To understand the words of the Divinity, it is necessary to live them.
To deepen in your own spiritual path and find new horizons, it is needed to walk on the first pathways that are presented to you.
If you want to know how to achieve a greater surrender, pray.
If you want to know how and where to consecrate your own life, serve.
If you want to reach a true union with God, give from yourselves and you will find Him where you least expected: there, where your own will does not exist; there, where there is no manipulation and no lie; there, where there is only sincerity and the willingness of being empty of yourselves, there, God will be.
If you want to know how to find simplicity, read and live My words. In a few lines, I hand you the universal knowledge.
Happy are the simple of heart, who will know to listen to Me and to follow Me.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The fortress raised with safety is that one which is on the bases of unity with the neighbor.
The joy that radiates to the world and heals the hopeless hearts is that one which is born when you share the joy of the other and you multiply it, feeling in yourselves a joy that did not come from your own heart.
The Plan of God is fulfilled wherever there is fraternity, wherever the tests are overcome with bravery and you share the joy of having overcome them.
Children, today I come to teach you to live in the Spiritual Community, the one that includes in itself all the life on the Earth, the one that is wherever one lives in brotherhood and harmony.
The Communities–of-Light exist to express an archetype that must expand to the whole world, thus causing the Spiritual Community of the planet to be born.
Cultivate among you the spirit of unity and love and multiply it. Make of all the places where you go an expansion of the Communities-of-Light. Search for the need of your neighbor wherever you are; share the joy of your neighbor wherever you are; make an effort to defeat the judgments and the criticism, to understand the limitations of the other wherever you are.
Build the new world everyday. Find in the invisible of the planet, the Spiritual Community, the one that manifests itself in the levels of the spirit as the perfect Thought of God and that, now, must manifest itself in the planetary life.
With that I place you before an even bigger challenge than the one you live: of loving not only the ones who are by your side, but also the ones who seem to be unknown to you.
Live in the Spiritual Community, live on the planet, discovering the sacred that is hidden on it. Find the sacred that is in each essence.
Your Father and Instructor, The One who leads you to discover the Spiritual Community,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The path of Christification is the path that all those who aspire to the establishment of the Kingdom of God must live.
The new race, the new humanity, is a live manifestation of the Will of the Creator for this project of Earth. To open the path for this race to be able to arise, you must start to live within yourselves the principles of fraternity, charity, humility and love.
I am not saying that these attributes must be perfectly manifested in all human beings for the new race to be able to arise, but rather that all those who remain on Earth have a firm determination to live them until the end of their lives and of their experiences in this world.
When these attributes start to dawn in the horizon of the souls, and the consciousnesses can already express even if a little of this truth, it is when the new world will emerge.
The sacred Archetype of God, that nowadays only expresses itself on the sublime levels of the consciousness and in the interior of Earth, cannot manifest itself in the hearts of the beings who still live the desire of power, lie and manipulation.
It is for this reason that we call you to sow goodness, to live goodness, to live within yourselves the principles of a new life because the purification of Earth is already in course and soon the time will come for the definition of the destiny of this planet.
Wherever there are sincere hearts aspiring to find the truth, there truth will manifest itself. But if the hearts let themselves be conquered by the stimuli of this world and do not make an effort to be worthy to receive the Kingdom of God on Earth, then the destiny of the planet will be another one and the Project of the Creator will take new directions.
Many do not understand or do not want to understand what I tell you not to have to leave the convenience of being how you are and not to have to make any effort to transform yourselves. Therefore, children, I ask you to listen to Me and that you sincerely aspire to follow My words, that you make an effort every day to be fraternal, charitable, humble to awaken in your hearts the Christic love and the unity with God.
When you try to transform yourselves consciously and make an effort every day, the Grace of God descends upon you.
For the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth and for the appearance of the new humanity – as an opportunity of the manifestation of the divine Project – go ahead.
You have My Blessing.
Your Father ad Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I wish that, for a brief moment, your eyes could see the planetary reality; that for a brief moment, your hearts could feel what is true suffering: that which the Creator suffers, for the denial of His creatures towards His Plans.
For a moment, reflect and meditate on what makes you deny the Perfection of God, the living of His Love, of Fraternity, of Unity that He hopes to be able to print in your hearts. Why do you prefer to keep living in ignorance, in disharmony, in conflicts, in competition?
Children, what is it that nourishes the human heart in such way in the path of darkness that you do not elect to walk to the Light?
Many do not know how to answer Me because they sincerely aspire to follow a luminous path, but they let themselves be defeated by criticism, by selfishness, by pride, by competition and by all the other forces that tie them to the illusions of this world.
Where is the bravery that you have to compete, to get what you want, to establish your own will? This bravery must be converted and used to keep your spirits on the right path.
The closer the definitive times of the Earth gets, the bigger is the density of the planet and more difficult it will be to follow God, if there is not a firm determination inside of you of overcoming even yourselves and your own inclinations to the forces of chaos.
Children, I have already given to you all the keys: the ones who read My words will recognize, in their interior, that I have already marked out the path to a new race and to the absolute transformation of your beings and, as a result of your transformation, the transformation of all the ones who are around you, waiting for an example in order to awake.
The majority of the human beings prefer to surrender to the capital forces, than make an effort to overcome them inside and outside themselves. Only an example of determination will be able to encourage them to move forward. That is why I call you, that have everything and that have received from Heaven all the graces of God, to be pioneers on this path and take your steps.
The one who loves you and, because of that, impels you to go on,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Live in My Charity disposing your hearts to serve the neighbor.
Live in My Charity, the one that makes you give all of yourself and not only a bit; the one that gives even when you do not have, and allows in this way, that God makes the Law of Manifestation descend in favor of human balance.
Live in My Charity and you will be protected, because the one who is always willing to serve no matter the time, the day, without conditions, will always be sheltered by the Creator.
Live in My Charity in the small and in the great works. Help the neighbor that is by your side, but also leave the comfort to serve the ones who are distant.
Receive with love the ones who come towards you and open the doors of your hearts, just as God opens the Doors of Heaven for you.
Be instruments of the planetary redemption through the union with My divine Charity.
Your Father and Companion, in service and in prayer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
You have my blessing to serve, to always give the best of yourself to others, in favor of the planetary needs.
You have My blessing to pray with the heart, to learn with this mysterious act of love and of unity with God, in favor of the evolution of the planet.
You have My blessing to be among the Kingdoms of Nature, to shelter a life, a representative of these Kingdoms, in your heart, to work, thus, in favor of the balance of the universe.
You have My blessing to develop love and proclaim peace.
You have My blessing to sow joy and the good in souls and in the Kingdoms.
You have My blessing to be truthful, to tell the truth, to lose the fear of asking for forgiveness, and to live the reconciliation with God and with the neighbor.
When you work for the Plan of God, I am with you.
When you seek to forget yourself, I remember you and I take care of your heart.
When you seek to follow the example of My Son Jesus, I go behind you, blowing in your ear where you must go, in order for you not to lose yourself and not to make mistakes.
Child, when you are on the right path, I am with you.
When you are wrong, I pray for you, but I cannot work by your side.
When you ask Me for help, I will come.
When you become willing to change, I will be here.
While you are willing to listen to My words and follow what I tell you, I will speak to you.
The presence or the absence of God in your life depends only on you. The Creator is eager to fill the hearts of His creatures and make them return. You, child, only need to say “yes” and walk.
What I tell you is not a poem, it is a law. Live according to the principles of God and He, with all His Kingdom, will be with you.
He who teaches you to tread the paths of the spirit,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Kingdoms of Nature are dying each day, and this makes the spirit of Earth lose its strength, its life and its capacity of supporting the evolution of those who live on it.
The majority of the human beings is asleep for the real mission of the Kingdoms of Nature and can only understand, at most, their material role in supporting life.
Everybody understands that without trees you could not breathe, that without water you could not live, that without animals there would be no balance on the planet, but few understand that those who do not learn with the spirit of the trees do not reach elevation, those who do not live the purity of the waters within themselves will never find their origin, will never return to the Creator, and those who do not learn with the love and with the self-giving of the animals will never develop within themselves the Christic love and will not be able to be a part of the concretization of the Plans of God for this race.
What I tell you is only an example of what the Kingdoms represent for the human and planetary life. Without the Kingdoms, there would be no balance, there would be no evolution. The Kingdoms of Nature bring to humankind all the attributes they need to fulfill their mission: that of uniting themselves to God. The Kingdoms always lead to the unity with the Creator. Contemplate a forest, a river, a mountain, a dog and you will understand what I am saying to you.
With the contribution of the Kingdoms, the human being would reach the unity with the Father, and seeing in front of them this example of perfect union with God, the Kingdoms of Nature would follow the same path of unity and love. This would be a mutual surrender for the evolution.
On this planet, children, everything was created for us to live the Christic love. Life exists due to the giving of all and thus was organized for the inclination to love to be natural in every living being. But the human heart negated this perfection and this love and not only enslaved and martyrized the Kingdoms of Nature, but also their fellow beings and, as a result of this no-ending unbalance even the Heart of the Father suffers outrages by actions of His creatures.
Now, children, it is time to balance, it is time to learn and to live all those principles for which you were blind for such a long time. Because – although the transition of the planet and the decrease of Justice cannot be avoided - the establishment of the new race will take place by means of the expression of these divine and original principles in the hearts of those who said “yes” to the Greater Plan.
Today and every day, I will give you the impulse for the love of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the learning with the essence of each Kingdom and for the self-giving through everyone, to collaborate with the evolution of your smaller brothers.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek peace inside of you and try to be in a prayerful state permanently. Find within your heart the harmony and the neutrality that allows you to establish a contact with God, regardless of what happens around you.
Child, the moments in which you can be in harmony, in silence, without judgments or criticism, only as an observer of yourself, are of great value in these times because they prepare your inner world, and strengthen you for times of much imbalance within and outside beings.
Today that you have the Grace of the presence of the Kingdom of Fatima in your life, let the purity and the peace of this Kingdom awaken in you the sublime neutrality, the harmony and the trust in God, that come from the inner certainty of the compliance of His Plans.
Let the Kingdom of Fatima speak to your heart and reveal to you the purest you have inside of you, so that it will serve as a contribution for the transformation of the Earth.
Let the Kingdom of Lis, which is simplicity and joy, flood you and bring to your small life the strength that you need to always proceed.
Child, in the simplicity of My words today I only tell you that, more than remembering the passage of Mary in Fatima, open yourself to find out what Fatima expresses today, to find out the greatness of what this Kingdom of peace and humility has become. Not only nourish your heart with the memories of the past, but find alive, in front of you, the Kingdom of Fatima, the sacred house of Your Celestial Mother in this world in redemption.
Open yourself to this mystery and not only you will enter in Fatima, but Lis-Fatima will enter inside of you and awaken the original purity in your interior.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Each one of you will live in these times the learning that will lead you to live love, renunciation, and absolute surrender to the Creator, the resignation to His Holy Will.
When your souls chose to respond to the Call of God, they knew that this would be a hard path, sometimes long and endlessly filled with tests and challenges.
In this moment, children, you will be tested in the interior desert and you will fortify within yourselves the capacity of giving to your neighbor what you thought you did not have. It will be when you will feel greater loneliness and unrest that the Lord will place before you the needs of the other – that not always will be greater than yours. Also, several times, you will have to put aside the desolation that consumes you to help your brothers and sisters to get out of situations that seem so small and simple.
Children, it is in this moment, in the simplest tests, that you will confirm within yourselves the Christic path. When it will seem that you need most help, more the Lord will charge from you the permanent giving, because this is how He did it with His Son.
After making Him experience the loneliness of Gethsemane, He took Him to the Calvary, where – besides surmounting His own loneliness – He had to forgive the abandonment and the betrayal of His companions, those who said they would follow Him to the end. He had to forgive those that, little by little and full of hatred, were killing Him. Beyond forgiving them, He had to love them and give them His last drop of blood, without thinking about Himself and His difficulties, only supporting Himself in the Purpose of His Father.
When you are without inner and outer strength to continue and, even so, the Creator calls you to walk, remember that this is how He treats those in which He has placed His Trust; this is how He treats those that He loves most and that He knows will respond to His Call in the name of all those who are blind, deaf and have the heart and spirit closed.
Remember, children, that the tests of today strengthen you for the tests of tomorrow. You must be strong to surpass what you live – and I am not only speaking about physical facts, as I speak about what goes on in the inner worlds – because if you live great tests today, tomorrow you must surrender life for love of those who hate you.
But I tell you that the greatness of the Plan of the Creator and the great reward for following Him is, in spite of everything, that you will not regret to have said “yes” and, even if you seem languid in your body, mind and emotions, you will be full in spirit, full of the Truth of God and of the certainty that there is no other path to follow, but this one that leads you to the Father.
Your Father and Friend, the One who teaches you to recognize with joy and in peace the tests of today to strengthen yourselves for the tests of tomorrow.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Give a bit of yourself to the Plan of God.
Give a bit of the verb that was given to you to pray for those who have it suffocated in their hearts and cannot proclaim their own faith, for the fear that they feel.
Give your arms for a while and serve in the name of those who have no way of working or that forcibly work to construct a kingdom of darkness which has the suffering of innocents as foundation.
Give your smile for those who no longer know how to smile and announce to the world that, even though there is so much darkness permeating the Earth today, those who are in God never lose joy because the reason of their rejoicing does not come from this world.
Give an act of fraternity every day. Give to the neighbor what you wanted to have. Leave for the other something that is very dear to you and renounce, child, the possessions of this world, in the name of all those who destroy lives and entire nations for an asset that will perish along with their souls, for being so involved by illusion.
Give a bit of yourself every day, so that the Creator will have, each day, a reason to pour His Mercy over the world.
Give of yourself and you will see how simple it is to balance the events – that are fruit of human imbalance – when you are sincere of heart. You will see how simple it is to radiate to the neighbor a real example of a life filled of God on an Earth where He is so forgotten.
Child, give a bit of yourself to understand the neighbor. Leave aside your way of thinking to enter the thought of your brothers and sisters, and understand them. Leave your way of feeling aside so that you will feel like your brothers and sisters, and thus you may truly understand them.
Leave yourself aside a bit every day so that you will be an instrument of God, even if it is for a moment.
See before you the Hand of the Creator and ask Him, every day, what He wants from you. Give to the Father whatever He asks you. Even if someday He might ask for your entire life, when this moment comes, the little bit that you have given of yourself, will have made of your soul a servant soul and nothing will cost you to surrender your life to the Lord. You will make it even before He asks you.
The One who teaches you to live the giving to God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Heal your spirit in the union with God and finally discover the meaning of your life in this divine union.
Child, there is no plenitude but in the union with the Creator. There is no real meaning to human existence if the hearts of the human beings do not become a bridge between the material life and the divine life, thus crossing all the dimensions of existence and opening the path for all the creatures to live this union.
Today, child, you behold that many of your brothers and sisters lose hope in life on Earth. Others walk as if they were lost and blind, without knowing where to go or what to search for. And others, for not finding something that motivates them to live, search in distractions, pleasures, drugs and illusions a meaning for life. But these last souls are very unhappy and soon will feel the emptiness that this life brings them.
If the soul does not find God, it does not know for what it is in this world, because there is no other reason for the human existence but the union with God, through the forgetfulness of oneself and the absolute love.
I tell you this, child, because in the present days as in the days that will come, you can be a beacon in the darkness of the world, indicating the path for those who are lost.
Through your union with God and with His Plan of Love, you will never lose the joy and spiritual stimulus to continue living, surpassing the obstacles within and out of you and discovering a power that does not come from your heart, so that you will keep standing in the times of a major planetary chaos. This example will make your brothers and sisters search for this source that nourishes you and they will find, at the last moment, this real path.
Understand, My child, the importance of you really uniting yourself with God, with your neighbor, with the Kingdoms of Nature; the importance of you living these words and becoming a live book of instructions that We bring to the world.
Because time will come when you will no longer have how to study, to research and to search for the path as you do now. It will be by seeing the live example of the neighbor and by imitating them, that the souls will arrive where they should arrive: in peace, in redemption and in unity with God.
I leave you, child, My last instructions of these times and I will not say anything else, but how to live them, because that is the most important now.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Reverence the Kingdoms of Nature and find in them the wisdom and the knowledge of all the history of the Creation.
The Kingdoms of Nature hold within themselves the purest principles of the Creator, that perfect idea which was the basis for all the manifested life.
Children, just as the Earth on which you inhabit is alive and also follows its spiritual evolution, in the same way, the Kingdoms of Nature also evolve, also hold within themselves an evolving spirit. Each species has a unique consciousness, which should interact with the human life, in mutual collaboration.
If you simply observed the development of a tree, for example, and let this growth reflect in your interior, you would be able to learn and understand much about yourselves and about the celestial mysteries.
The Kingdoms of Nature hold within themselves the evolutionary archetype of all the manifested life and reflect this archetype in their lives, in their way of growing, of searching for light, of giving flowers, fruits, new seeds, in the capacity of renewing and keep giving.
If you observe the Kingdoms of Nature, children, you will realize that the principle of unity is alive among them, because a Kingdom depends on the existence of another, and they are conscious of that. You will realize that the principle of giving of self is alive in them, because the Kingdoms give their existence permanently, in an act of constant service.
Humanity has darkened in itself the spiritual archetype left by God, and thus, the constant imbalances that you live today were born. Now, it is time to rediscover this archetype in your own interior.
I am not saying that, with this, you will change immediately the physical destiny of the Earth, but you will be able to bring the spiritual balance which it needs to begin to form the divine principles on matter.
If you, little by little, reintegrate to the unity with the Kingdoms of Nature and develop the principle of gift of self, of mutual collaboration, of harmony among all the manifested life, balance may come back, at least spiritually, to the planetary consciousness, and little by little, this balance will be able to be manifested on matter.
Therefore, children, today I will ask you to observe the Kingdoms of Nature a little more and let them show you how to resume in yourselves the living of balance and the divine archetype, how to find the perfect Thought of God again, that which was lost in your interior, waiting for an opportunity to express itself.
Feel the peace radiated by the Kingdoms and live in harmony. The living of what I tell you and your examples will be great tools of transformation of the current chaos in which the Earth is found.
This, children, is not only an instruction, but an appeal from the One who knows the need for you to commune with the Kingdoms of Nature in order to find God again and accomplish His Plan.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions, children and friends in Christ,
I would like to make you understand that when you truly open the doors of your hearts, these doors expand to the Celestial Kingdom, and not only your hearts open at this time, but also all the doors of Heaven, so that the Light of God may descend to the ones who need it the most.
When you pray and feel that your hearts expand, then, children, at this time, do not think about yourselves: think about the planet and deepen your union with God. Do not limit your prayers to your own needs and neither allow this prayer to let you know only the enclosure of your own hearts. Because the time has come for your souls to get to know the sublime worlds, and for your hearts to unite with the Most Sacred Heart of the Father in order to create a bridge of salvation for humanity.
During prayers, no longer think about yourselves, about your own healing or about your own redemption, because – when you ask God for the healing of the planet and for the redemption of the neighbor – you are already living the healing in yourselves and you are already on the path of redemption.
When you pray alone and in the first person, pray as if all of humanity were enclosed inside your prayerful hearts. And when you say: “I”, may the principle of unity live in this “I”. May the “I” be also “you”; may the “I” be filled by the One Who Is.
The time has come for all of your prayers to be on behalf of the planet. The time has come to achieve the planetary prayer and make of it your permanent work.
Children, you have been called to be instruments of God, and now the Creator comes to give you the Grace of unity with Him so will you become worthy and able to accomplish this mission.
The doors of the Kingdom of God will open before your eyes and your hearts, but before you enter, keep them open, indicating the way to those who have never known how to get there.
When all have already entered and your time to enter and to close the doors comes, you will see that, behind you, waiting for your entry, was the Son of Man, the Universal King, the One who teaches you that, for you to be the first, you will have to be the last.
Your Father and Friend, the One who loves you and teaches you to be true instruments of God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Hold in your hearts the simplest moments of your lives. Hold in your hearts each instant in which God makes Himself present and overflows you. These memories will be a balm for your consciousnesses, and in the moments of the greatest inner desert, you will find in them the bridge to meet God again.
It is for this reason that I always encourage you to cultivate joy and simplicity as a way to find refuge for the soul in these times.
Do not be afraid to open your hearts so that you may be like children because, in these times, the tension of the days and the planetary situation will ask from you, more and more, maturity and seriousness that many times can harden the heart.
Many of My children in the world can no longer find a reason to smile, and even children are losing their joy. Thus, I tell you, bear witness to a peaceful and simple life, a life of union with God.
These moments of simplicity and joy will free your hearts from the weight they have to carry due to the current situation of the planet, and if you experience them with a purity of intention, they can help you to serve better and to be more whole, ready for serving joyfully.
Today, My words will be simple and few, so that the spirit of simplicity permeates you and you never forget that, in spite of all the tension of the world and the mission you are to fulfill as humanity, you must never lose your simplicity.
I leave you My peace and My paternity.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Get in touch with the innermost and truest of your being, with your divine essence, this nucleus of light that dwells within you.
The essence is that which first emerges in the creation of humankind. In it lies the principle of permanent renewal. If souls maintain the bond with the Creator, the essence never perishes and does not extinguish.
The essence represents the affiliation with God. That which the Father thought for you is kept in it. For this reason, child, do not be content with life in this world and with what it offers. Do not close your existence to the experience that you undergo over the Earth. If you seek your essence, you will find there all you need in order to discover the superior life and to know that which the Creator of all things expects from you, that which you must contribute to the Divine Plan.
The essence is the door to the Cosmos, it is where the individual reality of each being unites with the reality of the Infinity, and from that union, you discover that unity has always existed and it is an unchangeable principle of the Creator. Diversity is only the vehicle for the manifestation of the Greatness of God, in His many Aspects. In the same way that the One and Only God expresses Himself in Three, His creation is infinite and unique at the same time. You will unveil this mystery, like many others, by knowing your own essence.
Child, I tell you this because the essence is the door to the Superior Laws, it is the possibility you have to receive, from Above, the energy sources that come from the Creator Father and that place you in an experience that transcends the common laws of this world.
In a time of tests totally unknown to humanity, just as to the whole Universe, your being must also recognize and access unknown ways to maintain your own balance and thus, the inner balance of many.
The first step to experience other laws is knowing your own essence and recognizing that you are much more than this three-dimensional body with mental and sentimental emanations.
The coming unknown tests will demand, from everyone, tools that are also unknown up until today, so that you may handle them. Search for a deepening into what I tell you, entering into your essence.
That simple act of praying which we taught you at the beginning of everything, when deepened and perfected, is what will lead you to discover these mysteries.
Child, understand now, little by little, how the Divine Plan is built, how and for what reason souls are formed.
Your Father, Instructor, and Guide,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out for mercy for this world, because if your little eyes could see the reality of souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, your cry would be like the air, which without it you cannot be alive.
Cry out for the consciousness of the planet and feel in your heart that this world in which you live is not just a sphere of earth and water that floats in the universe. This planet has a spirit, a consciousness that sustains it, and it renounced being in other evolutions in the infinite Cosmos to sustain the Earth on which you place your feet.
The planet lives and feels in itself, in its spirit, what takes place on all the levels of life on Earth. The spirit of the planet suffers with souls and with the Kingdoms of Nature; it suffers from the ignorance and malice; it suffers from the indifference of hearts on their mission of bringing about the evolution of the life that dwells on it.
Child, what I tell you is not a fantasy; I reveal to you a mystery that humanity never wanted to accept or understand, for if it knew that the planet has its own spiritual life and that it suffers from everything that is lived on the surface, human life would have to be different.
Child, this beloved spirit of the planet is silent and will speak to the world through the movements of Nature, movements that will show humankind that human actions not only have physical consequences, but above all, also spiritual ones. And it is through these movements—which will be intense and painful to many—that some will awake and question the meaning of their own lives.
You who are reading this message and are aware of what I tell you, pray for the consciousness of the planet; unite with this mystery of higher life and discover, in your heart, that a part of your being lives within this spirit that sustains the Earth, and just as it feels and experiences the consequences of all actions, of all human feelings and thoughts, you too can feel them, and with this spiritual act of unity with Creation, give a sign of hope to the Father, Who created you so that you could live a perfect unity with all that is Life, in all dimensions.
I leave you this impulse so that, on your own, you dive into this mystery and unveil it. If you at least try to do it from your heart, you will understand many things, and by your act of love and unity with the consciousness of the planet, many imbalances will be avoided. Because, in spite of everything, child, it is still possible to experience a lesson based on love and on the awakening of the consciousness to higher life; just open your heart.
Your father and companion, the One who teaches you to live unity with the living consciousness of this beloved planet,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In all things find the Presence of God. Feel His Holy Spirit in all of Creation.
Breathe the Divine Presence in each instant of your life and, in this way, allow the Creator to flood you and take for Himself those spaces of your consciousness that still belong to you.
Be grateful and seek the simplicity of your heart. Be grateful for all situations. Be grateful for the learning you can experience with everything the Creator sends you as a test.
If you see the Presence of God in all things and you understand that He is in all things, you will give permission for the divine Laws to be present in this world and guide the events according to the Will of the Creator. And in this way, child, you will grow a great deal in spirit, for you will no longer be concerned with things happening according to your will, but rather, you will be open to live according to how the Creator provides for your destiny.
Those who are grateful in heart for what they experience will more rapidly achieve union with God and then will be worthy of representing Him in this world, because they will understand as He does and will know how to act as He does. They will know that the Lord does not always send Graces and joy to make a soul grow, but He will never abandon them and will always accompany them in their tests.
Allow the Lord your God, child, to speak to you through the situations in life; allow Him to teach you to love the imperfections that exist in you and in your brothers and sisters; to teach you to be glad for the achievements of your neighbor; to teach you to grow with those at your side. Allow the Creator to open your heart to things that humanity never knew how to love.
This is why I tell you: perceive the Creator in all things, in all those that are around you, in all events. Understand the facts of your life as the Will of God for your growth and be grateful, be grateful from your heart, always.
Your father and friend, Who lives in the fullness of eternal gratitude,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray for peace on the planet and contemplate, in this phase, the needs of the world.
The moments in which you gather to pray with your brothers and sisters should always be opportunities for each one to feel, in the heart, the pain of God and to relieve this pain through each bead and each song.
The pain of God is due to the suffering of the souls and, when you pray from the heart, prayer, which is a divine instrument, may take the Grace of forgiveness and of mercy to those who unfairly suffer or through the action of Justice. Therefore, enter the Heart of the Father while you pray and take with you all your brothers and sisters because the doors are opened to all who pray with sincerity.
Feel, then, in your chest the pain of God; contemplate and see with the eyes of the spirit why He who created you suffers so much. And pray, child, pray feeling the Father, who is pure Mercy.
There is nothing that makes you grow so much as knowing the truth about this world and to feel, even if it is a little, the pain of the Creator.
The one who prays with you and always follows you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
It is time to experience greater neutrality in order to surmount the obstacles, to grow and to overcome the tests that will come.
Without neutrality in a time like this - in which the mental plane only needs a minimal stimulus to destabilize, and the emotions are like a bonfire with fuel waiting for a small match to burst into flames - the enemy will not need to do great things to remove many from the real path that leads them to the Light.
Children, how can you grow, mature and take steps without destabilizing your own inner world? Although this will depend a lot on what each being brings with them as a debt to purify, it will depend even more on the will and determination of all.
No matter how many debts with God a consciousness may have, and carries on its path a backpack full of mistakes to balance and purify, if it is determined, patient and tries to live in humility, it will achieve the Grace of Pardon from the Father.
At the same time, there are those who do not have many debts with God and who have come ready to take a great leap; but because they are so free of debts to purify, they have become complacent in this state and have never realized what God expected of them.
Do you perceive, children, that the main condition to achieve the goal is the effort and the conscious dedication of each one?
To take a leap to spiritual maturity, you must start experiencing this maturity now and this means to recognize, by yourselves, your own mistakes and difficulties and, with neutrality, patience and determination, work on them, always replacing an error with the improvement of a virtue.
You must not work on your mistakes thinking about them, but rather striving to cultivate a virtue that balances you. For example: if you are lazy, you must strive to perfect charity and forgetting of self and every day try to put laziness aside to help your fellow being. If you cannot experience humility and keep thinking about yourself all the time, seek to pray more internally and to be in a state of prayer that makes you more observant. You will work, thus, in silence and will be more attentive to the needs of the planet and not so much to stand out among others.
And thus, children, use spiritual creativity to transform yourselves under the spirit of peace, of neutrality and, I even say to you, of joy; but an inner joy, which expresses itself from the heart to the spirit and not from the heart to the outside.
Be attentive to this, because for many their own debts will be enough to destabilize them. Correct balance does not come from your strength, but rather from the Power of God, and to unite yourselves to the Father, you will not use tension nor rigidity, but love, unity and peace.
Be more strategic on the path of light and you will see how many possibilities you will find to achieve, in peace, the purposes of the Creator for your lives.
The one who teaches you how to reach God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the 28th of April to the 1st May, the first meeting of the Planetary Mission Network took place in the Marian Center of Figueira. On the last day, today, Saint Joseph asked to gather with all those present in the community to transmit His daily message.
Today I gather you here so that you will understand, with this sign, that a missionary of peace, before serving, must drink from the source of spiritual healing, must seek in the sublime worlds the encouragement that they will take to those who need it the most.
A missionary of peace that represents the Divine Messengers to the world and that, through their service, give testimony of the Presence of God on Earth must find, first of all, the union with the One.
When We ask you to come to the points of light that My Chaste Heart has established these times, before serving and being part of this Planetary Mission Network, it is for you to nourish your spirits with the true balm that you will take to the souls, from those who you serve in a more simple way, day to day, to those who truly need the Love of God.
I come to ask you, children, that you do not make of this Mission Network a reason for separating the different currents of healing and of charity that this Work expresses on the planet. The Planetary Mission Network must be the active arm of all the expressions of service that we already have as divine Work established on Earth.
The Planetary Mission Network will drink from the source of Instruction and will practice it; it will drink from the source of Prayer and will give meaning to its service; it will learn with charity and with mercy that the House Light of the Hill offers as an experience of healing and service towards the souls; it will learn with the love of the Kingdoms which the Park Francis of Assisi teaches you. And, therefore, you will find out that a service that does not include the Kingdoms of Nature is incomplete and that a soul that does not learn with the unconditional love of the Kingdoms is incomplete. You will learn with the fraternal and compassionate love of the Nucleus of Service "Crer-Sendo" and, thus, children, you will find out that the divine essences are inside the creatures regardless of their appearance and that, when one gives to a soul what it needs in order to grow - even if it is a correction, given with love -, it develops its potential and receives a possibility of healing the past.
And, with the matrix-missionaries of peace, at the House of Saint Joseph and at the House of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will learn to serve wherever it is necessary; you will learn to have no expectations; you will learn how to be true missionaries of peace, because there, I will place you before all the tests that you need in order to break your resistances and learn to be nothing, so this way, you may be instruments of God.
With all these experiences, you will learn that the Creator does not see the works, but rather the love with which you manifest them. After that, you will be able to serve, even inside your homes, and be healers of your own families – though love and care – and you will permit that many families in the world receive an opportunity.
Children, I want you to understand that the Planetary Mission Network does not come to separate what was united1: it comes to improve and train the spirits of those who, in the name of all, will dedicate themselves in a more specific way to the interior and external rescue of this world.
The Planetary Mission Network comes to place, in the consciousness of all, the need of a more intense preparation for these times and to awaken many from the drowsiness in which they are found, waiting for the next century a transition that is already ongoing on planet.
The Planetary Mission Network is being established to tell you that it is definitely the time to awaken and act, to be prepared for anything, in all levels, because it is not only physical rescue that the world will need. You must be prepared not only to help the souls physically, but to do it with such love that it will awaken them for redemption, even if it is in the last hour.
Your Father and Friend, Servant of God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1 Saint Joseph refers to the four Networks (healing, instruction, prayer and service)
that have united to the Planetary Network of Light.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more