Friday, December 29 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Calm your heart, child, and find consolation in the Source of Peace to which sincere prayer can lead your spirit.

Renew your vows to God, in a sincere commitment to persevere, carrying out His Plan beyond the difficulties in life and the challenges which these cycles of the planet will bring to humanity.

Find strength in truth, in transparency and in humility, so that you not suffer because of the resistances to which your heart, your mind and your emotions cling.

Let this cycle of the planet generate the necessary transformation within you, for it does not come to punish humanity, but rather to define it. For this reason, at each new challenge, confirm within yourself your commitment to God, remember from where you came and where you are being called to return.

And even though sometimes you lack the strength to continue forward, allow a Higher Power to lift you up and strengthen you, to guide you and take you by the hand to accomplish the Divine Purpose: this is the Holy Spirit of God, the Consoler of souls, Who will show His Countenance to those who allow themselves to go beyond themselves, and who will not only count on their own strength and effort, but also, and above all, will be able to rely on Divine Grace and on experiencing the promises of Christ.

These will be the ones who will experience the action of Higher Laws in their own lives, and will bear witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit, for they will no longer live for themselves, but rather only for Christ.

Turn your heart and direct your steps to this destiny. 

Do not think about the tests that will come and do not be afraid of human definitions. Always be a heart that is empty and ready to go beyond, that allows itself to be shaped, corrected and transformed by Divine Laws, and which goes beyond itself when it lacks human strength, experiencing in itself the Divine Presence.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, December 22 of 2023

Weekly Messages

In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.

And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.

And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.

For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and  conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.

The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.

Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.

Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.

Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.

Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, December 15 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Let peace be established in the hearts that cry out to God to know His Purpose and His Will.

Let peace be established in the hearts of those who suffer the consequences of a time of chaos, wars and conflicts.

Let peace be established in the hearts of those who fear the end of times, a higher definition which must be established on the planet.

Let peace be a reality, children, in the hearts of all the servers of Christ, in spite of what happens around them, for they must always stay in the Heart of the Redeemer, and through this, be His instruments and bring peace to the world and to life.

Dispel anguish through contact with the Creator.

Dispel doubts in a sincere dialogue with God.

Dispel fears by looking at yourselves with clarity, because the truth, children, only shows itself to those who allow themselves to clearly see themselves.

Do not be afraid of losing yourselves, do not be afraid of losing control over life, because blessed will be the humble and those who humble themselves, first in light of their own consciousness, finding the freedom that comes from seeing oneself clearly and being capable of consciously working on one's own transformation.

Do not close your eyes to what is inside you, seeking the light of transformation, because when you open your eyes to what must be transformed within yourselves, it is then, children, when the world will also open its eyes to transform the core of the human condition.

Those who listen to the Words which come from Heaven, from the center of the Heart of God through His Messengers must be the first to turn their eyes to their own heart and say:


“Show me, Lord, what I need to see.
Allow me to find what distances me from You,
so my consciousness may dispel the interferences
and embrace with simplicity the Grace
and the freedom of the transformation.”


If the servers of Christ deepen their transformation, they will open the doors so that humanity is able to receive within itself the impulses that lead to a new cycle, in which it will be capable of going beyond the chaos, the terror and the conflicts, to find the freedom that exists within itself.

Children, do you perceive that the time to submerge yourselves in that which is real has come?

Do you perceive that without submerging yourselves in the deep waters of the ocean of consciousness, you will be carried away by the waves that stir up the surface of human life?

Do you perceive that, without plunging in and losing your fear of what you will find in the unknown ocean of yourselves, you will never discover the real life that dwells within you?

Imagine a sea agitated and full of great waves, affected by strong winds that stir up its waters in all directions; this is how the human consciousness is today, confused among all the winds that blow and stimulate it in all directions, without knowing where to go, without managing to give a direction to its own energy and the movement of its life.

However, in the depths of the ocean there is peace. In the depths of the consciousness there is an unknown life, and yet, children, the deeper, the darker it is, the greater the Graces that will be revealed to you.

The winds of superficial life distract and confuse you, and the apparent darkness of your own inner self causes you to be afraid of submerging into yourselves; but all this is part of the illusion of these times.

For this reason, I will never stop telling you that the key for sustaining yourselves in this time is to look sincerely at yourselves, plunge into your own inner self and find the freedom to be imperfect, sincere and willing to be transformed, and allow yourselves to be corrected, allow yourselves to fall and get up and always go deeper, where peace and unity with God dwell.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, December 8 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Listen, child: the cry of the Earth is the same as the cry of your heart; today, all souls long for peace. For this reason, in your prayers, with your intentions, immerse yourself in the needs of the world, but also turn your gaze toward your own inner self and perceive that nothing is separate.

The agony of the world echoes in your heart, many times silenced by the needs of life, which lead you to constantly be focused outward, on that which is superficial, even though it is necessary.

Thus, take the time to stop, become silent, and look inward. Take the time to be in dialogue with God and allow Him to show you what you still cannot see. Your Creator is a God of patience, a God of processes, Whose Science of Love is connected to the time and the steps of His Creatures.

Observe life: were you able to perceive that nothing on Earth is born ready? Everything experiences its process, everything ripens with time. Even the invisible air you breathe is the result of a process of combinations, energies and movements. God is a God of time and of patience.

I tell you this so you remember that everything has its time to mature, transform and be ready, but only the Creator can tell you when He has finished. Your role is to live the gift of life, and in this process of being alive, never lose the dialogue with God.

Trees turn to the Sun to grow, show the day their leaves and their fruits, they are always in dialogue with the seasons and with time. Thus is their conversation with God.

Animals also enter into dialogue with God through life, through the moments of the day, the seasons of the year. They gather and express themselves according to the expression of the Whole; they walk in unity, and that is their dialogue with God.

But the dialogue of human beings with God, child, is an inner dialogue, in which silence understands more than words, and introspection allows the eyes to see what is not shown. It is in the heart that God speaks with His favorite children. It is there where the essence is seen as indivisible, and the unity, which is spiritual, overcomes the laws of matter and expresses itself for beings.

For this reason, every now and then, enter into the room of your inner self, become silent and observe your heart. Let the Creator show you what step you must take in this season of life, so that what He is building within you may be realized.

Do not be in a hurry, do not want to do it for Him, but always be dependent on His instructions and guidelines, His Purpose and His Love. In this way, you will allow Him to accomplish His Work within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, December 1 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Let the Mirrors of supplication and of crying out be ignited, which demonstrate to the Heart of God that souls accept receiving Mercy and achieving redemption.

Let the Mirrors of supplication and of crying out be ignited, uniting supplicant souls and those who reflect celestial attributes for life into a single network.

The time has come, children, to live each of the Universal Lineages in each instant of life, to thus awaken the meaning of existence of beings on Earth.

In order to balance what is happening today in the world and ignite a light in the middle of the darkness, of the battle of chaos and evil, awake and conscious beings need to responsibly live a union with the Lineages in their hearts, and in this way, draw from the Heart of God the archetypes of evolutionary life expressed there so they may become a reality through each of you.

The Lineages will be the key for the balance of the planet when lived with sincerity and transparency, transforming the activity of the human ego through the vibration of spiritual life. The Lineages will be the key for the elevation of the consciousness, so as to not allow your souls to succumb to the distractions and the stimulations of the world.

Through the experience of the Lineages, your lives will be constantly reminded of the why and for what your being is on Earth at this time.

You are here, children, to be Guardians of the Divine Purpose; to be Contemplatives and Supplicants that intercede for souls; to be Priests that maintain the union of Heaven with Earth; to be Mirrors of the divine archetypes; to be Healers of all the wounds the human consciousness experiences in this time and thus aid beings in restoring the original patterns of the body, the mind and the spirit.

You are here to be Governors, first of yourselves, and to know to remain firmly on the pathway that God indicated you live.

You are here to be Rulers and uplift not only your own consciousness, but rather, that of all beings in all of life, learning that evolution occurs when there is communion among all that was created.

You are here to acquire the knowledge and live it with wisdom, and in this way, be teachers, first through your example, then through the word.

You are in this world, children, to establish a new life, this life that today is in transition, and many times, is hidden below the horizon of the Earth, making it seem impossible for this Purpose to be fulfilled.

But I come here today to tell you to not lose hope, that you not fix your eyes and hearts on the chaos of the world, but rather on the potential of your souls, and before observing everything that is not lived in the world, you think first of what each of you can offer to transform it, and the Lineages hold an important key for living this mystery.

For this reason, live each of the Lineages with wisdom, with gratitude, with striving and with truth, and one day you will see that, through your lives, the fruit of a new life will have sprouted on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

