When the Will of God is expressed to the Universe, all stars and all evolutive consciousnesses are united to this Divine Purpose. It is the Laws of Obedience and Unity, which reign among the confederate worlds, which allow the dissolution of all obstacles that are created against this Superior Will.
In order for the Will of God to manifest on Earth as It is in the Universe, those consciousnesses who respond to the Plan and love it above all things, including more than themselves, must unite to that Purpose, under the spirit of love and of fraternity. This is because the triumph of God is a Law. However, the creatures that inhabit this world, as well as all others, need to adhere to this Divine Purpose and show their adherence, not only with their verb, but also with their actions and their conscious effort to live their own transformation.
A new cycle precipitates upon the world: that is the Will of God that will manifest. The Lord has already given the ultimatum on the Plan of the Earth and asks for clear definitions of the spirits incarnated in it.
Internally, beings recognize the need of an imminent and complete change; however, recognizing this need is not enough, because concrete manifestations of evolving spirits are needed, examples that can serve as a guide for those who will awaken at the last second, before they completely lose their evolution.
The cycle that will begin in this month of December aims to give a last great impulse to the incarnated consciousnesses, to the souls lost in the planetary abysses, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature.
The Creator will make descend His Solar Power as a sign, which He will give to the consciousnesses of all the creatures of the planet, that He is delivering the best in the universe as ruler and guide for all, so that you also be impelled to surrender everything.
This universal movement will generate resistances in its concretion inside and outside beings, but if a few affirm their commitment and adherence to the fulfillment of the Plan and of their immediate self-purification, so that It can be a reality, that will be the permission that the Creator needs to act fully in the whole planetary consciousness.
Now, more than ever, you will need to develop the spirit of Faith and put into practice fraternity and unity among beings, something you have been learning lately.
Darkness will resist, but from persistence love will be born, the beginning of the Creator’s triumph in the human heart.
Rather than counting on your own inner strengths, strengthen yourselves to unity among the spirits congregated to fulfill this mission. Remember what I tell you, because unity is paramount throughout the universe in order to fulfill a Purpose from God. Where there is unity, there will be the Divine Spirit.
I leave you My Peace and My paternal blessing for the times that have come into the world.
Your actions of today, of now, will dictate the next second steps of your lives. It is time to awaken to the present and write with the heart your own history, the history of humanity and, consequently, the history of this universe.
Your Companion and Instructor of always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Clamoring for peace and for mercy is the first step in the transformation of consciousness.
First, the mind prays, and then gradually it begins to listen to the heart. Then the soul breathes in relief for finally finding a reason to be with its attention in the world.
Prayer after prayer, the mind learns to live stillness and makes room for the heart to also command daily life.
At that moment, while seeing how the heart acts, the mind can no longer pray and ask for peace if it is not peaceful in its actions and its thoughts.
Then comes the second step of conscious transformation. The mind and the personality develop a taste for holiness and they themselves want to lead the steps of transformation so that they may be the best, the first ones in holiness. The heart observes and, with patience, when it can, it whispers to the personality and the mind that, in truth, the path of transformation is long and its result is known only by God. Gradually and with love the heart, which also lives in the consciousness, explains questions regarding virtues and gifts and teaches the mind what humility is.
The third step of transformation is that when the being discovers that they are not perfect and that there is much to still walk to reach even one virtue. This step is definitive because here the being is faced with hopelessness and the strong need of putting all effort aside to surrender once and for all to the world since Heaven seems to be so unattainable.
The fourth step is when the heart makes Mercy known to the mind and to the personality, clarifying questions about perseverance and persistence on the path, even though the path is infinite, because God, who is pure Love and Mercy, will make use of the perseverance of His children to one day cast them into holiness.
The fifth step of transformation is when the mind understands the essence of the spiritual virtues and loves them. Then its surrender begins, along with that of the personality, and they merge with the purpose of the heart, which is the door to the soul. Here, the mind and personality suffer greatly, but they already accept what they are living because they have opened up to overcome themselves.
The sixth step is when the mind becomes one with the heart and the personality becomes a vehicle of the soul. There are no longer conflicts between the life of the spirit and the life in matter, as far as resistances to transformation are concerned. The being, here, continues to make effort and perseveres, but its consciousness already receives the impulses of the superior worlds and flows with the Will of God.
The seventh step is the first of a new cycle when the will of the being merges with the Will of God, and now the being will no longer struggle with itself, but with the world, to make the Celestial Kingdom triumph on Earth.
When I tell you about these steps, it is not simply for you to find yourselves in one of them. It is only so that consciousnesses may have the hope that, despite its imperfection, it is on the path of transformation and by taking the steps, one by one, with love and patience, it will be able to make of its spirit and its essence a triumph of God, an achievement of Christ.
Peace and faith in the hearts of all servants and consecrated of the Plan.
Thanking you, always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the Supreme Consciousness of the Creator, the Ray of Will is born. This ray is a principle of creation, used by God to manifest His greatest works in the world, in the universe and in the interior of all creatures.
The Ray of Will unites the wills of creatures to the Supreme Will of God. He allows beings to transcend force and to act on the basis of Power, which – for a matter of Divine Creation – exists latent in all the essences manifested by the Father.
The Ray of the Will of God is the one that opens the door to the other Rays that unite life manifested in matter to universal life, such as, for example, the Ray of Transcendence, the Ray of the Liberation, and the Ray of Transmutation.
It is the Ray of Will that allows creatures to pierce the layers of illusion and to find the truth.
Why do I tell you this? Because, in times of spiritual inertia in humanity, so that you do not remain stuck in evolution, and even, so that you do not backtrack, you need to know the Ray of Will, which in no way resembles your personal will.
The Ray of Will is the possibility of living in your own hearts the Will of God and, thus, of being as He expects of His creatures.
Treading the spiritual path is like climbing a large spiral staircase and, on every turn you take in this climb, you find an obstacle imposed by your own consciousness.
The staircase is the representation of the being in evolution. It has, within itself, the possibility of rising. All the steps it needs to climb are present in its own constitution, as a creature of God. It just needs to figure it out to get out of illusion and open up to its true inner potential.
The beings of Earth clung to the human way of life and, in the confusion of all energies that direct the third dimension of the planet, they held on more to pleasure than to the unique learning of Christic love, which only in this world they can live.
When the consciousness awakens to the true purpose of its existence, it must overcome all the aspects acquired by life on Earth that are part of its human composition, but which have not adhered to the purpose of its consciousnesses. Then, constantly, you enter a network of conflicts with yourselves, because you want and do not want to live the spiritual life.
As the spirit strengthens and the soul confirms its aspirations, they gain influence over matter and, gradually, begin to draw divine principles from Heaven, such as the Ray of Will, to convert, transmute or transcend these aspects.
The vehicle for you to reach the Ray of Will is the material attribute that precedes it, that which is called effort and also persistence. By working on these two things, with regards to the control of thoughts, feelings and actions, you will find, almost without perceiving it, the Ray of Will.
I do not tell you not to think, feel or act in certain ways, because that would lead you to frustration and hopelessness. I ask you to strive to cut off the flow of thoughts and fantasies that lead you to the abyss, beyond the feelings that lead you to perdition and separateness, and actions that do not build reverence within your cells and your material consciousness as a whole.
Rising after each fall and remaining in the spirit of faith, you will find the Will of God and merge into it, so that you can live your own transformation in Christ.
Peace, persistence and Divine Will, to dissipate fear, hopelessness, false power and the will of the human consciousness.
Your Beloved Father, Companion, Friend and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace is a divine gift in the heart of those who have entrusted their lives to the Most High Father.
Peace in spiritual life comes from the giving up of all the results of your works. As much as the heart strives to transcend its own limits on behalf of the fulfilling of the Will of God, it does not become attached to the results, not even within itself, in others or in anything.
In these times, to not wear out the heart nor the willingness to continue forward, you must remain in peace and go through the days of inner conflict and of purification with a certain trust in what is to come, rather than involved with the transition that you or others are experiencing.
God has given you the opportunity to be purified under the gift of His holy Peace, under the protection of His Marian Centers, and during a period in which chaos is still beginning its cycle of expansion.
Happy are those who avail themselves of the blessings given by God, for He expects that, in a coming time, you will no longer be walking on the basic paths of your own transformation, but rather that you are helping those who will have to bear the sudden awakening they will experience and the inner and outer changes that will violently, so to speak, take place on the whole planet.
Be more simple, I will not tire of telling you, because when you discover the gift of simplicity, you will no longer entangle your consciousness in the everyday things of life and will not lose spiritual energy in conflicts which, from now on, will be the common experience of the human consciousness, and which will also grow in intensity.
Everything depends on one who goes through their purification and on those who are around them. If you learn to experience everything in a natural way and without fear, you will be able to help so that the process of each will be less painful.
I do not ask that you be indifferent in the face of the tests that you or your brothers and sisters experience, but that you try to bring the balm of simplicity and of peace to these situations, recognizing in a mature way what is to be transformed and moving toward a cleansing of your own inner mud.
I know that inner and outer reactions will happen that you will not be able to control, and that you will only be clear about them when, in an instant of greater lucidity, you will reflect upon what is happening to you. Do not think there is no solution for what you are living, but rather, little by little, try not to become involved so much with your own processes.
Be more direct and even colder with yourselves. Perceive an error and try to transform it. On recognizing that you fell and only realized this on finding yourself on the ground, stand up and continue to walk, for further ahead you will be able to open the eyes of others, so that so many falls can be avoided.
Serve and sacrifice yourselves with peace and with courage, because selfless service will help you to discover the truth of the greatness of the Plan of God and that, in the world and even around you, there exist greater needs than yours and greater problems than those of your own purification.
Love the times in which you live, with the certainty that the triumph of God in your lives will be generated through those transformations that sometimes are uncomfortable, but will always be worth it.
In the simplicity of My words, I leave you My peace, so that from My Divine Spirit you may receive all that you need for consecrating matter.
Let everything be on behalf of the manifestation of the Will of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, peace-bringer and simplifier of human hearts
For your consciousnesses to mature, you must recognize the realities of the planet manifested in the different dimensions. You must be knowledgeable of every good and every grace that you receive as an aid from the celestial worlds and from the superior existence, but you must also be conscious of everything that happens on the surface of the Earth and in the inferior plans of consciousness, states that concern God and make that many and endless be the Graces poured over the human consciousness.
The knowledge of these realities is complemented to forge its fortress in the interior of the beings. If you only were knowledgeable of the planetary reality in the inferior sense of life, you could lose the trust in the Plans of God and even the faith in the existence of the One and Only Consciousness of the Creator. And if you were only knowledgeable of the subtle worlds and ignored what happens with your brothers and sisters in the surface of the planet, you would run the risk of keeping yourselves immature and selfish, living only for your own benefit, for your own elevation.
With the knowledge of all the realities, you will be able to take the emanations of the superior life as an encouragement for the souls that find themselves in the abysses of the planet. And even before so much suffering that the humankind itself generates in the world, influenced by chaos and by evil, you will never lose hope, because you will know that there is something much higher and more powerful than evil and that this which is called God, the Creator Father, will always triumph, because His Will is what animates all the existence. With a breath of His Divine Spirit, life creates and recreates itself constantly.
It is for this reason that now we allow you to access the sublime realities and sometimes we show you what must still be transformed in the life of this world, because in this way you will be able to learn and grow in consciousness. In this way your prayers will be true and will be conducted to the right place.
I love you and, therefore I remain here, tirelessly impelling the human heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Calm your heart, giving it to God.
Quiet your mind, surrendering yourself at the feet of the Creator and throwing yourself firmly into the fulfillment of His Will, and not your own.
Make your spirit serene in the certainty of the triumph of God on Earth.
Strengthen your inner self with a simple prayer and discover how easy it is to live in peace and harmony with all Creation.
Seek within yourself unity with the Whole and be a conscious part of the Plan of God.
If you want to be truly humble so that this may be fulfilled within you according to the Thought of God, resign yourself to be a servant to all, and let the others be better than you in everything.
Obey, then, with the heart and with the surrender of the mind, because if the heart seeks to obey, but the mind does not surrender itself, you may even seem to be obedient and good, but you will never reach peace. The mind may appear to be many things, but it will only find peace on the day of its surrender.
To let the mind surrender before God is to give Him your very potential and not to take them into consideration unless God Himself presents situations of life in which they are necessary.
To mentally surrender is to renounce your own ways of thinking, acting and being. To renounce all that you have assimilated as learning so that you can be empty and willing to live the permanent change, characteristic of these times.
To surrender yourself from the heart is simple because the heart is the mind of the soul, and when the soul aspires ardently to find God, the heart does not fear to launch itself into this adventure. But the mind, which is the queen of the senses and of matter, will never want to lose its reign and it will cost a lot for it to surrender the throne to become a servant of a King, so incomprehensible and unattainable for it and its powers.
Start with the heart, which already knows the truth that the soul has imprinted upon it, and gradually, encourage yourself to take even bigger steps in order to achieve that which you came to the world for; that which needs you to be something you have never been in appearance, but which you have always been as an essence that comes from God.
I love you and I leave you My paternal blessing.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions in Christ,
The end of a cycle is drawing close, and another begins, marked by the need for even deeper and more real definitions.
In this year that is now ending, you were able to perceive that in many parts of the world, darkness gripped human hearts. However, those who remain united to the Purpose of God will see growing within them the certainty of adhering to the Plan and the imperative need for continuing to go deeper in their surrender, in their true understanding of all that God is teaching them through His Messengers.
This new cycle will dictate the moment for the concretization of all that was once only held as an intention within the minds of servers. All that which, throughout the course of cycles lived, grew as a sincere and real spiritual aspiration within each server of the Plan, and gradually led them into consolidating their inner definition, as well as building the foundations of their inner fortitude, must now be converted into human behavior, in life expressions and in communion with the life that exists within all Kingdoms of Nature.
What was growing as an aspiration must take on such strength within the hearts of servers, to the point of them living their aspirations and no longer destroying everything they believe to be real, whether that be within their attitudes or in their ways of life that did not have enough inner strength to not live it.
With the impulses that will descend upon the human consciousness, as from December 8 of this year, everything that exists in the consciousness of each being as an aspiration, intention and will, and that has been in need of a stimulus in order to manifest, will grow at such a rate that beings will no longer be able to bear experiencing the things that go against what they believe.
At this moment, you must hold on tight to the inner light that dwells within your essences, to bear the sudden changes that will be forced to manifest through personal need.
The same will happen with the consciousnesses that today are gripped by strong aspects, dark and contrary to the Greater Will. They will give themselves without limits to mundane desires and aspirations, and they will lose all forms of conduct or ethics that held them in a certain balance within human society.
For this reason, We so often ask that you study, within yourselves, your deepest aspirations, for they will then be given an impulse to grow in such a way that the mind will have no recourse other than to yield to them. Also, for this reason, we warn you that purification is necessary so that the impulses that will come will fertilize the correct seeds within the consciousnesses.
I love you and I invite you to a deepening and to inner growth.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The strength of those who will keep others standing in the times to come will be profound prayer, the one which leads the heart to be in the presence of God and remain there. It will be like being in a world without being involved by all that happens around, seeing only the truth and the real purpose of all things.
Those who build within themselves the union with God the Father and allow Him to be the One who thinks and feels in their beings will be as the apostle John, capable of accompanying the transition, as John accompanied the Passion of Christ.
John learned to contemplate the truth and, by the absolute trust in Jesus, that he had reached, he would see – in each one of His steps with the cross – the manifestation of His words and of His teachings. As well John would see what Jesus had said in the Last Supper being fulfilled, he also remembered that Jesus would reappear. He also remembered the hidden instructions that Jesus had given to His own and that revealed the true meaning of the sacrifice made for love. John knew that He would see the portals of the Divine Mercy open themselves before his eyes.
Today I want to call you to construct with God and with Christ the same union of John with Jesus and that, thus, you be able to see in the coming events the fulfillment of the instructions given in the last years.
May you know to contemplate not the suffering and the pain, but rather the purpose of all that you will live. Participate of this planetary birth labor not with the attention in the contractions and pains of the planet, but rather in the New Humankind, which will emerge inside of each being who accepts redemption to renovate the Project of God on Earth.
Dear companions, the passages of the life of Jesus lasted throughout the centuries because they repeat themselves in the lives of all those who follow God. Study the Gospel of Christ and find there the keys for you to cross over the times you live and reach the manifestation of the resurgence of Humankind, the resurgence of Christ, inside of each being.
I love you and I leave you My peace.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When from your own inner self begin to emerge all that for eons of time has been hidden in the human consciousness, as codes that degenerate the Project of God, many may be destabilized from the internal, emotional and psychic points of view, depending on the bond of each consciousness with this information and the way it has been balancing negative codes with positive experiences over the course of its existence.
When that moment comes, dear ones, it will remain for you to open your heart and trust those whom you will have at your side in greater balance to assist you. You should cling strongly to humility to ask for help and let yourself be guided. You should also cling to fraternity, in case you have to help others.
The development of love will be an opportunity given by God in every instant of your lives, especially in the moments of the inner transition of each being and the own transition of the planet as a whole.
You must remember what I tell you, because many trust that they will be in perfect balance and will always be those who will help others and not those who will be helped. But it will not be so, because ninety-nine percent of human beings are unaware of the roots of all that they live on Earth and ignore that they came into the world to balance codes of their own consciousness that needed such degree of love to be converted and that only on Earth they would reach it, in this small planet, in which the great Project of God was conceived, which had its triumph in Christ.
Not counting on this reality and fully enveloped by ignorance and illusion, it will be expected of most people to open themselves to humility, but this will not be easy in a race that, for centuries, has been the result of the greatest codes of pride, vanity and selfishness, that came to be converted by the Love of Christ, by the Christic life.
However, dear companions, everyone will have an opportunity and no one will be left without being contemplated in this School of Love. It will be up to each one to open himself to the choice of the superior life, of fraternity, of unity and allow himself to be guided by God, trusting in love, more than in his own self.
When I tell you to trust in love, it is also to trust in unity among brothers and sisters congregated for the same purpose and know that, if you are united in heart, you will always sustain each other on the right path. However, if you discredit love and unity and want to follow your paths based on your own will, you will deny the Plan of God, which is based on love and unity among all beings, regardless of differences or even mistakes committed throughout their existences, because love heals all things and, in the spirit of unity, the love of one will suffice and balance the error of the other. This is the Law of God.
I love you and, that is why, I come to the world, as well as the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and of Mary, so that, in unity with human beings, Our Infinite Love for all may balance the errors of the past and give you an opportunity to start over in a redeemed race.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be simple of heart, so that you may discover in simplicity the greatness of all things.
Be simple of heart, so that the celestial mysteries may not be inaccessible to you, for in your simplicity Divine Wisdom will be within your reach.
Be simple of heart, to learn to be humble. Through simplicity, accept Graces and adversities as a unique Gift from God directed to your life to help you and to shape your consciousness according to the Superior Will.
Be simple of heart, so that your mind may also know simplicity and may flow in the rays of the Will of God and live according to what the universal laws indicate.
Be simple of heart, so that the transition passes within you not as a punishment, but as a great opportunity to finally be what God expects for humanity.
Be simple of heart, so that life can be a gift to you and death can be the beginning of an even greater gift. Thus, there will be no fear within your consciousness.
Be simple of heart, so that comfort and suffering may be to you vehicles of God’s providence, so that you may fulfill your part in His Plan.
Be simple of heart, so that prayer may be service, so that service may be prayer and so that service and prayer may be life, just as life, in all its moments and circumstances, may be service and prayer.
Be simple of heart, so that you may find simplicity in the complex and, in the simplicity, all the riches and complexities that your mind seeks by its nature.
Be simple of heart, so that God may have you as He needs and thus, He may count on you as a complete servant who He will be able to use at any time, at any place and for any mission. You will become, thus, an instrument of God.
Be simple of heart, because in simplicity you will find the answer to all your questions. You will discover therefore, that within yourself inhabits The One who is in all things and you will see that everything is in you just as simply as these words are.
Seek within yourselves that which you seek far away.
Seek wisdom within these words because here I have deposited My Divine Simplicity.
Happy and blessed are the simple of heart because they will inherit the Wisdom of God for the emergence of the New Race.
Your Beloved Companion, simple and humble,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions,
The arrival of a new cycle for the human consciousness approaches the human consciousness, especially for the consciousness of the planet; it is the spirit of Earth that shelters you, welcomes you and, with so much love and self-giving, sustains you.
This cycle that will come will impel human beings to offer to the Earth’s Divine Project their true potential and, for that, it will help them to purge from their own interiors – the conscious and unconscious world of each being – those codes that they have generated as humanity and that, gradually, have been degenerating what they should express as human consciousness.
This new cycle will try to help this Earth’s project so that the Kingdoms of Nature may no longer be that which is sustaining the consciousness of the planet, but rather that there may be conscious human beings offering the most possible so that the planet may fulfill its function within the Plan of God.
In the Project of the Lord, when He created this world, filled with manifestations of His perfection, through the different cohabiting Kingdoms of Nature, God thought of a living expression of fraternity and unity among His creatures, however different they might be.
The Creator tried to make of the Earth a school of love and evolutionary cooperation, so that each Kingdom would bring to the other something vital for its existence. This is why the Earth needs balance to exist, the balance that is generated in the different Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom.
Especially the Human Kingdom should generate a special harmony and love within its corresponding Kingdom, as humanity, in order to inspire the evolution of the others Kingdoms of Nature.
In a way, all Kingdoms have fulfilled their part, except for the Human Kingdom, which is the great pillar of the Earthly Project. The Plant Kingdom is the expression of self-giving, elevation and beauty, as it was supposed to be. The Mineral Kingdom is the expression of purification, transmutation and sustenance, as it was supposed to be. The Animal Kingdom is the expression of fidelity and love, it is the guardian of the spirit of cooperation and evolutive fraternity in each species, as it was supposed to be.
The Devic Kingdom continues to create beauty and praise to the Creator and, together with the Elemental Kingdom, sustains and animates the other Kingdoms of Nature, as was its part.
To the Human Kingdom, it would correspond to be a bridge of communion between all Kingdoms; the one that cares, supports and protects, loves and helps so that each Kingdom can express itself. The Human Kingdom should create conditions for the devas and plants to express their beauty; for the animals to be able to bring to the planetary consciousness the unique attribute that each species possesses in its essence; for the minerals to be able to nourish and assist the other Kingdoms and act with freedom in the world.
The Human Kingdom should be the bridge to the Divine Consciousness, bringing the spirit of constant evolution and growth so that Creation would never become stagnant and the Kingdoms would continue to take evolutive steps and gradually change their spiritual school. In this way, new essences would gradually arise and permanently renew the Creation of God and, from the laboratory of the Earth, the whole Universe would be able to be renewed.
This is a part of what the Project of God represents.
The new cycle of which I speak will accelerate the human purification and will be more or less harmonious, depending on the conscious collaboration of each being. This will be so that, as far as possible, the idea of fraternal life may gradually manifest itself – even though it may be manifested only in a few individuals and in islands of salvation and of expression of God’s Project – and so that this Plan may also be materialized.
After eons of time of experiences that did not have the expected result, the Creation will give a solar impulse to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature, as a last opportunity of concretization of the Divine Plan.
It is important for you to be aware of all this and to collaborate, fulfilling your own part in this Plan of Love. This is why I tell you all these things.
Your Beloved Instructor and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Josephaily m
Dear companions,
This is a time in which you will need to be more silent. With the effort to control the word, which is the vehicle of creation with the greatest power used by humanity today, you will at the same time, control the energies that will enter into a process of purification within your consciousnesses.
When you observe the control of the word within yourselves, you can observe the lack of control that exists in all things and, in this way, you will be able to find a more secure and harmonious path for your own transformation.
On entering an intense purification, the consciousness loses control of the different bodies and many times acts, thinks, and feels in a way it normally would not do so. If you are attentive to the use of the word, you will be attentive to the act of creating and emitting information. Little by little, you will observe the silence in the mind, in the feelings, in the movements and in the emanations of the magnetism of the consciousness. In this way, on entering the process of purification, you will not lose control of yourselves and will be able to defeat the desires and the will that will speak loudly within your inner world and in your subconscious, trying to take you onto involutive paths.
What I call "involutive paths" are the ways of life that are normal for ordinary humanity, but that do not build evolution nor a maturity of spirit for a being that is aware of the planetary reality and the Plan of God.
Today I want you to understand silence as a valuable tool for the end of times, something vital and necessary for those who aspire to remain firm.
I hope that you will seek true silence, the result of understanding this inner need of persevering on the path of God. Do not seek muteness nor the rigor that makes the soul rigid and distances it from living a positive spiritual experience, for on the contrary, these feed the forces in purification within the consciousness and do not allow them to be transmuted and liberated from your own self.
I leave you My blessing and the light of a greater understanding for all.
Your beloved companion, servant of the silence,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May Peace be a reality in the world, a path to life, a divine reward in the hearts of the just.
May Peace be the flag raised in the Earth’s sky, announcing the Victory and the Glory of the Kingdom of God.
May Peace be the cure for the past, the balsam that restores the wounds of a time of chaos and of fear.
May the Peace achieved by men be established also in the Kingdoms of Nature, permeate the planet and radiate to the four points of the universe.
May Peace, triumph of God in the human heart, be the beginning of the Thousand years of preparation and union with Christ, so that, after the final battle, the Kingdom of God return to govern the interior of all creatures, regardless of where they came from.
May Peace in the heart of those who remained faithful to God be the reason of redemption and reconciliation with Him, for those who have never met Him.
Peace will be the engine that will propel men to salvation.
Peace is what keeps you standing in a world of pain and tribulation.
Do not lose Peace, source of love and life.
Do not lose Peace, the basis for the maturing of faith.
Do not lose Peace, unbreakable fortress of the meek.
Be peacemakers of Christ, so that you may establish His Kingdom in this final time.
Peace to all, Peace in everyone eternally.
Your beloved Companion, Peacemaker in Christ, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Those of you who seek the fullness of life in matter will never find true joy nor will have motivation to tread the path of the spirit, for you will never be satisfied with appearances and outer ways of anything.
I do not tell you that you should be indifferent to material life or be negligent with your practical tasks nor with the search for perfection that you must express in everything, but your goal cannot be on the physical plane nor in the perfection of matter.
Do you understand what I tell you? I am saying that, even though you may have the mission of manifesting a Marian Center or a Light-Community, the deepest goal of your hearts must not be there, for if they were, there will be no spirit in those manifestations. The soul of all the Works of God is in the intention of who manifests them.
It is like this with all things. Even though you are to manifest monastic life, fraternal life, a life in communion with all that was created, your goal must not only be in what these forms express outwardly. So that there may be soul and the Presence of God in your actions, in your works, you must always aspire to the Heights, to a union with the Divine, first seeking the spiritual manifestation of all things.
It is in the unity with the Creator that you will find true joy. In a world in which matter is corrupted and continues to degenerate, souls that place all their efforts only in that, however much they seek to transform it and consecrate it, they will nearly always be wrapped in sadness, frustration and demotivation.
Fix your eyes upon the Heights, on Infinity, on God, and find in Him the joy for continuing onward, so as to be able to smile, lighting up the hearts of those who suffer, even in times of constant pain.
It will be necessary that there may be hearts that keep ignited in their souls the joy of serving God, in spite of everything, but you will only find this joy in the Most High Father.
This is how the spirit rejoices in the Cross of Christ: those who see matter, contemplate the pain and suffering; those who fix their gaze upon God and upon the spiritual strength of Jesus, contemplate Divine Victory and Mercy.
It is time to learn to seek joy again.
Your beloved father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Release your souls from the captivity of this world though love for the Plan of God. If you love the Plans of the the Most High for all that has been created, you will transcend the common understanding of all the events that are manifested in the world.
Be willing to love the Plan of God above your own selves and you can then live what the Lord really expects of you.
When your self-love is greater than your love for the Plan of God, you run the risk of getting lost in your own limitations and lose the opportunity to discover the transcendence of all expressions of life, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
When you love the Plan of God above all things, you are able to throw yourself into the impossible to manifest it and, then, you cross the threshold of the human limitations and discover new capabilities which are eternally dormant in the consciousnesses of all precisely because of the lack of love and surrender by the beings.
I know this is an unknown and unattainable love to many, because you have not learned to love the intangible, the Divine, the spiritual. In this world, love is always based on benefits and even the love for God and for the spiritual life has to bring some merit, even if it is holiness.
Those who seek the spiritual life, heading for holiness, begin their journey seeking a benefit, a recognition, a goal; but on the way, they discover that, in order to find what they seek, they must lose themselves. And thus lost, they leave little by little everything they have, all that they are and what they think they are, as well as their aspirations and even the pure intention of attaining holiness.
When the heart feels the most that it no longer wants anything and only walks towards God, when it seems to be even further away of any perfection, because to him nothing resembles the Perfection of the Father, it is when the soul arrives, without realizing, to the first step of its goal.
For this true love I call you: love that transcends the individuals, the benefits, the aspirations, the achievements; transcends the very needs of life and leaves the soul and spirit suspended in the hands of the Creator, so that they may be His instruments in the world, attracting His Peace into times of chaos.
What I tell you and that seems so distant would be the reason for the human existence; however, human beings gave it a name and placed it at a point unreachable to consciousnesses, because even aspiring to it causes you fear, shame or you think you are lacking in humility. This is holiness.
Holiness is the union with God, it is the manifestation of His Plan. Holiness is not an exception, it is a goal for all human consciousness.
To find holiness, it is necessary to love the Only One, but to love the Only One, it is necessary to leave behind the human loves, to discover the love for the Divine.
The world needs hearts that truly love, that attract from the universe the Love left by Christ, because only in this way will it balance such evil that expands on Earth.
I love you and invite you to love with the same Love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When we give you prayer guidelines, such task is not to occupy the hours of your days. The world is agonizing and, in the midst of a prospect of unalterable chaos, God continues to send His Messengers to the world so that, with His Divine Hope, He can obtain – at least from one heart – sincere prayers that balance the planetary reality.
Today I have come to ask you not to pray only to fulfill a request of Mary mentally and, thus, to take weight from your own consciousnesses.
I ask you to truly pray – with your heart – and bearing in mind the planetary reality and the destiny of humanity, which depend, largely, on the beings who pray.
Sometimes, it saddens us more to see one of Our soldiers repeating dead words to the wind, in order to quickly finish with his prayers, than to see in the world an ignorant child who does not pray, because this one does not pray due to his ignorance while the first one deceives himself.
Knowing of the spiritual situation of the planet and being aware of the power of prayer, those who do not truly pray only supply the mind’s need to not be lacking with God, but not only they do not help in anything, they also increase the weight of Justice in the balance of humanity.
It is for this reason that I pray for greater awareness in your prayers, for greater love and greater truth. Because if we cannot count on those who listen to us from day to day, little hope we will have with those who doesn't know us at all.
I love you and, for that reason, I guide you and I advise you always, correcting your paths, so that one day you find perfection and holyness
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The manifestation of the Plan of God has as its vehicle the energy of the celestial rays. These rays descent to the world through the law of attraction or the law of correspondence and, thus, permeate those consciousnesses which, both internally and externally, are willing to live, in themselves, the Will of the Supreme God. Gradually, this Will takes its place in the life of the planet and, one by one, permeates beings who are inspired by the examples of others to transform their own lives.
Just as happens with the individuals, happens with the archetypes of live, such as society and the life in different nations. Many wonder where the manifestation of the new humanity will come from and from which principle it will arise.
When the human beings congregate to unite their willingness to manifest the Plan of God and thus attract the creating archetypes of the celestial rays into life, these rays descent not only into individuals, but – also through them – permeate the group consciousness and direct naturally the group life for the manifestation of what God thought for the human society.
Sacred human life, always directed towards obedience to the Divine, will begin to appear in small points of light in the world. Just as individuals inspire others to take new steps through their own transformations, the small communities that exemplify a fraternal and Christic life, in an archetype of human society, will inspire masses of people and even nations to follow the same example. This is how the new humanity is born.
The new humanity is the fruit of the effort of each one. Afterwards, it will have its cradle in the union of the efforts of two or more, which begin to constitute a group life, and thus, little by little, expand this sacred life to the world, consecrating it to the Plan of God.
It is for this reason that I ask you to never think that your efforts will not suffice, because sometimes you will seem to paddle against a current of billions of other human beings who do things contrary to the Divine Will.
Christ was also one, but His love for God and His Plan changed the destiny of mankind. Today, you are much more than one: you are millions of followers of Christ, who must begin to unite to fulfill the goal of changing the destiny not only of humanity, but also of the entire Creation.
I bless you and guide you always.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For peace to be a reality in the world, it must begin to exist in the hearts and lives of some men, however few that may be.
To be peaceful, you must learn to dissolve the obstacles that your own consciences place on the path of those who try to live in peace. And this can be achieved in two ways: in silence and in service.
Silence should be based on humility and have peace as its goal. Service should be based on fraternity, to reach the goal of peace.
The heart that is willing to silence reaches peace for itself and for others, avoids conflicts, disagreements and arguments encouraged by the enemy. The heart that is willing to serve, that takes to itself what no one wants to do and, willingly, brings peace to the daily life of its surroundings, without realizing it, is being a channel of God in the world, to dissolve distant conflicts and to placate the anger of many hearts that it does not know.
When you consecrated your lives to God, everything that you do with conscience and offering becomes a service to the entire humankind.
Now, I warn you: I do not ask you to be indifferent in your silence or your minds to criticize and judge while you do something that no one wanted to do. If there is no love and gratitude in your actions, you better be like most of ordinary humanity, because worse than not doing is doing without being truthful.
I bring you these instructions not so that you change your own lives, but that you change the planetary life, because you are living cells of the body of this planet. Therefore, everything that you do will reverberate throughout the planetary consciousness.
I love you and I thank you, already, for the response of all and the conscience that you will have turned to the fulfillment of the Plans of God.
Your Beloved Father, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, guiding humanity in the simple things, so that one day you may reach the Kingdom of God
Today, I only ask you to never lose the joy of your hearts. May you be capable of facing the planetary situation with maturity, but never with sadness.
If you lose the joy of your hearts, you may lose faith and hope of one day seeing the Plan of God fulfilled, of one day seeing a Redeemed Earth appear before your eyes.
When My Chaste Heart began this cycle of daily messages, I told everyone that I would lead you to a new humanity, and so it will be, because – despite all that happens in the world – there are a few who will respond to the celestial call until the end of their lives and leave the seeds of a redeemed life on the soil of this Earth.
Today I will ask you to be aware of the great need of the world and also to be like a light that illuminates and warms the cold hearts of men.
My dear companions, after having been in this world in days of much darkness and in times when the Earth was also approaching a great collapse, I come to encourage and instruct you, as I did with Jesus, so that you may find God and, in Him, the inexhaustible source of wisdom, the unbreakable strength to transit in days of darkness and the love that redeems all and forgives all.
I come to ask you to never give up, even when the Divine Messengers are no longer here. There will be days when you will not know what to do, or where to go, and in those moments, you must enter into the precincts of your hearts and search there for all that one day we gave you.
Our words could be only embodied in your hearts, but they are also on paper, to be an enduring guide to all human consciousness.
I want you to know that the days of greatest darkness will dictate the moment of greatest surrender, moment to live the highest degree of love, because from this love, which can emerge from your hearts, will depend the light that will return to shine in the world.
God will never forsake you. If He distances Himself and you do not find Him outside of you, it is because the time has come to live the perfect union with Him in your inner self, time to discover the likeness between the Creator and the creature, time for yourselves to be part of God in this world.
My beloved companions in Christ, follow Our instructions without fear and with precision, because in this way you will never lose yourselves from the path and can guide others who have never found themselves in life.
Today I can ask you nothing more than the permanent prayer and reconciliation with one another. If you do so, your own hearts will tell you the next steps.
I love you and bless you always.
Your Beloved Friend and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions,
Offering Our Hearts to the Celestial Altar as part of this Plan of God, we cry to mankind to establish peace in their lives. We ask that you awaken a little more to the true need of the planet, because in the times that will come you will need to demonstrate a greater awareness and maturity. Those who are blind today in the spirit and heart will seek relief and guidance in those who can be minimally balanced in the face of the planetary situation.
Know, dear ones, that – in the view of the degree of evil and hatred that lives in the hearts of some human beings – the outbreak of a third world war can completely destroy planetary life. The hearts of many rulers are only thirsting to demonstrate power and superiority over others beings in the world. It will be a battle between chaos and evil, because there will be no rules and there will be no mercy. All nations will want to demonstrate their power and they will ally one another to destroy the others according to their beliefs.
Just look at the world around you and be able to see a higher priority than your own lives, because the Plan of God transcends individuals and, if necessary, the Lord will ask for more of those who believe they have already given all, because not just the planet but the universe also needs it.
I ask you to seek to know the truth that is in your hearts, so that you are not taken by the terror that will spread throughout the world. Do not despair in the days to come, for the Spirit of God will sustain you, always when you are His servants and His soldiers of peace and prayer.
I do not tell you that you will suffer nothing; however, all the suffering and all the trials that the Lord places in your paths will be for you to generate merits for the salvation of humanity.
I tell you that from now on you learn to love and to accept differences, because We will ask you to welcome and support beings that are very different from you according to all points of view.
Also on this day, I will beg you to help the missionaries of Mary to reach the Middle East soon, before their doors definitely close and the souls there, seeking a way out, do not find mercy, but only justice.
The service we ask of the missionaries, who are consecrated in spirit and soul to the Plan of God and His Messengers, is not like any other service rendered in the world. Through them, We can enter deeper into the planet and pour out a flow of mercy upon those who would not deserve it in this life.
Therefore, companions of My Chaste Heart, strive every day to be more awake, because We can no longer alert you. The time of change has already arrived.
Your Beloved Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more