In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And after the Government of the Temple of the Sphere attains the expression of its mission and task in this world, in the reconstruction of humanity, other events will come to the planet.
And also for this you must be prepared, because they will be the signs that will follow My Return to the world. In this hour, nothing more will remain hidden, everything will be visible and recognizable to the souls and hearts incarnated in humanity.
The Law, which is sacred and blessed, will reorganize the principles in humanity and in its Project, the reason why it was created at the beginning of this civilization, in Genesis.
Thus, you and your brothers and sisters in the world, mainly those who are now awakened, will be part of this moment, whether incarnated or not, because it will be the contribution of your spirits, of the experience lived on this planet, that will renew the principles of the Laws in this Creation for the purpose with which this world was created.
Thus, the Higher Hierarchies, who accompany your Master and Lord in this time, will reenter the planet in a way that is different from the one they have presented themselves throughout time. But it will not be anything that you cannot understand, for the presence of the Sacred Hierarchy will reveal everything and give you understanding.
For this reason, it is important that your steps may be steady so that, when the moment comes, you may recognize it inwardly. Thus, the doors of the cosmos will open and everything will happen in the way preestablished by the Eternal Father through His Beloved Son.
The signs that will present themselves will be revealed gradually so that everyone may have the Grace and opportunity to understand them, even those signs that will come from the firmament of the universe, even the signs that may be abstract or incomprehensible.
If your hearts and lives are correctly united and aligned with the Higher Purpose, there will be no situation or event that you will not be able to understand. On the contrary, it will be the inner intuition of each human heart that will give you understanding and wisdom in the face of each event.
The reintegration of the Government of the Temple of the Sphere to the surface will bring new events and these signs, which will be seen by humanity, are part of this movement and also of this expected moment.
Remember that for many of you this incarnation is the most significant, I might say the most important, because what you will live afterwards, in the spheres of the cosmos, in all the dwellings that await you after this material life will depend on this incarnation.
All the spirits and souls that have walked on Christic Love will have the opportunity to experience other schools and learning experiences on the inner planes, on which the inner life and spiritual wealth that the Eternal Father provides through His Primordial Source are truly expressed.
Not only will the Government of the Temple of the Sphere bring new impulses that will be revealed by the Primordial Source itself, but also other spaces of the planet prepare themselves for this moment.
Since My incarnation in the world, this had already been foreseen and contemplated. Thus, you will be able to see and understand that this present moment you share with Me had also been foreseen.
The Will of God is written through the expression of the universe and of the consciousnesses who dare to experience Christification and redemption in these times. This is what, in the Higher and infinite Love, dissolves all evil, and there will be no hell or darkness that will be able to endure it.
This Center of Love calls you once again to unity among consciousnesses, to this inner unity that the Brotherhood manifests on the surface. When this is well-established in your consciousnesses and above all in your relationships, the Hierarchy will count on this vortex and this point of Light that each one represents in these times and thus they will be able to continue carrying out the Rescue Plan in humanity.
The more possible this inner unity is, and the less it is dissociated, the more the Hierarchy will be able to continue intervening in everything that is necessary, even in that which is the smallest and most invisible, even in that which is the most anonymous and silent in each heart. Because the Spiritual Hierarchy is always here to hear Their disciples, those who have faith in something immaterial and unknown, which is not under anyone’s control or under any material form.
It is this faith of the disciples in the love for the unknown that time and again opens the doors for the Hierarchy to prepare the Return of Christ for humanity, and mainly, for each heart.
Each one of you, in the most intimate, profound and silent depths of your inner universe, holds a key that will open the door of the universe, not only due to the experience of your origins and your spiritual and inner trajectory but also due to the depth of the transformation and redemption you can achieve.
In this way, many, many consciousnesses, who are not present here today, are liberated from the ties and bonds of evil; because when a disciple takes a secure and steady step, many more benefit and receive the Grace.
This is the school of the degrees of Christification of consciousness but also of the acts of inner communion with higher thoughts and feelings, which, as has always been said in the East, illuminates the consciousness when it attains self-transcendence, even though it continues to live its learning experiences.
Today I Am here delivering My last Instructions and I Am being able to speak to you from a level and dimension that I had never managed to do with you before. And this is possible because in this significant group of souls from Argentina there is openness of heart and spirit, because each one knows within themselves that the only path is toward the Infinite.
In this way, also My Inner Signs can be established within you. Your spirits see themselves filled with this impulse that will strengthen you in the end of these times, so that, first in yourselves, you may know how to go through the dark night of the planet, without losing sight of the fact that love will always triumph.
If you contemplate this every day and with effort, there is nothing that can defeat or disturb you, because the one who is with Me shall not perish, and you know this.
Do not move My Hand away from your heads so that I may continue to bless and consecrate you in spirit and essence.
It is for this reason that My Father marvels, rejoices and delights: when My disciples accompany My Message and, above all, embrace My Presence in their hearts.
My promise is to one day meet you at the other side of the portal, just as I have done with many souls that have gone through this experience.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At this moment, Our Lord has called our sister Sara Inés on the inner planes.
Behold a consciousness that has been illuminated, companions.
Was she not human like you? What has allowed this miracle?
The love that dwelt in her human heart, just as the love that dwells in your hearts.
She is now at last with Me, serving Me on the inner planes for the souls that suffer in Africa.
I gather the groups of souls on the inner planes so that they may express their mission and purpose, so that they may be mirrors of My Heart on Earth.
May those who persist and do not give up rejoice and raise their arms so that I may hold them tight and bring them to My Kingdom, just as it was with Our venerable sister Sara Inés and so many others who have been in this Work of Grace of the Hierarchy.
I know that dying to yourselves is not easy, Although for your Lord, dying to Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane was not easy, the Love of God can do it all, and grants the strength of determination and peace, of the overcoming of barriers of illusion and conflict, so that His Triune Unity may reign in hearts and souls.
Today, I want to thank My disciples of Argentina for their presence and fidelity, even in times of so much dissociation. I know that you are facing unknown situations but do not become discouraged; just as I Am here today, I will always be in the one who calls Me, in the one who seeks Me and in the one who invokes Me.
Because I Am here as a humble Servant to serve Mine, to wash their feet from the past, to baptize their heads through the Holy Spirit, Who renews and heals it all, to liberate the human pain.
Today, this Center of Love has made you be reborn in spirit. Carry this treasure with you wherever you go so that your lives may be a point of Light on Earth, where My Love can be mirrored in a world in suffering, pain and vengeance.
May your lives be a mirror of peace. Do not forget it. Work for this and strive, and you will manage to do it. This is My promise.
Behold the Supreme Lord of Argentina.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us pray, let us pray with Christ, together with Him, in gratitude and faith:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In this moment, let us glorify the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph.
At the request of Our Lord, we will hold a minute of silence for peace on the planet.
Let us prostrate before the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Let the bell in the tower continue to ring, please.
Heaven descends to Earth and communes with good souls. Vivify this!
Let us breathe in the air of Heaven.
Pray with Me, My companions, as you have done up until today. Heaven has heard you with attention and love.
The great hour draws closer for all souls. The doors of Heaven open to Earth and hearts commune with the Spirit of God.
Blessed are those who prevail and follow the paths of the Lord, for they will be removed from the desert in which they live and evil will be uprooted from suffering hearts.
Love and Truth will reign in all those who have sought My Path, who will thus achieve the purity they so seek.
The seed of the humility of God will sprout in hearts that will be reborn in Christ and will live in unity with the Celestial Father, and it will not be necessary for anybody to suffer anymore, because the great absolution of Infinity will come in aid of hearts that cry out.
It is time to banish what is old and allow the spirit of each one of you to be able to re-emerge in the Universe of the Lord. In this way, everything will be accomplished and no one will remain outside of the path that I am pointing out for this time, the path to Spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us repeat the prayers that the Lord is transmitting.
Today this is My Message for you through this prayer. It is a proclamation of all the hearts of the world, of all the servers of Christ who have aspired to reach My Heart and to live in My eternal Peace.
If you decree this prayer with conviction, everything will be able to be accomplished.
If just one soul should do it with devotion, they will open a small door in the universe, providing an opportunity for the rescue and the salvation of souls. Imagine if all souls, the voice of all hearts, should speak this prayer to Heaven, what could happen, My companions?
On this afternoon, I give you My universal Legacy, a Legacy of simplicity and of humility that was professed since My Birth in this world.
I bring you closer to finding the Mysteries of God, which are kept within you, in the inner universe of each being. In this way, all can commune with the Spirit of God and achieve redemption in these times.
The Three Sacred Hearts present themselves before you today to be glorified and praised, to uplift your spirits to the Celestial Kingdom.
For this reason, dear companions, may all hearts be redeemed in this Trine Communion. Let your lives be the sap of life, the food for those that are hungry, spirit for the spirits that are fallen.
I invite you to carry God in your heart and to be able to transmit this impulse to all those you meet, because this Grace that today I am pouring out upon you is unique in a difficult time, for a humanity that is spiritually ill.
I Am your food and your healing. Continue onward. Free your ties through the infinite power of prayer.
Today I come with My Most Holy Mother and with Saint Joseph. She comes announcing Her great moment. Saint Joseph guides souls that must serve, and Our Three Sacred Hearts give of themselves to all to announce the Good News to all hearts.
Stop suffering. Accept the healing that Heaven wants to give you, because from that point, your lives will quickly transform. Many will no longer recognize your faces because they will reflect the clouds of the sky, the rays of the universal sun, which will radiate to the darkness and dispel tribulation. But you must have a trusting heart, a sure faith, and an unbreakable fortitude. If you live these three very simple principles, you will be able to be My apostles of love and redemption.
Today all are united in this meeting and have prayed to build this bridge toward the universe. Do you know what repercussions this has had in the current world, mainly in the Kingdoms of Nature? How many debts are balanced at this moment? How many souls and hearts are assisted at this moment?
I know that many would like to see these things, the real material results. But My Father sends Me to bring you the Spirit, that which will always strengthen and will never perish, although it lives in this world.
I bring you all toward My Heart so that you experience the perfect Communion with the universe.
And so that this afternoon may be the closing of a cycle, and a new cycle begin for all as from tomorrow, let us praise the Lord of the Heights.
Let us send our supplications to the Sacred Hearts so that the holy angels may descend at this moment, not only to help this country, but all of humanity, mainly the hearts that cry out for supreme healing and for redemption.
Let us open the door to Heaven. Enter further into this Heaven. This Heaven is ready to serve you and comes to commune with all hearts through the Presence of the Messengers of God.
We will receive your offering at this moment. Now, this is unique for all.
Let us open the doors to the essence of the Love of God, where after all of this, they must return to merge with the Celestial Father.
Song: Elohim.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pleased with souls that sing with devotion.
To finish carrying out this sacred glorification of the Holy Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, we will glorify the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then the Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph; thus, your offerings as humanity may be poured out, in Mercy, upon the Kingdoms of Nature and the Law cease to weigh so much on humanity and be transformed by the power of My merciful Heart.
We are present, accompanying you in this blessing. Continue united with the Spirit that is flowing at this hour of Mercy.
We give thanks also to all those who have sung to God from their homes. Imagine how many doors open in the homes of all beings when they truly seek supreme unity among creatures. Today, as Sacred Hearts, we are establishing an example of celestial fraternity that is lived in Heaven and in the universe, on all the divine planes and dimensions, from beings that serve God up to the angels.
I am observing to see if you are attentive. Heaven gathers you together here in a special way.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus is telling us at this moment that today to this meeting He has brought the Aspect of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels that lift Her up to the universe.
Let us glorify Mary and Her Immaculate Heart, Her maternal Heart.
Song: Ave María.
Dear friends of Mine, trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will always want to carry you toward the blessed fruit of Her Love.
To finish this union between Heaven and Earth, this communion between souls and God, redeemed and renewed souls, freed and forgiven by the powerful fire of Christ, let us glorify the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of all serving souls, Guardian of the hearts that endure and suffer, of the poor dying ones, those who are sick and alone.
Saint Joseph, through this song in which we invoke Your Heart, may all of Africa be able to be consecrated to the infinite healing of the Creator. So be it.
Song: Saint Joseph, Father of Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us do the prayer that He is inspiring in us at this moment, which is the prayer for the salvation of the souls of Africa; we will repeat, phrase by phrase.
We thank you for coming to Our meeting.
We bless you in the name of all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Sacred Hearts, for all that you give us!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We are returning after a very intense moment with the Three Sacred Hearts. We did not expect the Three to appear at the same time. The Three Sacred Hearts brought the Celestial Universe here, and each of Them, in Their auras, manifested an infinite reality. Each of Them welcomed us at different moments. They observed our inner and spiritual needs, not only ours, but those of all humanity.
It is the first time we understand, with our consciousnesses, that Christ speaks of the Kingdoms of Nature.
When He referred to them at that moment, and mainly with the invocation of the prayer He taught us, He brought the consciousness of each one of the Kingdoms of Nature here, mainly the situations they are experiencing through the actions of humanity.
And when He brought, for example, the image or the presence of the Plant Kingdom or of the Animal Kingdom, He showed very horrific things that were being generated through situations brought about by humanity. He said that a part of our consciousness is not aware of what this situation means and of the spiritual dangers that we are bringing about because of that situation. Because, through that lack of awareness, Christ said that humanity is bringing about a very strong law being able to take place.
At one moment in the Apparition, at the Feet of Christ appeared each one of the represented Kingdoms. He was showing us and had us feel the suffering of each of the Kingdoms, which was something inexplicable to express in words or in stories.
But through the prayer of that invocation that He transmitted to us, He gradually transmuted that situation and we saw that various parts of the planet, specifically Asia, were helped.
At one moment in the Apparition of Christ, when He referred to the Animal Kingdom, He showed us, as universal Consciousness, the laboratories, for example, where animals are manipulated. He showed us that the Kingdoms also have a Christic essence, which I don't know how to explain to you. He said that they hold it as essence because they are part of the creation of the universe. And we are modifying this creation.
As the Apparition moved forward, many different states were gradually being treated by the Hierarchy, referring to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
After a moment, They began to pour out the energy of Grace.
Today Mary manifested in a state of deep silence, of a contemplation that is unknown. She was wrapped in a great cloth, a large fabric, and was in prayer, with Her eyes focused on Heaven. She had Her hair uncovered, wearing no veil, surrounded by many Cherubim Angels, small angels.
To the right of Christ, a moment later, appeared the image of Saint Joseph; He was symbolically guiding a flock of sheep. He was grazing them from a celestial level toward this physical level, and symbolically was showing us how He wanted to try and help us and guide us. For a moment, He showed us how our souls were in His arms. He held our souls in His arms. At that moment, He implored the Father through His Chaste Heart for us. Then They had us understand that it was not only for us, but rather for humanity as consciousness. At that moment, Saint Joseph channeled the holy degrees of love He had achieved in this life on Earth, and in this way, He lifted up that offering to the Creator.
Today we went through a very different and special Apparition, because the Three Sacred Hearts showed how They invoked the Celestial Father for Mercy.
After a moment, Christ began to ask that we call His Father, and He said to us: "I want you to sing Elohim," and I asked Him: Is it really, Master?
"Elohim is the Father, you are calling the Father, My Father. I am teaching you to bring the Consciousness of the Father to the Earth, and it is only through the invocation to the Celestial Father that you will know the unknown Supreme Consciousness."
And when we began to sing "Elohim," Mary was divinized, so to speak. She adored what She was listening to and the expressions of Her countenance would change, were transfigured into light. And Saint Joseph was very..., I don't know how to explain it...
They have us know all these things and these feelings that are not human. It was like a great universal celebration.
Christ was serene. He observed how our souls lit up during the moment of singing "Elohim." At that moment, with His serene vision, He observed how our Christic essence was gradually activated and followed that rhythm of the singing through a deep silence.
At one moment, Christ lifted His eyes to Heaven and through simply making this gesture, different Angelic Hierarchies began to appear. As we sang "Elohim," they congregated in circles of light and a great process of transmutation was liberating the planet.
After Christ built this channel of light, He sent the angels to go down into the terrestrial hell. Then He showed Heaven above us and the hell below us. Those souls that were in hell wanted to latch onto, grab ahold of the angels, of the wings of the angels. But He showed how for some of them, the moment had not yet come for their being freed.
The angels obeyed the indications of the Master and were slowly withdrawing, taking out some groups of souls from that hell. Then that situation closed and we heard the song of Mary and the song of Saint Joseph.
During the moment when we sang to His Heart, Saint Joseph specifically was helping Africa through the offering each one of us was able to generate at that moment.
And to finish, when Christ explained and told us that He felt pleasure at hearing the soul that sang, He was trying to explain to us that for humanity, the sense of the song is very important at this time, because it is necessary to create new vibrations of light on Earth. He explained that this is much stronger when many souls sing in a true way. He says that other positive conditions are created in the planetary sphere and the liberation is more viable and possible for those that did not deserve it.
You perceived that He blessed the crosses at the beginning. They are the crosses that the Daughters of Christic Charity will carry, representing the protection of Christ in the work of service that these sisters have to develop and are developing at this moment.
For this reason, now we are going to participate in the placement of the cross in the sisters that, at the request of Christ, Mother María Shimani will do in them. And after, the little brothers and sisters that are standing here will receive the anointment of oil as a symbol of inner healing.
After, we will participate in the Communion and in other things that Heaven has asked of us. So we are going to prepare our hearts for this moment.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more