Do not let your hearts grieve anymore; believe in the mystery of love that I am revealing to you. This, My children, will allow you to live the absolute trust in My Son and in My Maternal Heart.
Dear children, always raise your prayers towards Heaven. They are well received by the Great Heart of God because in this way, the Grace of Reparation can act as the Fire of the Holy Spirit and convert the pain of your hearts.
My little ones, today I invite you to keep praying the Mysteries of Contemplation of the Rosary so that in each one of the passages that My Son lived, you may be able to learn about love, sacrifice, surrender and faith. By the lack of these principles in the heart and in the life of many of My children, humanity has walked through mistakes that have offended God the Creator.
Therefore, dear children, the prayer of the heart and the prayer among united souls will open the Celestial Door so that all these gifts may be able to awaken in your lives and thus each one of your little hearts will become a faithful instrument of the Creator.
If humanity just stopped to think whether it is on the true path of God, many consequences would be able to be detained and humanity would avoid living the Law of the Universe. But if there are true groups of prayer that respond to My call for peace, My Maternal Promise is to intercede for everyone, especially for those who do not have God in their hearts.
In this defining time, it is necessary to learn in order to grow; you rely on many keys. Today again I give them to you: love, prayer, sacrifice and devotion. Through all of them, other more beautiful keys will be able to be awakened.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
In truth I tell you, dearest children, that whoever remains under the Light of My Immaculate Heart will always be able
to be guided, as long as you remember that you must be loving, helpful and compassionate with your fellow humans so that My Plans of Peace may be fulfilled in all nations of the Earth.
This is why, My children, today I invite you to be an active part of the power of prayer so that your lives may be a principle of Creation in the Hands of God and the sound of love that is born from His Voice.
It is important, dear children, to be what God wants you to be in this time. As instruments of the Father, carry My Peace today because there are many who still do not have it and need it. You will be potential roses in My garden only when you unite to Me in the prayer of the heart. Thus you will radiate to the world the Light that it needs in these times of changes.
Dear children, correspond to what God asks of you today: to be true children of God in the prayer of the heart and in peace because in this way you will be helping the inner harmony that many of My children need.
The Kingdom of My Peace wants to dwell in the lives of all, but I still find places that are not filled with My Maternal Love. Therefore today I invite you to be empty, empty as was My Son Jesus at the moment of carrying the cross and reaching the Calvary.
Imitate Jesus in the simple examples so that your lives may find the path of humility that all humanity should travel before the throne of God.
The Source of Love is springing up in the name of the Father through My Maternal Immaculate Heart so that you may rec- ognize that I love you and that I accompany you as the Lady of Eternal Graces.
I thank you for corresponding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Mother and Door to Heaven, today I tell you servers of Peace: live in Peace and for Peace so that the greatest amount of souls may search this Divine Spirit of reparation.
Dear children, the divine time that passes in through the world wants to transform you into instruments of God, but your lives go forward by learning lessons that must mature the consciousness. For this dear children, each moment that you live day by day is a moment to be in reconciliation and in forgiveness before God.
Each moment of life must grow the heart and convert it into a precious heart of Peace.
Many of the faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart will be called servers of Peace by the Supreme Voice of the Heavens. This means that your hearts must be well formed in the school of prayer, so that each one of you may collaborate in the rescue and salvation of another brother or sister.
For this, you must be as Marian instruments of the prayer dedicated to My Immaculate Heart; this will help so that My Son’s victorious Plan of Mercy may deepen in many souls, more in those that still do not recognize the liberating power of Divine Mercy.
My children for this today I invite you and all My praying children to be guardians of prayer for all the hearts of My children who must live My Son’s redeeming Plan of salvation, when He returns to the world.
Now My children, your hearts must not only be in humility but also, through My Son, they must be merciful with the reality of each creature and thus they may see the service facing their lives. The Plan of Peace is a purpose of My Immaculate Heart, because of this is important the existence of true groups of prayer consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Be in the Divine Peace of My Son.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
To those that are fallen, I will raise them. To those that are sad, I will cheer them. To those who have lost hope, I will give them hope. The ones who suffer, I will relieve them. Dear children, these are promised from My Son.
For this, pray, pray with the heart so that all My children may receive this precious and merciful act from My Son. My Heart serves you as a support, as a guard and as a salvation, so do not fear the falls of life. Today I invite you, through the Divine Spirit of Christ, to rise from where you are and walk again, held by My Beloved Son’s Hands of Light.
You dear children must build in your hearts through prayer the promises of the Live Christ as a preparation for the new time of peace and in honor of the return of Jesus, which is awaited by all.
Today each one of My little ones must see themselves as a disciple who having received the instruction of the Master of Love, now awaits in vigil the coming of the next call.
Thus My children, My Heart of Mother in this time brings you again to the call of prayer, to forgiveness, to reconciliation and to mercy; may your hearts purify the feelings and all intention become pure and crystalline as the water of a charming river.
Open your hearts, day by day, before the Voice of My Heart because know well that God calls you so that your lives manifest the gift of peace and of meekness for this time.
The world may receive from you the prayers, but even more it may receive the effort to transform life into an instrument of My Peace.
I prepare you with love and I guide you with immense maternal love.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Dear children,
Today I leave to each one of your hearts the sign of My Peace. You will find this sign in the daily prayer. Little ones, another sign for your souls is conversion. The Lord invites you to convert the spirit into a sacred temple of forgiveness and restora- tion of life.
Dear children, in the consecration of your lives by means of the Divine Word of prayer you will find the path that will lead you to the Doors of Peace, the Doors of My Kingdom.
My little ones, it is time to prepare your consciousnesses for what will soon come from the Heavens. My Immaculate Heart carries a herald for all of the children who unite to God. For this reason, little children, the world must also continue converting itself through the prayers of all of the children of the world. If you knew how necessary it is for your hearts to pray you would be each moment impregnated by the Light of My Heart.
I want you to recognize that we are in the moment of radiating peace for all those who need it. Your lives must convert them- selves into constant instruments of God, thus the Divine Plan of God will flow according to the designs for each one of the souls. This most precious plan of love will alleviate the constant generation of faults that many souls commit before the throne of the Father while they live in the world. For this, My dear children, I openly wait for you so that we may merge ourselves in prayer for all these children. As humanity you must learn many lessons of peace and of humility.
On this path of construction of the Inner Plan you will find Me. It is enough that each one of the souls opens itself to My immaculate call to conversion.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Peace for the lives.
Come towards Me, I protect you. Come towards Me, I will love you. Come towards My Kingdom in trust. Live in My Peace.
There is nothing more precious in souls than the reflection of a sweet heart. I gather hearts so that they may celebrate with Me in prayer. More beautiful than the Heavens is the smile of Our Most High Lord. Come all souls towards My Immaculate Heart, because I will make you drink from the Source of My Peace.
May the pilgrims walk through My pathway of roses. That united with My Heart we may pray for peace. It is very simple that which God asks of you: only to be in prayer and to be a living prayer.
So that more hearts may be saved, the Lord needs the giving of His instruments: instruments of Peace, instruments of Love, instruments of Redemption, instruments of Conversion, for all hearts.
Know, My little ones, that My Immaculate Heart guides you and that My Heart of Servant is guided by the wonders and the Mercies of the Lord. My Heart is an instrument of love and peace, which I invite you to contemplate. I want your hearts to reign in My Heart so that the loneliness in souls may be over, so that the new soul restored by My Love may recognize My prayer and may unite to it.
Today, My little ones, may the Kingdom of Peace embrace you completely so that all inner conflict may be liberated from sorrowful hearts. It is possible, My little ones, to know a Kingdom of Love and Peace. I come daily from this place to bring you the Light from the Heights. Seek, My dear children, to remain each second within My Immaculate Heart so that your little hearts may be converted in Redemption and in Forgiveness for many souls that I want to arrive to in this end of time.
Be partakers in the Eternal Light that is appearing again to your hearts. Unite your hearts to Me.
Who loves you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today I invite you to live in My Eternal Light. May My call resound in the depth of your little hearts. May humanity be reborn in the Hands of God so that it may be forgiven and converted to My Immaculate Heart.
For this, My little ones, the Lord wants to see you truly permeated by the essential prayer, a prayer that may transfigure your consciousnesses and convert you into worthy instruments of God.
I want to ask you, My little ones, that today you remain before My Merciful Face and that you leave your hearts open so that I may enter, and so that there may be life in them. I adore you all deeply, My dear ones, but remember all of those hearts that only seek the good life in the material life.
To dissolve from the hearts these great illusions that cause humanity to fall, I call you to deepen into the constructive meaning of a prayer that may elevate all those hearts distant from God. In this mission, My Immaculate Heart shall accompany you.
I accompany all the hearts in this inner goal of responding to My call.
For the perseverance and for the faith in My presence in your lives, thank you for responding to My call.
May the Divine Heavens be the new dwelling of the pure hearts.
Who adores you perpetually,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more