Be simple of heart, so that you may discover in simplicity the greatness of all things.
Be simple of heart, so that the celestial mysteries may not be inaccessible to you, for in your simplicity Divine Wisdom will be within your reach.
Be simple of heart, to learn to be humble. Through simplicity, accept Graces and adversities as a unique Gift from God directed to your life to help you and to shape your consciousness according to the Superior Will.
Be simple of heart, so that your mind may also know simplicity and may flow in the rays of the Will of God and live according to what the universal laws indicate.
Be simple of heart, so that the transition passes within you not as a punishment, but as a great opportunity to finally be what God expects for humanity.
Be simple of heart, so that life can be a gift to you and death can be the beginning of an even greater gift. Thus, there will be no fear within your consciousness.
Be simple of heart, so that comfort and suffering may be to you vehicles of God’s providence, so that you may fulfill your part in His Plan.
Be simple of heart, so that prayer may be service, so that service may be prayer and so that service and prayer may be life, just as life, in all its moments and circumstances, may be service and prayer.
Be simple of heart, so that you may find simplicity in the complex and, in the simplicity, all the riches and complexities that your mind seeks by its nature.
Be simple of heart, so that God may have you as He needs and thus, He may count on you as a complete servant who He will be able to use at any time, at any place and for any mission. You will become, thus, an instrument of God.
Be simple of heart, because in simplicity you will find the answer to all your questions. You will discover therefore, that within yourself inhabits The One who is in all things and you will see that everything is in you just as simply as these words are.
Seek within yourselves that which you seek far away.
Seek wisdom within these words because here I have deposited My Divine Simplicity.
Happy and blessed are the simple of heart because they will inherit the Wisdom of God for the emergence of the New Race.
Your Beloved Companion, simple and humble,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more