Monday, April 25 of 2016

Daily Messages

Peace will be established in the world at its time and hour. The destiny of this planet is traced every second according to the actions of humankind. The more you cry out, live and manifest peace, the nearer it will be to all of humanity and to all the life on the planet.

Children, many still resist in perceiving the urgency of these times and the greatest part of the support of this world is done by the Hierarchy and a few others who often are destabilizing themselves because they carry the weight that does not correspond to them.

I would like to make all of you more conscious and that you could see with the same Eyes of God the true situation of this world, but I cannot do it because your souls would not stand it. To see with the Eyes of God, you would need to be in Him and, perfectly united to Him, you could take advantage of everything that He is. But what I am able to tell you, once and again, is that you to pay attention to the signs of life, to the events of the planet. This sacred Earth is already trembling and soon you will not have how to restart and rebuild the material life in the same way as you do nowadays.

I do not want to cause fear, I only give you a warning because the more the heart is in God, the more you will be able to understand what you live and less importance you will give to the material losses, because you will know about the spiritual collapse in which this world lives.

When I tell you, children, that some nations must be the cradle of the New Race, I am speaking about a spiritual cradle and of beings that are conscious of the Truth, because the matter needs its purification as – to be a New Race -, it cannot start from old bases.

The material world that comes to surface nowadays will collapse and purify itself, but those who are strengthened in heart and in spirit will persevere to see emerge from the sublime worlds, the bases of a new life. These bases will emerge, principally, in the Americas and we are here today, supporting this part of the world for the souls not to lose themselves and rather to open themselves to the Truth so that there can be many beings who generate merit to live the apprenticeship based on love and not on pain. We are here, children, because this nation cannot lose its faith due to the consequences of the misleading actions of a few people.

The enemy is trying to confuse the hearts to establish chaos, but those who maintain themselves firm in God, independently of the resolutions taken in matter, will not corrupt themselves and will be an example and a guide for many.

Pray for this nation, as well as for the Americas and for the whole world. But do not pray for a certain material result, pray so that, in the inner world of each living being, there will be peace and union with God. Pray for those who will see the world collapse to be firm also to see it being reborn.

Remember like each of you collapsed and was reborn so many times. Remember the grace it is to overcome incomprehension and to find peace and be firm and brave to always remain in this peace.

I bless you and I will pray with you day and night to intercede for your souls and for all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph