As much as you can no longer stop the influences of the current world in the consciousness of the original peoples, focus your attention and the purpose of these last moments of the mission on the intention of spiritually re-igniting the original codes of these brothers and sisters, that first principle emanated by God on manifesting these peoples on Earth.
May the fact that you have gone to serve with the pure intention of fraternally sharing, helping, loving, without imposing a culture, a religion, or a line of thought, place in the consciousness of humanity an impulse of respect and peace for the different human expressions on Earth.
Much is yet to be done for your original brothers and sisters, always in the spirit of simple sharing, respecting their way of expression and living, and being aware of the need that planetary life has for these peoples to maintain their purity and their simplicity, so that therefore they may help in the elevation of the Earth.
May the example of this selfless service imprint in the consciousness of Argentina this way of serving and uniting with the indigenous consciousness.
I would like this impulse not to stop here and that other peoples may be helped by the groups of service and prayer, especially in Argentina, to remain faithful to what they represent as a part of the Creation of God.
May the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation expand its serving arms to the different cultures of the planet, and in this way, grow in the attribute that is part of its name.
Everyone must feel part of this humanitarian fraternity and thus, make every act in your lives an act of fraternity. May each day bring an opportunity for carrying out a humanitarian act of assistance to your fellow beings and also to the Kingdoms of Nature.
With the missionary spirit imprinted in your consciousnesses, be missionaries every second of your lives and recognize that you have come to the world to fulfill a higher mission: learn to love and to multiply love on the surface of the Earth and in all that exists.
I love you and I will accompany you in your next steps.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Feel the silence radiated by your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness and discover the mystery of sublime worlds.
Understand that it is the spirit of peace that lives in the original peoples which has allowed them, throughout the history of the Earth, to cross dimensions and come to know the life of the spirit, making them guardians of this reality.
But do not only contemplate with joy what they emanate, do not only admire what you see and feel; aspire to learn from them, aspire to be a guardian of the archetype that they bring to the world.
Do not wish to take your customs to a people who you must only learn from. Just as they keep silence and observe you, do the same.
Commune with silent fraternity and with the silent love of the original peoples. Allow that your service be a door to mutual learning, in brotherhood.
Place this into your intentions while you serve and you will obtain a rich learning from this experience which will contribute, not only to your own transformation, but also to the development of all of humanity.
Your Father and Companion in service and in prayer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Offer your joy for those who live in sadness.
Offer your faith for those who are in despair.
Offer your love for those who live in fear.
Offer your peace for those who live without consolation, between wars and permanent conflicts.
Offer your home for those who do not have a safe roof under which they can be.
Offer the food you receive every day for those who live in the uncertainty of having something to eat or not.
Offer your prayer for those who do not pray, do not believe in God or pray to a false god and feed the reign of darkness with their ignorance.
Make of your own life a constant offer at the foot of the Celestial Altar. Live fully, in absolute gratitude for all you receive because – despite any need or difficulty – you have the greatest treasure of this world and of all others: you recognize the presence of the Creator in your small essence.
Child, so great is the imbalance of this planet and so abyssal is the human ignorance that you must make of your life an act of perpetual prayer, of selfless service and of surrender, in order to balance the evil that humanity generates for itself and for the Kingdoms of Nature. It is necessary more than a few prayers or even some days of service.
The missions you participate today, as a part of this group, are opening a door in the human consciousness so that it reaches greater possibilities of donation and surrender.
Do not remain only with the act of serving. Do not see these missions as all the others that have already been lived, but rather open yourself to the extraordinary that they offer to the consciousness of humanity and make use of this impulse to never be the same again.
It is a mystery for you how the Laws of the Spirit move. Many times you will think there is nothing different in the material facts between the past missions and the present ones, but I tell you of a transformation in the consciousness because it is there where the change consolidates itself and becomes true.
If you believe that I speak through these words, then seek deep within yourself to understand what I tell you and launch yourself into a discovery of the grace of selfless serving in each instant, of the grace of converting yourself into a true, permanent, constant, tireless, praying being.
Place your attention in your own heart, see the world through the window of your chest. Do not be afraid of being naïve because it is not of naivety that I speak to you about: I give you to know the Wisdom and the First Law of this world, which is Love.
Reflect on this truth and take, yourself, the decision of the path that you your life will follow. We can impel you, but not walk for you. We can show you the path, but not predict the results.
Persistence and rhythm in the walking of the pilgrim dictate the moment and the way of reaching the goal.
I love you always.
Your Father and Instructor, your Companion in this Evolutionary Walking,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May this next marathon be, for the planet, a unique opportunity of liberation, before the Armageddon precipitates itself with all its strength upon the planetary consciousness.
On the next days we will unite to all the praying beings of the Earth so that, from the Marian Center of Aurora, a door of liberation, of salvation and of rescue to the most sinful and suffering souls of this world be opened.
On the days of the marathon, we will unite to the liberating coordinates of Aurora, in connection with Chaco and with the Middle East, with the intention of sending a great impulse to the planet and, thus, to disarm the plans of the adversary of God, of converting this world into a land of darkness, and the potential of love of the human heart into a potential of hatred and resentment, which destroys the essence of humankind.
Children, the human beings are part of a single creation of God still very mysterious for yourselves as well as for the universe. Its true potential has not manifested itself in any other human but in The One who came to the world to show you the path of the human development, the ability of loving and uniting to God and the love that transcends the laws of matter and that even defeats that law which is, for many people, the only certainty of life on Earth, which is death.
If many believe that the only certainty they have is that they will die eventually, do you realize the ignorance and the distance that the human heart is from the truth?
If you have had, before your eyes, the example of that One who defeated death thanks to the profound Love of His Heart, your only certainty should be that you do not know anything about yourselves and, for this reason, you should walk avidly to the development of love.
Are you not at least curious about what you could actually live and express if you came out of your own smallness to launch yourself into the experience of the absolute love?
It is to show you a little of your potential of love that we send you in missions to forgotten places of the world, and that we ask you to let go what you are doing to respond to a praying call which dictates the true planetary need. Because in such moments you minimally experience what love is, because you renounce to your own priorities to recognize the need of the planet.
I hope that on the next days you make the exercise of forgetting yourselves. Seek all the time to provide the needs that present themselves both in the neighbor and in the material things. Do not expect that others do for you a work that is reachable to your hands and, besides praying in union with the missionaries, also live the spirit of selfless service and experience, for an instant, fraternity and love. This experience, if it is lived with plenitude, will remain engraved in your consciousnesses for all Eternity, in such a way that you will no longer be able to live in the same way, immersed in your own selfishness. Love is the reason for the human existence and, when you experience it in a true way, you can longer be the same.
Launch yourselves into this simple adventure of self-discovering and, for some days, allow yourselves to come out of own selves. Allow that in your faces runs the sweat of the sacrifice for love to the Plan of God. Allow that in your hearts rises the most sincere request of mercy and that from your mouths come out a word that converts itself into life, into liberation, into redemption and into salvation to the planetary consciousness.
May, from Heaven, the Lord contemplate the points of light which expand themselves on Earth and may in His Heart be a new hope of fulfilling His Project of Love.
Your Father and Companion, a Praying Being and Servant of all times,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the enemy of God sows discord between nations, between religions, and between the different cultures of this world, I call you to cherish love and unity among beings.
Children, the plans of the enemy cannot be hidden from the eyes of the Father, and the Lord cannot do anything else but warn His children that, in the human consciousness, fear, discord, anger, disbelief, loss of hope, and disaffection are being sown.
The adversary of the Lord seeks every day to destroy the spirit of faith in the hearts of humankind. He is trying to confront the different religions of the world as a means for all the ways of union with God to be brought down by its cunning. It also does so with nations and cultures by encouraging confrontations among hearts to prevent human beings from developing the principle of unity.
But what the adversary of God is ignorant of, is that his cunning does not resemble the Love of God at all and that his strength can never compare to the Power that comes from the Creator. This certainty must reign again in the human heart, the certainty that God has the power to defeat any evil, darkness, and shadows.
May each creature unite with the Lord just as they understand Him; may they not lose faith in His Mercy, and even when being before Justice, may they have the strength to generate merits to balance their own debts.
I tell you this because I want you to understand that a mission that unites cultures and religions for the only purpose of strengthening fraternity among beings is of incalculable value in the Kingdom of the Heavens. For this reason, I ask the missionaries of My Chaste Heart – who have bravely accepted the missions entrusted to them by God – to be capable of transcending their own limitations and need for healing in order to heal, in the human consciousness, the evil that seizes its heart.
I ask that you selflessly serve all the time, that you recognize the opportunity for transcendence that God presents to you in every moment, because while your arms work in matter, Ours work in the spirit.
I know that many will feel tiredness, not only physical but also spiritual, because both in Chaco and in the Middle East, God aspires to share the sorrow of His Heart with all those willing to be with Him and for Him in the face of human suffering.
I only tell you to trust in Our guidance, in Our Grace, which bathes and renews you every new day, so that you may face those missions with love and gratitude, with humility and faith.
Each time that you transcend an aspect of resistance and open up to experience the Grace of God, We open the doors to Heaven a little more for the salvation and rescue of souls, because – by the merits generated by the effort of everyone – the Creator grants Us this act of mercy.
Give all of yourselves for those who feel incapable of giving one more step towards God. Transform yourselves for those who do not even have the bravery to persist in a worthy survival.
Never forget that the same God Who created you in perfection, today dwells within those who stand before you. All the effort and work that you do to return the Lord His possibility to be manifested in Glory in the hearts of humankind will be little. For there are many who do not know and even deny God in their essences.
Cherish unity, cherish love, cherish so that each one may find the union with God, just as you know Him, and remain in the purity of your faith, achieving the experience of love wherever you may be.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
Discover in service the ennoblement of soul and spirit, the birth of universal love, because only when the need of your neighbor transcends your own, can you understand a little of the essence of true love, which you came to learn in this world.
Understand that when you serve, it is not only the act of serving that liberates souls from the hells of this world but it is also the love and fraternal charity that you imprint in your actions and the sincerity with which you transcend your fears and limitations to do that which you have never thought of doing, which truly unites your hands with the Hands of the Creator and makes your service sacred.
Go and meet the poorest; go far away into the abysses searching for those who need your union with God. Go where the helpless do not know hope, where the sick do not know faith, where those starving do not know mercy, where the poor do not know the wealth of fully living in the Spirit of God. Imprint all these attributes in the silence of your mouth and in the sincere acts of your hands, in the profound beating of your heart.
Place in service the hope that this world will reach redemption, that souls will recognize unity and love.
You do not need to preach because, in these times, words are sometimes very imperfect. Choose to give an example of peace-making, fraternity, selfless surrender.
Never expect to be thanked for the service you render. Do not expect returns, do not seek results. Place in the soil the seed of a tree that maybe you will not see grow, but trust that it will bear fruits for a future time when there is starvation and that it will provide shade so that those tired of so much walking may find a place to rest.
Just like you ignite your heart in the service to the poorest, also ignite it in the service to those who are beside you. You often worry about the souls far away that become lost, but you do not see those who are getting lost because they do not find in you a little support, help, compassion and fraternity.
I know that you want to heal the world, rebuild the Earth, and not allow the boat of salvation for this race to sink. So, start with your own home, with the Centers of Love, with all life around you, because the one who learns to love does not love once in a while or only a few, the most miserable ones.
Child, when love really dwells in the human heart, it contemplates all Creation; it contemplates the fellow beings and also the Kingdoms of Nature; it equally contemplates the poor and the rich, because the greatest lack is the lack of love.
Love has no culture, no religion, no language, no ethnicity. The love that is proposed to be experienced in this world is the same Love of the Heart of God. Therefore, love in this love and be this love at every moment, with everything and with everyone, in the silence of your actions, in the solitude of your heart, just as among the crowds. Thus, you will learn that the greatest service to be lived in this world is not only charity, it is Christification.
Your Father and Cmpanion always, the one who leads you to the Heart of Christ,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Worthy of glory and praise is the Most High Lord, Who sent his Son to the world to redeem humanity! May all creatures dwell in the Lord now and forever!
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Today I open your eyes to the spiritual and planetary reality that has wounded the Heart of God very much in the last century of the existence of humanity.
With the mission to Chaco, the Universe of God was before the opportunity of redemption of many situations that refer to the indigenous consciousness, the original peoples of the planet. However, so that this liberation does not overload a few, it is necessary prayer and conscious collaboration from all.
Throughout the last centuries, your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness suffered from the cunnings of the enemy of God, which have manifested in the planetary and material life as that which you call social injustices. These injustices are actually encouraged by the one who fights against the Divine Project on Earth and that, not only seeks to dispel the indigenous consciousness through the shortages and miseries that they live but also causes resentment to appear in their hearts.
This resentment was being transmitted from one generation to the next until very few remained in their original pacification and purity. It was in this way that conflicts and fights for possession and material resources led many souls, that should be guardians of sublime realities of the planet, to the hells and purgatories of this world.
With this humanitarian mission in Chaco, many hellish doors were opened to the rescue and rehabilitation of those souls, not only from Argentina but from all of America.
This fact, children, commits you as humanity because the loss of those souls was also caused by human actions.
It is for this reason that I ask you for greater awareness and prayerful spirit because, even though the acts performed in Chaco are simple, many evils can be balanced with the unity and adherence of everyone.
The planetary urgency calls on you to act and multiply your efforts. There is still much to be liberated on the planet and, with these two current missions, the consciousness of your group is beginning to understand the true performance of service, as well as of prayer.
If you live in the spirit of unity, many of your brothers and sisters that suffer in the underworlds of the planetary consciousness will be able to receive an opportunity to go through redemption in time.
Do not forget to dedicate some time to the true and heartfelt union with the missionaries; thus, many other doors will open for the liberation of the planet.
I love you and count on your prayers and your ignited hearts, as a doorway so that the Divine Mercy may descend to Earth.
Your father and friend, server and missionary of God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Devotional for Ecumenism
and Unity in the Human Consciousness
Union bead
for the union of humanity in Your Purpose of Love,
we beg for Your Presence
among the different nations, peoples and religions.
May the Universal Culture become a reality on Earth.
First decade
For the Power of the Divine Mercy
emanated from the Sacred Heart,
may all peoples, races, cultures and religions
reach redemption.
Second decade
For the sacrifice lived by Christ
and for the merits achieved by Him on the Cross,
may all nations awaken
to the experience of absolute Love.
Third decade
For the Power of Pity emanated by Christ
while descending from the Cross into the arms of the Virgin Mary,
may all cultures, religions, creeds and nations
unite to pour out the Grace of God
upon the most forgotten and lost
among humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Fourth decade
For the Power of the Pure Love
that resurrected each cell of Christ
and allowed Him to defeat death,
may all religions be reborn
in the Principle of Purity.
Fifth decade
For the absolute Grace that the Creator
grants us with the return of His Son,
may all peoples awaken, all hearts open
and all languages proclaim, in one language,
the Unity with God, through the Resplendent Christ.
Each day that passes by, humanity separates more from God and, as a result, from one another, strengthening individuality and the lack of love in a world that should emanate the Principle of Unity throughout the Cosmos. For this reason, I will ask you to pray for all religions, all nations, all races and all cultures.
May the creatures that were one day born from the Divine Consciousness be able to return to It.
May the different expressions of God on Earth find the purity of their original impulse.
May everything be according to the Will of the Creator in the new cycle of Earth; may everything be according to His Divine Principles.
Pray with love and with the heart because the two missions that you are currently experiencing are opening a door so that humanity may awaken to respect and unity with one another, and with God.
I love you and I wait for you in prayer.
I will pray with you every day and for all Eternity.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Heavens open themselves to receive the offers of humanity.
Being sincere of heart, Mercy descends again in lands that are already living in the Divine Justice. Merciful acts are those which unite you to the Consciousness of Christ, The One who is Mercy Itself.
A humanitarian mission, children, is more than a social act, because I am talking to you about a request of God, a renovation and an awakening of a commitment that His Creatures have towards Him. As much as you are before two missions in which you meet cultures extremely different from yours, the souls recognize unity and the spirits are touched by the love that permeates their acts.
When you serve from the heart, you balance many evils, not only of those who you are serving. The love that you radiate touches those who are around you and permeates the life of spirit; it replaces the mistakes and debts of the nations for divine merits of redemption, of salvation and of mercy. If, in truth, everyone opened themselves to the missionary spirit, you would understand what I tell you.
Today I want you to know that the missionaries in Turkey have already become an instrument in the Hands of God because their spirits recognize that the service they are providing is not for themselves. Experience and the years have taken them to the consecration of life to the acts of Mercy, and in this way they have become, as a group, a bridge for the Mercy of the Creator to descend to Earth. But they are only 14 and they cannot multiply themselves in all the nations that must consecrate themselves to God through service and through prayer. Therefore, when I call you to service, listen to My Voice.
None of the missionaries in Turkey is perfect; none of them knew how to serve from the beginning, but the resistances were broken by love, and today, when they are before a mission asked by God, they can transcend their individualities and miseries in order to be bearers of the Divine Mercy.
We do not expect that the different missions that we ask for, have the same success, but that you do open yourselves to the missionary spirit that the consciousness-group of this Work of Love have already achieved over the past few years.
I wish the missionary spirit would expand itself beyond Brazil, and mostly Uruguay and Argentina would encourage themselves to transcend the atavisms to serve the neighbor and to discover in service a prompt transformation, the unity with God and with the neighbor, the transmutation and the liberation of these nations from all the mistakes committed in the past. Because, although the Earth has to restart, it needs to have a starting point, and you must leave in it a fertile soil, so that those who will come afterwards sow the seeds of a new time.
I love you and I only ask you to trust in what I tell you and that you do not be afraid to answer to the celestial requests. In these times, every effort is little to fulfill the goal which you have been responsible to fulfill since the beginning of this race.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the world begins to become aware of the need for service and Argentina takes the first steps in the active balancing of its debts with God, I call on you so that you do not stop taking your steps. May each mission be a doorway that is opened to a greater possibility of redemption in the world.
My missionaries in Chaco are beginning to become aware of the spiritual task that they carry out and their hearts can now feel the Purpose of God a little more.
The suffering of the indigenous consciousness is being alleviated, but as I have told you, this is a door that was opened so that you may continue on a long journey of reparation and redemption.
For Argentina to become a nation able to be the cradle of the New Humanity, just like Brazil, Uruguay, and other countries of South America, there must exist a greater spirit of love and fraternity.
With small acts of service, the consciousness is expanded to know the truth, which is the presence of God within all living creatures. Service, children, dignifies the spirit and activates love, latent in the human heart. For this reason, now that you have taken the first steps with greater awareness, I will ask you to not stop.
The missionaries will feel in their hearts the need for this service to have some continuity, and I tell you that this feeling is true. I would like other members of this Work to have the opportunity to contribute their love into acts of fraternal charity, but for that, I need the inner and material willingness of all.
As the spiritual maladjustment is gradually balanced and transmuted in Chaco through the simple and sincere actions of servers, the paths will open in the matter and you will find those intercessors sent by God that will help you to provide a more materially dignified life to the peoples of Chaco.
But before that, you must still make a great effort so that love is able to dissolve the sorrow that has impregnated the indigenous consciousness for so many centuries.
My children, the world is in its last breaths of suffering, and the Justice of God will soon descend to the Earth. That is not a threat, it is a reality. For this reason, the most important now is to learn to truly love, to break your own structures of pride, egoism and indifference, so that, still in the time of His Mercy, the Lord may grant you the Grace of dwelling in your inner worlds and strengthen you for the rebuilding of the material and spiritual life of the Earth.
I love you and, for this reason, I impel you so that you do not stop your steps now. Deepen into the spirit of service and, at the end of this mission, I will tell you what I most want for Argentina and for South America. I await you to be attentive and open-hearted to listen to Me.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Maturity when you are serving arises from the understanding that a service that is provided responding to a request of God transcends matter and has its true purpose in spirit. When the Creator sends you to serve, you must be conscious that you are mere instruments in His hands, since – in order to balance the great human karma – it is necessary to be the members of humanity themselves the ones acting and interceding in this act of balance.
What do you fear when we send you to serve? Are you, by any chance, thinking that your hands will be the ones to act?
No longer lose time with expectations, anxieties, or even with prides and vanities. Focus on being true, simple, obedient, meek, vigilant, and peaceful. Focus on being united to God and on thinking of Him all the time and not of yourselves.
When you are before an act of service, do not be confused. Confusion comes from the lack of clarity of purpose of your actions. If you focus your attention on God, soon you will see how He will open the paths and will show you a greater necessity, which suddenly will not be that one you were thinking.
Both cases of the Middle East and of Chaco, your brothers and sisters need to be listened to and to find, in you, a bridge to something higher. Donate encouragement, donate hope, donate peace of heart. Do not show yourselves immature, insecure or without a purpose, because you are being closely guided by Our Words as well as by the intuition and by heart, vehicles we always use to conduct you. For this reason, let yourselves be internally guided.
Trust in those who we have elected to coordinate you and direct you in each mission, because to those hearts, we are united in a special way. Do not have great ideas or do not want to accomplish heroic services to tell at the end, because the true mission, which happens in spirit, will be known by few. And it will be admired only by God, because humanity still has not learned to love the life of the spirit and, even though it may know the spiritual facts, it will have little interest if there are not material results.
For this reason, I ask you once more to be more humble and obedient, more united of heart to each other, and all to the Most High God. In this way, the Purpose of God will be fulfilled.
The One who loves you and guides you,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May all those who aspire to be missionaries of the Plan of God listen to these words and learn to serve. Truly attentive spirits never think that I am speaking to others, but rather accept all is directed at them; for this reason, they grow and mature as God expects.
May each service rendered by the servers and the consecrated to the Plan of the Most High God be the reason for generating the necessary balance and heal the past evils of such transgressing humanity.
May your hands as from now begin to rebuild the world through acts of service, to repair the evil caused in the beginning and placate the chaos that is precipitating over the world.
There are many places on the planet that have not been destroyed by war or overtaken by armed conflicts, but they are as spiritually wounded as those that are at war.
Humanity, as consciousness, has assaulted planetary life so much that a large part of the spirit of the planet is being deteriorated and is suffering like a dying person, who takes their last breath of life.
The way to heal this sick world is only with love, love in all its expressions: love through acts of fraternal charity, love radiated in prayer, love radiated through silence, love manifested in the heart that is transformed for love of the Plan of God.
A server who is on their way to a mission requested by God must be like the laborer that carries in their hands the brick and cement to rebuild the planetary consciousness*. In each small act, there must be a full and absolute love, which transcends the conditions, the differences, the mistakes, the fear and the sorrow. In this way, you will shortly be able to be converted into true instruments of God.
Let the active and luminous reconstruction of the spiritual life of humanity be in the intention of every missionary.
The human consciousness was created based on divine and pure principles, which gave it the peculiarity of being able to directly unite with the Creator, without intermediaries. Those principles were attacked from the beginning of this Project, and the forces of the adversary tried to change them into what you know as capital energies, which today are many more than seven.
In order to be as crystalline as God thought again and to achieve the Divine Purpose, the time has come to cause the divine principles to keep growing in your own interior and in the interior of your fellow beings and thus, gradually weaken those dark forces that have grown so much in the human consciousnesses.
This is why I ask you to begin each day of service by pleading with God for the Grace of humility and unity with Him. In this way, taking the first step of your days with the intention of being pure, you will be assisted by the angels to serve in a crystalline way and to be true instruments of the Creator of the world.
For the reconstruction of the spiritual consciousness of the planet,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If there is something that is to be dispelled immediately from the human heart, it is fear.
Fear is the absence of God, of love, of faith. Fear is born and grows in the heart of those who have become comfortable in the human condition and still have not recognized that what has to be dedicatedly taken care of is only the deepest essence of the being, the divine principles to be found there.
The one who feels fear is because they do not trust in love.
With your actions, you must strengthen the principles of faith, the certainty that one day, love will speak more loudly in the human consciousness, because the need for peace and unity will be so great that everyone will unite in seeking a One God.
The fear with which the original peoples live is the fear of losing their culture, losing their place on Earth. Because they do not have the basics they need to live, they feel the fear of disappearing as a people, just as so many other peoples disappeared.
In the mission taking place in Chaco, as well as in all the missions that will still take place with these indigenous brothers and sisters of yours, you must strengthen the fraternity and have them feel that you understand, or seek to understand, the spiritual role of the original peoples on Earth, because, besides provisions and basic care, you will find in your brothers and sisters the need to be recognized with their culture and their wisdom, as part of this human civilization.
In the depths of those hearts, more than hunger or poverty, they think of the abandonment and indifference of the majority of human beings. For this reason, we are dedicating these messages not only to instruct the missionaries, but to also spiritually awaken humanity and, above all, in this case, Argentina, to know the role of the indigenous consciousness, since its equilibrium depends on the purity, the simplicity and the wisdom that the original peoples maintain within themselves.
You must provide a small or a great service always keeping in mind the spiritual purpose much more than the physical act because physically, you will find infinite material, social, moral needs, the lack of basic things for survival, and a much greater effort than just a few days would be necessary in order to provide all of them.
Many may ask themselves: what is the reason for doing these so quick missions, in which not even a minimum part of the great need of these peoples is supplied?
And I respond that those who manage to see with their eyes what takes place in the spirit, and not just in the matter, know that spiritual needs move based on other laws, and sometimes, a situation that spiritually speaking is much more serious than a great physical lack, is resolved with a small act of true love.
It is for this reason that we will ask you to indeed take material resources, but what really gives meaning to a mission is the experience of love, the capacity to open the doors so that God may descend and act through your hands.
Seek to be true and do not want to be heroes. Just be simple of heart, open yourselves to learn, allow yourselves to be healed from your own human indifference, your pride and selfishness. It is in this way that you will be able to call yourselves missionaries, missionaries of the spirit, missionaries that serve to fulfill the Will of God.
I love you and thus teach you how to serve.
Your father and friend, server of the Most High God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learn to find in the indigenous consciousness not the decadence of a people that once lived in the plenitude of this world, but rather contemplate before them the persistence of a people that resisted the colonizations and the persecutions and held on to their own culture even when the world sought to "educate" them and institute another way of life for them.
Contemplate the part of the consciousness of those peoples that is not corrupted, that is kept pure, simple and true. Perceive that something higher sustains them until today. Do not just see how modern life tries to reach into the different communities. Look for what you must learn and bring a different lesson to ordinary humanity, for human beings that call themselves civilized, in their majority, only see the native peoples as something lower and with certain indifference observe that they are disappearing in the world.
It is the forces of chaos that, little by little, manage to remove from the planet the principles that sustain it.
The few that knew how to love the original peoples many times fed the resentment and pain in their hearts for not being understood by the current civilization of the world, without perceiving that the true help that must be given to these peoples is to strengthen their purity and encourage them to be true.
In the mission to Chaco, you will find many lacks, poverty, hunger, abandonment. But besides providing them with the basic needs, you must fulfill a spiritual mission: strengthen the spirit of purity of these brothers and sisters and announce to the world the importance of living in fraternity and unity with the different expressions of God on the Earth.
I would like many others to feel encouraged to go on this mission, to continue carrying out services in other places of the world where the indigenous consciousness is in need of assistance.
To help maintain the native peoples on this planet is to help the planet itself to keep its balance.
If all nations awakened to serve the native peoples that is theirs to care for, many imbalances could be adjusted on the Earth.
The simple act of fraternallly and lovingly sharing assistance, will gradually heal the so wounded and forgotten group consciousness of the indigenous peoples.
It is for this reason that I invite all beings to a spiritual mission: to sustain, with service and prayer, the indigenous peoples and offer the Father your own service as an attempt to maintain the balance of the planet.
In a time of such great atrocities, all efforts on the part of the few that are awake will be like a lifeline for humanity.
If you do what I tell you, you will soon understand the importance of the indigenous consciousness for the planet and, crossing through the portals to the Kingdom of the Spirit, in the Sublime Worlds, perhaps you will see that the one pointing to the entryway of the path is that brother or sister that you once clothed, fed and healed in an indigenous village.
For the discovery of the value of each people and the expression of the different cultures of the Earth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Fraternity, Unity with God, Faith and Hope are attributes that must always reign in the human heart.
Based on the principle of the Unity with God, which has never ceased to be Unique in the diversity of the manifestation of His Consciousness, experience, you as well, the unity among yourselves as one body belonging to the Divine Consciousness.
The Creator multiplied Himself and expanded in different forms of life, expression, manifestation so that His Perfection would become life and matter, so that the Love He expresses in His Divine Spirit could become flesh, mind, feeling, soul, spirit, vibration, sound, so there would be no limit in the manifestation of His Love.
God permeates everything that was created and gives all creatures the opportunity of being in likeness to Him. Aware of the Principles of the Creator, you must imitate Him. May love be multiplied in your hearts, may it be expressed in different ways, with words, prayers, silence, actions, with inner, spiritual, or physic communion, at the time of receiving the Eucharist.
As a group, may you express yourselves as the Consciousness of God: in many ways of life, many ways of serving, infinite possibilities of loving, but all this without ever losing the unity.
Although the existing creatures are so different from each other, this does not remove from any of them the essence that unites them in the divine likeness to the Creator Father.
I tell you all these things because it is time for unity, reconciliation, fraternity as bridges for love.
The different missions that are being carried out today show the path that each one must tread in their daily lives: overcome the differences between races, cultures, languages, nations, religions, to experience, as humanity, the Unity with God.
May you be aware that the time will come to unite your consciousnesses in one purpose: bring peace and reconciliation to Earth.
The suffering of the human heart helps to overcome the barriers of loving, and the need to find peace unites you.
Both in the Middle East and in Chaco, you will understand what the material, mental and physical purification causes in human consciousness. You must be before these extreme situations not only to help but also to learn. So, with this learning in your consciousnesses, you must ask yourselves if it is really necessary to go through similar purifications to learn to experience love, to seek unity with your neighbor, to transcend differences and walk towards the implementation of the Plans of God as one race.
Pain makes you look for love, but the possibility to love exists within your hearts, latent as a natural condition of the human being. You must only step out of yourselves and surrender to the search of this true Christic Love; love that unites the universes, love that unlocks evolution, love that makes you in likeness to the angels and allows you to return to God.
Before the situations of the Middle East and Chaco, you may profoundly reflect and make your choices: wait for the times of chaos or learn how to love as of now, surrendering yourselves to the Grace of the Unity with God.
Your Father and long-standing companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At the beginning of Creation, only Unity existed, the Divine Consciousness that dwells where there is no time or space, where there is no matter, feelings or thoughts, where there is only Spirit.
Without ceasing to be Unity, the Spirit of God is multiplied. This is Omnipresence.
Without ceasing to be Spirit, the Mind of God is born, manifested in the Archangels. This is the work of Omniscience.
Without separating from the levels of Spirit, God manifests the Light in material creations. This is the fruit of Liberation.
God, who was One, divides into three, without ceasing to be One. His Transcendence is incomprehensible to the human mind.
God the Father became the Son and, in Transfiguration, He multiplies His Only Son into all creatures. All are One with the Father, through the Son.
The primordial principles take on a life of their own and creative power. The Rays become consciousness and dwell in all the particles that exist in the cosmos.
God never lost the Unity of the beginning. His multiplication has no end, it has no limit. His Consciousness is expanded beyond the boundaries of spirit, mind, and matter. His Divinity permeates everything.
You may ask yourselves: “How can the Creator dwell in a world so full of darkness? Where is God when chaos rushes into the world?”
God is the Life that dwells within the essence, the Consciousness that animates those who are aware, the Light that gives shape and life to that which the eyes of the not blind can see.
A person may not be blind, but if there is an absence of light in their lives, they will not be able to see. It is not that the world does not exist, that colors do not exist, that life does not exist: what is happening to that person is that they are separated from the light. They are not blind, they are simply stuck in a dark and empty room and do not find a way to open the windows or do not even know that there are windows in the room of their consciousnesses.
This is what happens with the majority of humanity. Ignorance and indifference have shut the human consciousness into a dark room and all the mysteries of life are outside, ready to be revealed at the moment the window of the consciousness is opened.
As they are not blind, they think they see everything. As they do not know the light, they do not know they are imprisoned in a dark room and they think life begins and ends within the four walls of that room.
Love, service, and prayer reach the darkness of those consciousnesses like chinks of light that come through the window, revealing that the window exists and that behind it there is a great mystery.
Some can see the light through the chink and believe they already know everything; others will dare to open the window and contemplate the view before them. The consciousness will be deeply expanded, in spite of only seeing life before their small window.
Up until today, there has been almost no one willing to leave that room, pioneering in the world outside of themselves; for this reason, the mysteries continue being mysteries.
I began this message with some words that are capable of opening a small chink in the dark room of the consciousness, but I know that many will close the window with their own hands to thus remain in absolute darkness.
Reflect upon what I tell you and, in the eyes of your hearts, try for an instant to risk feeling this mysterious ray of light, this small chink that opens in the consciousness.
If you allow your consciousnesses to expand, I will be able to lead you more truly to the union with God. You will be able to be more truthful in everything and unveil mysteries, including about yourselves and about planetary life.
For the growth and maturing of the human consciousness and its adherence to the Truth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To overcome the indifference of the human heart, start with yourself. Observe every time your heart closes to planetary reality or when you think you care about the world, but your actions show the degree of importance you give to yourself.
Indifference numbs the consciousness and does not allow it to evolve. It is not necessary that you get emotionally involved with what happens in the world, but rather let such events lead you to transformation and impel you to never stop your steps.
Indifference is one of the great evils of humanity, even worse than ignorance, because the one who is indifferent already has a certain degree of education, and yet keeps thinking more about themselves and their own needs.
Child, indifference will lead many beings who believe themselves to be spiritual to the abyss of planetary consciousness. Be careful so that you are not taken and carried away by human indifference. Try to follow your consciousness and heart, and when you know that you must do something, do it promptly; do not ignore the needs. When you perceive that someone needs you, go in assistance, without fear. If you know what is happening in the world and that while at this very moment you are before the words of God, others are being tested in their faith, and on their knees, they choose to die with Christ rather than living without him, then pray truly, without ceasing.
If you already know the role of the indigenous consciousness on the planet and you also know how much the indigenous people suffer from neglect and indifference, then act, serve, pray, assist, offer your love. Show those brothers and sisters that they have vital importance in the spiritual life of the planet and that their way of being should not be sold in a tourist way, to amuse the unconscious.
When you stand before an indigenous brother or sister, learn from them and, in your learning posture, let emerge from their hearts the purity and wisdom they have to transmit to humanity.
If you know that effort and perseverance are the keys to overcoming obstacles in this time, then do not become discouraged when you are in difficulties.
If the trial is greater than your faith, turn to unity with your brothers and sisters, a unity that, when it is true, opens the doors to God, to the descent of His Will.
Unite your heart to the heart of those who are with you. Make this Work a stronghold in which the King of kings will dwell, in His expected return. Trust in the victory and value love.
Do not think about what others will do for you; practice what you know and overcome the indifference that in different circumstances manifests itself in the hearts of all living beings.
Be the one who transcends the laws of this world; in this way, I will be able to reveal universal mysteries to you, and the events of the world will be the signs for you to read and take the next steps without fear and with bravery.
Unite to God, unite to this universal mission.
Live under the grace of Divine Mercy.
For the awakening of the human heart,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know that the Apparitions of the Divine Messengers are a mystery to many, a mystery that in some, causes growth in faith and in others, the torment of doubt.
This world, children, is full of mysteries. The human consciousness itself is a great mystery both for the cosmos and for you yourselves.
On this planet, you must learn to live through faith; faith in the invisible, in the intangible, in the divine, in wholeness. It is only through the grace of faith that a heart can be before the different situations of life with the necessary clarity and understanding.
I tell you this because, as a group and as humanity, you are before two challenges, which are the two missions you are experiencing. Both situations that need to be unveiled have very deep and unknown roots to everyone. And so that you are not before them in a superficial way, you must open your hearts to the living of faith, for it is in this way, trusting in the invisible and following your hearts in things that may be inexplicable or not very obvious to your minds, you will be whole before those two challenges.
The two situations that beings face today, both in the Middle East and in Chaco, Argentina, needed to become extreme for humanity to look at them, and even so, those brothers and sisters suffer a great deal through indifference, because the human heart still has not opened to defeat its own conveniences and look to the needs of its fellow beings.
Your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness tried to lead a certain part of the planet, especially the Americas, into an evolutive life different from the life of the rest of humanity. They found the Sacred thanks to their reverence, and it was precisely the lack of contact with material creations and the inventions of the human mind that allowed them to find a different evolutive path, based on love and simplicity.
But on a planet where everyone came in order to learn to love, the very tendency of the spirits present on it suffocated the natural expression of the guardians of purity, the original peoples. With the help and the incentive of the enemy of God, you were not able to understand the differences, and over the course of many centuries, tried to impose a form of mental material life, based on competition and struggle for power. Because the natives were not like that and because they had remained in their purity, you made them suffer, and up until today, you influence the minds of the little ones as you can, trying to make them disappear from the Earth, without realizing that with them will disappear love, simplicity, purity and the humility of the heart.
It is the same struggle to impose personal customs and ideas that generates permanent wars and conflicts in the Middle East. And I tell you that the incentive for those wars does not only come from the Middle East, and it is not only with the help of great Western economic powers that they grow and develop. I want you to understand that those evils have deep spiritual roots and one purpose: destroy the Plans of God. It is for this reason that we count more on the spiritual fortitude of a few than on the material resources of many.
One of the ways the enemy has of causing you to lose faith and hope is to place the craving for finding material results in the minds, but that search was what led Judas into suicide, because of not understanding that the victory of the Messiah was on the Cross.
You, who are more aware, must serve without seeking results, transform yourselves without receiving merits, strive without looking for returns or recognition. God has His Eyes on those who are true and faithful to His Plan. He will place His Cross on those, which for some may mean death and failure, but for those whose hearts are open and their consciousnesses awake, it will mean the triumph of God in the entire universe.
Serve every day with the certainty that the true battle is experienced in spirit and must be won there. That which takes place in the matter is a simple reflection of what is multiplied on the Higher Planes.
For this reason, I want to have you understand the events of the world from a broader point of view so that, in light of your service, you do not cling to that which you can do with your hands, but rather, to what is achieved with the heart.
For the discovery of service and the spiritual mission,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the same way that the enemy tries to weaken the different religions in the Middle East and mixes economic interests and power with the religious conflicts so that humanity no longer wants to reconnect to God, the enemy also weakens the role of the indigenous consciousness in the world, placing the original peoples in the face of the so-called "technologies".
The adversary of God tries to imprint in the human consciousness the idea that the indigenous peoples are primitive and that, being so, they delay the evolution of the planet in general.
Be attentive, because this is a destructive thought that diverts you from the Plans of God!
As I have already told you previously, the original peoples who remained faithful to the pure principle of their existence are guardians of fundamental attributes of spirit for the development of humanity.
The indigenous move and act based on intuition, wisdom, on the feeling of the heart, on the union with nature, on reverence for the sacred. Imagine the human being without these spiritual attributes! They would lose their life, their essence, their bond with God.
May the mission in Chaco not only be to render a service, but that you also allow yourselves to experience a mutual exchange: protect, support, and assist those that keep you spiritually united with the Wisdom of God.
These two missions, both to the Middle East and to Chaco, must renew the principles of faith, fraternity and unity in the human heart. Every service, every prayer and every liberation must have that purpose, because with faith, fraternity and unity, the heart will be able to know love one day.
Be in a posture of great humility, because both in one mission as well as the other, in spite of having many resources to help, if you are in a posture of learning, besides helping in great processes of spiritual liberation, you will bring many codes of maturation and wisdom in your consciousnesses.
Humility is the key to service. One who serves with the intention of being a bridge between God and humanity, transcending their expectations and aspirations, will accomplish the Purpose of the Lord, not only for their goal of service but also for their own transformation and the transformation of the human consciousness as a collective.
I love you, and in omnipresence, I accompany both missions as well as all the prayerful beings that support them. May everything be for the fulfillment of the Plans of God.
May peace and love be established in the world.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Many ask themselves where the unity will come from between the different cultures, religions, races and nations. How can such diversity be united?
Few have discovered the power of the Love of God and almost no one lives the truth which is to know that if such an infinite God was capable of creating such diversity, He can be found in all things and also in the different religions inspired by Him.
The creatures are inside of the consciousness of God and God in them, but the ignorance that closed their eyes does not allow them to see that the Creator is there, in the depths. And so they live an illusion, a life apart from Him, only because they do not know that He is in all that was created. They do not see Him and do not feel Him because they have not yet opened to know He is within beings.
The Creator, in His immeasurable possibility of loving, throughout the existence of humanity, created many religions. Each one would lead a certain part of His Creation, but – if they keep His Essence alive – all would lead to one purpose.
When Mary says She will unite, within Her Immaculate Heart, the different religions, peoples and races, this does not mean that everybody will recognize the person of Mary as Mother of God. Mary is Unity itself, because Her mantle protects the entire Creation. As Unity, She leads the different religions to Love which is the Principle that Her Son expresses.
Many may not recognize the person of Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, but those who believe in Love and live in Love are in Christ without knowing it.
The Love which Christ expresses transcends the existence of the person of Jesus. The Unity which Mary expresses transcends the person of Mary. They are no longer a material part of Creation. Those who came from One Spirit manifested themselves on Earth to construct a path, to express an archetype, to give a living example and now, in the different scales of evolution, they continue giving examples and leaving Their footprints within all dimensions, so that even the angels could follow Their steps.
The principles of Love and Unity are possible to be lived by all true religions, including those who do not have a religion guided by an institution but who in their hearts seek to connect themselves with God constantly, by Love and Unity. This is how Christ and Mary lead humanity.
Being a Christian is more than believing in Christ. If you want to reach the religion of the heart, in which all are brothers, children of one God, believe in Love and Unity.
Love and Unity will lead you to the Origin. This is the reason for human existence: to live these two universal attributes that once became flesh and today have returned to the Purest Heart of the Creator so that every living creature, from matter to the spirit, can return to God.
I want you to announce to the world that there is one God and He unites you in the principles of Love and of Unity. It does not matter if the path is seemingly different because some will be more open to following the steps of Muhammad; others of Buddha, others of Christ, others of Mary, but all can be united, in spirit, in the Purpose of God for humanity, which is one: Love and Unity to reach Him.
Live with this certainty in your hearts and do not doubt for an instant the possibility that God, from which comes all things, can return to Himself all that He once created.
I love you, bless you and ask you to keep praying for Peace on the planet. Remember, every day, that your spirits already live in God and that, just by being aware of His presence inside of you, you are already bearers of the greatest mystery of love and of mercy of this creation.
Pray for those who do not know the Love of God and for those who believe they love Him, but do not know the true Love and the true Unity that lead to the Creator.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more