Children, the cycle of daily messages that one year ago I promised you to deliver is already ending. During that period, I taught you many things and opened your eyes to others that, in truth, you already knew, but that you did not manage to live.

Because I was a man once, with a heart similar to yours, I could reach the depth of your consciousnesses and remind you about your commitment to God.

From now on, in the cycle that will come after the 20th of August –when the daily messages will end– it will be up to each one to study My Words again and reignite each code and each impulse that I left for you there, impulses that will be eternal and that will be alive for all those who open themselves from the heart and in consciousness.

I hope, in Christ, that you will be able to live each impulse that I delivered to you or, at least, that you try to do it every day.

You know that the clock time is no longer running as it used to run before. Little by little, you are entering a new time and each second is precious to you, because it brings in itself an opportunity that will never be repeated.

Depending on the inner answer of each one, I will be able to achieve the grace from the Creator to continue talking to humanity and, along with Mary and Christ, continue supporting the human heart, while it is possible, so that you may count on Our support until the last hour. For that to be possible, the effort of each one of you is indispensable.

In this new cycle, the aspiration of being different must be alive within you, impelling you to do different things for the materialization of the Plan of God and show the Creator that you truly want to respond to His Call and His Designs.

The Love of the Divine Messengers for humanity is infinite and each second of instruction that we deliver to all is precious to Us. But not only We must long for this meeting: each one of you must feel within yourselves this need of deepening yourselves into your own transformation and receive, from the Heavens, the new impulses that will lead you to a higher evolutionary degree.

Beloved children, meditate on the essence of this new planetary cycle and receive all the graces that are being delivered to you. The time of transforming yourselves is now, not later. Everything is possible with the persistence and perseverance of all.

It is time for the trust in the Will of God to be greater than your self-love, for the love to the Plan of the Creator to win over any aspiration of fulfilling a personal plan or living your own will.

Children, there is no more time to lose with yourselves, because are descending from the Heavens the currents that you need to transform yourselves and take concrete steps, finally consolidating the principles of a new life in the consciousness. Do not lose these impulses by being distracted. Open your arms and your hearts and, by gratitude, let yourselves be permeated.

Your Father and Friend of all eras, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, may this new cycle be the birth of new fruits in the consciousnesses of all, to see these fruits grow and mature over time, and from them, may new seeds emerge.

The fruits that were born in the consciousnesses represent the result of the action of grace in your lives. Until today, you have received much, as impulses, instructions, graces and blessings, so that with perseverance and inner peace, you may be prepared to go through the times that have come. 

This new cycle will be marked by the birth and maturing of these fruits, for which each one must be responsible. This means, children, that you must care for the garden of consciousness with your own hands and prepare, for the new time, the seeds that you will plant in the soil of the Earth.

This cycle will demand more effort and dedication from each one of you for your own maturation. It will be the moment in which the consciousness must be confirmed on this path and make its own personal effort to remain on it.

Up until now, we have been supporting and giving impulses to many of those who committed themselves to Christ, but who had still not matured, within themselves, their own potential to take steps in their evolution and stand on their own feet, in their own inner fortitude.

Therefore, the time has come for disciples to recognize the truth about themselves in every sense: may you face that which must be transformed and sustain yourselves through your own potential for inner maturation. It will be a transition between spiritual adolescence and adult life when the consciousness becomes responsible for itself.

Those that will wake up at the last minute will also be led - by grace - to take their own steps and enter the same cycles of those who, for some time, have walked on the evolutionary path. I speak to you of an inner maturity, in the consciousness, and not in the material bodies, because matter will always need to be trained to express its inner world.

Children, care for this cycle as if it were the last, taking advantage of each day and each instant to find the Truth and express it. May the conscious effort of all to be more and more in the Divine Purpose be permanent. 

After this cycle, in the cycles to come, it will be time to put into practice what you have learned, for the currents that will descend on the planet will no longer wait for you to be ready for them to act upon the planetary consciousness. These currents will sweep away those who are tepid of heart, undecided and outside the Greater Purpose.

May this cycle be marked by the effort of each being. May all assume their posts, and just like a young person leaves their home to take up their own life, may each one take up their own transformation, their own surrender, the building of that which you truly hope to be able to offer to Christ one day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Not even the heaviest yoke can make you give up this path. All sacrifice, when lived with love, becomes light and simple.

The weight of the Cross of Christ was not in the wood He was carrying. His sacrifice did not lie in the pain of His wounds. He was carrying the sins of the world that had been committed until that moment, and was also forgiving there all those which would be committed throughout time.

Incomprehensible to the human mind was the weight of that cross, just as incomprehensible to many today is the weight that some companions of Christ carry to prepare His return. Because both the Cross of Christ and the cross of these times hold in themselves a burden invisible to human eyes, yet almost palpable to those who carry it. This burden, which exists in the consciousness, is carried to transform that which must be healed in the human consciousness itself.

In the same way that the merits attained on the cross of Christ were only seen after the Resurrection of Jesus, the merits of the burdens carried in these times, for many will only be seen after the return of Christ and the establishment of the new life on Earth.

Those who understand the life of the spirit will not be confused by the appearances of matter and will live the love and unity needed to cross the obstacles that will come. But many others will fall through a lack of understanding and through the inability to live a higher reality and to transcend material happenings, just as occurred with many in the time of Christ.

In a spiritually similar way, the happenings are repeated for the establishment of the Plan of God, because the science that carries them into the manifestation of this Plan is always the same. For this reason, you must observe the life of Christ and reach the essence of the Teaching that He left you, and not only the facts. The facts may change, but the essence of the experience that you must live is the same.

The happenings themselves are leading you to that experience: the same tests, the same temptations, the same burdens. It will be enough now that from you spring the same perseverance, the same unity with God, the same surrender, and the same love of Christ.

The path to Christification is now proclaimed and your feet are already called to step upon this way. It will be up to each one the way you will live the Passion of these times, carrying with love your own cross or being a burden carried by others.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Strive so that in this new cycle your life will be more spiritual and less material. May your priorities be centered in the things of the spirit and may the demands of matter not consume you.

Concentrate in recognizing yourself as an essence coming from the Divine Source with a determined mission to fulfill and do not let your mind distract you from the Purpose with egoic and personal issues.

Child, let yourself be elevated in a leap to Light, so that you may finally understand the true meaning of life on Earth and not lose yourself in the appearances of this life.

The coming cycles will seek from you – as well as from all of humanity – a higher understanding about the events of the Earth so that you may not be confused and believe that the end has arrived before its time.

Many will be the false masters, the false teachings, the false paths, the false signs in the sky and on the earth. Only the one who is with their heart and consciousness permanently held onto the Divine Purpose will be able to feel and know within themselves when they are before the truth or the delusion. And not even that one who most want to resemble Christ in order to deceive them will confuse them.

Construct from now on, in this last cycle of awakening and of maturation, the union with God, which will bring you wisdom and discernment for the days that will come.

Remember not to allow matter to consume you and cause you to forget that the Truth stands in love, in spirit.

Your Father and Companion, This one who, in a few words, brings you great impulses,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Welcome to a new cycle of evolution, a cycle which will charge spiritual maturity from everyone, that will allow you to live in harmony in the times that will come.

This new cycle will be marked by inner tests, in which the consciousnesses will find themselves facing great responsibilities, with little inner experience to take them on. However, it will be the adhesion that each one will present to the Will of God, and their efforts to fulfill it, that will make the grace and mercy that you need to fulfill your mission to descend from the universe.

Children, when facing the challenges to come, always say "yes", even if they seem impossible to be experienced and overcome. When you say "yes", the Creator receives permission to operate true miracles in your consciousnesses and heal all that prevents you from making the leap you need.

The challenges will make you grow and prepare you for the cycles that will come later and that will be major and definitive trials not only for you but for all humanity and for the whole universe.

Do not fear to launch yourselves into the unknown or take the steps that will lead you through paths you do not know where they end. Do not fear losing everything and, above all, losing yourselves because - though painful - this is the goal of humanity. Remember that the emptiness of yourselves leads you to the Truth, to the Archetype, to the Source.

Today I wish you a start cycle filled by God and the universal life. This new time will be marked by the awakening of humanity to this life.

All the sciences will be united spiritually in the universal science and all true religions will find the common meaning in the experience of love. Knowledge and religion will unite to unveil new worlds and universal principles, and they will discover that the greatest science, which is the experience of love, leads to new horizons, to new universes. Thus you will not fear to know the Truth and with the knowledge filled with spirituality, and religion full of wisdom, you will cross the gates towards a new life.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, not all of humanity understands the universal science of the evolutionary cycles. Not all believe that these cycles truly exist and, still less, that they impel the consciousness to a certain apprenticeship.

All Creation responds to the Universal Laws, which are principles that organize life based on divine energies and rays. These Laws are captured and radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos and are received by the mirror in your own interior, so that then they can be lived and practiced on all levels of consciousness.

An evolutionary cycle is the moment in which the Creator sends, to His Creation, certain divine rays that organize new laws and impulses and that, radiated by the mirrors, must reach every creature so that they will express them.

These impulses of the Divine in each new evolutionary cycle try to lead His creatures to a more profound approximation to His Consciousness, through love and transformation. Not to live the cycles and not to open oneself to the impulses is like closing the doors of consciousness to the evolution, to the approximation to God and to the return to the Origin.

The 8th of August of each year represents a synthesis of all impulses given by God until then, when the Creator gathers the principles He aspires humanity to achieve and sends them to the world like rays of light for them to reach His creatures.

Although these impulses renew themselves at each new smaller cycle that you will live throughout the year, the response emitted to the Father on the 8th of August is primary for the evolution and assimilation of the cycles to follow.

To send this response to God, children, you do not need anything extraordinary: only to open the heart and dispose yourselves in consciousness for the Creator to be able to act in your beings.

You must be spiritually available for this union with God to be a priority in your lives and for the love to His Plan to guide you to unveil the truth about human creation.

It was on an 8th of August that the Lord sent His Holy Servant to the world, because She represents all the divine rays, all the mirrors, all the graces. Mary represents to humanity the path to the manifestation of the Divine Plan.

For the Living Christ to be gestated within you, as Mary gestated Him in Her Womb, you must follow Her and learn with Her about Her Purity and Her Love, about Her capacity to love and to obey God above all things.

May this new 8th of August find you awakened and willing to be reborn. Live the new cycles with fullness and do not let the impulses pass by without transforming you completely.

Your Father and Instructor, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I come to the world, in spirit and divinity, sent by God, to remove humanity from the ignorance and from the blindness that separate it from the Creator.

I was elected by the Lord because My mouth never wanted to pronounce any word to teach the humankind. I learned to teach in the silence through the example and the experience of the Higher Designs.

Child, if you want to be an instrument of the Creator and that He leads you wherever it is most needed, take care of being the Truth of God and not only of knowing it.

The human mind has already lived its cycles of development and now it must give way to something that humanity has not tried: the experience of what you already know.

Prefer to be an example in the silence and if, as it happened to Me, the Lord sends you to preach and to teach with words, never fail to fill your words with the truth of your experience.

If you want to make My Presence in the world worth it, live what I tell you.

Your Father and Friend of always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Deepen yourself in the ocean of Divine Mercy, so that, as you pray, this fountain that descends to the world may flow through your being and transform your entire consciousness first and then the whole world.

Consciously deepen yourself in the existence of Divine Mercy and recognize that you are a miracle of this Divine Power; your awakening is a fruit of its action.

Meditate on what this Sacred Mercy means to you and the entire Creation, poured from the Heart of Christ on the cross, emanated by the power of the forgiveness of His Most Sacred Heart. Meditate on this unfathomable source that does not give humankind what it deserves, that acts beyond Justice and transcends this Law that also comes from God.

Meditate on the Forgiveness of Christ, the one that opened the door to this fountain unknown to the human heart until then. It was by forgiving each of His wounds and all outrages committed towards Him that the Lord raised Himself beyond Divine Justice and gave humankind His Love and His Piety, which together were converted into the Sacred and Divine Mercy.

So many centuries have passed and humanity still ignores this powerful fountain. The hearts still have not learned to be merciful, or to ask for Mercy.

Clamor, child, for mercy for the ignorant and ask for the Grace of being merciful as was the One who is, for you, the Path, the Truth and the Life

Let the Mercy for which you clamor convert you into an imitation of Christ and thus make it worth each drop of His shed blood; make it worth each of His wounds, His Cross and the Love that made Him reemerge after death.

Show the universe that the Plan of the Creator is fulfilled in you and, by the merits achieved by Christ on the Cross, live His Divine Mercy.

The one Who teaches you to be merciful and to clamor for Mercy,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourself. To lose your own identity or individuality is to reach the Origin of all, where there is no other thing but the unity with the Whole.

To come to be nothing is a great challenge because the individual identity of each consciousness was built beyond this world and this life, in others experiences of the soul and of the spirit that transcend what you know about yourselves today.

Great, children, is the mystery of the Divine Will because the Creator, who was One, divided Himself into three and, thus, in many others particles of life, whose true mission is discovering themselves in unity with Him again.

The Creator multiplied Himself in the universes, in the galaxies, in the constellations, in the stars, in the planets, in the beings, in the Kingdoms of Nature; He created the evolutionary scale that it is nothing more than the path of return to the Origin. The Creator opened the dimensions from matter to the superuniverses, and closed –from the top down– the doors that lead to Him. And the only key that opens these doors is love.

To be nothing, children, is to discover the truth about yourselves. To be nothing as individuals, as personalities, as separated particles of God, is to know that the Creator is who lives within each being; He is who animates life.  The one who discovers oneself in God and God in oneself lives the plenitude.

Lose the fear of losing yourselves, because it is lost from yourselves that you will find yourselves. To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourselves.

The illusion of the illusions is to believe that you are something, to celebrate merits and to cry the defeats. God is the one who lives in each creature; His is the victory of Your lives and to Him belongs your evolution, towards Him is the path of the return, in Him are enclosed all the sciences, all the rays, all the worlds, all life.

The Creator emanates life, which must return to Him: it is the eternal cycle of building and believing yourself to be something to, then, deconstruct yourself, know that you are nothing and in the nothingness discover the Whole, God, the One and Only and Immutable in His Infinity, static in His permanent movement.

The quest of nothingness is not sad. To lose yourself is not to die, it is to find yourself. To die is not to end, it is to start over again.

To know is not to be. That is why I tell you these things.

Children, more than knowing the science of nothingness, you must live it. That is why I tell you things that many times you already know, because yesterday was the era of knowing and today is time of being.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Oh human soul that is in the last time of your imperfection, renounce what binds you to the old world, and launch into the infinity of a new life! Struggle firmly in your last battle of this cycle of darkness, a battle that will cause you to ascend to sublime realities and that, despite being long and painful, its merits will never end.

Oh soul that is so unknown to yourself, plunge into your inner world and remove the veils that cover your human eyes, so that you may discover the infinity of your own consciousness.

Soul of God, so tired of the cycles of illusion experienced on this Earth, the blindness and indifference are now coming to an end, so that you may rest contemplating the Sunrise of a new day, of a new era.

Soul of God that is so small and infinite at the same time; your greatness was hidden by the ignorance of the human mind, and your smallness is to be found in the humility which you are to uncover. Within you, humility and greatness must encounter, because it is only through recognizing yourself as a small nothing that you will discover the likeness to God that contains all things within Himself.

Open your heart to the Creative Word, speak through prayer, and no longer with human concepts and limited ideas.

Contemplate before you the great example of the Sacred Family and overcome the ancient prejudice against being pure and simple like those three Sacred Hearts. The greatest of mysteries is unveiled in simplicity.

No longer search so much for great sciences, if the greatest of all sciences is to discover yourself in likeness to God: in Him lies Omniscience.

While the world anchors matter to the old patterns of the Earth, elevate yourself, little soul. Make yourself light as the wind and return to the Father. In the silence of your example, carry all humanity with you, and reaching the Heavens, open the doors to the new time, to the time that has always been, that is, but that your world never came to know.

Go in search of the new, the eternal, the infinite.

Who shows you the path to the new era,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Occupy your mind, your heart and your soul with the experience of the Higher Laws, the ones that manifest all things in the different created dimensions.

If you concentrate on the Origin, on the Root of everything that has been created, it is not necessary for you to fear or to be afraid in your life on Earth.

The one who lives within the Universal Laws, in harmony and communion, attracts to himself only facts that correspond to the manifestation of these Laws. But, from the moment the consciousness transgresses them, he comes out of their flow and protection and is subject to all common consequences of the human actions.

When I speak of Universal Laws, I speak of the Law of Love, of Fraternity, of Obedience, of Compassion, I speak of the vibrations that organize the different Rays of the Creator and allow the manifestation of the Divine Plan.

When you are adhered to these Laws – that, for many, are simple and rare virtues in humanity -, you give to the Creator a live sign that you are part of His Plan and that you are willing to let yourself be transformed and guided so that He will mold you, as He molds all of His Creation, in order to manifest His Perfection and Truth in it.

When you try to live under the Universal Laws, child, they are the first to manifest themselves in your life; you will be beyond the natural laws of human existence and the Creator will be able to operate in you what, for the common beings, will be like true miracles.

You will not need to fear or to worry your consciousness with the future because the one who lives in the Universal Laws is supported and protected by them. Therefore, before being fearful, afraid or worrying, live in the Universal Laws and attract to yourself what corresponds to them. Thus you will understand what the Creator wishes from all His creatures, and you will know that His Gifts are at the disposal of all, if only the hearts open themselves and search for them.

Your Father and Friend, who teaches you to search for the Higher Laws, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Renew your consecration to God every day and enter into the eternal movement of universal cycles.

Renew yourselves before the Creator so that He will conduct you through new inner paths and you will never remain in the steps you have already taken.

Recognize the infinite before you, and how much you need to grow far beyond this life. Recognize in the vast universe the infinite dimensions created and that each one of them will charge from you a certain learning that will make you grow and unite yourself each day more to God.

Child, what humanity calls contemplation and union with God, in this material dimension, is nothing more than an approach to the greatness of the Creator, an experience with His Divine Light. Contemplation is an act of recognizing the existence of God and of approaching Him, but much is still missing from the human heart and consciousness for it to be One with God in its origin.

This path is built and walked little by little. As the being empties himself from himself and from all the need to explain and to understand what he experiences, as he empties himself from the known concepts by his mind, he starts being permeated by other laws and vibrations that do not belong to this world and that are palpable to the human heart, but not understandable for the mind.

The approach and acceptance of these sublime laws gradually cause the doors to other degrees of evolution to open before the consciousness, and it will be only after crossing these doors and experiencing these laws that you will be able to feel and understand them, but not explain them.

You cannot explain what you live on higher levels because the matter that composes the human mind does not correspond to this subtle vibration; but yes, child, the heart, that is similar to the Creator of all things, can understand and live all laws.

Just as the Lord is unlimited in His Existence, so is also the heart of human beings. But this heart needs to expand, cross portals and break barriers, transcend limits and human tendencies, stop being so closed, and open itself to the Cosmos – that, for it, is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.

To reach this state of union with the higher life, that is more than a contemplative experience, child, it is necessary that you renew yourself every day and, when you perceive that you are stagnated or going backwards, always search for a form to awake and advance.

Therefore I come to the world, to impel the human heart towards the infinite, and to lead it to an experience of what it truly is.

Let yourself be guided and impelled by these words. If you do not understand them, only feel them and let them by themselves –alive as they are– work within you.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the youth on Earth awaken, transcending old human patterns and recognizing their universal identity.

May they awaken to the love and unity with God, finding a meaning for their own existence.

May the youth on Earth awaken, renouncing the pleasures and superficialities of the world, to experience true rejoicing, which is heavenly. May they awaken to the mission that eons ago, in the Cosmos, they committed themselves to fulfill.

May the precursors of the new world awaken, those who will not measure efforts to make good triumph and who, with their examples, will convert and awaken new spirits.

May those awaken who, in the impetus of their youth, will break barriers and erase borders, recognizing the unity that exists among all the creatures of God.

May the youth on Earth awaken to a higher life, to the love of the Cosmos and to the Plan of the Creator. May they recognize that this time is definitive and may they fearlessly walk to the establishment of peace.

May those awaken, who will imitate the example of Christ and will unite cultures, creeds, races, nations, languages and religions with a single purpose: to establish peace and to manifest a new world.

May those awaken, who will unite the times, who will open the doors of the Earth to new laws and universal rays, who will remove the veils from the human consciousness and dissolve its blindness, making it recognize the true light.

May the children of the New Humanity awaken, those who, in universal history, will be known as the ones who have transcended the old patterns through love, who have defeated darkness with the light of their own essence and who have manifested the Divine Purpose, taking to the universe, to the redeemed Earth, a civilization of new Christs.

May those awaken, who will not fear to take the steps that the Creator expects and to live that which today seems impossible to humanity; those who, living love and unity, will permit that Christ, who was their example, continue His evolution and transcend material, mental and spiritual life, managing to be the Life that dwells in all, in the sublime universes, in the Consciousness of the Father.

May the youth on Earth awaken: the youths of body, mind, heart and spirit.

May all those who hope to represent the New awaken.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.

In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.

In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.

Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.

There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.

I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.

May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.

The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan. 

Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Patience in transformation and in your own purification is primary. Remember that you are before a human condition that degenerated throughout the centuries and you are before codes that emerge from your consciousnesses to be transformed, and they even go past life on Earth, for their roots are in the Universe.

Always remember that the One Who came to the world to give you an example was the Son of the Living God and He had to suffer the evils of the Earth and transmute the atavisms of humanity to open the path for you.

The transcendence of the human matter of Jesus started since His gestation until His last breath on the Cross. If the Living God worked in each instant of His life to culminate with His lesson of love, do not expect it to be different for you. How do you want to sanctify your bodies and souls if you are only beginning to understand this path now?

The Son of God was aware of universal life and its mysteries; He knew all the cosmic sciences because He was one with The One Who created them; and even so, in order to free the fear of His last Cell and experience love in full with all the levels of His Consciousness, He had to reach the Cross and forgive everything that He had experienced up to there.

Children, you have a long way to go to reach perfection. Do not be in a hurry, be patient. However, be constant and persistent and do not become comfortable in the fact that transformation will last you a lifetime.

Yes, the absolute transformation will take your whole life, but every day you must achieve a new step, so that at the end of this life you may be worthy of reaching other celestial worlds and dimensions that bring you closer to God.

The transformation will last a lifetime because evolution is eternal and not because you will always be in the same place. Each day, a new understanding and a new step must occur, based on permanent effort. Do not worry whether you take long or short steps, because each day and each cycle will lead you to a different step.

What really matters is that you do not stop and that you be constant.

Open yourselves every day so that the Love of God may transform you and withdraw a little of yourselves from your own consciousness so as to give space to Love and the divine Presence.

Each day, remove an object of your inner dwelling place to make room for the Celestial Dweller that will come one day. At some point, you will have the house empty and clean to receive Him.

Your father and long-standing friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.

Beloved children,

In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will  no longer be two paths on which to go.  Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.

Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.

Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.

The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.

If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.

The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.

This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.

Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.

I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.

I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When Jesus was on the Cross and said: “Father, why hast thou forsaken Me?”, it was His humanity that proclaimed those words; it was His Cells, sustained until then by Divine Power, that in the depths, feared the hour of being alone with their pain and their suffering.

After that question of His human heart, Jesus recognized in all the spaces of His Consciousness, from matter to spirit, His filiation and unity with God. He understood, at His core, the essence of love and of the human project, and experienced the fullness of being in likeness to the Father.

The fear of His Cells dissipated through the power of the love and forgiveness that emanated from Him. Jesus understood the Will of His Father and why He abandoned Him in that hour that seemed to be the most difficult when He had always accompanied Him. He discovered that the Father wanted Him to feel and experience the love He had within and which made Him in likeness to God and united to Him; and that, in truth, the Creator had not abandoned Him. He allowed Him to discover that the Father was in Him, as He was in the Father, through the love, forgiveness and mercy which, at that moment, were poured upon the Earth.

The Virgin Mary and John understood the Will of God when they saw Jesus on the Cross asking for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, and together with Christ, they learned this unfathomable love, which unites matter with spirit, which divinizes humankind.

That was how the Virgin Mary and John also experienced that profound union with God, by the simple fact of observing Christ. That union was later experienced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus and Mary through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and in this way, all overcame the fear of death and loneliness; all filled their spirits with the courage that was born of the certainty that God was in them because they were a living part of the Divine Consciousness.

It was because of that certainty and of that courage that the Church of Christ was consolidated on Earth. But throughout the centuries, not all human beings understood the Passion of Jesus and meditated on His example to the point where they allowed themselves to be divinized by Him; not all found the certainty of the likeness to God; not all sought fortitude in the living God within themselves.

Children, today the Creator speaks to you and instructs you through His Messengers. The Most High Lord accompanies each one in their steps and renews the story, awakening New Christs. But just as He “abandoned” Jesus on the Cross, the moment will also come to each one of you to discover, in solitude, the union with God. And for an instant, it may seem unjust, painful or incomprehensible to you that the Creator abandons you when you have the most need of Him. However, if you overcome human fear and seek that union with God in spirit, you will understand that the Father, whom you always sought in the heights, is living within every being, in their essence, in their inner universe.

When the time comes for the trial of humanity, remember what I have said to you and do not fear, but rather, love and live forgiveness, like the One Who loved and forgave before you, leaving you the example.

Your father and friend, Who prepares your paths for divine union,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My child,

Be true and transparent first with yourself and then in everything. Allow your consciousness to face the truth without fear and without the need to hide what you see or to appear to be something different from what you have found within yourself.

Look at yourself more than in a mirror; look into the depths of your inner world, recognizing there the fears, the difficulties, what should be transformed, healed, forgiven, freed. Also see the virtues, the gifts, what should be stimulated, nourished; what should grow spiritually, even though in silence and in anonymity.

Face the truth about yourself to eradicate the lie from your consciousness, and thus, help humanity. Overcome the need to appear as something, to please, to conquer, to convince, to manipulate; because all this, child, is part of an ancient lie that prevents humanity from finding the Truth.

When human beings do not know themselves and increasingly move away from the truth about themselves, they also move away from God, from the universe, from reality; for this reason, child, in these times, being true to yourself and the world is a great service.

Be an example for those who are lost from themselves; an example of a heart that found itself and did not fear seeing itself exactly as it is, both in misery as well as in virtue, to thus transcend the miseries and simplify the virtues, knowing that everything you are is part of a lesson, of an experience that takes you to something greater: to the Consciousness of God.

When the being is before itself with simplicity, neither do miseries haunt them nor do their virtues bring them vanity,  because they know that the path is to be nothing, in order to find a truth even deeper than the one found when they overcame the ancient lie that involved them.

Child, walk toward the truth without fear and, transcending one illusion after another, discover that the truth lies in the emptiness of self, where nothing becomes everything.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To the youth of the planet,

Children, this is the beginning of a new cycle for the planetary consciousness. Next August will mark the time of even deeper definitions for souls, and the Youth Festival for Peace comes to open the doors of this cycle for all young people of the Earth.

You must be aware that your mission does not start or finish in this Festival, because it is the beginning of a path which will be endless, profound and painful for many, a path of transformation, of definition, a path to discover the truth about yourselves and lose the fear of expressing it.

I tell you that it will be a painful path because the current youth is very involved with superficialities, in a poorly profound life from a spiritual point of view. It is a youth educated to think only in themselves, in their own advantage, in their own pleasure. It is a youth built in an era of permanent involutive stimuli, a youth that represents the last cycles of the old humankind and that is completely impregnated by the patterns left by all the previous generations.

This is the youth that must live the transition of the planet and bear the currents that will descend to reform the Earth and to attract a new life. This youth will have to say "no" to all the patterns they carry in their consciousness - as a compiled set of human experiences of all eras of humanity – in order to be nothing and be reborn in life as children of God.

Thus, children, see that the Youth Festival for Peace is only a door that opens in the consciousness of the youth and that very timidly shows you the rising of a new Sun in the horizon.

Being the beginning of a new spiritual cycle, although it may not seem to be so, the Youth Festival for Peace will place your consciousnesses before an inner synthesis, perhaps even sooner than the Festival happens.

That will be so because those who first say "yes" are the spearhead that breaks the old barriers and opens the consciousness for the new. These must be the example for those who will come afterwards, and to be so they will be forged in the invisible of the spirit.

May the young people awake for a new time and a new life. May they prepare their spirits to sustain the planet with peace and inner harmony, and may they be the sowers of the future, preparing life of those who will be the youth of the new Earth.

I leave to you this impulse that expands your consciousness and elevates you so that you may start to be aware of the life of spirit and do not remain so tied to appearances and to matter. The current youth is already a prisoner of appearances and many young people do not know who they are because they only know what they want to appear to be. As an impulse for all the human consciousness, be true and transparent, and do not be afraid of loving and being as you are.

Recognize that there is a great spiritual mystery behind each request of the Divinity because – when you work for God - everything has a Higher Purpose.

I leave you My Best Wishes for a good awakening for all.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Launch yourself into the impossible, if the Lord asks you so. Overcome any natural or supernatural fear and respond to divine Will, even without understanding It.

What could seem more impossible for a human being than to accept that his virgin wife gestates the Son of God, brought and impregnated by the Holy Spirit? Nevertheless, child, in the face of this and so many other mysteries in My life, I never denied the Will of the Lord.

It was for this unrestricted obedience that the Creator granted His simple servant the Grace of sharing His Power and His Glory, even though I was alive, in a body, a mind, a soul, and a human heart.

The Lord always asked Me for impossible things, and the most impossible of all was having asked Me one day to be as like Him as His Son was, in the human form of that little child, whom I carried in My arms for years.

The greatness of that child was so immense and His Holiness and Majesty were so infinite, even being in such a small body, that to resemble such manifested love seemed impossible to Me. But I did not refuse that divine request and I just opened myself to love My Son and God as one thing. I allowed myself to be permeated by Divine Presence in my life and I opened each cell of My body so that it might live in itself the awakening to love and the likeness to God.

I gradually discovered that to be like the Father, just as My Son was, meant to love the Father as My Son loved Him, and to love everything just as the Father loved. The essence of love was the beginning, the middle and the end of all things, of all paths.

And it was in observing the little Jesus that I discovered that evolution is eternal, and that the union with God must be permanent, constant. And so it was that, even after death, I continued to contemplate the steps and the triumph of My beloved Son, and I went ever deeper into experiencing love and the likeness to God.

I tell you this because the Creator asks for impossible things from all His children. Even in the same way He asked Me, He will also ask you to love as His Firstborn Son loves and to be in likeness to Him, just as His beloved Son is.

Know, child, that the essence of everything lies in losing your fear of launching yourself into love.

Even though doubt, fear, pride and the lack of peace torment you, never stop fulfilling the Will of the Father. When you respond to His Call, you will see His Wonders manifest in your life.

I love you and, with My example, I always inspire you.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
