Marathon of Divine Mercy

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The great ocean of My Mercy opens, but still, only very few souls want to enter it. 

In this ocean, I will purify these souls, amend their errors and faults, liberate them from the past, I will grant them eternal life and sanctify them through the Holy Spirit, which will anoint these souls that enter My ocean of Mercy, just as the apostles were anointed with My Most Holy Mother in the Pentecost. 

The Powerful Spirit of God will be propagated throughout the world again and the hearts that are open to It will know It. But before this happens, souls must accept to enter the ocean of My Mercy so that I may justify them before the Laws of Creation. 

This is the hour when the great door of My Mercy begins to close in the world, because the time of Divine Justice must be fulfilled, just as it was written by John, the Apostle, in the Apocalypse.

The hour will come, during the three days of darkness, when Divine Justice will be complied with, but not in the way humanity believes. The Justice of God is Love in balance. The Justice of God is Love in harmony. The Justice of God is Love in wisdom. 

But before this door of My Mercy closes to the world, tell souls that they must turn to God before it is too late. Because when I cease to be with you and to speak to the world through this Work, all, absolutely all, will be unleashed. 

Therefore, while there is still time, a very short time, you must affirm yourselves in My Mercy. You must sail in My ocean of Light through the constancy of your prayers and supplications. You must be the faithful testimony of My Love for the world, especially for the hearts that have lost their faith and trust in God for everything that happens to them, for everything they live, face and go through. 

However, just as I once came to Poland through Saint Faustina to reveal the infinity of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy; just as I came in the dark night of a war that was presenting itself as imminent in Europe at that time, in the same way I will return as the Light of the world. 

On the inner horizon, you will feel Me, you will recognize the Face of Christ. And I will expel the antichrists, just as I expelled the traders from the temple, because the House of My Father is sacred, in this world and in others. The House of My Father is blessed because it is celestial, cosmic and divine, because He created it for all His Children and Creatures, for all the essences that have emerged from His Immaterial Source. 

And this House dwells in the depths of the temple of souls, temples that have been corroded by the influences of this world, by its trends and ideologies. In this way, the world loses the sense of perspective, while not finding God, while being with its attention somewhere else. 

For this reason, I have delivered all the treasures that I have promised to you and to your brothers and sisters, so that you may have a part with My Father in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this world may know that in Love lies the overcoming of everything, of any trauma or pain, for I come in the name of God’s Love, of this unchangeable and unmistakable Love, this Love which has a flow unknown to the world and humanity. 

This is the reason why We have been here with you for such a long time, because We hope that you will learn from this Love, which the world and humanity no longer have; that you will learn from a mature and conscious Love, a Love that is capable of accepting and welcoming the fellow being, the one who no one loves or accepts because they are seemingly a problem. 

But if I accepted the twelve apostles as they were, just as at this time I accept you as you are, where is the Love that I have given to you so that you may represent Me in this world and in this humanity?

God’s Love is the foundation of the whole spiritual path and of the entire earthly trajectory, for in Love lies God’s Happiness and His Joy, the bliss of the reencounter with the Eternal Father, the healing of all wounds. 

I deliver this Message to you again with other Words, for you must have love for all that you have received and for all that has been offered to you since the beginning, when your consciousnesses were awakened to Universal and Divine Knowledge, to the Immaterial Laws and to the Universal Currents. 

Before I bid you farewell to you in this cycle, and for the month of August, it is My imperious need that there may be souls and people who can assume the treasures of the Hierarchy present in the Inner Retreats of the planet, because not only you but also your brothers and sisters of the world will need it in the face of all that which is to come. 

What more does humanity need so that it may change?

How much abundance has My Father given to you through His Creation and, above all, through life: the possibility you have of seeing the sun at each dawn, of breathing the purity of nature and of the oceans, of having a family, regardless of how it may be, and of learning to love this family, just as God has loved you from the beginning, the possibility of learning to serve so as to come out of yourselves a little more each day and abandon this inveterate ego, which only places consciousnesses in obstacles and dead ends. 

God has given you His Love because His Love is His Power, not authority. His Love for souls and Creation is His Spiritual Government. 

Without Love, there would not be the Compassion and Mercy poured out by His Most Beloved Son on the Cross, when He was pierced by the spear on His Side. Even lifeless, dead on the Cross, I gave you God’s Love to the limits of My Consciousness, through My Blood and My Water; a sublime act that overcame all errors and all consequences during the Holy Friday. 

Now that in the last recent years, we have formed the oratories and Rosaries of Light, it is time for you to remain in your houses, at home, and pray to God with fervor to invoke the power of the Heart of Mary and My Heart, so that all may be protected and supported, and many more may have the same Grace of being supported by the Mother of God, Who extends Her Mantle of Light upon the world day by day. 

The Mother of the World, in the most invisible and silent part of Her Spirit, takes the Scepter with Her Hand to guide souls toward the Kingdom of the Heavens so that one day all may be in Paradise, living the same spiritual happiness and the same spiritual bliss that We live with all those who have said yes at some moment of this evolution. 

The instructions have been given to all. A long time has passed, many teachings have been delivered, everything has been said. 

Now, it is time to assume and join the lines of the Plan of the end of times. Thus, when you do it for yourselves, for the love that you say you have for Me, you will assume your role, you will assume your service, and you will no longer complain. You will not evade the necessity that the universe places before your eyes. You will no longer lie to yourselves, you will not deceive yourselves, for you will do each task and live each commitment, just as I have lived it for you since My Origin in the Creative Source until My Ascension. 

As I said to you, the Plan waits for the consistent, for those who must no longer be pushed, for those who will be aware of what they must do without anyone having to tell them. Because the one who lives in My Love is capable of perceiving everything and recognizing where lies the need at this crucial time, not only in My Islands of Salvation but also in the world, where souls wait for help, for someone to listen to them, for someone to welcome them, for someone who can love them. Just as I love all, regardless of the errors, regardless of the denials and the indifferences that the world causes to Me. 

It is time to rebuild humanity and this will take a lot of work. But have faith, because a Good Father never forgets His Children and a good foreman never forgets his workers. Because the one who serves God renews, transcends and transmutes themselves. There is no other way for overcoming yourselves, companions. 

We are in the stage of preparing My Return, and I will only touch with My Feet this wounded yet also sacred ground, when I can live in you forever, in the most intimate communion of hearts, of life and essence. 

May My Words remain and not just pass. Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in those who open to receive them and recognize them as their own, as a life raft. 

On this third day of encounter with Me, at the doors of Montserrat, may Communion be offered as a reparation for those who suffer the wars of the world, for the refugees and those who are neglected, for those who are discarded, forgotten and forsaken, without even a degree of love moving in the consciousnesses of those who see them. 

This is why reparation is necessary for Justice to be placated, so that Mercy, My last Mercy, may act and work in souls. 

May this Communion nourish life. May this Eucharist strengthen hearts and encourage them to move on, just as your Master moved on at each step of Calvary up to Golgotha, without losing the faith of fulfilling the Will of God. In each nail received in My Body, at each whipping that tore out My own flesh, in the very Crowning of Thorns, in the insults and rejections from all those in whom I had worked miracles. 

Everything must be repaired so that the time of the Promised Land, the new Eden, may come. 


O Adonai,
You, Who see the errors of the world and their consequences, 
contemplate for a moment all those who follow You
and have faith in Your Unfathomable Presence. 

Pour out Your Love upon the consistent 
but, above all, Adonai, 
pour out Your Love upon those who are condemned. 

May the price of My Blood not be in vain.

May the codes of My Love,
which are Yours and come from the Source, 
heal, redeem and nourish the souls that, 
lost of their spiritual filiation to You, need You, Lord.

Adonai, embrace all with Your Mantle, 
just as this wind of Montserrat 
embraces all with its softness and purity.

Adonai, do not close the door of Your Mercy, 
but rather let Your Mercy be perpetuated in all those
who supplicate for Mercy for the sake of My Sorrowful Passion.

Adonai, just as on the top of Mount Calvary, 
You saw the great offense and sin of the world, 
and Your Love descended and acted with the power
of all stars and all suns.

Thus, the universe was moved 
by the descent of Your Love, 
and in this way, everything was liberated and closed
so that, in the Resurrection of Your Son,
You, Adonai, might bear witness to Your Love 
and Triumph in the world.

O Adonai, Sacred Father, 
Omnipotent and Sovereign Creator, 
may all vivify You, 
may all be a part of Your Sidereal Existence. 
May many more do it
and have the Grace of living it 
so that, in the end of times, all Your Children,
together with Your Favorite Son, 
may reestablish the union between Heaven and Earth,
and may establish the One Thousand Years of Peace, 
through the Supper of Redemption,
when I will break the bread again
and consecrate the wine in Your Name, Adonai, 
so that all may begin from scratch, 
and all may be renewed forever. 



In this way, after these three days of impulses and confessions of My Heart, I prepare you for the month of August. 

Go in peace. 

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Dear children,

May the Peace of Christ be with you.

At this time, seek to strengthen your union with My Son, thus, allowing the Immaterial Laws to come into your lives, and your consciousnesses to be withdrawn from the current of chaos and attacks.

At this time, My children, you must carry forward truth and sincerity with My Son so that He may make of you souls of charity, mercy and goodness.

Continue praying the Holy Rosary daily, because in the prayer of the Rosary, you will find the ladder of Light that will elevate you and remove you from any danger.

From Heaven, I have been accompanying the moment that the planet continues to go through. The more works of good and peace that are carried out, the greater will be the Graces that humanity will receive, even if it does not deserve them.

Children, use discernment, use the word correctly, may nothing be wasted.

Be people of love and kindness.

Live the message of My Son and thus the world will be safe by the presence of the holiness of souls.

Recognize My Son in your fellow beings.

Awaken your virtues and talents.

Be ambassadors of peace and no longer live hatred, revenge or discord.

Be more merciful, and Divine Mercy will reach the world.

I give you My maternal blessing so that you do not become discouraged.

If you are in Christ, in Christ you will achieve your redemption and conversion. Go ahead!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Atlantis, a civilization that disappeared

In ancient times, long before the birth of Jesus, there existed upon the planet a civilization after Lemuria, that stood out for its intuition, for its inner contact and its contact with the Universe.

Its spiritual and material advancements were greater than those of the humanity of today.

This civilization was concentrated in the Atlantic Ocean, within a geography which, in the times of today, no longer exists because, every certain number of thousands of years, the planet lives its geological transformation.

Atlantis was born from a population that came long before the Vikings, those consciousnesses that, in an evolutionary way, conquered and got to know the seas and the great oceans through experiences that the human being gradually contacted, by means of navigating the oceans.

Atlantis first developed as a village of fishers in one of the various islands of the Atlantic Ocean; some of them, after their geological transformation, are now a  part of the Caribbean Sea.

Atlantis was not in the Caribbean Sea, but rather near the region more toward the center of the Atlantic Ocean and in the horizontal parallel of the African coasts.

Another part of the old Atlantis, which geographically remained of it, is today found in what you know as the Canary Islands, the Great Canary Island, Lanzarote, Tenerife, etc.

In this way, you will be able to understand how the “Great Atlantis” lived a great transformation, from being a minor people to becoming a civilization that rose amidst a chain of exotic and unpopulated islands.

Atlantis developed a material and structural expansion that was very advanced for those times, times that could not count on great or deep knowledge.

It was a civilization similar to the human race that exists today; with the sole difference that, in its splendor, it was surrounded by fewer elements or factors that could compromise it.

Atlantis rose within a group of islands that came from old volcanoes that, at that point, were inactive. Within the project foreseen for Atlantis was the spiritual proposal that the intuitive and spiritual knowledge and development attained by Atlantis should expand to the following generations, without the need for the human beings to begin again in order to learn what they many times did not learn.

In Atlantis, there were consciousnesses with extremely high virtues, which later became concrete as ideas and projects that allowed the civilization to quickly advance.

Among these virtues, there were gifts of Priests, Priestesses, Scientists, Healers, Governors, Mirrors and Warriors, from which the Warriors spontaneously stood out for their intuitive capacity to watch and stand vigil for the sacred, as well as for the islands.

Atlantis was a civilization that fluidly lived contact with the cosmos, being able to know much more than that which today the scientists of the world know and that which the satellites capture.

With this, we can see and understand how Atlantis stood out for its experience in spirituality and the contact with non-material laws, which have always been available for the awakening of humanity.

In this way, the Atlantean civilization gradually grew in spiritual, scientific and healing experiences.

The entire civilization was benefitted by that which a circle of representatives of the people, who were the founders of Atlantis, lived from the first times.

Many have wondered throughout the ages what the reason was for the total disappearance of Atlantis.

In truth, before this event took place, the true beings of contact, during seven different periods of time, before the great disappearance of Atlantis, were informed and warned, as today humanity is warned, that it was urgent to change certain actions and powers that the consciousnesses believed they had.

The spiritual skill that Atlantis had attained as voltage and experience was extremely high. But, in all that, duality and the human desire for power over others came into action.

There was a moment in which only a smaller percentage managed to perceive the urgency of the warnings, and due to this they abandoned the islands of Atlantis, taking refuge in what is today South America.

But the majority became completely blinded by ambition, by power and by the manipulation of energy, which brought to the civilization certain undue practices, and those generated a vortex of great physical, mental and spiritual imbalance.

All this movement activated a chain of all the volcanoes that were inactive. In total, there were seven volcanoes that awoke and, in a surprising way, without much time to act, they generated the known cataclysm of Atlantis.

The islands were swallowed by the ocean and fire, and all that was within them disappeared, without the possibility of doing anything.

A severe Universal Law corrected the entire Atlantean consciousness and those who responded to the warnings were saved, and they later re-created their peoples under new experiences.

From this, the Indigenous peoples were born, who In South America and throughout the times, gradually inhabited the altitudes and the plains.

The example of the civilization of Atlantis demonstrates that no consciousness has power over anything and that, where there is not humility, divestment and love, everything could become dangerous.

For this reason, Christ came to give this message to the whole world, so that souls could always remember the Law of the Hierarchy and, above all, the presence of a non-possessive and non-personal love; of a fraternal love, charitable and just for the experiences of life.

I thank you for attentively reflecting upon this story!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From the Spiritual Book of the Secrets of God - Part I

And it was at that time when your Master and Lord, after having walked together with the twelve, called three of His apostles to climb the mount Tabor and, under a divine, solar and cosmic point, they got to know the real Face of the Son of God.

Today, I tell you that not only the three apostles got to know who I really was, but also many more consciousnesses participated in that event in which, through a crossing and a perfect union between Heaven and Earth, a great portal was opened and thus Moses and Elijah appeared, showing their transfigured aspects to the three apostles.

At this moment, a kind of spiritual alchemy and a fusion of non-material Laws were established to sustain that important luminous manifestation of the real aspect of the Son of God.

It was on the top of mount Tabor and for one time that My people saw their Lord in His glorified and cosmic aspect, an aspect He had conceived before incarnating in this world as the Messiah.

During that occurrence, all atoms and cells of your Master shined and, through His ethereal Body, He showed His transfigured aspect as a vision to the apostles and to all who were present there.

For a moment, the spiritual Universe granted the revelation of this secret, which nobody had known until that moment, because the purpose of such a revelation was so that those closest to the Redeemer would be strengthened so that, when the most complex tests would come, to the life of each one of them, as they shall come to each one of you, they could learn to deepen into love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Trust in God and in His Plan beyond all things. Seek the foundation and renewal of love within yourself above all events, inside and outside of yourself.

The planet has already begun its period of purification, and your inner world will also see emerge those things that you have not wanted to see and alter within yourself.

Know that everything will happen for a higher good, for the establishment of a new life. And simply let your heart flow with the Laws that will begin to establish themselves in the world, in spite of their being invisible to the human eye, because they come from a universal and divine reality.

May this cycle be marked by faith and by the love for the Plan of God, in the certainty that every transformation occurs so that this Will may be accomplished.

Do not lose sight of this Greater Love, this purpose that comes from the Father and, with gratitude, focus your living heart on the present, going through each instant without losing the aspiration to love, without losing the hope that love is the first Law that will govern life on Earth. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Come close to Me and I will take you to the Non-material Source of My Graces, a place in which you will wash your feet, your hands and your head to purify and re-consecrate yourself.

Stay in that Source so that your soul may be renewed and, as a result, all of humanity may be renewed because of your having achieved redemption.

Stay in My Non-material Source so that your being may be sublimated and find the sense of My Non-material Laws.

Stay in My Source so that everthing within may be healed, and what is most old and deep may be freed, so that the essence of the new being may be born.

Stay at My side after having purified yourself. Smile at life and you will experience a renewal.

Stay submerged within My Silence so that, finding within your being the Truth of God, you may participate in the communion with divine life, and also renew the path of apostolate and service to humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


When God thinks about human beings, He remembers His beloved children, fruits of His most pure aspiration to grow in love and to renew all Life into a greater Love.

When God thinks about human beings, He contemplates all the movements that have happened in the Universe, as on Earth, in order for His creatures to have an opportunity to love, and how these events made all Life, beyond what you know, transform and leave the point in which it was.

When God thinks about humanity, He remembers the Sacrifice of His Son, Who expressed with plenitude what it means to be a human being, and this fills His Heart with a divine hope that renews Him; waiting for His triumph in the heart of humankind.

When God thinks about humanity, He contemplates the true effort of His children and searches all the merits reached by them, so that by means of the acting of the Universal Laws, the human beings receive His Grace and His Mercy, infinitely.

When God thinks about humanity, He thinks about what the human beings really are. The Eyes of God contemplate the world and see what it is, and not what it seems to be.

The Eyes of God contemplate the world and with compassion He aspires that humankind may one day see through His Eyes, and may live the Revelation of what Life really is.

In your prayers, place your eyes inside the Eyes of God, to find inside of you the Truth; to look at your brothers and sisters and see what they really are; to wake up every day and know that the life on Earth is a Grace conceded by the Universe, for it to be part of the Renovation of God. And for this, children, it is enough to love, it is enough to renovate and to overcome yourselves in love, every day. 

Place your eyes on the Gaze of God, if only a little, and cry out for the grace of knowing how to see with eyes full of Truth. Because in these times of illusions and  obscurity, in order not to get lost on the path, children, you should not only be with your hearts in God, but with your eyes in His Gaze and consciousness inside of His Truth.

You have My blessing you for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


AURORA, the new dawn…

May the lukewarm of heart move away, because Aurora returns to rise within those who believed in it from the beginning.

May the unrighteous who did not know how to recognize Aurora be redeemed, because the time will come when the Blue Aurora will shine in the firmament of this world.

Aurora is the ray that separates good from evil.

Aurora is the shield that repels the attacks of the darkness, but its fire can incinerate everything that it touches.

To surrender to Aurora is a goal. To unite to Aurora is a purpose.

That is why Aurora emanates its healing Source of light to reverse all inner evils. Happy will be those who let themselves be molded by its fire, because Aurora will make of each soul a precious triumph to God.

While you can, let yourselves be defeated by the powerful current of Aurora and your bonds with the world will be broken, your most resistant chains will be liberated, and you will receive a breath of the divine fire of Aurora.

Do not try to understand where its power comes from. Unite to the blazing flame of Aurora and you will forge of yourselves a true and unbreakable soldier of light.

Make way, recline your heads and revere the Kingdom of Aurora, because its maternal and feminine spirit will overcome all acute battles of these times.

Let no human being on the surface of Earth try to defeat Aurora, because they will be pushed by its incomprehensible magnetism of light; as some who were here before and were expelled far away from Aurora for arrogance or power.

Know it well, Aurora is the manifested Power of the Father.

Aurora is the concrete Will that transmutes all forms. It will be of no use to oppose it, because you will lose essence and energy.

Aurora has the gift of resurrecting the dead in life.

Aurora has the virtue of awakening those who are most separated from the Love of God and from Truth.

But Aurora does not hold back the hard-hearted and the greedy minded, since Aurora does not communicate with any power of human use.

Aurora is distant from the material, since its Laws are immaterial and are integral to its inner essence.

Aurora does not protect the false ones, nor does it stimulate the honor of the cold of heart.

Its fire is power. Its flame is redemption.

Aurora is an unknown Consciousness, but who loves it will end up knowing it and understanding it.

Aurora is the refuge of the humble and is the dwelling place of the wounded spirits.

Aurora is the star that renews consciousness, but it is also the banner of barefoot servants of God.

Aurora is the Divine Essence in the manifestation of God. It is the sacred healing current that impregnates and renews everything.

Aurora can be part of a being and a being can be part of Aurora; and thus, the inner communion with the Brotherhood is established.

Aurora dawns today and shows its great Mirror, the one that reflects to the souls the message of redemption and of love.

Aurora awakens from its deep dream and now, with all its infinite Consciousness.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Aurora, the inner Sun that rises again

Aurora is the inner Sun that rises again, it is the sun that rises in the inner universe of those who invoke it.

Aurora is that Sun that dispels the darkness and brings spiritual healing to all souls.

Aurora is that Sun that never dies, because it is an eternal Sun.

Aurora is the fire that unifies all things, it is the flame that consumes opposing currents.

Aurora is that Sun that pierces through the abysses of consciousness, it is the mysterious force of God that exorcizes all everything.

Aurora is the magnet that attracts Laws of healing and of forgiveness for the beings of the Earth.

Aurora is that shooting star that illuminates everything.

From Aurora emerges the Fount of reparation for terrestrial creatures, because Aurora works through love and redemption.

Aurora is not yet known or understood.

Aurora precedes the existence of this world. It comes from a special spiritual conception, this makes Aurora a sacred and immaculate place and all those who arrive at Aurora must open their hearts in order to be impregnated and radiated by it.

Aurora is that unknown Sun that eternally shines; it is the light which does not let the night happen; it is that fleeting flame that illumines the inner worlds.

All those who arrive at Aurora, simple of heart and pure of intention, are worked upon by this sacred Sun of Aurora.

Aurora has no limits, but it does have doors. It communicates from heart to heart and activates the inner senses, which are not human senses, to establish a communication between the consciousness and God.

Aurora is that Sun that concentrates principles, experiences, and results of high degrees of love that it holds within itself.

Aurora is born from a mystery, but vibrates like a musical note in the Universe, it awakens the will to serve and to live a sacrifice for others.

Aurora survives in this time because it lives love, and this makes it strong and persevering together with the warriors that are part of it.

Aurora forges the truth of the heart and repels the false. It takes in the sick and heals the miserable, frees the oppressed and removes the self-imprisoned from the abyss.

Aurora grants an intangible but long-lasting Grace. It accompanies the humble and strengthens the faith in the tepid of heart.

Aurora is transparency; it repels liars and imprisons manipulators.

Aurora is a concrete and fair Law, for this it was created.

Its essence is the Will-Power of God and its unbreakable spirit is infinite love.

Aurora is the path for the redemption of those who say “yes”.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Los Cocos, Cordoba, to the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today, I take you all to the moment of the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, a moment in which the incarnated Divine Son brought to humanity of that time the faith in the one and only God. 

Through the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, the human consciousness learned to recognize the presence of the sacred Will of the Creator through Christ, which must be irrefutable and broadly accepted by all human beings. In this way, the human consciousness will be free of constant errors and full of the Will of God.

That was how the Divine Son, with His Presence in Egypt, brought to that time the dissolution of atheism and through christic energy, the establishment of an inner and sacramental union with the Almighty.

The presence of the Sacred Family in Egypt marked a before and an after for that ancient people, accustomed to a superficial and pagan form of belief.

The Divine Son in Egypt, even being silently small, brought to the world the possibility of understanding and living the spiritual vision in an evolutionary sense rather than that of appropriation, such as the Egyptians conceived the stars of the universe to be.

The Presence of the little Child Jesus brought order to the system of beliefs and also to the universal cosmic vision; because He, in that time, manifested the correct alignment with Laws and with Rays.

Jesus opened the source of renewal upon the planet, so that consciousnesses could be healed and given relief from their suffering.

He gathered together all the consciousnesses of various paths and placed them in the Hands of the Eternal Father, so that they could have the opportunity of feeling the Love of God and thus recover their affiliation with Creation.

The presence of the Sacred Family generated the spiritual rebirth of the origins of this Project, so that the human race of those times could recover the principles of this school of love and of forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the district of Los Cocos, Cordoba, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I take you with Me to Mount Tabor so that on this day we may remember the sublime Transfiguration of Jesus, a divine and at the same time cosmic revelation that the Sacred Son brought to the Apostles.

The Transfiguration of Jesus was the perfect and cosmic symbol that, on experiencing changes in consciousness, it is possible to reach very high states of illumination. 

Through the Transfiguration of His Divine Person, Jesus not only showed the spiritual reality that the human beings of this surface have in them, but He also brought continuity to the previous illumination of the Master Siddhartha.

It is thus that Siddhartha, in the past and by means of His illumination, demonstrated to the world the first step for transcending suffering. Jesus, the Christ, by means of the Transfiguration, brought to the world the divine knowledge that it is possible to transcend the state of suffering and reach a sublime elevation of the consciousness through a perfect communion and integration with the Divine Source.

On Mount Tabor, My Beloved Son revealed the knowledge of the non-material Laws that vibrate and are active in this Material Universe.

It was in this way that Jesus taught His Apostles about the true spiritual consciousness that we acquire at the moment of our conception in the sacred Reservoirs of the Source, and how from there the first steps of the experiences of love and of redemption, which this Material Universe offers us, begin to be cultivated in our essences.

But on Mount Tabor, Jesus also taught how to place oneself above all suffering or experience, focusing the consciousness within an objective state and with the gaze constantly on the Divine Purpose.

Through the Transfiguration of Jesus, My Son gave the human race the possibility of walking above suffering without entering into it, through the awareness of the love that opens the door to the healing of consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Santa Fé, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through the act of consecration of new clergy, My Son is able to move forward with His Work of redemption on the planet, because from the consecration of new souls to the Sacred Heart, this creates a spiritual bridge by which humanity can be aided through a most powerful Grace.

It is thus that the act of consecration of new clergy in this cycle represents the deactivation of global human illusion and of all that leads souls into separating themselves from the Love of God.

That is why, when such a new soul consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ, giving and surrendering its life to the life of the spirit, it must be kept in mind that this consciousness, as from the moment of its consecration, enters into another Law, and in this way, is separated from the continuous tendency of the race to open doors to damnation.

It is through the young souls that are consecrated that your Heavenly Mother has the permission to intercede and to bring from the Universe, great flows of Grace to be given and poured out in impossible situations and in irreversible cases.

All this is possible when souls recently consecrated to My Son accept entering the Christic path and in this way, in the name of Christ, take on suffering and sacrifices so that the planet and its humanity may have a new opportunity.

The path of consecration to Christ is one of the paths to the sanctity of life and the conversion of the spirit of each being.

Consecration represents, in this time, one of the principal means by which Christ is able to concretize the Plan of Rescue.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Each time that I visit some nation to pour My extraordinary Graces over it, first I must liberate it from the greater forces that have imprisoned it for a long time.

For that, My children, your Heavenly Mother uses the Mirrors of prayer, those that open each time souls sincerely unite with Me.

In this way, a great portal is established through which all that is impure and malignant is transmuted and elevated in dimension, far from the planet.

This task, which is occult and deeply spiritual, is done through the human instruments that I have chosen for this purpose; it is a mission that goes beyond the understanding of the consciousness; in turn, the soul that is chosen by Me to help Me in this spiritual task can no longer have personal will, because in that being, in that soul, non-material laws are in action.

It is in this way, dear children, that today I teach you to value the sacrifice and the renunciation for which you will never receive a reward or merit, since it is a task of absolute surrender to the Plan of God.

It is the same case as those consciousnesses that receive stigmata from My Son to fulfill a mission of redemption for humanity.

Open to this mystery, dear children, at this time I invite you to offer all that satisfies you and that promotes human freedom. My wish is that My apostles, on living the sacrifice of their lives, know that they will lose nothing, but on the contrary, will be able to be inwardly closer to Divine Will, something that humanity does not live and for which it suffers and suffers.

Today I leave you this reflection so that you may renew yourselves through it every day.

The server of Christ is where they are called, and above all, where they are needed.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
