In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Despite My farewell, as well as the farewell of My Beloved Son, I will continue accompanying the steps of those who have decided to live in fidelity to God.

We are at a moment similar to that of the apostles of the past, when, after the Ascension of Our Lord, He sent the Holy Spirit, the Great Consoler, so that, as blazing tongues of fire over the heads of the apostles and of Our Lady, the Holy Spirit could guide, from that moment on, the Christic Work of evangelization and apostolate.

I want to tell each one of My children that, after these seventeen years of meetings, you are at this similar moment, for you to make an inner decision from each one: whether you accept, for the rest of your lives, this path that My Son has offered to you and in which your Most Holy Mother has lovingly and maternally taken care of each one of your souls up to the present moment, as precious flowers in the Gardens of God.

For this reason, I Am here, dear children, not only to celebrate this moment with you, as a loving, humble and serving Mother, but I Am also here today, sent by God Himself and at the request of Our Most Beloved Lord Christ Jesus, to support you at this moment of transition; because the moment so long awaited by Christ since the beginning has arrived. Since the year 2007 up to the present moment all has been a preparatory experience, in which there have been learnings, successful acts and errors.  

However, on this day, dear children, My beloved ones, it is My wish that My sweet Voice may reverberate in your inner worlds from this day on. That from this moment on, and for the times to come, you may continue to study the Gospel of Christ, the one that He has been dictating from 2013 up to the present moment, as well as that each one of your lives not only may continue to be immersed into the power of the prayers of the heart, but also into the Divine Instructions that My Son has left in the parables and in the infinite and profound experience of the Sacraments.

Thus, dear children, as My Son has announced in recent days, this August 8 places each one of you before the closure of a cycle, but now of a really definitive cycle, in which certain situations will no longer ever be repeated, not only in you, but also in the whole world.

But also this August 8, so definitive and special, places you before the path of the future, that Project that God still has thought of carrying out through souls, through each heart that has always said ‘yes’ to Him.

As a kind Mother, I come to support this moment in each one of My children, and I also come to thank in person each of My children who has dared to respond to My call until today, who has opened up to listen to My spiritual summoning from the first moment, when each one of you made contact with My Divine and Sovereign Word.

Now it is no longer time for more Messages. It is time, dear and beloved children, for you to be My living Message on Earth, with all its attributes, with all the spiritual treasures, with all the Graces that were granted to you, from the first moment and from the first day when each one of you had the opportunity to be before Me at an Apparition.

I want you to know, My beloveds, just as I want each one of My children in the world to know, that this moment that I remind you of today of your first contact with Me, this moment will never, not ever, be erased from your souls.

In it is found the impulse that you needed in your lives. In it is found the spiritual bridge that I placed, at the request of My Beloved Son, on each one of your paths, for you to come out of the unreal life, to enter the real life of the spirit.

I want you to keep this very much in mind at this moment and, on this day, August 8; because from this moment, and up to the present moment, you will understand the Work of Redemption and Mercy that My Son has built in each one that He has called upon through their spiritual name.

Today, My angels, who accompany your Lady, write this final moment in their Books, in which, through your most sensible and true decisions, as My Son has said, you will begin to write this new history in this new cycle.

And upon your backs and above all within your hearts, there will no longer weigh the agony of the guilt for what you did not do well or the step that you have not yet dared to take.

My Son, in this month of August, came to liberate you so that you may definitively be His new apostles, the Christs of the last times, as it is written in the Heart of God.

But now, My beloved children, this path will demand from each one greater responsibility and honesty. For this reason, My Son came to remove from your faces the masks that you have created, so that the true being and the true soul, which dwells in each one of you, may arise and emerge.

Definitively allow the spirit, in each one of you, to govern you; for each one of your spirits, which was created in the image and likeness of God, already knows from the beginning what it is that you came here to do on Earth; what it is that you came to learn, out of love and for redemption; what it is that you came to fulfill according to what the Will of God has determined.

Now, after seventeen years, I can contemplate you and observe you as adults on the spiritual path; I can contemplate you as persons and above all as souls who will no longer hide in guilt or in playing the role of victims, who will no longer step back before the Call of God, who will no longer hide from the need that will turn up on your paths, but rather will fulfill it with bravery and determination under the impulse that the Divine Purpose provides for you.

Because My Son, I remind you, is preparing His Return to Earth, and this will not take long to happen. Everyone can see, with their own eyes, the cruel scenario of the surface, the conflicts, the wars, and the impunity that only worsens.

However, this moment had already been written; and now it is necessary, through the bravery of each prayerful heart, through each brave heart, to face the end of these times, which is now coming.

For this reason, My beloved children, it is imperative for you to live fidelity and truth, because in this way your own feet will not be confused about the path and will not deviate through unnecessary experiences, but in your minds and above all in your hearts, with the power of the spirit in each being, you must visualize the Divine Purpose in front of your eyes, the blazing flame of the Love of God, which was created in the Source, which is eternal and inexhaustible and drives the renewal of this whole universe throughout the cycles.

My children, will you enter this new cycle that Christ is presenting to you?

I do not need you to respond at this moment. I need you to first listen to My Word and then live it, for you to be able to respond to My Son with maturity and discernment.

My beloveds, the world is drowning in its own emotions, and this generates confusion and conflict.

As the Law of Harmony approaches the Earth, to correct humanity for all the Laws it abandoned and from which it deviated, it is inevitable, My beloved children, that on this August 8, the events precipitate on the planet.

However, do not take this as a warning or as something extraordinary; the currents of the universe exist to align souls with this trajectory that God created since the origin of each being.

Do you now understand the importance of this decision in this new cycle?

Many impulses have been received, your souls have welcomed these impulses throughout the times. Now it is moment for this Divine Instruction and this Sacred Spiritual knowledge to become flesh of your own flesh, to become word of your own word, to become concretized in the material life and on all planes.

For this to happen, there is still a little time, as My Son has told you, for you to amend your lives and correct yourselves. Because great will be the events that will come to the world and you must be strengthened in faith when We are no longer here, because We pray and because We contemplate this great day, when you will, for yourselves, assume the Plan of God.

I want to thank all those who have consecrated themselves to My Heart and to those who will live this consecration day by day and those who will renew this consecration to My Immaculate Heart throughout the coming times.

Today, when the Infinite unites to Earth, when the Divine Source contacts and draws near humanity for all My children to return to their original purity, from the Sacred Kingdom of Lys and from the unfathomable heart of Aurora, where your Mother once presented Herself to call upon the world for a change in consciousness and for the blazing awakening of hearts, I come to renew your act of consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, under the spiritual and special blessing that My Son has granted this day for each one of you.

May this consecration fulfill you, renew you and impel you to continue moving on in the rebuilding of this humanity, and upon the return of faith and hope in hearts, so that everyone, someday, on some plane of your consciousnesses, may feel healed and cured by the Grace of God.

I thank you for these seventeen years of so many shared moments, so many supplications heard, so much devotion granted by each one of My children. Because all that you radiate to Me, does not remain in My Heart, but I return it as Graces and opportunities for souls, because it is to Our Creator that we owe the gratitude and glory for all that we have received.

I bless you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Most High Creator, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the Sacred Figueira, in this month of August, begins to show its first sprouts of the advent of its new cycle, its original and primordial cycle.

Sacred Figueira,
welcome all your children as a Spiritual Mother,
all those who were called
to be under your treetop of Light,
to be nourished by the roots of your Instruction.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

At the request of Our Lady, we will close this work through a song that She has asked of us. We will sing “Mirate a Ti” (Looking at You) and, through this song, each one of us, at this moment, will make their inner synthesis before the Immaculate Heart of Mary, deeply giving thanks for all that was received and entrusted to us.

From the Kingdom of Lys, in Fatima, we thank each one of the brothers and sisters who, throughout these 17 years, has faithfully sustained this Work. And we invite you, in the name of Our Mother, to confidently enter this new cycle that Christ, out of Love, presents to us.

Thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your prayers, songs and mantras rise to the Heavens, just as these trees that embrace you rise to the Heavens to incessantly seek the Light of God.

How beautiful it is to see this happening to My companions, before a very divided and martyrized world, before the loneliness that abounds in many hearts, before those who have lost hope!

From this sacred enclosure, may the Light of Aurora emerge and, through your hearts and souls, may this Light expand to the whole world today, because you will find Me here, in this simple but sacred place, I might even say, an imperceptible place.

How many wonderful things all of humanity could live, just as you consciously live today!

I Am here to succor inner worlds and all those who, for some reason, have lost hope and the will to live.

I Am here and Am your Master, the Master of always, the Galilean, the One Who walked by the side of all those in need, Who visited the homes of the simple, just as I visit you today.

I Am the One Who healed and cured the deepest wounds through the offering of My Sorrowful Passion.

Each blow I received was for you. Each whipping I felt was for you. Each drop of Blood that I shed was for you. Each pain I felt in My Being during Calvary was for you, for the redemption of the world.

And in this way, I fulfilled the Will of My Father, just as today you have the bliss of fulfilling the Will of My Father for this end time unknown to most. But if your souls have chosen My Way, what are you afraid of? Advance and no longer step backward.

From My Heart, I give you the same I gave My apostles when I sent them to all the corners of the Earth to preach the Message of the Lord.

Today I send you as My bearers of peace, the peace that is so much needed by the world and humanity, the peace that disappears from the surface of the Earth day by day, the peace that disappears from the inner worlds of many souls in the world.

Today, My friends and companions, I present My thirst to you again, My spiritual thirst, a deeper thirst than the one I felt on the top of the Cross and in the last minutes of My Life, before I finished suffering for you and humanity.  

This is why this sensible response of the consistent ones rejoices My Heart, in the face of so many outrages and grievances in the world; because in truth I tell you that many are the souls that are suffering in this time. Many.

May your lives be a pillar of My Love on this surface. Regardless of your imperfections and even your uncertainties, may the faith of the Lord sustain you, strengthen and impel you to always aspire to fulfill the Will of My Father, which is also My Will.

This is why today, in a special way, Aurora reflects itself upon the surface of humanity as a Mirror, on which all can see themselves reflected by means of the essence of life and that which is real for your inner worlds.

The aridity of this humanity lies in the emptiness and dryness of inner worlds, which many are experiencing in this time for not trusting My Mercy. But you, who already know My Mercy, may you decide to be merciful to yourselves and to all those who surround you, without refusing assistance to those who need it, without failing to succor those who ask you, without failing to tend to those who need it, those who knock on your door. Because love must reign at this moment so that darkness may be dissipated from the world and souls.

I come to close a cycle with you, and thus begin a new stage that prepares the Return of the Lord. But I will only be able to return, companions, when you are ready and decided.

I Am not speaking of forcing a commitment, I Am speaking of your being My instruments in the world, the instruments I need to act and work miracles, although this may seem impossible to you, nothing is impossible for the Lord.

Today, you receive Me here, in this Sacred Woods of the OmbuTrees, just as My apostles and followers received Me many times in the Holy Land. And from here, I help My Holy Land, wounded and martyrized by war and by the lives of all the innocent who have died without justice or mercy.

Do you now understand how far I want to go, companions?

What I need is very simple, I need is your truth, your unconditionality and faith to help all those who suffer at this moment, to aid all those who emigrate without any future, to places where all doors are closed to them, instead of being opened to give them an opportunity, as it is the case of many immigrating families.

I walk by the side of each one of them, just as I walk by your side, companions. My Heart offers itself once again for you, as the refuge for your despair and agony, as the portal of peace for all the hearts and lives that trust in Me.

Be brave, and prepare yourselves for the new challenges. I will always be there to sustain you on this path of the unknown planetary transition.

But the day and hour will come when you will see Me coming amid the clouds, and some will meet Me face to face, in a place similar to this, as it was in the garden with the holy women, who ardently watched in prayer for the Resurrection of the Lord and did not doubt.

Although everything was seemingly a defeat, the triumph of My Love in the world and in souls took place through the solemn silence and acceptance of the chalice of agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Today,  here in this place of Uruguay, I feel as if I were in the Garden of Gethsemane. However, not in a garden of agony but rather in a garden of consolation and strength from all My companions. The strength that the presence of My Mystical Body in the world gives Me, which is formed through all the souls that live for Christ and in Christ.

Continue like this and do not give up, strong times will come soon. Take My Mantle when you need it, hold My Hand when you need it, feel the beating of My Heart when you need it, and everything will be alright, because the Love of God will always triumph over all evil and adversity.

Be firm, decided and open-hearted so that I can guide you as I have always guided you up until now in the silence of My spiritual paternity and My celestial friendship.

May your hearts be bearers of My Grace and Mercy, for a world that agonizes, losing its own light and peace.

May the eternal Light of Aurora illuminate all spaces, dimensions and planes so that the Solar Son may be recognized in His Return to Earth. Because just as I ascended to the Heavens, from the Heavens I will descend.

Just as God, through His angels, revealed Me in the Garden of Gethsemane the wonders of My companions up to the end of times, in the same way I will marvel at meeting you face to face and being able to see, through your eyes, in a loving gaze, the fruits of the redemption of your lives.

I once again thank you for accompanying Me in solemnity, reverence and gratitude, for all those who need help.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before the Celestial Church descends, the world will feel moved, because its Earthly forces must be liberated and exorcised, and for Me, My children, it is very important that you may be aware of this, so that this next event of the Celestial Church is not experienced as just another meeting, because it is the last, and the world urgently needs it.

For this reason, on this day, God sends His faithful Servant to gather together His children, to call the apostles of Christ, to prepare you for the moment of the great final time.

That moment and that hour are arriving; there is not much time left, My children. For this reason, My Son has decided, before His Return, to come with His Celestial Church to hold within His Heart as many souls as possible, all souls that are able to enter the Heart of God, even those that do not deserve it, not even through Mercy.

This shows each one of you the powerful immensity of the Love of My Son, an untiring and eternal Love that, time and again, comes to meet with you, to renew you, heal you and redeem you.

But My time with you is also coming to an end. As the months go by, the time among My children is ending, and that will be the great moment, also for you, to experience everything that I have taught you since the beginning of My Apparitions, in My beloved Aurora.

For this reason, what I wish is that on August 8, all the paintings of My Apparitions that took place in Aurora during thirteen consecutive days may be exhibited to the world so that My children may know the symbols that I left for humanity, which are the signs that God determined as necessary to give you for your inner and spiritual preparation for this great moment of the meeting with the Celestial Church of Christ and, above all, My children, for that which will happen after the Spiritual Church of My Son will have passed through here.

It will also be in that moment that you should be witnesses, should declare about everything that has happened here, such as the change that your hearts have experienced after having heard the call of the Mother of God.

During the eight days of the next Sacred Week, the Sacred Celestial Church of My Son will exhibit, at the top of the Hill of Apparitions, the non-material symbol of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

All those who live from their hearts during the next Sacred Week will be filled by the attributes and the principles of the Arc of the Holy Covenant and, above all, will receive the merits that My Son achieved since His Birth up to His Ascension.

This event is not typical. It means, My children, that it is arriving at a culminating moment of the Earth, in which humanity tries to force a return to normality, and is still not understanding the importance of repentance and penitence.

The Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will shine like a sun on the top of the Hill of Apparitions, will bring the whole world a special Grace that each one of My children needs at this moment in order to be able to overcome the end of times and, above all, to learn to move through it.

I know that many of My children will not understand what this means. For this reason, My wish is that during the Sacred Week, you represent the Ark of the Holy Covenant, just as you have previously done other years, so that humanity may have a visual and spiritual symbol, in order to be able to enter the consciousness of the Sacred Ark.

In a special way, Abraham, Moses and many patriarchs that are in the Heavens today, will accompany this spiritual event.

So that you may see the emergency of these times, My children, God sends that which is the most sacred that He has to the world, the Sacred Treasures of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so they may be spiritually exhibited, and souls may be in prayer, in vigil and in contact with this sacred Teraphim of God.

On their part, the four Governing Angels of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that have never descended to the planet, will be present as guardians and watchers of this sacred Teraphim, that will spiritually shine on the Hill for anyone who has faith in it and needs to avail themselves of the attributes and merits achieved by My Son for you on this planet.

This is the demonstration of His most pure Love, of the untiring giving of His eternal Heart, not only present in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, but also in the Sacraments. My children, if you spiritually commune of the Sacraments during the days of the Sacred Week, I assure you that you will receive the Graces you need.

What a great lot the Celestial Church of My Son will do during the first days of August!

He will come with His Power and Glory to remind the world of its filiation with that which is High, so that many more souls are able to place their heads upon the ground and repent, because God does not want Justice in the world, but rather, Mercy.

Those who are open of heart and, in the offering of soul and spirit at the Sacred Celestial Church of My Son, will be contemplated by the Eternal Father, because He is the Sacred Ark Itself, that holds the experiences of Love, Redemption and Light that not only His beloved Son achieved on Earth, but also many of your brothers and sisters who throughout the times have achieved Christification.

Who will become Christified for My Son after all that He will give you and with all He has already given you through these last few years?

Christification is not a way nor a method; it is an experience of love that is experienced in the flesh and that transforms the consciousness, the deepest aspects of the being, until carrying it into redemption.

The sacred Law of Christification will also come during the days of the Sacred Week to the world. Those who place their hearts in this mystery, through the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the Sacraments, will renew their lives, will renew their promises, will reaffirm their mission and will offer themselves again to the Father as a victim of His universal Love.

My time with you is ending and this is something that I really wished not to happen, but you must learn to love the Will of the Father beyond yourselves, just like I learned to love it while I was a young woman, in a humble and simple family, who received the call of God to gestate the Son of the Most High within My womb.

Today the generations, peoples and nations proclaim Me as Blessed. Tomorrow, the world will proclaim the last apostles to be blessed, like the Christs of the New Time, like those who achieved the aspiration of the Heart of My Son, up to the last moment of their lives.

But I will not abandon you, just as I did not abandon the little children in Fatima. You must love, know Heaven as they saw Heaven, many times, because, in Heaven, where our Eternal Father is, you will base your experiences on the Great Source of His Love, and Creation, as it has happened many times, will be again renewed.

Today I pray for the whole world and for each one of My children in the five continents, so that your souls may enter into the powerful Celestial Church, which will open Its doors in the month of August, bringing the Graces and the Mercies of God for humanity.

This evening, at the request of My Son, I leave the pillars founded, the first pillars of His Celestial Church, that will show itself today in Glory, Love, and Mercy to the souls.

In those days of August, it will be the great moment of your spiritual synthesis of all you have received throughout these twelve years. 

The Father has allowed Me, in the coming time and for the final time, to be able to appear in Aurora, to close all that once began there, when nothing had yet existed, because there I found hearts willing to follow Me, when I still had nothing, for in fasting and in prayer, experienced during those days with Me in Aurora, you trusted in My Word and, above all, in My Presence, beyond what you said.

For this reason, I will return to Aurora for the final time, because in Aurora will be the end of My task with the world, before My Son returns. And all the Brotherhood of the Heavens will be there on that day, offering the Father all that was built there, not only on a material level, but also on a spiritual level.

Everything that has taken place in Aurora, from its emergence until the present, will be offered to the Father, as justification for the redemption of humanity.

Today the angels have asked Me that you sing a simple song to close, that will close this cycle of the 25th. It is a song that was born in Aurora and invokes the power of its Center of Love for unredeemed souls.

Let us listen to "Kingdom of Love."

I thank you for responding to My call.

My Mantle and My Consciousness reflect the Aurora, the sunrise in the life of each being.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monthly Messages


Through His Wounds, you were healed.

Through His martyrdom, you were liberated.

Through His pains, you were redeemed.

Through His agony, you were reconciled.

Through His three falls, you were converted.

Through His loneliness, you were unified.

Through His silence, you were absolved.

And through His Crucifixion, you found peace again.

On the eve of this Sacred Week, may your hearts ignite with love and devotion for Jesus, so that the merits of His Passion and Death may be the bridge toward the conversion of sinners.

Through your union with Christ, children, may the legacy of His Passion be valued. May each act of the life of My Son be contemplated as the opportunity of reconciling with life and with God.

In the face of all events that humanity goes through, and taking into account the time of perdition that souls experience today, by the merits attained by Christ, may the souls on the Earth receive the grace of reconsideration and conversion for their paths so that they may meet the Love of God.

Children, now that you will have the spiritual grace of reliving the Passion of My Son, may your lives testify the triumph of the Love of Christ in your hearts. And may this testimony help you in the elevation of consciousness and in the reparation of all that happened.

Dear children, during the next Sacred Week, may you again go through the mystery of what the surrender of the Love of My Son meant for the world. And may this mystery, filled with profound compassion, help the world to live its purification as a preparatory path to receive the Redeemer for the second time.

Make each moment of the Passion of Christ a part of yourselves, and may this reflect within your daily lives, in the sharing with brothers and sisters, in the Works of charity and of peace; thus you will be able to be witnesses of the Love of the Lord and carry it wherever you go.

I encourage you, My children, to have the Divine Passion of My Son transform you into His Instruments of Peace in these critical times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The closure of a cycle of Graces

The Source of Healing through sound and song remained open, during this last time, through those who adhered and made an effort so that the meetings of music could be carried forward.

After the last blessings received during the Sacred Week, the souls, in general, committed themselves to collaborate more and to contribute for the fulfillment of the Work of the Divine Messengers.

The meetings of music held in the last months showed the Universe the possibility that the human being of surface has to reverse and to spiritually heal certain serious situations of the planet, to the point of becoming a conscious cooperator of the Evolving Plan.

As time went by, the production of the meetings of music became characterized by an intense demand of work and of material dedication so that in every following 23rd, as it is today, it might be possible to concretize the fundamental task among the choirs and your Heavenly Mother: the mission of attracting, monthly, the actuation of new Laws that could modify the chaotic reality of the planet.

Such was the practical demand in the technical production during the last months, that your Heavenly Mother explicitly summoned selfless servers to collaborate immediately, with the aim of continuing the mission that was being carried out through the meetings of music.

This meant, from the human point of view, a great demand and an extreme requirement in order to be possible to carry out in the last three months such meetings.

For this reason and for lack of immediate response, your Heavenly Mother has requested these days, the recess for six months of the live program: Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, so that all servers of the Plan of Love, both those that actively participate, as well as those who witness these meetings on the 23rd, may perceive that the Work which the Divine Messengers have placed in humanity to generate a greater state of healing, of grace and of mercy, is responsibility of all those that are united to it from the heart.

With this, I am inviting My servers to leave the constant point of wanting to receive, to wait or to supplicate so that, definitively, you may act, work, protect and take care of the Work that was entrusted to you with so much love.

The recess of music for healing will mean the silence of humanity, which which will not be able to cry out for mercy, which it needs with urgency.

I hope that after this Sacred Week, just as My Beloved Son has asked you, your actions and thoughts may no longer be the same.

The Spiritual Hierarchy calls you to participate in a plan of rescue and of planetary emergency; we are already in another cycle and it is time to act with readiness and not with slowness or inertia.

I invite you again to awaken from this possible worldly dream in which you may entered.

The whole Universe waits for the step of the servers of the Plan of Redemption of Christ.


Who makes you aware,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Three Sacred Hearts are present at this moment.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Thank you! is My Message for all of you on this day, because it is through My beloved children that I can accomplish the Works of the Creator of the Earth.

On this afternoon, especially, I have come with Saint Joseph and Christ, to show everybody that Our Love is poured out over the world in spite of all that may happen in this time. And that flow of Love is greater when you respond to My call, as you did at this moment, opening your hearts and consciousnesses to find Me once again in this place.

Today, a cycle is closing for everybody, and a new stage begins for those apostles of My Son who follow the footsteps of the faithful Servant of God.

Today, I open My arms and extend My hands to you all, aspiring to caress your spirits, touch your souls so that you may feel the Glory of God.

I come with Christ and Saint Joseph to represent the Most Holy Trinity, that Divine Essence that originated everything that exists in this universe.

Today, as your Greater Mother, with all the Angels of Heaven and with your Guardian Angels, we came here to glorify God, because it is He you must honor. It is He Who you owe all things to, because He is Who allows all things in the world, the actions of grace and of charity, of mercy and redemption for all the hearts of the Earth.

Today I come crowned with the stars of God, placing My feet on the new Moon and announcing the new paths for all My children, paths free of suffering and of pain, but full of hope and the Love of God.

I come to withdraw suffering from each of you, so that you may enter into the new cycle with Me. I invite you, together with Christ and Saint Joseph, to cross this threshold, this portal to a new consciousness of your spirits, of your souls and of your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will know the Will of God, which must yet be fulfilled in this world, in spite of it suffering the transition.

There are hearts in this humanity that can support the Plan of God in humanity. Thus, I come to strengthen you from time to time, through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Here, dear children, all of you are before three different Rays that unite in the same point, which is the Heart of God, where life, hope and Mercy emerge. Those three Rays come to you through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Heart of Saint Joseph, because We offer you the path of simplicity and of truth.

It is in that simplicity, dear children, that you must live in this new cycle. That simplicity of your hearts and souls will permit the Earth to be redeemed, that hatred be withdrawn from ungrateful hearts, and that spirits can be reborn to redemption. It is in that simplicity of your spirits that the doors of Heaven will be kept open. This is the sure key for this time, united with the prayer of the heart.

It is thus that I want to see you, dear children, each one of you as true mirrors of My Light, that you can radiate the attributes to the world which this race so greatly needs.

The guiding star of My Divine Consciousness, of the Consciousness of Christ and the Consciousness of Saint Joseph will not abandon you in this very difficult time, in which the world goes through its darkness.

I invite you to generate and regenerate joy, because the world needs it, so that evil may be defeated. In that joy, the love of your hearts, the works of service, of service to a neighbor cannot be lacking, so that all souls may be healed.

I invite you, dear children, on this 8th of August, to renew your vows to Me, as children of My Heart and My Consciousness.

You are in each part of this world to ignite the Light in humanity, the sacred flames of your hearts that burn in devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts. This will allow, dear children, that a great many consciousnesses, which do not deserve the Grace of God nor His Mercy, will be able to be alleviated and separated from evil.

Today I want to tell you, dear children, that after nine years with Me, My Heart is triumphing, but not as humankind believes. The true triumph of My Consciousness is in the transformation of your hearts. And today I am with transformed hearts that walk in different schools, but who follow the same purpose of My call. That is what is important, beloved children, that you see the realization of the Plan of God in your lives, that you look back not to remember the past, but rather to see in what way you have transformed, everything you have changed into, from time to time.

I need your eyes, dear children, to be able to see My plans concretized in this world, in each of you, in each part of this humanity. See how My Consciousness works through you in a simple but true way.

In this new cycle, dear children, I need your hearts to achieve a spirit of humility.

Today, I come to bring you this Message, because I know that you can experience it and achieve it.

Dear children, I am very grateful for each step you have taken, trusting in My Heart. This is of incalculable value for the Celestial Father. You will understand that value in a short while.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Because when I came into your lives, some years ago, humanity was seeking to unveil great sciences, because it believed that the path to evolution was to be found only in knowledge, and in intelligence; an intelligence which moved away from God, which fed the arrogance and pride in hearts.

Humanity, My children, was not really learning about knowledge, it was not assimilating the wisdom that was held in teachings. The path of instruction should lead you to love, but you were not able to learn nor did you grow in spirit; you did not discover, My children, that the greatest science is the science of simplicity that leads you into an emptiness of self and a meeting with God.

Today, before the Three Sacred Hearts, we bring you the example of Our lives on Earth, when Our Divine Consciousness animated a body very like yours.

In that period, the surrender of Jesus carried Him into learning about Love; the silence of Mary carried Her into a learning about Love, and the humility of Saint Joseph divinized Him and opened the doors of Heaven, because He learned to love.

It was in this way, children, that the Plan of God was fulfilled in the Sacred Family. All the sciences were revealed in the simplicity of the Three Sacred hearts, and the doors of Heaven opened, because They knew to love.

On this evening, many expected words full of searching, but with little simplicity. All expected a great miracle, the unveiling of a great mystery; but few, children, perceived that within themselves, the great mystery of Creation is being revealed.

Be simple of heart and allow the light of your essences to illumine your eyes and show you that there is no other mystery to reveal to you, except the mystery of the love that was born in your hearts. It is that love that grows each day and that allows you to forget about yourselves, to love a neighbor more and more, and to understand them, which symbolizes the manifestation of the Plans of God in your lives.

Do not expect great missions, heroic events; do not expect phenomena, because the greatest miracle, children, is now happening in your lives, and this is what I want you to understand this evening.

What I want is that, beginning with you, humanity learn to be simple, discover that wisdom is revealed and all knowledge is to be found in love. In love, you are able to understand what you have never understood, and more than this, you can live what you always believed you knew.

On this evening, children, in light of the Three Sacred Hearts, recognize this example and accept the Grace of being able to be like Them in this time; because after so many meetings with Me, the Holy Spirit of God has already filled your souls and your lives, placed many gifts in your consciousnesses that will blossom at the right time, when humility is able to take the place of arrogance and pride and you are able to be free to express the Will of God wherever you may be.

Do not be in a hurry, be precise in taking the correct steps and in knowing where to be and how to act. Always listen to the voice of your hearts, which speaks to you in prayer, and leads you on the path of simplicity and love, and never to aggrandizement.

Remember, children, that it was in Mary's silence that She discovered the grandeur of Her Son. It was in the humility of Saint Joseph, in a small carpenter shop, far from the world and himself, that He discovered the real celestial mysteries. It was by loving neighbors and forgetting Himself, giving up the kingdom that the world expected of Him, to die on the cross, divested of His garments, that Our Lord, My Beloved Son, gave you this path of redemption and of Mercy and fully expressed the archetype of God for humanity, which was not held in the suffering of the cross, but rather in the full Love and the Divine Mercy which that Cross emanated.

Follow the example of the Sacred Hearts and discover, My beloveds, that little by little, the Plan of God manifests in your lives, and this horizon for the new race is now beginning to emerge in front of your eyes, in the depths of your consciousnesses.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And now, dear children, I will give the word to Christ, because it is to Him that we owe everything that has been given to us. Because He allows this Grace, this redemption, this sacred opportunity for hearts to know their spirits and become aware of their origin, definitely accepting what they have come to accomplish on this planet.

Place your hands in the sign of reception.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

Our Kingdom is the Universe and you belong to that Universe, just as all of Creation belongs to the Universe of God. I come from that Universe, just as do your essences, and throughout the times, you experience all the opportunities for redemption. 

I want you to always look to that Universe, in spite of what happens. Remember that higher life will always help you to take the great and last step, the definitive step toward God, in perfect union with His Heart.

It is for this reason, companions, that in the ardent devotion of My Mother and in the simplicity of Saint Joseph, We have come to this Center of Love to bless the world and prepare it for what will happen shortly.

Now I see your strengthened hearts, after having crossed the desert with Me. There are still souls that have need of a lot of help to be able to bear the great cosmic currents of transformation. But if your hands are joined with Mine and your bodies cling tight to My robe, the Light of My Sacred Heart will always illumine you and you will have no reason to fear, because purification is the first school of My apostles.

Thus, dear and beloved companions, I invite you to inner transcendence, a transcendence you will achieve in the perfect unity with your brothers and sisters, setting aside human indifference, omission and the judging of errors that others make.

I invite you to be truly part of My Divine Mercy, just as My Divine Mercy descends to the world to help this lost humanity.

Throughout these last days, companions, you have travelled a long inner road together with Me, which at the end of the times, you will discover on your own. There will be no great revelation for you, but it will be the sign you so need, the teaching you so hoped to receive, to be able to take that great step which I am telling you about.

Today, My Heart is glorified, because My companions glorify the Heart of God. Today, My Heart is a little more glad, because the children of My Mother honor and glorify the Queen of Heaven.

In this way, dear companions, the Plan is very close to your lives; it will cease to be so non-material so as to be visible in your consciousnesses and hearts.

In this new cycle we are beginning together, as from this August 8, define yourselves, companions. Close the doors to evil and help to close the doors that evil opens to all your brothers and sisters.

I invite you, companions, to be collaborators in My redeeming Work, to carry out in these times a great planetary service for this race. I invite you, in simplicity and truth, to be constituted as resplendent suns over the planet, shooting stars that have changed into light, in redemption and in love.

For this greatest Work, creative and infinite, which belongs to the universe and which must be concretized in this humanity, in this very hour, we join hands, between Mary and Saint Joseph, forming that sacred triangulation which gives an impulse to souls to take the great step, blessed by the Spirit of God, by Grace, by infinite Mercy, so that all My disciples and apostles, for beginners as well as those who have been on My path for a long time, at the right and correct time, together as a single unity, you can cross the threshold toward the New Humanity.

Remember, companions, that all of this Work of the end of time will generate the new, which you will see coming over the horizon, the new cycle of humanity, free of errors, sins, evils and indifference, full of the Love of God, of Grace, of Mercy and of Compassion.

In the end, dear companions, there is still much striving to be done. Let your hearts not tire of expanding so that you are able to embrace this Work more and more, which must reach the five continents. This Work is complementary to My Holy Church. This Work, dear companions, expresses in this humanity by giving opportunities to all consciousnesses, so that everybody may know the Love of God in some way.

Through you, I place an important mission, a mission that you are getting to know little by little, which you must love so that it can be strengthened in you, and thus express and be realized in this humanity.

On this August 8, the Universe, the Celestial Universe, the Mental Universe and the Material Universe stop for an instant to observe the last cycle that has now begun.

Bring your hands together in prayer.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, My Son is speaking to you of a last chance. It is this last chance that many will receive so they may cross the portal toward redemption and conversion. My Son invites you to be forerunners of this definitive time, which assembles all the lost sheep so they may enter the stable of His Heart.

Let us pray now, because the last cycle is descending over this universe like a powerful current of God which comes to correct the world, which comes to balance consciousnesses, which comes to bring the new, what nobody has yet known, and about which nobody can comment on what it is, because it is a cycle which is coming in this hour, at this precise moment, for all your higher beings and the higher beings of all of humanity, regardless of whether they are in the light or in the darkness.

The Government of the Universe proclaims His Sacred Word, to announce to the world that it is the time for the last suns to awaken to their true task.

Let us pray united with the Three Sacred Hearts, dear children, because you will always be able to be in Our Hearts, so that We are able to guide you toward the infinite Purpose.

Unite, and every day live unity more and more. The unity will protect you so that you not leave the path. And those who still cannot live in unity, let them yield to My Son so He may help them to be meek, peaceful and good to their fellow beings.

Remember, dear children, the gifts given to you by Heaven in these last nine years.

Let us pray.


Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).


And now the new cycle has entered into the spiritual consciousness of the planet. A powerful Consciousness that comes from God, descending over the world to redeem hearts and strengthen apostles, who will sustain this world when We are no longer present, and yet alive in your hearts forever.

Let us thank God for this opportunity. Let us invoke His Sacred Names. While We rise up to Heaven, lift up your intentions, your prayers and pleas to Heaven.

Happy August 8! You have been born to My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

My companions, My Heart is your stronghold.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "The Names of God".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

When the Divinity makes an announcement such as this one, a great emotion, a great inner movement occurs in each person. Something that our souls emit, which we do not truly understand, because besides the emotion, it also causes a little fear, because it is unknown. It is here where love and faith move beyond this feeling and we are able to take tight hold of the Mantle of Our Lady and the Robe of Our Lord, knowing that this step, guided by Them, will be what is best for us.

Today, in our heart, our soul spoke and said yes, we continue onward, in spite of that feeling that has overwhelmed us; because it knows that, in that feeling, faith and love will be strengthened and a complete trust in God will change us into other beings.

Those were the steps we took nine years ago and here we are, at the point of taking other steps, perhaps very much larger, but which will carry us to another point. And who knows, after some time, instead of there being 800 people here, someday there will be 80,000 to praise Our Lord and Our Lady.

We have always imagined what it would be like to sing the Kodoish with 100,000 people and draw the angels from Heaven. Who knows, suddenly it's not just a dream, to finally free this world from ignorance, damnation and a lack of union with God.

We, from here, salute everybody on this memorable day, in which finally, this world takes its new step in evolution. And each of us who affirms their heart in God will see the New Race.

And now, let us sing to finish, and let us distribute our beloved oranges. Those beloved oranges that were the beginning of all this, and let us remember a prophecy that a daughter of God, here in Uruguay, transmitted a long time ago and which said that Christ, when He returned, would walk among the orange trees, and we are preparing.

So now we will sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary" while we distribute our oranges and while we say goodbye to all this planet, to all those who are accompanying us through Misericordia María TV.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The oranges were blessed by the Three Sacred Hearts. They carry three blessings in one.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Three Sacred Hearts are present at this moment.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Thank you! is My Message for all of you on this day, because it is through My beloved children that I can accomplish the Works of the Creator of the Earth.

On this afternoon, especially, I have come with Saint Joseph and Christ, to show everybody that Our Love is poured out over the world in spite of all that may happen in this time. And that flow of Love is greater when you respond to My call, as you did at this moment, opening your hearts and consciousnesses to find Me once again in this place.

Today, a cycle is closing for everybody, and a new stage begins for those apostles of My Son who follow the footsteps of the faithful Servant of God.

Today, I open My arms and extend My hands to you all, aspiring to caress your spirits, touch your souls so that you may feel the Glory of God.

I come with Christ and Saint Joseph to represent the Most Holy Trinity, that Divine Essence that originated everything that exists in this universe.

Today, as your Greater Mother, with all the Angels of Heaven and with your Guardian Angels, we came here to glorify God, because it is He you must honor. It is He Who you owe all things to, because He is Who allows all things in the world, the actions of grace and of charity, of mercy and redemption for all the hearts of the Earth.

Today I come crowned with the stars of God, placing My feet on the new Moon and announcing the new paths for all My children, paths free of suffering and of pain, but full of hope and the Love of God.

I come to withdraw suffering from each of you, so that you may enter into the new cycle with Me. I invite you, together with Christ and Saint Joseph, to cross this threshold, this portal to a new consciousness of your spirits, of your souls and of your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will know the Will of God, which must yet be fulfilled in this world, in spite of it suffering the transition.

There are hearts in this humanity that can support the Plan of God in humanity. Thus, I come to strengthen you from time to time, through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Here, dear children, all of you are before three different Rays that unite in the same point, which is the Heart of God, where life, hope and Mercy emerge. Those three Rays come to you through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Heart of Saint Joseph, because We offer you the path of simplicity and of truth.

It is in that simplicity, dear children, that you must live in this new cycle. That simplicity of your hearts and souls will permit the Earth to be redeemed, that hatred be withdrawn from ungrateful hearts, and that spirits can be reborn to redemption. It is in that simplicity of your spirits that the doors of Heaven will be kept open. This is the sure key for this time, united with the prayer of the heart.

It is thus that I want to see you, dear children, each one of you as true mirrors of My Light, that you can radiate the attributes to the world which this race so greatly needs.

The guiding star of My Divine Consciousness, of the Consciousness of Christ and the Consciousness of Saint Joseph will not abandon you in this very difficult time, in which the world goes through its darkness.

I invite you to generate and regenerate joy, because the world needs it, so that evil may be defeated. In that joy, the love of your hearts, the works of service, of service to a neighbor cannot be lacking, so that all souls may be healed.

I invite you, dear children, on this 8th of August, to renew your vows to Me, as children of My Heart and My Consciousness.

You are in each part of this world to ignite the Light in humanity, the sacred flames of your hearts that burn in devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts. This will allow, dear children, that a great many consciousnesses, which do not deserve the Grace of God nor His Mercy, will be able to be alleviated and separated from evil.

Today I want to tell you, dear children, that after nine years with Me, My Heart is triumphing, but not as humankind believes. The true triumph of My Consciousness is in the transformation of your hearts. And today I am with transformed hearts that walk in different schools, but who follow the same purpose of My call. That is what is important, beloved children, that you see the realization of the Plan of God in your lives, that you look back not to remember the past, but rather to see in what way you have transformed, everything you have changed into, from time to time.

I need your eyes, dear children, to be able to see My plans concretized in this world, in each of you, in each part of this humanity. See how My Consciousness works through you in a simple but true way.

In this new cycle, dear children, I need your hearts to achieve a spirit of humility.

Today, I come to bring you this Message, because I know that you can experience it and achieve it.

Dear children, I am very grateful for each step you have taken, trusting in My Heart. This is of incalculable value for the Celestial Father. You will understand that value in a short while.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Because when I came into your lives, some years ago, humanity was seeking to unveil great sciences, because it believed that the path to evolution was to be found only in knowledge, and in intelligence; an intelligence which moved away from God, which fed the arrogance and pride in hearts.

Humanity, My children, was not really learning about knowledge, it was not assimilating the wisdom that was held in teachings. The path of instruction should lead you to love, but you were not able to learn nor did you grow in spirit; you did not discover, My children, that the greatest science is the science of simplicity that leads you into an emptiness of self and a meeting with God.

Today, before the Three Sacred Hearts, we bring you the example of Our lives on Earth, when Our Divine Consciousness animated a body very like yours.

In that period, the surrender of Jesus carried Him into learning about Love; the silence of Mary carried Her into a learning about Love, and the humility of Saint Joseph divinized Him and opened the doors of Heaven, because He learned to love.

It was in this way, children, that the Plan of God was fulfilled in the Sacred Family. All the sciences were revealed in the simplicity of the Three Sacred hearts, and the doors of Heaven opened, because They knew to love.

On this evening, many expected words full of searching, but with little simplicity. All expected a great miracle, the unveiling of a great mystery; but few, children, perceived that within themselves, the great mystery of Creation is being revealed.

Be simple of heart and allow the light of your essences to illumine your eyes and show you that there is no other mystery to reveal to you, except the mystery of the love that was born in your hearts. It is that love that grows each day and that allows you to forget about yourselves, to love a neighbor more and more, and to understand them, which symbolizes the manifestation of the Plans of God in your lives.

Do not expect great missions, heroic events; do not expect phenomena, because the greatest miracle, children, is now happening in your lives, and this is what I want you to understand this evening.

What I want is that, beginning with you, humanity learn to be simple, discover that wisdom is revealed and all knowledge is to be found in love. In love, you are able to understand what you have never understood, and more than this, you can live what you always believed you knew.

On this evening, children, in light of the Three Sacred Hearts, recognize this example and accept the Grace of being able to be like Them in this time; because after so many meetings with Me, the Holy Spirit of God has already filled your souls and your lives, placed many gifts in your consciousnesses that will blossom at the right time, when humility is able to take the place of arrogance and pride and you are able to be free to express the Will of God wherever you may be.

Do not be in a hurry, be precise in taking the correct steps and in knowing where to be and how to act. Always listen to the voice of your hearts, which speaks to you in prayer, and leads you on the path of simplicity and love, and never to aggrandizement.

Remember, children, that it was in Mary's silence that She discovered the grandeur of Her Son. It was in the humility of Saint Joseph, in a small carpenter shop, far from the world and himself, that He discovered the real celestial mysteries. It was by loving neighbors and forgetting Himself, giving up the kingdom that the world expected of Him, to die on the cross, divested of His garments, that Our Lord, My Beloved Son, gave you this path of redemption and of Mercy and fully expressed the archetype of God for humanity, which was not held in the suffering of the cross, but rather in the full Love and the Divine Mercy which that Cross emanated.

Follow the example of the Sacred Hearts and discover, My beloveds, that little by little, the Plan of God manifests in your lives, and this horizon for the new race is now beginning to emerge in front of your eyes, in the depths of your consciousnesses.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And now, dear children, I will give the word to Christ, because it is to Him that we owe everything that has been given to us. Because He allows this Grace, this redemption, this sacred opportunity for hearts to know their spirits and become aware of their origin, definitely accepting what they have come to accomplish on this planet.

Place your hands in the sign of reception.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

Our Kingdom is the Universe and you belong to that Universe, just as all of Creation belongs to the Universe of God. I come from that Universe, just as do your essences, and throughout the times, you experience all the opportunities for redemption. 

I want you to always look to that Universe, in spite of what happens. Remember that higher life will always help you to take the great and last step, the definitive step toward God, in perfect union with His Heart.

It is for this reason, companions, that in the ardent devotion of My Mother and in the simplicity of Saint Joseph, We have come to this Center of Love to bless the world and prepare it for what will happen shortly.

Now I see your strengthened hearts, after having crossed the desert with Me. There are still souls that have need of a lot of help to be able to bear the great cosmic currents of transformation. But if your hands are joined with Mine and your bodies cling tight to My robe, the Light of My Sacred Heart will always illumine you and you will have no reason to fear, because purification is the first school of My apostles.

Thus, dear and beloved companions, I invite you to inner transcendence, a transcendence you will achieve in the perfect unity with your brothers and sisters, setting aside human indifference, omission and the judging of errors that others make.

I invite you to be truly part of My Divine Mercy, just as My Divine Mercy descends to the world to help this lost humanity.

Throughout these last days, companions, you have travelled a long inner road together with Me, which at the end of the times, you will discover on your own. There will be no great revelation for you, but it will be the sign you so need, the teaching you so hoped to receive, to be able to take that great step which I am telling you about.

Today, My Heart is glorified, because My companions glorify the Heart of God. Today, My Heart is a little more glad, because the children of My Mother honor and glorify the Queen of Heaven.

In this way, dear companions, the Plan is very close to your lives; it will cease to be so non-material so as to be visible in your consciousnesses and hearts.

In this new cycle we are beginning together, as from this August 8, define yourselves, companions. Close the doors to evil and help to close the doors that evil opens to all your brothers and sisters.

I invite you, companions, to be collaborators in My redeeming Work, to carry out in these times a great planetary service for this race. I invite you, in simplicity and truth, to be constituted as resplendent suns over the planet, shooting stars that have changed into light, in redemption and in love.

For this greatest Work, creative and infinite, which belongs to the universe and which must be concretized in this humanity, in this very hour, we join hands, between Mary and Saint Joseph, forming that sacred triangulation which gives an impulse to souls to take the great step, blessed by the Spirit of God, by Grace, by infinite Mercy, so that all My disciples and apostles, for beginners as well as those who have been on My path for a long time, at the right and correct time, together as a single unity, you can cross the threshold toward the New Humanity.

Remember, companions, that all of this Work of the end of time will generate the new, which you will see coming over the horizon, the new cycle of humanity, free of errors, sins, evils and indifference, full of the Love of God, of Grace, of Mercy and of Compassion.

In the end, dear companions, there is still much striving to be done. Let your hearts not tire of expanding so that you are able to embrace this Work more and more, which must reach the five continents. This Work is complementary to My Holy Church. This Work, dear companions, expresses in this humanity by giving opportunities to all consciousnesses, so that everybody may know the Love of God in some way.

Through you, I place an important mission, a mission that you are getting to know little by little, which you must love so that it can be strengthened in you, and thus express and be realized in this humanity.

On this August 8, the Universe, the Celestial Universe, the Mental Universe and the Material Universe stop for an instant to observe the last cycle that has now begun.

Bring your hands together in prayer.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, My Son is speaking to you of a last chance. It is this last chance that many will receive so they may cross the portal toward redemption and conversion. My Son invites you to be forerunners of this definitive time, which assembles all the lost sheep so they may enter the stable of His Heart.

Let us pray now, because the last cycle is descending over this universe like a powerful current of God which comes to correct the world, which comes to balance consciousnesses, which comes to bring the new, what nobody has yet known, and about which nobody can comment on what it is, because it is a cycle which is coming in this hour, at this precise moment, for all your higher beings and the higher beings of all of humanity, regardless of whether they are in the light or in the darkness.

The Government of the Universe proclaims His Sacred Word, to announce to the world that it is the time for the last suns to awaken to their true task.

Let us pray united with the Three Sacred Hearts, dear children, because you will always be able to be in Our Hearts, so that We are able to guide you toward the infinite Purpose.

Unite, and every day live unity more and more. The unity will protect you so that you not leave the path. And those who still cannot live in unity, let them yield to My Son so He may help them to be meek, peaceful and good to their fellow beings.

Remember, dear children, the gifts given to you by Heaven in these last nine years.

Let us pray.


Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).


And now the new cycle has entered into the spiritual consciousness of the planet. A powerful Consciousness that comes from God, descending over the world to redeem hearts and strengthen apostles, who will sustain this world when We are no longer present, and yet alive in your hearts forever.

Let us thank God for this opportunity. Let us invoke His Sacred Names. While We rise up to Heaven, lift up your intentions, your prayers and pleas to Heaven.

Happy August 8! You have been born to My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

My companions, My Heart is your stronghold.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "The Names of God".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

When the Divinity makes an announcement such as this one, a great emotion, a great inner movement occurs in each person. Something that our souls emit, which we do not truly understand, because besides the emotion, it also causes a little fear, because it is unknown. It is here where love and faith move beyond this feeling and we are able to take tight hold of the Mantle of Our Lady and the Robe of Our Lord, knowing that this step, guided by Them, will be what is best for us.

Today, in our heart, our soul spoke and said yes, we continue onward, in spite of that feeling that has overwhelmed us; because it knows that, in that feeling, faith and love will be strengthened and a complete trust in God will change us into other beings.

Those were the steps we took nine years ago and here we are, at the point of taking other steps, perhaps very much larger, but which will carry us to another point. And who knows, after some time, instead of there being 800 people here, someday there will be 80,000 to praise Our Lord and Our Lady.

We have always imagined what it would be like to sing the Kodoish with 100,000 people and draw the angels from Heaven. Who knows, suddenly it's not just a dream, to finally free this world from ignorance, damnation and a lack of union with God.

We, from here, salute everybody on this memorable day, in which finally, this world takes its new step in evolution. And each of us who affirms their heart in God will see the New Race.

And now, let us sing to finish, and let us distribute our beloved oranges. Those beloved oranges that were the beginning of all this, and let us remember a prophecy that a daughter of God, here in Uruguay, transmitted a long time ago and which said that Christ, when He returned, would walk among the orange trees, and we are preparing.

So now we will sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary" while we distribute our oranges and while we say goodbye to all this planet, to all those who are accompanying us through Misericordia María TV.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The oranges were blessed by the Three Sacred Hearts. They carry three blessings in one.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In these times, the world does not seek the Light. I come from Heaven to make it known, that powerful and sublime Light that emerges from the Heart of God for the world and for all the universes.

Today I am here with you, dear children, with My Most Holy Heart, commemorating this special meeting with My Consciousness, which unites all your consciousnesses with the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

On this day, I come to restore your lives; to restore your material and spiritual paths so that you may follow My call, directly to the Heart of the Creator.

This is My greatest wonder for your lives, that you follow a single path through My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, I come to call you, not only to prayer, but also to a fulfilling of your spiritual task in this mission of the 144,000, of the new apostles of My Son.

Do you perhaps believe you are one of them?

I come to reveal this prophecy to you, because the sign that the world needs to deeply change, before everything happens, is visible in these times.

My Voice is not only announced in Medjugorje; I come to this part of the Americas, not only to consecrate the Plan of God, but to also, through the peoples, have the new apostles of Christ emerge, those who will impart gifts and graces to all those that need them. Thus, My Heart is persevering, beloved children.

Today, a cycle in your lives closes. A new spiritual and higher cycle is coming to the world. It is beginning at this very moment, in this real time of God, in which all are invited, through the upliftment of the prayer of the heart, your communion with Christ and your repentance, to place yourselves again and again in light of Divine Laws.

 For this, I come clothed in the Sun, to illumine your paths, to open your eyes, to open your hearts and thus, you may feel the Purpose of God through Me.

Today, My whole Consciousness is manifested in this place; just as God allowed it in this end of times, in which all are called to experience a profound reflection in the consciousness, to change the habits of your lives, to correct your paths, to follow the path of the Shepherd which is the real path, is the true Hierarchy of this galaxy, in this solar system and in this little world in the whole universe.

Do you know what this means, dear children?

I come to reveal the mysteries of God to you. Those deep secrets that, in the Divine Life of the Sacred Hearts, of the Sacred Family, were fully lived in the absolute trust that everything was true for the evolution of the hearts of the world.

I come with the aspiration of a good Mother, to institute the principle of a New Humanity here, strengthened through faith, love, unity and mainly, a trust that your lives, purified in Christ, will find the goal that you have sought for so long.

Your goal, My children, is to be found beyond other philosophies. I invite you to experience the philosophy of My maternal Heart, which is the perfect vibration of the Love of God manifested in the Heart of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I again present you with My Immaculate Heart, as a perfect offering to be able to experience redemption and peace, within and outside of yourselves, so the confusing paths fade and the Light of God again emerges in all the steps you must take toward the Lord.

My Heart is a Star manifested before you, which comes from the universe, crossing these thresholds of Light, to pour out the Graces that God has granted on this day. I would deeply like that, every day of My omnipresent Life, you could see Me; but trust, trust in the Will of God.

It is already a Grace for your hearts that you have been assembled on this holy day to renew your spiritual vows with the Creator; release your ties, leave the paths of damnation, the material lack of control of the life promised by this sick humanity.

Today I come to heal many of your hearts, hearts that are sick and have need of the relief of the attributes of the Universal Mother. If you live these attributes, I assure you, dear children, that you will not lose that path to infinity that you are invited to experience in this beginning of peace that I disseminate for your lives and the world.

As Mother of this humanity, Mother and Princess of this world, Commander of all these hearts, I come on this 8th of August to unite your hearts with the Sublime Spirit of God, which you know as the One Source.

My Heart is that Portal that today is open to your souls, in front of your eyes, with deep maternal Love, with the gaze of a kind Mother, so that everybody dares to enter into Me and consecrate your lives, according to your possibilities.

I come to give you this last offer on this date. This is the greatest Grace God has granted Me after eight years of patiently walking by your side, in love and in truth, so your hearts would be able to grow in faith and be nurtured by the Holy Spirit of My Son.

God granted, beloved children, that My Son come here to open the doors of this Aurora, so that hearts could be freed, redeemed and healed through the Archangel Michael. But that is a task, is a spiritual mission of Our Sublime Hearts in light of this unfaithful world, which seeks for results in other things, on other paths upon which souls are lost and distance themselves from God more each day.

Thus, the universe is around My aura, My blue aura of Light, to radiate the fortitude to you which you need to feel encouraged to follow in My footsteps, so simple and humble that in truth, dear children, if you dare to experience them, you will concretize your works, which are the Works of God for the world.

But today, I am not here alone, but rather surrounded by the angels of Heaven, by all the Heavenly Hierarchies that respond to the maximum Will of the Creator. Today I am uniting this Spiritual Universe, where I am, with your material life, a life of sorrow and pain that must be rescued by My Spirit of Peace, before everything happens.

While I speak to you, dear children, I am working on your hearts so you may reach the Light, the Light of the redemption of Christ, so necessary and urgent for rehabilitating as many hearts as possible that walk in the darkness of My adversary.

But with My feet, on this soil of Aurora, I step on the head of the serpent; so that it stop causing souls to be lost and I, as from now, be your Governor, your Universal Mother, your Guiding Star, that will guide your steps, your paths and your families toward a new Repairing Communion with Christ, at the definite moment of His Return to Earth.

Happy are those who believe without seeing, because in truth, they know the Kingdom of God.

Happy are those who hear with the ears of the heart, for they will feel the Holy Spirit of the Creator.

Happy are those who repent from the heart, that set aside their ties so that the Aurora of My Heart remove all the evils of this world and the doors of redemption open for the hearts that are lost because of not wanting to follow the Mother of Heaven.

I bring you true, definite words for your lives. I bring you higher healing, the feminine principle, sacred and immaculate, in this universal life.

I come to open your eyes so you may reach your soul and so that your soul live in the Spirit of God, for the centuries to come.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is for this reason that I open all the doors of this world that separate it from the universe, and I unite the Time of God with the time of this Earth, to thus heal all the errors of the past, a past unknown to you, that does not come from this world, but which My Heart can indeed see and heal in your consciousnesses.

I come to release the ties with evil of those who say 'yes' to My Immaculate Heart, but let this 'yes' be true and let it manifest in the actions of your lives in the days to come.

I hope, My children, that you did not come to meet with Me simply out of a curiosity for knowing what happens on this sacred ground; that you are here because you are willing to definitely transform your lives, to release the ties of the past and be reborn to a new knowledge, to a new life, to a New Humanity, which must have each of your hearts and each of your consciousnesses as a seed.

Do not wait, My beloveds, for this humanity to suddenly appear, for it must be built through the conscious purification and transformation of each of you.

But the love for God and for His Perfect Plan must be greater than the love for the things of this world; because My adversary will seek in all ways to feed those desires and the aspirations that tie you to the illusions of this world, and in all ways, it will disguise these aspirations so they may seem true and spiritual.

For this reason, open your eyes, not the eyes of the mind, but rather those of the heart; because it is through the heart, My beloveds, that you will hear My Voice and will know that it is the carrier of the Will of God for your lives as well as for humanity, as well as for the whole universe, which on this day, assembles around My Mantle to observe the hearts of the world and contemplate the Project of God.

The universe waits for the response of all human beings. Thus, today I ask that you be brave, in spirit as well as in matter, to set aside the past and surrender to the new future that I bring before your eyes as an opportunity for redemption.

This redemption is available for all, but if you do not say 'yes' to Me and are not ready to transform your lives, this fount of healing will spill onto this ground and will return to its Source without having touched your consciousnesses.

Do you recognize, My beloveds, the great loss it is for this race if you do not accept saying 'yes' to the Power of God that manifests in His Servant?

Let me dissolve the fear of your hearts, to heal the lack of faith, for in this way, I will be able to shape you and protect you so that you go through the times that will come and that, in spite of all the events of the world, you never abandon the Path of the Lord, because the great victory of God is to manifest the full certainty of the perfection of His Project in His creatures, and that these children of God accept following the Light, beyond the darkness that surrounds them.

It is for this, My children, that today I bring you the Light of the Divine Source, which originated the consciousnesses of the Cosmos as well as of this Earth.

From this Source of Light come your essences, which today I seek to re-ignite, so that in this new cycle, a great act of redemption and reconciliation with God will manifest; thus, announcing to the cosmos that the manifestation of the Plan of God is possible and that, at the beginning of this planetary cycle, which announces the end of human decadence, a part of humanity chose to follow the Plans of God.

What I need, My beloveds, is that you not only listen to My Words, but that your paths be straight, that you look firmly at My Immaculate Heart, and that you not walk other paths, but rather on this one that leads to My Heart.

I aspire that you not only be with Me today, but all the days of your lives; that within yourselves, you defeat all the tendencies of this unfaithful world, to follow in My footsteps which lead you to the Redeemer; that you proclaim the Son of God every day, in all moments of your lives; that you announce the victory of the King of the Universe in your consciousnesses through your transformation.

Live My Words, do not just listen to them, because this is the great possibility that I bring you on this night. Live My Words.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this holy day, I invite you to live the path of the heart, the path of Love that humanity is losing because of distancing itself from God and preferring other things that do not nurture the spirit, that do not make life shine, in the way God foresees.

Thus, on this night, I will bless this Sacred Book, which is the greatest expression of My perfect Love for you. I hope you will carry it as a path to find the Light.

Let us sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."

Dear children, I bless this Book, because they are the Words that God taught Me, which today I transmit to you with all the maternal Love of My Heart. May these blessed pages be read with a humility of spirit, with the simplicity of the heart that seeks a perfect union with God.

Each time you read these documents, these Words of My maternal Heart, may your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters be spiritually re-ignited and definitely establish a union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But today I also bless your hearts, because My Grace is poured out over your lives and the lives of the souls of the world. That is the only thing I desire, dear children, that you live in unity and in love so that many things do not happen in the world, simply because you do not want to listen.

I bless these fruits that represent the tree of life. Each one of you is a fruit of My Heart; and through this simple basket, I present this offering to the Creator, because with His merciful Eyes, He will see that they are already ripe to live universal life.

Aurora protects you if you have a simple heart, with the pure intention of seeking union with God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother is requesting we intone the song we had offered Her, because for Her it represents the voice of all Her children, seeking the simplicity and the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

She said: "I am here, in My house of humility."

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Never close the doors of your hearts, for thus I will be able to enter.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, here the brothers and sisters are going to give an orange to those who are here.

And Mary was telling us that we have these oranges, as the fruit of Her simple Heart.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In this moment, let us glorify the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph.

At the request of Our Lord, we will hold a minute of silence for peace on the planet.

Let us prostrate before the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let the bell in the tower continue to ring, please.

Heaven descends to Earth and communes with good souls. Vivify this! 

Let us breathe in the air of Heaven.

Pray with Me, My companions, as you have done up until today. Heaven has heard you with attention and love.

The great hour draws closer for all souls. The doors of Heaven open to Earth and hearts commune with the Spirit of God.

Blessed are those who prevail and follow the paths of the Lord, for they will be removed from the desert in which they live and evil will be uprooted from suffering hearts.

Love and Truth will reign in all those who have sought My Path, who will thus achieve the purity they so seek.

The seed of the humility of God will sprout in hearts that will be reborn in Christ and will live in unity with the Celestial Father, and it will not be necessary for anybody to suffer anymore, because the great absolution of Infinity will come in aid of hearts that cry out.

It is time to banish what is old and allow the spirit of each one of you to be able to re-emerge in the Universe of the Lord. In this way, everything will be accomplished and no one will remain outside of the path that I am pointing out for this time, the path to Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat the prayers that the Lord is transmitting. 

For the liberation of souls,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Mineral Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Plant Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Animal Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Human Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of hearts that suffer,
Lord Jesus, grant us deep healing.
For all those that have fallen in spirit,
in matter, into temptation and into deceit,
Lord Jesus, save them all.
For those who suffer and have lost hope,
Lord Jesus, have compassion on all of us.
For those who burn in the fire of hell
and who in life burn because of the deceits of the enemy,
Lord Jesus, have Mercy on all of us.
For the New Humanity that must resplendently re-emerge,
healed and freed of all things, renewed by the Return of Christ,
Lord Jesus, hear our supplications.
For those Divine Beings, those called the Celestial Messengers,
we cry out to the Celestial Father so that those Sacred Hearts
return to the world to free it from evil,
untie the binds, heal hearts,
transmute wounds and open the doors to redemption.
O Lord Jesus,
O Holy Virgin of Virgins,
O Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
in Your sacred triangulation, 
may the Most Holy trinity guide humanity,
and may all souls that live on Earth
be able to achieve the dwelling place of Heaven.
In this time that will come and for all eternity,
let souls celebrate, in Christ, the glorious Return of the Redeemer
together with the angels, archangels, and all the consciousnesses of the universe.
Let this world be a confederated one
and fulfill the Project of the Lord
in the time that will come.

Today this is My Message for you through this prayer. It is a proclamation of all the hearts of the world, of all the servers of Christ who have aspired to reach My Heart and to live in My eternal Peace.

If you decree this prayer with conviction, everything will be able to be accomplished.

If just one soul should do it with devotion, they will open a small door in the universe, providing an opportunity for the rescue and the salvation of souls. Imagine if all souls, the voice of all hearts, should speak this prayer to Heaven, what could happen, My companions?

On this afternoon, I give you My universal Legacy, a Legacy of simplicity and of humility that was professed since My Birth in this world.

I bring you closer to finding the Mysteries of God, which are kept within you, in the inner universe of each being. In this way, all can commune with the Spirit of God and achieve redemption in these times.

The Three Sacred Hearts present themselves before you today to be glorified and praised, to uplift your spirits to the Celestial Kingdom.

For this reason, dear companions, may all hearts be redeemed in this Trine Communion. Let your lives be the sap of life, the food for those that are hungry, spirit for the spirits that are fallen.

I invite you to carry God in your heart and to be able to transmit this impulse to all those  you meet, because this Grace that today I am pouring out upon you is unique in a difficult time, for a humanity that is spiritually ill.

I Am your food and your healing. Continue onward. Free your ties through the infinite power of prayer.

Today I come with My Most Holy Mother and with Saint Joseph. She comes announcing Her great moment. Saint Joseph guides souls that must serve, and Our Three Sacred Hearts give of themselves to all to announce the Good News to all hearts.

Stop suffering. Accept the healing that Heaven wants to give you, because from that point, your lives will quickly transform. Many will no longer recognize your faces because they will reflect the clouds of the sky, the rays of the universal sun, which will radiate to the darkness and dispel tribulation. But you must have a trusting heart, a sure faith, and an unbreakable fortitude. If you live these three very simple principles, you will be able to be My apostles of love and redemption.

Today all are united in this meeting and have prayed to build this bridge toward the universe. Do you know what repercussions this has had in the current world, mainly in the Kingdoms of Nature? How many debts are balanced at this moment? How many souls and hearts are assisted at this moment?

I know that many would like to see these things, the real material results. But My Father sends Me to bring you the Spirit, that which will always strengthen and will never perish, although it lives in this world.

I bring you all toward My Heart so that you experience the perfect Communion with the universe.

And so that this afternoon may be the closing of a cycle, and a new cycle begin for all as from tomorrow, let us praise the Lord of the Heights.

Let us send our supplications to the Sacred Hearts so that the holy angels may descend at this moment, not only to help this country, but all of humanity, mainly the hearts that cry out for supreme healing and for redemption.

Let us open the door to Heaven. Enter further into this Heaven. This Heaven is ready to serve you and comes to commune with all hearts through the Presence of the Messengers of God.

We will receive your offering at this moment. Now, this is unique for all.

Let us open the doors to the essence of the Love of God, where after all of this, they must return to merge with the Celestial Father.

Song: Elohim.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pleased with souls that sing with devotion.

To finish carrying out this sacred glorification of the Holy Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, we will glorify the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then the Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph; thus, your offerings as humanity may be poured out, in Mercy, upon the Kingdoms of Nature and the Law cease to weigh so much on humanity and be transformed by the power of My merciful Heart.

We are present, accompanying you in this blessing. Continue united with the Spirit that is flowing at this hour of Mercy.

We give thanks also to all those who have sung to God from their homes. Imagine how many doors open in the homes of all beings when they truly seek supreme unity among creatures. Today, as Sacred Hearts, we are establishing an example of celestial fraternity that is lived in Heaven and in the universe, on all the divine planes and dimensions, from beings that serve God up to the angels.

I am observing to see if you are attentive. Heaven gathers you together here in a special way.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is telling us at this moment that today to this meeting He has brought the Aspect of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels that lift Her up to the universe.

Let us glorify Mary and Her Immaculate Heart, Her maternal Heart.

Song: Ave María.

Dear friends of Mine, trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will always want to carry you toward the blessed fruit of Her Love.

To finish this union between Heaven and Earth, this communion between souls and God, redeemed and renewed souls, freed and forgiven by the powerful fire of Christ, let us glorify the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of all serving souls, Guardian of the hearts that endure and suffer, of the poor dying ones, those who are sick and alone.

Saint Joseph, through this song in which we invoke Your Heart, may all of Africa be able to be consecrated to the infinite healing of the Creator. So be it.

Song: Saint Joseph, Father of Love.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us do the prayer that He is inspiring in us at this moment, which is the prayer for the salvation of the souls of Africa; we will repeat, phrase by phrase.

Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph,
universal Servant and Watchman,
we cry out to You in this hour
for the salvation of all souls
that live in beloved Africa.
That together with Christ, Our Lord,
we may serve the Celestial Father
for the healing of humanity 
and its redemption.

We thank you for coming to Our meeting.

We bless you in the name of all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Sacred Hearts, for all that you give us!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We are returning after a very intense moment with the Three Sacred Hearts. We did not expect the Three to appear at the same time. The Three Sacred Hearts brought the Celestial Universe here, and each of Them, in Their auras, manifested an infinite reality. Each of Them welcomed us at different moments. They observed our inner and spiritual needs, not only ours, but those of all humanity.

It is the first time we understand, with our consciousnesses, that Christ speaks of the Kingdoms of Nature.

When He referred to them at that moment, and mainly with the invocation of the prayer He taught us, He brought the consciousness of each one of the Kingdoms of Nature here, mainly the situations they are experiencing through the actions of humanity.

And when He brought, for example, the image or the presence of the Plant Kingdom or of the Animal Kingdom, He showed very horrific things that were being generated through situations brought about by humanity. He said that a part of our consciousness is not aware of what this situation means and of the spiritual dangers that we are bringing about because of that situation. Because, through that lack of awareness, Christ said that humanity is bringing about a very strong law being able to take place.

At one moment in the Apparition, at the Feet of Christ appeared each one of the represented Kingdoms. He was showing us and had us feel the suffering of each of the Kingdoms, which was something inexplicable to express in words or in stories. 

But through the prayer of that invocation that He transmitted to us, He gradually transmuted that situation and we saw that various parts of the planet, specifically Asia, were helped.

At one moment in the Apparition of Christ, when He referred to the Animal Kingdom, He showed us, as universal Consciousness, the laboratories, for example, where animals are manipulated. He showed us that the Kingdoms also have a Christic essence, which I don't know how to explain to you. He said that they hold it as essence because they are part of the creation of the universe. And we are modifying this creation.

As the Apparition moved forward, many different states were gradually being treated by the Hierarchy, referring to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

After a moment, They began to pour out the energy of Grace.

Today Mary manifested in a state of deep silence, of a contemplation that is unknown. She was wrapped in a great cloth, a large fabric, and was in prayer, with Her eyes focused on Heaven. She had Her hair uncovered, wearing no veil, surrounded by many Cherubim Angels, small angels.

To the right of Christ, a moment later, appeared the image of Saint Joseph; He was symbolically guiding a flock of sheep. He was grazing them from a celestial level toward this physical level, and symbolically was showing us how He wanted to try and help us and guide us. For a moment, He showed us how our souls were in His arms. He held our souls in His arms. At that moment, He implored the Father through His Chaste Heart for us. Then They had us understand that it was not only for us, but rather for humanity as consciousness. At that moment, Saint Joseph channeled the holy degrees of love He had achieved in this life on Earth, and in this way, He lifted up that offering to the Creator.

Today we went through a very different and special Apparition, because the Three Sacred Hearts showed how They invoked the Celestial Father for Mercy.

After a moment, Christ began to ask that we call His Father, and He said to us: "I want you to sing Elohim," and I asked Him: Is it really, Master?

"Elohim is the Father, you are calling the Father, My Father. I am teaching you to bring the Consciousness of the Father to the Earth, and it is only through the invocation to the Celestial Father that you will know the unknown Supreme Consciousness."

And when we began to sing "Elohim," Mary was divinized, so to speak. She adored what She was listening to and the expressions of Her countenance would change, were transfigured into light. And Saint Joseph was very..., I don't know how to explain it...

They have us know all these things and these feelings that are not human. It was like a great universal celebration.

Christ was serene. He observed how our souls lit up during the moment of singing "Elohim." At that moment, with His serene vision, He observed how our Christic essence was gradually activated and followed that rhythm of the singing through a deep silence.

At one moment, Christ lifted His eyes to Heaven and through simply making this gesture, different Angelic Hierarchies began to appear. As we sang "Elohim," they congregated in circles of light and a great process of transmutation was liberating the planet. 

After Christ built this channel of light, He sent the angels to go down into the terrestrial hell. Then He showed Heaven above us and the hell below us. Those souls that were in hell wanted to latch onto, grab ahold of the angels, of the wings of the angels. But He showed how for some of them, the moment had not yet come for their being freed.

The angels obeyed the indications of the Master and were slowly withdrawing, taking out some groups of souls from that hell. Then that situation closed and we heard the song of Mary and the song of Saint Joseph.

During the moment when we sang to His Heart, Saint Joseph specifically was helping Africa through the offering each one of us was able to generate at that moment.

And to finish, when Christ explained and told us that He felt pleasure at hearing the soul that sang, He was trying to explain to us that for humanity, the sense of the song is very important at this time, because it is necessary to create new vibrations of light on Earth. He explained that this is much stronger when many souls sing in a true way. He says that other positive conditions are created in the planetary sphere and the liberation is more viable and possible for those that did not deserve it.

You perceived that He blessed the crosses at the beginning. They are the crosses that the Daughters of Christic Charity will carry, representing the protection of Christ in the work of service that these sisters have to develop and are developing at this moment.

For this reason, now we are going to participate in the placement of the cross in the sisters that, at the request of Christ, Mother María Shimani will do in them. And after, the little brothers and sisters that are standing here will receive the anointment of oil as a symbol of inner healing.

After, we will participate in the Communion and in other things that Heaven has asked of us. So we are going to prepare our hearts for this moment.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
