My children,
Praise be always Our Lord Jesus Christ.
My beloveds, I thank you for responding with promptness to My call. The trust of My children allows My Heart to reach the most distant souls. Each time that your small beings take one more step in the commitment you have to Me, you allow the Lord to open the path for My Heart to be among you for a longer time.
Therefore, My children, I ask you day and night to trust My Words, My guidance, that you follow without fear the path indicated by My Heart, because you will soon understand where I am taking you with My steps of Pilgrim.
The trust in My Heart will lead you to a total transformation of the heart, mind and spirit. I lead you to the redemption of life and teach you to be intercessors before God, as I am for the souls.
I am forming in your hearts a fortress of faith, for when My feet can no longer rest upon the Earth and My Word will not be so near to your beings.
Through faith you will always find Me in your hearts, and this same faith will lead you to pray for your brothers and sisters, so that, up to the last moment of your lives you will be fighting for the salvation of the most lost souls.
For My Heart to be able to bring to the Heavens even the last of the souls that are in this world, I will need many intercessors with a flame of devotion ignited in the heart. This is built now, when My feet are still on the Earth, when My Word, through My visionaries can directly reach your hearts and your beings.
Build in this time, in which you live so near to Me, the full trust in My Mother's Heart. Trust My Presence and My Words and do not fear to respond to My call, wherever it takes you.
The Lord observes you and, through the answer of your consciousnesses, I may intervene, more or less, for the world and for the souls. Your love, your prayers and your actions dictate My steps. If you understood the importance of these words you would change the course of your lives and you would have the focus of your hearts on My Immaculate Heart.
I leave this simple reflection so your beings may meditate on the actions of your own lives, on the love you are capable of living and on the word you emit. Observe, from the heart, always from the heart, if you are capable of taking the steps in the transformation of your being, for the salvation of souls, of the Kingdoms and of the world.
My Heart accompanies you with Love and will always be beside your beings.
Thanks for listening to My call to the trust of the heart.
Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace
Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.
Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.
Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.
Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.
Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.
As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.
I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.
Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.
I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.
Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.
I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.
I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.
Who loves you, mercifully,
Mary, Queen of Peace
From the Heart of the Universe today I come to your encounter. In the name of Jesus, My Maternal Soul comes to heal and restore hearts.
Dear children,
Today I invite you again to enter into My Immaculate Heart so that your inner dwellings, in spite of everything, may be able to find, see and feel the Omnipotent Presence of God. If you only enter into My Immaculate and Maternal Heart your little lives will be quenching the great thirst that My Son has for all souls.
My children, that today your hearts may be fountains that emanate love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear children, that your essences may be as the inexhaustible waters that, converted into rivers of Mercy, may quench the thirst for love and peace of all the souls of the world by means of service.
As the Mother of the Universe and of the Earth, today I come to manifest My Love to you in a time of great changes in the consciousnesses and in the life of all My children.
Little children, in the face of the great faults that are committed day to day by humanity, today I invite you to consider your lives of prayer to be an exercise that may repair the Kingdom of the Heavens. Therefore, may your lives never forget to find the inner child, because in this way My Son will pour over you the Gifts and Graces of Redemption and Mercy.
If the world simply prayed a little more, the Light of the Most High would be another fountain that would calm the thirst of all His children. But as long as there are hearts that are closed to My Maternal Call, all that will be left to My children is to grow, as a seed grows from within the earth. But this seed must not lack the Water of Life , the inexhaustible fountain that causes the true hearts to emerge in the creatures.
My venerable children, I am here to teach you to walk under the Love of God and so that your eyes may not lose sight of Mercy on the horizon.
Dear children, today I invite you to love the Creation as God has manifested it for all, and this will begin through your love for the magnificence of the Kingdoms of the Lord.
Praying with fervor for this world, I call you so that during this day you may remain in My Maternal Kingdom of Love, because you need it, as does humanity. Therefore today let us flood with love the hearts that are empty and without God.
You still have time to change from the heart! For this I am with you!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.
Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.
For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.
In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.
Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.
Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.
When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Continue to pray every day because the supplication of humanity is being heard.
My children,
With all of you in the center of My Immaculate Heart, today I call you to prepare yourselves by means of the vigil of prayer that all My children are being called to carry out tomorrow, on the 11th.
Dear children, God is receiving true impulses of love from all of you. I invite you to continue praying for the world. My Immaculate Heart elevates the pleas of all My children, and God, in His Infinite Mercy, contemplates the love of all His children.
Dear children, go forward, go forward! And do not stop the victorious art of prayer. This is the time to share, your prayer is equivalent to the charity of many hands. With the coming of My Son everyone will be able to be touched by the Mercy of the Redeemer.
It is time to propagate the importance of praying with love for the redemption of all My children. You, My little ones, have received the greatest instrument from the Universe of God and this instrument is called the “prayer of the heart.”
And today, extending My merciful arms and My Mantle of Light on all who need it, I ask you to continue through the Christian path that is being built from your hearts.
My Son, under the High Glory of God, contemplates you with His Eyes of compassion. He invites you to work for Celestial Peace and, in the name of this Celestial Peace, it is time to help the world, the Kingdoms and humanity.
May the Holy Spirit be the flame of wisdom in the hearts of all My children. I will accompany you always, and whenever you allow Me to, because I love you.
In the Merciful Love, praised be the Redeemer!
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Peace! Peace! Peace in the hearts of all My children! Come to My Kingdom because in this place of love and peace My Immaculate Heart will heal you. Open your arms and receive from My Heart the flame that will illuminate you to travel the new path with My Son, a path called Redemption.
Dear children,
May your hearts rejoice because My Immaculate Peace is with each one of you. Know well that all your prayers count a lot in the universe, especially the prayers that are born from the essence of the heart.
Today I ask that you wait for Me in prayer each day. If so, My merciful eyes will contemplate you preparing the salvation of all the essences of God.
The world waits for your prayers and so do My children that do not pray. Therefore, contemplate with Mercy each one of the Kingdoms created by the wise Hands of God and know that they need all My children who are on Earth.
You, dear children, have the primordial key of the prayer of the heart, which will open the Sources of the Heavens so that more Mercy may descend.
My children, you have in your hands the possibility of mak- ing the decision for a new life. My Son Jesus, the Most High Guardian of all the hearts, waits for you so that, united in vigil and in prayer, you may help the heart of all the souls who are deaf and do not hear the Voice of My Heart.
I thank you for your persistence. Walk towards the Light, forgetting the past with love so that your spirit may be reborn.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As I am a mediating Mother between the souls and God, today I ask you, dear children, to consecrate your lives in a definitive way to the Plan of God, a Plan of Love that Our Lord has for each one of you.
For this, My children, awaken today and see with the eyes of the heart all the goodness and the Mercy that My Son is giving you through the Mother of Peace.
Dear children, you know that humanity needs Mercy daily. For this reason I invite you to remember in each moment the presence of the Heart of Jesus in the world and especially His awaited return. With your hearts open, today I also invite you to remain in the arms of God, the Creator, so that each one of My children may be able to find support and firmness to face the steps of the transformation of the heart.
Your lives and the whole world are going through great changes, changes that are watched from the Heavens and that are accompanied by the eternal giving of Jesus, of His Sacred Heart, and by the surrender I make to you by means of My Immaculate Heart.
With this I want to tell you not to lose the aspiration of fulfilling the Purpose of God, because the changes call you to transform the feeling and the inner consciousness, leading to a spirit of total collaboration with the Divine Works of the Father.
My children, in this sense it is necessary that more souls be able to adhere to the celestial proposal that God suggests to you through My Maternal Heart and My daily call to each one of you.
My Maternal Heart waits for you so that, in alliance with Christ, the world may be able to shine as the true gift created by God with His Hands, and that He gave to you out of love.
All My children are faithfully co-responsible for the manifestation of the Creator. The time has come to repair the faults and to pray for all of Creation, and even more for that which has suffered unconscious interference from humanity.
Today place all the Kingdoms of Nature in your prayers. They expect harmonious giving from you. Let us repair, in the name of the Love of My Son, all that which needs to be repaired.
Let us pray with the heart. This is your commitment with the One and Only.
I thank you!
Thank you for helping all the Kingdoms of the Creation of God.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Opening My arms once more, today I tell you, dear children, that if you are like children and come to Me you will be in the new paradise of God. Day by day the world uses up the precious resources that God has given you through each one of the Kingdoms of Nature.
My children, the time of outrages against the Kingdoms will end and humanity must account for everything it has received from the Hands of the Creator. It is time for pride to disappear from the hearts of My children so that the true Peace of God may dwell in the lives of all My children.
I ask you to be strong in the prayer of the heart so that the Celestial Grace may be able to convert and repair every offense of humanity towards God.
Dear children, this is a time of transition that your lives are going through, these are no longer normal times. I call you to the awakening so that your hearts may be able to face each event in the world and you, as servants of My Son, participate in everything, collaborating with the sincere prayer I ask from you, a prayer that may be a source of love for all.
In this way, My children, you will be able to perpetually have the presence of My Son Jesus in your souls and in your hearts. You, who are more open to the prayer of the heart, must convert yourselves, not only to sanctity, but also into servers of the blind humanity.
Know, My children, that the Grace of Reparation is in your hands and it comes by means of the prayer done with the heart. If I repeat this, it is because you still need to practice My requests more.
I thank you for your response!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Pray every day with the loving voice of the heart and thus, dear children, you will be responding to the call of God.
Pray with love and devotion because in this way, My children, the Merciful Heavens may save many souls that suffer and live immersed in the pain of life and of the heart.
Pray for the conversion and total forgiveness of the world so that the Highest God listens to you and so that He knows that you want, as a humanity, to be in His Celestial Grace.
Dear children, pray for love of all the little children who, abandoned, need the strength of all prayers to direct again their eyes to the Creator God, God of love and truth.
Pray for all the causes that day by day are unfair to the Heavens and that compromise the free walk of the hearts.
Pray for peace so that the Angels of the Lord may help all the souls that, lost, must have the hope of entering to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Pray for the planet and for all the tiny kingdoms that belong to the Creator God and which are offended by the hands of humanity.
Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit so that through the heart of God this blessed Spirit changes and transforms the consciousness of all souls, for the glory and good of God.
Pray for the presence of Divine Mercy, necessary and urgent for the life of many children that, step by step, distance themselves from God. Their own decisions in life deviate their souls and the enemy incarcerates them in a prison of eternity.
Pray for the immediate arrival of Christ on Earth and to humanity so that the Will of the Father is fulfilled and thus your hearts will be prepared for the time when the Son of God returns among the clouds.
Pray for the conversion of those that have been offending God for so long and for those who do not pray to My Immaculate Heart.
In so many prayers and offers on the part of My children, those who hear Me, I will be eternally grateful.
Thank you for answering My call.
May the Light of God be on all hearts.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Rejoice your heart for the Graces that it receives in My Maternal Presence.
Dear children,
The Lord be with all your souls so that life may be nourished with the Benevolent Love of My Son.
My little ones, today I invite you to contemplate and to under- stand with the heart the union with My Son in the commu- nion. There you will find the restoration that the soul needs for its life, as well as the love that can give you the strength to continue on the path of consecration.
Dear children, it is important for these times that you be before the presence of Christ just as you are in your hearts, in your feelings and in your thoughts. He knows you deeply, but beyond all, He loves you with compassion.
Therefore, dear children, in Jesus Christ you will find the path towards the Temple of God. He calls you to share the love of your hearts over all My children that are distant from love and from true peace. Christ wants to see you in service and in giving so that together with His Most Holy and Merciful Heart, the world may be relieved from its own weight.
See well, little children, God the Father has given you a treasure and a gift that He emanated from the center of His Creation, and this present is the Earth, the Planet on which you live. For this reason, My little ones, not only the time of Grace for all souls has come, but also for My tiny Kingdoms of Nature which form part of the life of Creation.
It is up to you, dear souls, to restore with love and braveness what humanity has destroyed in the Kingdoms.
I invite you to be in contemplation before My Son so that His Heart may permeate you and may give you wisdom. In this way you will be able to collaborate in the salvation of all souls and of all the Kingdoms of Nature.
I am the Mother and Guardian of all of you. I am the Servant of the Creator. Today I want you to imitate My path: the pathway towards the peace of the heart.
May God save the Kingdoms!
My Heart cries out for humanity!
In the Blessing of God,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I give you My Heart today so that you may love it, may keep it in your dwellings, and may adore it. This Immaculate Heart of Mine will give you life, will guide you in your path and will bring you to the merciful throne of God.
I am, for your souls, the Great Universal Mother, the One who waits for you to unite to My Heart of Love so that in this way you may receive My Peace. In My Kingdom of Peace you shall remain when you merge yourself with Me under the powerful spirit of prayer.
Pray! Pray! Pray much because, every day, new and precious souls of men, women, children, older people, and the Kingdoms of Nature, are lost.
This is why, My dear ones, it is urgent to pray so that the Divine Compassion of My Son may soften the Greater Law.
To accomplish the mission of reconversion of the tepid souls, My dear children, you must love above all things, Divine Mercy, a divine mystery that by its works is radiating itself to the whole world. Embrace the flame of My Heart so that My Immaculate Soul may guide you in this praying mission.
And from today on, My children, revere the life that the Lord has given to you in this final time. Therefore, love with confidence the Will of the Lord.
I carry you all in My Heart. Who loves you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more