Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

From My most pure Womb is born cosmic life, and that life is projected in the different dimensions of Creation.

My Womb of Light gestates the new, and every being or consciousness that it receives is transformed by My maternal Light.

From My Womb are born the immaterial Rays that circulate throughout the universes to order and govern under universal harmony.

From My luminous Womb, new spiritual lives can be born in the hearts that unconditionally surrender to Me.

From the most pure Womb of your Mother of the World comes the Principle of Creation, and, in this way, time and again, Creation is renewed and everything evolves within the universe of the Light of God.

In My most chaste Womb, I give spiritual and essential life to that which seemed to be dead.

My Womb revives the lost spirits and, through the Principle of Healing, recovers the souls that distanced themselves from God.

My Womb is a new universe that gestates love for the New Humanity.

Those who place themselves within My Womb will be initiated into a new stage and they will be in Me, and I, as Mother, will be humbly mirroring Myself in the creatures of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Most Sweet Mother of humanity

Here is the Mother of all peoples, of all nations, and of all cultures.

Here is the Mother of the simple and the Mother of the poor.

The Mother who listens to the prayers of the meek and who feels the heart of the peacemakers of Christ.

Here is the Mother who cures and the Mother who heals the deepest wounds of the heart.

Here is the tireless Mother who guides souls onto the good path.

Here is the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the Apostles, Mother of the Missionaries, Mother of the Servants of the Light.

Here is the Mother of Grace and of Mercy, the Mother who consoles, the Redeeming Mother.

Here is the Mother of Peace, the Mother of Hope, the Mother who envisages the Truth in those who seek It.

Here is the Mother of the Purity that purifies Her children in order to consecrate

them to the Heart of God.

Here is the Mother who releases from captivity those who are imprisoned in themselves.

Here is the Mother who builds in hearts and in souls the bridges towards God.

Here is the Mother of the humble and the Mother of those who are simple, Mother of those who love, Mother of those who surrender themselves and of those who consecrate themselves to God.

Here is the Mother of Goodness and the Mother of Justice, Mother who unconditionally intercedes for all of Her children.

Mother of the Carmel, Mother of all those who aspire to the path of the spirit.

Here is the Mother of the Light and the Mother of the helpless, Mother of those who are imprisoned, Mother of the suffering.

Here is the Mother of Wisdom and the Mother of Discernment, the Mother of the Law and Mediator Mother before the Celestial Father.

Here is the Mother of the Renounced, Mother of the Surrendered, Mother of all the Consecrated.

Here is the Mother of Redemption, Mother of Liberation, Mother of the Swords of the Light.

Here is the Mother of Defense and the Mother of Intercession.

Here is the Mother of the poorest, Mother of the forgotten in the world.

Here is the Mother of the True, Mother of the Honest, Mother of all those who open their hearts to God.

Here is the Mother of the Pilgrims, Mother of the Walkers, Mother of all those who are tireless.

Here is the Mother of Honesty, Mother of Transparency, Mother of the Original Essence.

Here is the Mother of the Sun, Mother of the Stars, Mother of Spring, Mother of Nature.

Here is the Mother of all the sublime Mirrors, Mother of Knowledge, Mother of the spiritual awakening.

Here is the Mother of all those who seek Christ, Mother of those who commune of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.

Here and now is the Lady of Peace, who comes to this meeting today to be with Her simplest children, to listen to the voice of their prayers, to bless them all in the name of love.

Here, children, is the Mother that always hears you, the Mother who comes to your aid to remove you from any suffering and pain.

Here is the always Virgin Mary, the One Who descends from Heaven to be rejoicing together with Her children, to give each soul what it needs.

Here is the Mother of the Holy Rosary, the One Who stretches out Her arms to you so that you may hold on tight and raise your consciousness to God.

Here is the Mother who eternally loves you, the Mother who awaits you every day in prayer.

Here is the Mother who shepherds you and guides you on the path of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

May this day be a celestial party, may the Portals of Light and of Healing open over this city and may no soul lose the Grace of liberating themselves from their self forever.

May we, all together, build over this town of Carmo da Cachoeira the arc of Peace and of the Mercy of God.

May the angels of the light descend to fill the hearts with all possible Graces.

May the alliance between souls and Christ be established.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light, which comes from God, I illuminate the paths of My children.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I guide the paths of the servers of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I deposit and pour out the Gifts of God upon the most needy souls in the world.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I establish the Kingdom of the Heavens, first in the inner world of each being and afterwards in the consciousness of the world.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I indicate to My children the path of ascension and redemption, because in this way the consciousnesses will be liberated from the past.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I fulfill the promise of the emergence of the New Humanity.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I bring from the Celestial Universe what humanity needs most, so that new patterns arise that will cause the consciousness of the world to change.

I am the Lady of the Light and I raise My children towards the Source of Love. This Source can be closer to the world when the hearts surrender to Me.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I decree the beginning of a new cycle.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May today My Words be received by humble hearts, so that they may sow within themselves the Gifts of God, and awaken them to live the great planetary service.

May today My Words find only dwelling and rest, so that they may bring clarity and understanding to souls in need of much guidance.

May today My Words be received and considered, so that they may generate in the consciousness the condition to be able to live redemption.

May today My Words be contemplated by those who need them most to live their inner change and to attract to the planet the Grace of opportunity.

May today My Words be heard with love, for this will transform consciousnesses and will make them strong at the moment of experiencing the new cycles.

May today My Words be considered by the world, for in them lies the instruction and the way out for the great inner changes.

May My Words be kept as a light for the moments of solitude, of surrender and of renunciation..

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Light will always defeat evil, because evil is dazzled by the Light of God, which is invincible, strong and powerful.

Light is based in love, and it is love that provides the strength so that the Light is able to act with determination.

The Light of God is incomparable, neutral and precise. It acts on all the levels of the Creator Consciousness and can manifest in three ways: through the Love of the Father, through the Knowledge of the Son, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Light is capable, as essence, of penetrating the deepest layers of planetary life, because it acts through equilibrium, equality and justice, principles that are born of the Primordial Source.

The Light of God can solve the impossible, bring clarity to what is confused, and dissolve what interferes in the life or the inner essence. This Light, with its principle and with the movement of its energy, dissolves and makes transitory that which is opposed to it. 

Because it is of God, it is an intimate, inner and non-material Light that fosters harmony and order in the spaces.

The Light of God is equitable and just, because it elevates and ignites what is apparently dark. It is a Gift of God that brings a revelation of the new to humanity and dispels what is static or resistant.

The Light conquers because it is neutral, and at the same time, peaceful.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Oporto, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

When the doors are opened through prayer, a path of redemption is etched in the consciousnesses of the souls of the planet.

Such a path of redemption allows to establish new principles in the lives of those who previously were far from God, and this favors not only consciousnesses but also the evolutionary state of the whole planet.

Thus, when the life of prayer is widely practiced, the universe manages to move forward with its spiritual and, at the same time, inner task, in order to reach the state of Light, it is necessary that consciousnesses remain on the path of transformation and surrender.

The path of prayer will always lead everyone to new levels of elevation and consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


Feel My presence as a balm that calms you and brings you hope and renewal.

Feel My Divine Spirit as a Source of Peace for your lives.

Feel in My presence the possibility of forgiving the past and restarting.

I come as the sun that rises in the morning, to give the world a new opportunity of seeing the Light. I come to kindle this Light in your lives.

I come as the water that springs from a new source, giving nature the hope of the renewal of life. Today I renew your lives.

I come to open one more cycle and a new door to redemption.

I come so that all may know Me, and through Me, may know God; because My words do not come from Me, but from His Holy Will.

I come to unite what humankind has separated and to demonstrate that all religions, all cultures, all lines of true wisdom are to be found in an unusual search: the living of Love. As the carrier of this Love, I come to open the doors to unity among beings.

No longer separate what must be united. My Son did not come to the world to create religions. It was the inability of humankind to live His words that caused religions to be created, so that each one would follow the path that would allow them to understand them, until one day they could discover Love and Unity, when all that was separated unites again.

Children, I come to open the doors of this house so that it may be My house, in which you can seek help. Come and learn to pray with Me, just as the women of Nazareth and Jerusalem learned.

Come without distinction of creeds and races, so that My Love may unite you.

Come seeking forgiveness and the doors to redemption that I have opened here for your souls.

Come to reconcile yourselves with God and to find in His Servant a path to imitate and follow.

This is not a new church; this is the House of Your Holy Mother, the Mother of all the poor, the Mother of all those who lack something.

Humanity needs to understand that while it is in this world and attached to it, it will be poor, because the true riches are to be found in the Kingdom of God, where, renouncing all things, beings experience a real freedom and are filled by the greatest treasure of Creation: the unity with the Divine.

Children, allow yourselves to restart your lives and to hold new principles, new goals, new aspirations. Open the doors of your houses and of your hearts to Me.

I do not come to bring you anything but Peace. I come to have you know My Love, so that in this way I may liberate your lives from the evil that oppresses them.

With the Holiness of My presence, I come to consecrate this city and all those who say “yes” to Me. And, in the same way as the Sacred Family, with Its simple life in Nazareth transformed the perdition of that small city and prepared the path for the public life of Christ, I now return in Divine Spirit so that, together with My children, we may spiritually liberate and transform this small city, to prepare the return of My Son and for things not to happen as in Nazareth, where in spite of everything, many could not receive Him.

Open yourselves from the heart, My children, so that this cycle may renew your lives.

Recognize the poverty and the need of your hearts and allow Me to show you the path to true fullness.

Consecrate your lives to prayer. Set for yourselves goals of Peace and no longer deny the Love of the Redeemer, for He comes to make you worthy of looking into His eyes, of touching His Heart, of laying your head on His chest, and of feeling His Majesty, relieved because the time of Redemption will have come.

I love you and I invite you to enter with Me into a new cycle of Peace.

With My hands I bless you. With My love I free you. With My support I protect you and I call you to recognize yourselves as My children.

Come and pray with Me. Create unity among religions and hearts in this house. May the search for Peace and the perpetual prayer unify you in God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Worry is the lack of attention to your own economy of energy, and the art of prayer replaces this worry for a greater occupation: to become a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness.

Therefore, each time that worry or frustration may be stronger than faith, place the mind and the heart on prayer, and you will see the result of this powerful flow that is the Divine Word Itself.

In this way, open the doors to hope and you will be able to penetrate many mysteries, of how the art of praying not only elevates but also concentrates your own consciousness on positive currents of energy.

When prayer is correctly invoked, it is capable of tearing all obstacles to the point of bringing inner light to many issues of life.

It is time to affirm yourselves in the power of this flow so as to attract peace in these times. I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, to the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Star of Peace, and My Stellar Consciousness approaches the planet to try to awaken in time those who are still asleep in the dream of material life.

I am the Star of Peace, and I emit to creatures the greater impulse that My Son is bringing.

I am the Star of Peace, and those who are with Me are guided towards the dwelling places of the Celestial Father.

I am the Star of Peace, and to My children I give the Graces that allow the consciousness to be redeemed and the spirit to be liberated. 

I am the Star of Peace, and I pour the Light of My Star over those who open their hearts to God so as to be able to hear Him.

I am the Star of Peace who in the night illumines the paths of those who are lost in themselves.

I am the Star of Peace who announces the new, that which no one has ever known before.

I am the Star of Peace, of renewal.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The ship of Light sails decisively through South America and is carried out to sea by the great currents of the universe.

It is crewed by new disciples that respond to the Great Captain, Who directs it with the movement of His Consciousness.

It will never shipwreck, its resistance and form are millenarian, for it has been built by the hands of the Great Laborers.

The ship goes toward new ports, after having visited other ports throughout the world.

Now it is going toward new destinations because the crew has been called to give of itself through new and great services.

For this reason, the ship sails rapidly, and the currents of the universe move it along, more quickly than expected.

It is guided by a greater impulse that makes it strong and invincible so that the Purpose may be accomplished.

Who will see it go by along the coasts of the great oceans?

It is characterized by the potent Light it emanates because its great sails reflect the Light of the Hierarchy.

Wherever it goes, a purpose is fulfilled, and in each port that it visits, it invites new crew members to come aboard.

What will the initiates find within this mysterious ship?

In essence, something that many have been forgotten: love and brotherhood. This is what makes the ship travel among the spaces of this humanity.

There is no other mystery to reveal. The ship travels in search of the self-summoned so they awaken to their sacred mission.

While the world and humanity are shaken, the ship of Light will go to meet those who awaken so that people of other nations also fulfill the call.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


In the field of instruction, certain divine principles are poured out that help souls to take their steps towards God to be able to enter into His Kingdom and to be in communion with Him.

In this sense, true instruction is free of personal benefits, as from any accomplishment, and it is full of humility, and above all, of love for whoever receives it.

When the spiritual instruction is genuine, the foundations cause the simple virtues in souls to blossom, and consciousnesses may live it and follow their long path of transformation.

That is why the real and wise instructors are very few in the world of today, and God avails Himself of them to give impulse to and to fulfill His Universal Work in the greatest number of souls possible; thus the Divine Plan makes itself more visible to all.

Instruction is the light for hearts, and it is the boat that leads to a good harbor for whoever follows and lives the teaching, because behind all instruction, whatever it is, love is present, and in love everything becomes or turns into something achievable.

I thank you for opening your hearts to instruction.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the city of São Paulo to the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I come as a ray of Light to the world to reignite it with love and with peace.

In order for this to happen, children, the help of all of you is indispensable. That illumination of peace and of love victoriously took place during this last pilgrimage, and the seeds will be able to sprout in those souls that in some way were touched by the Mercy of God.

That is how, after having gone through all of this last pilgrimage, your hearts will already have matured in consciousness, which means to live in the Universal Laws and to fulfill them. All have seen how the souls of the world are lost and do not fulfill the basic laws; because of this, they need to be rescued by Our hands.

On this day, the synthesis of what has taken place on this last pilgrimage must be available for all of your brothers and sisters; because it will be fundamental for those who remain in the Centers of Love to learn and to know what is experienced in the world and how necessary it is to step out of oneself in order to solve the spiritual needs that are experienced by millions of inner worlds.

For all the efforts experienced, I thank you for having accompanied me.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Believe in tomorrow, and you will be born into a new life. Have hope, and you will be reborn as an essence. It is time to heal and not to resist. It is time that life detaches from its bonds through love.  Without love, nothing is worthwhile, nor is anything achieved.

Feel the peace that I once gave you within, take refuge in it and you will fear nothing. Do not give power to what does not exist. Help Me to dismantle the plans of My adversary with intelligence.

Believe once and for all that you will be delivered from evil, because where I am present, nothing opposed to Me can exist. I am the Mother of Light, and, where there is Light, there is God. Because the Father is Eternal Light, Infinite Love in constant expansion. And if you unite with this Love, who will separate you from It? Do you believe in Christ? He is your trust and He is your whole life, He knows who you are and whom you have come to serve.

Nothing is separate; only the human mind separates. Overcome obstacles with peacefulness, and may that peace be stronger than all storms. Place your senses, feelings and ways of being into the Hands of the Lord. He will know perfectly well what to do with each one of them. And, thus, purity will arise, and the treasuries will open so that virtues may emanate from the greatest depths of the consciousness. Darkness will dissipate and all will be renewed. To God, nothing remains inconclusive.

The Universe will show the true face of life. Believe in that Divine Face which is the Universe in its infinity of forms and expressions. You come from there and some day you will return with the baggage of a lived experience, of a concretized redemption and of a love communed with Christ. Your promise will be to transcend the challenges, day by day, without wanting any immediate result.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am that white mountain of light that souls aspire to find in their inner world in order to ascend to its highest point and feel that a purpose has been fulfilled.

I am that white mountain of light that everyone hopes to come to know and climb so that, at each level, the soul feels complete when it is able to walk it.

I am that white mountain of light that attracts consciousnesses like a magnet so that, in union with it and its natural beauty, hearts transform into worshippers and contemplatives of Creation.

I am that white mountain of light that radiates a subtle energy capable of redeeming lives and rehabilitating hearts.

I am that sacred mountain of light that manifests itself as a goal within consciousnesses so that they dare to ascend to the sacred space of their inner world.

I am that white mountain of light that activates devotion for all that has been created and allows souls to find God through the inner mountain.

I am that white mountain of light that gives the consciousness the impulse to go beyond itself every day so that at the summit the consciousness may reach a sacred union with the Creator.

I am that white mountain of light that holds the most valuable treasures of Christ. In essence, I am the Mount Shasta of Light.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who elevates your consciousnesses,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

My intention is to bring peace and light to the world directly from the Celestial Kingdom through your simple and profound prayers. Each time that you say the prayer of the Hail Mary, you allow for My Rays, the Rays of My Divine Consciousness, to penetrate the suffering Earth, and to awaken deep healing within hearts.

Therefore, dear children, I ask you to never get tired of praying with fervor and heart because an important spiritual chemistry is established between your sincere prayers and My intercession for the world. It is as if the door of the Kingdom of God never closed, through which every day I can send to Heaven the lost souls for them to receive an opportunity.

Dear children, it pleases Me to listen, to feel and to hear you through the word of prayer. It is like a clamor, a supplication of the hearts that is permanently heard from Earth and for all of humanity in need.

It is so that from cycle to cycle, with faith and hope, I invite you to renew yourselves and to start losing the fears, the feeling that you might fail and go backwards. Dear children, do not think about your captivity anymore. Remember that I took each one of you out from this state of consciousness. I placed you in My arms for you to be able to feel until the end of days My Immaculate Love.

I invite you to keep faith. The tests can be great, but the love will always be infinite and invincible.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who always accompanies you without delay,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While My feet walk in Venezuela, I ask you for more inner prayer, that your power of prayer be concentrated in the proclamation and in the spiritual request so that this situation may calm down.

Especially to the Venezuelans, I ask that you be peacemakers of Christ in this moment; this will be your test and your exam before the Father and in the face of so much inequality.

I am making a request for piety, My children; do not try to confront or to oppose all that My adversary generates; the essence of everything that he causes is to tempt souls so that they may miss their chance of evolving.

This is why the time has come to prepare the islands of salvation, so that the immigrants and the castaways may find a place where they can begin their life again.

It will be the mission of the children of Mary to activate this network of prayer for Venezuela, offering all possible efforts to your Heavenly Mother; above all, My children from Brazil have this task so that this nation that is so dear to Me not be colonized by chaos, which is experienced in many nations.

Now we are entering the hard tests for the nations in these times. With hope and love, raise up your prayers, despite all that happens; thus I, as the Mother of all, will be able to be closer to receive you and guide you toward the Purpose of Light.

I love you and want you not to get involved with evil and with all that it does; evil has its end, because it does not know or understand love; on the contrary, Light wins because Light is in the Eternal Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Pray for the Americas,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I will send all My angels so that, after each battle, the Healers of Heaven may radiate their healing states over the servant humanity.

This is how your Heavenly Mother sends all Her Hosts of Light so that they may rebuild all that has been damaged after a hard confrontation.

Know, dear children, that the angels of healing dedicate their divine service to restore and balance that which My adversary tries to destroy.

Thus, the Love of God within them allows the doors of evil to be sealed, and, all that is involutive becomes expelled because, at that moment, My beloved ones, the Light of God, the Light of the Creator, triumphs over any adversity.

It is in this school that all the servers are entering in order to learn to love what the Father sends them as instruction and for inner growth.

As your Mother, I will not cease to accompany you on this trajectory that will lead you to serve for the liberation of many souls that are trapped in ignorance and in the temptation of My enemy.

When liberation and a global awakening happens within the consciousnesses, it is a sign, dear children, that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is getting closer, every day; this will be inevitable in these times that will come for humanity. 

Know, My beloved warriors, that I will be near you, sustaining the scepter of My maternal government.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the aroma of Love of My Heart, I can make My children feel the sacred balm of the Light of God.

Every day I come to appease the wounded and lost hearts. Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I heal and redeem all consciousnesses.

May this time of serenity and peace be the most important premises so that everything that surrounds the material life will be transmuted.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I attract the Graces for all My children, and I allow each heart to come know deeply the Kingdom of Peace and of Love of God.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I rebuild the bases that My adversary destroys because My Love for the creatures of God is triumph, service and goodness.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I pour upon My soldiers the ardent aspiration of being in God, thus, dear children, I distance with My hand all influence of evil.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I hand you, dear children, the celestial emblem of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who radiates the aroma of Love of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Divine Power of Unity

Not even the most seemingly powerful beast will be able to attack My children to the point of destroying in them what I have built with My holy hands. A fortress erected by God is eternal and there is no wind or darkness that can break it down. The basis of this fortress is the living of what I have taught you. Each one of My words consolidates in you the principle of unity with one another and with God.

Children, when lived in fullness, unity is the greatest shield of these and of all times. Even if the ground shakes under your feet, and the forces of your body seem to weaken, if there is unity, there will be no fear and there will be no defeat.

If you are united in heart, you will keep your eyes open and not allow yourselves to be deceived when the adversary blinds the eyes of many with fear and illusion. Those who live in unity will know the truth and will know that false is the power of those who rise with darkness; they will fall and disappear like dust, at the arising of the Christic Light.

If you live unity, you will sustain not only your own spirit, but you will be columns of a great temple which, in the moment of the tempest, will shelter within those who were lost but who still held the hope of someday finding themselves.

The fortress of unity will keep you in neutrality and balance when the coming events cause imbalance in the disbelievers and the humanity of little faith because they did not believe that after the night the sun will shine and that the support of God will always be upon those who recognize themselves as His children.

Unity will make you understand that which happens to you as harassment, that which are the tests and the apprenticeships needed for your evolution. In the spirit of unity among all, you will be able to overcome all these instances in a correct way and with maturity.

Because of this, children, the great learning of unity must be experienced in this time. This is the moment of overcoming the resistances within yourselves, which prevent you from living in fraternity, love and unity with your neighbor.

Learn that those whom you so judge or whom you cannot love nor accept in their paths may be the pillar that will be lacking in your inner temple in order to sustain you firm in the times that will come.

These are no longer times of solitude or individuality; in the past, this was a learning of interiorization of humanity, which prepared you today to live unity, with all who surround you.

Those who are summoned to My army of Light and Peace must be always united. Do not let My adversary bring you down through the corrosive poison of criticism, judgment and separateness, the pillars of the fortress that I am building by means of your constant permission.

Children, when you let the enemy speak through your mouths and separate you from your brothers, sisters and companions of the path, it is not only My Work that you are destroying but, above all, your own possibility of evolving and of keeping firm in the moments of the greatest tribulation.

Because of this, when you feel that your mouths move through the cunning of the adversary, keep silence and ask for My help; cut the chain of evil and invoke the Divine Power of Unity.

Where there is true unity there will be no darkness, and all the battles will be marked by the triumph of Light. Where there is unity, there will be Truth and there will be the Consciousness of God expressing through His children.

I tell you all this so that you may recognize that the triumph of the Eternal Father does not depend on anyone’s own strength, but on the Divine Power of Unity which, together, My soldiers can attract and manifest.

Children, day by day, struggle to make My Heart triumph and for the fortress of unity to grow and support within itself many souls that are seeking refuge in this world of such little fraternity and love.

Where there is unity, a light will be ignited, indicating the path for those who must still awaken in these times.

The seed of unity is already sprouting and growing in many of My children, and it must expand throughout all who listen to Me; because of this, today I make you listen to these words.

I bless you and lead you to the Divine Power of Unity. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I mirror the inner light upon the world.

I am the Lady of the oceans and through them I radiate the codes of renovation.

In the great oceans there are points of light that form a large net that communicates with the fountains of Grace. The oceans capture the principles of these fountains, and the prayers of all those who unite themselves to Me are deposited in these places to generate states of peace, harmony and mercy.

I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I unify the consciousnesses with the Purposes of God.

I am the Mother of the oceans and protect during the trips those who cross them.

I do not cease to take care of the light that exists in the oceans because it helps humanity widely.

Through the great oceans the Will of God is established, and all those who unite themselves to the consciousness of the oceans can feel the inner peace.

Thanks for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of All,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
