Songs of Figueira – “With your permission”
This last song by José Trigueirinho expresses the prophecy about his next departure, announced here throughout the years.
At the same time, the song expresses the gratitude and deep reverence, of this instrument of God, for the Law of the Hierarchy, indicating to his disciples, in a simple way, what the feeling and correct attitude should before the immensity of what the Work of God represents for the being of the surface.
This song reveals, in a selfless and impersonal way, the farewell of the Instructor to his beloved disciples; the farewell to all those who, throughout time, were activated by the divine energy of the sacred knowledge and the Instruction, making it possible for each soul to find its gift and its lineage within the broad field of universal life.
Gratitude is the essence of the song, but it is also the expression of the soul of Trigueirinho for the infinite Mercy and Compassion of the Celestial Father towards His smallest and most imperfect creatures.
Here, the Instructor and the instrument of God professes and symbolically announces his departure towards the vast Cosmos, the return of his spirit to the Source and Origin from where he departed to serve the Divine Purpose, and from there, to enter into new Schools of Instruction.
In this song, the most important message for the disciples remains deeply engraved, which is the love that each soul may have for the Hierarchy itself, to thus maintain, on this planet, a divine connection with the sacred Non-material Laws
Trigueirinho, in a simple, loving, and reverent way, says goodbye to the realm of material life, announcing that it is the spirit that serves through the impulses of the soul and this is what grants the upliftment of consciousness.
The final signature of the Instructor is the love that he leaves engraved in the inner firmament of each disciple, to remind each being that everything is due to love, to Creation, to the existence of life beyond forms.
He reminds us that love is in everything and that each soul must return to the Source of this love with all the experience lived on this planet Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
And today I come showing My Wounds to the world, to each one of the souls, as an offering for the wounds that Argentina has today, as a spiritual and material nation.
Today I come to offer My Blood as this perfect testimony of love for you and for each nation of this planet, especially for the nations that suffer the most, which are submitted and colonized by projects that do not come from God, but rather from humanity.
But this will end. It will not last for a long time.
I have come here, to Argentina, for all of this to begin to change from now on.
I have chosen this nation for this start to happen, just as My Father has asked.
For this reason, I offer My Wounds, not as a symbol of suffering, but rather of victory, pouring out the Light of My Spirit from each one of them, for those who want to be bathed by My Grace.
I come here to testify that the Kingdom of God is possible, inside and outside of beings, and on the surface of the planet, which, in spite of the chaos of the end of times and of the immediate purification, the Lord invites you to prevail in peace; invites you to build inside of you a path which is still unknown.
This path that I offer to you is toward the Universe, where the Brotherhood is found; where a purpose is lived during the entire lifetime, until it can be fulfilled.
For this reason, you must seek inside of you, companions, the essence of what you truly are and of what you have come to accomplish in these final times, where the next Kingdom of God in humanity and on the planet will be defined, where many more things will happen, things that you must live to be able to learn and to experience the degrees of love and of forgiveness, in order to achieve, finally, the so awaited redemption.
For this reason, I invite you to be consequent with Me, as you have been in all these last days, where in each detail, in each labor and service, I have seen your love and your effort for Me, with the aim of the Work of the Divine Mercy to be accomplished in humanity, and especially in Argentina.
As I told you yesterday, here there are very valuable souls that have arrived in this time to experience the great change of consciousness, by means of strong experiences and deep livings that try to lead you to the comprehension of the reconciliation and of faith, of unity and of fraternity, in this beloved people.
Here is the preamble of a new race, as is in Brazil and in another parts of South-America.
Everything that happens in these times on the surface of the Earth is part of the objective of My adversary which is to imbalance and destabilize the humanities, peoples and nations. But do not enter in this field nor into this energy of discord and of dissociation.
Nourish yourselves, day by day, through the word of prayer and you will be able to reach the sublime spheres, and the sublime spheres, as guiding stars, will indicate the new path to you, the new direction that you must travel through your lives and experiences.
Do not fear to face the end of times nor the purification.
Do not fear to offer yourselves to suffer for Me, because what I will give you is what you really need, beyond what you would deserve.
Trust in My Heart, because in it lies the Sacred Temple for your spirits, so that your souls may live the communion with Me, time and again.
For this reason, today I come again from Andromeda, to emit My proclamation of peace, to make of this peace a reality that many would like to live but cannot. But if you, companions, decide to be My instruments and not the instruments of the world, I will be able to continue working through your lives and consciousnesses.
Thus, in spite of what happens or what may present itself in these times, I will build in you an unbreakable fortitude that will have its base in spiritual life, given by the fortitude of faith and of the trust in the One, Our Celestial Father.
My Father sends Me, not only to call you to understanding and comprehension, but also to the necessary correction that is vital for these critical times; a correction that will try to lead you always along the path of the Purpose and of the Truth, so that you do not lose the objective of what God needs to build in humanity and in all peoples.
Through My Wounds, I illuminate your lives.
Through My Consciousness, I ennoble your spirits, because they are old spirits, originating from other stars and from other universes. Spirits that have congregated to accomplish a purpose in the name of the Son of God, a purpose that has not been accomplished yet and that has not ended, which is in the apex of its transition and of its definition.
Thus, everything you do for the good of God will build the new and the eternal, which will be invincible and will not be defeated.
Over you is the Hand of Grace. A Grace that helps you, a Grace that fills you, a Grace that leads you to live peace in times without peace.
Be builders of the New Humanity. Postulate yourselves as pillars that will be the bases for the new race by means of attributes, of examples and of an unconditional service for humanity and the planet, as well as for all its Kingdoms.
Elevate your thought toward the High and unite your thought to the Thought of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel and here there will not exist interferences nor disturbances, your attention will be fixed in the Purpose and in all that must happen in the next times.
Argentina must achieve its transparency; it must manifest its equality. For this everything will be purified.
Do not fear to know that everything will be purified. Do not fear to find the reason for this purification and of this moment. Know that everything is already foreseen and that your land has been called to live a new state of consciousness that will first be born in the human beings who live in the Lord, who accomplish His Designs and His Divine Will.
From you the new being may be born and the old being will be left behind, because you will have accepted to live the Principles of God, which will not only constitute new consciousnesses in you, but which will form the new peoples, the new race, the New Earth.
From the heart of the Universe, I emit My Voice, so that My Voice may be heard by all.
I leave for you the Love that I have for your Motherland and for your nation, knowing that God has given you the best that He has so that your people, from its origins, might learn to express its inner and spiritual virtue.
It is this virtue that I come to seek from the Argentinian people, and it is this virtue that will not be dissolved from the essence of all those who live here.
Therefore, everything is in a battle and in definition, just as it is in Brazil.
In the principles of the Earth, this region was preserved from much interferences.
Here was the Eden of God, in its exuberance and splendor, in its beauty and loveliness, through all Kingdoms of Nature. Humanity has destroyed it and keeps destroying it.
So that everything can be reversed and change, so that the Eden can flourish again and express itself, from Argentina there must born this state of consciousness of restoration and of healing which not only its people need, but also a great part of the world.
The Celestial Brotherhood is setting its instruments on a region that has been called to express an important Will of God.
Although My Message is symbolic, My Words are clear, because I talk to your hearts and not to your minds. I talk to what is beyond your physical being and what is internal, which listens and knows everything that I say.
It is here where the new consciousness will be sown.
It is here where the seed of the new consciousness will be sown.
It is here where what God expects so much will sprout, so that human beings finally may know their freedom and leave behind their constant captivity.
Be similar to the People of Israel. But you must not spend forty years to find the Promised Land and your true freedom, you are more conscious about the end of times.
Just follow My steps and enter into My Heart, in faith everything will be accomplished. Because among few the greatest thing will be done, among few the planet will be led to a new state and you are invited to participate in this.
From Andromeda, I convoke you and I call you to unite, in love, to the grand Confraternity.
I thank you for everything you have offered to Me, because this multiplies Grace, not only for your beings, but also for your country.
May the Kingdom of God be in your hearts and in your spirits.
May the Lord of the Universe show you His Sacred Face and may you contemplate the splendor of His Existence so that you may feel blessed by His Divine Spirit, by His powerful Current of Mercy and of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Songs of Figueira – “The Call”
This song invokes the flame of awakening for each person of the Earth because, having this consciousness of awakening, the human being will be able to abandon the atavistic forms that tie them to the past and to continuous errors.
This is why the Voice of the Hierarchy resounds more than a trumpet. Its Voice circles sidereal spaces so that, beyond the unreal alternate time, all humanities may hear the call of the great invitation.
Hearing this call, the soul is molded and formed as an instrument capable of receiving the luminous impulses that will allow it to transcend matter and the planetary psychism.
The call of the Hierarchy appeals to the awakening of consciousness because behind this important awakening lies the impulse that the spirit needs, to begin to become part of the inner commands of the Hierarchy.
This call invites human beings to have compassion towards their own planet and for its humanity.
It is a call for becoming conscious in order to be able to modify the tragic destiny of an Earth warped and colonized by error.
In this context, and even with these events, the song reveals the emergence of the New Christs who, amidst struggle, dissociation and traps, will overcome in the name of Higher Love that can and does transcend everything.
Thus, the Hierarchy, which is one operative Consciousness, awakens the spirits, present on the surface of the Earth, so that in their inner worlds they may hear the call of the Higher Light.
From sidereal space, the emergence of this group of consciousnesses will be seen, that will immediately respond to the Voice of the Hierarchy and that, beyond everything, will fulfill the requests of Divinity, in order to root out ignorance and dissolve the pain that leads souls to perdition.
This song reveals that everything is thought of and planned for, and it is the time of the great awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The twelve songs composed and intuitively elaborated by José Trigueirinho, during the course of his thirty years of instruction, of learning and of service to the Plan of God, reflect the aspiration, the hope and the call to the manifestation of the spiritual attributes which, during his first phase as an instrument of the Hierarchy, he yearned to concretize, in this humanity, just as other spiritual and philosophic instructors that have come to the Earth to fulfill a Greater Will.
By means of these twelve songs, José Trigueirinho achieved to transmit one of the seventy seven Wills of God manifested in twelve Principles, which were literally expressed as inner messages coming from his soul. These messages reflected the aspiration of the Divine Hierarchy for the concretion of the first attributes, which would impel the awakening of the consciousness of the New Humanity.
Another main accomplishment carried forward throughout the years by José Trigueirnho, the instrument of God, was the manifestation of the Choirs-of-Light, one of the streams of the Divines Will, in this case the main stream, which would help in the descending of more and more attributes to the consciousness of humanity.
In this sense, the first choirs, which had officially formed based on the experience and the living of the collective work, by means of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, accepted to develop, little by little, the expression of the attributes that José Trigueirinho had once heard in his soul and had written on paper, as inner statements, which transmitted a message and a higher call to the Hierarchy.
This legacy, which impelled, after thirty years, the expression of the Communities-of-Light, the awakening of the groups of service, of prayer, of instruction and of healing; is renewed today for all consciousnesses, demonstrating to each one of them that the twelve main songs once written by the instrument of God were prophetic symbolic messages which were revealing, on many levels of consciousness, what would happen during the first thirty years of a Work based on love and on faith in the Hierarchy.
Therefore, today your Master and Lord asks all of the founding pioneers and the servers of the last years to offer, for the next September 25, 2018, as a closing tribute, four songs, which will be recorded only with voices, and which later, at the end of the first part of the homage that will be made to José Trigueirinho, will be transmitted worldwide, so that everyone may perceive and become aware that the prophecies have already been fulfilled.
This special ceremony of transmission will be programmed for 8:00 p.m.
May this impulse, which will gather pilgrim hearts of the Work of the Hierarchy, reignite the commitment of serving, and of loving the Plan of God, more and more each day, just as José Trigueirinho, the instrument of God, selflessly loved.
I thank you for keeping these impulses in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When God calls you to serve, listen to His Voice and follow it.
Every day, the need for service in this world will increase, and as time goes by and your hearts open, you will be more apt and prepared to serve because, in truth, you will be ready to love and give from yourselves those things that are the true treasure of the human heart, that you so often do not know.
You will not be known in this world for your service, but for the love that is in it; love that arises from the Heart of God and flows, indistinctly, into the heart of all those who open themselves to respond with sincerity to His call.
Through this Work, God wants to teach you and to teach all humanity that when one responds to a divine call, there is no merit on a single soul, there is no Grace on a single being, but upon all those who open themselves to stop being what they are and become instruments of God.
A mission requested by the Divine Messengers is the announcement of the Love of God to humanity; Love that flows through the human heart and permeates entire nations in its silence; embraces souls and hearts with Its Grace, even if all of this is invisible to the human eyes.
A mission asked by the Divine Messengers is a sign of God that His Mercy is still acting in the world, both in the heart that is called to serve and that receives the Grace to redeem itself through service, and for those who are served and seemed to be forgotten by God and by the world, but are not.
Your Father and Creator would like to have many arms, many feet and, above all, many hearts to send to those places in most need in the world, as a sign of His Love and His Mercy for the hearts that have lost hope. But while not many hearts open to give themselves, those who already do it must multiply themselves in an extreme giving that, in the silence of their actions, generates merits for the redemption of those who do nothing for this planet.
Today, children, We call you to service and to multiply not only efforts but, above all, surrender and love. Today we call you to not want to be protagonists of a service before the world, but to go beyond childishness in the life of service, and as mature spirits in Christ, to convert yourselves into instruments and vehicles of Love and Mercy for those who are in most need.
And, thus, the world will know you and will exalt God. Souls will find you and will know God. Hearts will receive your service and will thank God. And you will serve a child and, in it, a culture, a nation. You will serve a people and, in it, a whole humanity. You will serve the Kingdoms of Nature and, in them, a planet that needs healing.
Allow that, in this new cycle of service, your hearts grow and be more than yourselves in service; be parts of God, bringing renewal, redemption, and peace to this world.
You have My blessings for this.
Your Father and Companion in each mission,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Third Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Elevate my soul to Heaven, Lord,
so that it may unite to Yours
and thus commune of Your Divinity.
Make me simple and true
in daily tasks.
Deposit into my heart
the power of Your Trust
and make this life an instrument
in the Hands of God.
Allow me, Lord,
to live in the void and to witness
in each act of love
Your celestial Paradise.
Avail Yourself of my consciousness
so that the Universe
may descend to Earth
and everything, absolutely everything,
may be transformed.
Let me know
the deep meaning of Your Word, Lord.
Elevate my consciousness
as many times as necessary
so that I may be awake
before Your call.
Help me to vanquish arrogance
and spiritual pride so that,
free from any blindness,
I may receive Your blessing
to have awareness and discernment.
Keep me by Your side
and I will be able to keep in my inner world
the magnificence of what it means to be in You, Lord.
Make my life that which You so hope for.
The time has come for me to cross
the portal towards redemption,
thus I will be able to accompany You
as a servant of Yours
and as a disciple of Your Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
bathe me inside and out
with the fount of Your Grace.
Purify each aspect of my being
so that I may always be able to renew myself
through You.
Purify me of my thoughts
and of my feelings.
I ask You, our Lord,
to be part of my being.
Teach me to be patient
and persevering in every moment.
Teach me to be humble
and simple before others
so that my personality
may not seek to promote itself in anything
but rather be willing to serve
when I am needed and called.
Lord of Truth,
may my feelings be ennobled,
may my word rise in vibration
and may each prayer that I offer You
be able to be received in Heaven
as a drop of light in the vast Universe
so that the Graces of God
may continue to descend.
Teach me to offer my life to service.
Teach me to offer my heart
as an instrument of healing.
Teach me, dear Jesus,
to empty me of myself day by day
so that each step that I take
may be blessed by Your consoling Love.
May my life be guided
and protected by You, Lord,
and may the Holy Spirit descend
so that I may fulfill,
within Your majestic Work,
all the Designs that You have thought of
within Your humble Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Lord,
may I always be able to learn
from the culminating and difficult moments.
May I be able to learn
to see the luminous result
of each learning experience
so that I can grow internally
in humility, love and mercy.
Show me, Lord,
the greatness of each learning experience
and each test.
That in everything,
I may see the magnificence
that is Your Love and Your Mercy
so that we can learn
to humiliate and surrender ourselves to You
in each moment.
Participate, Lord,
in each school of life.
Enter into the depths
of this imperfect being
so that I myself
may discover the treasures of service
and of the good that You have placed
in my inner world.
Lord, unify me
Make me small
but at the same time serving,
in all moments of life.
Deliver me to the world
as Your instrument
so that everyone may have the Grace
of knowing Your transforming
and vivifying Love.
Lord, do
what You have to do.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be purified of my mistakes.
Hide me, Lord,
within Your Wounds
so that I may receive the Divine Codes
of Transfiguration.
hide me within your Wounds
so that spiritual Light
may invade me completely.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be protected from all evil
in order for Your powerful Peace to reign.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may receive all Your Grace
and be deserving of Your unfathomable Mercy.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that my soul may be a partaker
of the inner communion
with Your Divine Spirit
and all difficulties may dissipate.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may know the profound essence
of Your Love and Your Compassion.
hide me within Your Wounds
and make me a new instrument,
empty of everything and completely surrendered
to Your Sacred Heart.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that Your sacred Humility
may awaken within me.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May this conviction always emerge from your heart, dear child, that God dwells and lives within you, because thus each human aspect of life and of personality will become small before the true impulse of the essence.
In the essence of the creatures of the Earth lies the fulfillment of the Work of God and this Divine Project must awaken within the beings, in this time.
The essence in each being is an incalculable treasure and, at the same time, the human being itself cannot conceive what the Original Essence in itself means.
In order to have at least a little contact with this reality, the school of prayer offers to you this portal that will always lead you toward the intimate and deep encounter with what you truly are.
May more and more hearts dare, in this time, to enter the most intimate core of your inner essence, so that the principles of faith and of the communion with Christ may make of each soul an instrument of peace in the Hands of God, for this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Peace, child, is the state that your heart attains when it unites to the Truth of God.
Peace is the unalterable state that is born from the certainty of a higher reality that transcends human existence.
Peace is a state that awakens or is born in hearts when they open to love and to know the Plan of God, recognizing its greatness and perfection and, as a consequence, recognizing the human smallness.
Peace is a state that the heart finds when it knows it is fulfilling its part, every day, and that it does everything it can for the evolution of beings, for the awakening of love, for the expansion of fraternity.
When the heart is not at peace, it is not because peace is lacking in the world, it is not because God deprives it of peace; it is the being itself that moves away from it for knowing it is at fault, for knowing that it does not do everything it can, for knowing that it is not giving all of itself.
Discover the path to peace through transparency, sincerity, truth, self-giving.
The heart that confesses finds peace because it returns to Truth, because it strips away its lies and vanities before God and renews itself, it becomes worthy of recognizing peace, of being within peace and multiplying it.
The world is in chaos, in pain and suffering. The souls are in agony, in definition, in fear, but it is possible, in spite of all this, to be in peace, to find it and live it, because peace does not depend on the world, it depends only on you.
Peace is not the end of wars and of a humanity living according to its tendencies and superficial needs, because a heart can have everything, all the things it desires, it may not live among conflicts and, even so, it may not know, not find and not live peace.
Peace is an inner state, fruit of the union with God and of the transparency before Him.
Therefore, child, today I invite you to rediscover peace within you, confessing your miseries before God, divesting yourself of your characters to make space for an unknown transparency, which is the door toward true freedom.
Experience being free in a world that has become its own prison. Experience being in peace and being an instrument so that God can make the world know peace through you.
Enter into a new cycle of true aspirations, of true actions, of true love, of true peace.
In this way, human beings will fall at your right and at your left, but the peace in your heart, which does not have its base consolidated in the things of the world, but rather in your inner union with God, will never be knocked down.
Persist in the search for peace, but follow the correct path. Transparency and truth are your vehicles to attain peace.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
First Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Beloved Jesus,
may my confidence, although it may be poor, unite to Yours
so that Your Presence may strengthen my heart
in the tests that I will soon go through.
Beloved Son of God,
Servant of the Unchangeable Father,
make me small and simple in everything,
let me know the deepest mysteries
of Your Heart.
Reveal to me, Lord,
the intimacy of Your Soul
and the greatness of Your redeeming Love.
O Lord of the Universe!
that in the emptiness of my being
I may find the absolute surrender of my Soul
so that some part of this imperfect being
may represent You on Earth
as a new apostle of Your Heart.
Beloved Jesus,
make me cherish and love my fellow beings,
just as You love me in an unconditional and eternal way.
Do not leave me stagnant in the shortcomings of the neighbor.
Rather, Lord, show me my shortcomings
so that according to Your Word and energy
I may be able to transform them.
I wish, Lord,
to see You reflected in the heart that suffers,
in the soul that despairs.
I wish to see You everywhere
and thus be able to participate in You
so that even the smallest gesture of my charity
may be able to quench the thirst that You feel
for the souls that do not accept You.
Give me bravery
and I will abandon myself into Your Arms.
Make me the instrument that You need.
Make me the project that You so much hope for
so that I may not interfere in anything, Lord,
but that it be You, Christ,
who works through this small life.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.
Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.
Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.
Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.
Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.
Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.
Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.
Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.
Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.
If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.
Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.
Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.
Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.
Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.
Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.
The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.
Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To be living witnesses of the Presence of God
My Children,
Today I call you to be living witnesses of the Presence of God among men.
That your lives speak to the world and that your examples make those who find you seek peace and ask themselves what they are doing in their own lives.
In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God on Earth, you must first purify your hearts of all stain, of all criticism, of all lack of unity with others and with God.
In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God among men, you must assume a path of prayer and of service, wherever you are. You already know that you can make of your lives an eternal act of service at every instant.
In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God among men, you must learn to forgive others and yourselves and to open yourselves to understand the weaknesses of others, always putting yourselves in the place of others, to then understand their feelings and thoughts.
To be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, you must lose the shame and fear of being true and transparent every day, live your faith and be simple before the judgment of men.
In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, you must be willing to purify your own will, your own dominion and power over others and over everything.
In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, you must make the difference among men, willing to surrender what humanity always aspires to aggrandize; willing to be humble and silent; willing to be anonymous and in solitude, even though, My children, God puts you in the midst of multitudes.
You must never lose the thirst of being alone with God, because only those who know how to be in silence with the Father will know how to speak publicly in His Name.
Today, beloved children, I call you to one step more than the apostolate; I call you to surrender your lives to God as living witnesses of His Presence in the world.
It is time to announce, and this is done with the example that echoes beyond words and pierces the layers of mind to reach the heart and there perpetuate itself.
Today I call you to be witnesses of the last times, the saints of the last days, because to balance what is happening in the world at this moment it is necessary, children, to renew the apostolate, renew the spirit of the Gospel with life and become true disciples of Christ, as He needs you.
In this day of special blessing and infinite Graces that your Heavenly Mother pours out from the Seventh Heaven and beyond, I call you to be those who will offer their own destiny to God, who will follow His Steps in an unconditional way and who will overcome fear, transcending it in the power of the Love of Christ.
Today I call you to be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world and, if you cannot do it, to pray for those who will surrender their souls at the Feet of the Creator, asking Him at every instant of their lives: Lord and God, what do you need from me today?
Pray for those who will surrender their hearts to God and, will fervently witness His Presence in the world, and be part of the apostolate of these times.
My children, the world needs palpable examples and true surrender, therefore renew your surrender to the Father every day, and seek a way to make it more transparent each time.
Today, children, I will ask you to pray fervently for those who have been called to surrender their lives to God and who, without understanding and without knowing, have become His living witnesses for these times.
Pray so that the instruments of the Father persevere to the end, because the surrender of a few will bring merit for the salvation of all.
Pray so that the Graces multiply, and Mercy finds space to pour out into the world.
And finally pray so that there will be new and eternal witnesses of God’s Presence among His children.
I thank you for responding to My call and I bless you.
And on this day, in a special way, I bless My beloved son who, surrendering his heart to the Father, allowed the Creator to make of his existence a living testimony of the Presence of God in the world.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Calm your heart in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and remember, before anything else, to cry out to the Father so that His Peace, His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon the world.
Remember to place your small heart in the Heart of God so that the Creator may enlarge it with His Presence within you and thus, child, you may be able to fulfill all that He may ask of you in this time.
Remember that you are an instrument of God, called on to be an extension of His in the world so that the Father may renew Himself within you, as He did with His Son, from His birth until Calvary and His death on the Cross.
Never forget the purpose of your life, which is broader than what you conceive for yourself. Remember that life does not begin or end in this world, but that it has only a passage in it, a school, a learning experience to be added so that this life may be enriched and renewed.
Remember, then, that not only you, but each one of your brothers and sisters have a higher purpose to manifest and that your example will always be important to remind your fellow being and the world that there is much more to be lived and learned; there is much more to be loved; there is much more to serve.
Just as My Words remind you of the purpose of your existence, and with the Love of My Heart, I place you again in the point of faith where you need to be, be yourself also, child, a living reminder for your sisters and brothers, not with words, but with actions, with transparency, with truth, with love.
May the world see you and see God trying to surpass Himself within the human condition.
Be more than a reference for joy or for consecration. Be an element which uplifts the world to something higher. Be the one who, with their simple presence, is a reminder that something higher exists.
Your being is magnetized by all the Graces you have already received, because if today you hear these words, it is because the Grace of God has acted upon you and allowed your ears and your heart to be worthy of listening to His Designs.
Be aware of all that you have already received and, above all, be grateful in the certainty that everything has to be multiplied, added to, and shared for all beings.
Be, child, a multiplier of the Graces that you have received, and thus, let God make you a living fount of Graces and Peace, because He knows that your heart shares and allows this Grace to flow like a river that does not keep the water to itself, but gives of it to drink for all those who allow it to flow.
The grandeur of these times is still unknown to you, and this ignorance is part of your human condition, but to transcend it is part of your mission.
So open yourself to understand, to live, to feel, and to be, more each day, the Will of God. Do not stop it with your thought; let it encompass your heart, your intuition, the soul and the spirit.
May it be incomprehensible in yourself, may it be alive, even if imperceptible.
May the Love of God, My child, live in your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and eternal Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
As in scrolls of light, God's Designs descend to the world and are delivered to the hands of men, through His Messengers.
The Creator Father told them: "Go and fulfill My Plan, without understanding, without analyzing, without resisting, go and fulfill My Plan with love, with courage, with the gratitude that is born of the spirit and manifests itself in human works and actions.”
The Creator, children, invites you, at this time, to manifest a truly fraternal Work renewed by His Spirit, where the sacred can dwell and all souls find their space, their place, unique and irreplaceable.
Contemplate the Will of God for this world, as well as for each being and you will understand that I come in this time to teach you to love and to transform this world of chaos and war.
Beloved children, with the portals open to Heaven, I come to invite you to allow this Celestial Kingdom, still hidden to the human heart today, to manifest itself on Earth.
I come to call you not only to prayer and to the awakening of a superior life that for many is still invisible; I come so that you to may learn to manifest on Earth what you seek in the highest of Heavens, and so that you thus no longer spend your lives seeking something that you will never reach, but so that you may be builders of what humanity is seeking to find, and so that you, children, may be the hands that are extended before the souls so that they may see and feel that what they have so much been looking for is palpable for them.
I come to invite you to be the ones who concretize My Plans, manifesting the superior life, and so that it may not only be spiritual but also palpable and be part of your humanity, and compose the spirit of what man manifests in matter.
In a world of wars, in a world of abysses inside and outside of beings, I come to call you to be the new, and to always be willing to be others, accompanying the flow of transformation of the Universe so that in all stages of the planet souls may find in you what they need.
I ask you, My children, to observe the celestial Designs, to understand how the Will of God moves because I won’t always be here to dictate the way to you, and for that moment your hearts should be one with the Divine Will and Wisdom, because you love it, respect and revere it, because you live and know it and experience it every day.
The time has come for the islands of salvation to fulfill their role. The world is agonizing and the life of the spirit must no longer be selective, everyone must be able to find their place and the door open to discover their way of serving God.
This cycle is a cycle of last opportunities for many spirits. Understand that your evolution and that of many of your brothers and sisters are defined at this time, in this cycle of the planet. That's why, everything that you can do for others to find God is little.
My children are lost in this world and I come to find them. For that, I must make of those, who already hear Me, My Feet that walk in the world, My Arms that guard the souls, My Hands that extend to help, My Eyes that find the lost, My Heart that welcomes those who feel abandoned and forgotten by God, and by the world.
Therefore, children, today accept ,more than the life of prayer, the life that leads you to be instruments of God in the world, and be part of My Heart and an extension of My Presence.
May this Work be the embassy of My Peace on Earth, and all of you proclaimers of My Presence.
I love and thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In spite of everything, gladden your heart.
The moment and the hour you have so awaited for and in which you prepared for, for so long, has arrived.
Gladden your heart in spite of everything that happens in the world, for the moment and the hour to open yourself to a higher Love has arrived, of transforming your human condition, of living according to the Gospel that guides you, and thus, of renewing, in life, the Words of the One Who gave His life for you and freed you from eternal death, from suffering, and from spiritual stagnation.
In spite of everything, gladden your heart.
I know that the world is agonizing and so many suffer, but you can never lose the gladness that will heal the wounds of your brothers and sisters throughout the world and will help them to clearly see the times they are transiting as humanity.
The joy in your heart does not represent indifference in the face of the suffering of your fellow beings; the joy in your heart represents the balm that God causes to flow through it to the entire planet when your consciousness is set in the right place, and in spite of the circumstances, you open yourself to be an instrument of God, a mirror of His in the world, which reflects not what is logical, but what is necessary.
In spite of everything, then, do not lose the gladness in your heart and do not lower your arms.
Place yourself in the Heart of God to understand the difficulties of life as your opportunity to overcome yourself and, one day, to do greater things than He who taught you to work and to live.
Be, then, a living prophecy; be the living mystery of the Words of Christ. And if it seems to you that this time presents great challenges and difficulties, overcome them all with your face clean and restored from tiredness; overcome them with a peaceful gaze and a heart in God; overcome them as a service that reflects hope to those who thought everything was lost.
Today I only tell you, child, in spite of everything, in spite of anything, never lose the gladness of your heart.
Be the salt of the Earth; be the light of the world, with the One who is, and that is in all things.
You Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Light of the inner Aurora rise in the inner worlds of the beings of this planet so that, in this time, consciousnesses may recognize the power of Healing and of Love.
Let all revere the Light of the inner Aurora because even while being before a mystery not yet unveiled, they may feel the Science of Aurora working in the deep nuclei of beings.
May all be successors of the inner Healing of Aurora so that humanity and the planet may receive the so much needed relief.
In the face of the inner Healing of the Light of Aurora, may hearts participate in the time of their redemption, able to manifest and to realize this in their heart, which simply opens to receive it.
Let the Light of the inner Aurora finally place you all in the next cycle, in which healers of the word and of the heart must exist, effective instruments of the Hierarchy in this planetary time, in which all that is written will be fulfilled in humanity.
Each time you are before the Light of the inner Aurora, be grateful, because you will once again be before a Fount of Love of great mystery.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Learn to be in My Peace, in spite of the chaos and the conflicts of the world. Learn to look at the events with eyes of mercy and with a heart full of pity.
Learn to be before a planet in transition, maintaining the harmony and the peace of your small heart, because – even if the “stage of horrors and of human fear” - is formed on Earth, your heart must be in peace.
Learn, child, that you are in the world at this time to be the instrument of a Higher Will, of a Greater Life, which will be instituted on Earth once it has been purified. This Life will emerge from within the beings and will spread around them. It will be the result of the fortitude of the human heart that knows how to express what it truly is: a small living part of the Divine Consciousness.
Each day will forge, within beings, a greater fortitude. Everything will happen, for some, little by little, and, for others, abruptly, but the changes and the tests will dictate the growth of the hearts and the strengthening of their commitment to the Plan of God.
Each day it will be more necessary to serve and to donate from yourself that which seems not to exist in your own consciousness, because there will be those who will urgently need of the donation from the servants of God. For this, child, prepare your hands and let your heart grow without fear.
It will not always be simple, easy, or pleasant for you to serve. sacrifice removes the human consciousness from its point of comfort and spiritual childishness, the so-called “world illusion”; however, this same sacrifice elevates the human consciousness and leads it to the Will and to the Divine Thought, to what it is in essence and in spirit.
Let yourself, then, be elevated and guided by the changing of the times, because the very consequences of the transformation of the Earth will make you take steps, if you do not resist and if you do not close your heart.
I will be with you.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The little Flower of Carmo
Here is the little Flower of Carmo da Cachoeira, a flower that buds and opens on feeling the love of its most simple children.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that emanates the subtlest aromas of the Grace of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that expresses for everyone the beauty of Creation.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that shows everyone the Simplicity and the Purity of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that radiates the subtle rays of Love like a sun.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower present in the spaces and gardens of the pilgrims of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is in the hands of its children, worthy children of the Lord.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that adorns and blesses the altars and the homes that receive the Presence of the Mother of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws the most simple and humble towards the Glory of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that reflects, in itself, a devotion for the beloved Lord.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that gives to all the simple Love of the Lord.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, that is found on the streets, in the valleys and hills of this people in redemption.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws from the Universe the Omnipotence of God, so that all living beings awaken to the spirit of Divine Compassion.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that conceives in its simplicity the inner Gifts of God, a flower that heals the wounds of the hearts and of the souls in need of forgiveness.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that opens portals to the Mercy of God, so that every creature, in Heaven or on Earth, may be worthy of the Grace of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that unites and consolidates what is divided; a flower that gathers and strengthens the fellowship in the family, a deep and wise love among all the beings of the Earth.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that mirrors the Purpose of God for the world, the essence of the mission for each being of this planet.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that awakens the Holy Virtues of God in the pure of heart.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, the flower of each missionary heart, the flower of the guardian of the Will of God, a flower that shows to all the ardent devotion for the Higher.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is abundant in the city, in the corners of this town, so that souls may remember that God loves them, expects them to be open of heart in order to carry out in their lives the infinite Purpose of His Divine Heart.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, flower of the Most Holy Mary, flower that manifest from the Heavens to emanate all the Graces that you need, in order to make of your lives instruments in the Hands of God.
I thank you for receiving Me today in this place with such love.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more