Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the immaterial staircase to the Heavens. This is the path of ascension that I offer to the souls that decide to be with Me in this time, a preparatory preamble to the Return of the Redeemer.

Do the souls that follow Me perceive this spiritual offering that I make to them?

Because to climb the first part of this spiritual and celestial staircase, the first step for the souls that follow Me is the divestment of the self, the total emptying of any intention and absolute humbling, in order to understand, under the Humility of God, what your Master and Lord offers to you in this time as spiritual steps toward the ascension of consciousness.

Even while you live on this surface, even while you still live known and unknown experiences, this celestial staircase towards the Heavens, I offer to the souls that have understood the Path of the Lord and have decided to follow it under the precepts of My Divine Will. Because this spiritual and celestial staircase will always lead you toward the unknown, to all that which you cannot touch with your own hands, it will lead you to all that which you cannot see with your own physical eyes, but which each being will be able to understand with their heart and essence.

These are the abstract mysteries of God that are presented to the souls of the world. The choice of following this path of ascension depends on each heart and soul; for what awaits you after the portal that leads and guides you to the Heavens, is something wonderful and unknown.

For this reason, companions, souls are looking at this time, and through different paths, for an answer that does not exist externally, but in the interior, they are looking for a solution in what is material, whereas in truth, the solution lies in what is spiritual. There lies the answer that many times you seek and cannot find.

But in truth I tell you that not all will understand, because you will never know it all until you definitively achieve this divestment that is so expected by the Eternal Father, which will lead you to understand, with a different awareness and perspective, the same spiritual and material reality that the Hierarchy lives.

It is in this universal and unique view, in the view of the Spiritual Hierarchy, that souls will be able to understand and learn in what direction the Hierarchy has decided to walk, and what is the path drawn by the Will of God for these times. But unfortunately, in this end time, souls decide to place their minds and hearts on other paths that are not My Paths, but rather the paths of the world.

Each soul and heart of this humanity has their place to live their experience, but also their path, which is already written by the Eternal Father Himself.

As long as souls do not decide to follow the Path of the Lord, they will not only be wasting time that is precious to God, but you will also miss the opportunity to find for yourselves the treasures of Heaven, those spiritual and inner treasures that I keep in My Sacred Heart as an abundant and inexhaustible Source for souls, a Source of Graces and Mercies.

Do you now understand where the gaze of the world is, what the eyes of this humanity observe?

Because while the events precipitate on the planet, the guardian angels, sent by the Celestial Thrones, wait for souls to decide to take the first step and climb to the first part of this spiritual and celestial staircase.

The angelic procession is ready for this moment. But time has an end, just as time has a beginning. This is the moment not to delay and not to miss the opportunities of the universe. Because these opportunities, granted to souls, pass as a sacred impulse just once, expecting that many more may give a response.

This is why I come as the Lord of the Universe and Life because, by the Grace that the Eternal Father has granted Me, I can know the Purpose for each being.

Meanwhile, I will be here, waiting for the last ones, who were called to ascend through this spiritual and celestial staircase, to understand that we are at the preamble and at the great moment to prepare the Return of Christ for all the Inner Christs of this humanity.

And this will not take place through a miracle. This will take place through the cooperation and collaboration of souls, all those who can open up to learn to recognize the need for service and surrender at each place, especially in the places where you do not even imagine, or even where you least expected, because God writes just as He has determined.

Nothing is by chance for God. For God, there are only causes and motives, there are determinations and reasons for Him to concretize His Will through souls, through those who have decided to follow Him in fidelity, in Love, without conditions.

Today, the Hierarchy starts its second and last stage of pilgrimage in North America. This is the moment when the effort of all apostles will be seen. An effort that is not measured nor is it a constrained effort; it is a mature effort of someone who understands they are with Christ and for Christ, because they know that their life is a path of constant self-giving, to unite and merge with Christ, into His Essence of Love-Wisdom.

This is what I need from all My disciples, each one knows the ring that corresponds to them within the Work of Redemption.

My Heart will always be your center and guidance, the Source of all inspiration and Grace, the relief for all needs, the Light for the path, on the only path.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy elevate to the Heavens all intentions, through the prayers of all those who are consistent with Christ, those who no longer allow themselves to retrogress, but rather advance, those who clearly know what I need in this time.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy contemplate, through hearts, the sacred intentions of Christ for those He needs to take their steps in this constant quest of the live of consecration and service, so that someday, on this surface of the planet, the apostles and followers of Christ may be ambassadors of peace.

Let us pray, in this Marathon, for Canada to protect and safeguard its spiritual archetype and purpose, especially through the Kingdoms of Nature, which are the living and authentic expression of the Creative Love of the Father, which exists to heal and redeem you, which exists to impel you to self-giving, just as the Lower Kingdoms of Nature have done since the origin of this planet.

My blessing of Peace to all, from Canada to the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the planet at My Feet, being radiated by the Rays of My Merciful Heart.

Behold the souls on this blue planet, within the school of redemption and forgiveness.

I Am a part of this sacred planet. I Am a part of humanity because I was born among you, lived among you, preached to you, and suffered for you, for one cause, because of God’s Love.

This is why, in this new Marathon of Divine Mercy, I want you to contemplate, before yourselves, the planet and all its suffering, so that the Rays of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy, which flow out from My Heart, may embrace the world and souls even more, especially those condemned to the fire of hell.

This is why I speak to you today, and I present Myself to all My companions, all My disciples, from the Sacred Montserrat, where the Voice of God echoes through the inner planes of those who have their hearts open to hear and recognize the Presence of the Lord.

Today I Am here with you once again for the entire planet. For its oceans and Kingdoms, for its forests, mountain ranges and mounts, for all life and all Creation, gravely outraged in this time by the hand of humankind, by the unconsciousness of those who ambition power.

But behold My Unfathomable Heart, which does not cease to pour out its Graces upon the world and upon the whole universe.

Behold the silent Heart of Christ, which suffers the martyrdom and sins of humanity. The Heart of Christ, which once again offers itself for souls; the Heart that opens like a great door so that all, without exception, may cross it. 

My Rays, the Rays of My Heart, need to reach the planet even more, all the terrestrial sphere. Grave are the errors committed in these times, and you already know it. But the change of consciousness is still not happening in the majority but only in the minority.

It is necessary to truly continue praying and commit yourselves with the strength and power of prayer because while this does not happen, greater will be the outrages of the world, greater will be the weight of the Law and its consequences.

This is the moment for you to be radiated by the Light of My Heart, just as I have done many times, out of Love and Mercy.

Do not allow the doors of My Grace to close. Open these doors completely through your consecration and service, not only to the Human Kingdom but also to all the Kingdoms of Nature so that the pain of the most inoffensive Kingdoms of this world may be appeased and relieved, even if through a small or anonymous act. This in itself will greatly relieve the suffering of the world and of the Kingdoms.

So that a New Humanity may be born, so that a new planet may emerge, it is necessary for you to invoke the Law of Healing through prayer, because many wounds must still be healed, many painful events must be dissolved so that the Love of God may triumph in all His Creatures.

In this Marathon, and before the important month of August, when the Spiritual Hierarchy will make new decisions for this Human Project, behold My Merciful Heart, pouring out Blood and Water, through Its Rays, upon this wounded and outraged planet.

May you rise from the abysses.

May the people of Israel rise from the abysses, incessant wayfarers of the desert in search of the Promised Land, which is no longer just a promise but rather a reality.

This is the Earth. This is the planet promised by God for all His Children and Creatures. Value, revere and respect its natural and spiritual riches, for many are the treasures that the inner worlds hold. These are the keys of redemption for all of humanity. They are the new attributes that will emerge from the Inner Kingdoms toward the surface in order to rebuild this whole planet in My Return.

May the old people of Israel come to Me and walk confidently, without losing hope or faith. Even if you see incredible or inexplicable things in this world, do not stop.

May the light of prayer guide your steps and may this pathway, which the light of prayer manifests to you, lead you until you find the Purpose in the innermost depths of your beings. There, you will be in communion with Me and the Father, because in the innermost depths lies the Temple of God, His Home, through the essences of His Children throughout life.

May no one else have the intention of aborting life.

May no one else have the intention of raising a weapon to wound or hurt.

May bombs and weapons no longer be heard among brothers and sisters of the same people or the same race, because I will come to deter all these things, just as I have done in the past.

My signs will not be symbolic but rather forceful. I will mark a line on the ground between the past and the future, between the old time and the New Time, and everything will start from scratch. Therefore, keep walking through My Light in these crucial times of challenges and new experiences.

Although My time with you is now coming to an end, may My Words resound forever so that you may recognize the Voice of the Return of the Lord, which will be heard in the entire universe, just as a storm is heard in the sky.

Thus I prepare you for the last and great time, and through the Presence of My Father, I renew you, and once again give and deliver My Peace to you.

May this Marathon not be lived with a feeling of obligation but rather of spiritual responsibility of the one who is awake and aware that we are in the last hour and in the end time, and that a bead of prayer could deter a war and the destruction of entire peoples, whole lives.

May all those who have consecrated themselves to Me be responsible. You must represent Me in the end of these times, just as My apostles of the past represented Me when I was no longer physically with them. 

But the Spirit of God will never be lacking. It will come just as in the Pentecost, like a blazing flame upon your heads, to give you the Discernment and the Wisdom of God so that you may help other souls and may give of yourselves for them.

Thus, the great change will be a reality rather than a promise. Thus, everything will be transfigured, just as the Lord was transfigured on Mount Tabor.

Be brave and persist. My Heart is close to the consistent. 

I thank you for listening to Me and for recognizing the Lord in the most intimate core of your hearts, where lies divine life for all souls.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In these recent times, I have waited for this moment, to place My Divine Consciousness upon this sacred enclosure of the Hierarchy and of Creation, so that the true spiritual treasures of the United States might emerge on this day, before the inner eyes that are open to perceive them, before the hearts that is open to feel them.

I come to let the world know about these treasures kept in the Grand Canyon of Colorado so that the soul of this nation may remember the Purpose of its formation and existence, so that all those who live here may know that the Spiritual Purpose of the United States is still to be fulfilled, despite the ties of this country with war and conflict, in which it has been dwelling for decades.

I come to place, before humanity and especially before the entire Northern Hemisphere, these Sacred Relics of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, so that as many consciousnesses and souls as possible may drink from this fountain that dwells here, in the deepest and most reverent silence before Creation, through contemplation and inner prayer, capable of entering the spiritual soul of this place, as well as other places in the United States where the Hierarchy silently expresses itself, such as Mount Shasta.

This is why in these definitive times, when the soul of nations compromises with non-evolutionary events, I come tell those open in heart, those who incessantly seek the path of transcendence and ascension, to feel, in the depths of the heart, these sacred energies of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, which expresses an incalculable and infinite history of the love and experience that the original peoples achieved with this universe and this planet.

In this way, I would like you to perceive that this life does not end in that which is material, that true life lies in that which is spiritual and that, from the beginning of this Human Project on Earth, God thought of every detail, so that the human civilization, through its true communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, could connect with the Primordial Source. This is the true service of the Lower Kingdoms, which are so outraged and mistreated by humanity of the surface.

But how great is the love of the Kingdoms of Nature, of the most beautiful landscapes of this world, which, despite all the impacts they receive, continue to give of themselves and surrender for you with an essential goal: that the human being of these times may learn to evolve and awaken.

As I told you, Sacred Relics dwell here, the pure in heart can attune with them and, in this way, find their true origin and the true reason for being incarnated here, in this world, to learn to live the school of love and redemption.

In synthesis, My companions: on this planet, thought of and created by the Creator with the sublime assistance of the Archangels, the Sacred Creator Fathers, the best conditions were created for souls incarnating here to go through their deep spiritual experience and, through this sacred experience, find their purpose and reason for being here in these times and this cycle, to be a part of the expression of the Divine Will of God.

For this reason, In joy and bliss before the Grand Canyon of Colorado, a Sacred Enclosure of love and brotherhood, open your consciousnesses, expand your hearts, so that your spirits may have the opportunity, given to you by your own selves, to live under the Breath of the Spirit, receiving the impulses and cosmic currents that dwell here, and thus you may begin to recover the values that humanity has lost in these times.

This is the main reason for Sacred Enclosures: for souls to remember that they are a star, for inner worlds to know they are inner suns that can shine in this space and time, living their commitment, their lineage and task, to rebuild the conscious and unconscious of this humanity.

And thus, as it happened to the sacred people of Israel, may humanity recover its Original Project, and live the Principles and the Law of Creation so as to begin now to gestate the emergence of the New Earth.

In simple, yet profound words, how many brothers and sisters of the past have come to this planet from the universe, since the origin of the Earth, to accompany the steps of this incarnated human civilization! And despite the times, the traumas and events on the surface of the Earth, they are here to continue to accompany you. They gave their ‘yes’ in sacrifice, surrendering that which is most valuable of their spirits and higher consciousnesses so that this Project on the surface would not become lost.

Will humanity have the courage and bravery to accept this reality?

Will the human being of the Surface, in these times, have the courage to contemplate Creation in another way, and understand that this life is not only material?

I bring you the Grace, and also the opportunity, for your consciousness to expand, open and awaken to an encounter with that which is real, through the example of this sacred place of the Grand Canyon of Colorado.

I leave these impulses to you upon this journey. And your Master and Lord, together with the entire Divinity, now prepares His Steps to help Brazil, because, for the Hierarchy, everything is important, and I hope you will learn to contemplate Our sacrifice with one intention, the true intention of gratitude.

In this way, you will be able to continue to accompany the Hierarchy in this long trajectory of the planet so that the law of suffering may end, consciousnesses may be freed from their spiritual captivity and receive the sacred impulses of the Enclosures that this planet holds, for the purpose of evolution of the human race.

May your stars shine together with Us, may your suns be a part of Our Sun of Love and Mercy, so that this human race may be more fraternal and just, and may someday be worthy of the Third Order of the Brotherhood.

I pray for this every day, and I invite you to pray with Me so that this burning Aspiration of God may be fulfilled, beyond the 144,000.

I thank the brothers and sisters present in the United States for accompanying this task, for giving it the value it has in the importance of this planetary moment.

May my Graces and above all My Consoling Love are poured out upon them all, so that they may have the inner strength to continue establishing the foundations of group and community life in the United States, a deep aspiration of the Masters of the East.

From the Sacred Valley of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where the Light and Love of the Hierarchy shine and are perpetuated, may all be blessed and receive My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May this world be redeemed. Amen.

The Sacred Call

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I free you when you are as close to Me as today you are to the Father, through the beauty and majesty of this place.

How much has the Father given you since the beginning of Creation? Have you ever wondered?

And how much has this world and this humanity done with all that the Father has given it since the beginning when, through Divine Thought, the Father thought of creating and manifesting you?

If a heart is truly repentant, even if it is a sinning heart, it will have the Grace to receive the Blessing of God and to be forever liberated from its faults, when this heart has the ability to contemplate Creation and be a part of this Creation in perfect unity.

In a special way, today, I not only come for France and for all of Europe, I also come for the whole world, just as I have presented Myself many times to nourish, through My Word, the essences that need Me, the servers that need to awaken, to be a part of the lines of My Return.

For this reason, I invite and I ask you today, in simplicity and in attunement, so that, through the beauty of this place, which God created, especially for each one of you, for all of humanity and the universe, that you enter the Heart of the Father through the contemplation of Creation and the value and respect that the Kingdoms of Nature need to continue on evolving.

By entering the Heart of the Father through Creation, a truly repented heart not only receives the Grace of the Love of God, but it also has the incalculable opportunity to approach the Divine Laws, those Higher and Cosmic Laws from which My enemy has set out to separate you, so that you may not know the Love of God.

And how great is His Mercy!

How infinite is His Grace!

How incalculable is His Forgiveness!, that He has deigned to give you this planet, which is a part of the House of God and of the whole universe.

For this reason, at this moment, look with different eyes at how this planet is. Placing your hand upon your heart, recognize what you have done to this planet, and how much it has been destroyed, contaminated and transgressed.

And, even so, the elementals and devas of the Creation of God, which are cosmic powers unknown to all, keep giving of themselves to the world and to all of Creation so that souls may still have the Grace of rehabilitation.

Through this natural scenery, which is the great basilica of nature, enter the Temple of God in reverence, gratitude and humility, and, uniting to all the Hierarchies of Heaven and Earth, receive this impulse of My Heart for your rehabilitation.

For this reason, I tell you not only to love and respect Creation, but also to be patient and persevering in your purification. When the ascent becomes very difficult, or when the cross weighs heavy upon you, you must not deter yourselves, you must believe in the power of faith and determination.

A true Warrior of God, a true Guardian of the Father, a Mirror consciousness or an apprentice of the Governor task does not deter themselves in the falls, but rather, through these falls or these inflections, takes the inner force they need to go forward.

Imagine, for a moment, if this wounded planet, destroyed and humiliated by the very hands of the Children of God, continues on in this way, and the Warriors of the Father, that is, all His servers, should come to give up because their cross weighs too much on them; how could they prepare My Return?

This is the time to sustain great things, many of them unknown to all, things that cannot be understood with the mind, but are rather welcomed by the heart that is decided to follow My Steps.

That this celestial dome that opens up today over this natural basilica of the Creation of the Father may, for an instant, allow all to enter again into the Heart of God, not only to be in communion with the Father, just as I am in communion with the Father, but also so that each one of you, through a sincere act of love and forgiveness, may repair the Heart of God, and that this may help solve impossible situations, treat difficult causes, cure wounds that have not yet healed.

And all this is granted today by the Natural Sanctuary of God, by the Sacred Places of the Father, which, with dedication and care, are kept by His Hierarchies, devas and elementals, which are a part of the evolution of humanity and are silently present in this place and in others, to help you in the process of inner healing, which is urgent and immediate so that the New Humanity may emerge, which will awaken in the redeemed, rehabilitated and forgiven hearts, because they will be hearts in communion with the Father, and, being in communion with God, they will be in communion with the Laws of Nature, with the Laws of Creation.

Today, My Word not only comes for you, today My Word descends to all of Creation because I Am a Glorified Human Being who emerged from this humanity just as you did, and I was born on this planet, which is especially loved by God, through His Magnificent Mercy.

I ask you to make My Words count so that your lives may be the example of all that I have asked of you today, as the world is so deviated, lost and with an unknown greed, leading it to want to conquer the Kingdoms of Nature, more and more. For this reason, the cause of your prayers must not only be for humanity, but  the cause of your prayers must also be for the Kingdoms of Nature.

How do you believe the New Earth will emerge if humanity still does not have the capacity to humble itself before the Lower Kingdoms and recognize that it has outraged and wounded the Lower Kingdoms through unknown impunity?

So that humanity may be healed and sick hearts may become healthy, so that the doors of evil may close and the earthly hells may disappear, so that the wars may be deterred and hunger may not be the cause of the tears of a child because it does not have anything to eat or drink, so that abortion may not be a cause and a fad in these times, so that those elder adults, that is, your grandfathers and grandmothers may be respected and loved, and not abandoned in the shelters of the world, and so that there no longer be refugees who escape the dangers in their lives, repentance is necessary, before all of Creation, and for having altered and transgressed the soul of the planet with the greed for oil and money.

Do not expect that nations will promise you great things and that their rulers will fulfill all they have said, because you know that the government of the planet is interfered with and conditioned.

I ask you to believe in My Word so that someday your lives may be a part of My Word, may be the justification that I need to redeem this humanity, and so that this race of the surface may finally come out of this ocean of illusion and chaos that is generated by its own human condition and by perversion.

If you have a river near you, go and contemplate, ask for forgiveness for humanity.

If you have the sea-breeze nearby, or if you can see the sunrise, on behalf of all, ask for forgiveness to the Kingdoms of Nature.

If you can climb a mountain or walk in a forest or in the woods, from the heart, thank, contemplate and adore God, and ask for forgiveness to Creation.

If you can rescue an inoffensive animal, or even water a plant, go and contemplate them, on behalf of all of Creation, ask for forgiveness for humanity.

And, thus, many doors will close, chaos will be placated and the majority of humanity will realize that not only must there no longer be human bloodshed in the peoples of the world, but also there must no longer be animal bloodshed so as to satisfy the gluttony of men and women of the world.

Turn  to God through Creation and recognize, in humility and gratitude, that, in spite of everything, Creation keeps giving of itself to all with the aim that all can find happiness and peace.

My Heart is preparing to come to Poland again, and I ask you that, through your prayers, this important cause of the humanitarian mission may be present so that the paths that have to be opened may do so, and the consciousnesses that I will send may arrive.

Now, the responsibility for the Plan falls on all, the cycle in which this responsibility fell on very few is over. When you manage, each one of you, to feel in your hearts that you must fulfill the Plan that the Hierarchy presents to you, stage by stage, you will be with Me, just as I need you to fulfill what is necessary to fulfill and what is necessary to manifest in these times.

Because you must not forget that the world and the Hierarchy persistently seek the salvation of humanity and that, while this happens, more souls and more consciousnesses become lost in the abysses, above all, the innocent souls that are subjected by corrupt systems that impact peoples and nations.

Pray throughout these days so that My Spiritual Government may be present in Europe, so that the decisions that will be made in the coming times may be beneficial, lasting and sustainable decisions, so that the most intensely stricken and suffering peoples may no longer think that this is an empty performance but rather that the word of the rulers of the world may be united to God, in depth and in essence, and solutions may be concretized so that they may cease to be empty promises.

For this reason, I invite you to pray for Poland and for that which, in this stage, the Spiritual Hierarchy must develop and carry forward, with the help of everyone.

When you learn how to position yourselves a little more, and offer yourselves a little more, many inner situations will end and your consciousnesses will be concentrated on the Purpose, because the Purpose of God will always lead you to achieve the goal. Think of this and do not forget it.

I give you My absolution and I give you My blessing.

Be bearers of My Peace so that Peace may be in the world and where it is most needed.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Lord, we are not worthy that you should enter under our roof,
but only say the Word, and we shall be healed.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us invoke the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Healing for all of humanity.

May the Holy Spirit of God, through the power of the Gift of Healing, permeate with its Light all cells and consciousnesses, especially of those who are in spiritual prison and who, for decades, have not managed to be freed and redeemed.

Let us pray for this important cause of My Heart, because if Healing is not established in humanity and in consciousnesses, Love will not be able to be established in the world, let alone be established in the Kingdoms of Nature, which are outraged by the hands of those who do not know the Creation of God and deeply interfere in the evolution of the Lower Kingdoms.

While the Kingdoms of Nature continue being transgressed, diseases will still exist throughout the world, and even more will spiritual and psychological diseases exist, because the humanity of the surface, that is, the majority of humanity, is in disharmony with the Law of Nature.

Just as I invite you at this moment to love your neighbor, I also invite you to love the Lower Kingdoms, because without their intervention, you would be nothing, you would not have anywhere to place your feet.

And even so, with so many outrages and sacrileges made to the kingdoms of Nature, the minerals, the plants and animals, and even the Elemental and Devic Kingdom, as a greater sacrifice, keep sustaining the consciousness of the planet.

Has anyone ever wondered how much love is in a flower?

Has anyone ever wondered how much love is in a whale?

Or how all the Kingdoms still continue being outraged?

Why is there this need for exploitation, abuse and transgression of the Kingdoms of Nature?

The more that consciousnesses on the surface of the planet contact God internally, through the powerful instrument of prayer and the Sacraments, the more the human race will not only receive the Gift of Healing from the Holy Spirit for its diseases to be healed, but also the Kingdoms of Nature will receive the assistance they need to regenerate themselves, and this is something that begins in what is spiritual.

I did not want to fail to say this to you, at the moment when we light a new candle of the Menorah, because humanity is not observing nor contemplating this necessity.

Now, you, who claim to be spiritual, have a part in this situation, for all those who do not do it nor live it, for those who have completely lost the meaning of living in the Law and, through the Law, of attaining the happiness they need.

Do you now understand the cause of so much suffering on the planet?

In my heart these situations also weigh, because I am a human being just like you, who incarnated in the world to redeem it and turn it back to God, to the God that was forgotten and that many did not take into account, ignored and rejected, throughout the times.

For this reason, I had to live the Passion, among so many reasons and motives, which are not written in any book and which, through My Words, I declare to you today.

But My history did not end here, nor did it end in the Ascension of Jesus. My true history begins in the Spiritual Government of worlds and of the universe, when, in the highest of the Heavens, in the heart of the universe, your Lord began the second stage of His evolutionary trajectory, which is not written nor recognized in any book.

But so that Who Christ Jesus truly is may be revealed, it must come out of My own Mouth and of no other, because it is something that was already thought of and written in the Heart of God, because all has its time and all has its moment.

It is not My wish to fill you with knowledge or expectations. My aspiration is that you can elevate yourselves, just as I elevated Myself to the Heavens in consciousness, consciously living the path of Christification and peace, transforming your lives during everyday events and in all details so that you not adjust to what is spiritual or modern, or seek roles or recognition. Because while you do not love silence, as I love it, God will not be able to speak to your hearts. Do you know how long He has been waiting to do so?

For this reason, He sends His Son once again to the world so that, through the Presence of the Son of God and of His Christic and Cosmic Energy, hearts can transform and listen.

Believe that there is a Plan for each one of you, just as God drew a Plan for My human Consciousness, which incarnated and lived among you for a reason: so that you might know Higher Love.

For this reason, My history does not end in the Ascension, My great task begins after the Ascension to the Heavens, while the angels of the universe elevated Me and led Me physically to other dimensions, what is here known as the Material Universe, because the Son of God, when He ascended to the Heavens, did not return to the Divine Source.

The reason of My existence is to be with you eternally and for your essences to be Christified through an important experience of love and forgiveness that only you can conceive.

You will manage to do so through a great key: by loving the hidden symbol of your cross. When you manage to do so, and understand it, your cross, the cross of each one of My companions, will not be martyrdom, but rather the opportunity to concretize a victory for Me, so that your consciousnesses and, above all, your essences, may attain the same vibration and elevation that I achieved, although you may not believe it.

If throughout the times there have been incorrupt saints, do you not believe, by any chance, that your lives can be incorrupt and that matter can be sanctified and Christified?

How do you believe the Resurrection of Christ or even the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor was possible?

How do you believe that the multiplication of the bread and the fish, or even the healing of the paralyzed, or even of the lepers, or the resurrection of the dead was possible? In the example of Lazarus, do you believe it was the Master alone who did this?

The co-creator consciousness of humanity exists to evolve, and not to enter involution, and while you do not look to this objective or to this principle, the forces of evil will distract you from the path of Christification, making you feel that you need other experiences.

The commitment that many of those who are Mine have revoked throughout the years is something non-transferable, it does not end simply by changing your life or the experience. Be aware that the commitment that each one of you have with Me is spiritual and essential and, thus, indissoluble, it cannot disappear however much you may live other things, and when you live other things, be aware that you make the Lord waste time.

The way that I speak to you with the maturity that I have attained in My Spiritual Government is the same way that I speak with the Hierarchies, just as I have spoken with the people of Israel, with all those who were present two thousand years ago, to have the first opportunity, the first step toward the total redemption of consciousness.

And do you know what moves all that? The Love and Mercy of God. If that were not well constituted in your consciousnesses, nothing would be possible. Thus, you will be able to understand and you will be able to see how the world wastes time in other things, and consciousnesses do not value their incarnation.

Millions of consciousnesses waste their lives and so it is the angels of the universe themselves who descend to the hells of the planet, because there is no one who can save those lost souls.

But if, throughout the times, My soldiers on the surface, My warriors of prayer, act consistently, without letting their hearts become cold. I will be able to do all, and I will be able to do much more through you, just as I have thought of and just as it is written in the Heart of the Father.

When I was on Mount Tabor, I was only able to gather a few of the apostles, to let them know My true Face. The Transfiguration of Jesus, just as the Ascension of your Master, did not only end with the glorification of His Being, that is, with the illumination of His cells and atoms, which was what the apostles saw on Mount Tabor. In those times, they rather had an extraordinary Grace of knowing the true Face of Christ, which did not only refer to His person, that is, His human being, but rather, from the depths of My Being, I revealed to them My true Face, from where I truly emerged for you in accordance with what the Father had thought of, because it was God Himself who surrendered for those who needed to find Him and recognize Him again.

In this revelation of Mount Tabor, they came to know the Face of the Cosmic Christ, which is one of the seven aspects of My Consciousness, the aspect that is closest to the Material Universe.

However, after My Ascension to the Heavens, I want you to know that My history did not end there, and that, throughout the times and after the Ascension, I was formed in a very similar manner to the way I was formed by the Essenes, living specific initiations that were already programmed by the Most High so that, with all the experience of the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection, Love could again constitute, in this universe, the Spiritual Government that had been interfered with by My enemy.

For this reason, as much as there are still spiritual and material battles, as much as many still cannot overcome their own duality, as much as many cannot understand why they are always in such an arid and dry desert, or why they live certain experiences that they would never have wanted to live, do not forget that in your essences, God formed you as co-creators, just like the angels.

I say this not for you to feel powerful or stronger than you believe you are. If in all this there is no spirit of humility or of true resignation before the Heights, you will not learn to walk as I did, because, in spite of being the Son of God, the One who had been programmed to come to Earth, My human being, My earthly consciousness, also had to be Christified, overcoming fears, insecurities and even doubts.

We are all in likeness to God.

Throughout the times and after My Ascension, He taught Me many things that I now come to teach you, with the sole aim that you may be a faithful expression of the Will of God itself. And so that this is possible, it is fundamental that you may free yourselves from your personal will.

Now, when I return to the world, a moment that is not so far for humanity, I will come revealing the same Face that I revealed to the apostles on Mount Tabor, but it will be ten times stronger than it was at that time.

Because all those who are at that great moment of the Return of Christ will not only see the Glorified Son, they will not only see the Resurrected Son, or even the Redeemer of the world, they will see the transfigured Son of God, showing His true Face, which, with His mere Presence, through the Presence of God, will redeem the whole world.

And, at that moment, the Universal Judgment will be established and the Earth will be reconfigured and reconstituted. And the principles of the Commandments of God will be re-established in the consciousnesses, which will be able to recognize the Laws so as to be able to recognize the Rays of the Universe.

And those who will remain on Earth to be a part of the New Humanity will be re-grouped according to their lineages so that, together with Me, we may re-establish the Kingdom of God on the surface of this planet, where evil will no longer exist, nor will duality, energies that completely confuse consciousnesses.

But the one who loves the Will of God, the one who loves the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will overcome all the consequences that the transition of the Earth will bring, and will be placed where it is necessary to serve, preparing many more consciousnesses to receive Christ, your Redeemer.

For this reason, we must pray and not forget these moments that are approaching, because there will be no other occasion and no other moment for you to listen to these things that I am telling you today. Because when the times that are approaching come to the life of all, you must be ready and defined.

And be aware that this experience of Christification is unconditionally offered to all. And only the one who loves this experience will understand it, because it is a mystery that I build through your lives, through the lives that consecrate themselves to God.

And a demonstration of this is the consecration of the material life and of the inner life of beings, as at this moment will happen to those who revere and adore My Eucharistic Heart, and who, up to now, are postulants to be My adoring armies, to sustain the entire Work of the Hierarchy and, thus, sustain the planet and mainly the axis of the Earth.

This is the main cause of the adorers, and this must be their main motive; everything else must come afterward, even the very consciousness that adores. To place yourselves before My Eucharistic Heart must be done with an empty heart.

And so that you may understand what I am saying to you, I will offer to you a song, through the Choir. For this reason, I call My daughter, Faustina de Jesús, so that she may come here to sing to her Lord and Her Spouse.

May she sing to all how her experience of feeling an empty heart was. And, thus, after this song, through which you will have the experience of emptying your consciousnesses and, above all, your hearts, you will accompany the postulants to become adorers, who today represent a symbol and a significant number before the Confederation of Worlds.


Song: “Empty heart.”


If all spouse souls sang to Me like this, I would be able to give My Life for you hundreds of times, because I know that what God conceived through His creatures in inconceivable to many. Only an empty heart is capable of understanding these mysteries gestated by the Love of the Creator.

Thank you, Sister Faustina de Jesús! I am Jesus of Faustina.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Listen in silence to the beating of My Heart, of a Heart that gave itself for you and for the world.

This is the Heart that still continues to suffer for humanity and for the planet. It is a human Heart, just like yours. A Heart that was glorified and enlightened. A heart that propagates Peace and Mercy.

This is the Heart that humanity feels within. A Heart that welcomes all souls and Kingdoms of Nature. It is the Heart of the Creator, of the Living God, of the Merciful God.

Today My Presence reaches the world through the Heart of the Lord and, with open arms, contemplates the planet and everything that inhabits it.

You are in the time of great inflection, but also in the time of great repentance, before more situations are unleashed in humanity. The door of My Mercy is still open, and it is through My Heart that you will reach it.

The Heart of the Lamb of God is still being scourged, but this time in a deeper and more unknown way.

The ideals of humanity wound the Heart of the Lord.

The actions of humanity wound the Heart of the Lord.

The lack of awareness and love wound the Heart of the Lord.

You are souls that come from God and that keep, within yourselves, the Love of the Universe.

Injustice cannot surpass the love within you. You need to do something, not only to offer your prayers to the heights, but also to change.

The change of times will arrive in the rhythm of the events of the planet. For this reason, may your hearts not close.

This is the time to assert the Teachings of God through His Divine Messengers.

We tell you again that the Word must be fulfilled within you so that you may be a testimony, so It may be a reality and justify all the threats that the world is experiencing, through nations and governments.

A great part of humanity is innocent of the wars, persecutions, famine, lack of care, of everything that is outside of the Law.

But My Return cannot be at this time, because humanity must still realize all that it has done. My arrival will be in a culminating moment, but also unexpected.

The celestial doors are being prepared for this moment, as events unfold in humanity, in this rhythm, My arrival comes.

I cannot help but tell you that you still have to prepare yourselves; and that this preparation is born from awareness, discernment and adherence to the Hierarchy.

Most will learn about the end of time through another school, which is the school in which many should not be in. Therefore, do not allow indifference to embrace you or fill you; do not allow indifference to replace love.

In difficult moments, think of My Passion and all the pains and martyrdoms that I suffered for you, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the top of Mount Calvary, until the moment of My expiration.

There you will find an unknown inner force that will give you an impulse to experience transcendence and surrender; and you value all that I have lived for you, even though it was a long time ago. My Passion is spiritually timeless.

Souls can access the records of the events that I experienced more than two thousand years ago, because, in each step of My Passion, I left a teaching, a message, a lesson for the world.

Not everyone is able to fully experience the pain I suffered for you.

My Passion is not to be understood, but to be loved. It is not to be recognized, but to be valued. In it, I have left the steps of your sanctification, and so, you are always blessed by the Heavenly Father.

The planet as a consciousness lives its passion. A passion that it has never lived or suffered before, and its essence, which is humanity, is sick.

Therefore, your change and your repentance will relieve the world and the Kingdoms of Nature. But the currents of the universe will continue to descend, they will continue to work, they will continue to transform, because at least a small part of humanity must reach the Portal toward a New Earth and a New Humanity.

The aspiration of the Eternal Father is that all may reach the New Earth, the new Eden, the New Humanity. But the world, being far from the Law, moves away from that portal. This is why these are times of greatest sacrifices and of great resignations.

Now will be the cycle in which each one of you, companions, will confirm if you are within Me, so that I may be within you.

When I appeared to you, for the first time, more than seven years ago, it was for this moment, so that you would live this moment with Me and not retreat, not abandon Me.

The experience of the Christic life is for everyone, but I know that not everyone could achieve it, this does not mean being far from God and His Will, it means living different schools and lessons. Therefore, everything you do is written in the universe and it is witnessed.

These are times to keep the doors of My Mercy open so that the greatest number of souls may be redeemed and saved, at least they can have an opportunity in the next world.

Your happiness, companions, will be in the next world, because this is the time of surrender, and of faith to live in Me.

I need your lives to be balm for My Heart, and not the wounds.

I need your lives to be an example of transformation and charity, and not of offenses. I do not need you perfect, I need you true and pure of intention so that, through you, I can be in the world bringing My Love to humanity and to the places that need it the most, beyond distance.

In My Heart is the refuge for your souls, the aspiration of your consciousnesses, the renewal of your lives. Whoever is not in My Heart, it is because they do not want to be, it is because they have not yet seen, beyond themselves, the Grace received.

I want you to be aware of the opportunity, to not only receive My Presence, but to also receive My Message, to be close to Me at this crucial time of humanity. This represents a lot for Me, because I know what it means, especially when one of you fails Me and turns your back on Me, abandoning Me, invaded by incomprehension and unconsciousness.

I need you to live the truth from the heart and, through that truth that I bring you, to learn to love and serve.

Learn to be among brothers and sisters, in these difficult times, because in each new message, I bring you My Priesthood, which comes to sanctify and bless you in the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for better times to come. Do not stop praying. The Father hears the prayers of His children, and He feels purity when their intentions are true.

Do not stop returning every day to the essence of the Purpose and the Divine Will, so you will be protected and safe in these times of darkness.

My Staff will show you the way. My Heart will be the Light along your paths. My Mantle will be your Peace, and My Cross, your protection.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And although I was placed in the sepulcher, My service for humanity had not ended.

Today I continue with everyone about what really happened in those times during the sorrowful Passion of your Master and Lord.

To be able to understand it spiritually, this afternoon you will enter with Me into the Universe of God, another space of the nonmaterial and cosmic creative manifestation, where the memory was also kept of all the events that took place during the sorrowful Passion of your Lord. Let us prepare for this moment.

Place your souls at the service of the Plan so that it may be they that participate in this moment, and hold in your memory all that you will go through and experience, following the universal records of your Master and Lord.

To enter this Universe of God, it will be enough to open the door of that space with your word and your song; this will be the key that will allow the revelation of all that will happen afterward.

Now, while I show you the Universe of God behind Me and the angels that are accompanying this moment, for they are the ones in charge of revealing the universal records of your Master and Lord, you must intone the musical key that will allow you to enter this span of consciousness.

We will intone "Adonai, Holy Spirit" until the Lord give us a sign, and may Adonai resonate within us and in our consciousness so that our souls may enter into this space. We can begin.

Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."

Once again.

Let us return to the previous instrumental.

We are in a space that is not material, yet rather spiritual. We are in a part of the Consciousness of God that expresses itself as a great sky blue Sphere of Light, where angels write of this moment in our essences. The center of this place is a powerful Sphere of golden light that in its manifestations alternate different colors and forms, manifesting the most perfect beauty of Creation.

Our souls are in the Universe of the spirit, a place they have always aspired to reach and participate in.

Our souls participate in this place with their most subtle and elevated consciousness and are invaded by many impulses that come from the center of this Source, where within little Crystals of Light, within a golden Sphere, is held the experience of our Redeemer on Earth, the most important and emblematic portions of His spiritual and cosmic task.

And in the mental Universe, the ultra-terrestrial Universe, another part of the plane of Consciousness of Creation, another faithful copy is held of that space and place, which are other aspects of the task that Christ carried out on Earth in that time.

Feel how, at this moment, the center of our soul connects and unites with that great golden Sphere that governs the center of this space of Creation.

And outside of this blue Sphere, that envelopes us and protects us, let us see the different angelic Hierarchies accompanying Our Lord at this moment.

But let us see Christ absolutely transfigured. A deeper and more complete transfiguration than what He lived on Mount Tabor. He shows us, at this moment, His true Aspect, the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, called the Glorified Christ.

We will contemplate this along side that golden Sphere of Light and, meanwhile, inside of that golden Sphere, let us not lose our focus and our attunement with those small Crystals of Light, of how they spin in likeness to our DNA, like the movement of our molecules and atoms. We are in front of the scientific aspect of God.

Let us contemplate Christ. How part of His Being is illuminated and glorified, and has achieved a transubstantiated and sublimated matter by the power of the Love He incarnated, because of that Love He expressed to each one of us, from His birth to His Ascension.

There, through Christ, all the stages of His life on Earth are gathered, not only the stages of His material life, but also the spiritual ones. We are in front of the revelation of the Living and Glorified Christ. All of His being is the living Eucharist itself, is the great Reliquary of God that is illuminating before our souls and consciousnesses, bringing our beings into spiritual and cosmic communion with the Laws of the nonmaterial Universe.

At this moment, we must believe in what we are experiencing and feeling, beyond distance and separation. The Glorified Consciousness of Christ unites us and gathers us together in this moment to live this experience.

Let us see Our Lord levitating in the Universe, within this great sky blue Sphere of Light and, with us within there, consciously participating with all of our being and consciousness, opening our soul so that all our being may receive, through Christ, the mysteries of the nonmaterial Laws that are to be found there at this moment and which are the Laws that gave impulse to material Laws, called universal Laws. We are under another vibration and spiritual condition, let us keep our connection and our heart open to this.

Let us allow our soul to be overrun by each one of these luminous impulses, which the transubstantiated Consciousness of Christ offers us at this moment.

And so, in an act of profound gratitude and reverence, within this space of the Consciousness of God, where His scientific aspect is present, let us feel the absolute void, in a complete divestment and in a necessary surrender so that it may be He, Christ, Who will act through our souls, rather than us.

Within that golden Sphere of Light that He presents to us and which He lights up through the palm of His right Hand, He offers that we live the Will of God.

He has us face the vision and the conscious moment of being able to recognize Divine Will, which comes from the Source as a powerful emanation of Love and Unity.

Outside of this great sky blue Sphere of Light we see Saint Michael the Archangel approach, also with a transfigured aspect, like a great warrior of light that takes care of the different Projects of Creation. In His right hand we see a lance and in His left hand we see a scale that maintains its balance, its equality and justness.

Let us contemplate all these symbols but, above all, let us merge together this reality that Our Lord offers to us today with all His humility and Love.

In the center of each of our souls He places those Crystals of Light that hold His Christic energy. Our souls yield at His Feet, not feeling worthy of this merit, but recognizing the supreme Grace that has brought them here.

And now, that great sky blue Sphere of Light dissolves into space. Hundreds of souls, from different parts of the world, are present there, yielding at the Feet of the Redeemer, within that Consciousness of God, in which the non-material Laws are active and work through the Law of Silence.

Let us contemplate the beauty that God shows us in this place and in this space, which is part of His Universal Consciousness.

Through our head, from the center of our crown chakra, a subtle thread of light rises, which connects us with that Universe where our soul is present.

The transfigured Christ does not speak through words, but rather through the actions that He performs today with all of us and with all of humanity.

But He requests something of us:

Be aware of what you are receiving and value what is being given to you, because this will be the only time until I return to the world, when many will recognize My Presence, although many others will deny it.

Through this, I am preparing you for that time. For this reason, I have brought you here in consciousness and in spirit, in soul and in essence, because it is here where God resides within each one of His children.

The one who empties themselves is redeemed. The one who yields is redeemed. The one who surrenders to Me is redeemed. The one who gives Me their life, is redeemed.

Meanwhile, the Universe, through the melodies, reveals different impulses of Creation, similar to the great nebula, stars or galaxies, that are etched in this firmament of the Consciousness of God, in the presence of the angels and of the Saint Michae the Archangel. Christ still keeps His right Hand close to the golden Sphere of Light.

At times, we are dazzled and overrun by explosions of golden Light that make our souls invisible. We are bathed by His Love-Wisdom, that Love and that Wisdom that incarnated in the world through Jesus, to bring redemption to the planet for a single purpose, the purpose of Love.

While Jesus was in the sepulcher, various aspects of His Being and of His Consciousness carried out this task that He performs today with us, helping different groups of souls and redeeming the hells, giving an opportunity and Grace to all the fallen stars.

Today, through the divine power of His Mercy, He gives us these impulses from the spiritual Source that holds the records of all His experience on Earth and of all the levels of His Being, which are revealed to our consciousnesses so that we may know and recognize that God is in all things.

With great gentleness and harmony, let us bring our consciousnesses to this material space, to the place where we are now, and let us feel how this experience is kept in the center of our being, in the deepest core of our inner being.

We still see the Glorified Christ, the transubstantiated Christ here, with all His Being like one same and only Eucharist that is offered to the world for its redemption and forgiveness.

We still see, behind Christ, that Universe and space of God beating.

The universal Plan is centered on the redemption of humanity. For this reason, God Himself offered Himself to the world through His Son, so that the humanity of that time and today's humanity could understand that they are here for a divine Purpose and not only for a material life. Your cells, atoms and the center of your beings must understand this, must affirm this so that your souls may govern and move forward with the Aspirations of God and the Will He has determined for each one of His children.

On this seventh day of the meeting, I see the majority of souls empty of self. You must recognize this all the time. You must safeguard it from yourselves. You must preserve it from the world, the chaos and the unfaithfulness. You must commit to yourselves for the Plan of God, because God is waiting to act through His children, as He has acted throughout the times and the different races.

But so that this decision that God has can manifest, after all that humanity has received throughout time, it is for the race of today to take the great and last step so that this Will may be realized and concretized. While that still does not take place, humanity will continue to suffer.

The Kingdom of the Heavens was on this planet. The Kingdom of the Heavens is reflected through the nature of this planet. The more aggression it endures, the greater the pain felt by the human being. There will be no place nor consciousness that will be able to address that pain nor calm that suffering.

You are beings that come from the Source. This is why I have taken you toward that favorite place of God. He has placed all of you in His Heart, have you perceived this? It is the Love that emerges and emanates from the Source, the renewing and untiring Love that will make of each being a new being; this is why your yielding is important.

Do not be afraid of the changes. Open to the changes that will come in the end of these times. Celestial joy is the promise that God has for each of His children, and today He fulfills His promise, taking all souls that listen to the chamber of His Sacred Heart, beyond all errors, debts or traumas that each human being may be experiencing and going through.

God is the unconditional eternal. Your Master is the unconditional eternal. The Holy Spirit that is among you today is the unconditional eternal.

When humanity learns to live within love rather than in indifference, to practice equality, tolerance, respect and faith, everything will be transformed. For this to happen, I will return to the world at the most difficult and culminating moment of the race. The days for this occurrence are drawing closer. 

Today I have asked the Father to give Me the Grace of taking each one of you into His Heart.

Now, Christ, placing His Hands in the sign of imposition, transfigures His vestments and all His Consciousness into a subtle rose color. He shows us His spiritual aspect of Love. That which upon being subject to and assaulted by humankind during His sorrowful Passion, His Love never surrendered. 

We are facing the invincible Love of Christ, the Love that He, at this moment, radiates to the whole world, bringing our planet, all of humanity and the Kingdoms of nature close to His Chest.

Today His spiritual and invincible Love gathers up the groups of souls of different animal species, such as the whales, which are being wiped out; such as the cattle, which are being killed; such as the species that are losing their habitat; and from the plant Kingdom, that is exploited, burned and destroyed on the surface of the Earth.

And even further, the invincible Love of Christ penetrates to the depths of our planet and gathers up the group soul of the mineral Kingdom, the minerals of which suffer and are destroyed and extracted with violence and vengeance. 

His Love, especially today, also reaches those who live in slavery, in Africa and in the world.

We are in the moment and in the Grace, in light of the invincible Love of Christ, of asking for forgiveness for the errors made by this humanity against the Kingdoms of Nature; of asking for forgiveness for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters who are blind and only want the advantages and benefits of Nature.

In light of the invincible Love of Christ, let us ask for forgiveness for destroying Creation and for not valuing it.

We bow down to Christ to ask for forgiveness and so that His Love may triumph in the world by the merits of His sorrowful Passion, for the descent of His unfathomable Mercy.

We may stand, breathe deeply and give thanks.

Today, at the request of Christ, we are going to offer this communion for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for those who thirst in the world and have no water to drink and to hydrate their bodies. Let us ask for the Grace that the Kingdom of the waters, from the deepest core of the Earth and through Mother Nature, may grant the Grace of causing streams to flow from those places where there is great thirst. Amen.

Lord, God of the Universe and of Life, inexhaustible Fount of Love and Truth, infinite manifestation of providence, of abundance and of universal wisdom, we offer you this Sacrament in the name of Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we ask for the Grace and the opportunity that all that we receive here, beyond what we deserve, may reach the souls that aspire and wait for this spiritual abundance that You allow to descend to Earth through Your glorious Son. Amen.

The novena of prayer of this Holy Week, the Spiritual Trilogy that I taught you many years ago, has been of vital importance to Me, because it has allowed this whole task to move forward without interruptions or obstacles.

Thank you for those who strive in their hearts! May Peace be in each one of those who pray, that support this Plan of Love.

Thus, on this Hallelujah Saturday, so that tomorrow your souls may rise in spirit, in joy and in gladness for having the Grace of hearing the Word of God, I offer you this Eucharistic Communion, fulfilling My promise of being with you every day, until the end of times.

Father, Infinite Love, Consoler and Healer, I offer You this bread so that You, by the power of Your Glory, may change it into the Body of Christ so that today, consummating this spiritual and divine task, I will offer it to each one of Your children and say to them again: "Take and eat it, for this is My Body that is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In the same way, I offer You the Chalice of Redemption, Beloved Father, so that You may transubstantiate It into the Blood of Christ. For this reason, I again offer it to those of Yours, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that is still poured out by your Lord up to these times for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And now, taking each other by the hand, and those alone in their homes, place your hands in the sign of reception toward Heaven so that, together with Our Lord, we may repeat this powerful prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth and elevate all fallen stars to Heaven.

So be it.

You can place your hands on your heart, for where there is unity, no illness can prevail.

May the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens be in you and in the whole world.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having shared this afternoon with Me. Hold in memory that which you experienced today.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is in the silence of God where the greatest and most precious treasures of Creation are kept. Witnesses of all these treasures are the trees, in their diversity and manifestation, in their expression and beauty.

Trees are the temples that bring to Earth the Principles of God. They attract from the Universe the higher energies that humanity needs, to elevate its consciousness and be healed.

Today you are in a place where I have expected you to come for many years, one of the most important places in the world for God.

Here lies not only the witnesses of the Creation of the Father, since millions of years ago, but, even more, present here are the guardians of the original legacy of humanity which, through the sacred White Mountain, are the ones that guard and protect this sacred knowledge that comes from the Brotherhood.

Northern California is the inner receptacle of the original legacy of humanity, something that today the minds do not know, and they now hear it for the first time.

The great watchers of the Plant Kingdom are present here, fulfilling a task since millions of years ago, since before humanity existed upon the surface as consciousnesses and as beings.

I have brought you all here, in the inner planes, so that you could remember and participate in the Origin of your origins as humanity of the surface, as consciousnesses that must evolve and attain the degrees of love through Me, as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature.

These great trees are witnesses of the errors of the different civilizations of humanity, of the events that happened and marked Creation, not only within this planet, but also outside of it, in the Universe, throughout Existence.

They feel all that humanity of the surface has done, all that humanity has generated since the first moment in which it existed upon the surface of the Earth, up until today.

This suffering is transmuted by the great trees of Northern California, as well as by another part of the Kingdoms, and humanity has still not become aware that this happens.

The trees of Northern California are a great mystery for humanity of the surface. It is time for humanity to discover the value they have and the spirituality they bear as a soul group of the Plant Kingdom.

They are also the great guardians and watchers of the inner Retreats of the planet. They are present throughout the Andes, each species and each tree, fulfilling a main function, essential for God.

They are temples that hold the one thousand portals to which humanity needs to access through the true and only time that surrounds them in the Universe and in the Solar System.

Through the great trees, you will find access to the superior reality, and you will be able to experience all that this superior reality holds, which comes to meet those who seek the Peace and Love of the Universe.

Trees have experienced the suffering that the planet has lived and all that humanity has generated toward it. Even so, they are present here, sustaining that which the humanity of today cannot sustain, donating that which humanity of today cannot donate and give to the Eternal Father.

Their silence and immobility make them great and strong to sustain the axis of the Earth and the heart of this planet.

But now is the moment for all this to come to light, for no one to be ignorant, any longer, for nothing to be imperceptible nor hidden any longer.

They need the love of the humanity of the Earth in order to keep fulfilling their spiritual and inner task.

They were also witnesses of what happened to your Master and Lord, long before your Master and Lord existed among this humanity, through the incarnation in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

The great Archangels of God were who helped, and the gave Their knowledge for creation and for the manifestation of this expression and beauty of God, through the devas and the lower angels. Because the trees beat and vibrate in a most important melody that humanity of today does not know.

By simply approaching them, it is possible to recognize and feel them, and know that the great trees kept in Northern California are the old ancestors that did not want to leave the planet in order to help it in its process of evolution and healing.

The great ancestors of the Indigenous peoples of North America are here. Their wisdom, their humility and their love have allowed them to express this grand manifestation of the Creation of the Plant Kingdom, which surpasses the limits of human consciousness, not only mentally, but also visually.

The great trees have a lot to give to the humanity of the Earth. They only need to be recognized so that their essences can open up and be shown, just as today they are shown to you, in profound and unconditional simplicity.

Their offering and surrender were so great that they gave of themselves, through the wood of the Cross, to be able to help humanity, through the surrender of the Son of God. This is why they are the great witnesses of yesteryear and are the ones that bring to humanity the sacred knowledge of Creation.

The trees are a life not yet understood, and they have, in their composition, that which the human being needs in order to evolve and awaken, each day more.

In these sacred spaces of the plant universe, the sacred Hierarchy also retreats in order to be able to think and meditate upon the next steps of this humanity and this planet, just as of the whole Universe.

God is found in the simplest places, where He is visible in His different manifestations.

I want you to know that the great trees of the planet will keep being the witnesses, but, in this cycle, they will be the witnesses of the final time.

Humanity has damaged, outraged and wounded them, and the blood of their sap has a price for the whole human race. The lack of connection with the Heights and with the Universe is the reason for so many psychological and psychiatric imbalances.

They also lived their passion, so similar to that of your Master and Lord. Therefore, the reconciliation and forgiveness of humanity are indispensable for these times, so that this chain of damage and destruction of the Plant Kingdom may be cut.

Rejoice, because you are conscious of all this knowledge and, above all, of what they have wanted to say for millions of years, and yet, no one has heard them. Today is the first time that this happens, because your Master and Lord offered that all this might take place, according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When human beings of the surface understand why each Kingdom exists, humanity will evolve and no longer become lost in sufferings and tests.

This is why these great trees are in the North of this planet. They are the great absorbers of the divine principle and energy for humanity. They have been fulfilling this and doing this for millions of years. It is an eternal service of love for souls and for all planes of consciousness.

Now I say to the world that this is the moment to rebuild the Planet and heal the Kingdoms of Nature, to plant trees and regenerate life, the soil, and, above all, the consciousnesses that have never been attentive to Creation and that are here to serve it, to make it grow and awaken.

The inner Retreats offer these keys for all human beings, regardless of their spiritual, mental or material condition, because the great trees of North-America are present and exist so that the men and women of the Earth never forget to return toward the Origins of their essences, which is love, harmony and inner and spiritual balance.

Although the world is in turmoil, in the silence of the Temple of Trees, of the one thousand portals, the planes of the One Divinity open so that all may receive and welcome the donation that they give, in their silence and firmness, so that healing may regenerate the consciousnesses, and the consciousnesses may find the path to enter into communion with Creation.

In silence, listen to the soul group of trees, of the great witnesses and guardians of North America and the world.

May humanity react and no longer self-destroy nor destroy its lower brothers and sisters, which in this case is the Plant Kingdom, nor may they longer destroy the elementals, devas and angels which, in their quietude and silence, watch over and protect humanities evolution as a race and as consciousnesses.

Be touched by this powerful light that comes from the great trees of North America and, from the coronary to the South of the planet, may all be transmuted, transubstantiated and elevated under the unconditional love of Creation and of its great rulers of the Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

What humankind of the surface does not know today, the peoples of the past knew, because they were in absolute contact with God. They knew the reality of the Universe, of this solar system and beyond, without having physical tools or applying their minds to understanding or observing if this was true or not.

What is it that allowed these original peoples to know the truth? What is it that caused them to persist over time, before the white man arrived in America?

Their culture was the true religion that they experienced, because that culture was united with the Love of God, and it was this Love that allowed all the peoples to know the Truth and the Cosmos. In a simple and easy way, they tried to represent what they saw and recognized.

But the history of humanity has still not been fully revealed. That is why, previous to the original peoples, sacred and inner Enclosures were opened in the interior of the Earth that, like a great mirror, held all that greater knowledge that was known in detail by the peoples of the past.

That information still lives and vibrates in these Enclosures. It is this information and this knowledge that humanity needs in order to again rise up to the consciousness of God and to understand that in this time they have chosen the god of modernity and of technology, completely substituting their inner contact with the Universe.

For that reason, companions, and through this Pilgrimage for Peace, your Master and Lord comes to Colombia to have you revive that sacred knowledge which many were part of in the past. So in this way, My Hands remove a veil from your consciousnesses today, so that your spirituality may awaken and you make contact with your origin and your beginning.

Although many of the peoples who lived in the past were exterminated, were not understood nor even valued, the spiritual Hierarchy recognized and valued them, and today they are in spirit and essence, not only as a culture, but also as a brotherhood within those Enclosures.

In the same way that Colombia and all the Andes safeguard them, this expression of the Divine Truth and the deepening of universal knowledge must be the basis for your support for this time, above all for this time of transition and of tribulation.

Today I want to tell you, companions, that the peoples of America came before My arrival on Earth. This is what the white man did not understand, that rejected this truth, that did not plunge into the knowledge to understand it and feel it, in the same way that each one of the cultures in America understood it and felt it.

In this way, you will be able to understand today, companions, that these peoples are more sacred than I am sacred because their evolution, their consciousness, and their awakening were not only measured by their union with nature and the respect they had for all that was created, but also, companions, they achieved this awakening and this consciousness through degrees of love that are what the current humanity needs to reacquire and experience.

For this reason, you must serve and give of yourself all the time, because the whole of humanity as a culture and civilization has lost the values of the past. That is why it is in the situation it is in; that is why today nations experience what they experience, because they distanced themselves from the wisdom and the love that the original peoples knew and lived through their contact with the Primordial Source.

Is it that in this situation of the original peoples Christic Love does not exist?

Of course it exists, companions. That is why they are so sacred and more sacred than I was for you. Because the Father gave them His gifts, His knowledge and revelations, as He did with the patriarchs and the prophets.

Through the ages, humanity only placed itself in the story of the Middle East. But what really happened beyond the Middle East and on all the continents; were there not more sacred peoples than those who existed there?

Yes, there were many sacred peoples throughout the Americas who were decimated by the white man because of their ambition for power and conquest that completely blinded their hearts. And in the end, it caused them to realize that they made a mistake, beyond all that they took from these sacred lands, because in the same way that nature is sacred, the knowledge of the original peoples is sacred. A true Gospel resides in them, not like in Christianity. It is the Gospel of simplicity, of brotherhood, and of unity with the Kingdoms of Nature and of their true contact with the greater Universe.

That is why I had to return to Earth many times, it was not the first time as Jesus. Humanity always had to be corrected and guided, because it always left the path of Light and of Love.

This is why this human genetic Project is so important to the Celestial Father. If America re-acquires its origins, cultural roots, and especially its union with the Universe, as it experienced in previous times, a great many situations will be avoided.

I am not telling you to believe in God, but rather that you believe in the life that God gave you; that you believe in the Universe, in the galaxies, in the suns, and in the stars that are above you.

Contemplate the starry sky one night and ask yourself: who am I? Have you ever done it? Never cease to do so, and the Father will give you His revelation, just as He gave His revelations to the sacred peoples. 

In all of this, companions, is divine unity, the Presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that the original sacred peoples understood and experienced in another way; that is why they were strongly rejected and hurt.

And in truth, companions, where was the wisdom, the true wisdom in past times? In the East or the West? Today I tell you the truth, that the true wisdom was in the hearts of those who experienced purity, simplicity, humility, and union with the Celestial Father.

But the original peoples were not understood, not only because of their way of life or their culture, but also because of their cosmogony. They reached levels of supra-consciousness, which makes them the representatives of the Brotherhood on the surface of the Earth and you have the opportunity, companions, of being part of that Brotherhood.

Spiritual life does not end in the sacred books, but rather in the true experience of love and of redemption that each one can experience, as those peoples experienced it. Because everything they had and all they received in those days was sacred and blessed to them.

The humanity of these times has completely lost the essence of its culture. Thus, at this moment, it is a necessity for the Hierarchy that the humanity of today, which has distanced itself from the Father and from the path of Will, may be able to return to its origins through its service of love to the original peoples, because indeed in them you will find the essence of love for Creation and for life. And you will feel yourselves to be a part of it, because in the simplicity you will be in communion with that which is High.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, rather I come to ask you, companions, for the simplest practice of all practices: it is to always place yourself in the love and the Brotherhood of God, so that you can constantly find the meaning of being here on this planet and to know that this material life does not end here, that the true life which is inner and spiritual, causal and profound, follows its path and its trajectory just as the peoples followed it, in total trust and in union with Creation.

I come to revive these values in Colombia so that the superficial and stingy life can come to an end and in your hearts you feel the need of returning to God; because it will be important in this time, just as the original peoples did, to always seek an inner contact with the Universe. Because the times are difficult and will be more difficult; your only way out will be the inner contact with that which is Greater, with the infinite, with the Source, with what is non-material, just as the original peoples experienced it.

Do not allow your original roots to be erased from your consciousness, live with love and with joy that you attained over the course of time, which comes from the life of the spirit and of union with the Universe, and in this way, companions, in the name of all humanity, you will be within universal life as the Hierarchy is.

That is why, through words, through teachings, and especially through love, I come to place in Colombia and to reintegrate in the consciousness of its people, the opportunity and especially the Grace, of reviving those cultural and spiritual values ​​that the sacred peoples of the Andes left shaped in the consciousness of the ether of this place.

This will be the unique opportunity for re-acquiring the path toward the infinite and toward the Universe and to feel yourself part of the macrocosm. In this way, your inner stars will shine, and someday these stars will become fleeting suns that will illumine the end of times, the times of darkness and the times of tribulation. And the true divine essence at the center of each being will emerge as a single consciousness, deeply united with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And so you will assert My Celestial Church, which comes to the aid of the men and women of the Earth and also of the Church that is on the surface of the Earth, very reviled and wounded by its own members.

I come to rekindle the values that the conquerors and the Church did not know; that they rejected, repudiated and did not recognize in the simplest men and women of this planet, who lived along the Andes, in a deep inner contact with Creation and with the Divine Brotherhood.

It is time for the doors to Truth to be opened and for you to discover the true Christianity that is based on the essence of My Love, which is present as a seed of light in the heart of those who believe, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Colombia today is ignited by the light of Guatavita and its ancestors. United in essence with you, they pray for you and for your people at this very moment, imploring God for His Mercy and His Grace and so that the unfathomable Source of His Wisdom may cause hearts to acknowledge that they have lost their way because of the distraction of the world illusion, and that it is time step back onto the path toward the origin.

United in love and in essence to all those sacred and blessed consciousnesses that had the knowledge of God prevail on the surface of the Earth and that many, but many of them, were converted in that living knowledge of the Father, today I deeply aspire to Colombia and all the sister nations of the Andes rekindling in your hearts those divine and inner values ​​that will enable you to be in brotherhood and far from the chaos of these times, so that through you not only the Source of universal peace be established, but also the Source of harmony, which will heal the wounded hearts.

In the face of this scenario, in the face of this conjuncture, we will celebrate the Eucharist, and through it, the reintegration in your consciousnesses and spirits of those divine values, sacred knowledge that the original peoples experienced in the name of humanity. Amen.

When humankind of the surface is able to feel as the mineral Kingdom feels, as the plant Kingdom feels, as the animal Kingdom feels, and thus as the devic and elemental Kingdom feels, it will be able to open its heart to purity and understand that everything around it is not edible, but rather sacred and blessed.

In this moment we will lift up our offerings to the Universe.

We invite you to stand up for this consecration of the Eucharist.

At this time, feel yourself to be not only in a spiritual ceremony with My merciful Heart, but also feel yourself to be participants in a sacred ceremony as the original peoples experienced it, to worship and praise God.

This is a time of the renewal of vows, this is a time of commitment and is the time to see the truth that can awaken in each heart that believes in the divine reality.

We will raise our intentions to the Father, we will open our hearts to His Will, just like the original peoples opened their consciousnesses to universal knowledge.

Each one, at this moment, in the silence of your heart, perform this exercise of forgiveness and of reconciliation with the past so that in this present, we may be renewed by the Compassion of God, an infinite expression of His Mercy.

We invite those who can do so to kneel for this consecration.

In this moment we relive the legacy of Love that Christ left us through the institution of the Eucharist.

And as if it was in that time, we enter into the Last Supper and we offer our beings, our lives in honor of the Love of God, and thus we are renewed, reconciled and united with the Source of the Father.

When Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, lifted it up, and gave thanks to the Father for the sacrifice and the surrender He would experience. The bread was blessed. He then gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen 

Then Christ took the Cup with His hands, raised it up to be blessed, and reaffirmed within His Being the surrender and sacrifice He would make for each one of us. After having been blessed, he gave it to His apostles, saying to them, "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new covenant that will be shed by Your Redeemer for the forgiveness of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me."

Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen. 

On the Mount of Beatitudes, gathered together with the multitudes, our Lord taught us the simplest but most profound prayer in existence, the Our Father. In union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we will pray this prayer to finish consummating the consecration.

Prayer: Our Father.

We may stand.

I always give you Peace so that you may experience it and multiply it in the hearts that have nothing, that live in solitude and uncertainty, so that the peace that you may be able to propagate will cause you to renew all your brothers and sisters under the impulse of love and of hope.

Now yes, a special time has come for Your Master and Lord, because now your souls have been consecrated to the Will of God and with this intention and this cause, I will expand this consecration, as I did with the elements; but today I will consecrate My new assistants, who will commit to be the help through the altars for those who seek the Peace and Mercy of God.

Bring the rings, the veils. and the oil for anointing.

Lord of the Universe, You Who grant the opportunity and the infinite Grace that all may love You, today I offer Myself as Your instrument, as Your beloved Son and intercessor of souls, so that through the Mercy I achieved in the moment of expiring on the Cross, souls may receive the Grace of always being able to recognize You and serve You for all eternity. Amen.

Cover these daughters of Mine with the mantle of My Celestial Mother so that they may always remember Her original purity and the opportunity to eternally gift themselves, as My Mother gifts Herself for each one of Her children. Amen.

In the same way that the holy women anointed My wounded and whipped Body, today with this oil I anoint those who always belonged to Me and who return to Me in unconditional service. Amen

I recognize the Truth of God in the simplest.

Today your name will be Nazarena.

Your name today will be María del Renacimiento.

Your name will be Victoria de la Cruz.

The Blood of Christ, the Body of Christ (to each one).

Let us say goodbye to our Master, carrying the impulse of His love in our heart and in fraternity we will give each other the greeting of peace.

We may greet each other.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Before God existed, in His Divine Essence, He had already thought of the Creation. With this, I want you to understand the infinity of His Love and His Mercy for His children of this humanity.

If He, before existing, thought of the Creation, what is it that moved Him to carry this thought forward, to feel in His profoundly spiritual Heart that a Creation should exist that was so vast and infinite that the human being of the surface still does not know of it?

And within this Creation and this infinity, there should manifest the Kingdoms, the civilizations and all of life, that the human being still does not know, even in the present, at this moment.

Do you know what this impulse was that moved God, from His divine essence, to manifest the Creation?

It was Love. An eternal Love that is inextinguishable, a Love that never dies, a Love that renews, that transmutes, and that liberates, that brings the opportunity of finding goodness and wisdom to the consciousness of the children of God.

It is this Love that has brought the Son of God here to be able to tell you these things and so that you may perceive, at this moment, the importance of taking care of and protecting the Creation; in this case, companions, this planet and this human project, which has still not concluded, and that still moves toward redemption, must be defined in order to enter into a new stage.

From the beginning, God knew, within the probabilities of the Universe and within the learning of all of His children, that this current moment in humanity could come. The Father already knows everything; it is His children that know nothing. That is why you must trust in the Eternal Father, because there is a Greater Will that not only rules you, but also guides you in the fulfilling of a purpose, of a destiny and of a mission that is still not within everyone's reach.

You must trust, companions, just as the Son of God trusted up to the last moment; on the Cross, on top of Mount Calvary, where, in the greatest suffering and agony, the Son of God did not doubt; He trusted in Divine Will, in the destiny of this purpose.

And in this way, what God so hoped for was accomplished: that His children of the Earth should learn the Love of God with God Himself incarnated in the Person of the Son, which is what in this time, companions, leads to My being here at this moment with you, speaking to all of humanity, knowing that as a race you face a crucial and definitive moment in which, with the great test of your lives, you must define what will triumph: love, or will indifference prevail? This is also for all of the Creation, not only in your human persons, but also for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The human being of the surface still has not learned to live in balance with the Creation; they have completely abused Creation and exploited it, and continue to do so. But that cannot continue to happen; there is a limit and an end also exists. I come here so that this end does not come, so that you may become aware, not only you who are here, experiencing spiritual growth and surrender, but also your brothers and sisters may become aware, those who are more asleep and hypnotized by the world.

Thus, companions, today your commitment expands, not only in the living of your spiritual mission, but also in your unconditional service to your neighbor, who must also have the opportunity and the grace that you had. Because when that end draws near, there will be no more  time.

For this reason, I am here. Not only to be before you, to keep blessing and consecrating you, to bring you into My Heart and to the center of My Being, but also to tell the world that there is still a little time to change and expand the consciousness about what this sacred project of God truly means, not only on this planet but also on others.

All of Creation is attentive to the movement and the actions of humanity. Have faith that if you change from the heart and transcend any resistance, God will always welcome you and will receive you, and it will be such a real and profound response, that it will allow you to see deeper matters than what you see today; it will allow you to understand the reality of these times, just as the Hierarchy understands and sees it.

At this moment, there is nothing more you have to do but respond to the call of God and place within the center of your beings, the situation of this planet and of this race, so that Love, Peace and Mercy can redeem and transform the consciousnesses that need it.

This is why today, beyond My Presence and My Being, I bring you the great vault of Universal Creation, where the Divine Thought that created you and the deepest feeling of Love that manifested you dwells.

In this vault of Universal Creation is to be found sacred knowledge, this knowledge that has spiritually nourished you up to this moment, this knowledge that was known not only to the patriarchs and the prophets, but also to many civilizations that passed through this planet.

You, as the current human project of humanity, must keep in mind that you are a part of a story that is being written and that this story, which must be pure and sacred for of the transformation and redemption of your lives, must be within this great universal knowledge, within the sphere of the sacred vault of God, where universal knowledge has its expression and gives impulses, both for you and for other civilizations, to not only achieve an awakening and evolution, but for the different schools of the degrees of love.

If up until today you are unable to love your neighbor, begin to love the Kingdoms of Nature. Serve them, give of yourselves, surrender to them, express your love for them and you will be able to express your love for all your brothers and sisters; then you will discover, companions, that there will be no differences or limits for expressing that love, that will first transform you and then transform everything around you.

Bring relief to the Kingdoms of Nature and each situation that you find on your path, solve it, attend to it, assist the Lower Kingdoms, bring relief to suffering, just as God gives you His Mercy, and the world will transform, the project will not end, the evolution of the race will continue and the suns on Earth will shine, just as the essence of the Kingdoms shines, which despite bearing with and suffering by the hand of humankind, give of themselves unconditionally, without ceasing to express the devotion and beauty of God.

In all seriousness, I want to tell you that today you are facing the same moment as Adam and Eve were. It is as if you were in the Genesis, in the Beginning, in the most culminating moment of making a great decision, which will not only influence your lives but also the lives of the whole planet and the life of the rest of humanity. But this decision is not individual, it is of the whole race, of the whole group soul that makes up the Human Kingdom. This decision will also influence the Lower Kingdoms so that they can continue or not on the surface of this planet, because the first thing God will protect is what He created before humankind.

Life in other universes can be regenerated, the Kingdoms in other places of the galaxy can express themselves. Many of them offered before you did to be present on this blue planet, at the end of this local universe and of one of the arms of this galaxy. From such distant and deep places of the Universe, the Lower Kingdoms, known as Kingdoms of Nature, came here at the request of the Creator, to manifest life, beauty, devotion, love, and purity to each one of you.

Thus, you are before a great decision: that ancient errors committed by humanity and still committed today, may be forgiven, and the errors may be absolved by the compassionate hand of God, through the intervention of the divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart.

But if this response, which must be an affirmation of each one of your hearts concerning the Project of God and the Kingdoms of Nature, is weak, the laws will come forward. I speak not only to you, I speak to the entire world, to all those who must learn to respect Nature and the Creation that God has given them.

Be aware of your actions, of your movements, in order to no longer hurt the Creation. And in this way, the planet, which suffers in profound silence, will transmute itself and will again give surface humankind a chance.

Maybe you will not succeed in having hundreds of people or governments stop cutting down the trees. But if your attitude and inner decision were true, you would provide an opportunity and merit so that those souls, so sinful and ignorant, may receive the opportunity of becoming aware of what they are doing, and of reversing it forever.

Everything that I give you is an example. The situation is deeper than what it seems and the gravity is broader than what can be seen, because it is not only something material, but also spiritual. And in the spiritual, which is non-material, surface humankind, all of humanity, must not lose contact with God, otherwise, they would lose the project. So more expansively love the Kingdoms of Nature and in this way, you will learn to love your brothers and sisters, to support and to bear with the human condition and the actions committed by many nations, through ignorance and against evolution.

At this moment, before the Celestial Father, I come to establish an amnesty that will last some hours, so that souls on the inner planes, wherever they are on Earth, may have the time necessary to make a decision that will change the direction of humanity or not.

So that this amnesty may be granted to the whole world, in the name of all those who at this moment have united, beyond their religion or their belief, for the Creation and Nature of this planet, I will offer the consecration of the elements, so that this amnesty may be granted to inner beings and in a profound reflection, in a profound introspection, the decision may be taken and everything, from what Adam and Eve did up to the present, may be absolved by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The whole Universe will be attentive to the movement of the inner planes and to the decision that souls will make during the following hours, because it is a universal decision.

We may stand up.

Before the Spiritual Church of God, through the Divine Son, we will renew our vows and affirm our faith, by means of the fulfillment of the Sacred Will in the human consciousness and on the planet. Amen.

Just as the bread and wine that will become the testimony of the Love of Christ is offered on the altar, through His Body and His Blood, we offer ourselves sincerely in this moment before the Creator, so that He may reveal His Mysteries to us, and guide us through His Will.

We make our inner offering before the portals of Heaven.

And in our inner world, we contemplate the majesty of the Love of Jesus, not only in His Words but also in His Presence, in His Spiritual Presence.

In this moment, we will relive the sacrifice and Passion of Jesus, a legacy of Love and redemption that He left for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Those who can may kneel.

At that time, our Lord was gathered together with the disciples, celebrating the institution of the Eucharist. After having washed their hands and feet, he gathered them around Him, in deep silence and love, in union with each of His own, He took the bread, elevated it so that the Father might bless it, broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them:

"Take and eat, this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We listen to the bell strikes.

We repeat together:

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


He then took the Chalice into His Hands and in an expression of a deep Love for the sacrifice He would live, He elevated it so that the Father might bless it, and then gave it to His apostles, saying to them:

"Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults; do this always in remembrance of Me."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless you (repeated 3 times).


In union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will repeat the prayer He taught us, to finish consummating this consecration.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese)

Let us cover the elements.

Know, companions, that everything the human being does in this time will influence the Universe much more than it seems. That is why the Father sends His Divine Messengers, so that His Sacred Word may be heard and resound in hearts, so that souls may feel encouraged to take the necessary steps on the path of transformation, of fraternity and of peace.

This is why I leave you My Peace and I establish this Peace on this first day upon all of the sacred Amazon, in which many Kingdoms unknown to you, by means of the prayer of the heart carried out today, were profoundly alleviated and rescued, so as to have a new opportunity in the school of spiritual evolution.

May peace be in you and may peace be shared wherever you go.

May this stream of peace awaken hearts and bring wisdom to those who govern.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In My Presence and in unity with the Universal Creation, you will give one another the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.

When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.

My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.

It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.

I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.

I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.

Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.

But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.

It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.

It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.

My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.

I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.

This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.

Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.

I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.

But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.

Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.

I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.

In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.

Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.

And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.

The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.

This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.

Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.

Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.

This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.

I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.

God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.

I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.

Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.

In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.

When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.

It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this day, I want you to contemplate My Universe, beyond everything, and that through My Universe you may find the Truth, this Truth that comes from God and that will elevate you: the Truth of Transparency and of Wisdom; a Divine Truth that will unite you, that will strengthen you as consciousnesses and as a group.

I come from a very far away place of the Universe to bring and deposit My Peace in you, not only as Soul, but also as Planetary Consciousness, as a Race and as a Civilization.

Because it is a culminating moment that you face, in this time and in this cycle, in which you must place, above everything, My Consoling and Merciful Love. Just as I taught the apostles in the past, today I teach you, My companions.

You must keep being My peacemakers, My bearers of peace, My servers of good and of light who listen to the Word from the Heights, and who make it resound within you so that My Divine Impulses may transform you, elevate and conduct you toward the Purpose of God.

I know it is for everyone a moment of overcoming and of tests, of extreme trust and of an infinite fortitude that is attained through the prayer of the heart, a prayer that will always lead you toward My Doorway, so that through My Universe you may find My Wisdom, My Understanding and My Peace; attributes that I come to deposit in a world that is ill and wounded, that has completely lost the sense of spiritual life.

Therefore, in this age, in this cycle, at this time, I come to meet you and to meet your brothers and sisters, to remind you all of the commitment with Me, to make you see reality, a reality that arises from the Heart of God as an infinite fount that pervades all spaces, all universes, all galaxies and all stars.

You are part of a macrocosm, you must not stay only in what is superficial and material, or in what is mental or intellectual. You must go beyond the thresholds of consciousness to be able to attain Christic Light, that which gives the impulse to all spirits in the moment of the great awakening, not only under the gift of love and of wisdom, but also through the gift of humility and of resignation.

This will allow for balancing the world, and all errors committed by all peoples and all nations, which time and again distance themselves from the Purpose of God, establishing principles and ways of life that are not evolutionary nor transparent, that do not bring spiritual nor mental health.

Therefore, God will find, in spaces like this, where His own life manifests through the Kingdoms and the creatures, by means of the elements, all that He thought and created with attention out of love for you so that you could experience and recognize the happiness of God, to have creatures on this planet and in others that love Him, recognize Him, venerate Him and accept Him as their Celestial Father.

Therefore, I come today from an infinite horizon called “Universe of the Consciousness of God”, in which all of His Founts of Light and His Cosmic Founts are present to interrelate with this material universe and also with the mental universe, in which the angels are present and also have participated in this Divine Purpose for eons of time, since a time that is not known, nor identified by the human being of the surface.

What I bring to you from the Universe is something more than abstract, it is something more than nonmaterial, it is something more than spiritual. Through My Heart, I bring to you this principle that life originated from, and an existence which brought to everyone the meaning and reason for living here, and learning here together with their brothers and sisters of the path, and with humanity.

To find this meaning and this path, God mirrors Himself and reflects. time and again, in the Creation by means of Nature: by means of the oceans, the mountains, each Younger Kingdom, which brings to the Earth a spiritual principle and a principle of elevation which, up until now, humanity has not known, and only in this time is it awakening to know this wisdom which expresses itself and is kept in the Kingdoms of Nature.

For this reason, God sends His Messengers, the Sacred Hearts, on pilgrimage throughout the world, so that all races and all peoples can awaken and recognize God in all that was created, and can be in communion with Him without hurting Him nor damaging Him, nor offending Him, nor mistreating Him through the Kingdoms of Nature.

God manifests His Attributes in the Younger Kingdoms. God also mirrors His Will also through the Younger Kingdoms, which brings into their group essence the Universe of God, which is this Universe of Love and of Wisdom, which allows us to maintain an inner contact with the Source and with all of Its Gifts.

With this, I want to tell you, companions, that your intellectual and spiritual mission must go beyond appearances, human aspects or resistance. You must apply in your lives the Law of Love that I taught you by means of My Sacrifice, not only in public life, but also on the Cross and by means of each drop of Blood shed for the liberation and redemption of the world and its creatures.

Now is the time for all evil to be reversed and transmuted into Light, into the powerful Light that comes from the spiritual and cosmic Universe so that the consciousnesses of the Earth, human beings, may have a pitying opportunity of awakening and of again finding the meaning of being here, beyond the material or the intellectual.

Today I place you before one of the Wills of God, not yet revealed to the world, but which today becomes present through the Son, the Son Beloved by the Father, the Father that loves all of His children.

Place this message in your heart and try to discover its meaning and its essence so that, beyond everything, you can perceive the reality of all that I want to tell you at this moment.

After all the prayers that are lovingly offered today by you, making the Christic Love of My Heart expand for all souls and the planet, I come closer to make you bearers of My Peace and of My Love, so that you may feel Me close by, and so that you may listen to My Heart.

Today, I leave you My blessing and My Peace, My renewal and My trust, so that all this can touch the souls in the world and its essences.

I give you My Peace and under My Light, I bless you universally.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sometimes I cannot tell My companions all the truth because you could not bear it.

That is why today, with My bare Feet, I touch this sacred soil to bless it again, protect and safeguard it through My Sacred Heart.

The time of the Universe stands still, because your humble Shepherd has entered the orbit of this planet and through this portal of peace to help the world.

Humanity still does not know the true scenario of the end of times.

All that they see through the television is a small illustration of the truth, because worse secrets still exist, which are kept hidden under keys of uncertain doors.

I come to bring My Light into this reality.

I come to make My companions aware so that, in the most critical times that are close, you are not sleeping, as My apostles at Gethsemane were sleeping, and fell into temptation.

I invite you to be awake beyond your awakening.

I am not only speaking about ceasing to sleep, I am speaking about a spiritual awakening, about an extreme vigilance in the face of the happenings that surround you every day, and of which you only know about one percent.

Today, at My Feet I bring the planetary reality, and I hope that those who have consecrated themselves to My Heart in pronouncing life vows, will fulfill them.

I do not come to judge your difficulties, nor your imperfections.

I want you to give Me what you can give, because through what you give Me, I will be able to help the world.

The arms, the hands, and the feet that I can count on are not enough to accomplish this Work of world service.

I need your talents to be available to Me, because while your talents are not available, millions of souls despair, and many are victims of death, of an unjust death.

The seals of the Apocalypse are already opening. When the seventh one opens, everything, everything will be unleashed. There will be no one who will escape this.

I do not come to bring you terror, but rather awareness.

I aspire to your being able to step outside of yourselves, every day. May you not cause trouble for your brothers and sisters of the path. That in this time, you carry on with the talent you came to offer me.

Do not waste time on superficial things. You were called by Me; you chose My Summons over the course of time.

 I know that this extreme surrender is not for everybody, but I do not come to ask for the impossible.

I need you to accompany Me with maturity in these times.

Stop being children, and from now, be My apostles, My warriors of peace, unconditional servers of My Heart.

Because the waters (hands) of the clock continue to flow (tick) and the events are precipitating, one on top of the other.

Who will stop this stream of evil in the world?

I need My foundations to be ready so that I may return. And that will be through your hearts and surrender. While that does not happen, I do not have permission or the authority to return.

I am not claiming anything from you. I am not belittling your efforts, nor your sacrifices, which are visible to My Merciful Heart.

I need you to stand in maturity and loyalty. You know, companions, that this is not happening.

Meanwhile, My Heart is being flogged by the world, upon seeing so many victims in the abyss of death.

Who will rescue them? Who will give their life for them? And I do not only speak of humanity, but also of all that is invisible to your eyes.

Today I come to declare My concern for humanity.

I have the power to stop everything that is happening, but many choose the path of suffering. And My Heart is so full of Mercy, like a chalice that overflows, and that is still not drunk by anybody.

I feel, In Me, the wounds of the planet.

Through My Ears, I hear the cry of the victims in the desert, in the desert of this planetary transition.

I need you to definitely and truly unite. Because in truth I tell you, companions, you no longer look like you are. It is not good for you nor for My Work in the world.

I have come to call inexperienced hearts, lives in redemption, hearts in transformation.

Saint Joseph is the path for achieving the goals.

He has offered Himself to Me in extreme sacrifice for those who will indeed persevere and will indeed continue with the teachings, step by step.

Because He is the example of a possible and real humanity, of a new humanity, carrier of a new consciousness.

Meanwhile, Saint Joseph does the impossible so that My Project may be fulfilled in humanity.

We, the Divine Messengers, do the unreachable, through all creatures, to accomplish the impossible.

Today I come to speak to you from the Principle of spiritual adulthood, because as of the last August 8th, everything has changed, much more than it seems and in all that you know.

I must put My servers in places of conflict.

Through your lives, I must reach the places of greatest chaos, in order that you go through all the difficulties without losing persistence and hope, so that I may place My Sword on the highest mount of this planet.

At that moment, everything will fall, and it will be the end of human corruption.

The Earth will open like a mother that is about to give birth.

Everything will be purified and nobody will be able to stop it, because the hour of the great Redemption will arrive.

And like in a starry night, I will come in silence, although many will be in agony, suffering the consequences of these times and of all those who govern you.

On My Back I will bring the Cross of Salvation and I will no longer carry the debt of humanity, but rather I will bring the luminous Cross of Emmanuel to light up the world, in the four corners of the planet. 

Many nations will be one against other. But do not despair, the apparent captivity will end, and all will be able to consciously see it, until the self-destruction of humanity is brought to an end.

I come to bring you a message of Wisdom; I come to radiate My Discernment.

Now it is time to grow, not only inwardly, but also outwardly.

Each one knows what they are to mature; let each one assume their position in this transition, because there is no more time. 

You will remember this message when everything happens and your souls must avail themselves of the energy of My Light, to be above all the events, without indifference.

Because in this way you will be able to accompany Me, and I will be able to have My tired Body supported by you, rest My Head on your shoulders so that, just like John, you bring relief to your Lord.

Bring relief to your Lord. Bring relief to your Lord. That is all I ask of you, and you will be able to be in My Peace.

Bring relief to your brothers and sisters, bring relief to those who guide you, and you will be in My Peace.

Bring relief to the Eternal Father and you will be in His Plan of Love.

Do not cause trouble where none exists. Do not create complications where there are none.

Be intelligent, much more than My enemy, and you will cross the bridges toward My Kingdom; in this way, your steps will not be delayed, you will not delay My Plan.

Today I confess, the way a child confesses to their father.

Today I address you as a master addresses their disciples and also shows his concerns. But not a concern as you would understand it in this terrestrial life. I would call it "celestial impotence," like that which some of your companions experience daily.

Now do you understand the commitment of those who have consecrated themselves to Me?

I do not come to bring alliances so that they may be thrown to the ground and hidden by the dust.

I come to recognize what is within you. And I have no doubts because, in spite of having been a man and of having incarnated in this world, in My Kingdom doubts no longer exist; that is the enemy that confuses hearts and deviates them from My path of Redemption.

I invite you again to be intelligent, and like an exercise of Light, to close the door so that the one who is My rival cannot enter through any breach.

My Mantle of Light will always be over you, and if one day it is not, notice if you may have taken it off your heads or if you have moved away from Me, to the point where I cannot reach you.

The nations of the world are in need of much Mercy.

I come to reinforce the prayers for Latin America, as well as for the whole world. The new Eden must not be dissipated from the minds of those who have faith in it. Hope is the foundation for that new Eden.

Starting tomorrow, I wish all of My followers to receive this message in written form, and everybody who asks for it today will receive it. You have My Permission for this. This message must reach the whole world and in as many languages as possible.

I am thankful that, in any part of the world, knowing or not knowing of My Work here in South America, souls offer to transcribe My Words and to translate My Message into as many languages as possible, so that many more know that I am here, accompanying you in these times of darkness, just as I accompany My Church in the upheaval and shaking of its ship. But I have already taught you that everything can be reversed.

When I was in the Sea of Galilee, I once said to Peter: What are you afraid of, Simon, if your Master walks upon the waters, do you believe your faith will get in your way? Step out of the boat and walk toward a meeting with My Sacred Heart! Your faith can be as unbreakable as a mountain. I give you the strength to do all things.

And Simon walked on the water. Without realizing, he moved away from fear and entered into My Love, into the Universe of My Love.

I invite you to go through these times with much, much faith.

The terror may be great, the blood that pours out in the world may be interminable, but nobody will be able to exceed God.

Humankind must understand that they are far from God, that they have turned their backs on the Universal Kingdom of Light. For this reason, He sends His Only Begotten Son to give strength and courage to simple and good hearts.

On this night I come to offer you My Communion, because it is that Sacrament that will restore you.

Let us ask the Father for His Mercy, through His children, for the Mercy of God is in His children, above all in those who believe in His Divine Source and concretize His Plan on this surface.

Sow My Codes of Light in your hearts and everything will be able to be fulfilled, just as My Father has requested it. Suffering will cease and souls will find love and hope again. Let it be so.

Do not be afraid that your Master is giving you definitive and forceful revelations.

I need you to accompany Me with the same Wisdom I have, with the same love that I live, with the same Mercy that I express for this beloved humanity.

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon: Let us sing the Names of God, at the request of our Lord.

Today I consecrate this Blood as My Blood of Life, for the blood that is spilled in the world, for the victims that suffer human injustice in each one of the nations of the world.

Today I consecrate this bread as My Body, for the souls that are mutilated, exploited; for the souls that are victims of slavery and that are in captivity; for the souls that are imprisoned by the hands of human beings; for the mothers who abort their children; for the children that are sold and lost in the world; for the old people who are mistreated; for the souls that suffer illnesses in the hospitals and only receive contempt, without knowing consoling love.

Today My Heart is pleased for each of those souls, for the souls that have nothing to eat, but only live in prayer, waiting for a Great Grace.

Today I offer this Sacrament for the Kingdoms of Nature that, in silence, are assaulted; for the animals that are despised, that are killed and unjustly serve as a luxury at the table of the rich.

For all that blood unjustly spilled, for those who do not know God and who have hardened their hearts to Eternal Love, I offer this Communion, and I ask each one of you to do so, because this will be My last intervention for humanity, before everything happens.

Let your hearts be brave to offer this sacrifice for Me, although you are not prepared.

I will gather up your petitions, just as I always do, to place them like petals of light at the Feet of our Creator.

Because in spite of all the suffering of the world, His Mercy is great, beyond this Universe.

On this night, I consecrate the wine and the bread, bringing the Pity of our Father God.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (x3). Amen.

Let your voices be heard in this Universe, proclaiming the Names of God.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 47th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Assisi, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let us pray.

"Listen, Father, to the voice of Your creatures, of all the beings of goodwill and of good.

Listen, Father, to the voice of Your children, of all those that hold Your Divine Hope; of all those that aspire to find Your Will, Your Love, and Your Grace.

Beloved Father, descend now over Your creatures; may everything be permeated by Your Light, so that suffering may transform into joy; so that error may transform into liberation; so that sins may transform into salvation and all find the Great Portal to Your Peace.

O beloved Father! Today I bow down before You, in the luminous company of Saint Francis, because He has asked me to pray for humanity. And today I unite with His holy Heart which demonstrated, in past times, a love for Creation and life. Thus, may each essence be restored by Your Love. May offenses be dispelled. May Your Mercy shine and may hearts that are closed open to the essence of Your Divine Love.

O beloved Father! How much You have given for all Your creatures. How much you have given of Yourself for each created essence. How much, Father, You have manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature. May the Mineral Kingdom be cared for by the human heart. May the Plant Kingdom be praised by humanity from the surface of the Earth. May the Animal Kingdom be rescued and healed by the hands that give of themselves to unconditionally serve it.

May no more die on this Earth. May no more suffer through indifference. May no one miss the opportunity of loving and of finding Your Kingdom, Your Celestial Kingdom.

May all the evil generated between peoples, between nations and in the Kingdoms of Nature be restored by Your infinite Mercy.

May the eyes open of those, Lord, who still do not want to see You. May the hearts open that distanced themselves from You because of the actions of humanity, in all religions. May intermediaries no longer exist, may all be able to be Your true instruments of Peace.

O beloved Lord! Father of Creation and of beauty, cause Your stars of Glory to descend over a lost humanity.

Today My Heart pours out the Blood of His Love so that everything may be washed, purified, and again become worthy so as to find Your Love.

O Father of the Universes! May souls be able to look at the skies, the stars, the Sun and the Moon, to contemplate the Light of Your Love. May each heart feel how You, Father of Love, renew all things, regenerate all things, transform all things, for everything belongs to You, Father, in Heaven and on Earth, in the firmament as well as on the earth, in the oceans, on the continents, in everything You have created, it will always belong to You.

And turn Your creatures away, Lord, from the influences of evil. May this race, that is at the doorway of its great definition, not lose its union with Your Essence.

Today, Saint Francis, Your son, and Your wife, Saint Clare, implore, beloved Lord, for a greater Grace, incomprehensible and inconceivable to the humanity of the surface. But You, Lord, Who can do all things, You Who are the same Will that expressed love, grandeur, and Creation, conceive the principle of Your compassion in Your creatures, so that souls may find the way out toward Redemption.

Today, with Saint Francis and Saint Clare, I raise up the fallen stars, that fell into the abysses, that extinguished their inner light and lost the flame of Your Faith. I pour out and place those stars on the mantle of Your Mother, for it is She Who conceives life, the grace and the opportunity for all Your beings, in Her most pure and divine womb. It is She Who gestates in Herself the new Humanity. It is She Who grants the Mercy of Your Heart so that Your creatures may contemplate Your Holy Face.

And so, with Saint Francis and Saint Clare, surrounded by Your omnipresence and omnipotence, we ask You, Most High Lord, that you separate, set apart and distance humanity from the Ray of Your Justice, because You, Father, have sent Me so that Your children, who are imperfect, will emulate My path so as to manifest the New Christs.

Today I come here, to this land of Assisi, to re-consecrate it to Your Creation, to sister Poverty, to sister Humility, to brother Sun and sister Moon, as well as all that exists in Your greater universes.

May all be illuminated by Your kind Hand. May You, Father, pure and infinite Love, signal to Your children with the cross of freedom lived by Your Only Begotten, carried upon My Shoulders for the redemption of humanity.

May the Kingdoms of Nature be praised. May all the evil generated by the ignorance of Your children in the Kingdoms of Your Creation be dispelled so that Your Love and Your Compassion may incarnate in all.

Today we ask brother Sun that he not cease to shine in this world; that his rays penetrate the very depths of the most hardened hearts. That sister Moon illuminate the paths of tribulation that many are experiencing today in these times, so that all may contemplate how great Your Love is, written in the firmament, in the stars, in all of the universe.

Today, with Saint Francis and Saint Clare, united in the Most Holy Trinity, We offer You, Lord, this prayer as a plea of those who love Your Creation, Your Kingdoms created in image and likeness, treasures of Your infinite Love.

We offer, Lord, this Communion with life, with eternal life, with what is real, living, and resplendent.

May all feel Your Presence. May all awaken to the universe of Your Peace, Your Unity, forever."

Let us offer in the presence of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, for the Kingdoms that are not contemplated, this song that is now being played, that is a prayer of those who are true children of God and who love Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today My Heart will open like a tabernacle to receive this prayer from all creatures, from any part of the world, from any heart that unites in this moment with the Love of the Creator.

I place My left Hand on My Heart, I raise My right Hand over the world to bless it with all the Love of God, and in this way, I receive the plea of this prayer from your voices.

I am listening.

May you find in the Body and the Blood the fruit of your salvation, and may that fruit, based on the Love, Unity, and Mercy of God, reach all the souls of the world.

So be it.

And now, inwardly ask Saint Francis and Saint Clare for what you need and all your brothers and sisters need more than you yourselves. Ask sincerely, for these saints will receive your pleas in Their hearts. Ask, and all will be fulfilled. Ask for humanity. Ask for the Kingdoms of Nature, grievously offended by this race of the surface. Ask that love, forgiveness, and reconciliation between Creation and humanity may be conceived, so that in this way, the thousand years of peace may be established.

Place your hands in a sign of prayer.

We will pray the Our Father slowly, as if you were pronouncing it for the first time, so that His Kingdom may descend and evil be extirpated from humanity.

Now place your hands on your heart so that I may bless you for those who are not blessed and who forget that My Heart is the great treasure of infinite Love for all of humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Raising My right Hand on High, in the sign of blessing and protection, I grant forgiveness to the Minor Kingdoms assaulted by this humanity of the surface and I implore the Holy Father, Lord of the Heights and of Creation, to have Mercy on those that have fallen and have hurt His Divine Creation.

May Light, Peace, and the Good reign forever in believers and in those who aspire to someday reach the Kingdom of Your Love. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

I thank you for being united with Creation.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 41st Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Monterrey, Mexico, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today, in spite of a large part of the world being in its spiritual death, I will persevere in you and I will not rest until I achieve what My Father needs for this humanity and for this Universe.

And, in spite of the world not listening, not opening the ears of the heart, I will persevere in you and I will not rest until I achieve what My Father needs.

Yesterday I spoke of a mystery that many did not understand, because everything that is kept in Heaven cannot be experienced by the mind.

Only the heart, your hearts, have the capacity to understand what is not visible to all, that which vibrates and exists throughout the whole Universe.

Humanity cannot restrict itself to material life. In truth, I tell you, that material life is something secondary.

You cannot lose the union with your spirits, because it will be your spirits, your inner worlds, that will understand all that exists in the House of My Father.

Thus, the time has come for humanity, awakened or asleep, to know the reality that is kept in the Universe.

As a spiritual impulse for the redemption of the hearts, of all those who have fallen into their own abysses, I come to remove everyone from their human condition through the impulses of Light that My Heart comes to give you.

My Heart is your true treasure, because within it lies all the virtues and gifts that God constituted since the beginning of Creation.

Long before Adam and Eve, My Heart was already beating throughout the Universe as an immaterial reality, which later came to incarnate among you, to teach you how to love and remove you from error.

In My humility I tell you: you are before a powerful Heart, that not only belongs to Me, but also to My Father, because My Father is in Me, as I Am in My Father, and each one of you can be in God. When you think that this is possible, so it will be.

This is the reason why souls suffer so much: they distance themselves from the Father, they distance themselves from His Kingdom and from all His celestial treasures, which are kept as a sacred memory in His Eternal Heart.

I come to invite you, not only to commune of My Body and My Blood, because I know it is necessary for your lives to experience a physical ritual, but also a profound communion with My Heart, as a part of an inner ceremony for souls.

But today I am inviting you to avail yourselves upon My sacred table of all the gifts that God has been giving to you through spiritual impulses that will only renew, redeem and heal you of everything when you decide to take this step, each time open your consciousnesses more to all that is unknown to your material lives and to your minds.

The Laws that the Celestial Father rules are Higher and Divine Laws that humanity has never managed to follow.

A stream of these Laws, amongst all those that exist, are the Ten Commandments, the basic rules given to humanity in the beginning, through your Patriarch, Moses.

If these rules had been lived and not altered by humanity, the race would be at a different point in its awakening and evolution. Suffering would not exist in humanity.

In what you call "debts" hearts would be free if they had fulfilled the Laws of the Commandments 

But as this has not happened, I had to incarnate in this humanity through the Sacred Face of Jesus of Nazareth, to teach you, in the simple things, the great mysteries of the Heart of God through the parables that are kept as keys in the Gospel, which I once preached.

Even so, companions, humanity has not reciprocated in what the Will of God has asked of you. This is also the reason, companions, that throughout time, our Sacred Hearts, of My Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Christ Himself, have come to the world to be able to instruct and correct you, so that you may follow the path that God has foreseen for you to experience.

And although this has not yet happened, My Sacred Heart brings you all these revelations.

As it was at Mount Shasta, thus I revealed at the Mount of Beatitudes, all the wonders and graces that souls, at that time, could experience.

All these rules are still current, although the majority of souls of the world are separated from this spiritual reality, and  are only waiting for you to redeem and to consecrate yourselves to My Heart.

If now, at this time and through this meeting, you are afraid of all that I tell you, of the Revelations of the Consciousness of God, directly from His Source and in all He has created, like in Mount Shasta, how can you, companions, wait for me when I return with My true Face, which I revealed at Mount Tabor, in the Transfiguration?

Would you be ready to recognize My Higher Being?

I do not want you to be frightened, for My Power is not known to the world. It was only ten percent of it that descended when I was on the Cross and expired.

Temples collapsed, more rigid structures fell, the dead rose and spoke and pronounced My Name.

In that hour, everybody feared what had been done to the Son, the First Born, and although all of this happened and reverberated in the memory of a very few over the course of time, I still have to come here because I love you and hope for the best for everyone.

But it is time that you come out of your lethargy to wake up to a new consciousness that My Aspect of Glory brings for the most lost hearts in the world, for those who destroy Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature, only looking for conquest and personal power.

The time has come, companions, for preparing the inner world of humanity to bring many things to an end and to unmask what many still do not see with their own eyes.

The power of divine experience is descending from the Universe to this world, and each time it draws near, the greater the purification of hearts so that you may be free of yourselves, cleansed of everything and ready to receive the Redeemer on His second Return.

I only wish you to not be indifferent, as is the rest of humanity, that only looks to itself rather than to its fellow being, to the one who suffers, to the small animal that is unprotected, to the tree that is damaged, tied up by the chains of humankind.

Now do you understand that My Father has allowed Me to be in everything?

I am not only in humanity, but in the essence of the Kingdoms of Nature, that are the first manifestation of the Creation of the Celestial Father.

If this is becoming corrupted by the hands of humankind from the surface, how will the spiritual life of humanity not become corrupt in and of itself through what it lives and in what it feels, in what it does and practices against the Laws of God?

Forgive me, companions, but I come to tell you the truth so that you set aside the worldly dream that many consciousnesses live, without even perceiving it.

I bring you My Graces, the Graces of My Glory, so that you may be able to awaken more each day and see that the world is suffering the consequences of its own mistakes; it is something that the Father does not want to see anymore in this humanity, on this planet, and in the whole Universe.

I come to reactivate the spirit of the capacity to love in you, because it is Love that will free you. And in this way, your pleas will be heard and at the right moment, you will receive what you so much need.

Be patient hearts in truth and in love, in this way, you will help the souls that despair in the hell of their own error.

I give you the authority to love more each time, without limits, without restrictions, and without boundaries, because it is Love, as you have seen through My Passion, that will reverse everything.

This is a humanity that has achieved few degrees of love, in contrast to other Universes, where love grows day after day.

That is why you are being helped by Consciousnesses that you do not know and that perhaps you will never know, Consciousnesses at the service of Love, just like the holy angels and the holy archangels, that come to meet  you each time your Master descends to the Earth; and although you may not see them, they are here to complete wounded hearts and thus open the doors to Redemption.

My hope on this sacred day was to tell you many more things, to expand the Sacred Knowledge that I brought you from Mount Shasta, as well as from other blessed places on Earth, where the keys for a New Humanity are kept.

Only when souls unite in a profound prayer will you access the celestial legacy that is kept in those places for all the hearts on Earth, such as Mount Sinai, Mount Tabor, the Desert of Shambhala, the sacred mountains of the Andes; places that are open so that souls may contemplate everything that God created for each one of His creatures.

Do you now understand, companions, the difference of being able to contemplate and not destroy?

How will you have a new world if you are hurting it?

How will a new consciousness be born?

How will the Laws of healing descend upon humanity if humanity is sick through not living the Law of the Creator?

How will the bridges of brotherhood and fraternity be established if those who pray are so few?

I am inviting those who never dared to penetrate the mystery of My Divine Mercy, so that as I have done with each one of you, I am able to change your hearts into sources of life and of renewal.

And now I prepare for something very important, in which you are participants and can be even more, if you collaborate with Me so that this mission to the United States should take place, irrespective of who will be present there, in that nation, or all that has been done, through the course of time, to other nations of the world.

Once again, under the spirit of the Faith of the Father, I invite you to place yourselves above all these things. In this way, you will be taking a sure step towards My Heart, and not towards another, where everything is empty.

Today a period ends in Mexico.

The Sacred Hearts in Central America and Mexico were able to open the doors for a sacred opportunity that will be seen in the near future.

The seeds that will form the New Earth are sown little by little, so that their fruits are born strong and give more seeds, for the new souls that will find this path towards My Heart. 

Let your hearts always seek to be sincere, so that the proclamation held in this song may be heard by all those who have to open their ears to the call of the Creator.

The sincere heart is one that lives in Christ.

The sincere heart is one that seeks Christ and in spite of everything, aspires to be in Him.

The sincere heart gestates within itself the treasures of God, that will be part of the New Humanity.

The sincere heart is not indifferent, but attentive, vigilant, and solicitous to the call it comes upon on its path. Live this way, as a sincere heart, in a greater service.

The sincere heart opens to listen to the corrections of life, and without prejudice, accepts in humility what God sends it.

The sincere heart loves beyond itself and penetrates the dimensions in which the Great Love of God is kept and from where Eternal Life starts.

The sincere heart attends to the needs of the world and does not lose even a second to be able to give of itself for love of the Creator and His First-Born Child.

A sincere heart is free of itself and of all that it has believed about itself, because its own sincerity leads to its freedom from all ties.

A sincere heart is in likeness to the Lord and follows His paths until it is able to find its mission in these times.

The sincere heart pleads to its Creator, having the faith that it will achieve the best for this whole world.

A sincere heart opens the doors to the Kingdom of God with the expression of its inner love for all that was created, and so, it is in eternal communion with all the Universe and with its absolute King, the Redeemer.

The sincere heart transmutes in silence and is not bothered by all it experiences, because if humility and the capacity to love is in it, it will be living Divine Will.

The sincere heart is available to its Master of Love so as to be able to fulfill all He asks of it, deeply trusting that it is true.

The sincere heart dies to itself, so as to be able to have souls be born to the Love of God.

The sincere love is an apostle of the new time, it is the disciple of sacred renunciation and of the acceptance of all that is divine and sublime in the Kingdom of its Father.

The sincere heart serves for the fulfillment of the Plan of God in this humanity and in the whole Universe. In this way, it will concretize its part and will be on the path of Light, being permeated by My Rays, by the Light of My Divine Mercy, until My expected Return is accomplished.

The sincere heart sings to proclaim the coming of Love through the Son of God.

The sincere heart believes in the Return of Christ and waits for each minute to go by so that its Master may come to encounter it.

Be sincere hearts and you will be transformed into something you have never known.

You will come to know inner freedom and in spite of everything, you will be in the Universe of the Love of God.

With these words I bless those who will consecrate themselves in the name of many who will be touched, as in this nation, by My redeeming Light (*).

When all receive the sacrament, uncertain doors are closed and new doors to the light open, in order that hearts find again their filiation and their profound communion with the Celestial Father.

After this consecration, companions, in which your souls and these elements were blessed once again, so that you always seek to live in the Law, My Heart is now ready, just as it was in the flogging square, to enter the United States.

I thank you.

Today I want you to sing a song that will resonate in the people of God, who seek to live in hope and in communion with the Redeemer. As you once said to me: "That which I am, that I give you."

It does not matter how it is, but that it be real. Because if what you give me is real, I will always thank you because you will be sincere hearts that will give the best of themselves, in spite of what happens.

I rise up to the House of My Father, taking your pleas and the prayers of all My children in these two days.

Thus, lifting My Hand towards the Highest, asking for the Grace of God, placing My left Hand on My Heart, I bless you under the power and the authority of the Holy Cross, that redeemed souls, exorcized demons, freed hearts, and instituted the union of Heaven and Earth through the servers that live in goodwill, in hope, and in faith, opening the doors for this next mission to the United States.

I bless you and absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3 x)

Do not forget that if you are in peace, there am I.

I thank you.


*The choir sings "Sincere Heart."


I come this evening to celebrate Communion with you, under the powerful spirit of My Father, who gathers you in this fraternity so that My Plan, which is the Plan of My Father, may be fulfilled in this humanity and on this planet, in such need of love and mercy.

As you have said, companions, I open My Arms towards you, to give you My Peace and deliver My Heart to you, as a symbol of Redemption for your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of all your brothers and sisters.

With all the angels that are with Me today, I come to bring you  good news, because the arrival of the Mother of God to Mexico and Central America was fulfilled in this third stage.

I want to tell you, companions, that the sacred task of the Messengers of God who come today to your encounter, is being fulfilled as God wrote it in His Golden Book of His Celestial Kingdom.

Each event experienced is being written by the Eternal Father Himself, so that the destiny of this planet may be able to change in time and many souls may be saved, by just awakening to My Glorified Heart, which is the living Heart of God, that can be present in each one of you, just as you have done in this prayer that you have proclaimed to My Merciful Heart.

It is a joy to be on this earth after two thousand and sixteen years. But in truth I tell you, companions, that My Heart, in the depth of It's silence, knew that this humanity existed here.

That's why, at that time, I asked the Mother of God for a special Grace for you: To leave stamped in this nation Her Celestial Presence, so that all the nations of the world would know her and would have total knowledge of the Divine Science stamped on the cloak.

Therefore, companions, with all the stars from Heaven and the Divine Consciousnesses that today are congregated in this place to pour out the Mercy of God by means of the offer of My Glorified Heart, I tell you once again, companions, that peace is possible in this time.

You should not fear what you will live. The humanity on the surface must redeem itself. It must reach the transformation of its consciousness, so that the new codes that will come from the Celestial Universe through each prayer exercised, may be present in this last phase of humanity.

Today My heart beats for Mexico, for each one of the creatures of God that today must reach the Light that My Merciful Heart offers them.

Receive from My Hands the Rays of the Mercy of God, which today I come to deposit upon this beloved nation, very protected and cared for by My Heavenly Mother.

Dear companions, I invite you on this evening, in the simplicity of the heart and soul, to be the apostles of My Love in this last planetary cycle, in which it will be necessary for decided souls to live and feel Me. Because it is through their souls and hearts that I will be able to retransmit the celestial gifts, to all the creatures who need it most.

I also come today, on this day, to alleviate the suffering that was generated in this nation from the beginning of the colonization until the present.

Therefore, I have opened the doors of the Universe, the fourteen main ones, so that the pain could be liberated, in obedience to My Celestial Father and to the service of all the angels, for the hosts of the Archangel Saint Michael who have come to remove the suffering of the spirit from the consciousness of many beings.

It is at this time, companions, where I invite you to vivify Me through the Communion that today I will consecrate for you.

Because I Am the same Jesus of Nazareth, who comes to find you so that you remember your commitment with Me, the commitment to be My ambassadors of Peace in this crucial time of humanity.

I come to deposit in you something that will flourish in the future. That is why you must persevere, even more, so that those who are on My path, because at the end of the goal is eternity,  which is where I want to take you after having served Me in this humanity and for this planet, which agonizes so much due to the ignorance of this race.

It is thus that I come to open the eyes of your hearts and to expand the consciousness of your souls so that you may be in Me.

It is a victory that Our Sacred Hearts, that of the most Blessed Mary, of Saint Joseph and My own Living Heart, are descending upon this nation.

I come to bring you the codes of Rehabilitation, something that for many is a mystery, but that forms part of the Divine Science.

These codes descend through your spirits and ultimately will materialize in your own lives by means of transformation and of redemption.

So, companions, I come to heal the great wound of the indigenous consciousness and to recover the purity that it reached when this whole Mexican people, its original people, lived in the happiness of God and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Thus I come to make a cut in time and space. I come to reconnect you with the truth that you are, with that which you reached through the generations, by way of the living devotion that emerges from your hearts with My Heart, which today receives this gratitude from each one of your souls.

This is what encourages me to continue coming to the world for all those lost souls, who day after day are immersed in the hells of humanity. I want to reach each one of them through you.

Open the doors of your hearts for me as you did today, so that I to may indicate the path and the service you must fulfill for My Heart.

It is thus that I come to sow seeds of Light in this suffering time of humanity.

And while I am with you, companions, I am with the nations of the world, mainly with America, that should not lose the opportunity to be the cradle of the new humanity.

Do not fear what human beings of the surface do. Remember in humility, that God has the power and that it is He who allows things, including the presence of My adversary in humanity; the hearts that live Me will not tremble.

I am that Source who renews all things each time that you commune with Me in love and gratitude. It is this love and gratitude of all the souls that follow Me, of all the nations of America and of the world, that has allowed Me to come here, to Mexico.

It is through My servants of peace, of each praying group, of each serving soul, that allows Me to come here, because this generates, not only for Mexico but also for the world, an inexplicable atonement, that today is poured upon this place.

You called Me once and today I am here among you to give you My Peace, My Consolation and My Grace, something that is lived profoundly in the spirit of each being.

I come to give you rest, pacification of the consciousness and the elevation of the spirit towards the Great Portal of God, through My Living Heart.

I want you to feel at this time the opportunity to love Me as I love you, beyond imperfection and error.

See around you in the eyes of your brothers and sisters the brightness of My Spirit, for the souls that have redeemed themselves by just saying "yes." And so it is that I am here to bless you.

Let us pray to the Father so that  Mexico does not lose its peace and is not conquered by the ideas of tenebrous human beings.

It is thus that My Divine Mercy first comes to prevent chaos and to establish peace in all hearts that open themselves to receive My Light and My Love. This will prevent the imbalance of the planet.

I invite you to live the changes in peace. Trust in what we tell you and never deviate from My path.

I invite you to feel things with love, for then you will be in Truth and your hearts will also be alive, alive in the Source of God by means of His glory. And His Glory will be with you and with your brothers and sisters, and My Kingdom will approach, more each time, so that I may to be able to return soon and put an end to many things.

I want you to be happy for being with Me and that you offer each small sacrifice for humanity, so that many more than you, can benefit through My last atonement, which will prepare a part of humanity for My second coming, fulfilling, thus, the prophecies of John.

We know that this moment is approaching unexpectedly. Do not forget to be vigilant. Distance yourselves from distraction and you will not lose wisdom. The times demand concentration and vigilance, so that everyone may be sheltered in My Spirit, and in spite of what happens, may know what to do and where to be.

When everything happens do not be afraid nor think of what will happen. Live in Me and you will be able to be in the eternal present and thus you will act according to the Will of God, which is simple and loving.

Now I want to see on your faces a smile for meeting me again and persisting, because in persistence is found the triumph of the Plan of Love in each one of the souls.

Let us celebrate this Communion in union with all the brothers and sisters of the planet, with all the praying people and mirrors that reflect the Love of My Heart to the world.

Smile, smile to God. He too must be consoled by His children, thus He will shed upon you the Source of His Providence and all His Grace, and many more souls will be touched by this impulse of Light.

Now adore My Heart by singing "I came to adore You."

And as two thousand years ago, once more I repeat:

Blessed are the merciful because they will attain Mercy.

Blessed are the meek of heart, because they will inherit the promised land.

Blessed are the humble of heart, because they will always find peace.

Blessed are the simple of spirit, because they will always see God.

Blessed are those who live Me, because they will always find Me.

Blessed are those who adore Me in the most Holy Sacrament, because I will wait for them in the Kingdom of God to take them with Me to Eternity.

I thank  you for having received Me, for having listened to Me and for having felt Me for only one minute, for having praised Me, for having honored Me, because everything will not come for Me but for the Creator, who is the One who loves you from the beginning to the end. From the smallest of you to the largest one, He loves everything, because in His Love is the peace and His blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May peace be in you and be peace for the world.

Continue singing.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

When My Heart is flogged, It feels the horror of the world and the persecution that the souls live on losing their life on this planet.

When My Heart is flogged, It feels the indifference of humankind after the purpose lived by Me, and for each one of you.

When My Heart is flogged, the souls must console it with good works of love and of charity, remembering the importance of their fellow being.

When My Heart is flogged, It feels the transgression of humankind and the perdition lived by souls for not venerating My Sacred Heart.

Today I reveal My flogged Heart to you, because I need It to be present in your lives, so that the world does not totally lose its peace.

This meek Heart offered Itself to you, to generate the salvation of the times, the surrender of souls, and the rehabilitation of the lost hearts throughout the times and the centuries.

This meek Heart offered Itself to you to live the indifference of humankind, to endure the sin of humanity and all of the outrages that would be done up to these days.

See then, companions, how much My flogged Heart still carries the sin of the world, and the indifference of souls, which is very great in these times. That is why I invite you to live Me and to console Me, for in this way, you will console God, Who covers His Eyes with His Hands in order to not see what His creatures are doing in these times.

The angels, prostrate to the ground, plead to God for His infinite Mercy, and so that His Law does not precipitate over the ungrateful and in all those who are indifferent.

I come to show you My Sacred and Flogged Heart so that you may contemplate it.

In you I support My Works, the pillars of the new humanity, in all the members of My Church, in all My followers, in all My new apostles, who I invite to return to the path that they lost sight of, the path toward My flogged Heart.

Your love may be the balm for My Heart. God gave each one of you the essence of love and of unity, that is seriously being transgressed by the human condition in these times, as well as in all the Kingdoms of Nature.

So the Celestial Hierarchy expands Its Work in the world, so that all hearts may hear the cry of the Sacred Hearts, which come to plead for penitence and repentance, for confession and communion, for each one of the souls that do not want to look at God, nor His Holy Kindness.

Today My angels do not sing Hallelujah, but they will not stop singing it either.

Today My angels are doing penitence for every action committed in this world, in every one of the nations, in every people living their own terror and their own indifference.

Enter into penitence, at least offer it to Me one day; but know that you are not being punished, but rather you will live this penitence for each one that does not repent in this world.

Today I bring you this revelation of My outraged Heart so that you may accompany Me, My beloveds, in this transition that the Earth and all of this race is living in omission.

I would like that this indifference be transmuted by each one of you, in fasting, in prayer, in communion, in the example of a Christic life, and in the permanent search for a perfect alliance among brothers, all so different from each other, but which may be united in a single brotherhood; that brotherhood that I invite you to live in these times, and which humanity has completely forgotten.

Living this penitence with Me and offering it to God through My Heart, many souls will be saved and the Kingdoms of Nature will also be aided.

Today I invite you to open the consciousness towards this state of My Universal Consciousness, for My Heart still suffers for each one of you, especially for those who do not hear Me nor contemplate Me in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Happy are those who do so every day, because My grace will be close to them and they will not lack the consolation to survive these times, in the end times that are approaching.

I invite you to live the Law and to not forget it, to be just with one another, compassionate and merciful among your fellow beings; that is the first Law, it is the tonic of this time for each one of you, companions.

I invite you to make this effort for those that do not do so, for those who deny God, for those that do evil to their brothers of the planet.

If I gave My Blood for each one of you in the perpetual flogging of My Heart, a flogging that I lived during the passion, blood should no longer run in this world, nor should there be unjust deaths that could activate the anger of God. You do not know, companions, what this means.

But I invite you to be more aware in this crucial time, in which the battle is present in the world, thus fulfilling the time of the Armageddon. 

Let My Blood not be inappropriately spilled; may It be contemplated by all so that you may receive the codes of My Peace and your lives be transformed into the perfect model that I have for each one of you.

Today My Message for the world is of contrition and of profound penitence.

Remember that I was three days in the sepulcher, saving humanity and closing the hells that humanity had created, bringing a new divine opportunity for those that do not deserve it.

For that reason, with three days of penitence, many things could be resolved; each one knows what they can give Me at this time in which My Heart pleads for you to be more awake and vigilant with Me, just as I said to My apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane.

At that moment I wanted to tell each one of you, watch united with Me always, praying so that you are not tempted, as the world is tempted in its materialism, in its property, in its false power executing many souls of the world.

That also is the flogging of My Heart, the main Wound of My Spirit that still has not healed and which I offer to God for each one of My apostles and of My followers that is united to Me in this time of purification and of great tribulation for the world.

Remember My Sacred Heart every day and do not forget to pray with Me for all the souls of the Earth, more for those who are far away from God and are imprisoned by My adversary.

Who seeks My Heart will only have peace and will never again repent of living in It, in spite of what may happen in this time. Who trusts in Me will be strengthened.

I wish to say to My consecrated that in this hour, in which My Heart lives its great martyrdom for the world, the great inner flogging that It receives from ungrateful souls, I ask you do not abandon Me, that you do not leave Me alone in this moment in which the barge of My Light, in a great storm of desperation and of pain, tries to save the hearts of the world. Take the oars that I gave you and do not tire of rowing.

The victory of My Heart in you is close, but your hearts must be clean and must accept the purification.

All those in the world consecrated to My life of religiosity cannot abandon Me in this moment. I do not want you to wound My Heart. You would not be just after so many graces received.

Hold on to My Mantle, kiss My Feet, and remain there always; I will give you the strength to continue onward, in the midst of any tribulation. Remember that you, and all the souls that follow My Sacred Heart in this time, are responsible for many more souls in the world.

Who will justify themselves before My Father when the final judgement occurs?

My Sacred Heart is the mediator between you and God; it is the maximum power of the love that shelters each of the hearts, when they live My Celestial Attributes.

I do not want you to feel sorry about what is happening in this moment. Do not enter the sea of bitterness of the world. My flogged Heart suffers enough for the souls that despair and still do not look at God.

How much grandeur there is in Heaven, how much grace and mercy could sprout in the hearts of the world, how much power and wholeness could vivify hearts in this Sacred Mission that I invite you to live with Me, all of the time.

On this Friday, companions, I sit at the table of each one of the Monasteries of this Order that tries to fulfill My Purpose, and I will consecrate the elements so that they may console My flogged Heart, the Heart of My Father, for all the horrors of the world and all the indifferences that are committed at this time.

Repeat to My Father the prayer of the Angel of Peace, that which He taught you so that all may be restored in time, before the Law approaches the world.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing together to Christ, "Watch united with Me always praying."

When My Heart purifies you, the doorways of Heaven open so that hearts may find the Grace of God; that Grace that you must always seek until the end of your days, so that My Project may be fulfilled in each one of your spirits.

And now, in the name of the Father, His Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit, I will consecrate the Holy Communion for each one of you.

Remember, companions, to restore My Sacred Heart.

In these simple elements is to be found life for each one of your souls, and thus, I constitute the Work of My Divine Mercy in all those who, in true repentance and in supreme penitence, commune with Me, thus establishing the gifts and the codes of My Light in all the hearts.

The Our Father in Aramaic.

Thus, I will offer the holy Sacraments for one soul, so that in her name many more souls, in that painful condition of being lost in the world, at least the majority may again find My path, toward redemption and toward peace.

I Am the One that satiated that hearts. I Am the true sap for your lives. I Am the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I leave you My Peace, I deliver to you My Heart so that you keep It, adore It, and contemplate It.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Sacred Heart of Jesus
Source of all prodigies
Pour Your Mercy
Over the conflicts of the world
Amen (x3)

Like the Breath of the Spirit of God, I come to bless this place and to bless you all, in the name of the Truth and the Love of God that pours out at this moment over you and your brothers and sisters.

I have waited a long time to meet with you here, once again, in the Alliance with My Divine Spirit; I waited to find you in the Peace which I bring from the Universe for each one of your hearts in this perfect Communion with Me, with My Body and My Blood.

I come to Europe to raise it before the thrones of God, for the profound acceptance that your hearts emit for the fulfillment of the plan in this part of humanity; for this, the doors of the Universe open to receive you in the Heart of God, Heavenly Father.

The legions of angels have arrived here, with much lightness to be able to find you in the prayer that proclaims My Divine Mercy.

Open your hearts, feel your souls, and remain in Me. This is what you now need to carry on, My apostles above all, those who I have called with so much love.

Follow My Steps, follow My Paths and you will never lose peace, because if your hearts trust in Me, you will be trusting in God, because God IS through My Heart, and I Am through you, in the profound essence of the spirit and the brotherhood. 

Today I do not come to see the bad behavior of the world, the horrors, the bad actions and the indignation. Today I come to see from your hearts the flame of the Spirit of God that incarnated in you, from your birth in this humanity and throughout the times, a flame that my adversary can never extinguish because if the heart prays and persists, it will triumph.

Today you are again before My Celestial Mission, which is the Church that many wait to enter but they do not know It.

Today you are before My Patriarchate, My Legacy and all  My Universe; which is the Universe of My Father, that congregates in the invisible of His Spirit.

Today I come to bring you that presence that you should always aspire to find in these times of chaos and persecution in the world.

Feed the flame of your spirits and even though you see darkness around you, I tell you in truth, that you will not lose peace. 

But today I invite you to be true with Me, in each step of life, in each example and in each small action. I do not need your hearts perfect, but honest and simple, open to receive My Instruction, through My Holly Word, or through each brother that you find in your paths, because I make Myself present in an unexpected way in your lives and in the lives of all of your brothers and sisters, My companions.

The opportunity that I bring you, is the opportunity that the planet and all humanity needs, as do the Kingdoms of Nature that suffer so much the consequences of humanity of the surface.

In each aspect of life, My Heart and My Light is present, when the soul invokes My Universal Presence. Together with My angels I constitute among your hearts, in this hour, the presence of My Celestial Church and I open the Heavenly altars so that you may  commune, of the only and true that is the Love of God.

It is the love of God that will never disappoint you, that will never deceive you like many deceive you and deceive themselves all of the time because their hearts have hardened to My Presence and Energy; but My Mercy allows to bring forth the forgiveness and atonement that you so much need in this life and this end of times.

If you are before My Celestial Church, you are before the One, the Adonai. Emmanuel, Abba, the Elohim, you are before the Universe, before all the Brotherhood that congregates to receive you in the Fraternity of the Spirit and of Unity.

See in this moment, My hearts, how the stars of light emerge from you, the internal suns, that must shine in this hour, to illuminate humanity which is in darkness; and many do not believe that they are in darkness, but they are.

If you think of being with Me, companions, do so, and do not waste time. Seek for the Essence of My Heart that will take you to peace and will allow you to realize the path that you have come to fulfill in the name of My Father and His Plan.

The hearts are not encouraged to love My Heart profoundly, for fear of what I may ask of them. But from the beginning, companions, I know what each one of you can give Me and I will not ask of you what you can not give Me, that would be a great loss of energy for these final times.

I need My Work to be realized in your hearts, in the best way possible. But in truth I tell you, companions, that some of you have a marked commitment with Me and it is definitive and you cannot omit it, with your own indifference. 

Feel that My Words form your spirits and inner dwellings.

Feel how your souls rise to My Celestial Church, to enter the temple and vivify the union with Me, through the Eucharist.

Adore My Heart, as the angels do, and confirm that it is possible to reach Redemption and Peace in this humanity.

I would like other soldiers of Mine to be here to listen to Me, but I know that by their own means, spiritual and internal, they cannot do so; but I ask them not to justify themselves. My Blood and My Water were spilled to justify your lives, your errors, your trials, omissions and indifferences, like all outrages to this days.

Now is the time to not do it any more and open your eyes and look towards infinity, towards the Universe, to see Me coming among the clouds with all the Glory of the Celestial Father.

I need you to be prepared for those who have not yet prepared themselves.

I need you to awaken to My Christic Life for those who have not yet awakened to My Christic Life.

I need you to be witnesses, even in the imperfections, because if your hearts are true and your minds are pure, you will always be in My Heart. 

I do not come to ask for the impossible because I know that humanity cannot give it now.

I need your lives to transform, just as I transform the clay with My Hands and mold a new cup for the Glory of God; Cup that receives the Codes of My Grace and My Mercy that come from the Universal Father.

Then, companions, receive in this hour My Grace and My Mercy, for those who do not want to receive it and who omit themselves so as not to want to know me.

There is so much love in My Heart that many do not believe that I could transform their lives completely.

My heart explodes from so much love to deliver to the world and to all the souls, even to those who omit My Presence. It is this Love that I lived for You, that I worked for you, that I gave to save you, once when I was on the Cross.

Each Wound of My Body, each sign marked on My Sacred Glorified Body, was to witness Salvation, Forgiveness and the Love for each one of you.

I do not want in My Heart the multiplication of the thorns of ingratitude of My apostles, who have not understood what I have asked them in this hour.

Be part of My Rays, of The Rays of My Glorified Heart, Sacred and Blessed. Be those Rays that transform over night, that travel like the wind; that travel like the wind through all the places of the world, taking the Peace and the Mercy of God. 

Be that sun that is born each day on the horizon and no longer live in darkness. Trust fully in yourselves, in that you can take the steps, at least for Me, for My Holly Mother and for My Celestial Father.

Live all the time in our Most Holly Trinity and you will be rewarded with the Gifts of My Spirit; you will have strength to walk, encouragement to continue forward and hope for where to see in each part of the Earth.

And even though the world is in darkness and the hearts are closed, I come to give, this afternoon, the Testimony of My Love in you and for each one of your brothers and sisters in this world.

Receive the Union with My Sacred Heart and live My Path like the exit door to liberation and forgiveness.

I thank you for preparing this Altar for Me, just like you prepare your lives, in this time and in this cycle, to receive Me in the plenitude of My Spirit, of My Grace.

Do not fear for what you have not achieved.

I do not want you to suffer any more, because My Heart already suffers for those who are indifferent, for those who fall, for those who do evil, for those who deny My Love all the time.  

I need of  your hearts a temple of happiness, rejoice, of true love and of peace, so that your sins are cleansed, and the stains in your souls may be erased by the Source and the Ocean of My Divine Mercy.

Thus, companions, friends, disciples and servants, you will gladden My Heart for the horrors that the world, of those who walk all the time to the abyss, lives.

If your hearts do not love, how will you love the other? If you do not love Me, how will you love your fellowmen?  Because if I am in your fellowmen,  hidden in the tabernacle of the heart, why are you indifferent and do not see me?

I am in the one who is dispossessed, sad, lost, blind and deaf. I knock on the door of those hearts so that they may awaken to their truth and their mission.

Each thing has its time, because it is marked by the Universe of God.

Offer in this afternoon, this communion for all Europe, for those who are lost, for those who are blind, for those who are alone, for those who are sick, for those who suffer in the ignorance of their lives and of their paths, for not finding, for those who do not find My Sacred Heart that is here today, among you, so that you may live it and feel it in this perfect Communion, in a spirit of peace and fraternity.

I constitute you all as a new family, as was the family of Nazareth, together with Mary and Saint Joseph. It is not far from you to form that sacred spiritual family that must reign among the souls and the hearts that follow the Divine Messengers.

In this hour, companions, the Divinity works in all continents on Earth to sow Its Light in the world.

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We will sing  "I am with you my Lord", at the request of Jesus , to bless the elements that He will consecrate, today for all of us.

Glorified Christ: 

Through the times, companions, I elevate the souls towards the Kingdom of God, when each one of them communes, the greatest testimony of love in the presence of My Living Body and My Precious Blood, in Honor of the Celestial Father and to His Divine Plan that emanates from the Universe for all the creatures of the Earth.

In My Celestial Church, I teach you again what I once preached to all of you: seated at My table of Light and Love, I invited you at that time to thank God for every thing, for what He gives us in the Infinite Mystery of His Love. And for this, companions in the name of Peace I raised the bread, thanked the Father for the Sacrifice; I blessed it, I gave it to you and said to you "always eat of it because it is the Living Body of Christ, your Lord."

Once the Communion with the bread was ended, I thanked God for the Chalice that the souls would receive in their essences, to be depositaries of My Spirit of Mercy and Redemption. Raising the Chalice towards Heaven I thanked the Father, I passed it to you and I said once: "take it and all drink from it, because this is My Blood that will be poured for you and for all human kind for the forgiveness of all faults."

And today, in My Presence, companions, before My Celestial Church I reaffirm the Presence and Power of the Love of God. Amen.

Thank You Lord, thank you Lord for so many blessings that you always give us, that you always give us.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holly Spirit. Amen

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and Sisters, we want all that were present here and through the live transmission for the planet, by MMTV, our brothers of the Monasteries of the Order, the communities and of the praying groups, that are united with us, we want to share, how this Apparition with Christ was, which in reality might not have said much but what He did with us today, just as He did in the days of the prior Marathon in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He introduced us to that mystery that humanity still does not know very well, that is the Celestial Church of Christ, and Christ himself told us that it is something He tried to Institute so that we could learn, from the time He was here, with us, two thousand years ago.

Today, He really came very splendid, wonderful in His Love and in His Mercy.

He introduced us little by little, in that space of consciousness that He calls the Celestial Church, where the angels and all the blessed ones in a true way celebrate continually that adoration to the Body and Blood of Christ; and He took us to that place little by little.

Through His Words, His Message, He introduced us all, those of us here and those who are in their homes accompanying us, who were also taken through their souls to that space of consciousness.

It was something very intense, very difficult to support because even though It is a Divine Energy, Celestial, the vibratory and energetic voltage of the Presence of Christ, of that state of Consciousness, of  the Celestial Church, Is very high for our cells, for our bodies, for our atoms; but as He knows that we are terrestrial beings, we are human beings, He counts on our souls.

In some way, He served Himself of our souls, of our openness of heart for who had an open heart, to enter that state of consciousness and we lived, as one says, several initiations, several purifications; we went through various processes during the whole Apparition and not only were we benefited spiritually, but also here, this region of the European continent, which so badly needs it.

And when the Master repeated that we should offer the Communion for all that He said, the sick, those who are ignorant, the blind, the deaf, etc., He went after each one of them because the channel of prayer that we opened during the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy He used for this purpose; in some way He found the hearts open and He could achieved that task.

So among so few of us, He did Great things, as He once promised, that we would do greater things than He did, even though at that moment He commanded and He brought them forward, that task, that mission, that He came to accomplish here, in Barcelona, He did it through our hearts.

What He came to accomplish; He was able to fulfill and that expanded for all of the planet, for all of the planetary consciousness with the help, thank God, of the angels that were very close to us; very winged angels were very close to us, and that also called my attention very much. The approach of those angels with a subtlety a kindness an inexplicable mercy. 

We wanted to leave this story with you so we can continue united in that task that the Divine Messengers have been carrying out not only in America, but now here, in Europe, in a very broad way.

Thank You Lord for all that you give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the city of Boa Vista, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón, during the 28th Marathon of the Divine Mercy

After you hear My Words, you will understand My requests and the importance of their fulfillment, with the help of all the praying beings in the world. Thus you will please My merciful Heart and again, in the name of Love, I will be able to bless you, as I always bless you from My Kingdom.

If you did not accompany My Steps at this time, I could not tell you what would be of all humanity. Therefore, the sacrifices will be greater for all souls. You will live extreme things and never seen before. But you will never lack My protection and My Love, My Grace, My Mercy, My healing and My forgiveness, attributes that will strengthen you to attain the goal proposed by My Father, that you arrive, just as I arrived at the foot of the cross, carrying your crosses that will be relieved by My Spirit so that you can ascend to the Kingdom of My Father, after having fulfilled your mission in this life.

That is the greatest treasure I can bestow you. Blessed are those who believe in My Message, for they will never lack My Trust.

I bless, for you, these elements that you have placed at the feet of My altar of Light and which represent, for all life, the essence of My Body and My Blood, the perfect Love, shed for all creatures, through the intercession of your King.

I thank you for listening to Me and accompanying Me with the essence of faith.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, we want to share with you a little story about the apparition today, before sharing the message that Christ passed on to us at this time.

When we were praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, we saw the Master entering the deepest forest of the Amazon. 

The moment we saw Him, we asked Him: where was He going, and what was He doing?

He was entering indigenous communities far away from all humanity, those communities that are well guarded and hidden within the Amazon.

And we asked ourselves: what was the Master doing with those indigenous communities?

Until it was the time when He came here and began to tell us what He was doing on this second day of prayer work; because He says that His task began yesterday, day four, when His Divine Consciousness began to work with the whole Amazon.

We are going to share with you the Message of Christ.

On this second day of work for peace, My luminous Heart has already entered the deepest forests of the Amazon to visit the most ancient and distant peoples.

I entered to bless, in the name of the Spirit of My Father, the entire indigenous consciousness, just as I once blessed the prisoners of Siberia, who found Me and believed in the science of My prodigies.

The native peoples of Brazil also know Me with a different face than humanity believes, for the Son of God can, in His glory, show His most mysterious and profound aspects to humanity.

The group of prisoners from Siberia knew the power of My immaterial Rays. And so, through instruction they were healed and all their consciousnesses were sublimated, amid austerity, hunger and deep loneliness of cold caverns.

The indigenous consciousness knew Me as the Great Sun, as the blessed and sacred Son, who brings the Rays of the New Humanity, who brings the breath of the Divine Spirit for the new era.

These sacred peoples of the Amazon are very similar to prisoners of Siberia; all of them were ruled by the same Love and science. 

Now that humanity is facing the most difficult events in the whole history of the Earth, that is, the Apocalypse, My Heart of Brother Sun descends on this second day to bring spiritual recovery and hope to all of them.

The Amazon holds one of the natural treasures most appreciated on the planet. It is not only the lungs of the world, but also the natural and sacred life of the planet. The Amazon is home to the sacred peoples, the so-called guardians of Creation, who were entrusted to care for and protect the Kingdoms of Nature.

But My Divine Mercy comes to recover those spiritual values that were decimated by the white man, when he conquered America and banished the Holy Laws that the peoples had attained. So, the indigenous consciousness of the whole Amazon exists, in this present Humanity, to teach about perfect and humble love for the whole Creation.

Thus, your Master entered inside of the forest, to show you that in all Creation there are principles that should never disappear from the human consciousness and that will allow the evolution of the souls.

Through your prayers, My Mercy is only succeeding in helping three quarters of the Amazon. I invite you, my companions, to call more praying beings for this mission, because in truth I tell you that later it will never be repeated.

Encouraged by My Spirit as a Brother and Shepherd, continue to work lovingly and in sacrifice in the name of peace. Through the efforts of all, the planet will not be lost.

I thank you for faithfully accompanying me in this mission for the Amazon.

Who loves you and absolves you,

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Mother María Shimani:

Good afternoon to all of you; we are now in the last 150 beads of the Marathon of Divine Mercy. And we here, at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, have experienced a very special day. The only thing lacking was the descent of the Dove of the Holy Spirit, carrying us all into Heaven. The fervor, the intensity, the devotion, and the love were the essence of today's prayers, and the scenery was there to welcome us, so that the descent of the Holy Spirit could manifest.

Today we have learned that we can converse with God, face to face, when we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and that, word by word, we place our supplication for this world and for this humanity in the Heart of God. And when His children cry out in this way for Mercy, Our Father, Who has a great and kind Heart, does not wait for even a second to pour out His Mercy upon this world.

So today we have learned to speak, face to face, with God and our prayer has changed completely. So as from today, we now know how to speak with God every day at three in the afternoon.

Receive an eternal blessing so that this blessing, in the coming days, may sanctify you.

Pray with Me for My petitions, for My precepts, for My designs, for My great Will, which is the Will of the Most High God that comes on this day to aid you.

To pray with Me, concentrate your heart on the flowing source, on the water of Life, the water of redemption and of peace that, from Heaven and Infinity, comes to wash and purify you.

Pray from your heart with Me as you have done today, in offering and in the giving of self to God.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

To honor My Heart and so that your sins and faults be forgiven, in the name of all this humanity and of those who become lost and do not listen to God, of those who do not drink of the fount of My Heart, for this purpose, for this divine objective, let us pray together, three times, each sign of My Passion and of My Transfiguration. I am listening to you. Elevate your offerings to My Most Sacred Heart.

Following this, the decades of the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus are prayed, repeating each prayer only three times.

Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now and will be,

When I pray with you, I pray for the world, and My codes of light and of Christification enter into your cells and atoms to modify your faults and debts and convert all your beings into the Light and  Spirit of God, so that someday, My dear ones, you sanctify the great Name of God, Iod-He-Vau-He.

Today I carry the Rosary of Peace in My Hands. Blessed are they who imitate My example and in the evenings pray with Me in the whispering of their heart, in the silence of their Spirit, the soul that prays and speaks to God.

Blessed are they that sleep with the Holy Rosary in their beds. They will be united, fused and broadened by the great Spirit of God. Their bodies will rise to the Kingdom of God at each new supplication, because My Heart hears the souls that patiently pray and ignite fervor in their hearts.

Today I will reveal to you, My companions, My disciples of yesterday and of the future, today I will tell you, My companions, what I have done with your prayers and with all those who were united with My Heart in the depths of Love, of Truth, and of Justice. Many souls were relieved. Irreparable situations were transformed. Many souls were rescued. Spirits that had gone out re-kindled. Many nations received more time of peace. Because My Rays of Divine Mercy descended through your word, through each new word you pronounced with your heart. And even though you are tired of struggling for so long in this life, My Heart contemplates your efforts and sacrifices.

Just as the Holy Virgin Mary has said to you, I come to ask you for simple and true things. I need you to remain in this world without belonging to it. That every day of your lives, at each new awakening as well as each new sunrise, your eyes may wake up remembering Me, feeling Me in your heart, so that your day may be blessed and praised by God, the Almighty. In this way, you will allow Me to descend into your lives.

Through this Holy Marathon, many seeds were placed in your essences, which must sprout in the coming time. Now, My companions, it will depend on your conviction and prayer that these seeds may yield their fruit and that in the times of greater chaos, of greater tribulation and darkness, I may be able to avail Myself of your seeds as new gifts in My Hands, which will be radiated to the whole world through the fruit of your efforts, of your dedication and surrender to My Heart.

In the same way that I speak to you today, My voice echoes in the souls of the whole world, for I will not be able to leave here until a soul achieves Christification. That will be a great event for the Universe and it will also be the most profound and truest when all, as a group of souls, achieve the great step to Christification.

In this cycle, My Heart comes to purify you, to pour out Its Graces and blessings, to separate the wheat from the chaff, the old and hard from the healthy and good that your hearts hold. Thus, sacrifice yourselves every day.

I am also in the very simple things, in each daily routine of life, in all the daily tasks. You will find Me in each place and will be able to hear Me when you simply pay attention to the simple things. Because when I can no longer be here, among you, announcing My Word of Life and of Resurrection, you will find Me through the signs, signs that will be pure and true, which will be a light on your paths, a blessing for your souls, a deep love for your families.

The great moment for humanity is approaching. Many are drawing closer to the definitive threshold of time. The fusion of the universe is nearing. All of the solar system is congregating and preparing, through the Laws and the Rays, to give the last impulse to the race of this humanity. That will be the great moment for all, before the sighting of the red moon, when you will be able to take that step, withdraw into My Sacred Heart, deeply pray in your homes without looking outside, without paying attention to what is happening, only in the inner temple, which will be your true protection.

I do not come to announce fears to you, but rather a time of awareness, of awakening, of evolution, of a great step toward the Kingdom of God.

Humanity has been greatly assisted by Us. We are part of you. Our Hearts were human and now are glorified Hearts. Your hearts can be glorified only when you follow the path and the guidance that I give you. Thus you will be united with Me.

And in spite of the challenges and the tests and of all that may fall on you, no matter how heavy it may seem or the great debt it represents, I will not leave you alone not even for a moment. I need that you fuse with My Spirit, that you lift up your consciousnesses to My Greater Kingdom, because only the prayer and the unity of all the groups, of those who pray, of the devotees and faithful, will be the possibility for all to cross the threshold to the ocean of My Mercy that awaits you all the time, when you simply seek it through the humility of the heart.

When the time for the great step of humanity comes, you will see the advent of new signs emerge in the Heavens, which will indicate My coming to humanity.

Thus, I offer you My Heart as the only path for your conversion and redemption. I give you the Gifts and the Sacraments, because all souls that have separated from the Purpose of God must experience the Sacraments in a simple way, commune with Me, be baptized by My Spirit, by the Spirit of My Father, by the Holy Spirit of God, confess to My Heart, work and provide charity to all and offer yourselves in selfless service. This will allow you to take the great step in the name of all those who will not take it.

The 144,000 beings who will be the suns of the New Time, must help humanity to rise again, to look toward God and ask for forgiveness for you faults.

Today I give you the keys of the great change.

Come to Me. Draw closer for a blessing. Continue to pray from the heart, connected with My Spirit, with My Source of Life.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

Just as on the Cross, I spilled the Water and the Blood of Life that allowed the redemption of humanity, I would like that in this spiritual moment your beings and your souls receive the Water and the Blood of Life, glorified and sanctified at the moment of My Resurrection.

Sing "Water and Blood of Christ," thus I will unite My Heart with you and with your families.

I ask all the Marian Centers to offer their surrender for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature, which are heavily outraged by humankind, and this has caused you to lose your innocence. Thus, the Water and the Blood of Life allows you to find the innocence again to live in purity and holy humility.

Song: Water and Blood of Christ.

Thank you for having responded to the Call of My Voice.

Thank you to all those who work for the Plan of God, irrespective of their ideas and feelings.

Thank you to all those who achieved a preferred unity with God, fusion with His Holy Spirit through the word of prayer and song.

Today I leave you the Holy Spirit of God, the Gift of Wisdom, so that it may guide your paths when you simply invoke it in heart and soul. Wisdom will give you the answer in the end of times.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lord, in the presence of the Spirit of Wisdom, we will sing "Holy Spirit, come" in gratitude to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Song: Holy Spirit, come.

We now need to give thanks to everybody for this opportunity received, and we truly believe that we were all cleansed, baptized, anointed in some way.

What is so strong behind these Sacraments that Christ offers us in this time?

We are imitating His example and everything He requested that we carry out at this time.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

