Friday, August 29 of 2014

Weekly Messages
Weekly message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Monastery Madre del Sol, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

My Heart glorifies the efforts of those who are consequent with My Sacred Heart.

My Heart glorifies those who stand by My side and, with nothing in return, wait patiently for My coming.

My Heart glorifies those who are no longer at My side, but who are drawn by the power of My Spirit which once gathered them together and saved them. To all of them I give My Healing and My Grace by comforting them overnight, pulling them out of the void into Paradise. So, I leave alive My Christic codes so that those souls may someday reconsider and surrender to Me.

In My Kingdom, I have many servers, and every one offers Me their great virtue and love with the whole strength of their heart. It is in those servers that I feel fulfilled, for through them I endure, I suffer, and I understand human lacks that generate great deserts without the Water of Life within.

But I am taking you to the great shore of My ocean of Love and Mercy so that, in these difficult times, you may trust, take hold of My Hands and climb into My saving boat of redemption and peace, for through this infinite and inexhaustible ocean, I will reflect to you your true mission of love and redemption for this era of Earth.

Thus, I give you My paddles that are as heavy as the woods I carried on My Shoulders, out of love for you, without hesitation and without thinking. I wish you to row in spite of tiredness or loneliness, there is nothing between you and Me that can separate us.

I Am of this world, I Am part of you and from you I rose up to My Father to speak to Him and plead with Him for all humanity. But know that in continuous rowing, some will become shipwrecked, others will survive great storms of overcoming and trial. But through me, my Father will make you strong and serene.

Through My Peace you will reach the awaited harbor, the harbor of My Heart.

I leave you this parable, so that you may live it and not only listen to it, but that it may be the example of the full server who lives My apostolate.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Friday, August 22 of 2014

Weekly Messages

In the simple things, I make you examine your consciousnesses so that you may reconsider your degree of offering to My Heart, and thus perceive the difference between being close or far from Me.

At the hour of Mercy, every day I bring you the opportunity to give up material things, of loving My Fatherly Consciousness and of repairing all the causes that offend the Heart of God the Father.

Thus, I encourage you to quickly mature in these times of spiritual and planetary crisis.

I call on you to grow from the mature consciousness which your spirits sowed at the moment of your human birth.

Your souls can serve Me or hinder Me; depending on the degree of your inner intuition, you will know if you are with Me or not.

From your hearts, I need the possibility to help this Plan evolve and to make it grow and mature like a new fruit through your conscious and healthy actions as apostles of the new redemptive time.

I need you awake to be able to work with Me, and thus, to keep you from the most insignificant temptations of life. In this way, you will be free from suffering unnecessarily and will save your energies of service and charity to be able to give of yourselves in My Name.

When I place a test on your daily paths, it is so you may take steps in the Project My Father offered you through My Merciful Heart.

Day and night, I pray for you and for a sleeping humanity in the garden of My Eternal Vigilance, to carry you to be the stable of My Heart through the luminous essence of My Priestly Spirit. Thus, through you when you allow it, I can assemble the souls that are most in need of My Divine Mercy.

Strive to achieve that spiritual virtue which you still have not gained and I will support you through your perseverance and transparency throughout your life.

Meanwhile, hold tight to the loving strength of My Hands, I will not let go of you, but rather I will take you to find an eternal communion with the Celestial Father.

Revive the power of your vows. They will be full and powerful when you dare to live them in your consciousness rather than from illusion.

I want to see you strong and determined to serve Me in this Plan of transition.

Reflect on My Words, so they may remain in you always.

Thank you for seeking union with Me in the hour of infinite Mercy.

Under the Love of God, be blessed, mature and determined.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Friday, August 15 of 2014

Weekly Messages

Be resigned in face of the offenses, in this way you will humiliate yourself and you shall reach the path of transformation, looking first at your own self and seeing in the other the Love of My Heart.

For this reason find in the path of tests the signs for the conversion of your sins and the liberation of the consequences that they leave in the spirit of those of Mine.

Lean away in the face of the offenses that many commit and out of love for Me reflect in your step, wherever you go, the unbreakable harmony that I can give to you in this time.  Find in every humiliation the total void of your person, and let that the higher power of your consciousness transform the material life and guide the spiritual path.

Imitate Me at least in all that I have done for you and for your brothers and sisters, in this way you shall see in the path of your purification the opportunity of redemption and surrender that I give to you in the name of the Will of My Father.

Stay with Me on this cold night under the silence of the moon and of the stars.  Stay with Me in joy, as well as in the agony that many unjustly cause Me out of ignorance of the truth that is approaching, and that many do not see for themselves.  Stay with Me in the silence of the Garden of Gethsemane and accompany Me in the Passion that today I offer to you, and that I show to the greatness of you Christic inner being.

For this you need to decide to where you will go.  My Love is absolute, powerful, and compassionate.  It is My Love that offers to assist you in the path of the new Cross and of the Passion that millions of hearts make My Sacred Heart suffer. 

Be encouraged to find My Comfort in weakness.  Your spirit is strong enough to sustain that which I give to you from time to time.  You will lose nothing in this life; work without tiring for Me and for your brothers and sisters, so that you may soon live the emptiness that will take you to find the humility that you so much seek outside of yourself.

But the key that I give to you is not that which you desire; My Key opens the doors to new dwellings, kingdoms unknown to your being; kingdoms that your soul aspires to live with Me.  Let Me be that which I so much expect in you.  I will only be able to work when, in the center of your temple, your lower being will step aside so that I may pass and take power of the throne.

Liberate yourself from the forms and from the control of life.  There is nothing more strong than the love that I have given on the Cross for you, and for the world.  I invite you now to think over My Offer.

Under the Light of God, be blessed, and harmless.

Thank you for seeking the Flame of My Redeeming Love!

Glorified Christ Jesus

Friday, August 8 of 2014

Weekly Messages

My Ray of Justice will descend to the Earth following the time of Mercy, for this all must be prepared to listen to the last words that I will pronounce to the world.

Meanwhile, that My Disciples may be prepared in love and in truth so that they may gather inner strength and walk together towards the Purpose.  I call you to seek the path of simplicity and of silence, virtues that will allow you to discover new keys that will open the door to the encounter with God.

Now is the moment to reverse the faults through the Divine Mercy, you are still on time to be able to do it and to ask for an opportunity of redemption and of peace, because the time indicates a new path to be traveled by those who have been called to surrender themselves to the Greater Divinity.

In this way you will be able to take the steps and find in the difficult moments the guiding lights in your paths.  My Love shall permeate you entirely, My call is for all.

Now it will be important to construct within yourselves the communion with the Infinite God, and I offer Myself to your hearts to rescue you, and guide you in the moments of greater tribulation in the world.

My Dwelling may be the fruit for your lives; it is only enough that you give Me the permission to be able to act and work.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for entering into My Heart!

Christ Jesus Glorified

Wednesday, August 6 of 2014

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In this moment, let us glorify the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph.

At the request of Our Lord, we will hold a minute of silence for peace on the planet.

Let us prostrate before the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let the bell in the tower continue to ring, please.

Heaven descends to Earth and communes with good souls. Vivify this! 

Let us breathe in the air of Heaven.

Pray with Me, My companions, as you have done up until today. Heaven has heard you with attention and love.

The great hour draws closer for all souls. The doors of Heaven open to Earth and hearts commune with the Spirit of God.

Blessed are those who prevail and follow the paths of the Lord, for they will be removed from the desert in which they live and evil will be uprooted from suffering hearts.

Love and Truth will reign in all those who have sought My Path, who will thus achieve the purity they so seek.

The seed of the humility of God will sprout in hearts that will be reborn in Christ and will live in unity with the Celestial Father, and it will not be necessary for anybody to suffer anymore, because the great absolution of Infinity will come in aid of hearts that cry out.

It is time to banish what is old and allow the spirit of each one of you to be able to re-emerge in the Universe of the Lord. In this way, everything will be accomplished and no one will remain outside of the path that I am pointing out for this time, the path to Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat the prayers that the Lord is transmitting. 

For the liberation of souls,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Mineral Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Plant Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Animal Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Human Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of hearts that suffer,
Lord Jesus, grant us deep healing.
For all those that have fallen in spirit,
in matter, into temptation and into deceit,
Lord Jesus, save them all.
For those who suffer and have lost hope,
Lord Jesus, have compassion on all of us.
For those who burn in the fire of hell
and who in life burn because of the deceits of the enemy,
Lord Jesus, have Mercy on all of us.
For the New Humanity that must resplendently re-emerge,
healed and freed of all things, renewed by the Return of Christ,
Lord Jesus, hear our supplications.
For those Divine Beings, those called the Celestial Messengers,
we cry out to the Celestial Father so that those Sacred Hearts
return to the world to free it from evil,
untie the binds, heal hearts,
transmute wounds and open the doors to redemption.
O Lord Jesus,
O Holy Virgin of Virgins,
O Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
in Your sacred triangulation, 
may the Most Holy trinity guide humanity,
and may all souls that live on Earth
be able to achieve the dwelling place of Heaven.
In this time that will come and for all eternity,
let souls celebrate, in Christ, the glorious Return of the Redeemer
together with the angels, archangels, and all the consciousnesses of the universe.
Let this world be a confederated one
and fulfill the Project of the Lord
in the time that will come.

Today this is My Message for you through this prayer. It is a proclamation of all the hearts of the world, of all the servers of Christ who have aspired to reach My Heart and to live in My eternal Peace.

If you decree this prayer with conviction, everything will be able to be accomplished.

If just one soul should do it with devotion, they will open a small door in the universe, providing an opportunity for the rescue and the salvation of souls. Imagine if all souls, the voice of all hearts, should speak this prayer to Heaven, what could happen, My companions?

On this afternoon, I give you My universal Legacy, a Legacy of simplicity and of humility that was professed since My Birth in this world.

I bring you closer to finding the Mysteries of God, which are kept within you, in the inner universe of each being. In this way, all can commune with the Spirit of God and achieve redemption in these times.

The Three Sacred Hearts present themselves before you today to be glorified and praised, to uplift your spirits to the Celestial Kingdom.

For this reason, dear companions, may all hearts be redeemed in this Trine Communion. Let your lives be the sap of life, the food for those that are hungry, spirit for the spirits that are fallen.

I invite you to carry God in your heart and to be able to transmit this impulse to all those  you meet, because this Grace that today I am pouring out upon you is unique in a difficult time, for a humanity that is spiritually ill.

I Am your food and your healing. Continue onward. Free your ties through the infinite power of prayer.

Today I come with My Most Holy Mother and with Saint Joseph. She comes announcing Her great moment. Saint Joseph guides souls that must serve, and Our Three Sacred Hearts give of themselves to all to announce the Good News to all hearts.

Stop suffering. Accept the healing that Heaven wants to give you, because from that point, your lives will quickly transform. Many will no longer recognize your faces because they will reflect the clouds of the sky, the rays of the universal sun, which will radiate to the darkness and dispel tribulation. But you must have a trusting heart, a sure faith, and an unbreakable fortitude. If you live these three very simple principles, you will be able to be My apostles of love and redemption.

Today all are united in this meeting and have prayed to build this bridge toward the universe. Do you know what repercussions this has had in the current world, mainly in the Kingdoms of Nature? How many debts are balanced at this moment? How many souls and hearts are assisted at this moment?

I know that many would like to see these things, the real material results. But My Father sends Me to bring you the Spirit, that which will always strengthen and will never perish, although it lives in this world.

I bring you all toward My Heart so that you experience the perfect Communion with the universe.

And so that this afternoon may be the closing of a cycle, and a new cycle begin for all as from tomorrow, let us praise the Lord of the Heights.

Let us send our supplications to the Sacred Hearts so that the holy angels may descend at this moment, not only to help this country, but all of humanity, mainly the hearts that cry out for supreme healing and for redemption.

Let us open the door to Heaven. Enter further into this Heaven. This Heaven is ready to serve you and comes to commune with all hearts through the Presence of the Messengers of God.

We will receive your offering at this moment. Now, this is unique for all.

Let us open the doors to the essence of the Love of God, where after all of this, they must return to merge with the Celestial Father.

Song: Elohim.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pleased with souls that sing with devotion.

To finish carrying out this sacred glorification of the Holy Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, we will glorify the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then the Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph; thus, your offerings as humanity may be poured out, in Mercy, upon the Kingdoms of Nature and the Law cease to weigh so much on humanity and be transformed by the power of My merciful Heart.

We are present, accompanying you in this blessing. Continue united with the Spirit that is flowing at this hour of Mercy.

We give thanks also to all those who have sung to God from their homes. Imagine how many doors open in the homes of all beings when they truly seek supreme unity among creatures. Today, as Sacred Hearts, we are establishing an example of celestial fraternity that is lived in Heaven and in the universe, on all the divine planes and dimensions, from beings that serve God up to the angels.

I am observing to see if you are attentive. Heaven gathers you together here in a special way.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is telling us at this moment that today to this meeting He has brought the Aspect of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels that lift Her up to the universe.

Let us glorify Mary and Her Immaculate Heart, Her maternal Heart.

Song: Ave María.

Dear friends of Mine, trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will always want to carry you toward the blessed fruit of Her Love.

To finish this union between Heaven and Earth, this communion between souls and God, redeemed and renewed souls, freed and forgiven by the powerful fire of Christ, let us glorify the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of all serving souls, Guardian of the hearts that endure and suffer, of the poor dying ones, those who are sick and alone.

Saint Joseph, through this song in which we invoke Your Heart, may all of Africa be able to be consecrated to the infinite healing of the Creator. So be it.

Song: Saint Joseph, Father of Love.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us do the prayer that He is inspiring in us at this moment, which is the prayer for the salvation of the souls of Africa; we will repeat, phrase by phrase.

Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph,
universal Servant and Watchman,
we cry out to You in this hour
for the salvation of all souls
that live in beloved Africa.
That together with Christ, Our Lord,
we may serve the Celestial Father
for the healing of humanity 
and its redemption.

We thank you for coming to Our meeting.

We bless you in the name of all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Sacred Hearts, for all that you give us!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We are returning after a very intense moment with the Three Sacred Hearts. We did not expect the Three to appear at the same time. The Three Sacred Hearts brought the Celestial Universe here, and each of Them, in Their auras, manifested an infinite reality. Each of Them welcomed us at different moments. They observed our inner and spiritual needs, not only ours, but those of all humanity.

It is the first time we understand, with our consciousnesses, that Christ speaks of the Kingdoms of Nature.

When He referred to them at that moment, and mainly with the invocation of the prayer He taught us, He brought the consciousness of each one of the Kingdoms of Nature here, mainly the situations they are experiencing through the actions of humanity.

And when He brought, for example, the image or the presence of the Plant Kingdom or of the Animal Kingdom, He showed very horrific things that were being generated through situations brought about by humanity. He said that a part of our consciousness is not aware of what this situation means and of the spiritual dangers that we are bringing about because of that situation. Because, through that lack of awareness, Christ said that humanity is bringing about a very strong law being able to take place.

At one moment in the Apparition, at the Feet of Christ appeared each one of the represented Kingdoms. He was showing us and had us feel the suffering of each of the Kingdoms, which was something inexplicable to express in words or in stories. 

But through the prayer of that invocation that He transmitted to us, He gradually transmuted that situation and we saw that various parts of the planet, specifically Asia, were helped.

At one moment in the Apparition of Christ, when He referred to the Animal Kingdom, He showed us, as universal Consciousness, the laboratories, for example, where animals are manipulated. He showed us that the Kingdoms also have a Christic essence, which I don't know how to explain to you. He said that they hold it as essence because they are part of the creation of the universe. And we are modifying this creation.

As the Apparition moved forward, many different states were gradually being treated by the Hierarchy, referring to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

After a moment, They began to pour out the energy of Grace.

Today Mary manifested in a state of deep silence, of a contemplation that is unknown. She was wrapped in a great cloth, a large fabric, and was in prayer, with Her eyes focused on Heaven. She had Her hair uncovered, wearing no veil, surrounded by many Cherubim Angels, small angels.

To the right of Christ, a moment later, appeared the image of Saint Joseph; He was symbolically guiding a flock of sheep. He was grazing them from a celestial level toward this physical level, and symbolically was showing us how He wanted to try and help us and guide us. For a moment, He showed us how our souls were in His arms. He held our souls in His arms. At that moment, He implored the Father through His Chaste Heart for us. Then They had us understand that it was not only for us, but rather for humanity as consciousness. At that moment, Saint Joseph channeled the holy degrees of love He had achieved in this life on Earth, and in this way, He lifted up that offering to the Creator.

Today we went through a very different and special Apparition, because the Three Sacred Hearts showed how They invoked the Celestial Father for Mercy.

After a moment, Christ began to ask that we call His Father, and He said to us: "I want you to sing Elohim," and I asked Him: Is it really, Master?

"Elohim is the Father, you are calling the Father, My Father. I am teaching you to bring the Consciousness of the Father to the Earth, and it is only through the invocation to the Celestial Father that you will know the unknown Supreme Consciousness."

And when we began to sing "Elohim," Mary was divinized, so to speak. She adored what She was listening to and the expressions of Her countenance would change, were transfigured into light. And Saint Joseph was very..., I don't know how to explain it...

They have us know all these things and these feelings that are not human. It was like a great universal celebration.

Christ was serene. He observed how our souls lit up during the moment of singing "Elohim." At that moment, with His serene vision, He observed how our Christic essence was gradually activated and followed that rhythm of the singing through a deep silence.

At one moment, Christ lifted His eyes to Heaven and through simply making this gesture, different Angelic Hierarchies began to appear. As we sang "Elohim," they congregated in circles of light and a great process of transmutation was liberating the planet. 

After Christ built this channel of light, He sent the angels to go down into the terrestrial hell. Then He showed Heaven above us and the hell below us. Those souls that were in hell wanted to latch onto, grab ahold of the angels, of the wings of the angels. But He showed how for some of them, the moment had not yet come for their being freed.

The angels obeyed the indications of the Master and were slowly withdrawing, taking out some groups of souls from that hell. Then that situation closed and we heard the song of Mary and the song of Saint Joseph.

During the moment when we sang to His Heart, Saint Joseph specifically was helping Africa through the offering each one of us was able to generate at that moment.

And to finish, when Christ explained and told us that He felt pleasure at hearing the soul that sang, He was trying to explain to us that for humanity, the sense of the song is very important at this time, because it is necessary to create new vibrations of light on Earth. He explained that this is much stronger when many souls sing in a true way. He says that other positive conditions are created in the planetary sphere and the liberation is more viable and possible for those that did not deserve it.

You perceived that He blessed the crosses at the beginning. They are the crosses that the Daughters of Christic Charity will carry, representing the protection of Christ in the work of service that these sisters have to develop and are developing at this moment.

For this reason, now we are going to participate in the placement of the cross in the sisters that, at the request of Christ, Mother María Shimani will do in them. And after, the little brothers and sisters that are standing here will receive the anointment of oil as a symbol of inner healing.

After, we will participate in the Communion and in other things that Heaven has asked of us. So we are going to prepare our hearts for this moment.

Tuesday, August 5 of 2014

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord asks those present if any of the brothers or sisters want to be baptized.

I would like to remain a long time with you, the world needs Me.

When one is baptized, the spirit of all is baptized. I will choose fifty of you to be baptized. This is the symbol and the sign of My Return.

While we sing, dear companions, I will choose them.

Know that those who are not baptized will also receive My Presence. Because I do not come here only for you, but rather for this world that suffers and endures.

You have to baptize your brothers and sisters with the love of the Holy Spirit, be a reflection of the love of the Holy Spirit.

With this simple act of love, you will baptize in spirit. This is what John the Baptist wanted to teach, beyond an act or a ritual.

What My Father teaches all the self-summoned is the Truth.

Let us thus prepare this moment in glory and love.

I will withdraw from your presence, but I will be here, accompanying you in a spirit of love. Remember that God gave Me the Grace of being omnipresent, just as I wish you to be in charity and in love.

I bless you and gather you all in My Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Jesus.

I accompany you from Heaven, at this moment. Know that I am here, in this sacred moment.

I thank you!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

This moment of the Baptism was very special, because in some way, as the Master said, we were all baptized in spirit.

In those who were specially called by Our Lord, He explained that He saw a need that these souls have. They need to heal something, free something, forgive something. That something is a task He does directly with those souls.

But we also know that He told us that the opportunity will not be lacking for others to be able to be baptized at another moment.

As you have perceived, this is something that He is teaching us to do, about which we know nothing.

We understand that He tries to teach us, to instruct us as He did in that other time also.

His cousin, John the Baptist, was who, according to Our Lord, left an important legacy through the Sacrament of Baptism.

Today, when Christ appeared in a special way, on His Breast, over His Heart, He brought a medallion, which He named and explained.

It is what He left us today in His special Message.

Tuesday, August 5 of 2014

Weekly Messages

On this date I wish that you mint for Me a medal of the Glorified Redeemer so that it may be the symbol of the spiritual unity between the souls and Christ.  In this way will be established the union between the essences and God and you will carry, above all, My Spirt of protection and of peace. 

The Glorified Medal of Christ Jesus promises to generate a spiritual action of redemption and of liberation in the spirits that have fallen and that have lost the bond of union with the Celestial Father.  This sacred medal which I speak to you about today represents for all the infinite expansion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for humanity by means of the Son of God.

Whoever in honor, devotion and simplicity carries it, once it has been manufactured by the hands of My servers, the Glorified Medal will represent the internal union of the hearts with the Glorified Essence of Christ.  This will allow that a space of protection and of shelter be created in the consciousnesses that are most in need of strengthening their path of surrender to the Almighty God. 

Christ surrenders Himself to you today by means of the Glorified Medal as an emblem of Mercy, that all souls may seek by means of this symbol that which is in Glory and Love donated to the world of today.

I want by means of this symbol to accomplish My Promises before My return to the planet:

For those who may carry it in adoration, My Promise will not be permitted to lose themselves in the superficial and impure.

For those who may carry it in devotion, My Promise will be to rescue them before any circumstance or cause of immediate danger.

For those who may carry it in humility and glory, My Promise will be to comfort them in the unknown thirst that many hearts live and, in this way I will be able to reverse the states of emptiness converting them into oceans of Mercy and Pity. 

For those who may carry them in their last hour of life, My Promise will be to give them, by means of My Spirit, the tablet of salvation in order to be able to get out from purgatory and to go to the Supreme Universal Heaven.

For those who may carry it in surrender and service, My Promise will be to construct in the essences, as a Patient Worker, the bases of Universal Love, the temple of contemplation of God by means of the offer that will make your hearts consecrated to the Universal Christ.

For those who may carry it and who may donate it without expecting anything in return, My Promise will be great before these souls that, divested of every result or expectation, will convert themselves into My instruments and doors of salvation for the hearts that before the time of the tribulation must return to My Glorified Heart.

For those who may carry it in spirit of absolute and immediate donation, My Promises for these souls will be infinite and peaceful, and in this way in the hour of the great detachment from this earthly world they will be raised to My arms and they will be taken to the Dwellings of the Celestial Father where they will rest from the exhaustion and from the suffering that they may have lived in this world.

For those who may contemplate it with love and fidelity, My Promise will be that they will not perish as long as they surrender to Me all that which as beings do not belong to them.  In this way I will be found upon all of the hearts of this world, reflecting My Presence by means of the good and redeemed souls.

Those who may spread this instrument and legacy of peace will be between My Hands like sparks of light scattered to the four points of the Earth.  In this way they will confirm the moment of the new Apostles, of the 144,000 that will be summoned by Heaven for the mission of spiritual salvation, of those who will fall to My right and left when I will be already here among you.

In the small things are found the great mysteries that are revealed to the hearts simple and full of the Spirit of God, that congregate them and reunite them in My Celestial Church.

Glorified will be, after this life, those who may carry the medal of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Shepherd of the moribund of spirit.  After one year of Graces I give to you by means of this spiritual instrument, the sign of My Love for you in spite of the mistakes and the infidelities that many commit for not trusting in the God of Love.

I open the doors for those who may want to enter into the Kingdom of Redemption and of Mercy.  Blessed will be those who do not feel vainglory from what I give to you today because I teach you to live in the constant search for humility and for detachment to be able to incarnate the Spirit of Truth.

Those marked by My Love by means of the Glory of this medal will be like living mirrors that will radiate My Mercy and My Light in the time of chaos that today faces your blind world.  Now permit that by means of this sign of Love I make you to understand many things.  The universal time demands a mature change in the consciousness in order to be able to live the time of redemption and of forgiveness. 

Under the Mercy of God that congregates you and unites you through Me, it is already time for you to be blessed on Earth as are the Holy Angels in Heaven.

Glorified Christ Jesus

Monday, August 4 of 2014

Weekly Messages

Prostrate yourselves before My Merciful Heart.  In this way I will be able to help you in different ways.

Today I come from Heaven announcing My prompt Return to the world.

I need that My Flocks congregate themselves in love, that they be able to live My Message, that they be able to follow the instructions of the Shepherd for this definitive time.

Today I come to prepare this supper with you and to commune with your souls and spirits as this is the one thing that is valued by the Powerful God.  

See My Rays of Mercy reflected upon you in this moment because there is no greater Light that has come to your aid in these times.   And you must give an account of this through a truthful testimony to others.

Whoever answers to My Word will have eternal life.  Although it may seem that you are being submerged in the darkness of this world, My Light will never let you fall.  My Eyes will make your paths shine and they will indicate the new horizon that each one of you must traverse in My Name.

All are taken to the center of My Heart so that in adoration we may honor the God of Love.

I come once again to repeat My Message because the world continues to equivocate itself.  The doors of the Heavens are being opened in this place as a last call to Redemption.  And when you no longer see Me pass through here you will wait for Me in silence and in prayer. 

I will come to get each one of you in the right and precise moment, but it will not be as you imagine.  Your minds will not be able to reflect any truth because it will be through the strength of the heart, which is imperious and infinite in the face of evil.

Unite yourselves and do not lose sight of unity.  In this way you will alleviate Me and you will not be taking My time with so many observations that I must make about you.  In this way My Eyes and My Heart will be able to be calm, knowing that My Sheep walk towards My Stable, the stable of the heart.  In this way I will be able to help those that are most in need and, as you, other ones will be able to wake up to this convoking that My Name, in honor of the Father is making to all.

Know that all are equal before My Paths.  Many have crossed with Me in other times, even though others have just come to know Me and to feel trust and plenitude in My Merciful Love.

Today, sitting at your table, I share My Words of love and of truth as I did with My Apostles, in serenity, before the Passion.

I have said much throughout time about how I want to see each one of you.  Think no longer that you that will be able to be the same as the others or that you will be able to imitate them.

I invite you to live My Path with plenitude and sacrifice because the treasures that I guard for you are not found in this world, neither in any other person.  That which has come from dust to dust will return and will disappear, but what has come from Spirit to Spirit will return and will live eternally in the Heart of My Father.

These encounters with Me are impulses that I leave for you, precious jewels for difficult and hard times.  That your thirst may never end; that your vanity may not quench the thirst to seek Me.  Do not deceive yourselves and open the eyes to My Light.  I bless you all the time as long as you invoke Me, because there is no one better than Me for your lives, but I let you to be free whenever you may not want to seek Me.

The Love amongst brothers and sisters must be fostered by means of truth, in this way you will be able to live My Words in a simple way and you will be an example for many. 

Let My Steps mark new signs for you to traverse, which you will see in the coming time, before My Return, when I Am no longer here among you sharing My Redeeming Eucharist.  But may My Word not be less strong than yours because by being so you will be going through other paths and the inferior mind would convince you of many things before the time.

Seek the path of the heart all of the time and you will not be lost.  Trust in that which I bring to you by means of My Presence.   Do not fear to confess your miseries to Me, My Ears are infinite and extensive, and they listen to all the vibrations of the Universe, even the breathing of a child.

As the world does not follow the correct path in this time I come to leave for you the last that I can give to you, that which will not be lost among superficial things.  It is My Spirit which will prevail in you in the tribulations and in the falls.  

For this I invite you to renovate yourself after one year of Graces, such unique Graces for each one of you, Graces that are distinct to the eyes of people, infinite Graces that transform and redeem the hearts.

I leave My Heart to you with a universal and spiritual emblem, as a flame that will never die as long as you seek it in a true and sincere way. 

If God has permitted you to live so many things in this time, everything has a reason, a purpose and an aim that you do not know.

Many have chosen the law of suffering instead of the law of Love to learn in the Light of instruction.  But I cannot reverse your decisions My dears, I can only be the Guide and the Star that indicates to you the path towards the mission that God expects you to live in this time, in a simple and humble way. 

I lament for those who are not here today and that did not trust in My Voice.  Because as I warned you in Rwanda, many did not listen to Me.  I hope that this does not happen again in the same way.

Concentrate yourselves in My Heart and may nothing else disturb you.  Seek the perfect attunement with Me because evil will never prevail before My Presence.  It may laugh at Me as it did on the Cross, but it will be defeated and it will be extirpated by means of My Will.  

The Universe blesses you all the time.  Do not seek anything else but My Heart, that which will always welcome you and will give you strength to continue among the darkness’ that are here today.  I invite you to live the path of serenity, that which I learned in the Passion and on the Cross, which is not known by the enemy.   This is the key that makes it lose and give up because Love is always stronger.

The Supreme Love shelters and transfigures, redeems and liberates the cells that are dead from the lack of Light, the Light of God.

I thank you for your efforts to accompanying Me during all this year and I hope that after having been together with Me new doors to redemption may be opened to those who cannot find the path to leave from themselves.

Carry in your hearts the sign of My shepherd Blessing.

May all of those who have failed Me also commune with Me because this is an opportunity to find the final exit.

I bless and I absolve all of those who, today, have opened their heart in trust and in love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen

May your hearts be able to be the new chalices that may receive My precious Blood, the code of transfiguration and of renovation so that you may live from today on healing and forgiveness.

Go in Peace and be Light in the darkness.

I thank you.

Glorified Christ Jesus   

Friday, August 1 of 2014

Weekly Messages

Brothers and Sisters,

May peace be established in all those who do not possess it and especially may the project of My Peace be accomplished in those who I have called to serve Me throughout the times.

May our hearts be the light of the world; for this your sentiments must be pure and as crystalline as the water of a river.  In this way Companions of Mine, you will assist Me in remedying the grave offenses that the entire world is causing to the Creator God. 

Day and night, through your brothers and sisters of the path, I call you to live My Christic Unity, a unity that will liberate you from your own ideas and will heal you from your own ills.

Despite the spiritual and physical war that the sick world of today lives, I gather you My Dears, so that together, through My Infinite Celestial Grace, you will give testimony that it is possible to live in God, and to live in peace amidst darkness.

Today the Heaven and the whole universe deign to come to visit you secretly, and Heaven enters into your impure hearts to remove the separativity and disunion.  After so many messages and words poured over the world throughout many centuries of work by the Divine Messengers you, My Friends, have asked yourselves:

Why am I here today, Lord?

What am I to do before You, and yet without deserving You?

I answer you:

I love you; I love you so much that you still do not perceive, My Hands pray for your personal and group mission all of the time.  My Grace restores the consequences of your wounds and I serve Myself of all the good that you have; I desire that you be My Soldier of Mercy so that together with Me we may alleviate the evil in this world.  And again you will ask Me:

Lord, among many creatures, why You deign to come to search for me?

And I answer you:

Because the virtue that you keep is entirely for Me and I will not let you lose it for anything, to the point that I will demonstrate to you how to love your brothers and sisters better than what you believe.

For this I tell you, I desire that My Voice will resound in your heart and that it be the redeeming fruit for those who are hungry of spirit.  That which was promised will be accomplished, but before that, no one will be left without notice.  In truth I say to you, that this is My ultimate time of Mercy and of Redemption.

Open the arms to receive Me and to feel the supreme warmth of My Heart.  From all the Uruguayans I expect the big step towards the Purpose, and already I will not allow that no single servant of Mine will pull the rope because the time has come for all to in union in the powerful name of the Love of God.  In this way many sorrows may be avoided for this country, and many will be in time to re-encounter Me.

I need you all even in the most simple things in life.  I have My Eyes on all the servants of My Father.  I thank the spirit of the effort made to receive Me in this humble place.  Remember that when I was among you, many times I sat at the table of the poor and of those who suffer, in order to leave the consolation of My Father.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking tirelessly My Sacred Heart!

Glorified Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
