I am happy to know that you can sincerely open your heart to Me, and that through your brothers and sisters, I can listen, alleviate and encourage you to continue walking on this path of Sacred Redemption.

I am happy to know that you can be transparent and clear with your closest brothers and sisters and that you will not take advantage of or benefit from your talks with your peers.

I am happy to know that within you there still exists that unalterable truth, that humility that is capable of presenting reality and situations as they really are, without adding anything personal or emotional.

I am happy to know that I can count on you, that in spite of your purification or of your tests, you are faithful and work a little more every day.

I am happy to know that your being does not hide behind a mask of clay to try to go unnoticed. 

I love the truth that My friends are able to give Me, because with that truth I build the new.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


While the world still does not stop to contemplate the Heart of God, the Father sends Me to call you today to practice the prayer of the heart. The prayer of all of the faithful ones will give the sustenance to help humanity. The prayer of those devoted to My Immaculate Heart will unite the hearts with God. The prayer of the humble and the servers will awaken the devotion and the faith in the defining moments.

Dear children, united by means of prayer you will be prepared, as missionaries, to assist the need of peace in the world. Therefore, My children, pray much and consider this sacred exercise of prayer so that your lives may be guided by the Holy Spirit.

My children, by uniting your hearts to each group of prayer, you will be uniting to the Christic Love of My Son. For this reason, today I also invite you to consider the important union among the groups of prayer so that in this way your souls may be one in fraternity and peace. Once you unite all your groups of prayer as one group, you will be giving the Almighty God the permission to act in each one of you.

Little children, as Mother of the Pilgrims, today I guide you through a New Path that many of My children are taking again; and this Path is called Jesus Christ the Redeemer, your Savior. He must be your inner alliance and you must have the purpose of living with Him through prayer.

Dear children, keep this mission in mind, knowing that My Heart will help you.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Today I want you to follow God above all things and all causes. May your hearts live in the absolute trust of the coming of His Higher Kingdom. May you be in constant prayer with My Son because in this way, dear children, you will honor My Immaculate Maternal Heart.

I want you as good worshipers and vigilantes of the heart, that you pray always for all those who at the end of this time quickly separate themselves from the purpose of God.  I want you, as souls that walk to My Virginal Purity and that in constancy, to transform life into a temple of prayer and that in restoring communion with My Son you offer it for the conversion of humanity.

Today I come to ask you that in the divine commitment with Me, to make My Immaculate Heart triumph in all the hearts that are empty of God and even more those who, subjugated by the modern world, lose the light of the spirit.

For this dear children, I want that, as you have been called by Me, the other children of Christ may be called to the Venerable House of the Father, to the eternal refuge of the love of God. We are already at the time of elevating all the souls towards the Kingdom of Heaven and this will start when all the praying groups, favorite to My Immaculate Heart offer and surrender the prayers for each of the children that are in the world and for those they do not know and who need the Mercy of My Son.

Today I want you, living from the gift and the source of life that is presented by Jesus Christ, as faithful servers to My Immaculate Heart, to build towers of light on Earth through the sincere act of the prayer of the heart. With this little act of surrender to the life of prayer many causes written in the hands of the justice of God may be restored. Unite, only unite the love in your hearts with the Great and Immense Love of God!

Now is the time to light the Divine light of the Heart and to pronounce only peace for everyone.

I thank you!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

 As Mother and Door to Heaven, today I tell you servers of Peace: live in Peace and for Peace so that the greatest amount of souls may search this Divine Spirit of reparation.

 Dear children, the divine time that passes in through the world wants to transform you into instruments of God, but your lives go forward by learning lessons that must mature the consciousness.  For this dear children, each moment that you live day by day is a moment to be in reconciliation and in forgiveness before God.

 Each moment of life must grow the heart and convert it into a precious heart of Peace.

Many of the faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart will be called servers of Peace by the Supreme Voice of the Heavens.  This means that your hearts must be well formed in the school of prayer, so that each one of you may collaborate in the rescue and salvation of another brother or sister.

 For this, you must be as Marian instruments of the prayer dedicated to My Immaculate Heart; this will help so that My Son’s victorious Plan of Mercy may deepen in many souls, more in those that still do not recognize the liberating power of  Divine Mercy.

My children for this today I invite you and all My praying children to be guardians of prayer for all the hearts of My children who must live My Son’s redeeming Plan of salvation, when He returns to the world.

 Now My children, your hearts must not only be in humility but also, through My Son, they must be merciful with the reality of each creature and thus they may see the service facing their lives.  The Plan of Peace is a purpose of My Immaculate Heart, because of this is important the existence of true groups of prayer consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

 Be in the Divine Peace of My Son.

 Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
