing to fear. The purification of your consciousnesses, the rendition of your human aspects and the liberation of your atavisms will be difficult. But whoever is near My Light will never perish, for they will be contemplated by the universe for having been contemplated by the Son of God, who believes and has hope in a New Humanity, healed and redeemed of its eternal mistakes.

Raise to the Heavens and spiritually, the Light that exists in your hearts and essences. Offer to God this Light as reparation and recognize that without this Light you cannot do anything and will never be guided to the final goal.

Dignify your consciousnesses and receive, through this Light, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that should spread throughout the world for souls that fall into the hells of the planetary surface. Furthermore, I tell you that this Light is also granted by the angels of the universe.

Today, at My Father's request, I stop the actions of the evil in humanity and will no longer allow the innocent to suffer the attacks of hell, because My Light, which is invincible, will triumph.

Happy will be those who believe in this mystery, because, just by believing, they will be within My Light without perceiving it; and truly I tell you to commune with My Heart until the end of the days, until you see Me coming among the clouds, in the Glory of God.

It is thus that in this hour I stop the perdition of souls, the agitation of the hells, human injustice and sin in the humanity of the surface. This Light grants, at this moment, an instance of peace for those who need it most, for those who suffer most, for those who despair and have not yet found any way out.

Today you have communed with the Sacrament of My Light, a mystery that I am revealing to the Church on Earth because, beyond the communion of My Body and My Blood, you can commune with My Light, and thus you will be communing with My Divinity.

Now listen to the prayer of your Master, who kneels before the altars of Adonai, just as all the angels of Heaven kneel before the Primordial Source. And in this way, with this prayer, I will bless all the elements, because while I speak, My Divine Energy, that is the Energy of God, magnetizes all things and transforms them into something sacred and into worship. Everything transforms itself in a great ceremony when the Light of My Heart projects itself upon humanity.

"Listen, Eternal Father, to the Voice of your Servant, of Your Essence, of an immeasurable love, who kneels before Your Throne to beg You, to convert this moment into something sacred, pure and immaculate.

At the Feet of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, we beg with the angels of Heaven for the emergence of a New Humanity free of mistakes, free of suffering, free of bitterness, free of sadness, free of uncertainties, free of failures.

May Your Divine Light, Lord, which permeates and lives in all universes, descend now upon those who listen to Your Sacred Word, through the most beloved Word of Your Son.

May souls always find refuge in My Heart so that I may take them to You, and You, Father, hold them in Your Arms to protect them and to contemplate them with the sweetest gaze of Your infinite Love.

So, Father, at the request of Your Son, banish what causes indifference. Open the eyes of those who are blind spiritually. Make yourself be felt like a powerful Ray in the most closed hearts, so that all may experience the splendor of Your Celestial Kingdom.

I promise, Lord, until the end of days of this world, to rescue Your children from Your Holy Justice so that all may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy and in this way find peace, the hope of experiencing you and of participating with You in eternal Communion.

Now I send the angelical armies for them to fill the whole Earth with Your Light, and that the greatest sinners be liberated from perdition, so that they too may experience the Source of Your Love and Your Truth.

Bless, Lord, this moment with Your eternal Light and, in Your Source of Life, immerse Your creatures, the ones that You have conceived according to Your Divine Thought and Your Project; thus, with the surrender of Your Son on the Cross and with the cross of the New Christs, My eternal rival will be defeated, for his defeat is near. The triumph of Your Kingdom will descend upon Earth, the New Humanity will be born and it will no longer be indifferent to Your Words and Designs.

Believe, Father, and observe with the gaze of Your Love what I have done in Your children throughout times.

Listen to the praises of the saints.

Receive the honor, Father, of the blessed ones.

Hear, Father, the song of the angels, because You are always Our Light, Our Guide and Our Truth.

I offer the Light that you have granted in My humble and poor Heart, for those who do not experience You yet and do not even search for You.

Lord, have Mercy, and may no soul stop being able to kindle their inner light before Your Presence, before Your omnipotence and omniscience.

May Your Will be fulfilled, Lord, in the hearts that receive it today and that they may be forever aware of this sacred commitment with Your eternal Heart.

Today I ask You, Father, that by Your infinite Grace and by Your greater Love, the hells succumb in their hells and that You close the doors to evil, just as Your Son implores You, with all that You have granted in essence, in life and in divinity, in My Sacred Heart.

May Your Rays of Grace reach those who need it most.

May you grant the healing of consciousnesses and may joy return to all who have lost it for some reason.

May Your children, Lord, Your creatures rejoice to experience Your Celestial Kingdom because Your Paradise is approaching, and at the end, Lord, at last, the thousand years of peace will be fulfilled.

Today the inner lights of your creatures have risen to Your Kingdom. Today Your altars are lit by this Light. May your divine Light, Lord, make more humble, simple and meek those who follow Your Path with faith, hope and trust.

My Heart rejoices in You, Father, just as My Heart rejoiced, in spite of everything, in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that this time would come and that everyone would know through these means, the power of Your Words, the decree that exists in the Heavens.

May the Light of God purify Your children and may each child, who comes from You, fulfill Your Will with joy."

I baptize with this Light all those who have followed Me through the ages and I institute on this day, among all, the new Congregation of Faith, under the guidance of your Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the peacemakers raise their voices to the Heavens, for the ears of the Father will hear their melodies. May the peacemakers of the Redeemer proclaim to the four corners of Earth, without any fear of saying that they are Christians until the end, until their Master returns to establish a new time in humanity.

Let us pray to the Father with gratitude and rejoice.

Prayer: Heavenly Father

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Lord let us sing together "Peacemakers of Christ the Redeemer" and let us invite our brothers and sisters from the Monasteries, from the Communities, from the groups of the Light-Network and all the praying beings of good will.

Let us offer to God this Light that He has granted us in our interior as an offer of repair and healing for humanity.


Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the anniversary of the weekly Messages

Woe to those who do not recognize My coming!, for they will lose the path for having believed in their own fantasies. Thus, day and night, I call you to a sanctification of your lives so that, in truth, someday you may be worthy of receiving My Legacy.

When the day of the great darkness comes, you must not fear. I will be with you until the end of days; I will be with all those who truly recognized My Will in time. I will also be with those who were able to renounce themselves and forget their own preferences so that My Plan could be fulfilled in their fellow beings.

When the time of tribulation comes, many will remember these Words, which will be their support at the critical moments and especially during the days of the Great Final Judgment, in which the angels of God will open the Book of Life of all beings of the Earth; and before the Thrones of God, the Eternal Father will move forward with His Universal Judgment.

Those who communed with Me, in humility and love, will know it in those days, before My Return in the Spirit of Peace, and will be able to recognize that My Presence is real.

Happy are those who have strived to fulfill My Wills, which are the Will of God.

Woe to those who, convinced of their own truth, will follow other footsteps which are not Mine!

Who will give a coin for them?

Who will give their life for those who were unjust?

I wish at all times to speak to you of the beautiful things of Heaven, but now I must tell you about the unjust things of the world.

To those who seek experiences with the Divine, do not deceive yourselves; seek more and more to pray from the heart and without expectations for what will happen in the future.

God gives His great Tools to the most simple, a greater Wisdom to the more pure, and a divine expression of Love to the most empty of self. If you still do not have this in your heart, listen to Me and read the Words I have given you throughout a whole year, and in this way, you will know what it is I want from you rather than what you wish all the time.

In this way, My companions, today in this Message, I summarize the keys of Mercy I have given you for a whole year.

Have you perhaps contemplated My Words with sincerity and without pride?

All the Messages received and transmitted by My Holy Word are the last drops of Mercy I have poured out over the world, on the eve of Divine Justice.

I thank you for persisting.

My Light will also be gathered up from the world, but I will be present in hearts which are simple and true in their intention.

Pray lovingly for those who have been ungrateful to Me.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed and just.

Thanks to the brave for dwelling in My Merciful Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
