Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.

Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.

My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.

Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.

My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.

Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols 

who have been erected, fall.

Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.

Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.

Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.

Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear child,

Every soul that surrenders to God in order to live the divine life, while still being on Earth, needs to learn to transcend inner duality.

It is like an unconscious and autonomous matrix that in many cases leads toward a spiritual condemnation for souls because duality is imbued with personal will.

This generates that the souls of the Earth, after some time, suffer the consequences of decisions made.

On the spiritual path, it is similar. But it is much more difficult to transcend duality within the human being, since overcoming the infinite aspects of duality is a victory for the soul that ventures into that mission because in reality the aspects of life that play against true love are defeated, and the spirit finds the freedom that God wants it to live: freedom that only the Universe can grant the soul that seeks union with the divine.

In this exercise of transcending duality, there are inner battles, crossroads and challenges that can only be overcome with determination and faith in the heart.

After all of this, the consciousness finds the inner paradise.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Believe in the power of love and of renunciation that God has given you.

Believe in the realization of His Projects in your life and in planetary life and, from that point on, continuously express the absolute faith of your heart; a faith that will allow you to defeat the duality within you, to then defeat it in humanity.

Let the belief in the realization of the Plan within your life be kept alive; thus, you will allow the currents of the Universe that foster the concretization of the Plan to also come to your aid, just like those currents which come to meet you today.

All errors made exist to learn about love and compassion. They are the most immediate and painful method that humanity chose for being able to realize their mistakes. But the Father, who is full in Wisdom, offers His infinite Mercy so that His children may abandon this vicious chain of errors and thus achieve freedom of spirit and of soul.

Trust that it is possible to change the cycle you are in, and, through the Universe, receive all the help you need.

Because the ardent desire of God is that His smallest children may surpass Him in love so that, once again, evil may be defeated and Creation recreated.

Follow the path to the Heart of My Son because there, everything will be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


First Message

From the Great Star of the Universe, I greet you and send My Message of peace to the world.

Today My Words emanate from the heart of Andromeda, a place from where the Universes of this Universe are governed, and many more Universes that are ruled by the Law of the Hierarchy, and are under the care of the great universal Consciousnesses.

I have come to Argentina to correct it in its purpose, to again lead it towards the path of the light.

This is why I extend My Hand to the People of God, so that they may hold on to Me tightly and follow Me on the pathway of the true faith and of the new hope.

From Andromeda, I emit My Voice to the world and especially to Argentina, knowing that it is a people that needs to straighten its paths to be able to accomplish the Purpose of God, to be able to vivify it, to be able to fulfill it, in these critical times, in which everything is at stake.

What I ask you today is nothing new, companions, just only remember your commitment so that you can remember your origin, knowing that this material life does not end here and that after this life there is much more to learn.

The Universes offer themselves so that you can learn in its sacred Schools, where everything is written and where everything is accomplished.

Therefore, I invite you on these days to drink of My Mercy so that you can drink of the Source of Knowledge, a knowledge that reveals the Truth to you, a knowledge that will give you the peace and the wisdom that you need for these critical times.

But My coming to Argentina will not avoid many other things more that happen in these days and in these times.

Freedom is still in the hands of humankind.

Freedom is what can lead you to God or what can condemn you without you perceiving it.

For this reason, the choice is in each human heart, the choice of living in God or not being in God, of submerging in the Love of God or moving away from the Love of God.

Nobody will be forced to live a spirituality that they have not yet understood, nor felt inside.

But what I can promise to Argentina is just My Love and My Mercy. Streams that will lead you to find the Divine Purpose, to find the answer that you are looking for so much, for a long time.

Thus, I am gradually forming My new soldiers, the soldiers of the last times. I am gradually building the inner Christ in the dwellings of all beings, the inner Christ who will live the end of times, the one who will give testimony, in My Name, that I am here among you and with you.

For this reason, today My Voice is emitted from Andromeda, a place where the Universal Government dwells and complies the Divine Laws of this Material Universe; a place where great decisions are taken for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousnesses, for the infinite expression of more degrees of love, of a greater Love than the one I could conceive when I was on Earth among you, a long time ago.

At that moment, I had left you a key that would help you to transcend all times and all generations, all experiences and all learnings.

It is the love for life what will rebuild Argentina, beyond the mistakes and faults.

Love is what will heal, it is what will fill.

Love will concede you peace and thus you will live in justice.

It will be worthless to oppose one another, because even though inequalities exist, which are seen by all, what matters for God, companions, is the destiny of your nation and its people, as a Promised Land, that will no longer have injustices nor inequalities, which will be permeated by the Presence of God, in the perfect living of His Beloved Son, in the heart of humanity.

Do not fight for what is material, although it is unjust.

Build in you what is true and what comes from God, what will really make you free, someday, to reach the Kingdom of God, which is inside of you.

Living in the Kingdom of God you will be in communion with the High and it will be no longer a religion nor a doctrine, because your religion, companions, regardless of any other, will be love.

It is love that will lead you to live service and fraternity towards your brothers and sisters.

It is love that will allow you to build brotherhood and thus be able to live the new life that will repopulate Earth in the coming times.

But while you live your internal and external transition, do not fight, do not oppose to one another any longer. Seek this justice in the Gift of the Mercy of God and everything will pass.

Thus God will make justice, as the Great Divine Consciousness that He is, and His children will finally represent Him on Earth, as He so much has expected since the beginning.

Be capable of living My Words beyond the senses.

Be capable of risking to do a little bit more than you do or than what you have achieved in your lives, because everything will start again in love, and from love will begin. The rest will become dust and to dust will return.

In your spirits is the Sacred Reliquary of My Heart.

In your souls, the presence of My Soul can be, so that you may be in communion with the Divine Justice and in a perfect balance.

Therefore, from Andromeda, a Voice of equality is emitted and the Great Star of this Universe calls you to the elevation of the consciousness, to step out of forms and battles, to achieve the true meaning of your existence and of your mission on Earth as individuals, as a people and as a country.

Close the doors to chaos. Open the doors to My Divine Mercy because thus My Presence will triumph in you and My Energy will triumph in your nation.

The time has come to perceive reality and not deceits.

The time has come, companions of Argentina, of climbing one more step to approach God and to feel His Love that fills and fills you, time and again.

Be a people that deserves Divine Justice and not human justice. Thus you will learn to be in balance and in harmony with the Universe.

Andromeda emits its voice, from the Universe to your planet, so that you can listen to it and count on its great Government that is celestial and complies with the superior commands that the Eternal Father dictates.

Join this chain of prayer for peace and prevent chaos to submerge you.

Be intelligent and activate the prayer of the heart so that your own inner Mirrors may dissolve all reigning darkness.

For this reason, Andromeda comes to bless you and consecrate you so that each human heart and each soul may listen to the Voice of the Universe and receive, from Andromeda, the spirit of peace.

May your offering for this Marathon be true as you have demonstrated on these last days.

Because the Universe is contemplating all your efforts, however small they may seem. All efforts add to the descent of Divine Mercy that allow to love the enemies and forgive the unjust ones.

Encourage yourselves to surpass Me in love and you will find the Truth.

Encourage yourselves to be My testimonials and you will be free, as you expect so much.

The Kingdom of God is inside of you and it must remain there throughout the times, for the Sacred Will to be fulfilled.

I thank you for having said “yes” to Me for this meeting, because this means much to Me, as a Divine and Universal Consciousness.

Here exists very valuable souls and very important spirits for the Creation. This is why you are in Argentina and not in another place.

Everything in the Creation has a divine meaning and a superior Purpose to be manifested.

Be part of this universal current that comes from Andromeda and recognize, in these times, your mission with humanity.

May in this Marathon of springtime, the love of your hearts flourish.

May your hands, arms and feet give the fruits of service and walk to meet those who are most in need, so that Mercy may reach all, without distinction.

May the Light of the Spirit of Andromeda bless you in the name of the Sacred Brotherhood.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Jesus always submerged himself in the gratitude of the heart.

For Jesus, gratitude was the first rule that allowed Him to reflect the flashes of a living and true Love.

Without the constant gratitude that Jesus felt for His Father, He would not have been able to carry out His Divine Will.

Because the gratitude in Jesus allowed Him, as a man and as the Messiah, to fully trust in the Mysteries of the Father, although Jesus Himself knew part of these Mysteries.

The Gratitude of Jesus brought to humanity the declared revelation of His ardent Faith, a Faith that imprinted determination and sovereign authority at the moment of proclaiming the Gospel.

The permanent and immutable feeling of the Gratitude of Jesus led Him to greatly know the deepest and most hidden feelings of His brothers and sisters, whether they were pure or impure.

This gift of profound knowledge of the human being that Jesus lived was not for the purpose of judging, but for the purpose of correcting human customs, which, in past times, led towards the spiritual condemnation of all humanity.

The experience of gratitude in Jesus led Him constantly to the path of service for others and to the constant donation of His Divine Being, even for those who rejected and denied Him.

Jesus wanted to demonstrate that one of the main bases of love is gratitude, together with unity. And that these two attributes, in the sincere practice of the life of human beings, no matter what, will lead them to find a higher and superior meaning about the personal mission of the individual and of the groups of souls.

Jesus left the teaching of gratitude as a constant message for the transformation of the human condition.

To have gratitude means to understand, beyond oneself, that the purpose God places in our hands has a greater meaning than what we can understand and experience.

Gratitude leads us along the path of selfless and spontaneous donation; it helps us, as human beings, to live and understand life from a different perspective and on a different scale.

Gratitude reveals to us the goodness and mercy in everything, it makes us less petty and more considerate, attentive and available for our fellow beings.

Gratitude closes the door to pride, to the recognition of spaces or tasks that we believe to have under our power.

Gratitude belies our appearances and gently guides us along the path of Truth.

For this reason, the gratitude that lived and emanated from Jesus was very great, to the point that few consciousnesses could reach the true and divine Person of Jesus.

Gratitude leads to the breaking of chains and of atavisms; it is the portal toward our true freedom.

Gratitude reminds us of humility.

I thank you for imitating the Gratitude of Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Peace, child, is the state that your heart attains when it unites to the Truth of God.

Peace is the unalterable state that is born from the certainty of a higher reality that transcends human existence.

Peace is a state that awakens or is born in hearts when they open to love and to know the Plan of God, recognizing its greatness and perfection and, as a consequence, recognizing the human smallness.

Peace is a state that the heart finds when it knows it is fulfilling its part, every day, and that it does everything it can for the evolution of beings, for the awakening of love, for the expansion of fraternity.

When the heart is not at peace, it is not because peace is lacking in the world, it is not because God deprives it of peace; it is the being itself that moves away from it for knowing it is at fault, for knowing that it does not do everything it can, for knowing that it is not giving all of itself.

Discover the path to peace through transparency, sincerity, truth, self-giving.

The heart that confesses finds peace because it returns to Truth, because it strips away its lies and vanities before God and renews itself, it becomes worthy of recognizing peace, of being within peace and multiplying it.

The world is in chaos, in pain and suffering. The souls are in agony, in definition, in fear, but it is possible, in spite of all this, to be in peace, to find it and live it, because peace does not depend on the world, it depends only on you.

Peace is not the end of wars and of a humanity living according to its tendencies and superficial needs, because a heart can have everything, all the things it desires, it may not live among conflicts and, even so, it may not know, not find and not live peace.

Peace is an inner state, fruit of the union with God and of the transparency before Him.

Therefore, child, today I invite you to rediscover peace within you, confessing your miseries before God, divesting yourself of your characters to make space for an unknown transparency, which is the door toward true freedom.

Experience being free in a world that has become its own prison.  Experience being in peace and being an instrument so that God can make the world know peace through you.

Enter into a new cycle of true aspirations, of true actions, of true love, of true peace.

In this way, human beings will fall at your right and at your left, but the peace in your heart, which does not have its base consolidated in the things of the world, but rather in your inner union with God, will never be knocked down.

Persist in the search for peace, but follow the correct path. Transparency and truth are your vehicles to attain peace.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter the very depths of My Heart and find the Divine Garden of Roses, and there, cultivate your aspirations for serving God.

Allow each stage to be completed so that, above all, the Sacred Will of God may be done.

Stay in My Divine Garden of Roses for as much time as you need; it will always be open to receive you, so that you may rest your body after hard battles and arduous work.

Only feel the subtle scents of My Garden and remember that I will always be there to receive you, to embrace you and help you, just as I do with each one of My children.

Stay in My Divine Garden of Roses, feel the true freedom of your soul and the freeing of your consciousness from the prisons of life.

Retreat within My Divine Garden of Roses and feel the peace that never ends, the gladness that is always emanated, the spiritual joy of being in God; there you will find no evil; on the contrary, within My Garden, there is no suffering, guilt or error.

Submerge in the Roses of My Garden and feel the beauty of serving God unconditionally, as well as the joy of being able to fulfill His most cherished Designs.

And finally, in the center of My Garden, you will find Jesus, Who will renew your life and will hold you in His Arms so that you may feel the infinite Universe of His Love and of His Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Prayer: A Door to Liberation

With the divine Rosary in My Hands, I come from Heaven to reveal a simple mystery in which the Power of God hides.

Pray and you will be free.

Pray and you will be free from the pains and bindings of the past. Pray and you will be free from the concepts of the mind, from division, from the lack of forgiveness and love, from the incapacity to reconcile with your fellow being and with God.

Pray and you will be free to be reborn and leave behind that which causes you pain. Pray and you will know how to comprehend your paths, because God presents you the different situations of your lives, and how to make the apparent difficulties a service for the consciousness of all humanity.

Pray and you will be free to understand the celestial mysteries. You will not doubt the Truth and will not fear knowing it because you will not limit the greatness of God to the small human comprehension.

Truly pray and you will live your own union with God, your own inner contact that will raise you to the Heavens even if your feet are on Earth.

What I come to ask you, My children, is that you pray and in the simple act of praying, the virtues will be revealed to you, the Light of the Divine Word will free you from darkness and the Gift of God will guide you so that in spite of the tribulations of the world, you will never lose faith and love in your hearts.

While all is allowed in these times of definition, place your rosaries in your hands and speak to God, cry out for His Mercy in these times of miseries and imperfections, and let the Father respond to the heart with a simple feeling, with a breath, with a relief or even with the sharing of the pain that He feels for this world so lost.

What I come to ask you, My children, is that you pray and open your hearts to a new time, for it is the moment of unity, of living in communion for the Peace and Redemption of this world.

It is the moment for the religions to unite, to pray with the heart for One God and for each one, in their own language, to cry out to the Father for the Purpose of God to be fulfilled.

It is time for respect to exist among races and beliefs, for the religions to learn to pray for one another so that the Purpose that God had, when He inspired each one of them, may be fulfilled at this time.

If all religions resume their purity and return to the purpose of their origin, which is the expression of Love and the establishment of Peace, the hearts will be worthy to recognize He Who will come to unite all things on a unique path and put an end to divisions and human wars.

They will recognize the Last Prophet, Who will return so that those who did not recognize Him in the past can surrender to His Love in this last time.

The Son of God will again place His Feet on Earth, and His last promise will be fulfilled, so that Love may have life within the hearts of human beings and God may renew Himself through His creatures.

In the meantime, My children, pray for the divine Light to illuminate your paths, pray to know how to fulfill the Will of God, pray to free yourselves from what prevents you from walking towards the Heart of the Father.

Pray to grow in spirit, and finally, pray for the Love of God to triumph definitively among the dimensions and, so that, not only the Apocalypse but also the one thousand years of peace may become a reality.

Just as you see the chaos foreseen in the Apocalypse be fulfilled, you will also see the final triumph of God in the radiance of His Son.

Just pray for humanity to persevere in its faith and to overcome the tests of illusion until it reaches the essence of the Truth.

Unite your rosaries to Mine and you will never get lost.

My Feet of Mother and Pilgrim will always mark the rhythm of your steps until you surrender them to the Heart of the Heavenly Father.

I bless you and thank you for praying with Me for the establishment of Peace and the liberation of this world.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


If My Voice were heard all over the world, and if everything that I dictate throughout time were carried forward, perhaps it would not be necessary to go through suffering or pain.

Thus, I still come to the world to show humanity that its heart is closed to the call of God and that it ignores it.

I come to try and have humanity, one day, become aware and awaken to the reality of the illusion that it has itself created, so that it may leave this state and take up its moment of conversion.

It will be important to pray from the heart, because this prayer, especially, appeases the Law and brings grace to all beings on the planet.

While humanity focusses its attention on all that is lower and does not seek the higher, it will continue to suffer on its own, until it learns to correct its paths and is willing to seek the path of love. In that moment, it will begin to know the one true freedom, the freedom that the spirit achieves, that is, of being at the service of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the light of the heart unify the servants of Christ so that His Divine Will may be fulfilled.

May the light of the heart bring peace to lives so that they may be guided by the spirit of Love.

May the light of the heart gather consciousnesses together so that each one of them may reveal its sacred virtue.

May the light of the heart dissolve wounds so that evil may not be installed or exist in anyone.

May the light of the heart awaken an awareness within all beings of continuing to accomplish the Sacred Plan of God.

May the light of the heart build within hearts a unity and the principle of Higher Love.

May the light of the heart neutralize contrary currents.

May the light of the heart uplift consciousnesses to the permanent state of brotherhood.

May the light of the heart grant each being spiritual freedom.

May the light of the heart be able to keep the doors open to solidarity.

May the light of the heart give each being a Ray of Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Stay with your Heavenly Mother and abandon your concepts

Stay, My child, with your Heavenly Mother, by Her side, accompanying each step of Her Work of Maternity and Mercy, and abandon all your concepts.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and let the Universe of God Itself work in you, and not that you work in the Universe.

Abandon all your concepts, ideas and projects of wanting to improve a destiny which is already written in the Heart of God.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and accompany Me, My child, in each new mission, divested of your creeds or opinions.

Let My Son empty you like a wineskin, so that He can fill you with His Peace and His Will.

Abandon, at this moment, all your concepts and intentions of perfecting things.

Encourage yourself to live beauty, first in the dignity of the spirit, so that it may later reflect itself in matter.

Stay, My child, with your Heavenly Mother, so that in this new year which will begin you abandon your old customs, your living habits that do not build unity nor love.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother so that I can indicate to you the just path, and not for you to choose where to walk.

Trust fully in everything that is not within reach of your consciousness or your reality.

Accept, My child, the first step, which will be healing your life and your human consciousness, so that later the heart can be cured and everything can be healed.

Remove, with My help, the hatred and the resentment from your interior, no longer see that everything is degraded around you, submerge yourself within your true reality and you will see that you must first divest of yourself so that, finally, the world as a whole, can divest itself.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and no longer place your gaze upon the defects, but upon the virtues and the loving efforts of your fellow beings.

Life is very beautiful, only the human being can obscure it or make it shine, according to its intentions.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and you will take steps in true love.

Do not go backwards, anymore.

Advance your path to be able to meet the Lord.

Allow, My child, that the Father show you His Will, and defeat your own.

Let you wounded heart open so that the Rays of My Heart may heal you.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and no longer make hasty decisions.

Open internally to the guidance and the Instruction that Heaven sends you, thus you will be a new soul, thus you will be a spirit at the service of unity and love.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and accept reality.

No longer force your accomplishments. No longer submit your brothers and sisters according to your pleasures or beliefs.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother so that your inner child may express itself and step out of the constant silence in which it is found.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and the doors to Love will open.

Listen to My Words with gratitude and the hate within you will disappear.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother, and you will not suffer.

The Kingdom of God is being fulfilled, even though it does not seem so.

Stop suffering unnecessarily. Stop embittering your heart with everything that no longer has meaning and, for this to be possible, you must surrender yourself, empty and humble, meek and peaceful, thus the Holy Spirit will find a path to be able to act.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and I assure you that you will not recognize yourself, as long as your surrender is honest and crystalline.

Allow the blindfolds of mirage and illusion fall from your eyes so that you may soon see reality.

Allow, beloved child, that the love your fellow beings and the Love of God heal your agony.

May you live a year in the Lord and not in the world.

May everything be redeemed within your being so that you may fulfill what God wants.

Finally, I ask you, My child: be free from yourself.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

From My maternal Heart, I ardently desire that the Will of God be accomplished above all things.

I teach you to transcend the difficult times and to be in them without belonging to the cruelty that is promoted through the actions of humankind.

Thus, God builds and manifests His Kingdom in the humble, in those who have no interest in spiritual realization. The Father has requested that I teach this to humanity, but humanity still has not learned.

It is thus that I come outside of any institution or religion to teach the world about Love and Truth, which will always make you whole and free of any adversity.

I give the impulse to My soldiers so that they take firm and decided steps, definitive steps toward Christ. For, in this way, the very King of the Universe and Lord of Mercy will be able to unmask the false and give His Power to the poor of heart.

Throughout these last years, Your Heavenly Mother has been guiding you so that you may accompany Her until the clay mask falls from the faces that hide the truth and live the lie of yesteryear because when My Son returns, stone will not remain upon stone; only the simple hearts will prevail.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the Light of God convert and modify all that is necessary to redeem.

May Divine Light fill the deepest spaces of the consciousness and make each state a principle of redemption.

May Divine Light convert and transform each aspect of life and realize the Plan of the Creator.

Feel yourself to be free, child, of the chains that imprison you, for the time will come for taking the great and last step toward Divine Life.

Meanwhile, continue fighting with all the strength of your heart, for in the heart is held enough love to make of each lesson an opportunity for forgiving.

Walk on the pathway of My Son; He offers the path of perseverance and of peacemaking.

It is in the change of consciousness that the opportunity for elevation can be found, and every day, make each stage of life be a great experience of love and of transcendence.

Let us live the change in these times. Let us await Him with joy, for it will be good news.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Mother of the most simple among the simple

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because, in this way, all will know My Truth.

I am in the simple gestures of love, service and charity.

My intention is that all My children find their Mother in the true simplicity of things, seeking the best for a fellow being, for the sick, or for the poor.

The Love of your Heavenly Mother is also reflected in the simplicity of Her poverty. In this way, souls find a model of freedom and of surrender in the Mother of God.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple; I have given Myself to My children and I take care of their souls so that they may learn to take care of their bodies.

I bring an unknown relief, a relief that emerges from within My Heart and is a source of healing and hope that is poured into those who invoke it through the simplicity of their hearts.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and, within them, I easily build the Kingdom of God, for in their inner worlds I find a great opening, adherence and consent.

In the most simple among the simple, life can be regenerated, and the spirit of a being can be filled with other Laws when it loves life and its existence with simplicity.

The children of life are the most simple; they are those who manage to feel the poverty of a fellow being in their hearts because they want to provide for that through their prayers and their loving service.

In the most simple, God easily shows Himself, because He does not have limits and He can show Himself through His creatures, just as He showed Himself to His Servant the first time.

True simplicity is a powerful essence, capable of moving mountains as well as awakening faith. The simplicity of the heart leads to the awakening of an unbreakable faith, capable of generating a permeable stream of love and charity in the world.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and I see Myself reflected in the soul that tills the soil, as well as in the homemaker who prepares the food for nurturing their children.

I am the Mother of life, and where there is life, My maternal Consciousness is present so that My children can thus find the meaning in their lives and the purpose for their existence within the school of love and unity.

In the most simple the warm prayer of the heart is portrayed, for in the most simple, there is no interest or complaint; what exists is only the love for life and for all that has been created; for the humility and simplicity of these hearts allows them to understand many things and lovingly feel everything they experience.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because My Heart is reflected in them, just as God was reflected in your Heavenly Mother, like in a great Mirror of Love and of Light.

The surrender of His Servant allowed the simplicity and the Love of God to be seen in the humility of His Server and in the Love of His beloved Son.

Simplicity could renew the Earth and all consciousnesses, because in the most simple there is no opinion, want, or desire. The most simple are permeated and filled with the love of their inner Christ, something that strengthens them for experiencing their daily tests and for fully confirming their lives on the path of faith and of the hope of being able to be in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with love, faith and simplicity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the doors of the Heavens open and may souls commune with the Love of God.

May life be regenerated and receive the sacred Gifts that will strengthen it.

May the Sanctified Spirit descend and fill all souls with love.

May everyone be able to achieve the path of ascension so that, having broken the chains, inner freedom be able to express itself.

Everything is rebuilt and it is time to participate in that; everything is finally converted into what the Father of Love needs.

The last work of the end of times is being carried out, and all receive the opportunity of accompanying it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who uplifts you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come to offer to the world the healing of its heart, the liberation of its prisons, the redemption of consciousness.

As its Mother, I come to offer to the world the true freedom of life and the awakening to more profound Laws that will make of each being a disciple of Christ.

I come to offer to the world the path of true light, the perfect alliance with the Love of the Father, and the favorite union with My Beloved Son.

I come to offer to humanity the way out from its captivity, the meaning of living on this planet, the opportunity to internally grow following the examples and the teachings of Christ.

I come to offer to souls everything that they still have not been able to achieve in their spiritual journey, the possibility of being in perpetual communion with the Divine and Supreme Source.

I come to offer to humanity the patterns it has never incarnated, the values of a christic life, the pathway to be able to meet with the Redeemer.

I offer all of this to souls once and again; few have been able to swim in these mysteries and to penetrate the ocean of the Mercy of God.

I come to make of your consciousnesses new and renewed beings at the service of the Plan of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

To go through the end of times for many of My children means to know, within themselves, all that must be transformed with love.

To apply faith in material life will help this transformation to be lighter for all your brothers and sisters.

It is thus that to go through the end of times means knowing the aspects of consciousness within yourselves, and making contact with them, working arduously so that they may be liberated and healed.

In this cycle, transformation will help to put things in their place, so that, in time to come, the spirit may reach total freedom of expression.

For this reason, with courage and inner strength, transcend yourselves so that the true Purpose may emerge from every heart.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the Valley of Peace, I make you all alike, so that you may be the smallest and humblest in the world. Thus, I will be able to accomplish My world work in humanity and many souls will be benefited by this Grace that I bring from Heaven.

This is why souls gather in the Valley of Peace, to celebrate communion with Christ and pray for the planet, striving so that the Source may descend into humanity.

In the Valley of Peace, souls are in surrender, in service and in love, available and open to receive any call to the point where, in sacrifice, they give all for love.

In the Valley of Peace, where I am always to be found, I gather the soldiers so that they may listen to the Will of the Father and carry it out as a sacred goal for humanity.

In the Valley of Peace, the attributes of the Mother of God are radiated, and, as impulses, they transform the hearts that trust in the Purpose.

In the Valley of Peace, souls open their hearts to receive Christ and, in this way, establish a deep alliance that helps them to fulfill the Purposes of the Father throughout their entire lives.

In the Valley of Peace, consciousnesses ignite their inner Mirror and make of this moment a great offer of love to the Creator.

In the Valley of Peace, souls live their freedom by being close to the Mother of God.

The Valley of Peace is the portal to the new consciousness of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who gathers you in the Valley of Peace, love and brotherhood,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear and treasured prayerful children,

While new doors of Light open, other uncertain doors close, and the spiritual consciousness of some nations finds itself free of the evils generated by constant errors.

Venezuela and its people, so loved by Me, must finally be free of that captivity in which they were placed. In this way, through the power of the permanent prayer of everyone, the great and last knot will be untied; and the people, without violence or mistreatment, will be freed from that whole chain of errors.

Continue to pray with faith, in spite of what happens or what you experience, dear children of Venezuela. I am your inseparable Mother and I come to lead you on the path of true freedom that is unknown to My enemy.

Trust in Me and I will always open the doors of love to you, rather than that of suffering.

With faith and hope, proclaim the victory that My beloved Son has achieved in you and be His new witnesses, so that love and redemption may triumph.

Remember that part of what you are experiencing today is the consequence of the mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly the Mineral Kingdom.

With Mercy and Piety, ask that the compassion of the Celestial Father be poured out over all your beloved people and that your Heavenly Mother may have first place as regent of Venezuela.

With the gentleness of My Immaculate Heart, I again invite you to peace, for in peace you will find the way, the truth and the renewal of your lives.

Do not give up, persevere and show the universe that you know how to transcend the errors of your peers with acts full of Piety and of Mercy.

From your people I want the triumph of love so that the hunger, the looting and the war may end soon.

I pray that your nation returns to the joy of experiencing national peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who supports you unconditionally,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Souls will come to the surface of the Earth that will renew the planet in this acute cycle and they will bear within themselves the impulse of Christification.

Souls will come that will awaken to universal life, and as a consequence, with their awakening they will stimulate the interest of other souls in the Christic path.

Souls will come that will emit the precise note, which will help transform a greater part of things and which will cause movement in the position of those who have spiritually become stagnant.

Souls will come that will help change the cycle, and the whole universe will give impulse to this awaited movement. Time will change and all consciousnesses will have the possibility of receiving this impulse and of converting their lives.

Souls will come that will modify the currents in a positive sense, and all the universal fluids will be spontaneously retransmitted through them.

Souls will come that will awaken the planetary Christic life and will, for a short time, attract a current of universal peace, before the world is completely purified.

Souls will come that will be able to change events and that through their youth will motivate the change and the true ascension of consciousness.

Souls will come that, guided by Myself, will manifest an inexplicable state of Grace, something that will benefit the rest of humanity; they will be free souls that will aspire to comply with the promise of preparing the awaited coming of Christ.

These souls are near and the hour already indicates this.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
