There is no spiritual transformation that does not come from the adherence of the consciousness to the Plan of God. For this reason, before any change, any visible result of the action of the Light, first there is the awakening of the being, the adherence of each person to the mystery that the Divine Purpose is to the human mind.
For now, you must adhere without knowing, act without knowing how to, comprehend without understanding — because I am speaking about the understanding of the heart, which does not need concepts nor ideas.
It is for this reason that We first awaken you, place within you the potential of love of the Plan of God, and then, gradually, you will be able to act in it more aware or less.
In order to be more aware of the Plan of God, you must love it more. The degree of comprehension moves together with the degrees of love and surrender of consciousnesses.
I tell you these things because the Creator needs awaken beings and beings aware of their actions and the manifestation of the Work they do, but for that, you need to love the Plan of God above all things and prove it.
While the incomprehension, the doubts, the love for personal aspirations and material plans are greater than your adherence to the Plan of God, much of what the Creator has for this humanity will remain hovering on the sublime planes of consciousness, waiting for a doorway to enter the planet.
Children, the Most High Lord has in His Plan the correct balance for all the evils that humanity has generated throughout its existence, and with His Power, He can convert darkness into light. But you need to make a greater effort than that which you are making today, and that you consider yourselves to be true soldiers and missionaries of God, whose mission is the manifestation of His Will in this world.
I will always guide you and instruct you, but if you want to be more aware and be true instruments of God, you must deepen into your own surrender.
I leave you with this reflection as your father and instructor.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more