Dear children:
May the Prince of the Celestial Militia, the Archangel Saint Michael, be devoutly honored today so that on this, His day of Glory, He may bury His powerful Sword of Light in the unredeemed essences of evil and thus, the Light of Heaven may triumph.
Let us honor the Archangel Saint Michael because His celestial armies work on this day to send to the abysses all the perverse spirits that cause grave faults in humanity and in their spiritual counterpart.
Let us raise the Banner of Peace in the Presence of the Archangel Saint Michael so that He may grant the defeat of all the hells and souls of the world may be freed from the spiritual prisons of these times.
May hearts be consecrated to the Heavenly Father, the Archangel Saint Michael, so that their deepest nuclei and, above all, their essences may be protected from the codes of evil.
Blessed be, Archangel Saint Michael because, with the power of Your angelic Heart and the powerful scale of Your Sword, You defeat evil in the name of the Love of God.
Blessed Archangel Saint Michael, faithful protector of the Plan of God, protect all those who invoke the power of Your Most High Name, now and forever. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My legions of Light are formed by the angels from Heaven and the servers from Earth. I count on each one of them to pour out the Restoring Source of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
Time and again, I lift all the essences and the souls that serve Me unconditionally to the Kingdom of Heaven, so that for a moment they may be in My Arms; but above all, so that the souls that serve Me, and that also experience their inner purification in this time, may feel relief not only because of the Merciful Love of My Heart, but also for the affluent of My Divine Mercy.
All the praying armies of the Earth are especially strengthened during the days of the Marathon of Prayer; as happened this time when your Master and Lord, after the last Sacred Week, withdrew to Heaven and with complete confidence turned over the directing of His Work to His most valued followers.
In this way, souls gradually are spiritually braced through inner contact with the sublime Ocean of My Mercy so that in the future when it will become necessary to take care of a great part of humanity, souls may receive the same impulses of love that you are receiving today.
Trust, and the strengthening of it in these times will allow souls to make their holy virtues more real and, in this way, be above any ambiguity or opposition, overcoming through love and unity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Just as your inner worlds, your Heavenly Mother prepares Herself on this day, as it was more than two thousand years ago, to enter the sacred spirit of the Passion of the Lord.
In this way, My children, your Heavenly Mother opens celestial doors so that the holy angels of the Universe can again infuse the sacred codes of the Passion of Christ in all hearts, open to recognize, in their inner universe, that important Christic union.
For this reason, I will be sending the holy angels from Heaven so that they may submerge in the inner planes and may carry on the new sowing of the Christic codes in the souls that in these days, will revive the events of the Passion and Death of Christ.
Each devout heart that, in truth and in praying atunement, joins the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be receiving special divine impulses that will help the strenghening of their soul in the coming times, and above all, the strengthening of their faithfulness to the Lord.
It will be important to be in atunement and union to all that My Beloved Son will be realizing during the next days through His Heavenly Presence.
Keep your hearts open to the call, to the close union with Christ and with His Redemptive Purpose.
Thus humanity will be helped in this stage of great definitions.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Musical Note of the Heart
My dear children:
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the note that resonates in the spaces of this world when the soul feels the Love of God within itself.
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that this world may be redeemed and so that the hosts of Light of the Father may open the doors of the Heavens.
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the musical note that vibrates in the subtle worlds and attracts the Mercy of God to Earth.
Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that voices may be ignited by the Holy Spirit and this humanity may again receive the powerful current of Divine Healing.
Today let hearts play the musical note of love, so that it may expand in devotion and light throughout all corners of the Earth.
Let the musical note of your hearts reaffirm, on this day, the victory of My Son on Earth, and may your souls enter into the celestial choirs to confirm the Plan of the Creator within this grieving humanity.
Today let the musical note of your hearts light up with the spirit of joy, the devotion to all that is sacred and the faith that strengthens consciousnesses.
Children, on this very special day of elevation of the human consciousness, I ask you: within your voices and instruments, let the musical note of the heart vibrate, because this very deep note in our souls will open the doors to Heaven so that Grace, redemption and healing may be established in humanity.
Let the musical note of your hearts revere Creation and all the Kingdoms of Nature, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom.
Today, let all of your voices be one, to gestate sacred unity between souls and God on Earth.
From Ecuador, as the Mother of the Andes and of all the singers of God, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May this sacred mission motivate you to live the changes.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
Who prays from the heart strengthens their faith.
Who prays from the heart elevates their small soul to Heaven.
Who prays from the heart knows no boundaries, but rather crosses bridges of love and of unity.
Who prays from the heart becomes peaceful.
Who prays from the heart loses all fear.
Who prays from the heart surrenders to God and to His infinite Love.
Who prays from the heart transcends error.
Who prays from the heart finds reconciliation.
Who prays from the heart unites with the angels of Heaven.
Who prays from the heart does not lose hope.
Who prays from the heart finds themselves, in some moment, with Christ.
Who prays from the heart manages to see Christ in their fellow being.
Who prays from the heart loses nothing.
Who prays from the heart is led by the Spirit of God.
Who prays from the heart understands all things.
If prayer awakens so many virtues within you, continue to do it, because someday the whole world will pray from the heart, will ask for forgiveness and will truly unite with God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Under My Maternal protection,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A Holy Night of Peace
Under the Sacred Star of Bethlehem, dear children, your Heavenly Mother and Saint Joseph await tonight for the Birth of the inner Christ in each being, in each soul and in each spirit, in order for a spiritual communion with the Creator to be established.
Meanwhile, Saint Joseph collects straw to prepare the Manger, and the inhabitants of Bethlehem bring him cloth and jars of water, preparing all the scene for the great expected moment.
The guardian angels of the inner Christs pray without ceasing, together with their Heavenly Mother, waiting for all the beings of this Earth to give birth to all inner love.
The goats, sheep and other animals of the stable offer their stillness and silence, and give warmth in the Sacred Grotto, to create a welcoming environment of peace and love.
Somewhere else, the shepherds of Bethlehem approach the city, in search of that inner Christ who is about to be born and announce what is new.
The whole scene is awaiting the Good News: the birth of the inner Christ of each being which, on this night, defines the next stage of their existence.
Thus, the Masters of the East, the Kings who bring myrrh, gold and incense, wear their ceremonial attire because, as announcers and prophets of the Universe, they bring within their hearts a message of reconciliation and love for the Christs that will be born today.
Within the Grotto, the sacred and elevated presence of the angels attract, from the highest Heavens, the gifts that everyone needs in order to take the step towards a greater surrender.
The Most Holy Mary does not stop Her pleas and prayers, and She asks the Eternal Father to make Her so small and similar to Him so that She can accompany the inner Christ who, in a short time, will be in Her arms.
It is time to live the expected moment.
It is time to allow that in the Grotto of Bethlehem, the inner Christ may be born, the one who supplicates to the hearts of the world for attention and consciousness in order to perceive reality.
Before the whole scenario of the end of times, the Sacred inner Christ has been born. He comes to announce that it is time for the great change in consciousness. He comes to testify that there is no other path but the path of the love of the heart and transparency of life.
The inner Christ comes to say that is time to make peace and no longer live inner and outer wars.
It is time to be fraternal and to be conscious with life, with destiny and with the Purpose.
It is time to rethink the path and to choose the Path of Love and of Christic energy.
It is time to open the doors of the heart and to trust.
May the inner Christ who is born today before your eyes shine as the light that He is and may He live on forever so that, in these definitive times, there may be discernment, wisdom and peace.
On this Christmas Eve of Bethlehem, may we pray for the inner Christs that will not yet be born due to the imprisonment of illusions of the human being.
Let us pray for the essences that will need much spiritual assistance.
Let us celebrate this Christmas of the Lord together with Him forever.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While Our Sacred Hearts are here today, present among you, your Celestial Mother opens the doors so that an infinite legion of angels may invade Earth, in order to pour out on this humanity the Graces of God, those which the Sacred Family of Nazareth once received at the Manger in Bethlehem.
Those same merits that were granted to the Three Sacred Hearts are arriving through The Most Chaste Saint Joseph and your Celestial Mother to all the families of the world.
The legion of angels that your Celestial Mother sends today towards the five continents has the divine Purpose of dissipating and disarming the plans of My adversary.
Each prayer that was pronounced today with the sincerity of your hearts, My children, allowed the Sacred Hearts to expand their Graces over this suffering and divided world.
I would like this same spiritual impulse to emerge from your hearts so that a new spiritual family may be born, first in your essences, to later emerge in the consciousness of humanity, free of separations, outrages, and indifferences.
Today the Sacred Family comes through your hearts to the families that are enslaved by work, by manual exploitation, and by the sale of thousands of innocent lives that are imprisoned by the chains of other human beings in this world.
Your prayers reached all those hearts that lost faith and trust in God because their lives were completely empty.
Lastly, My children, on this day of spiritual blessing I would like you to offer the Eucharist for the inner restoration of hearts wounded by so many outrages and exploitations.
I thank those who made my coming to Argentina possible and I hope to soon be together with My children to praise God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When the Father decides to accomplish His Will, the universe responds, and that Supreme Will is fulfilled, above all things.
For this reason, you must trust that, if it is the Will of God that good be done, it will be done, and nothing will be able to oppose it.
My children, feel in your hearts how the sacred Principles of the Father manifest in creatures by means of the Will of God, and these Principles are expressed through the love that emerges from your hearts and lives.
The Will of God is undeniable and He presents it through the Angels of God, who accomplish His Designs.
I encourage you to cling to the Will of the Creator, because, in this way, nothing within you or outside of you will be able to hurt you.
Encourage yourselves to be like the Angels of Heaven; encourage yourselves to be in likeness to Me and live the Will of God in this time, just as I lived it while facing the Archangel Gabriel.
I bless you, on this day, and I thank all of you who collaborated and made My Pilgrimage for Peace possible in Argentina and Chile, once again. Special thanks were placed within the hearts that opened on this blessed Pilgrimage.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May your cross not be heavy today, the cross that God has given you to learn how to free yourselves from matter.
May your cross be light today, may it be like the wings of angels that elevate you to a state of constant redemption.
Feel that I am here in the name of My beloved Son to renew all things, reaching the depths of the essence of Life so that all may be redeemed soon.
No longer feel the weight of this cross as a punishment or a defeat, please the Lord by carrying it with valor, courage, and resignation.
Avail yourself of this cross to make every moment a victory of Christ, not only in the surrender, but also in service, in prayer, as well as in each act of love that your heart can offer humanity.
Feel that you can take the steps and that you no longer stop on the path.
Move forward with your cross, just as Christ moved forward until the end for each one of you.
Experience each stage as if it were the last and use each test in order to be able to realize the Plan.
May this sacred cross of life which you carry on your back, today be the symbol of the triumph of love and of infinite charity for this wounded planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Celestial Commander
Here is the Celestial Commander, who carries stamped on Her Maternal Heart the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who commands armies of angels and souls in this Universe to be able to establish long periods of Peace.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who together with Her Beloved Son carries forward the Rescue Plan, the one Who builds the bridges of light and the fraternal bonds of love through the prayers of all Her children.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who silently works in this Universe, the one Who ignites the Mirrors of hearts so that souls feel the ardor of the Love of Christ.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who seeks the good in Her children, the one Who promotes the redeeming prayer, the Mother Who will always bring you closer to God.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens to grant hearts a Grace, the one Who accompanies, helps, and understands Her fellow beings.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries with Her the Sword of Light of the Archangels of Heaven, in order to expel the invading spirits, to separate souls from the path of perdition.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries between Her Hands the Shield of the Archangel Michael, to be able to defend Her children during the battles, the one Who protects and supports the innocent souls.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who intercedes for the impossible causes, the one Who defends the souls during their judgement, the one Who grants hearts moments of Peace.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who raises the consciousnesses towards what is true, the one Who prevents destruction in this world, Who guides and accompanies the inner awakening of souls.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who brings from the Universe the Gifts of God, to pour them upon the world as infinite Graces, the Mother Who presents the offerings of Her children to God.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who interrelates the Universes so that the Rays may transfigure the planet from time to time, the Commander Who, transmutes from cycle to cycle, the chaos of humanity.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who gestates in Her Most Pure Womb the emergence of a new humanity, the one Who will show the world the door through which Christ will return.
Here is the tireless Celestial Commander, the one Who baptizes Her children with the Holy Spirit, the Mother who grants the inner reconciliation.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who today descends in Glory upon this Marian Center, to be able to open the eyes of Her children and show them the true path of the spirit, the path of perpetual prayer.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the Patroness of Brazil, the Lady Aparecida, the Kind Mother Who protects the spirit of the nations.
That today, on the day of Her celestial celebration, the souls receive from the Lady Aparecida sufficient strength of love to be able to live the changes that will come.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who prepares the souls for the return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the deepest of the night, the day is announced. When everything is still dark, the song of the birds announces the arrival of the sun, of the morning breeze and calls you to awake. The night brings solitude, nostalgia, sometimes silence, sometimes noises...
So it will be, children, in the dark night of the planet. It will bring the feeling of solitude, often of restlessness - the fruit of a heart that has not learned to be silent. It will bring nostalgia for a life of illusions that cannot be found anymore in the world, and that will invite you to walk in the dark for a time completely unknown to you.
At the apex of this night, when all those who are awake feel that it will have no end; when those who are asleep enter profoundly in their illusion, they will hear the sounds that come from Heaven. Like the birds in the last moment of dawn, angels will sing and their trumpets will sound. The Sun will return to the world.
Its Light will bring relief to those who waited in vigil, however, it will blind those who slept in illusion. Many will not understand immediately what will happen in the world because, for these, it will be a common night and the extraordinary will never happen, they will not perceive that time will stop and no longer count on the clocks of the world, their hearts, empty of God, will pulsate in the old time.
Those who, awake, await the arrival of the Sun, with the beads passing through their fingers, to remind them of peace, will finally breathe the breath of a new day and will recognize the end of the old time.
Many expect crashes, world catastrophes and a sudden end for humanity, and those will get used to experiencing chaos and will not perceive that the times unite and the old gives its place for a new time.
The dark night is already upon the planet. It is long, slow and its time is not measured by the watch on the wrist of people. Therefore, children, it is time to watch and pray tirelessly.
The Sun will arrive and it will not be the same sun that illuminates the days on Earth; it will be a new and resplendent Sun, renewed by His Celestial Majesty.
The spiritual night will be felt dark and deep, as it goes on. Feel its silence and keep in peace; listen to its noise and keep in peace; experience the human nostalgia that your hearts will feel and keep in peace. Let yourselves be purified by the tests of the spiritual night that is upon all, but keep in peace and with the certainty that, in vigil, you await the arrival of the Sun.
Who simply prepares your hearts for a new time,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, let the caresses of My Hands touch your face, so you may feel the profound warmth of My Heart which restores all things, heals all things, purifies all things, just as God needs it.
Today, may you feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, so that your spirit is comforted, so that your soul is fortified, so that each corner of your being may finally say 'yes' to Me.
Today, may you feel the beat of My Motherly Heart, may you achieve holiness and a complete consecration through small but sure steps.
Today, may you feel the motherly protection of My Mantle, so your being will feel God's shelter and the protection of all His Celestial Kingdom.
From all these gestures of love, may you receive the essence of compassion, so your being is able to be completely healed and then be redeemed.
From Heaven, receive today the perfect caress of the angels of love and of all the spiritual stream of My Immaculate Heart, so that every day you are renewed until achieving an immovable state of peace, serenity and calm.
Today, the universe is here.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who sanctifies you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The University of Higher Love
Dear children:
Today I come to you with thematernal intention ofyour souls attending, in these times, the University of Higher Love.
A School and College that will place you in the precise moment and in the true need that must be provided by all serving souls.
The University of Love is a spiritual place within the Celestial Universe, where the angels, the blessed, and souls that haveascended to the Heavens through merits, learn to develop within themselves the Gifts of God, mainlythe Gift of Love.
Without this Gift of Love in the life of the beings of the surface and in the souls of Heaven, it is ultimately not possible to enter the Christic School.
The University of Higher Love offers the opportunity of givingoneself to the Plan of God and to fulfill it by the means of actions of charity, of service, and of the permanent giving of self.
If these three foundationsare not learnedby the students, it is not possible to acquire a spirit of greater knowledge of the essential life, a profound discernment at the moment of makingdecisions, and a consciousness of wisdom during all phases of life.
The University of Higher Love exists in order to be able to dispel from the unconscious and subconscious world what we believe of ourselves, or of how important our presence within the Plan would be.
It is true, God loves us, but He needs that in this life, as in the Higher Universes, we live a principle of humility and of surrender that until now humanity has not achieved.
The University of Love exists in order that we may know, from the beginning, that we must continuetransforming and transcending our spirits and consciousness, so that someday, in the evolutionary chain, we maybe true representatives of the Plan of God in some part of the Universe.
The presence of this University of the Love of God also reminds us that we must not rest or settle ourselves in what we feel, think, or do within the practical or spiritual task that we may be carrying out, nor believe that we ourselves offer everything that is enough or too much in our understanding.
The Christic School comes after the University of Higher Love. While we are incarnated onthis planet, we will begetting in touch with afirst basic part of the extensionof the University of Higher Love on this surface; this means, My children, that there isstill much to go through and to learn, that the static or sedentary life is not the purpose that Christ seeks for the Christs of the New Time.
The Project of the Master for this surface is very broadand still unknown tohumanity.
All the plans of service, of charity, or of consecration that are experienced on this planet and in these times are elementary, very elementary, for souls.
That is why the true attitude of the server, of the collaborator, or of the consecrated to Christ, must be the response of service and an extremely unconditional surrender, without rules, conditions, or clauses onthe part of the consciousness. That will show that the being is in the University of Higher Love and has understood which is the true area of work for the Spiritual Hierarchy.
When incarnated souls pretend to be distracted, omitting or not accepting to take onany mission or task that the Universe presents for their lives, they will beresponding that they havenot accepted entering the University of Higher Love.
Thus, it is important to know that no onecan hide from God, nor lie to themselvesin these times. The greaterresponsibilities, as well as the lesser ones, will be the keynoteof this period. Responsibilities that will grant anexpansion of the consciousness, according to the conscious acceptance or rejection of each being to Divine Will; middle paths will no longer exist so that we can hesitate or make our mission into a petty one.
The Universe calls on you to define, in this time and under these circumstances, which School you will choose to experience: that of the planet, which is lagging, slow, and heavy, or that of the Universe, which is dynamic, infinite, and constant.
The decision is inyour hands.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses and makes you aware,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not fear; I am here and if I am here, so is God and all His angelic and archangelic universes.
If the beast is agitated, it is because it is losing the battle and its evil plans sink as if in quicksand.
Its defeat is near and all its plans will fall apart; nothing that comes from it will reign.
Your Mother extends Her Mantle and, under it, shows you Her fourteen Swords, which will cut and dissolve the fourteen aspects of the adversary.
The Creator Fathers will make use of the fourteen Swords to defeat the enemy, and all of its invading kingdom on the surface will destroy itself, because the love in hearts will reign, and swords will no longer oppose swords.
The new Goliath will be defeated and thrown into the abyss, until the time of its universal judgment arrives.
Meanwhile, I will give My Crown of Stars to those who follow Me unconditionally, and My Crown of Light will guide you on the paths and towards the virtues of the New Jerusalem. In this way, you may come to know the Gifts that God will give to the new world, finally freed from the evil one and its constant condemnation.
The planet will be born again and the Christs, together with My Son, will fulfill the prophecy of the thousand years of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Most Sweet Mother of humanity
Here is the Mother of all peoples, of all nations, and of all cultures.
Here is the Mother of the simple and the Mother of the poor.
The Mother who listens to the prayers of the meek and who feels the heart of the peacemakers of Christ.
Here is the Mother who cures and the Mother who heals the deepest wounds of the heart.
Here is the tireless Mother who guides souls onto the good path.
Here is the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the Apostles, Mother of the Missionaries, Mother of the Servants of the Light.
Here is the Mother of Grace and of Mercy, the Mother who consoles, the Redeeming Mother.
Here is the Mother of Peace, the Mother of Hope, the Mother who envisages the Truth in those who seek It.
Here is the Mother of the Purity that purifies Her children in order to consecrate
them to the Heart of God.
Here is the Mother who releases from captivity those who are imprisoned in themselves.
Here is the Mother who builds in hearts and in souls the bridges towards God.
Here is the Mother of the humble and the Mother of those who are simple, Mother of those who love, Mother of those who surrender themselves and of those who consecrate themselves to God.
Here is the Mother of Goodness and the Mother of Justice, Mother who unconditionally intercedes for all of Her children.
Mother of the Carmel, Mother of all those who aspire to the path of the spirit.
Here is the Mother of the Light and the Mother of the helpless, Mother of those who are imprisoned, Mother of the suffering.
Here is the Mother of Wisdom and the Mother of Discernment, the Mother of the Law and Mediator Mother before the Celestial Father.
Here is the Mother of the Renounced, Mother of the Surrendered, Mother of all the Consecrated.
Here is the Mother of Redemption, Mother of Liberation, Mother of the Swords of the Light.
Here is the Mother of Defense and the Mother of Intercession.
Here is the Mother of the poorest, Mother of the forgotten in the world.
Here is the Mother of the True, Mother of the Honest, Mother of all those who open their hearts to God.
Here is the Mother of the Pilgrims, Mother of the Walkers, Mother of all those who are tireless.
Here is the Mother of Honesty, Mother of Transparency, Mother of the Original Essence.
Here is the Mother of the Sun, Mother of the Stars, Mother of Spring, Mother of Nature.
Here is the Mother of all the sublime Mirrors, Mother of Knowledge, Mother of the spiritual awakening.
Here is the Mother of all those who seek Christ, Mother of those who commune of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
Here and now is the Lady of Peace, who comes to this meeting today to be with Her simplest children, to listen to the voice of their prayers, to bless them all in the name of love.
Here, children, is the Mother that always hears you, the Mother who comes to your aid to remove you from any suffering and pain.
Here is the always Virgin Mary, the One Who descends from Heaven to be rejoicing together with Her children, to give each soul what it needs.
Here is the Mother of the Holy Rosary, the One Who stretches out Her arms to you so that you may hold on tight and raise your consciousness to God.
Here is the Mother who eternally loves you, the Mother who awaits you every day in prayer.
Here is the Mother who shepherds you and guides you on the path of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
May this day be a celestial party, may the Portals of Light and of Healing open over this city and may no soul lose the Grace of liberating themselves from their self forever.
May we, all together, build over this town of Carmo da Cachoeira the arc of Peace and of the Mercy of God.
May the angels of the light descend to fill the hearts with all possible Graces.
May the alliance between souls and Christ be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
God will destroy the castles of sand that have been built by humans to lead humanity towards perdition. Thus, God will build, from the inner worlds, the temples of love that the souls have made fruitful through their faith in the Lord. At that moment, Judgment will begin for all humanity.
The simple of heart will receive within their hands the Legacy of the past and those who called themselves powerful will lose all their wealth because the poor of heart will come to know all the mysteries that are written in the great vault of this universe.
It will no longer be necessary to interpret the stars because the new race will know where they come from and what their true origin is. Nobody will be left without knowing what mission they have come to perform out of love for the Universal Project.
At this time, the powerful will no longer have power and the pure of heart will be crowned by the Hands of Christ.
The twelve angelical hosts will descend and a star similar to the ones of the universe will announce the signs of a new stage.
Finally, humanity will awaken and will no longer be within evil because it will have abandoned illusion and entered into the mysteries of the universe.
Later, the obstacles will not exist, neither will what we know as ego. The souls and the consciousnesses of this world will finally become free and happy during the thousand years of peace. Thus, the Eternal Father, in His splendor, will descend and make of this Earth His luminous home throughout the universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, now and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With My stripped and pure Feet, I step on what causes pain and sadness in My children. In the name of God, I am firmly on the serpent and make it feel the Power of the Creator, so that in this way, it may be placated.
With My Hands together in prayer, I plead for the planet and for each soul of this world, without ceasing to guide and accompany those who invoke My aid.
With My luminous Mantle, I radiate the Kingdom of God so that souls may distinguish it, and recognizing it within themselves, dare to enter the Heart of God.
With the Crown of twelve Stars on My Head, I establish the Attributes of Light for the world and send the angels of Heaven on a mission so they may sow in humanity everything that will make it more fraternal, service-oriented and peaceful.
With My Gaze of Love on the world, I intensely plead for those who are lost in the material life, and with My Divine Mind, I lift up what is fallen so the Law of Redemption may be accomplished.
And so it is that I am with My Consciousness unfolded, to encompass everything, beyond this world and this humanity, because My Purpose is that everyone be able to live the Supreme Will.
For this reason, I come in aid of all those who say 'yes' to Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When I come to ask you to pray for the oceans and seas, I also ask that you pray for the continents and nations; in this way, all of Creation will be spiritually included in this proposal for redemption and Grace for this planet.
It will be in this way that all the Kingdoms, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom, will be assisted by the powerful stream of prayer and of peace.
I would like all My praying children to be able to penetrate this mystery of the universe of prayer, because each time you activate the prayerful verb, you are allowing the Divine Source to descend and draw closer to the whole human race.
With the prayer for the oceans and for the Kingdoms of Nature, your Heavenly Mother can intercede in a broader way, and although humanity continues to commit offenses against Creation, My Grace today grants you an opportunity for more souls to awaken and feel within themselves the need for a change toward the good and peace.
While the planet and your race are spiritually congested, your Heavenly Mother comes with aid and with love to rescue you, and in this way, establish a state of greater fraternity, wisdom and love in the human race, even though the majority of My children have lost everything.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and prays for you every day,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother is to be found ever closer to the Center of Lys-Fatima and its mirrors are preparing to move forward with a planetary radiation, in order that the majority of souls feel the resurgence of Lys and its Original Purity.
In that sense, the angels also work to make the planetary consciousness be more elevated, so that hearts awaken at some moment to their true inner reality.
Thus, the Center of Lys-Fatima generates the conditions which will make the planet, and especially this part of the world, a place chosen to receive the source of Original Purity, something that must allow consciousnesses to be true participants in their real essence and their deepest inner consciousness.
On this path, the bases of the Center of Lys are being prepared so that, at the time of the movement of the epicenter of Light, souls will be liberated and at the same time, helped to feel and to rediscover their essential purity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With the moon at My feet, I announce the new time to you, the time of a new spiritual and divine Grace, which this time Europe will receive in the next Pilgrimage for Peace.
The angels are also preparing to descend from Heaven, so that souls may awaken to the great convocation of these times.
It will be this moon of the new time that will bring special announcements to humanity, and that will help hearts, through Grace, to be ready to receive the Mercy of God.
Your Heavenly Mother offers atonement to the most sinful souls, and when the doors of the inner Fatima open on May 13th, it will be the moment for a great beginning of a new cycle for humanity.
Your Heavenly Mother accompanies the whole pilgrim group today, which by Her side, will concretize the most ardent desires for a good work of peace and of light.
The Pilgrim Mary walks by your side, taking you by the hand to the Marian Center of Fatima.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more