Wednesday, April 20 of 2016

Daily Messages

In order to truly understand the urgency of the times and find a real path for the experience of what I tell you, it is necessary that you let yourself deepen into your inner world. Otherwise, you will always have the instructions and information about these times, you will mentally know that these instructions are correct and will not question them. However, child, your heart will not live according to what necessity dictates and you will not become the instrument that the Creator needs of you.

Today you may already do many things that are helpful to humanity, but God needs, through you, to convert millenary patterns degenerated in the human consciousness, so that, from you, new principles may live inside humankind and a new race may emerge in the horizon of this world.

This thought of God is not just an ideal, it is an urgent need. Many know it and agree with it, but they have not understood that they must transform, in themselves, these degenerated patterns.

If the human consciousness does not see an example before its own eyes, it does not change and does not awaken. This is why, child, I have called you to fulfill this mission, because I know that I can do it. I know the Power of God latent within you, while you just know the power of your personality and, perhaps, of your soul.

I know you hear these words and feel, weighting down on you, a responsibility that humanity as a whole has not wanted to take. Now, you must understand that your commitment is to God and that you must not expect others to do for you what is incumbent on you to do.

If you read these words and know what I say to you, then, child, I am not referring to the one who is beside you. While the majority walks toward regression, I call you to evolution. You must be like a spear that not only breaks the barriers of the old patterns, but that bears the countercurrents and overcomes these patterns in itself.

Try to be more with God, child. Accept spiritual solitude with joy. This is the only way for you to understand and live what I tell you.

Do not worry so much about how those around you will respond. Live it first and, behind you, the paths shall open.

I leave you My Blessing.

The one who speaks to each one and to all who know how to listen,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph