Serve God with your own life and offer your actions to the Creator in every moment.
Serve God, placing in His Hands your difficulties and resistances – because in a world where the majority of human beings ignores the presence of the Creator within themselves and often denies Him, those who surrender at His Feet, even if they are imperfect, render a great service with this.
Serve the Father, surrendering, each day, your limitations and that which seems to you impossible to accept, transform, transcend or even to attain – because in a world of so many walls, so many barriers that separate the consciousnesses from the Truth, even about themselves, those who aspire to transcend limits and barriers, and accept to do it every day, provide a great service through that.
Serve the Father, accepting His Will and being grateful to Him both in health and in sickness, both in poverty and in abundance, both in plenty and in the inner desert; because in a world of so much ingratitude to the Creator, who is Goodness and Mercy, those who are grateful open the Doors of Heaven and render a great service with that.
Serve God, praying from the heart.
Serve God, adoring from the heart.
Serve God, clamoring from the heart.
Serve God, understanding your neighbor.
Serve God, observing yourself so that you will not judge, condemn or criticize.
Serve God by means of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Serve God by means of silence.
In order to serve God, you only need to open your heart. All you do with the heart is a service to God. All that impels you to love is a service to God. All that approaches you to the Father is a service, because you, child, are not separated from human consciousness, and if all you do is not only for yourself, it will be a great service to God, because all the Creation will be benefitted by your small or great works.
Do you realize, then, that being a missionary of God is for all? Be a missionary of God. Make of your life a mission to fulfill.
Serve God in all things.
That one who calls you to serve,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For each soul, there is a unique mission. For each spirit, there is a unique gift. The Creator, who is infinite, thought something pure, perfect, for each one of His creatures, that only this essence can manifest.
I tell you this, children, because not all must be missionaries, not all must be monks, not all must form a Family, not all must become hermits. Each role of life has a function; each experience brings an apprenticeship that the soul needs in order to grow.
It is true, I tell you, that many who should have a Family are alone and many who should be entirely consecrated to God have formed a Family.
The anguish of many servers is to know what their own mission is and the anguish of others is not to be able to understand that a mission is not to live like a hero.
Many times, children, the occult and true experience of a few makes humanity take a leap in their evolution.
Some have as a mission to learn how to love, surrendering all and consecrating their own lives to God and to the service to their neighbor, but a mother may love her child so much that she discovers the essence of true love and expands it to all the creatures on Earth.
The mission of each one is unique, and you must seek it in the depth of your hearts and nowhere else. Do not ask outside yourselves what you must do and where you must be; ask inside, because often you already know the answer, but you do not have enough courage to accept it.
The true mission, children, is spiritual and gains sense when you are entire in what you do, sincere and in an offering to God. This is the essence of the spiritual mission. That the action is simple, or that the external life is occult does not matter; what does matter is that you be in God at each moment.
In this world, the true mission is to return to the Creator and to remember the times when you were with Him. For this, each one will tread the path that suits them, the path they need to tread.
I speak these things because many become sad because they cannot be this or that, when in fact they must not be it. Understand that it is in the spirit of humility that resides the dwelling for the Creator. It is in the inner fortress that the Lord will dwell.
Those who need these words of Mine will understand them.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Planetary Missionary Network emerges as a way of awakening humanity a little more for the active balance of the evils that permeate the world. This Network was created to unite the teaching with the prayerful spirit in the daily practice of everything you have learned.
The regional missionaries will slowly acquire the experience they need to carry out broader activities.
As a first step, you must make your consciousness and heart available for service and, from that point, look for the needs of others—beginning with those beside you—from the most simple and small to those that require a greater effort.
Then, you will deepen your own training with the experiences of service in the House of Saint Joseph, which will be completed with the services done in the House of Light on the Hill, the Francis of Assisi Park and the Crer-Sendo Service Nucleus. Those four branches of service will complement each other, giving the consciousness ready to serve, the tools it needs in all spheres of the being, from the basic training to spiritual openness, so that it may be a bearer of love and of mercy in its acts of service.
The groups that have not had contact with the core and secondary missionaries during the official missions, before becoming part of the Planetary Missionary Network, must go through a minimum experience in the places cited by My Chaste Heart, since these places are not just associations of altruistic service, but rather places in which the Divine Hierarchy has deposited Its trust and Its Grace for the awakening of love and of Christic charity in the hearts of humankind.
After having these experiences, the groups of the Planetary Missionary Network that are trained under the guidance of the Fraternity–International Humanitarian Federation, will begin their activities, which will be coordinated according to the availability of each group.
As part of their learning process and their training, the most experienced and pioneering groups may unite fraternally, in service, with the groups that from then on will be formed.
When there are more than one group in a specific region, they may carry out group service tasks under the guidance of the Fraternity–International Humanitarian Federation, uniting the different groups of the region. They may also unite to take a specific course together, deepening their training.
The services will be according to the region, according to the needs of each one. The universe will make use of the openness and the readiness of all to have you face the tests you may need to experience for your own growth.
As you gradually grow in fraternity and love, your service will radiate to other consciousnesses and will awaken in hearts an interest in more deeply knowing the roots that move you to serve with so much love. This example of true service is what will be the greatest healing for souls and what will really aid humanity.
Therefore, children, it does not matter if you do great or small works, because the repercussion of each action is measured by the degree of love you bring to what you do. Even if you do very little, let it be true and from your heart, may you be whole and willing to be bearers of the Divine Presence. In this way, the merit generated in Heaven will be great.
It is from the small and sincere actions full of God that will be built the great fortitude which will sustain the world.
I leave you My blessing and My vows of the awakening of the missionary spirit in all the suns of the Earth.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To all My children who are willing to live in a missionary spirit
The missionary spirit is one that takes you to promptness, service, charitable and selfless action, and also to transformation, overcoming of self, and to absolute and true love.
To be missionaries, you must first want to transform yourselves and accept living the new patterns of life on Earth, which are based on the love of your neighbor and the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as of yourselves, and of God above all things.
When you decide to be missionaries all the days of your lives and put this into practice, you will find out how much you used to think about yourselves and how distracted you were from the needs of your neighbor.
A true missionary makes their own life their main mission and, they deepen into it, are formed, and mature, in order to fulfill other missions amid the neediest and forgotten.
If you do not make your life a mission to fulfill the Divine Purpose, your service will be very scarce and poor when you provide it for others, because the more you live the missionary spirit and the more impregnated you become with charity and love, the more possibilities you will have for being true instruments of God in these times and the times to come.
It is for this reason that, before summoning you for an official mission, I founded the Planetary Missionary Network, for in this way, you will be consolidating the bases of the missionary spirit in your own consciousness, and even in your homes and daily lives, you will allow the Creator to make you His instruments in the world.
If you are attentive to the needs of others all the time, you will develop your intuition and will be closer to Divine Thought.
When you experience the love that transcends the personality and when it comes from the soul and the spirit, you will be entering into the Love of God and will be able to experience how the Creator loves His creatures. In this way, children, you will be apt to represent Him when His Voice is no longer pronounced in the world as it is today, and when it is up to human beings to guide their destiny according to how they act in the tests they will experience.
Remember: the foundation of the Planetary Missionary Network is to be a missionary every day and thus prepare oneself to supply the needs of the planet wherever they are.
I bless you in this new cycle and I leave you My impulse of charity and love so that you may take fruitful steps in the mission of your own life.
Your friend and companion in the missions,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When incomprehension overcomes the faith that was emerging in the heart, and the consciousness finds itself in the darkness of doubt again, it is necessary to experience extreme pain or extreme love, true love, a love that comes from God and is imprinted in the hearts of humankind.
In these times, the enemy is attentive to all your movements, words, and actions. For this reason, you must be careful in talking, exemplary in your actions, and prayerful in everything that you do, because — while he very easily imprints a doubt or an incomprehension in your hearts — you will have great difficulty in opening again to feel God and draw closer to His Love, to His Heart. And when you need to go through an experience of extreme pain to feel God again, you will also have great difficulty in healing the wound left in your hearts.
It is for this reason that I ask you to be attentive and vigilant, like a soldier in the midst of a battle. And if the enemy has already touched your hearts, I only tell you to allow yourselves to be loved by God and by your brothers and sisters, for in this way you will once again recognize the potential of love and experience it.
There is no evil that cannot be defeated with the Grace of feeling the Love of God; but this Love is felt in the hearts that are open, however slightly, to receive it.
Thus, children, I tell you that even though the sorrow might be great and the lack of understanding or the doubt be infinite, try to offer your hearts to receive from God what He ardently aspires to place within you.
The goodness of the Creator is so immense that He asks nothing of you, just that you make yourselves truly and minimally willing to be with Him, to be within Him.
Who guides you into reconciliation with God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace will be established in the world at its time and hour. The destiny of this planet is traced every second according to the actions of humankind. The more you cry out, live and manifest peace, the nearer it will be to all of humanity and to all the life on the planet.
Children, many still resist in perceiving the urgency of these times and the greatest part of the support of this world is done by the Hierarchy and a few others who often are destabilizing themselves because they carry the weight that does not correspond to them.
I would like to make all of you more conscious and that you could see with the same Eyes of God the true situation of this world, but I cannot do it because your souls would not stand it. To see with the Eyes of God, you would need to be in Him and, perfectly united to Him, you could take advantage of everything that He is. But what I am able to tell you, once and again, is that you to pay attention to the signs of life, to the events of the planet. This sacred Earth is already trembling and soon you will not have how to restart and rebuild the material life in the same way as you do nowadays.
I do not want to cause fear, I only give you a warning because the more the heart is in God, the more you will be able to understand what you live and less importance you will give to the material losses, because you will know about the spiritual collapse in which this world lives.
When I tell you, children, that some nations must be the cradle of the New Race, I am speaking about a spiritual cradle and of beings that are conscious of the Truth, because the matter needs its purification as – to be a New Race -, it cannot start from old bases.
The material world that comes to surface nowadays will collapse and purify itself, but those who are strengthened in heart and in spirit will persevere to see emerge from the sublime worlds, the bases of a new life. These bases will emerge, principally, in the Americas and we are here today, supporting this part of the world for the souls not to lose themselves and rather to open themselves to the Truth so that there can be many beings who generate merit to live the apprenticeship based on love and not on pain. We are here, children, because this nation cannot lose its faith due to the consequences of the misleading actions of a few people.
The enemy is trying to confuse the hearts to establish chaos, but those who maintain themselves firm in God, independently of the resolutions taken in matter, will not corrupt themselves and will be an example and a guide for many.
Pray for this nation, as well as for the Americas and for the whole world. But do not pray for a certain material result, pray so that, in the inner world of each living being, there will be peace and union with God. Pray for those who will see the world collapse to be firm also to see it being reborn.
Remember like each of you collapsed and was reborn so many times. Remember the grace it is to overcome incomprehension and to find peace and be firm and brave to always remain in this peace.
I bless you and I will pray with you day and night to intercede for your souls and for all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The false power that spreads on the planet is only unmasked when the consciousness finds the Power of God, the one that manifests itself through Grace and through what is known as miracles; the one that manifests itself through the awakening of beings and also manifests itself through the elements of nature and of the different climatic movements that nature expresses.
Many choose to know the Power of the Creator through what is called the “Wrath of God.” This is an expression used by the human mind, due to its ignorance, to denominate the action of Justice. The way in which the human beings understand the amplitude of Justice and its consequences is by calling it the “Wrath of God.”
Others will be able to abandon the false power by the awakening of their own heart and, by the potency of the Love of God, they will feel that there is no true power but the one that comes from the Father.
Children, whereas the majority of human beings abuses the use of force and confuses it with power, abandon everything that makes you feel superior to something or to someone. Let the spirit of humility impregnate your consciousness because the false power will be ripped from the hands of human beings, who will see themselves impotent and small as they are when they are distant from God.
The false power will be the first to be purified because it is the one that causes more damage to the planetary consciousness. The human beings that abuse of the false power and submit their fellow beings have not realized that they are the ones who are submitted to the forces of darkness.
We are in the previous times of the spiritual Aurora of the planet and, for more that darkness floods Earth today, it will be dissipated from the planetary aura by the magnitude of the Light and, together with the darkness, their false powers will be expelled.
I tell you these things because the time of the development of humility urges as the only path to find God and to live peace.
If you want to know the Power of the Creator by means of His Grace, surrender every day at His Feet what still ties you to the need of power and discover the freedom of living under the Power of the Creator. It is within this Divine Power that, although being nothing, you will possess all things, because you will be all things and you will not be separated from any particle of life.
He who awakens you to the experience of humility and the surrender of the false power,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
There is no spiritual transformation that does not come from the adherence of the consciousness to the Plan of God. For this reason, before any change, any visible result of the action of the Light, first there is the awakening of the being, the adherence of each person to the mystery that the Divine Purpose is to the human mind.
For now, you must adhere without knowing, act without knowing how to, comprehend without understanding — because I am speaking about the understanding of the heart, which does not need concepts nor ideas.
It is for this reason that We first awaken you, place within you the potential of love of the Plan of God, and then, gradually, you will be able to act in it more aware or less.
In order to be more aware of the Plan of God, you must love it more. The degree of comprehension moves together with the degrees of love and surrender of consciousnesses.
I tell you these things because the Creator needs awaken beings and beings aware of their actions and the manifestation of the Work they do, but for that, you need to love the Plan of God above all things and prove it.
While the incomprehension, the doubts, the love for personal aspirations and material plans are greater than your adherence to the Plan of God, much of what the Creator has for this humanity will remain hovering on the sublime planes of consciousness, waiting for a doorway to enter the planet.
Children, the Most High Lord has in His Plan the correct balance for all the evils that humanity has generated throughout its existence, and with His Power, He can convert darkness into light. But you need to make a greater effort than that which you are making today, and that you consider yourselves to be true soldiers and missionaries of God, whose mission is the manifestation of His Will in this world.
I will always guide you and instruct you, but if you want to be more aware and be true instruments of God, you must deepen into your own surrender.
I leave you with this reflection as your father and instructor.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I have summoned you here so that you could pray with Me for this nation and so that the darkness that today blinds the eyes of many could make space for the Light of God.
I do not come to impose a change; I come to offer an opportunity for changing the destiny of this nation, to offer an awakening for souls through the authority that God has given Me.
Just as My Chaste Heart represented, for humankind, the awakening of faith and absolute loyalty to God, so I also want to offer each human heart the possibility of representing, as one who prays, the awakening of a gift that will change and balance some evil of this world.
Children, I am here because confusion is blinding the hearts of humankind and, at this moment, nobody is absolutely certain of their life's purpose. Even those who began the chaos – through the influence of the darkness – are confused today, for one who serves the forces of chaos, lives in the chaos and is deceived by their own poison that they drink each day.
I come to remove the fog that covers the hearts of beings because of indignation. I come because the enemy distracts you with the confusion of the struggle for power and absorbs you in the search for a solution to a question whose roots are lost and hidden from the human heart, for they are not found in matter, but rather in spirit.
The enemy confuses you in such a way that you become entangled in its deceits and no longer know how to think or discern and, little by little, give more importance to reason than to faith, in search of an answer.
In truth, children, you must search now, more than ever, for the spiritual path, because it is only there that the roots of chaos will be pulled out. It is the light that must balance the dark at its origin.
That is why I am here, to wake you up and tell you not to try and understand a situation in matter that is being degenerated in spirit.
Do not allow yourselves to be confused and do not waste time seeking material solutions. Rather, plunge into the spiritual planes with no intention of leading anything and allow the light itself, attracted by your prayers, to dissolve the knots that confuse humankind.
Pray with Me during the coming days so that the Light of God may descend and bring you the clarity that will balance the darkness.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love God in all His manifestations. Love His Plan and His Will, way beyond your small life.
Love the Father, just as His Son loved Him, Who not only rejoiced when the Power of God was His and He could perform miracles to the eyes of humanity. The Lord also loved God, more than ever, when He was on the Cross.
The One Who came to the world to show the path of every living being, suffered like no other human being on this planet, and He did so to demonstrate to everyone that love, when true, is unconditional, and that the Will of God can be in joy, as well as in suffering; it only depends on how one experiences the events in one’s own life.
Child, if your life is difficult and you are experiencing trials that at times it seems you cannot bear them, before losing your faith, revive it. Remember the sacrifice of Christ and be grateful for being able to somehow repay His suffering.
I want you to learn to be by My side not only when I grant you Graces, but also when I grant you pain so that in this way, I am able to alleviate the pain of others through you.
If the suffering of your fellow beings brings woe to you, then balance this sorrow with the love of your heart. Give your faith to others so that they may overcome fear. And remember that if you create a path of love for those who are suffering beside you, when the time comes for them to leave this world, with their feet they will walk on the pathway you built and will find the light and peace that they need.
Make your life an act of service and understand that you are also converting the hearts of humankind when you give an example of self-overcoming.
The Lord wants to make you a complete server, for many love Him in Grace, but few offer Him a sacrifice.
Trust that every test comes for your growth.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to truly understand the urgency of the times and find a real path for the experience of what I tell you, it is necessary that you let yourself deepen into your inner world. Otherwise, you will always have the instructions and information about these times, you will mentally know that these instructions are correct and will not question them. However, child, your heart will not live according to what necessity dictates and you will not become the instrument that the Creator needs of you.
Today you may already do many things that are helpful to humanity, but God needs, through you, to convert millenary patterns degenerated in the human consciousness, so that, from you, new principles may live inside humankind and a new race may emerge in the horizon of this world.
This thought of God is not just an ideal, it is an urgent need. Many know it and agree with it, but they have not understood that they must transform, in themselves, these degenerated patterns.
If the human consciousness does not see an example before its own eyes, it does not change and does not awaken. This is why, child, I have called you to fulfill this mission, because I know that I can do it. I know the Power of God latent within you, while you just know the power of your personality and, perhaps, of your soul.
I know you hear these words and feel, weighting down on you, a responsibility that humanity as a whole has not wanted to take. Now, you must understand that your commitment is to God and that you must not expect others to do for you what is incumbent on you to do.
If you read these words and know what I say to you, then, child, I am not referring to the one who is beside you. While the majority walks toward regression, I call you to evolution. You must be like a spear that not only breaks the barriers of the old patterns, but that bears the countercurrents and overcomes these patterns in itself.
Try to be more with God, child. Accept spiritual solitude with joy. This is the only way for you to understand and live what I tell you.
Do not worry so much about how those around you will respond. Live it first and, behind you, the paths shall open.
I leave you My Blessing.
The one who speaks to each one and to all who know how to listen,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer of Trust in the Designs of God
I trust in the Will of the Creator of all things,
that made me be born as an essence in the heart of the universe
and makes me be born again, each day,
in the depths of His Most Sacred Heart.
I trust in His Justice, as in His Mercy,
and I know that He will always guide me along the path
of light and good for my inner growth.
I trust in the fidelity of The Sacred Hearts towards humanity,
and I know that, responding to such Grace
of the permanent guidance of the Messengers of God,
my life will always be a manifestation of the Divine Will.
I trust in the Power of God,
and I know that from my faith will be born the perseverance
to understand the future times, the present
and the experiences of the past.
I trust in the return of Christ,
and I am willing to be His instrument within the world,
a heart that, in spite of being small,
will let itself turn into a living miracle,
a fruit of the spiritual presence of the Redeemer among humankind.
I trust that Grace is true and that it descends upon me
each time I offer my heart to receive it.
Therefore, I repeat, and, with love, I announce to the world
that I trust in the Designs of the Creator,
I trust in His Work and I know that He will make my days full of His Presence.
In trial or in Grace,
in mercy or in Justice,
in joy or in surrender,
I trust, Lord, that You are with me
and that I will always be your faithful servant.
Trust that, despite the events of the world, the Lord will guide your steps.
Trust that all the tests come for your growth.
Trust that surrender and defeat are the doors to humility, because the heart that is not defeated many times, is not able itself to be filled by Christ.
Do not allow yourselves to become frustrated, upset or discouraged because the events do not flow as you expect. If you do what We tell you and follow the guidelines of Those who see all things, although you live in the same school as all human beings, you will understand them in a different way. And you may live the same trial as other thousands of brothers and sisters of yours, but with your spirit full of God and your heart filled with faith.
For many, you will seem to be crazy and you will take your own strengths from human weakness to raise not only yourselves from the ground, but also other millions of fellow beings that have forgotten to be in God.
Trust in the Creator and, if you follow His Designs, do not fear anything. Rather, fear yourselves and take care not to let yourself be deceived.
Those who have faith will persevere. Those who do not have it, but want to find it, will find it out. And those who do not want to listen to God will wait on the ground for a hand to help them.
Children, will you want to be with your hand up, for you to be raised from the ground, or will you be with Us on the Heights, with your hands outstretched downwards, helping the neighbor? Each one will put themselves at the level that they choose to be.
The destiny of each being is mapped out first by themselves, later by God, because even the Creator respects the free will of human beings.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The false power of this world blinds and sickens the hearts of human beings. Those who search for their own power lose faith because they do not know the Power of God.
Each day, My beloved ones, there are before your eyes the visible signs of the decadence of humanity. But those who are not with their consciousnesses on the Divine Purpose can perceive little about the truth, and let themselves be deceived by the superficial and obscure stimuli that influence them from all sides.
The only way for not losing peace and faith in your hearts is to pray. The only way for you to maintain yourselves healthy and in balance, in all levels of your beings, is allowing your consciousnesses to cross the thresholds of the dimensions of matter so that placed on the levels of the spirit, you be able to understand the true meaning of the events of the world and do not allow yourselves to be confused.
Prayer, children, is more than an instrument to reach personally peace. Prayer is what will sustain the spiritual life of the planet and the non-collapse of human consciousness. Therefore, I ask you to pray, to pray much for this moment that you live in.
Pray for the Americas, for the cloud of illusion and of confusion that nowadays obscures the minds and hearts to be able to give space to the clarity of God.
Pray for the unity among beings, and for the desire for power not to take away from you the possibility of loving. Recognize that the true power only comes from the Creator, and for you to be participants of His Kingdom, you must live love and unity, always.
In a few words, I awake you. Listen to Our call with the heart.
May the fear of an uncertain future not confuse you. You must not fear, you must only remain in God.
The one who is in the Father will manifest His intentions in each instance of their life.
I love and bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not be afraid of the harassment of the enemy. Instead be consequent with your own faith and you will balance the evil that the darkness imprints in the world with the potency of the Love of Christ in your heart.
Do not be afraid of the threats made by the enemy, because your perseverance in Christ will make your destiny a victory of God, no matter what that may be.
Child, occupy yourself by being in truth. Occupy yourself in deepening your union with the Father. Occupy yourself in growing rapidly to be worthy of inheriting the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the world. Occupy yourself in making your life a witness of the true miracle of Christ, which is the transformation of essences and the redemption of consciousnesses.
Your protection lies in the union with God.
The victory of Christ in you only depends on your surrender and on your perseverance because the Lord has open arms before your heart and He offers everything to you so that you may be like Him, so that you may love like He loved and so that you may discover the truth about yourself, just as He discovered in His transfiguration.
Recognize that evil exists and be vigilant but, above all, know that your attention must be upon the triumph of the Creator and upon your effort for this triumph to be true.
You must have your heart as pure as that of a child, but as wise as an elder. Everything depends on where you will place your own consciousness.
Do as My Chaste Heart: in the face of the atrocities of the world and of the greatness of the celestial mysteries that I lived by the side of My Son and My Holy Spouse Mary, I chose humility so that the atrocities would be converted by the greatness of love and the mysteries would be revealed in the passivity of silence.
Your heart must be in the evils as well as in the mysteries. However, you will treat each one with the virtue that corresponds to it.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I have already instructed you much about the spiritual path and the way to reach plenitude within it. You already have many instructions, including almost practical ones, about how to tread this path. Now, My beloved ones, the experience of these principles depends on the election of each one.
What will move you away from the enemy is the humility and the deep love that you may be capable of living. Today, the adversary of God is very close to the hearts that search for the light and in every way he will try to extinguish the flame that illuminates your steps, your path. Therefore, children, there is no longer time for naivety. Do not confuse being naïve with being pure, because purity is full of wisdom, while naivety is fruit of immaturity, including spiritual, of the beings. The one who is wise lives in themself the principles of God and overcomes darkness, being themself the bearer of Light.
At these moments, in which everything is allowed for the final trial of the consciousness, the only fortress and the only refuge of all will be the living of Truth.
When you live in God and shine Him through, you disarm the plans of the adversary by your own potency of love. But if you still resist and let yourselves be carried by the influences of this world, with small intentions of enhancing yourselves, you will fall again and again in the traps and confusions of the enemy.
Remember, children: your fortress must be the living of the teaching; your testimony must be alive.
I know about the effort and the will of everyone to persist and, therefore, I tell you these things, because there is still much about yourselves that you do not know. The potential is within everyone, but to find it and develop it, you need to decide to divest yourself of everything that fills you with your own selves and with the things of this world. Because it is by being nothing, including invisibles for yourselves, that you will make true echo in the world.
In a land of prides and vanities, the humble heart shines without realizing it.
Keep in your hearts what I tell you and develop My teachings in your consciousnesses.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With your hearts inside of My Most Chaste Heart, contemplate today the great need of the world.
I must always remember you the immense suffering of God for all that still happens on Earth. And, on this day, I will ask you one special prayer for all the Christians of the world, all of those who, in their hearts, have been called to unite to the sacrifice of Christ and to renew it with actions of love and peace.
Children, this love is being lost from the hearts of many of those who claim to follow Christ and again the beings are surrendering to hatred and fear, to – in the name of the Lord – fight battles and respond for the wars that happen in the world.
The more the Christian spirit is lost in a part of the world, the greater must be the conscious effort of those who are awake. Because I tell you, My beloved ones, that much worse than the wars in the matter is the unprecedented war that one lives in spirit, in the invisible levels, where the forces of chaos act freely, encouraging the souls to perdition and leading them to the abyss.
Children, a heart that cannot live love and responds to a war, in the name of Christ, has already lost its possibilities of following the Plans of God, because its actions demonstrate the darkness in which it is found.
Pray so that other Christians are not encouraged to wars and to the chaos of the world. That those who have a mission of following the steps of Christ may not lose themselves because the new Christs must be a reality, and love must prevail in the human consciousness.
Behold, the events of the world, My children, and feel in your interior the urgency of these times. Feel the urgency of being different, feel the urgency of transforming this world from your own interior. Those who are more conscious will have to live a greater sacrifice. Do it consciously, with freedom of heart and with love for the Divine Purpose. The Creator needs you awake.
Pray, pray for the Christians of the whole world and for all of those who must awaken to the principle of true love. May the purpose of loving remain active in the human heart.
Your Father and Companion, The One who awakens you to the urgency of the times,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To find true peace, you must aspire to live it and search for it beyond yourselves, your own tendencies and your own stimuli. Because at this moment what the human consciousness is impelled to live is the search for power, competition, victory over others in everything, no matter the way it takes to reach its own goal. In these times, the minds want to be right, they want to prevail and to excel. All of this makes it difficult to establish peace, for constantly generating stimuli for conflicts, inside and outside beings.
To live in peace in this time, you will have to renounce: renounce being right, exceling, imposing you own opinions, concretizing your own ideas.
To be at peace, you will have to live in the spirit of humility. It does not mean that you will be inert, indifferent or without acting on the Plans of God. You will renounce what comes from yourselves, because what comes from God will open the doors of manifestation, without being necessary to impose anything.
What comes from God manifests itself also under the spirit of humility, and when you give an example of renunciation and live in peace you are dissolving the obstacles imposed by the adversary for the manifestation of the Plans of the Most High.
The higher life is based on other Laws, different from the laws of this world. To live them, you will have to be humble and peaceful.
The one who loves you and calls you to the pacification of the heart,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite your heart with the Heart of God, so that He raises your small being to the Truth, reveals to you the reasons of the events of your life, shows you His Mysteries, and allows you to understand why He guides your steps in a certain way.
In these times, the Creator is avid for revealing Himself to the hearts of humankind, because the more the planetary purification approaches, the bigger is the need for the human consciousness to enter into the understanding of Truth and to be able to be conscious of the spiritual faces of the coming events, so that incomprehension and doubt do not have a place in the hearts of the self-summoned.
That is why, child, I call you to deepen in your own spiritual path, in your own union with God, as a service to be provided to all human consciousness.
Now is time for the self-summoned to deepen in their spiritual path, because what you have lived until today is part of a preparation and an inner growth, but the next events will bring, to all, tests that will take you to instant maturity and will not allow any place for energies that confuse you or distract you on the path.
Today I speak to each heart of the Earth that is willing to live the Truth.
I speak to you, who have opened yourself with heart and in spirit for the guidance of My Chaste Heart, because you know that My example is true and My words, when lived, will lead you to God.
Child, I call you to be an example to the others, because the confusion in the human mind grows each day and it will cost much to those who are awakening now to truly unite to God and transcend the limits of human consciousness in order to do it.
If you listen to Me and understand Me at this moment, it is because, at some point of your evolution, you have already lived the union with God and now you must remember it.
Many souls want to awake and take their steps, but concepts and spiritual instructions are not enough: they need a living example, just like you, child, that have needed the living example of Christ to awake.
Just as the Lord renounced all things to be an example of union with God to your heart and to those who were capable to see it, now your time has come, as a conscious servant of the Creator, to make your renunciation and to surrender at the Feet of the Creator what still prevents you from living His holy Will, so that you become a true instrument of God in this world that is each day more lost.
Child, if I tell you this now, it is because the time has come.
Meditate consciously on what I tell you and make yourself your own choices, because We will no longer be able to stop the events of the Earth and they will require from you, after all you have received, a faithful example, a true union with the Father, a heart that is willing to be an instrument of the Lord, eyes open, that will recognize the Master among the clouds and that will point Him out to the others who were searching for Him among human beings.
Unite to the Father, try to be awake, so that He will deposit His Gifts over you, and make yourself available for a complete transformation, more than you have ever been available until today.
My Chaste Heart will accompany you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For these times of chaos, the need to live love and peace will unite religions and cultures, races, peoples and hearts, to proclaim the victory of the Light.
The spirit of ecumenism is conceived in the youngest, for those who come to the world in these times have the mission of living unity with their fellow beings and, above all, with God, so that, from the union of creatures with the Creator, illusion may dissolve, the veils may fall from the human eyes and the time of the Universe may unite with the time of the Earth, bringing the truth of higher life toward the human consciousness.
Because you have not cultivated a path of prayer and communion with God, this ecumenical mission of the youth of today is often confused with the experiences they have through different ways of perdition in the abysses of the world, believing that they are opening their consciousnesses to the new.
The errors and the rigidity of the past – typical of the polishing of the human consciousness of that period – distanced many hearts from God. And now, children, the time has come for the youngest to be able to awaken to the life of the spirit, and for that to happen, those who are sleeping and deluded need the example of those who have already awakened. It is for this reason that we ask that the youth themselves give an impulse to others.
With time, the spiritual energy itself will cause you to grow, mature and become true instruments of God. Spiritual life is very broad and infinite, and human ignorance concerning that life is so great that those who decide to walk will never experience monotony or discouragement, for they will always have something new to experience.
In these times, children, humanity needs to get out of a degenerated pattern of consciousness to at least take the first steps in a life consecrated to the Divine Purpose, and gradually institute the principles of the new humanity.
Trust that in the youngest this possibility exists, regardless of their appearance, because appearance is the result of the illusion in which creatures still superficially live. Truth only comes to light when the spirit awakens. Until then, children, you must seek to contemplate the essence of beings rather than what they appear to be.
Today My Heart is grateful for the impulse received by all the young people that have inwardly accepted to experience awakening. As Father and Companion of all, I will guide you and I will always be at the side of each of you.
I bless you today and always.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The awakening of the soul begins when your heart opens to discover the truth about yourself.
When a path to redemption is presented to you, do not fear and do not have suspicions, but rather know that you will never be the same from the moment you say ‘yes’ to the proposal that God has for your lives.
In the vastness of the Universe, the Creator multiplied Himself in His creatures, those essences that give Him an opportunity to develop the Love and Unity of His Sacred Heart.
Since the creation of your essences in the Cosmos, you have received from God a purpose to manifest a spiritual and divine attribute, that in all Creation, contributes to the possibility of continuing to evolve.
Since you were created, you have already had many experiences in the Universe and, you have tried, in many ways, to express the Divine Thought for each one of you.
This world in which you live is a great school of love, but also an opportunity of definition for your spirits. Even though you do not understand what I say to you at this moment, allow My words to open your eyes and awake you to a truth that is latent within every one of you.
I tell you that this planet is a school of definition because it is through your experiences in this world that you will dictate the course of your own evolution. Children, you have here the greatest opportunity for loving in the entire Cosmos, but you also have all the abysses in which to sink your own spirit. Because just as the intensity of the Light is, so it is also the intensity of the darkness. And in a very mysterious way for the human mind, a great divine Project is being designed here.
Today, children, I come to congregate new spirits in the purpose of living peace and love, because the times for experiment are now ending and, little by little, the laws of chaos take over the inner and outer life of the beings of this world.
I know that the awakening is sudden for many, and perhaps the leap we ask of you is great, but those who can see the events of the world with their hearts will know that we ask very little from you and that we multiply the sincere responses and the true prayers to intercede for this planet.
Children, it is for this reason that we call on you to take a step and discover the vast Universe that awaits you. We call on you to give meaning to your own existence and to realize that in transforming your own spirits, you can change the destiny of the Earth. Because that which you most need in these times are not material solutions, but rather the Mercy of God and unity with the Father, because, without food for the spirit, this world will perish.
I leave you My impulse of Peace and Love and I invite you to go forward.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more