In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And after the Government of the Temple of the Sphere attains the expression of its mission and task in this world, in the reconstruction of humanity, other events will come to the planet.
And also for this you must be prepared, because they will be the signs that will follow My Return to the world. In this hour, nothing more will remain hidden, everything will be visible and recognizable to the souls and hearts incarnated in humanity.
The Law, which is sacred and blessed, will reorganize the principles in humanity and in its Project, the reason why it was created at the beginning of this civilization, in Genesis.
Thus, you and your brothers and sisters in the world, mainly those who are now awakened, will be part of this moment, whether incarnated or not, because it will be the contribution of your spirits, of the experience lived on this planet, that will renew the principles of the Laws in this Creation for the purpose with which this world was created.
Thus, the Higher Hierarchies, who accompany your Master and Lord in this time, will reenter the planet in a way that is different from the one they have presented themselves throughout time. But it will not be anything that you cannot understand, for the presence of the Sacred Hierarchy will reveal everything and give you understanding.
For this reason, it is important that your steps may be steady so that, when the moment comes, you may recognize it inwardly. Thus, the doors of the cosmos will open and everything will happen in the way preestablished by the Eternal Father through His Beloved Son.
The signs that will present themselves will be revealed gradually so that everyone may have the Grace and opportunity to understand them, even those signs that will come from the firmament of the universe, even the signs that may be abstract or incomprehensible.
If your hearts and lives are correctly united and aligned with the Higher Purpose, there will be no situation or event that you will not be able to understand. On the contrary, it will be the inner intuition of each human heart that will give you understanding and wisdom in the face of each event.
The reintegration of the Government of the Temple of the Sphere to the surface will bring new events and these signs, which will be seen by humanity, are part of this movement and also of this expected moment.
Remember that for many of you this incarnation is the most significant, I might say the most important, because what you will live afterwards, in the spheres of the cosmos, in all the dwellings that await you after this material life will depend on this incarnation.
All the spirits and souls that have walked on Christic Love will have the opportunity to experience other schools and learning experiences on the inner planes, on which the inner life and spiritual wealth that the Eternal Father provides through His Primordial Source are truly expressed.
Not only will the Government of the Temple of the Sphere bring new impulses that will be revealed by the Primordial Source itself, but also other spaces of the planet prepare themselves for this moment.
Since My incarnation in the world, this had already been foreseen and contemplated. Thus, you will be able to see and understand that this present moment you share with Me had also been foreseen.
The Will of God is written through the expression of the universe and of the consciousnesses who dare to experience Christification and redemption in these times. This is what, in the Higher and infinite Love, dissolves all evil, and there will be no hell or darkness that will be able to endure it.
This Center of Love calls you once again to unity among consciousnesses, to this inner unity that the Brotherhood manifests on the surface. When this is well-established in your consciousnesses and above all in your relationships, the Hierarchy will count on this vortex and this point of Light that each one represents in these times and thus they will be able to continue carrying out the Rescue Plan in humanity.
The more possible this inner unity is, and the less it is dissociated, the more the Hierarchy will be able to continue intervening in everything that is necessary, even in that which is the smallest and most invisible, even in that which is the most anonymous and silent in each heart. Because the Spiritual Hierarchy is always here to hear Their disciples, those who have faith in something immaterial and unknown, which is not under anyone’s control or under any material form.
It is this faith of the disciples in the love for the unknown that time and again opens the doors for the Hierarchy to prepare the Return of Christ for humanity, and mainly, for each heart.
Each one of you, in the most intimate, profound and silent depths of your inner universe, holds a key that will open the door of the universe, not only due to the experience of your origins and your spiritual and inner trajectory but also due to the depth of the transformation and redemption you can achieve.
In this way, many, many consciousnesses, who are not present here today, are liberated from the ties and bonds of evil; because when a disciple takes a secure and steady step, many more benefit and receive the Grace.
This is the school of the degrees of Christification of consciousness but also of the acts of inner communion with higher thoughts and feelings, which, as has always been said in the East, illuminates the consciousness when it attains self-transcendence, even though it continues to live its learning experiences.
Today I Am here delivering My last Instructions and I Am being able to speak to you from a level and dimension that I had never managed to do with you before. And this is possible because in this significant group of souls from Argentina there is openness of heart and spirit, because each one knows within themselves that the only path is toward the Infinite.
In this way, also My Inner Signs can be established within you. Your spirits see themselves filled with this impulse that will strengthen you in the end of these times, so that, first in yourselves, you may know how to go through the dark night of the planet, without losing sight of the fact that love will always triumph.
If you contemplate this every day and with effort, there is nothing that can defeat or disturb you, because the one who is with Me shall not perish, and you know this.
Do not move My Hand away from your heads so that I may continue to bless and consecrate you in spirit and essence.
It is for this reason that My Father marvels, rejoices and delights: when My disciples accompany My Message and, above all, embrace My Presence in their hearts.
My promise is to one day meet you at the other side of the portal, just as I have done with many souls that have gone through this experience.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At this moment, Our Lord has called our sister Sara Inés on the inner planes.
Behold a consciousness that has been illuminated, companions.
Was she not human like you? What has allowed this miracle?
The love that dwelt in her human heart, just as the love that dwells in your hearts.
She is now at last with Me, serving Me on the inner planes for the souls that suffer in Africa.
I gather the groups of souls on the inner planes so that they may express their mission and purpose, so that they may be mirrors of My Heart on Earth.
May those who persist and do not give up rejoice and raise their arms so that I may hold them tight and bring them to My Kingdom, just as it was with Our venerable sister Sara Inés and so many others who have been in this Work of Grace of the Hierarchy.
I know that dying to yourselves is not easy, Although for your Lord, dying to Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane was not easy, the Love of God can do it all, and grants the strength of determination and peace, of the overcoming of barriers of illusion and conflict, so that His Triune Unity may reign in hearts and souls.
Today, I want to thank My disciples of Argentina for their presence and fidelity, even in times of so much dissociation. I know that you are facing unknown situations but do not become discouraged; just as I Am here today, I will always be in the one who calls Me, in the one who seeks Me and in the one who invokes Me.
Because I Am here as a humble Servant to serve Mine, to wash their feet from the past, to baptize their heads through the Holy Spirit, Who renews and heals it all, to liberate the human pain.
Today, this Center of Love has made you be reborn in spirit. Carry this treasure with you wherever you go so that your lives may be a point of Light on Earth, where My Love can be mirrored in a world in suffering, pain and vengeance.
May your lives be a mirror of peace. Do not forget it. Work for this and strive, and you will manage to do it. This is My promise.
Behold the Supreme Lord of Argentina.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us pray, let us pray with Christ, together with Him, in gratitude and faith:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children, today I will not be able to dictate a Message but rather simply pronounce My Sacred Words to you.
My dear children of Argentina, of My beloved Argentina, despite the turbulent and dark times, today I want you to be able to feel and enter My Peace.
The world suffers and agonizes, souls endure and become lost, but do not forget that I Am here and Am your Mother, the Mother of each one of you and humanity. I rejoice at being able to be with you today and I unite with that which My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, has said.
Dare to strengthen yourselves on the path of consecration to the Plan of God, even during the time of purification and transformation of consciousness.
However, I ask you, My children, to no longer become lost in suffering but rather to submerge in Christ, My Son, Who is the Universe of Hope. I will bring you to Him whenever you need it; yet, I also hear you, I contemplate and accompany you.
Believe that I hear your true and most intimate prayers, your deepest supplications, your pleas to the Heart of God. But now is the time for you and your brothers and sisters to live My Message, being My Message, not through your words but rather through your actions, your acts of love, charity and mercy. This is what will help heal the world and humanity.
While humanity becomes divided in that which is superficial and petty, I invite you to deepen into prayer.
The universe of prayer is quite unknown, and only when you unite to it do you start to understand and feel its meaning. Because the doors of the Heavens must be open to the Earth and it is you, My beloved children, who will keep them open through your acts of love and your prayers.
Today I come here with joy and bliss, to reconsecrate this Marian Center and all its representatives, all those who have committed themselves to Me since the earliest times to sustain this point of Light in Argentina.
It is time now for you to be an authentic and true brotherhood, you have the tools for this, you have the knowledge and especially My blessing.
This is how the souls that still wait to cross the portal of hope will be able to come and you yourselves will be renewed; thus the Work will be renewed. Because, as you know, this is the time of the Rescue Plan. Everything needs to be rescued, everything needs to be safe within the Sacred Temple of the Heart of the Eternal Father and His Messengers.
I want to leave to you here My testimony of Love, together with the bravery of moving forward, overcoming these unknown and inexplicable times, crossing the barriers and limits of consciousness and of your own beings; because there, in the infinite, after all this, God and His Creation are to be found, the place where you come from, remember.
It is toward this place and sacred space of God’s Creation that your experience in this incarnation must be taken, as a deep synthesis of all that has been lived and shared, within yourselves and with your brothers and sisters.
This is what will renew Creation, the universe and humanity. Thus, see before you the spiritual treasures that We have entrusted to you and all the Graces that have been poured out from the beginning up to the present moment.
Behold My Maternal Heart, children, an inexhaustible Wellspring of the Graces of God for souls and hearts. Allow this Light, which springs from My Heart, to heal your wounds forever; may you be thus liberated, healed and renewed. No longer hold feelings of frustration or discouragement within yourselves but rather a higher feeling of love, faith and trust in God.
Because although My Heart may withdraw in the coming times, I will be by your side if you allow Me to; and barefoot, we will follow the pathway of humility and inner divestment so that the void may fill your beings and in the void you may receive the All, the One, the Infinite, the Eternal God.
May your gestures of love be an extension of My Love in the world.
May the self-giving of your hands be a gesture of My Charity in the world.
May your bare feet, which walk steadily, be an act of surrender of the Mother of God for souls.
And today I have come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, as a witness of the sacrifice of My Beloved Son for humanity in the Holy Cenacle and on the Cross, so that your cross may be relieved.
Trust, trust in God, because everything has its hour and moment. Do not rush, do not fear. Have faith, a renewed and authentic faith, so that you may be the prelude to the One Thousand Years of Peace.
I thank you for wholeheartedly responding to My call!
May the blessing of My Son be upon you and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, in My sacred pilgrimaging, I visited some places throughout the world that need divine intervention. And this has once again been possible, dear children, through the prayers of all of you, and of those who hear Me at this moment. Through the prayer of all those hearts that unite to the fire of Love of My Heart. At this worrisome hour of the planet, souls supplicate for God to pour out His Grace and Mercy, His Peace and all of His Redemption.
Today, I come here to tell you this, because I once again tell you, My children, that the prayer of the heart is that which will convert and save the world, avoid wars and disasters. Prayer will avoid epidemics, conflicts, the displacement of human beings. The prayer of the heart will always balance the Earth’s axis and make it possible for all My children to have the state of Grace that everyone needs at this hour, to learn how to go through the end of these times.
Today, I come to talk to you again about the importance of the prayer of the heart, so that you may feel it in the innermost depths of your essence, so that each new prayer may be an opportunity to communicate with God and open the doors of the Heavens in all of humanity, thereby closing the uncertain doors that exist in many places of the world.
As your Mother, as the Celestial Mother, I will never, ever tire of repeating this to you. For you, with your own eyes, will see what I tell you, and you will perceive, My children, the difference between a soul that prays and a soul that does not pray. And this exercise is something more than just religious or spiritual.
The Eternal Father Himself was the first who prayed in this universe through His Word, and His Word became flesh through Christ. If you observe this sentence, which I say to you, you will understand the power of prayer, a power of concretion and supreme manifestation.
It is on the inner planes where all can be united through prayer, regardless of distance, events or situations. At each passing day, the events of this world will lead you to live the prayer of the heart with more thoroughness and responsibility.
Today, in the face of all that happens in humanity, I ask you, with all the Maternal Love of My Heart: how is your participation in everyday prayer, in the prayers that the Divine Hierarchy has asked of you for every day of the week, for all causes of the world, for all the situations that emerge and precipitate, more and more each day?
In truth, I tell you, My beloved children, that for God it does not matter whether you have a job or not. Your thought and, above all, your heart, may be in prayer, sometimes whether or not you are pronouncing words.
It is in this cycle that your consciousnesses must be in a permanent prayerful state, just as many more should be before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son. Without these two exercises, My beloved children, and sorry for saying this to you, you will not manage to survive, because the energies of this world not only compromise nations and peoples, but they also place souls in great abysses that are unknown and impenetrable, even to the Divine Hierarchy.
I am not saying that you will not face tests or sufferings. I am not saying that you will not experience deserts or challenges. For while you are in this world you must learn to transcend and surpass yourselves every day.
Our Sacred Hearts need to highlight this so that you may understand and accept it. For at that hour, when everything truly happens, will you be a part of the chaos of humanity or will you be peace-bringers, servants of the Divine Light of the Father who, through the word of prayer and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, will learn, with patience and great determination, to placate the injustice of this world?
Today, I want to give each one of My children a little more of My school of prayer, so that as many hearts as possible may be united to Us in this emergency of the end of times when, through great inner effort, it will be necessary to learn to overcome the impunity of this world and the lack of peace.
But My Presence tonight brings you the Peace of the Heavens. My Presence, as an instrument of the Father offers itself to bring My children a greater awareness, which they need in these times, for their hearts not to become confused or deceived. In this way, through the prayer of the heart, which is something deeply simple yet true, you may help souls overcome the end of times, because not all souls will manage to.
But if there is at least one consciousness or many more consciousnesses on the surface of this planet, imploring, praying and invoking God, adoring and loving the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I assure you, My beloved children, that those souls that do not manage to overcome the end of times will have a spiritual amnesty, and will be re-considered by the Plan of Rescue, simply through the souls that pray and adore.
This spiritual foundation in your lives, which, at each passing day, must be deepened, expanded, and not remain just as a spiritual exercise, is that which you need, to learn to identify the signs of the end of times, those signs that will come from the universe to the planet to announce the Return of My Son, a Return that will be unprecedented, a Return of My Son never before seen by or known to any being of this planet.
Do you now understand the importance of being in the same vibration as Ours, and making the correct and sincere effort of not coming out of Our dimension? This is true regardless of the chaos in the world and the indifference, the lack of love and peace in humanity, regardless of the revenge that can be seen in the world and within families, something that deeply hurts the Heart of God.
How many more reasons would We have to pray, not only to strengthen the Purpose of this country, not only to help the soul of this nation and its angel, but also to consciously pray for all the world needs? For all of them are important to the Eyes of God, and thus God hopes that His beloved Children will also consider all these needs as important.
On this night of great planetary inflection, My Immaculate Heart was able to intercede and save many souls from dark hells of this world, for prayers were offered and hearts were exposed as an offering before God. Without this, nothing would be possible.
This is why I remind you once again about the mediating prayer, the power of the intercessory prayer, for in the end of times you will see unbelievable things that will bring you terror. However, do not fear, because the soul that prays will never lack God’s Light and, above all, will never lack God’s Love, the Love of the Father Who, through His Divine Spirit, will guide you so that, in these final times, you may learn to make the correct decisions.
My Dear children, I give you this whole explanation because today new Chidren of Mary will be consecrated, and this also helps those who are already consecrated Children of Mine. This does not simply mean receiving the Mantle of the Mother of God upon your bodies. It means living, in these times, a real and true commitment that does not weaken nor is it fleeting.
You must not only be My children now, you must also be My warriors of prayer and also co-mediators of the Mother of God, who carefully keep in mind all that happens in the world and how urgent it is that Heaven may intercede, for in this way We will maintain the planet, and, above all, maintain humanity in its place.
Every war that is staged within families or in the nations, among peoples or even in society, will never, never endure, if souls truly pray for the wars in the world and in the families, I assure you that overnight they will disarm the plans of My enemy. For in these times, and more than ever, the Lady of the Seven Swords must broadly work for humanity so that the main Seven Attributes of God, through My Swords, may root out impunity, indifference, the culture of discarding, evil from hearts, hatred, vengeance and massacre in this humanity.
Do you now understand the need for perpetual prayer, just as your Heavenly Mother perpetually prays?
This is why, in this cycle, the commitment of the new Children of Mary must be renewed through all that I have said to you today.
All are welcomed in the Sacred Temple of My Immaculate Heart. I will always hope that My children will offer to be consecrated to My Heart and, thus, be consecrated to God. And that He, through His Slave and His Servant, will give you His Graces and Mercies.
Before leaving South America and accompanying My Son in the most important task of His existence, in these final times in the Middle East, I will consecrate the hearts that, before God, offer to live the school of the prayer of the heart in these times, so that each one of your lives may be an incandescent flame of the Eternal Father, to illuminate these times of darkness and tribulation.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Those who will be consecrated may draw near the foot of this Altar. By listening to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, let us prepare for this moment of consecration; to listen to the Mother of God, Her Sacred Words of blessing, support and love for Her children.
The Divine Mother asks for oil to be brought here for the blessing, because we will anoint those who will be consecrated today. And we will ask, at this moment, for a priest to prepare for this Anointment.
On this night, when the world agonizes due to not seeing God’s Light, I receive with gratitude and love the offering of your consecration. Souls that are so different, but who, as from this moment, can be united though the same purpose, the purpose of discovering the reason why they are here in this world. The sacred purpose of serving God with gratitude, reverence and devotion, under the powerful light of prayer of the Children of Mary.
This is why I have asked for this blessed oil, at the request of My Son, Jesus Christ, which will mark upon your foreheads the sign of union with the powerful Cross of the Redeemer, the one that relieves spiritual debts, placates suffering, comforts hearts, heals spirits, frees you from ties, ignites hearts in God’s Hope, bringing you Peace, Light and Mercy.
This is why I not only consecrate this oil, which will anoint you with the luminous sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, but I also consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We may sing the Hymn of Consecration.
Let us prepare for the Anointment.
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!
My dear children,
I am here today at the House of Christ. I can be spiritually closer to traumatized Ukraine. I can collect the prayers of all those who pray for the sacred cause of Peace.
For this reason, My Children, I am thankful, because at this time of the planet many situations must be tended to, and it is urgent for God that a celestial intercession may happen.
Therefore, when voices unite in prayer, I can intercede and, as the Mother of the World, I can once again open the doors of Heaven so that the Angels of Peace and Reconciliation may help the most lost souls, especially the ones that are in conflict and war.
Dear children, for this reason, I am here to irradiate My Love and My Light to the world, to say, My Children, to the inner worlds of God’s Creatures, to stop and listen to the cry of the planet and of the displaced families due to war, hunger and migration.
How long will this go on for?
Therefore, My Message arrives to sensitize, still within the Church of Christ, all those who do not think about the refugees or the poor.
I hope, dear children, that before everything happens, more good souls may be capable of helping balance the scale of the Law with Me, because otherwise humanity will only be hurting itself, as it has been doing up to now.
I pray that destructive ideas on the surface of the earth may no longer exist, that no other bomb may be launched upon nations as if they were meaningless. No, Children, do not do this!
Be able to perceive how far evil can go. Repent and ask for forgiveness because there is little time left.
Let us pray that the little peace left on this planet does not disappear.
I thank you for being united to Me in prayer!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Dear children,
Prayer is the great key that opens the door of the Heavens.
When your prayer is sincere and without haste, it is a selfless prayer. It produces great effects through the soul that practices and lives it. It is the way you can be in contact with the Heavens in these times of definition.
Sincere prayer will always place you on the correct path again and in the correct spiritual vibration. It will protect you from yourselves and from the other events that are approaching.
Prayer is the true vaccine against any adverse epidemic, because as you pray, My children, you elevate the consciousness and the space that surrounds you, generating an important vortex so that the angelic universe can transmute darkness.
When this prayer is offered in group, beyond distances, its effects are global and many benefits are established within those souls that were already condemned.
You should become aspirants of the mysteries of prayer, because prayer, remember, at this world moment, is the essential and primary nourishment of the humanity in transition.
I invite you to pray without causes or conditions. I call you, My children, to offer your lives as a constant prayer so that your examples may be consolation for God, offended and injured by the world’s indifference.
During this Christmas, offer your prayers for the refugee children and families, for the grave humanitarian crises, which multiply faster than fraternity and the good.
Relieve, through the Rosary, the undignified life and pain of refugee women, of those who have nothing and are neither accepted nor welcomed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The only thing that God expects from you is that your life be permeated by transparency and truth.
That when you pray, you do so in truth, pronouncing each word with all your being and that, even though you do not understand the celestial mysteries and the Divine Laws that move within a sincere prayer, you simply do it because of knowing that the world needs it.
That when you sing, you do so in truth, emanating each note with the simple intention of praising God, as the angels and the archangels do, who do not sing for themselves nor for the harmony and the good feelings that are generated when singing, but simply because of knowing that singing opens the Portals of Heaven and draws the neediest creatures toward God.
That when you serve, you do so in truth, recognizing your limitations, but always willing to overcome limits, so that each day you may discover that you are capable of giving a little more of yourself and, in this way, in this constant overcoming, you may discover the true potential of the human being.
That when you strive to transform something, may your striving be real, and may the result of your transformation not matter but rather your true striving in the correct direction. If you do it in this way, it will be Divine Mercy Itself that will enter into you and transform that which seemed impossible to you. In this way, you will know what it is to be a child of Mercy and live in permanent Grace.
That when you look to the universe in search of your origin, you do so in truth, opening your consciousness to the unknown, and not limiting existence to your small human understanding. In this way, you will be allowing a sublime reality to be revealed to you and to the world.
Live each instant of your life inspired by truth, breaking away from lies and human illusion, consecrating your spirit, mind and heart with transparency, with striving, with valor and humility, always willing to move beyond obstacles and, at the same time, always open to receive the help that comes through many ways and forms sent by God.
If you did everything in truth, you would remain within Divine Truth and, even in a time of craziness and uncertainties for humanity, in which chaos permeates the world with clouds of confusion, while humankind is blind because of the darkness, your eyes will be beyond the clouds, seeing the sun that hides above the shadows, and knowing that light always remains far beyond that which seems to be darkness.
For this reason, child, keep your heart in truth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When we were praying to receive Saint Joseph, a little before His arrival, He began to show us very poor places on the planet and people in very precarious situations, of great poverty, of much suffering, of great pain.
When He reached us, He continued to show us those places and, at the same time that He was with us in the room of prayer, He was with each one of those people, who were of all kinds: women, children, men, the elderly. He was speaking with each one of them, He was traveling through those places; they could not hear Him, but He continued to speak inwardly with them, and He gave this message for those souls that suffer the most.
To the souls that suffer
Calm your heart, little soul, in the depths of the Heart of God.
In your Savior, seek encouragement and hope, Grace and peace.
Calm your heart in the fortitude that is forged through your deepest sorrows. Find relief and peace in the Cross of your Lord. May your suffering balance many evils in this world.
Seek your safety in the Heart of God. Seek your peace in His Presence.
Forgive the deepest roots of human evil, which generate the pain and the imbalance in this world.
Make of your suffering a blessing, because you are learning to find true recompense in God, rather than in the world.
Feel that the Heart of the Lord feels anguish with yours; you are not alone in your pain.
May the Love of the Creator calm your despair, your sadness and your lack of hope. Know that you have a perfect place in the Heart of the Father and that your suffering opens the doors of Heaven for those who would not deserve to enter.
The time will soon come in which peace will reign in the world and there will be no distance or difference between this world and the Heart of God, His Celestial Kingdom.
While that time does not come, understand that the pain in the Earth will emerge, causing this world to shudder; but this is the harbinger of a higher reality that is coming to the Earth.
I know that your pain is deep and your suffering is real, just like the suffering and the enduring of your Lord on the Cross. Offer your whole life to God, open your arms on the cross that is upon you and allow a new love to emerge from all this experience that you are today going through.
Forgive the imbalances, forgive those who have everything and are lost in their egoism, those who do not know how to look to their neighbor and they feed the deep roots of the indifference that penetrates the Earth.
Let your forgiveness be the doorway to Mercy; that your life be a source of love and, in this way, your suffering will be changed into the Grace that will transform the Earth.
I know that My words seem very far from the reality of your heart, but hear them with love, in the same way that Your Lord heard His Father in each new step taken toward Calvary and, from the first Wound up to the Cross, from His wounds poured Love.
From your inner and human wounds may faith and love blossom which will renew the Creation of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The soul that strives in prayer opens the Doors of Heaven and gives God the permission for higher Laws to be active on Earth.
These Laws descend to the planet through their prayerful word, pierce the deepest levels of their inner world and thus, reach those places of the world most in need, guided by the purity of intention of the prayerful soul.
To pray from the heart is to enter into the Heart of God, to stand before His Sacred Books, in which His Plan has been written for this world and for all life; in this way, in light of His Truth, the soul receives from God the gift of manifesting its designs and the Grace to do so.
To pray from the heart, even if in the void and in the desert, is to walk the path of faith which, invisible to human eyes, draws to Earth the true potential of the creatures of God.
To pray is to unite with Truth. For this reason, child, even if it is difficult for you, even if you are in the void or in an absence of all inner sensations, know that it is simply the awakening of faith that you need to experience. The faith that leads you to keep praying even in the void, the faith that places you before God, even though you may not know it, the faith that brings you closer to who you truly are.
Live this faith every day; seek to know it through the living experience of prayer done with love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In a spirit of sacrifice and surrender, launch your heart into the unravelling of the mysteries of the Universe, as well as into the depths of the Earth.
With love, embrace what is unknown to you and give thanks to God for the Mercy granted in your life, of being so close to His Grace and His Truth.
In a world of so much ignorance, child, your spirit must be joyful for being a part of the cycle of revelations that begins for all humanity.
Open your heart to what you have never learned.
Open your consciousness to discover what was hidden within your soul.
Let the remembrances emerge, and that which you did not know to have experienced may arise as a way to propel you toward the new, the sacred and the sublime.
Let your soul face new horizons, because the tests of these times will be new and for this, you must be ready.
Let gratitude be the key always held within your hands to open the doors of the Heavens.
Let humility be your protective shield in this battle of ignorance and vanities, from which humankind tries to get out of and often does not manage to do so.
Let prayer be your harbor and the Heart of God your breath.
Breathe His Presence and radiate His Peace; in this way, you will realize that even what seemed most hidden has always been in front of you, in the Heart of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In simple places and with simple hearts there I will always be, in silence and peace, attracting the Kingdom of God to the world.
With those who effort, in spite of their imperfections, and give the best of themselves in small and large things, I will always be here, because it is their effort that will open the doors to Heaven, and not the perfection of their hearts.
With those who aspire to build a new life and find the new time, I will always be there, for this is My Mission: to lead you by the hand to this encounter with the Truth. And even though My voice goes silent, even though My presence seems to hide, do not be deceived, for I will always be here, whispering the Designs of God into your hearts, inspiring you to continue upon the correct path, alerting you when you deviate, and bringing you peace when it seems that you have lost it.
I will always be here, with My hands in yours, raising the bricks to construct the new dwelling places and rebuilding that which is real and pure, when it breaks through the struggles of these times.
Pray with Me always, even if it be in the silence of your hearts, and you will discover, children, how My silence echoes more than My voice, and what I will allow you to understand within your hearts will be clearer than all the words that I have spoken.
Through this inner, profound and true contact with Me, you will consolidate the union with God and will mature as His children and as His companions.
I have told you: I am merely His Servant, a Servant of the Divine, His Messenger, His Laborer. Through a request of His, I have come to meet with you and now that you are before His Sacred Heart, the time has come for each one of you to live this encounter with Him.
I will accompany you always, with love, with joy. I will adore God for your triumphs and will plead with God in the face of your defeats. Together, children, we will arrive to the New Time, when nothing more will be hidden, when everything will be revealed; when all eyes will see, all ears will hear and all hearts will know the truth about themselves and about life.
For this, I have brought you up to this point. For this, I came to the world for such a long time. And also, for this, I will make My silence known, because everything is part of one Plan; a Will that will be understood as it is experienced.
So that you live this, I bless you, embrace you, and leave My paternal love for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in pure souls that pray from their heart for the establishment of peace.
My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in the souls that open the Doors of Heaven with their prayers, and do not fear to know the Truth and the Kingdom of God.
I come, My children, so that your spirits may know this Truth, so that Argentina does not remain in ignorance about itself and about life on Earth, but rather that it may know who it is and what the potential is that it holds as a nation and as a people.
I come, as I came so many centuries ago, to prepare the birth of the new humanity which will emerge from within each one of you. A humanity that will reveal the similarities of your hearts with God; a humanity that will demonstrate to you what you were created for and what the purpose of your lives is.
I come to raise men and women by means of My presence; to raise a people from its darkness and from its inner abysses so that, strengthened by its best virtues, it may convert into a fertile and sacred soil, worthy of receiving the Feet of the One who will come to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and to reveal this Kingdom within beings.
My Heart of Mother, so many times flagellated and outraged by human actions and by the indifference of hearts, is repaired by the sincere prayers of My children and, more than that, beloved children, I find encouragement and merits to intercede for the world when your spirits are open and available for a new life.
I come, to remove you from illusion and suffering, and to teach you to repair the Heart of God with your own lives. I come to open your eyes to the simplicity that there is to find and live the celestial Truth and higher life.
I come to point out the way and show you the signs in the sky and within you so that your inquietudes may find responses in the Truth that is revealed to your hearts.
Argentina is a nation filled by mysteries and hidden gifts, and the moment has come for them to be revealed, and it will be the very Hand of God, My children, that will remove the veils that cover your eyes and will show you what is hidden, although it has always been here, since before the establishment of your people as a nation.
From the top of the mountain ranges to the depths of the seas, everything will be revealed. The light that shined, hidden by nature, will no longer shine within the Earth but rather before your eyes, reflecting in the mirrors of your hearts and revealing that not only upon the Earth, but also within yourselves, a greater life was hidden.
This is a time of revelations; revelations of a Truth that has existed since the beginning of the Origin of life; a Truth from which you have distanced and which will be revealed to you so that you can return to it. With the light of this Truth, the light of My Son will also be shown to you. You will first see His splendor in the Sun of His Eyes and of His Heart; then you will see His Feet, which walk toward the Earth, and then you will recognize Him as the Son and a part of God, as God Himself surrendered to humanity.
Rejoice and awaken, My children. It is time to make of your own conversion a reason for bliss and joy. It is time to make of your own awakening a reason for plenitude; to make of your own sacrifice a reason for renewal and of your own life an eternal revelation of God.
I love you, bless and thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Carpenter, I gradually molded the raw wood of you heart, so that you could discover the treasure that is within you.
As a Shepherd, I gradually conducted your paths, just as My Son taught Me, so that you could reach His Sacred Heart.
As a Father, I gradually polished your more human aspects, showing you what you are not, so that you could know the truth about yourself.
As a Friend, I was ever present, making Myself felt in each trial and bringing peace to your heart, to calm your anguishes and illuminate your abysses.
As a Companion, I gradually opened the doors of Heaven for you, pointing to the rocks on the path and accompanying your steps, so that you could make the Love of God triumph within your heart.
Now, child, I come, as a Servant of God, to show you a broader and deeper path, albeit invisible and hidden.
I come to show the path so that you may live My words, experience My instructions and thus, you may not only see how My Heart reaches the world, every day, but you may come with Me, enter the Portals and find your Celestial Father, Your Creator and Creator of all things.
I am Your Servant. He is your Lord. I have come here for you, so that you may accompany Me toward His Heart, and this path is trodden in silence, in the depth of your inner world, crossing the door of your essence that leads you to God.
Come, for the hour has arrived. Hear My silence and follow My walk. I come to make room for the voice of God within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Silence will be your best friend in these times and will open the doors of your heart so that you may find the bridge that unites you with God.
Prayer will be your nourishment and your sustenance in a world where souls perish because they do not know how to nourish themselves from God.
Peace will be your quest and you will find it in the center of the Heart of the Celestial Father. In it will be your liberty and your strength. In it will be your repose and your contentment.
Ascension is your path, a path marked by God on the pages of your history, in the drawing of your life. Place your feet in the divine letters and start walking.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
As days go by, the special moment draws closer in which your Redeemer will place His Feet again on the sacred ground of South America and will enter one of the regions destined to be the New Earth, Argentina.
Beyond the social, political and human decadence, Argentina is a country blessed by the beauty of the Creation of God and the most precious landscapes, from Tierra del Fuego to the peaks of Jujuy, serve as immaculate and inner sites so that the Hierarchy may always be present there.
The Celestial Father knows that the majority of His children of Argentina and of all of South America are going through the first cycle of the transition of the Earth. But beyond what is done by the leaders and those responsible in the equity of the South American nations, in beloved Argentina, there are souls with great hearts that beat and are moved by the coming of the Redeemer.
It is like an inner impulse that never ends, it is a love of the Argentines that matures as time and experiences go by.
It is My ardent desire to be received once again by the love that beats in each heart of Argentina, so that the doors of Heaven may be kept open and may all be filled by the Love of the Lord, a Love that will always renew you and give you the impulse to continue forward.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In your prayers, contemplate the doors of Heaven that open to the Earth, approaching the Kingdom of God to this world. Contemplate in Heaven the different Sources of Grace that exist in the universe and that are spiritually nourished by the constant Love of God for His creatures.
See, with the eyes of your heart, that these Sources open to the Earth and that this spring of love and life is poured out upon those who need it most.
In this world of spiritual thirst, where souls need the Divine Love so much, even if they do not perceive it, child, with your word and with your heart, open the doors to these eternal Sources.
Contemplate the awakening hearts throughout the world, the fallen who are rising; those who were dead are now alive, returning to live spiritually. Contemplate the joy that is being born within those who have lost hope. And, above all, contemplate the Joy of God for being able to reach the hearts of His children.
Make your prayer become a moment to bring life, true life for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace be in this place, in this city and in the whole world.
May peace expand through your hearts, lighting up every dark space in this world, for this is possible when you are true of heart.
May peace illumine your minds, bring you harmony, balance and discernment for these times of tribulation.
May peace take away your doubts, convert your errors and lead you onto the path of Christ.
Today, with My Holy Wife and Queen, I bring you peace, a peace greatly missing in the world and in the hearts that live in it.
I come once again to awaken you to the higher reality, prepare your consciousnesses for the times that will come, so that you can grow, mature your spirits, experience redemption and manifest the perfection of God in your lives.
Children, many are still confused with the things of the world, because it is still necessary to live in it, but not to adhere to its tendencies, but rather to transform it.
Since the beginning of this human project, the Creator allowed the two opposites of the duality of the universe to exist here: great darkness, a great evil, but also a great love, an infinite light, which comes to the world not only through Christ, but also through each heart that awakens to express that light which dwells in the depths of your essence and which, even though it is darkened, it is because of the things of the world, and not by the Will of God.
You still do not know, children, the perfection that dwells within you and within your brothers and sisters.
In their hearts, many ask Me how to reconcile the life of the spirit with their family life, their work, and their daily activities.
I want each one of you to be an example for your fellow being, an example of persistence, of perseverance, of love for the Plans of God.
To love another is not to be consequent with their errors. To love another, besides accepting them as they are, is also being able, when you see an error, to give an example of something that will balance them and do the opposite, for in this way, you will convert, not through judgment, nor through the criticism of your minds, but through the example of your hearts.
In these times, children, the minds are very confused, and even though they recognize they are not on the correct path, they do not know where to go. Within their beings, the darkness that permeates the world is much stronger than the love that tries to appear. For this reason, on this day, I ask you to give true examples to your families, in your day to day, in each instant of your lives. If you want to transform your fellow being, transform yourselves, for that is the only way this world can be transformed in a true way.
You will be able to understand the celestial mysteries and experience them when within you, there is a determination to follow the Plan of God. This does not mean hurting the other, for you will neither judge, nor criticize anyone; you will simply give pure examples of your union with God, and the union with the Creator, in itself, will transform all things.
As always, I would like to talk to you about divine universal matters; I would like to tell you the true reason why your spirits came to the world, reveal to you that this is not the first time, nor the last time you are on the Earth.
I would like to show you, to your hearts, how many lessons, how many triumphs and how many mistakes you experienced throughout your existence so that you could learn that you are not perfect, but that not all is lost, for an experience of true love exists within your beings, for if this were not so, you would never be here.
Those who are listening to Our Words today in the four corners of the world, throughout the history of humanity, have already heard the echo of the Voice of God many times, be it through prophets, patriarchs, saints, My Son Jesus, be it from the Creator Himself, Who breathed the essence of a truth into your heart so that simply with that breath, you might commit to Him during the whole history and, in this end of a cycle in which humanity must definitely manifest His Will, you could remember and finally fulfill the Divine Purpose.
I tell you these things because while I speak, I show your heart these truths, I attract your souls and your spirits so that you, children, may recognize that you are not just this matter, this mind that listens to Me, this heart that feels Me.
Something exists between you and Me that is unique, that unites us, that makes us in likeness to God.
Your essences left a Divine Origin, but never lost the link with the Origin, never lost the link with the Creator. A part of your consciousness remains in the Source, as a promise of your return to the Heart of God.
For this reason, today, for those who open their hearts, I have you feel that essence. I rebuild the thread that unites you with God and I promise the Lord that I will take care of you always, so that this thread does not break again, but rather, that the light of divine essence can flow more and more within your hearts.
Today I come to the world not only to talk with you, but to give you a spiritual impulse, which will resound in the whole human consciousness. I want you to leave here filled by the Spirit of God, so that you lose the fear of announcing the Return of His Son, and, more than that, of preparing the dwelling place of Christ within yourselves, because your Christic Essence is already before your hearts. Open your arms, open your heart and let this Christ express Himself and dissolve from your beings all links with evil.
Today I show you the Kingdom of God, which few know, for many seek to understand with the human mind something that is divine. The pride and vanity of humanity do not allow it to knock on the doors of Heaven, for they still prefer to feel self-sufficient rather than ask for the help of God.
Children, lose your fear of feeling the joy and wholeness of finding the Creator. Lose your fear of saying 'yes' to a new way of uniting with God, which is not to be found in any religion, in any belief; it is to be found in the depths of your beings. It is a union that has always existed, but that humanity has never wanted to see.
Religions are a doorway so that you can find the Father, but the time has come for you to cross the limitations of all the teaching you have received up until today, so as to learn from the act of reconnecting, which exists within you and that no institution can teach you. Religions exist to congregate souls, form the flocks, awaken them and lead them on a unique path, which is the Love of the Creator. If you experience a true love, love your neighbor as yourselves, and God above all things, it does not matter where you go, because you will find the Creator, and He Himself will show you His Truth, dissolve illusions, break the barriers, and transform human understanding of His Truth, of His Kingdom, of His Origin.
Today I come with My Holy Wife Mary so that you may receive a special Grace, a divine atonement, for We do not tire of giving Graces to the world; on the contrary, Our arms are always full, but the human heart is also full of itself.
Empty yourselves of all concepts, of all ideas about God; empty yourselves of all comprehension, become nothing, for, in this way, everything will be comprehensible to you.
The greatest mysteries of the Creator are kept in the simplest things; that is why we came to the world, because humanity was seeking great teachings, great insights that aggrandized itself, and not unite it with God.
This is why we came as the Sacred Hearts, for that was the expression of simplicity on the Earth, and it is in this way, with this example, that you will come to know divine mysteries, and will be capable of living them. In simplicity, all instructions will come alive, and you will not need to read so many books, because the greatest book is written in the history and experience of humanity. That is the book of those who are dressed in white garments. That is the most sacred book that they write and rewrite every day. If you want to read a great history, write it and you will read it in the Universe.
Bring the communion here, the symbol that the greatest mystery can be found in the least things. Would you be capable of believing that in this little piece of bread and in this fruit of the grape is hidden the Presence of God, the sacrifice of His Son, each of His steps with the Cross, His Blood, His Water poured out to the last drop for the salvation of humanity?
Will you believe, children, that by eating this bread and drinking this wine you will unite with this sacrifice of Love and will be invited to renew it in each small sacrifice of your lives? For this is the greatest truth that I bring you today. And as a symbol of this truth, I show you that grandeur in the change experienced each day by those who commune of the Body and the Blood of Christ.
By the authority given to Me by God, today I dress as a Celestial Priest, because before My Son experienced it on the Cross, I already contemplated His surrender and communed each day of His permanent sacrifice. I learned with Him to convert matter and place His Divine Presence in these elements.
Pray with me an Our Father in Aramaic, as in other times when you prayed with My Son, and thus, once again, you resume your commitments with God, disconnect from all evil, free yourselves of all pain and find peace in union with Christ.
Our Father in Aramaic.
Commune of these elements as you communed in other times. Lose your fear, as you lost it in other times, surrender your lives, as you surrendered them in other times. In this world there are now not so many deserts, but your voices must echo now among the cities, in the hearts of the men and women of this world, so that all may come to know the greatness of God and all may prepare for the Return of His Son. Let all know that His Spirit is already on this Earth and the time has come to awaken.
With this I thank you, and with Our hands upon you, We leave you Our blessings. Receive them and hold them in the depths of your beings, so that they may be a divine nourishment that gives you the impulse to always walk, to transform, to change into a living image of the likeness with God.
By the blessing and the redemption granted to you by the Sacred Hearts, I free you, cleanse you, wash your souls, and leave upon you the sign of the Holy Cross.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Continue in peace and renewed.
I thank you.
At that moment, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón shared the daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary on that same day, October 19, 2016.
There will be a time when peace will reign in this world, a time in which the Doors of Heaven will remain open, and anyone who lives on the Earth will be able to receive Its Light and commune of the divine presence.
There will be a time when, at the center of each being, the sun of a new race will shine, symbolizing a new cycle of the universe rather than just of this world.
There will be a time when creatures will recognize their Creator and will feel reverence for finding the Divine in everything created by His Universal Consciousness.
There will be a time when days of profound illumination will be born in this world, days of communion and of fellowship, days of peace.
I say this, My children, so that you may remember My Words when you feel that you are far from God. Let them be the source of new hope and may they resound within everyone that had the flame of their heart dimmed. Because I tell you that there will be a time in which this world will be One with the Kingdom of God; but before that time, other occurrences will come, to generate merits for the future. Before peace will reign, hearts will be tested and strengthened by the might of the Love of God. In the face of any situation in life, never let your hearts lose the hope of seeing the Divine Purpose manifested.
My beloveds, I come to the world to have you know the greatness of the Plan of which you are a part, a Plan that is perfect and that comes from Who is One and Who reigns among the universes.
I want you to understand that My Presence among you has a greater intention. I am here to make you strong, persevering and untiring so that you do not stop your steps with the winds that will blow throughout this world.
I want you to ask yourselves, again and again, why the Presence of the Divine Messengers are among your souls so that, in this way, the Light of the Spirit of God may be able to bring a greater truth for you to know what the reason for the focus of God's attention upon this part of His Creation.
Dear children, your souls are treasures, more precious than you can imagine. This world has an objective much greater than the life that is alive today. And the time is urgent for those that live on the Earth to awaken from the dream because the Lord waits for the response of His creatures. For the second time, He will send His Son, reconfirming His Mercy and giving the world a sign of the greatness of the life that dwells in it.
My beloveds, it is necessary that you no longer be children in the life of the spirit. You have already received much so that you can see life from another point of view. Infinite impulses came to your hearts; it is time to let yourselves be guided and, without fear, steer the ship toward a new horizon.
When there is darkness within your hearts, remember My Words: there will be a time of Eternal Peace in this world.
I love you and bless you.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In this moment, let us glorify the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph.
At the request of Our Lord, we will hold a minute of silence for peace on the planet.
Let us prostrate before the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Let the bell in the tower continue to ring, please.
Heaven descends to Earth and communes with good souls. Vivify this!
Let us breathe in the air of Heaven.
Pray with Me, My companions, as you have done up until today. Heaven has heard you with attention and love.
The great hour draws closer for all souls. The doors of Heaven open to Earth and hearts commune with the Spirit of God.
Blessed are those who prevail and follow the paths of the Lord, for they will be removed from the desert in which they live and evil will be uprooted from suffering hearts.
Love and Truth will reign in all those who have sought My Path, who will thus achieve the purity they so seek.
The seed of the humility of God will sprout in hearts that will be reborn in Christ and will live in unity with the Celestial Father, and it will not be necessary for anybody to suffer anymore, because the great absolution of Infinity will come in aid of hearts that cry out.
It is time to banish what is old and allow the spirit of each one of you to be able to re-emerge in the Universe of the Lord. In this way, everything will be accomplished and no one will remain outside of the path that I am pointing out for this time, the path to Spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us repeat the prayers that the Lord is transmitting.
Today this is My Message for you through this prayer. It is a proclamation of all the hearts of the world, of all the servers of Christ who have aspired to reach My Heart and to live in My eternal Peace.
If you decree this prayer with conviction, everything will be able to be accomplished.
If just one soul should do it with devotion, they will open a small door in the universe, providing an opportunity for the rescue and the salvation of souls. Imagine if all souls, the voice of all hearts, should speak this prayer to Heaven, what could happen, My companions?
On this afternoon, I give you My universal Legacy, a Legacy of simplicity and of humility that was professed since My Birth in this world.
I bring you closer to finding the Mysteries of God, which are kept within you, in the inner universe of each being. In this way, all can commune with the Spirit of God and achieve redemption in these times.
The Three Sacred Hearts present themselves before you today to be glorified and praised, to uplift your spirits to the Celestial Kingdom.
For this reason, dear companions, may all hearts be redeemed in this Trine Communion. Let your lives be the sap of life, the food for those that are hungry, spirit for the spirits that are fallen.
I invite you to carry God in your heart and to be able to transmit this impulse to all those you meet, because this Grace that today I am pouring out upon you is unique in a difficult time, for a humanity that is spiritually ill.
I Am your food and your healing. Continue onward. Free your ties through the infinite power of prayer.
Today I come with My Most Holy Mother and with Saint Joseph. She comes announcing Her great moment. Saint Joseph guides souls that must serve, and Our Three Sacred Hearts give of themselves to all to announce the Good News to all hearts.
Stop suffering. Accept the healing that Heaven wants to give you, because from that point, your lives will quickly transform. Many will no longer recognize your faces because they will reflect the clouds of the sky, the rays of the universal sun, which will radiate to the darkness and dispel tribulation. But you must have a trusting heart, a sure faith, and an unbreakable fortitude. If you live these three very simple principles, you will be able to be My apostles of love and redemption.
Today all are united in this meeting and have prayed to build this bridge toward the universe. Do you know what repercussions this has had in the current world, mainly in the Kingdoms of Nature? How many debts are balanced at this moment? How many souls and hearts are assisted at this moment?
I know that many would like to see these things, the real material results. But My Father sends Me to bring you the Spirit, that which will always strengthen and will never perish, although it lives in this world.
I bring you all toward My Heart so that you experience the perfect Communion with the universe.
And so that this afternoon may be the closing of a cycle, and a new cycle begin for all as from tomorrow, let us praise the Lord of the Heights.
Let us send our supplications to the Sacred Hearts so that the holy angels may descend at this moment, not only to help this country, but all of humanity, mainly the hearts that cry out for supreme healing and for redemption.
Let us open the door to Heaven. Enter further into this Heaven. This Heaven is ready to serve you and comes to commune with all hearts through the Presence of the Messengers of God.
We will receive your offering at this moment. Now, this is unique for all.
Let us open the doors to the essence of the Love of God, where after all of this, they must return to merge with the Celestial Father.
Song: Elohim.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pleased with souls that sing with devotion.
To finish carrying out this sacred glorification of the Holy Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, we will glorify the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then the Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph; thus, your offerings as humanity may be poured out, in Mercy, upon the Kingdoms of Nature and the Law cease to weigh so much on humanity and be transformed by the power of My merciful Heart.
We are present, accompanying you in this blessing. Continue united with the Spirit that is flowing at this hour of Mercy.
We give thanks also to all those who have sung to God from their homes. Imagine how many doors open in the homes of all beings when they truly seek supreme unity among creatures. Today, as Sacred Hearts, we are establishing an example of celestial fraternity that is lived in Heaven and in the universe, on all the divine planes and dimensions, from beings that serve God up to the angels.
I am observing to see if you are attentive. Heaven gathers you together here in a special way.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus is telling us at this moment that today to this meeting He has brought the Aspect of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels that lift Her up to the universe.
Let us glorify Mary and Her Immaculate Heart, Her maternal Heart.
Song: Ave María.
Dear friends of Mine, trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will always want to carry you toward the blessed fruit of Her Love.
To finish this union between Heaven and Earth, this communion between souls and God, redeemed and renewed souls, freed and forgiven by the powerful fire of Christ, let us glorify the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of all serving souls, Guardian of the hearts that endure and suffer, of the poor dying ones, those who are sick and alone.
Saint Joseph, through this song in which we invoke Your Heart, may all of Africa be able to be consecrated to the infinite healing of the Creator. So be it.
Song: Saint Joseph, Father of Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us do the prayer that He is inspiring in us at this moment, which is the prayer for the salvation of the souls of Africa; we will repeat, phrase by phrase.
We thank you for coming to Our meeting.
We bless you in the name of all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Sacred Hearts, for all that you give us!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We are returning after a very intense moment with the Three Sacred Hearts. We did not expect the Three to appear at the same time. The Three Sacred Hearts brought the Celestial Universe here, and each of Them, in Their auras, manifested an infinite reality. Each of Them welcomed us at different moments. They observed our inner and spiritual needs, not only ours, but those of all humanity.
It is the first time we understand, with our consciousnesses, that Christ speaks of the Kingdoms of Nature.
When He referred to them at that moment, and mainly with the invocation of the prayer He taught us, He brought the consciousness of each one of the Kingdoms of Nature here, mainly the situations they are experiencing through the actions of humanity.
And when He brought, for example, the image or the presence of the Plant Kingdom or of the Animal Kingdom, He showed very horrific things that were being generated through situations brought about by humanity. He said that a part of our consciousness is not aware of what this situation means and of the spiritual dangers that we are bringing about because of that situation. Because, through that lack of awareness, Christ said that humanity is bringing about a very strong law being able to take place.
At one moment in the Apparition, at the Feet of Christ appeared each one of the represented Kingdoms. He was showing us and had us feel the suffering of each of the Kingdoms, which was something inexplicable to express in words or in stories.
But through the prayer of that invocation that He transmitted to us, He gradually transmuted that situation and we saw that various parts of the planet, specifically Asia, were helped.
At one moment in the Apparition of Christ, when He referred to the Animal Kingdom, He showed us, as universal Consciousness, the laboratories, for example, where animals are manipulated. He showed us that the Kingdoms also have a Christic essence, which I don't know how to explain to you. He said that they hold it as essence because they are part of the creation of the universe. And we are modifying this creation.
As the Apparition moved forward, many different states were gradually being treated by the Hierarchy, referring to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
After a moment, They began to pour out the energy of Grace.
Today Mary manifested in a state of deep silence, of a contemplation that is unknown. She was wrapped in a great cloth, a large fabric, and was in prayer, with Her eyes focused on Heaven. She had Her hair uncovered, wearing no veil, surrounded by many Cherubim Angels, small angels.
To the right of Christ, a moment later, appeared the image of Saint Joseph; He was symbolically guiding a flock of sheep. He was grazing them from a celestial level toward this physical level, and symbolically was showing us how He wanted to try and help us and guide us. For a moment, He showed us how our souls were in His arms. He held our souls in His arms. At that moment, He implored the Father through His Chaste Heart for us. Then They had us understand that it was not only for us, but rather for humanity as consciousness. At that moment, Saint Joseph channeled the holy degrees of love He had achieved in this life on Earth, and in this way, He lifted up that offering to the Creator.
Today we went through a very different and special Apparition, because the Three Sacred Hearts showed how They invoked the Celestial Father for Mercy.
After a moment, Christ began to ask that we call His Father, and He said to us: "I want you to sing Elohim," and I asked Him: Is it really, Master?
"Elohim is the Father, you are calling the Father, My Father. I am teaching you to bring the Consciousness of the Father to the Earth, and it is only through the invocation to the Celestial Father that you will know the unknown Supreme Consciousness."
And when we began to sing "Elohim," Mary was divinized, so to speak. She adored what She was listening to and the expressions of Her countenance would change, were transfigured into light. And Saint Joseph was very..., I don't know how to explain it...
They have us know all these things and these feelings that are not human. It was like a great universal celebration.
Christ was serene. He observed how our souls lit up during the moment of singing "Elohim." At that moment, with His serene vision, He observed how our Christic essence was gradually activated and followed that rhythm of the singing through a deep silence.
At one moment, Christ lifted His eyes to Heaven and through simply making this gesture, different Angelic Hierarchies began to appear. As we sang "Elohim," they congregated in circles of light and a great process of transmutation was liberating the planet.
After Christ built this channel of light, He sent the angels to go down into the terrestrial hell. Then He showed Heaven above us and the hell below us. Those souls that were in hell wanted to latch onto, grab ahold of the angels, of the wings of the angels. But He showed how for some of them, the moment had not yet come for their being freed.
The angels obeyed the indications of the Master and were slowly withdrawing, taking out some groups of souls from that hell. Then that situation closed and we heard the song of Mary and the song of Saint Joseph.
During the moment when we sang to His Heart, Saint Joseph specifically was helping Africa through the offering each one of us was able to generate at that moment.
And to finish, when Christ explained and told us that He felt pleasure at hearing the soul that sang, He was trying to explain to us that for humanity, the sense of the song is very important at this time, because it is necessary to create new vibrations of light on Earth. He explained that this is much stronger when many souls sing in a true way. He says that other positive conditions are created in the planetary sphere and the liberation is more viable and possible for those that did not deserve it.
You perceived that He blessed the crosses at the beginning. They are the crosses that the Daughters of Christic Charity will carry, representing the protection of Christ in the work of service that these sisters have to develop and are developing at this moment.
For this reason, now we are going to participate in the placement of the cross in the sisters that, at the request of Christ, Mother María Shimani will do in them. And after, the little brothers and sisters that are standing here will receive the anointment of oil as a symbol of inner healing.
After, we will participate in the Communion and in other things that Heaven has asked of us. So we are going to prepare our hearts for this moment.
I call My soldiers those who persevere in the Will of the Lord and fulfill it far beyond their small wills.
I call My companions those who continue by My side under any circumstance and say 'yes' to My Plan of Love and rescue of souls, even though they do not know what this Plan is and how it will be carried out.
I call beloved children those who revere God above all things and who, within their imperfection, surrender to the unknown Universe of the Celestial Father.
Today, I assemble hearts so that they become consecrated to the Greater Will, for the times will no longer be easy for consciousnesses, and souls will be tested by the enemy as never before.
Today, I assemble you so you may consecrate your lives, your souls and your spirits, so you may renew the commitment you sealed with Me since the beginning and you came to consummate in this time.
To those who follow Me, I offer sacrifice, and the reward you receive is the salvation of souls.
To those who follow Me, I offer renunciation, and what you receive in exchange is the purity of the world, which will be rescued by the small works of these hearts.
I do not place great material treasures on the table of those who follow Me; I will not offer you comfort nor rest, not in this life or in another.
But there is something on this table that is not on any other; something that transcends weariness, something that transcends the riches of the Earth, something that transcends matter, something that is not of this world.
This that I offer you is unique, simple, invisible, cannot be touched and it is also immutable.
This that I offer you opens the doors of the universe and fills worlds, stars, spirits and consciousnesses.
To those who consecrate themselves today to My Heart, I offer you Love, and I present you to My Son so He may be your King for all eternity.
My little children, today I only tell you that I gathered you under My Mantle to place My Love in your hearts and to tell you, very close to your hearts, that you must never forget I am here, and even though I offered you sacrifice, I also offer you My arms, toward which you should eternally walk.
Who loves you,
Mary, Queen of Peace
May your little hearts no longer be afflicted by all that is still to be built within. The Lord of the Universe, the Great Architect of Infinity, has already designed the perfect structure for the Earth, which must be erected within each being, and if you say 'yes' the Universal Builders, who are the angels and archangels, they will come into your lives to transform the old and rebuild that which must be renewed.
Today, with joy, I come to this home of Mine, New Earth, so that here I may allow the growth of the archetype of the new life.
My children, today I want to tell you that the new life is not built based on the development of the mind nor on material riches. The new life is not to be found in the amount of knowledge that consciousnesses demonstrate, because there is nothing new in that.
Do not seek to unveil the celestial mysteries before building within yourselves the primary and only foundation that will lead you towards infinity, because the mysteries of God do not settle in the mind, but rather in the heart.
The new life that is born at New Earth is nothing but the possibility of loving others just as they are. The new life is the power to live with one other, each at their degree of evolution, without this being a reason for separateness but rather of union and of the growth of the soul and the spirit.
The Love you have come to learn about on Earth will not be found in books, but rather in life, in daily life, in the maturing of coexistence.
It is for this reason, dear children, that God asks for the Communities so that all those who aspire to grow may have the possibility of doing so and can count on the support of one other to achieve this growth, this unveiling of Love.
I want you to learn from New Earth in the way you learned from My Son Jesus; and for this reason, I return to this place. Christ was among those who were most needy. His apostles were simple and poor of heart, of knowledge, of life and of spirit; and in those simple souls, the Lord caused faithfulness and absolute love to grow in those who followed Him to the end, living sacrifice and surrender, under any circumstance.
With this, I tell you that the path of those who love one other, regardless of differences, is that together they experience a constant service and absolute fidelity to God. And in them God places His Spirit so that they may be an example of Mercy and a source of awakening; in them, the Lord places His trust.
Believe in what I tell you today, because when they heard the first Words of Christ, the apostles were men full of impurities and imperfections, but they responded to the call of the Lord, and today they are the guardians of the Doors of Heaven.
Follow that path with bravery, for just as I accompanied those My Son chose in that time, I am here to guide those who My Son chose in the end time, and those are all of you.
The twelve of yesteryear must be the 144 thousand of today.
I thank you for responding to My call and for accepting to follow this path of eternal transformation.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more