My dearest children:

At this next Marian gathering of the 1,000 Hail Marys, may your untiring voices rise again in supplication to the Creator, so that the long-awaited world peace may be established.

For this, dear children, may your guardian angels and the guardian angels of all those who pray intercede between you and God at this next meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, raising in offering to the Heavens the most sincere and honest prayers.

I would like that in each new bead of the Hail Mary that you offer, the divine fire of prayer may be kindled in you; so that, as at Pentecost, as in the Holy Cenacle, the Holy Spirit of God may descend upon you, which will work through blessings and graces upon all those who self-summon to this next meeting of prayer.

Remember, My children, that your Most Holy and Divine Mother avails Herself, at the end of each month, of the planetary oratory of the 1,000 Hail Marys to intercede for the very painful and very serious situations that all humanity is facing and going through today.

May your true prayers embrace the most vulnerable.

May your honest prayers give light and understanding to all those who make the decisions.

May your prayers stop the horror of wars and the shedding of the blood of the innocent.

May your prayers sustain the balance of the Earth's axis.

Therefore, My children, I ask that, at this next Marian gathering, your voices join the voices of all the angels, and especially the voice of your guardian angels, so that the doors of evil may be closed once and for all, and so that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged may be protected, as well as the life of all the Kingdoms of Nature may also be protected. 

Once again, I will be attentive to the voice of supplications.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May the Peace of Jesus be in your hearts and souls.

On this day, once again, I come with the appeal of a dear Mother; so that through the next 1,000 Hail Marys, the whole world may be filled with the Light and Love of God.

I would like each Hail Mary bead, which will be offered, to include all urgent situations; so that, through the spiritual exercise of the 1,000 Hail Marys, your Heavenly Mother will send Her angels into the world and thus the knots of planetary evil will be untied by the very Hands of the Mother of God.

Through the unceasing spirit of My children's fervent and loving prayer, may these next 1,000 Hail Marys represent the cessation of the fire that is provoked by war, but also by the destruction of the outraged Kingdoms of Nature.

Dear children, in a spirit of vigil and adoration of the Creator God, I would like you to continue to pray the Holy Rosary for the end of the senseless war in Eastern Europe, as elsewhere in the world.

On the day of the 1,000 Hail Marys, I will be attentive to the voice of My children's supplication; for, only through the creative power of prayer, will the world be able to amend its grave errors of impunity, hatred and martyrdom.

Dear children, I want you to know that your Divine Mother will be holding the rope of the knots of the planetary consciousness and that, as the Lady Untier of Knots, I will be untying the knots through the prayerful voice of My children, so that the Graces that fill My Immaculate Heart may be poured out upon the world and upon My beloved children.

I thank you for responding, once again, to My motherly call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady Untier of Knots


My beloved children,

While the most sorrowful wounds of Ukraine are still open due to the terror of destruction and war, I thank you for being here today with Me in simplicity and love so that your Sorrowful Mother of Lourdes may intercede for the families, homes and cities of Ukraine that were destroyed, so that those who have lost their consciousnesses may reconsider and stop the weapons.

Dear children, I Am here to tell you once again that the Sorrowful Mother of Lourdes will tomorrow, November 27, be united to all Her children in a special prayer, the sacred day of the 1,000 Hail Marys.

On this occasion, I ask you to pray to God, because the innocence of the children at war is at stake, and the traumas that the weapons of the war generate are taking away the love and unity of families that live in the war of Ukraine, just as in other wars.

My Heart will come the next December 13 to ask the world, and specially Europe, for the reconsecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that the Third Secrete of Fatima may not become fulfilled.

Dear children, may your prayers during the next 1,000 Hail Marys alleviate the cry of the children at war, the cry that your Heavenly Mother listens to everyday.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and summons you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace 



My dear children,

Through the One Thousand Hail Marys, may tonight and tomorrow be dedicated to an inner state of vigil and prayer so that the souls of Brazil and especially their Guardian Angels may guide consciousnesses on the path of discernment and Divine Wisdom.

Meanwhile, My children, your Heavenly Mother, together with Christ the Redeemer, will tomorrow be accompanying, imploring to God, through the prayers of all the Angels of Heaven, that the Angel of Brazil and all of its people may be supported by following the path of faith, hope and justice.

Therefore, dear children, the day dedicated to one thousand Hail Marys will be a culminating day for Brazil.

Regardless of what may happen, My children, do not forget that I will always be your Mother, the Lady of Brazil and the Guardian of hearts.

Let us keep ignited the flame of faith.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


You must not forget that the Americas are the cradle of the New Humanity, it is the land of the emergence of the New Earth. For this reason, We, the Three Sacred Hearts, are returning, because not only do the Americas need it, but the whole world as well.

From the depths of My Heart, I thank in advance all those who will make these Sacred Meetings possible in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. You could not even imagine what My Heart feels upon getting to know that My Beloved Son will return to Argentina and that the Three Sacred Hearts will again found a new Point of Light on the surface of the Earth, through the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation.

This means that the door to the Spiritual Universe will finally open in that region of the planet, and the angels that accompany Me and serve Me through the Marian Centers will also help make possible the expression of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation.

I have always held in My Heart the aspiration of fulfilling the blessing and consecration of this place, which has fully opened to respond to the call of the Heavenly Mother. And  this call has especially resonated and had repercussions in all hearts that, with faith and persistence, have made the physical expression of the Marian Center possible.

This means, My children, that the Kingdoms of Nature, the essence of each one of the Kingdoms that you know, as well as the Elemental and Devic Kingdom, will have the great celestial portal of the Marian Center. And this will allow them to be received and welcomed in spirit and, as a consequence, the Kingdoms, the elementals and devas of the whole world will have a place within this Work, just as they have within the Light-Communities, to live a process of restoration and healing that is unknown, hidden and invisible.

And do you know what allows all this?

It is when the One-Thousand Hail Marys are prayed at the Marian Centers. Because not only humanity and the planet are worked on through each prayer pronounced by each sincere heart, but also the Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure so much in these times.

After the consecration of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, they will finally have the space they deserve to be taken to other places of the universe so that each soul-group of the Kingdoms may be repaired and healed, redeemed and re-established.

Because My Son, when He returns to the world, will come not only for the Human Kingdom. He will come for all the Kingdoms of Creation. And He will bring to Earth the Kingdoms, the elementals and devas, healed and redeemed, when the planet has been redeemed and thus renewed.

The Kingdoms, elementals and devas that will be welcomed through the portal of the Marian Center, as well as of the other Marian Centers and Sanctuaries in the world, will have the opportunity to repopulate the planet with new species, forms and expressions, never seen before.

At that very important moment for humanity and the universe, when the New Earth and the New Humanity will emerge, many of you who will be present at that event, will consciously remember all that the effort of expressing the Work of the Hierarchy on the surface of the Earth has represented in these times. And, above all, the effort to concretize it, in the unity of souls and of conscious hearts that listen to the call of Heaven and respond to it.

This is why this moment you are living is a culminating one. It is a moment when a story may be re-written, the story of love within your hearts, the story of redemption within your hearts. This is what My Son needs, to justify before God what He essentially needs to rebuild in this humanity, despite the errors of the world.

One of the reasons for Our return to South America is that which I have explained to you. This means, My children, that it will not be just another meeting. It will be a unique meeting in which My children as well as the Kingdoms of nature will have the opportunity to attain inner healing, through the portal of the Marian Center "Sanctuary of Creation."

And for the Hierarchy, Aurora will complement this task in Southern Brazil. Because the Kingdom of Aurora, with Its consciousness, will encompass beyond South America and even the oceans, to try to stabilize and balance the psychic disorder of humanity, especially the disorder lived today by many nations in Latin America, where souls cannot see a future nor find new hope.

Thus, we are making this great movement for you and also for your brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, just as we will soon be making for the Middle East and Northern Africa, and, at some moment, we will make for the Far East.

It is very important for you, My children, that in your minds, and especially in your hearts, there may be no differences or divisions, judgment of values of what the Hierarchy does on the planet or where It can work or intervene at this moment. Because if I were not here today, I would not be able to justify, before the Higher Laws, what I need to, in the face of the errors of the world, of the indifference of hearts and the impunity placed upon the whole world by some.

You must learn, you should have already learned how to follow the steps of the Hierarchy and feel like citizens of this universe, just as the entire Hierarchy feels like citizens of this Sidereal Universe.

This allows you, My children, to understand the Purpose in a universal way and not understand the Purpose in an individual way. Because while you have this attitude, you will be far from Us, and this does not mean that We cease to love you or forgive you, because My Son loved you and forgave you on the Cross, do you remember?

Do you remember what My Son said on the Cross?

This is the same that I do for you today, so that you may grow and mature internally. Knowing that there is a lot to do, knowing that there is a lot to do in correspondence and that there is a lot to concretize.

This is the destiny of each one of you: to concretize the Projects of the Divine and Spiritual Hierarchy, because it is something for humanity and not only for you, it is something for the whole world. It is something for all those who do not have the Grace and the Mercy that you have today, by being here with Me.

When many of you dare to serve in Africa, you will remember this day. You will remember it by yourselves, and I assure you that you will feel ashamed for having received so much and for not having understood anything, when you see that which true misery and true poverty is, on a continent like Africa, which for thousands of years has been subjected by evil itself.

And although this may be happening, My Son will free Africa, much more than He did in recent times. Because when He returns physically, many hostile and difficult situations will spontaneously disappear, because they will fall on their own weight.

The mere Presence of My Son, during His Return to the world, will free souls, break chains. It will break each one of the shackles, and souls will be able to glimpse the Return of Christ, just as it has been prophesized.

As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who sustains you with nothing in return, I make this reflection to you so that you may consciously grow and, from this August 8 that you have lived with Us onward, no longer allow yourselves to use justifications. Because this, My children, is not just before the Law and it is not necessary that you suffer, because suffering prevails in the world now.

You must be deeply thankful, sensible, honest and merciful. Because none of you, at this moment or at any other moment, could measure the meaning of the Grace that you have received in the last fifteen years.

For this reason, keep taking steps in faith without resentments or guilt. You already hold the capacity to come out from where you have deterred yourselves and know that not only is My Hand extended to you, but the Heart of My Son is also open to you, just as It has been and will always be, so that you can feel His immeasurable Love.

I need you to clearly understand what I am saying to you, and not an interpretation of it, because Our Words are to be kept in the heart, and nowhere else. It is in the heart of each one of My children where the sacred transformation takes place, because the hearts of My children are intuition, wisdom, feeling and faith.

Allow your hearts to govern so that someday your souls may govern, and it may be your souls that will conduct and guide you toward the sacred encounter with My Beloved Son, to fulfill the sacred summoning of all that which He and I need to carry out in the world, in the end of these times.

You should not only feel as a part of a spiritual family, blessed and guided by the Hierarchy, which does not rest nor stop, in spite of what happens in the world. You must also feel like a universal family that can be a receptacle for the attributes of the Fount of Creation that will be part of the emergence of the New Earth.

Keep these Words in your hearts as well. Not trying to understand them, but by trying to accept them, knowing that what I am telling you is something that your spirits will experience in the coming times, when this great moment of the New Humanity arrives.

My children, have you by any chance ever wondered if you truly aspire to be a part of the New Earth?

If We are still appearing here, speaking to the world and pouring out Our Graces upon all hearts, what does this represent to you?

What it represents, My children, is a visible sign that you have been chosen to be postulants as members of a New Humanity, which must be born first within you, so that it may later be born in the world, in a world that has been redeemed and healed, forgiven and liberated from darkness.

After these last two years of restrictions and agony for many, the Sacred Hearts again mark, on the path of the spirit, each one of Their Steps in this humanity, so that you may again feel that We are with you and that We have not distanced ourselves. We are always there, in the heart and soul that open to welcome Us, through the life of the Sacraments and the sacred prayer of the heart.

It is My wish that what will happen in Camboriu, through the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, what will also happen in the Marian Center of Aurora and later in the city of Buenos Aires, in the Presence of My Beloved Son, for all Argentinians, may be moments of celebration and true joy, the joy of a re-encounter, for being able to be close to Us and for Us to be able to be closer to you, close to all Our children in the world, who need much Love, Light and Redemption.

Before I leave this long journey that you have lived with the Sacred Hearts, before I prepare Myself together with My Son and My Spouse, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, and before blessing those who want to be consecrated as Children of Mary, I would like to address My Words to My daughter Viviana Walsh, telling her that I am with her, and that I have been with her at each stage of her suffering. Also that God has accepted her anguish and her grief to help all of Argentina, so that Argentina may continue to be the cradle of the Return of Christ, because My Son has not changed His Mind.

Because despite this agitated shipwreck that Argentina is going through, and although the boat seems to be about to sink, have faith and go ahead. Not only for you, but also for all Argentinians, My children. Remember that My Son is on the boat, and that a true Master only intervenes when it is least expected, to liberate from slavery all who are placed within it.

For this reason, Viviana, My dear daughter, at the request of My Son, today you are anointed in spirit. But you will be anointed in body and soul through a priest. Because I will go to Argentina, through My sons that are priests, to live a re-encounter that your heart will feel. My Son raises you today, takes you by the arms and sustains you, knowing that you will be reborn after the calvary that you have anonymously lived.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary may approach, and, by listening to the Hymn of Consecration, we will prepare for this moment of blessing, but also for this moment of true thanksgiving to the Divine Hierarchy for all that It gives us in an untiring and permanent way, for how much It trusts in us to carry forward the Project of God on Earth.

Together with the brothers and sisters that are being consecrated today, we will say the Prayer to the Universal Mother once, to carry out this moment of consecration through the Attributes of the Divine Mother.


Prayer: Universal Mother.


I consecrate you as My children, because you are always My children, the Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in Peace.

With all My children who will self-summon to accompany the Sacred Hearts in South America, We will meet there to commune once again with God, with His Mercy, Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Dear children,

With joy and happiness, I return to My sacred Figueira so that, starting in June, the month of the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, the inner fruits of the spirits of each child of Mine may now be at the service of the planet and of souls.

I would like that, in this next prayer meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, your most sincere prayers and pleas be directed to the Heavenly Father for the intentions and pleas of your Heavenly Mother.

I wish, with ardent devotion, that My praying children pray for the following intentions:

1. For a true and sincere peace treaty in the Middle East so that My Israeli and Palestinian children may reach a peaceful dialogue for the benefit of the common good, and for those who are most unprotected and helpless.

2. For a fraternal and real agreement in Colombia so that the poorest and most innocent are no longer the most chastised by the protests and strikes.

3. For Brazil to conceive a coherent government, according to divine mandates, so that those who have been struck the hardest by the national disorder of the pandemic may have the grace of rebuilding their lives.

4. For the displaced and indigent of Morocco, so that Europe stops its heart from becoming cold in the face of the current and unprecedented critical crisis, so that all refugees be helped and rebuild their lives with dignity.

5. For peace and the cessation of the dictatorial conflict in Myanmar so that religion not be used as a mask to hide the most traumatic actions that harm the entire nation and, above all, push the poorest into exile.

6. For the end of conflict within Syria, Venezuela and Ethiopia so that the life of human society is no longer used to impose misery and chaos upon the peoples and among the peoples.

7. I ask you to pray for the humanitarian missions so that all precursors of humanitarian service be protected, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit. So that beneficial and lasting decisions be made for all who seek to start over after a traumatic and painful departure from their homelands.

If you pray for these intentions of Mine, I will be grateful to you, since My Heart is outraged by world corruption, which will have an end, at the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

After nine days of prayer to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, on this day and through the 1000 Hail Marys, your Heavenly Mother completed another stage in the spiritual mission of assistance to humanity.

With each Hail Mary done from the heart, at this moment, one more soul receives the opportunity of being free of their spiritual and material captivity. In this way, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart triumphs in the life of those who turn to God in these times.

Through the 1000 Hail Marys, the Celestial Hierarchy also intercedes for those who are unprotected and submerged in material misery, an effect of inequality and the culture of discard.

It is for this reason, beloved children, that your prayers reach Heaven and all those intentions change into Graces and into expiation for those who really suffer the consequences of these times.

In these hours, while the 1000 Hail Marys take place, the Eternal Father contemplates the effort and the dedication of His children, at a planetary moment in which only faith and hope will be able to change the current destiny of the whole race.

It is in this way that the meeting of today prepares you for the events that will take place during the month of May. Moments in which the Hierarchy will give more impulses and instructions so that in 2020, souls may finish their training in this school of transition of the times and the cycles.

I again give thanks for the adherence of those who prayed today with Me for peace and the healing of humanity in need.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, with their pleas, My praying children weave the green mantle of light of Mother Nature, and this spiritual mantle gives shelter to the group soul of each one of the kingdoms present in the Amazon and in the world.

It is thus, dear children, that the green mantle of light, woven by each one of My praying children, not only covers the Lower Kingdoms, but also the great angels of the Amazon, the devas, the elementals and the luminous consciousnesses of sacred nature, which are suffering the terror of disappearing and of becoming extinct from their habitat due to the activities of humankind.

Today, sacred nature receives a spiritual relief, as it has never received it before. And this is possible because at least a part of human beings respond to the needs of the most inoffensive beings, of all the creatures that are part of the sacred ecosystem of the Amazon.

As from now, I want to thank My children for having dedicated this Sunday to the prayerful rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, and I hope that another thousand Hail Marys can be offered in the future for the one and great lung of the planet, for our dear and sacred Amazon.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Today, in gratitude, I receive your deepest prayers.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the good souls pray the Hail Mary during all this day, at this Marian Center that was founded by My Immaculate Heart, the angels of God congregate the lost souls, calling them to live redemption and the immediate rehabilitation of life.

Your Celestial Mother crosses the universes as a beam of light, which is poured over the world, to liberate it once again from the constant oppression caused by My adversary.

For this, dear children, the endless caudal of your prayers spiritually reconstructs many situations, those which are found in the culmination point of their own collapse.  When souls pray with the light of the heart, your Eternal Father asks His angels to descend to the world to help it.

If there were always a true answer, that flows out from the love of souls for the Plan of the Creator, there would be a door of light, which would be opened through Christ to relieve suffering and sorrow.

In these times of crisis, the instrument of your prayer, united to the perpetual prayer of your Celestial Mother, will awaken in the world a greater hope and, above all, the victory of My Son will happen once again in humanity, but this time it will be through His Infinite Mercy.

When all of you gather monthly to pray the thousand "Hail Marys", My Heart feels the comfort promised by all Its children, and thus the thorns that surround My Immaculate Heart are removed and, at My feet, the angels place the prayers as precious flowers on the altars of the Creator.

My children, today I invite you to believe, above all, in the incalculable power of the prayer of the heart; something that My adversary does not know and fears, because prayer makes all who pray with the heart invisible and, thus, they are separated from the danger of My enemy.

For this reason, dear children, may your voices do not get tired of repeating and pronouncing the glorification that your Celestial Mother received directly from Her Beloved Lord of the Universe.  Be spokespeople for prayer so that in this way, your lives, living the purification cycle, may only seek to elevate themselves as the angels do by living the eternal communion with God.

Your Mother of the Divine Word, the Lady of the Sacred Word, teaches you to love prayer and to practice it in this school of renewal that you live with Me today.

While the world puts its attention on other paths, which are not the paths of the Lord, Your Mother and Rose of Peace tries to re-educate you, so that in times of crisis you may be formed as sacred armies of Her Immaculate and Divine Heart.

My maternal gratitude extends today to all the praying beings who month by month during the thousand "Hail Marys", open the doors of Heaven so that I may descend to the world and pray always at your side; although you may not be able to see Me, My Omnipresent Spirit will embrace you, just as the Eternal Father embraces you with much love.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who consecrates you though the immaculate spirit of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
