On this date I wish that you mint for Me a medal of the Glorified Redeemer so that it may be the symbol of the spiritual unity between the souls and Christ. In this way will be established the union between the essences and God and you will carry, above all, My Spirt of protection and of peace.
The Glorified Medal of Christ Jesus promises to generate a spiritual action of redemption and of liberation in the spirits that have fallen and that have lost the bond of union with the Celestial Father. This sacred medal which I speak to you about today represents for all the infinite expansion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for humanity by means of the Son of God.
Whoever in honor, devotion and simplicity carries it, once it has been manufactured by the hands of My servers, the Glorified Medal will represent the internal union of the hearts with the Glorified Essence of Christ. This will allow that a space of protection and of shelter be created in the consciousnesses that are most in need of strengthening their path of surrender to the Almighty God.
Christ surrenders Himself to you today by means of the Glorified Medal as an emblem of Mercy, that all souls may seek by means of this symbol that which is in Glory and Love donated to the world of today.
I want by means of this symbol to accomplish My Promises before My return to the planet:
For those who may carry it in adoration, My Promise will not be permitted to lose themselves in the superficial and impure.
For those who may carry it in devotion, My Promise will be to rescue them before any circumstance or cause of immediate danger.
For those who may carry it in humility and glory, My Promise will be to comfort them in the unknown thirst that many hearts live and, in this way I will be able to reverse the states of emptiness converting them into oceans of Mercy and Pity.
For those who may carry them in their last hour of life, My Promise will be to give them, by means of My Spirit, the tablet of salvation in order to be able to get out from purgatory and to go to the Supreme Universal Heaven.
For those who may carry it in surrender and service, My Promise will be to construct in the essences, as a Patient Worker, the bases of Universal Love, the temple of contemplation of God by means of the offer that will make your hearts consecrated to the Universal Christ.
For those who may carry it and who may donate it without expecting anything in return, My Promise will be great before these souls that, divested of every result or expectation, will convert themselves into My instruments and doors of salvation for the hearts that before the time of the tribulation must return to My Glorified Heart.
For those who may carry it in spirit of absolute and immediate donation, My Promises for these souls will be infinite and peaceful, and in this way in the hour of the great detachment from this earthly world they will be raised to My arms and they will be taken to the Dwellings of the Celestial Father where they will rest from the exhaustion and from the suffering that they may have lived in this world.
For those who may contemplate it with love and fidelity, My Promise will be that they will not perish as long as they surrender to Me all that which as beings do not belong to them. In this way I will be found upon all of the hearts of this world, reflecting My Presence by means of the good and redeemed souls.
Those who may spread this instrument and legacy of peace will be between My Hands like sparks of light scattered to the four points of the Earth. In this way they will confirm the moment of the new Apostles, of the 144,000 that will be summoned by Heaven for the mission of spiritual salvation, of those who will fall to My right and left when I will be already here among you.
In the small things are found the great mysteries that are revealed to the hearts simple and full of the Spirit of God, that congregate them and reunite them in My Celestial Church.
Glorified will be, after this life, those who may carry the medal of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Shepherd of the moribund of spirit. After one year of Graces I give to you by means of this spiritual instrument, the sign of My Love for you in spite of the mistakes and the infidelities that many commit for not trusting in the God of Love.
I open the doors for those who may want to enter into the Kingdom of Redemption and of Mercy. Blessed will be those who do not feel vainglory from what I give to you today because I teach you to live in the constant search for humility and for detachment to be able to incarnate the Spirit of Truth.
Those marked by My Love by means of the Glory of this medal will be like living mirrors that will radiate My Mercy and My Light in the time of chaos that today faces your blind world. Now permit that by means of this sign of Love I make you to understand many things. The universal time demands a mature change in the consciousness in order to be able to live the time of redemption and of forgiveness.
Under the Mercy of God that congregates you and unites you through Me, it is already time for you to be blessed on Earth as are the Holy Angels in Heaven.
Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more