Silence and gratitude, two keys and important attributes to learn to recognize and to listen to the Voice of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that dissolve misunderstandings and open the way to receive the Wisdom of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that attract providence and, at the same time, Grace.
Without silence and gratitude one cannot contemplate the next step of God, a step that is reflected and manifested through His children.
Seek silence and gratitude to become aware of the heavenly treasures entrusted to you through the unique work of the Love of God.
Without silence and gratitude no safe decision could be made, and no project could be built and manifested.
It was silence and gratitude that allowed the redemptive Work of the Lord to be carried forward.
It was silence and gratitude that established communion between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, through the Holy Eucharist.
Silence and gratitude are what enabled My Son to accept and bear the Cross.
Silence and gratitude are what help to accept and adhere to the designs and requests that the Father presents.
Without silence and gratitude there is no light and without light there will be no understanding.
Ask yourself how the silence and gratitude are within you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Voice echoes in the deepest silence of the universe, in which the inner worlds can hear and recognize Me. It is in this deep silence of the universe that the Father seeks the response, through wisdom, science and understanding.
Silence permeates the deepest layers of consciousness, of life and of every vibration, because in this deepest silence of the universe lies the response of God, which many times you try to find or even hear.
So that wisdom may permeate life, silence is the preamble. This sets the consciousness apart from possible errors, because the Wisdom of God is the certainty and conviction of His Spirit, which knows everything and impels everything, in this and in other dimensions. Without this Divine and Inner Wisdom, inner life would make no sense.
What was the first thing that the Father manifested in this Creation? It was the science of His Inner Life, which later on impelled Creation and everything that was created. There this matrix can be found. There this Purpose is revealed for everything that exists, for everything that lives and vibrates in this universe.
Each element, as well as each particle, each atom as well as each cell within this cosmic science, fulfills a purpose and a duty, because it exists so that it may reflect the Will of the Father, just as the holy angels do in Heaven and on Earth.
In this macro-universe of life, in this space of existence, of evolution, each element, particle or life fulfills its Purpose in the manifestation of the spirit, the mind and matter.
It is in this perfect communion, in this alignment with what is higher and internal, that one’s own consciousness must be connected, united to and even merged with Creation, so that the Principle of God, which is immutable, may manifest, reveal and build His Will in everything that was created by Himself at the beginning.
Within this infinite Creation you must contemplate the Purpose and Origin, so as to transcend the events, facts and even wounds.
If your consciousnesses do not travel in time-space, where the Divine Life vibrates and exists, the Great Purpose that created this existence, all the universes, dimensions and planes, how will you be able to overcome the end of times?
It is time to look at what is essential within yourselves, because that is where the answer is, that is where the next step is, separated from the ideas and thoughts, from everything that you might believe is better.
God is not to be found there. He manifests Himself and presents Himself to souls through His Sovereign Silence and His infinite Divine and Inner Life, so that He gradually builds His Will through them. Today is the time for you to live this, not only to receive or hear it.
Remember that My Words record a code, an impulse in the ether of the planet, so that this wounded humanity may spiritually resurrect and start anew with hope, with the arrival of what is to come, the advent of Christ.
You must think as the angels do, you must feel the way they do; in that way, you will realize how much it is still necessary to sublimate and transcend.
But it is in the origin of this existence, where the Whole is present and inner life vibrates and is present, that the Love of the Father mirrors itself with power, and puts everything in this universe in its place. But not with Justice, but rather with Mercy, through a Sublime Wisdom so that all that was created may learn to evolve and grow.
You must imitate the nature manifested by God to you, its cycles of withdrawal, as well as its cycles of expression and expansion; because just as the seed sprouts so that someday the fruits may be born, in the same way life loses its own leaves and once again sprouts and re-emerges so strongly, through the Light it receives from Heaven, which strengthens the spirit and expresses the surrender in those who live in fidelity to the Lord, Our God.
Today I want to leave you in this level of consciousness because, when I am no longer with you, you will have to seek, within yourselves and in an impersonal and mature way, the power of love and of faith. This very same inner state that I present to all, despite the different schools you are going through.
However, do not forget what I taught My apostles and the people of Israel: that in the Eyes of God, all of us are equal. To God there is no one better or worse, good or evil, awakened or asleep. God knows who each being is within their inner existence.
Can you, by any chance, value this gift, just as God values it with His amplitude and love?
In this way, you will learn how to see your neighbor with the eyes of the soul, rather than those of the mind. Thus, you will be able to recognize, among your miseries, the Inner Christ, this little spark of Light that God placed in each of His children, so that in this life and in this universe, each one may bear life in abundance.
I believe we are already before the possibility to take this step that I ask of you today, to come out of the conflicted third dimension and enter into the time of the Brotherhood, when everyone is considered, when everyone is contemplated, when everyone is heard without being judged. Because if God had placed His rod upon you, you would not be here.
Do you now understand that His Infinite Love cannot be measured by prejudice? That He, the Almighty, as a Father with open Arms and an expanded Heart, wants to have you close, so as to fulfill His Will?
How many, really how many souls need this and do not have it!
Be attentive to recognize, with gratitude, this Grace, so that in you, some day that is not far away nor distant, the wise Inner Christ may be born, the One who does not measure with a rod, but rather loves through His actions; the Inner Christ who welcomes through His Heart and is capable of feeling the miserable as a part of His own misery. Because this is what I lived for you.
With fervor, embrace My Call, and receive it also as a blessing, as an opportunity to open a new door, which with hope may look at the future and, with determination, may close the door of the past so that you may not become lost in superficial things.
Because in truth I tell you that without love, nothing is possible. How are the degrees of your love? Where does love act in you? Do not forget it.
May God’s Wisdom strengthen you. May the Love of God raise you so that you may walk decidedly toward the Purpose, that Purpose which is written in the Heart of God, because we owe Him honor and glory.
I thank those who strive and make efforts to transform themselves, those who can look at the Light of the Face of Jesus every day, in order to be blessed.
May peace promote peace, and may peace grant unity and strength to those who say ‘yes’ to Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May silence, during this Lent, allow you not only to reflect and meditate on your present inner situation, but also to appreciate without guilt, through silence, the reality that is within you and around you.
But, first of all, observe the events with eyes of compassion and not with eyes of criticism; because, just as My hour arrived during the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, so too will your hour arrive and it will be the moment to make a decision that will have repercussions on your whole life.
This Lent is not only the gateway to the contemplation of My Sorrowful Passion, but it is also the announcement that time is ending and it is necessary to have an evolutionary and fraternal attitude, an attitude capable of doing something for those who suffer, no matter what it costs. It is the opportunity to love again."
Jesus Christ
May the Peace of the Heart of Christ permeate the hearts of all those who cry out for relief and hope.
Children, fix your eyes on the horizon, and in prayer, wait for the dark night of the world to give way to the dawn of a new life.
Fix your eyes on the horizon and concentrate your beings on serving and bringing peace to your own heart, as well as the hearts of your brothers and sisters, through understanding, silence, listening, wisdom, and above all, intercessory prayer for souls.
Fix your eyes on the horizon, where the Divine Purpose rises, and walk, building that goal of reaching the Light of Christ. The Divine Purpose is built from the inside out and only manifests in your lives when it has already been consolidated in your inner world.
Thus, fix your eyes on the horizon, and the murky waters of the world today will give way to a crystalline sea, which will reveal to all beings the purity hidden in their hearts. Until that happens, simply pray, be supported in God and do not lose your union with the Creator through your bond with Him, which you must nurture in prayer and a daily conversation with God.
If you do not nurture the bond with God through contact with Him, this bond becomes ever more hidden and unknown for your souls. Thus, for you, let God be like that Friend and Companion who knows everything about your lives, who knows the deepest core of your hearts, who is the Receptacle of your sincerest and most transparent confessions, who is the Arm where you seek an embrace and consolation, rest and hope.
Let God be the Heart upon which you rest and in which you find wisdom and response, fortitude and joy to continue forward in spite of what is happening around you.
Remember always, children, to keep the bond with God, with your guardian angels, with your spirits, and with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, alive, accessible and constant. In this way, you will never lack the strength to continue forward and the determination to begin again each day; you will never lack hope to look to the horizon and know that, far beyond the darkness being experienced today in the world, the sun will rise.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When times become confusing and your heart is disturbed, become silent, child, contemplate nature in the solitude of the heart, and allow the silence to lead you to the Heart of God.
When chaos spreads throughout the Earth and the hearts of humankind, and sometimes within you no harmony can be found, then go, child, and become silent, contemplate the sky and its stars, breathe in the Divine Breath with awareness and seek the Heart of God.
When you cannot find examples, neither around you nor even within yourself, when the most deep-rooted energies of the human condition are exposed, being expunged from the depths of beings, go and become silent, focus your gaze on the horizon and let the silence lead you to the Heart of God.
The key to enter the Heart of the Celestial Father will always be within you. The link of creatures with the Creator is immutable, and it will always be latent within His Children.
The Father will never withdraw from you, but the confusion of the world and the transformation of human beings can cause you to feel distant from God. For this reason, I leave you this key: silence and contemplation, breath and the constant search for the Heart of the Creator within you.
In silence, enter into a dialogue with God, a dialogue in which you listen and He makes Himself heard, a dialogue in which you only say: "Lord, here I am. Guide me!", and He leads your spirit to His Dwelling Place, where wisdom and inner fortitude will be given to you through the Grace that has been upon you since the beginning of life, since the first moment when the Father sent His Children to the material dimensions with the promise that one day they would return to His Heart.
God's promise is alive and immutable. There should your hope be.
The silence will lead you to an encounter with this mystery, and the peace revealed in it will allow you to love and renew the love in all the circumstances of the end of times.
Thus, hold My Words in your heart and experience what I tell you; in this way, you will never be lost, but will always find God, and He will find you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.
The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.
The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.
The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.
The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.
When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.
The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.
This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.
The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.
When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.
When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.
The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.
The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.
This is the time.
In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.
When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.
Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.
Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.
Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.
Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.
Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.
Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.
May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.
May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.
We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.
May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.
Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.
Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.
Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.
You have My blessing for this..
Bring incense and blessed water here.
May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.
May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.
May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, you will indicate that you may enter.
Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace, under Divine Grace.
I thank you.
Sister Lucia de Jesus:
At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.
The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.
The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.
The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.
The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.
When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.
The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.
This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.
The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.
When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.
When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.
The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.
The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.
This is the time.
In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.
When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.
Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.
Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.
Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.
Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.
Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.
Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.
May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.
May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.
We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.
May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.
Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.
Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.
Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.
You have My blessing for this..
Bring incense and blessed water here.
May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.
May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.
May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.
Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace, under Divine Grace.
I thank you.
Sister Lucia de Jesus:
At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.
The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.
The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.
The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.
The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.
When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.
The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.
This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.
The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.
When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.
When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.
The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.
The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.
This is the time.
In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.
When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.
Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.
Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.
Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.
Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.
Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.
Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.
May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.
May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.
We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.
May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.
Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.
Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.
Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.
You have My blessing for this..
Bring incense and blessed water here.
May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.
May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.
May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.
Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace, under Divine Grace.
I thank you.
Sister Lucia de Jesus:
At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My silence must be heard, because it is the silence of My Son, the silence of God, because these are our last Messages, our last impulses for humanity.
Therefore, these are the most important moments, when inner silence must prevail over words. Because the Sacred Word has already created the universe, it has manifested life and all existence.
Now, beloved children, you must make room for silence to learn to listen. For in this way you will help this race of the surface to no longer justify itself at this moment of humanity, but rather to learn to open its inner ears to learn to listen to all that God has told it throughout recent times, through the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother, through the Heart of My Most Beloved Son Jesus, and through the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
This is the time to learn to listen to the Word of God. It is the time to learn to assume this Word as part of oneself, so that little by little, the Will of God may manifest itself in this cycle of great definitions for all.
But do not lose sight of what I am telling you at this moment. May your hearts and inner worlds zealously hold these Sacred Words of the Mother of God, so that you may learn to make correct decisions, so that you may learn that, in this material life, dialog is the foundation for all understanding.
Therefore, I ask you, once again, to open your hearts, to allow your inner worlds to receive this impulse from the Mother of God. Because it will be in this way, My children, that the Christic essence will approach you so that you may learn to live as Jesus lived; so that you may learn to feel just as Jesus felt; so that you may learn to give of yourself just as Christ surrendered for you.
Tonight I do not want to extend Myself too much, for the gaze of the Heavenly Mother is set upon urgent matters of humanity. We have many wars taking place in the world, innocent blood continues to be shed, and there is no awareness of this, My children.
Therefore, the only thing I ask of you is to be silent and listen to Our last Words, on behalf of those who do not listen to the Words of God, on behalf of My children who for different reasons, close their hearts and cannot find meaning in the life that God gave them.
Lastly, I come to thank the brave and prayerful hearts who, during these last nine days, and with great faith and conviction, gathered through “Prayer for Peace in the Nations” to fulfill and respond to My special request for families.
Know and absolutely believe that all those who during the nine days, placed their intentions, their prayers and above all their hearts at Our Feet, will receive the Grace they have asked for so much.
In this time, may peace, understanding and listening prevail, so that it may not be too late, but rather that more hearts and more souls may receive the Grace of the Return of Christ, Our Lord.
Through the angels that accompany Me at this moment and are witnesses of the rebirth of Christ in each heart, I thank you for responding to My call, and I bless you in the name of Universal Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.
And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.
And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.
For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.
The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.
Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.
Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.
Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.
Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Child, enter My Chaste Heart, where there is hope, where peace reigns.
Child, enter My Chaste Heart, which is open today for you.
Allow your soul to remain in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus allowed Himself to be in My arms, just as God experienced human frailty and surrendered into the arms of a simple Heart.
Come too, child, allow Me to have you in My arms, to hold you tightly, to place you against My chest, so that you may feel My Love, the Love that I have for you and each human heart, the same Love that emanated from My Heart when the little Jesus was in My arms.
Come, child, enter into My Chaste Heart so that I may calm you, so that I may show you the next step to take.
Enter into My Heart, because there is Light here, even when the world is dark. Here there is fresh water in the deep deserts of consciousness.
Come and enter My Heart and, although your tears may roll down My chest, I will embrace you, I will console you and allow you to cry, so that you may allow all anguish, pain, despair and lack of hope to leave your inner world.
In My Heart you will find an answer, because just as you, child, I also experienced the bitterness of the world and, although this time is different from all others, I still know the anguish of the human condition. Therefore, enter My Heart and find strength in it.
Who knows human imperfection better than I do, a simple Heart, full of so many miseries, to which divine paternity was entrusted?
I know, children, the anguish of carrying forward great missions in a world that is in agony, in a humanity that swims in a see of misery and seems never to find the light; in a humanity that many times walks in darkness, just seeking to find the Light of Divine Promises, which, century after century, since Adam and Eve, still seek to be fulfilled. Therefore, enter My Heart and allow Me to be a door for you, a door to a new cycle, a door for greater understanding.
Enter into My Heart, so that I may lead you to the depths of the ocean of consciousness, so that I may remove you from the turbulent sea and may lead you to where there is peace. There is a sublime life that you must still discover, but while the waves strike you, while the winds shake you, it is difficult to find this life.
Therefore, come and enter into My Heart, I will take you where you cannot go, I will take you to Bethlehem, just as you asked Me in prayer. Allow Me, child, to show you this sacred space within yourself, because God still dwells in you and still waits to express Himself.
Enter into My Chaste Heart. Can you hear the heartbeats? Can you feel the pulse within Me?
This is the sound of My Love for you, which is the Love that God taught Me to have, express and live for all of humanity and for all of life. This Love, which comes from God, mirrors itself in My Chaste Heart and, like a mantle, embraces you today so that you may feel peace again.
I know you seek the meaning of life, I know that you seek the meaning of so many battles. There is an answer that dwells in the Heart of God and that only the Creator Knows, but which humanity can also know when it enters the Heart of the Celestial Father and discovers His Mysteries there.
This is why I always speak to you about the importance of dialog with God, the importance of your having the time and the hour to withdraw from the human condition, delve into the Heart of the Creator and in it speak to your Father, listen to His Words and understand His Mysteries.
Even if you do not understand concepts, even if He does not speak to you with ideas, the Creator speaks to you, child, with strength, with hope, with peace. And these states of consciousness that you can feel when talking with God are the responses of His Heart. Do not expect God to speak to you with words, do not think that He has abandoned you when He does not give you human answers, because the profound language of the Creator is divine principles, which emerge from His Sacred Heart and manifest the primordial energies through which life can exist.
For this reason, the correct way to enter into dialog with God is oftentimes through silence. After talking with your Creator, take time to listen to Him and allow Him to express to your heart the divine principles that will strengthen life within you and will make you feel the Grace of living as an expression and manifestation of the Divine Consciousness.
In it, you will be able to discover love for life, in it you will be able to find the meaning of existence, in it you will be able to know why and for what God created you, why and for what you go through so many battles, why there is not just a peaceful ocean, why there are waves and winds, storms and thunder that agitate existence.
You must find these answers within yourself, child.
Therefore, come, My Arms are open for you, you do not need to do anything, other than to be in Me, so that My Heart may mirror itself in yours, so that My Love may live in you, so that there are no distances or differences between My Heart and yours.
That which I make you experience today is a great divine mystery that I once experienced on Earth when I was walking in My greatest misery in the desert of the world.
When the Most Holy Mary told Me she would become the Mother of the Messiah, so much awaited by all nations, My Heart could not believe it, not because it did not believe in our Divine Mother. It could not believe that God would truly dwell among imperfect human beings, it could not understand how God would live amidst so much human misery.
How would He come as a baby?
How would He save humanity, being a fragile child, susceptible to the care of human beings?
How would He be born in My family?
All of this, child, awakened great affliction in Me, caused My miseries and the darkness around Me to grow. I saw Myself before a desert without one drop of water, there was no hope in My Heart. Faith had faded away, I could not find answers, I could not find relief, until God did to Me what I do to you today. He opened the Heavens and presented Himself before My Heart, He opened His Arms and called Me so that I might be in Him and, through Him, I could understand His Mysteries. And so it came to pass that, like a child, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of the Creator, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of My Celestial Father and, within Him, find peace.
This is why God sends Me today, in a time of so much confusion, in a time of so much incomprehension, so that I may open the Heavens, open My arms, show you My Chaste Heart and invite you to enter Me. Here I am, child.
Allow the impossible to become possible. Allow a higher truth to flood your consciousness. Allow a higher Love to permeate your being, strengthen you and give peace back to you.
This is a time of great miseries, but also of great Mercies. You will not find anything or anyone that is perfect, but in My Heart, and in the Heart of God, to which I want to lead you, you will find peace, you will find compassion, you will find hope, and you will be able to love when it seems impossible.
Today you are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God pulsates and expresses healing. You are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God liberates and transmutes humanity, and that begins with each one of you.
Therefore, allow Aurora to do its work. Allow Aurora to transform you, to show you your miseries, but do not remain there, because the Mercy of God is the size of your misery. The size of your wounds is the healing that you can receive. The size of your inner abyss is the power of liberation of Aurora.
The human condition does not exist to remain as it is. It exists to be transformed. The turbulent ocean exists to wash the consciousness and make it plunge into its depths.
To experience what I am saying to you, you just need to allow it, because I do not come to meet you just with words, I also come with the Grace that God asks Me to deliver to humanity, to all and every being that can listen to Me and open their heart to receive what I bring to you.
At the request of the Creator, I will be one more year with you, because humanity still needs to be sustained by the Three Sacred Hearts, humanity still needs to be guided so that it does not become lost in the confusion of these times.
This is why God has asked Me to stay with you, bringing weekly impulses to sustain your consciousnesses and to not allow humanity to become lost. This represents a Grace, but it also speaks to you about the urgency of these times, something that was not foreseen, but which is deeply necessary, something for which you must pray so that the merits continue to be generated, so that humanity may be worthy of receiving Mercy.
For these merits to become a reality, We call you to the consecration of your lives, because consecration, children, generates unknown merits in Heaven, and balances human imbalances. And despite all miseries, all darkness in the world, despite all those who give up on their commitment to Christ, consecration allows souls to continue balancing each backward step that humanity takes, each step that distances you from God.
Consecration allows souls to approach the Creator, this is why you must live it with consciousness, doing this for all beings, for all humanity and, more than living this moment, you must renew your consecration every day. In this way, you will continue to generate merits so that We may be here and so that humanity may live its Divine Purpose.
Therefore, let those who aspire to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Bring incense and blessed water.
May these elements be blessed by the Grace of My Presence.
May the purity of My Heart express itself in this water.
May the liberation of My Spirit express itself in this incense.
May God touch your souls through these elements, liberate you, forgive you so that you may begin a new cycle, in which Divine Mercy may speak louder than your miseries, in which strength may be a reality, so that you may overcome every obstacle that life may bring you, and that your hearts may always remember that in God you will find peace, in spite of anything that may happen in this world.
Receive My blessing, My Grace, My Paternal Spirit and the Spirit of Consecration in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessed are those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. Through them, the Kingdoms of Nature will find peace, will find relief and hope.
Blessed be those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for the Sacred Family will reign in their hearts, as well as in their homes, bringing them the Grace of finding God in the heart of their neighbor.
Blessed be the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for they will be intercessors before the souls that most need it. The Creator will listen to your prayers and will pour out Mercy upon the forgotten.
May the Grace of God be upon your lives, and may you express that Grace in each one of your actions and, through your actions, you will be known as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.
I thank you for being here, for consecrating your lives and for living in the Sacred Hearts, because when I call you to be in Me, I call you to be in God and find in it the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In Us, nothing is separated. We walk in unity, so that you may learn to walk in unity through Us. This is why We are here and We lead your steps.
I thank you, and once again I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
We will sing “Father of souls,” this Hymn of the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.
I am silent so that you may learn to perceive the depths of My Being, and through Me, feel what the Hierarchy feels and lives at this moment, for all that happens in the world. And I will not get tired of repeating this, because the time of redemption has not yet arrived.
My silence speaks of something profound and spiritual, My meditation and My prayer speak for souls, because souls must have the strength to go through Armageddon. I know that this word Armageddon frightens many consciousnesses, but there will be no other way or other path where, after the transition of the planet, a New Humanity can start from the beginning.
The Lord, your Master, does not relate with the suffering of consciousnesses. The sufferings of beings and the agony of hearts are those which I must transmute and purify so that souls fully trust in My Christic Love and thus not lose the hope of being able to rebuild their lives and conscioussnesses, of recovering the path that they lost toward the Heavenly Father, because many souls in this humanity lose that path, day by day.
Thus, I am in silence and in meditation so that you may feel the depth and magnitude of My Heart, so that you may assume together with Me the pains of Christ, pains that are deeper and more unknown than those of the Cross.
This makes you grow internally, and you will learn to see the life of your consciousness, and that of your brothers and sisters, with greater discernment and responsibility, knowing that this is the time not to waste the opportunities of the universe, not to make life superficial and indifferent. This strengthens impunity, which is something the world is unaware of; this accelerates the end of times and its consequences.
Because now, through My own Eyes, I see fulfilled what the Father showed Me so long ago, that which I taught in My Gospel to the apostles during My public Life, when I spoke of the end times, of all the unknown that souls should learn how to face without losing faith, even if it seems difficult.
For this reason, you are very blessed, before those who cannot be blessed in the world. For this reason, more will be required of you, because you must correspond to the treasures that you have received from Me, and those pearls of Heaven, which I have delivered to each one of your hearts, you must give your fruits and your answers to the Father.
I speak to you of something profoundly mature, although many are not at the same level or in the same school, but My Merciful Love has no exceptions.
At the end of these times, your Master and Lord will give great opportunities to the least prepared, because I know your essences, and I do not pay attention to what is superficial, nor to anything temperamental; I search for that gift that the Father deposited within you from the beginning, from the Source.
Thus, just as I knew that the time of Armageddon would come, I also knew that there would come a time to look for talents, through those who follow My Footsteps and My Path; that time is now coming.
Are you noticing and acknowledging this?
I will come to ask for those talents only once, I will not be able to stop at those who do not want to surrender their lives. God, as He is so Kind and Merciful, He has a place for each of His Children.
Following My commands and My guidelines, within the development of the end times, means much more than having a mature and responsible consciousness, it means more than obeying and being faithful.
Following My commands and My guidelines means being available unconditionally so that I can work through hearts, in the face of the horrors that are seen throughout this world and in this humanity, situations that must be liberated and alleviated by someone, by those who offer themselves to be postulants to the path of the apostolate: to be present where it is necessary and when it is necessary, where God wants it so and when God needs it so.
Thus, I bring you the example of My Pierced Heart, a strong example to contemplate in these times, because you must have the courage to feel what I feel and that which I live so as to be more united with Me, like never before, because union with Me is always gradual when souls are encouraged to live their path of Christification and surrender.
For this reason, on this afternoon of Pity and Mercy for the world, I leave before you the needs of the planet and of humanity, the projects and aspirations that the Hierarchy has in different parts of the world, where the expression of the Sacred Points of Light in the world is urgently needed by the entire Brotherhood of Heaven, reflected through the group life of the Islands of Salvation. The least expected places need this spiritual and concrete assistance, such as, in today's example, the Middle East.
Imagine, for a moment that, through these Points of Light, if they exist and are manifested through correspondence with Me, how many uncertain doors could be closed throughout the entire world!
How much more would the elements and the Kingdoms of Nature lighten their fury and anger with humanity!
How much more could the telluric forces of the planet, the Circle of the Pacific, be sustained! How much more could the continents, through the Points of Light, minimally maintain their connection with the Divine!
I could tell you many more things than what I have told you so far, but for all this to be possible, it is not only interest or enthusiasm that is necessary, it is not only necessary to have awareness, responsibility or discernment, it is necessary that first of all, this lives in you.
I would not want to see a world more destroyed than this one is, a surface corroded by the forces of chaos. I would not want to find a reduced humanity when I return, but I know, since the Garden of Gethsemane, that I will definitively come to close the hells of the planet; and I will arrive at that moment, in which souls will perceive all this clearly.
Therefore, you must pray with more fervor and with greater awareness, each day to come. You must be prepared for unexpected emergencies, not just here, but anywhere in the world.
I have been able to manifest and concretize the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions, such a concrete impulse of the Hierarchy for the end of these times, a fundamental key for each one of your lives, so that your material life is also prepared, through that space that the Fraternity- Humanitarian Missions could offer to everyone and to the world.
I am not only talking about ethics, rules or fundamental principles to survive Armageddon; I am talking about you being deeply united to the Hierarchy, through the Rescue Plan that is being outlined at the end of these times, through the practice of the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions.
The Hierarchy has taken a risk for you, at My request, by joining other institutions and organizations of the world, and although this Work and this service is small or insignificant at this moment, companions, it is where I have to be able to sow My seeds of Light in those spaces of the world, where light, love and peace no longer exist.
I will give you an example: imagine one day waking up and everything around you is in deep chaos and destruction, what would you do? What would be your first spiritual attitude?
Millions of people in the world live this way, and this Work, which was formed through the Community of Figueira has offered Me this unique space at the end of these times, so that I had the opportunity to speak to the world.
No one in this humanity is prepared for what will come. Thus, I implore you once again to delve into the light of prayer; and I ask you, out of charity, to seek not only your own salvation, but also to seek the salvation of the one next to you, every day. Thus, you will begin to learn and also understand what I am saying.
Today, I bring you this Message ahead of schedule because this world and this humanity are unpredictable, and while many more continue to believe that nothing will happen, I suggest that they change their minds quickly, that they be humble and recognize the Armageddon so that nothing takes them by surprise, just as My apostles were taken by surprise when I was imprisoned in the Garden of Gethsemane. I hope I do not have to see the same this time.
But it is important for me, at this hour, that you can consciously grow and mature, not only for everything that awaits this country, but also for everything that awaits the rest of the world.
Here, I do not come to give an apocalyptic Message. I do not want you to get confused, I want you to be aware of the reality in which you live and that, from now on, everything that happens here or anywhere else in the world should be as important to you as it is to the Hierarchy, because that will form you as true servants of My Plan.
I need to get you out of yourselves, once and for all. If you get out of yourselves, others will also get out of themselves and put aside their preferences and intentions to live My Will, which still awaits to be fulfilled within your lives.
Thus, I come once more to pray for you and for the world. I come to tell you that you can count on Me at all times, and that the deepest core of My Heart is open so that you can enter and be a part of My Mystical Body, and the first way to achieve this is adoration, acknowledging the Presence of your Master and Lord through His Eucharistic Body.
It will be increasingly urgent for the world that souls be postulants to the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, so that the different points on Earth are sustained by a spiritual balance, above all, the axis of the Earth that needs it so much.
As a testimony of My Love for those who strive, I have accepted the consecration of new adorers; to those I silently invite to approach the altar so that they may be consecrated, at this moment, by Me.
Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Let us prepare, through the Priests, the incense and the water, so that they are blessed by Christ.
I want to thank each one of you because, with effort, you have placed a grain of Light in this world, within this arid desert of suffering and of war throughout humanity.
For this reason, today I consecrate you so that together with Me you may commit yourselves, through future adorations to the Blessed Sacrament, to sustain the balance of the planet, of the elements and of the Kingdoms of Nature so that, in the north, in the south, in the east and in the west of this world, the time of purification may be sustained by you at each new moment of adoration, as in each moment of prayer.
Your souls have been walking together for a long time, even if you are unaware of this. Thus, you walked with Me through many regions of the Holy Land; because you searched for Me, and thus you found Me. You pleaded with Me and touched My Mantle, and I healed you and cured you.
Today, I remind you of this again, as a treasure for your souls and your lives, so that you trust that I am by your side, even though many times you have felt alone, struck by sadness or despair.
I come to give you the strength and power that the Eucharist gives you. If you are always before Me, My Heart will always be in you, and I will always relieve you, and through you, I will be able to relieve your families and friends.
Do not forget the following: if the slightest effort is never made, this world could not be converted.
Everything that you can sacrifice for Me will be a faithful sign that you are on My path of apostolate. This is so, through this Consecration and this time that I dedicate to you, because I know you need it; I affirm My Love and My Victory, because you have opened the door to the Lord, so that I may live within you, beyond the imperfections.
Therefore, be at peace and trust.
Everything in life has a reason. Everything has its time and its moment. And I am here to encourage you and your brothers and sisters, because you will see, like Me, that there will be more horrors throughout the world.
Offer yourselves fully to Me through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that everything is relieved within you and within the world. I thirst.
May the Peace and strength of Our Lord Jesus Christ be within you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In silence, I try to have you listen to God. The lack of silence in the world causes absence of peace and, due to the lack of peace in the world, there is no harmony.
For this reason, this is the great moment for souls to turn to their inner silence, because God has been waiting up until now to speak to His Children, to His Creatures, so that they may listen to His Call and to His Voice, so that souls may be led to the Purpose and, as a part of this Spiritual and Divine Purpose, hearts may learn to express His Divine Will, day by day.
The lack of silence in the world is what causes chaos and war. This is what causes faulty listening, and the difficulty to feel and recognize all that happens to one’s neighbor.
This is why the world and humanity are confused, lost and disturbed, because the lack of peace disorients the consciousnesses of the surface and slowly distances them from the Purpose of God.
But on this day, once again, through the doors to My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, through the Wound of My Side, I come to grant souls the opportunity to reintegrate themselves into the evolutionary path. Thus, they may not only learn to listen to God in the silence of the heart, but they may also be impelled to carry forward the preparation of My Return to the world. And although this is about to happen in humanity, very difficult things will still happen on the surface.
Through the Divine expression of My Word, through My New Gospel, which springs from the innermost depths of My Heart, I come to prepare souls for that moment.
In the meantime, I ask you to sustain yourselves in Me, because in Me you will be able to continue on despite the times of tribulation and darkness, although you may see these nations oppose one another, although people may rise against people, although indifference, for many, may be the theme of this age.
Companions, I invite you to get up and begin every day as if it were the first time, knowing that in your hearts there must emerge the ardent inspiration to fulfill My Purpose no matter what, regardless of what may happen, regardless of what is carried out in this world.
Do not seek the solution in that which is material and concrete. Seek the answer in your inner worlds and in that which is spiritual, because the one who seeks an answer on the material plane will never find it, as all of this surface needs to be redeemed and rehabilitated, from the human beings to the Kingdoms of Nature.
All of Creation waits for the great moment of redemption of the planet. All evolutionary consciousnesses of the universe are waiting for the awakening of the human being so that it may become aware, once and for all, of everything it has done to this world, of every harm it has caused to this Creation.
But from the brave and anonymous hearts will emerge this spiritual power through the love, adherence and unity of souls, which will allow the conversion of the most adamant sinners, those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell.
There would be no other reason for My Divine Mercy to be present in this Creation but for the souls that are lost and condemned.
My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy comes to bring atonement to all. It comes to replace Justice through the presence of Grace and Compassion.
Therefore, when you see all that will happen in this world, as is happening now, strengthen within yourselves the aspiration of being in Me and of serving Me, so that I may have instruments on the surface of the Earth, of which I may avail Myself and with which I may work in these very definitive times of the planet, in which unknown and incredible situations will be lived in which your faith, the faith of each one of my disciples, must be first in the lives of all, no matter what happens, as I have said to you.
Because it will be this science of faith that will help you to love the planetary cross, and it will also help you carry your own cross and, through faith, you will learn to transcend yourselves a little more every day.
Imagine, even for one moment, what would have happened to Me if I had not had faith so as to surrender in sacrifice through the Last Supper, to be condemned, humiliated, flagellated and then crucified, as if I were less than a lamb.
What would have happened without the presence of faith!
The Living God became small and humble in an abandoned place in Bethlehem. The Living God waits, at this moment and in this time, at the eve of the Nativity of the Lord, to be born again in the hearts that wait for Him, and thus change this planetary situation, through all those who profess their faith and trust in Christ, through all those who love the science of the Sacraments.
It is in this way that, once again, that the Lord of the Night, the Lord of the Mountains, the Firstborn Child, Christ the Redeemer, comes to anoint you through His Spirit. Thus, you will dare to cross the threshold of the end of times and you will never lose sight of the Divine Purpose, the blazing flame of Peace and the Will of the Father for all His Creatures in this Creation.
This is why neither your Master and Lord nor any other Hierarchy will raise their sword although the battle is hard and difficult. On the spiritual planes of consciousness, I call all Hierarchies, just as I call you, My companions, to express Christic Love, which overcomes the errors, dissolves indifference, transcends sin, liberates suffering and opens the doors to hope and peace.
Evil does not know these attributes, or these spaces of the consciousness. And the more people live these attributes and are a source of these Christic experiences, the less long time will evil be able to sustain itself, because it will dissolve itself, as Light, Love and Unity reign.
I invite you to abandon wrath. I invite you to leave behind the planetary disconformity. It is time for you to live what I taught you with so much Love, because the Father only expects that His Children may be the Christs of the New Times.
On this second day of meeting with Me, I come to make you think about all these things because, as I told you, there is no longer time, and My Instructions must not go unnoticed.
My Instructions must be lived in plenitude and awareness so that someday you, as awakened, adhered and available beings, may be part of My Celestial Kingdom on Earth, may be the preamble to the emergence of the New Humanity, free from sin, suffering, pain, as bearers of peace.
You who look at this world with anguished Eyes,
trust those who follow My Steps in faith,
just as you trusted Your Son.
Empty the hearts so that You may enter them
and all Your Children may commune with You,
just as Your Son communed with You
at the culminating moment of the Garden of Gethsemane.
Help Your Creatures go through the end of these times,
to love the unknown more and more every day,
so that all may find the sacred promise
of belonging to Your Kingdom.
Let us keep praying for the descent of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy upon the whole world.
May these impulses that I give you be a reason to fulfill the Sacred Plan, through the surrender of your lives and essences, through your adherence to the Divine Purpose.
May My Peace be in you and in this place.
May My Peace be infused in this world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.
In the face of despair, I will support you.
In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.
Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.
In silence, I will make Myself felt.
In love, you will see Me made manifest.
Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.
Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.
From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.
From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.
My Hand will always be upon the just.
My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.
From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.
My Peace will embrace the simple.
Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.
My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.
I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.
Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.
Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.
I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.
Rest in My Arms.
Keep taking steps in mature love.
My Son is your only school.
Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.
You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.
You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.
In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.
Move forward, I Am here with you.
I Am that I Am.
I Am Adonai.
Dear children,
In this month of May that now begins, may the prayer of the Rosary be the preamble and also the inner preparation for the upcoming events.
May your faith be fixed upon My Immaculate Heart, a maternal Heart that opens a spiritual door for all My children to pass through and, thus, enter the House of the Heavenly Father.
This is the time that My soldiers of prayer must already live in the contemplative state.
May the daily exercise, through the prayerful word, be the way to awaken the mirror heart within you, so that I may have the permission for your souls to receive from Heaven the impulses of Redemption and Mercy that are kept in My great inner network of Celestial Mirrors.
This is the great moment for each of My servants to broaden their consciousnesses and to actively participate together with the Celestial Mother in Her great intercessions for humanity and for the planet.
To be in contemplation is to be in silence, but it is also to practice the life of prayer so that your hearts are blessed receptacles of the Graces that My hands wait to pour out upon all of humanity.
By awakening your mirror heart, you will be more sensitized by the difficult planetary situation, and your consciousnesses will rise to unite in spirit to My great spiritual network of supplication that exists in the great Celestial Kingdom, from where I come to deliver My Words of Love to you.
Dear children, I invite you once again to place your minds and especially your hearts in the Heights, in Heaven, in the Universe, because that is where you will find inner peace.
I thank you for postulating to be part of My Praying and Supplicating Armies of Heaven!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In this time of definition, children, all beings, in different degrees, are being obliged to confront within themselves both human will and Divine Will, the old and the new human.
Within the human will are held all the beliefs about life, about yourselves, about God and His Plan, about your personal mission and how to move it forward, about knowledge, wisdom, truth and ignorance.
Within Divine Will, something profoundly unknown and silent is held, that with its simple approach, knocks down walls and structures, transforms, modifies and renews that which was out of place within beings.
But holding on to what is unknown is not easy to do. Allowing for the transformation of one's most formed and oldest convictions in the consciousness, in order to walk toward something that is unknown, where the human consciousness does not have roots but only spirit, is the great challenge of these times.
And how can this be carried out?
There will be no other way of going through this moment, children, except by praying, yielding more deeply each day and opening yourselves to a more true relationship with God so that, in this way, you may recognize Him, even in the invisible, even in the silence, so that you may know how to distinguish His Will, beyond the shouts of human wills.
During this time of the planet, you will only be sustained by a real relationship between God and humankind. It is about the experience of the Covenant already realized by Christ that must now be experienced by the beings. But in your relationship with God, there is no past, there is no human condition, flesh does not prevail, but only spirit.
To go through the doorway toward the Meeting, you will have to defeat shame, beliefs, convictions, personal plans, wills, conditions, fears and desires, goals and aspirations. It is in the void where you will find the answer and the correct vestments for going through the narrow doorway, where only spirit and love fit.
Pray to understand what I tell you. Become silent so that, in communion with silence, you may know how to listen to the Voice of the One who, even having manifested the Word, speaks through silence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.
Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To reach the Heart of God, you do not need great science and deep philosophies, you do not need formulas or even eternal practices. What you need, child, is a sincere heart, pure and redeemed in front of the Father.
All spiritual practices and exercises will forge a transformation for your consciousness within you, and they will allow you to remain in union with the Creator, and may this not be for just an instant, but rather become a permanent state of consciousness.
But to touch the Heart of God, to feel It and know It, you only need a sincere heart that is willing to come to the Father in confession, in adoration, in communion and in surrender. To feel Him, experience within yourself what He really is, and in coming to know God, also come to know yourself.
For this reason, before anything else, and even though you may not have the strength or inspiration, simply be with a sincere heart before the Creator, simply be with a surrendered heart at His Altar. Place yourself as an offering at His Feet and let Him make Himself felt. In the Divine Presence, everything in your life will regain its meaning, your efforts will be of value and their weight will be less, because the Love of God within you will speak louder; your battles will be light, not because they will be easier, but because your heart is no longer loose within the winds of darkness, but anchored in the Presence of God, from where no wind will be able to remove you.
Everything begins, child, with confession, yielding, surrender, adoration, and thus a perfect communion with God. And this can happen in silence, in spiritual joy, in the profound mourning of the soul, in prayer or in adoration, in your own life. You only need a sincere heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace reign in your heart so that you know how to understand these times and search for strength in the correct place of your consciousness and your heart.
There will be days in which your weaknesses will go beyond your capacity to overcome yourself and continue on, but in these moments, child, find a place in your heart where you are safe. Look for the Love of Christ, the memory of the embrace of your Lord; look for the knowledge of the Divine Presence, that the Eyes of the Creator are focused on you; be in silence in nature, observe the sun that is born and goes down, bringing peace and retreat toward your heart; look for hope in the Words already pronounced by God through His Messengers; sit in silence and solitude just to breathe and be grateful, and in your weakness, say:
And pronouncing this and any confessions that may emerge from your heart, make space so that God may reveal, not only your emptiness and smallness, but also His greatness, His miracle, His power.
Choose, child, in the depths of your weaknesses, to make space so that Christ may reveal His Grace to the world through the living testimony of your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the time comes, Knowledge, Truth and the Light of the Universe of God will reveal itself on its own, and there will be no dogma, doctrine or institution that will be able to hide what will emerge within the beings, just like in the heights of the Heavens.
The cosmos within creatures will pulsate, and from this same infinity in Heaven will emerge the signs of a new time, of a new life that reveals and manifests the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom not understood and still unknown to humankind.
When the time comes, the silence of those who persisted will be their greatest instrument to allow the revelation of the truth, because the truth will not emerge from the words of human beings, but rather from their living examples, the signs of Heaven, and the very Voice of God who, after having been in silence, will allow His Word to resound with the power of a thousand trumpets over the world.
For this reason, do not want to convince, do not want to do it yourselves, do not want to transform the world with words, but rather with example, the testimony that speaks for itself. And when humankind becomes silent, the Voice of God will reverberate.
Let His Kingdom, always alive in those who allow for Its expression, be what will reveal the path to the world.
Let these be your constant aspirations: with the example, announce; with the word, pray and proclaim the Grace of God; with your life, express His Kingdom; with your heart, renew His Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When nature becomes stirred, enter into prayer and seek unity with the deepest Spirit of the Earth, the silent Spirit of God that permeates life and supports the planet.
Find peace in its silence, in spite of all the noise of the elements on the surface of the world. Let the wind and the seas roar, the fire crackle and the earth move. Let your heart be always in the heart of the planet, in prayer, serving for the balance and for peace.
Learn to observe and hear nature, learn to see its signs in the elements, and know that when it becomes stirred, it is because its deep Spirit is in need of peace.
Everything in Creation is life. Every soul and every spirit is part of One God. From the heart of humankind to the depths of the Kingdoms of Nature, everything comes from God, and in Him everything finds unity.
For this reason, child, feel yourself to be a part of nature, feel that your prayer calms it, that your love brings it peace and that, when you are within God, all of life can be there, in the eternal Presence of the Creator.
For this reason, pray for life, for balance and peace within all that is life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In each cycle of human evolution, children, the time comes for the disciples to take their own steps and deliver the results of their learning to the Creator. This is experienced in Heaven as on Earth.
When the time comes to put into practice everything that you have learned, your first premise, the most basic as well as the primary one, is humility. Never forget that all the lessons received were based on the Grace of God, and not on human merit. Each instruction, each gift, each virtue and even each skill reached, everything is the result of the Divine Grace within your lives.
For this reason, children, do not lose sight of that Grace, and under the perpetual spirit of humility, know that you only triumph when you are in the Presence of the Lord and it is He Who acts through His children. Thus, prayer, silence and the eternal awareness of the Divine Presence and of the need for His Grace are that which will allow you to remain on the correct path.
This is what will uproot from your hearts any vestige of competitiveness and lack of union when you wish to impose your own ideas and thoughts upon the ideas and thoughts of others. May no one ever desire to establish their own will, rather, may everyone humbly gather in the Presence of the Creator, pray and ask for the Grace to act, decide and discern in the face of each situation in life. This will protect you, guide you and keep you safeguarded under the Law of the Grace and Mercy of God, even in the times of justice.
Everything in your lives must be guided by the Creator, and even though His Messengers become silent, you must learn to seek the Presence of the Father within your own hearts and listen to His designs. The bridges have already been created, the doors have already been opened; it is enough that your hearts remain always humble and conscious of the need for Grace in the face of any situation.
You have My blessing for this,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more