Write your true story of love and purity in the depths of your heart and keep each experience as an unforgettable richness.
Through prayer, allow every space of your being to be illuminated and build, through constancy, the path towards the infinite Heart of Jesus.
Do not lose the strength of your spirit because of what is happening around you, but seek all the time that your transformation may be the example and model of holiness for others.
Find, in every dialogue with God, the reason to continue and let the Breath of His Divine Spirit transfigure every aspect of your being. For this to happen, the doors of the heart must be open and thus everything will be wonderfully transformed.
For the Lord, there is no wound that cannot be healed. For God, there is no obstacle that cannot be transcended. There is no separation that can disunite hearts if there is true love first.
Therefore, find in each new experience an opportunity to grow and let resistance fade from the consciousness.
Grow in humility, in holiness and in service.
Use every moment of life to fulfill the Plans of the Creator.
Perform every service as if it were your last. Love your neighbor as if it were the last time. Do not fail to express what you truly are and say no to pride and human indifference.
Love with the Love of Jesus and expand the light of your spirit.
Let the angels guide you on your paths to the sacred Temple of the Heart of Jesus; there you will find the purpose of your life and that of all humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).
With great gladness and joy, listen to My Voice, which comes from infinity to speak to you and all your brothers and sisters, who, in trust and faith, have walked by My side over the years, and especially in this Work that is carried out here by the Sacred Hearts.
You do not know, companions, how pleased My Soul is to be here today with you, in perpetual spiritual communion with all those that are not present, and that are lost in the tribulation in the world.
But today I come to stretch out My Hand to you so that you may see My Heart, which is luminous among you. I do not stop acting in this world so that My disciples may feel Me close and walk by My side, in this desert that a part of humanity is experiencing in this cycle of transition.
I want you to draw close to My Heart, in the same way that I offer It to you, so that you may enter into My Spirit and feel the Will of My Father showing Itself to you, for example, through this meeting.
I would not like to fail to go through here without you feeling Me, understanding what I request of you as a spiritual flock, as a purpose for this end time.
I come to bring you My Peace and also My gratitude for having allowed new doors of Heaven to open upon this needy place in which hearts, without perceiving it, cry out for My intercession.
This Marathon will bring results for everybody; it will open new paths for the consequent, those who have made a promise to My Sacred Heart, giving a victory to My plan through service and prayer in this region of the planet where God has been able to mirror His Presence simply through the realization of His Creation and its beauty.
Today I come to invite you to be in My Cenacle, not only to commune with Me, but rather beyond Me, in the name of My Father and of all the universe that gathers especially to bless you, transfigure you, and lift you up to My Heart.
I need you to continue accomplishing My Purpose, in spite of what happens.
Today My Hands close impossible wounds, the deepest wounds, those that humankind cannot heal. This is the work of My Mercy, of My unfathomable Love and Pity, not only for you, but also for the world that grows darker and is blind because it does not recognize Me.
Now, companions, that you do recognize Me, make Me known to those who sleep, that do not vivify Me and do not adore Me.
My Heart offers Itself in this end time to all, without exception, before the Justice of My Father comes to this world and this humanity. A Justice that humanity will not understand because it does not know it nor does it feel it; but I bring you the source of My atonement, the healing for your spirits and souls, the renewal of your paths and surrender to My unfathomable Heart.
In your lives, I only wish to institute a spirit of apostleship, of mission, and of service.
Let this Marathon represent the renewal of service to God, that which you can give Me beyond the limitations and the tests, the fears and the uncertainty.
I would like you to be able to be renewed every day and stop looking back, to the past, because if I Am your renewing and Christic sacred Presence, why are you stuck in the past?
When I am present, I bring you what is new, what you still do not know or experience. I bring you the presence of another Law that participates in other universes, and which gathers you here so that you may live and feel Me.
Your hearts are potentials in service and in prayer. Here, stronger pillars of prayer can exist that propagate that Light throughout the world with the precious prayerful word.
Your hearts should not only pray, they should be living mirrors that reflect what the rest do not experience in this time and to which many do not pay much attention because they do not deeply know Me.
I need your hands to reach others so that at the same time, you can see Me in those that suffer, in those that are lost, in the Lower Kingdoms.
The whole of Creation participated in My surrender on the Cross and continues to do so in My Glory and in My Divinity. Nothing is separated after I ascended to the Heavens, to the House of My Father.
I left you the task of being children of the Mother of the World, of being seeds of the New Humanity, spiritually speaking.
I left you the task of propagating My Gospel through acts of charity and of peace, a peace that is lacking in the world and in many hearts.
The Americas have this mission with Me and with the other Sacred Hearts; it is part of this spiritual trilogy between your Master, Holy Mary, and Saint Joseph.
You and your lost brothers and sisters are called to live this project that is still not understood, because it is a project of higher Love, of an unknown existence that is today drawing closer to you so that you may perceive and live it.
I provide you with this Grace and this Mercy so that your paths may be peaceful and non-confrontational, so that your hearts unite with Me, just as they should unite with your brothers and sisters, without differences or denials.
I open a door for you to live the experience of love and of redemption. You have already experienced these things through the Work that you have carried out here for so long, in honor of My God. It is for this reason that I come here to give you My Graces, the spirit of My infinite and universal gratitude.
I thus come to wash your feet, to baptize your heads in the name of the Holy Spirit, to anoint you and heal you in the name of Love and of Unity, something that humanity is rapidly losing; but if you go through the end of times with Me, you must fear nothing.
I want your lives to be surrendered to Me.
I want you to embrace the Cross with Me that I carry through the world in this time.
I want you to remove the thorns from My Heart because of all the unjust and prideful.
I want you to contemplate the immensity of My love and submerge in My Spirit, living each of My Words, just as the apostles lived them in the past.
I want you to be a quill of light in My Hands so that I may write the new history in the Book of My Father, your history of redemption, of atonement, of forgiveness and of Mercy, of liberation and of peace; because the time will come, dear companions, in which you must be gathered together like today, in this sacred cenacle that you are lovingly offering Me.
Just as I gathered together the twelve, today I gather you and those that are spiritually not here.
I leave you the greetings of My Peace, the luminous sign of My victorious and resplendent Cross throughout the universe.
I leave you My sorrow for the world, the denial of hearts, the indifference of the arrogant, the poverty of the non-humble, the pride of the blind, the malice of the ungrateful, so that you may share this with Me and so that your love, together with Mine, can erase all the miseries and My Sacred Heart may triumph as it is triumphing in your lives.
Let this Marathon open the doors to those who must come, to the young people of this region that must also find the Path of Christ, not a strict path, but the path of love, of redemption, and of peace. The path of the prayerful apostleship, of the mission in service and in charity through pity.
I invite you to be renewed in the name of the Law of the Hierarchy, in the name of unity and the good.
Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
On this evening of communion with Me, I give you the blessing of these elements and My paternal embrace in perfect union with My unfathomable Heart of Love, so that, renewed by My Spirit, your paths may be on My Paths and your hearts may be In My Heart in honor and adoration of the Father.
I renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As I rise, accept My proclamation of Peace and confirm yourselves to Me as each one is able to live it in this offering that is lifted up.
I will return tomorrow to be with you in spiritual union and in vigil for the world.
Thank you for granting this space to Me in your hearts. The fruits will be seen in the next world, in the new humanity and in the joy of your countenances.
Remember that this is done for all of humanity, not only for you, but for those that most need it and that most suffer the tribulation.
Dear children:
On this day, I invite you to prepare yourselves for the prayer meeting that is coming. This is a reason for your lives to be available for the fulfillment of the Divine Will.
I wish, My children, that your hearts would always walk in faith so that from now on you will be prepared to be touched by the flame of the Holy Spirit.
At this time, may your hearts be in prayer and in communion with My Son so that, strengthened in faith, you can take steps towards the consecration to the Celestial Father.
Children, as Your Mother I guide you through the path of sanctity and service to those most in need.
Many spiritual wounds still must be healed by the balm that prayer itself provides.
In tune with all that will happen in the coming prayer meeting I hand you, My children, the keys of forgiveness and mercy so that everything is under the shelter of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In faith and love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In order to prepare your spirits for the Armageddon which approaches the planetary consciousness, you must begin to seriously assume your own commitment to the Plan of God, showing this adhesion in the little things of your daily life.
My opponent will no longer seek you in the great difficulties because he recognizes that the power of prayer allows you to be in an inner state of vigilance in which the great attacks can be perceived. However, will be the most insignificant breaches that will break the structures which seemed to be so consolidated in consciousness.
Children, many are absolutely sure that they will remain strong and faithful until the end of this battle and they believe they are ready to endure the clashes that will come. What they are unaware of, in their spiritual immaturity, is that they will deal with situations and confrontations that are unusual even for universal life.
The planetary Armageddon now involves all of Creation of God, even beyond this universe, because everyone expects to watch the triumph of love and unity on this planet which has been transformed into a dark spot in Divine Creation.
With this I want to tell you that for God to triumph in your consciousness He must triumph little by little in each small space of your beings. The triumph of God in the human heart is something that each creature must offer the Creator by their own merit, because the Lord will not be able to triumph in a heart that does not open itself to live the absolute transformation and unity with Him.
My opponent knows well the shortcomings of humanity and, having himself created the capital forces that circulate the Earth, he knows well how they infiltrate the human consciousness and about the difficulties that everyone has to overcome them, since they have been gaining ground for eons of existence and today they dominate great part of humanity.
But this same opponent has once been by God’s side, and even if he no longer feels inside himself the potency of the Love of the Creator, he knows well that there is nothing more powerful in all of Creation than this Divine Love. That is why his reign trembles before a heart that surrenders itself to God and that launches itself without fear to the discovery of the prayer that unites it, without intermediaries, to the most potent Love of the Highest.
However, children, few are the ones who allow themselves to be taken by the Love of God and that really take a risk of being burned by the Fire of His Holy Spirit because the Love of God removes all darkness from the interior of beings, it overthrows all structures of evil built in the consciousness and often leaves the being in a state of absolute emptiness and non-recognition of the self, since everyone is so used to living under the yoke of the capital energies.
The Love of God is available to every creature: Its Divine Fire aspires to ignite the hearts. However, in order to receive this Grace it is not enough to ask for it with words. You must clamor for it with the heart and generate merits to receive it through your actions and daily effort.
In the experience of fraternity, charity, obedience, humility, meekness and peace are the keys to unite yourselves to God. In the permanent effort to transcend the dark inner tendencies, the Divine Fire descends to your aid and It deposes the reign of mundane forces in the beings’ consciousnesses.
No longer waste time, children, because My opponent not only trembles, he also acts untiringly, in despair for his imminent defeat. Because of this, be tireless also in the experience of love and unity. Be tireless in the understanding of your neighbor, in the donation of yourself, in the service to the Kingdoms of Nature, in the transcendence of you own pride, of arrogance and vanity. Soon the Supreme God will triumph in your own interior.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through His beloved Son, God desires to institute the devotion to My Immaculate Heart as a divine instrument of salvation and of rescue for souls that are lost.
For this to be possible, special Graces will be spiritually generated by those hearts that spread the devotion to My Immaculate Heart; for the victory of the Kingdom of God will occur when souls, in complete repentance and humility, ask for My maternal intercession.
Your Heavenly Mother promises not to forget anyone during the most culminating time.
My Son desires that this true devotion to My Immaculate Heart transcends the times of today and that, by living and practicing good examples of charity, souls generate the merits necessary to achieve redemption in a broader way.
The foundation of the devotion to My Immaculate Heart is to maintain the affiliation with the Eternal Father; bring to all the spiritual and sacred principles that renew consciousnesses and awaken, above all, a life of holiness and of consecration, important foundations that will allow a new way of life, permeated by the Holy Spirit of God.
All those hearts that in these times adopt a posture of inner devotion to My Most Sacred Mother's Heart will be helping to strengthen that devotion in the planetary consciousness and in all those hearts that must reencounter a deeper union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Therefore, My children, this is the time in which the Three Sacred Hearts are giving of themselves so that souls may drink from the Three Founts of Mercy that come from the same origin and from the same Father of the Universe. That devotion will bring you renewal and, above all, peace in today’s times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you with love and compassion,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Through the Holy Spirit of God, once again I gather you together in the sacred oratory of My most pure Immaculate Heart.
It is for this cause, dear children, that today I would like to tell you that the task of prayer from yesterday, November 13, had great repercussions at a spiritual and planetary level.
Many things were avoided when those who prayed, present in the city of Porto Alegre and in the world, simply placed their consciousness and their love on all that was happening.
Once again, prayer triumphed in various regions of the planet and, through the love placed in each one of the words, sinful souls were benefited by the powerful channel that was opened yesterday by all.
I will always want to see you, My children, with the same attitude and enthusiasm as yesterday. This brings joy to the Heart of God, and His Works of Pity and of Mercy become possible in the world.
Dear children, thus today I invite you to have your lives become a place of constant prayer and attunement with the Celestial Universe. When more souls dedicate attention to the importance of praying from the heart every day, greater will be the divine effects upon the world and especially upon the causes of conflict.
May peace be the purpose of each server of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you with the loving Heart of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep in your hearts the moments when you were with God. Keep as a treasure, as a stronghold, the moments when Heaven descended to Earth, to show humankind how this world must be.
Thus, in times of chaos, transmit the peace that dwells in your hearts to those among your brothers and sisters who have never felt God in their lives.
Hold as a treasure the moments when the Holy Spirit merged with you to show you that there is a divine essence within each being, which must express itself so that you may be an example for the whole of humanity, just like the Son of God was.
Christ arrived in the world not only to be contemplated, but also to be imitated. And, so that you may follow the steps of Christ, God offers you all that Jesus once received. You are beside His Holy Family, surrounded by angels and archangels and living under the guidance of the saints and patriarchs of all times. Now, the Lord cannot do anything else but wait for you to accept His offer.
May you, as did Christ, take the cross that will lead you to a new humanity, a cross that for the current humanity is not the martyrdom of the body; it is the overcoming of the temptations of the world, with the elevation of your consciousnesses. It is to be able to say “no” to all the stimuli that the enemy imprints in the human consciousness, and that little by little, make the union of creatures with their Creator disappear.
To carry the cross that will lead you to the new humanity, to the new Christs, is to find joy in the humble spirit, and though it is a solitary walk, little understood by humanity, may you follow this path which leads you to God.
May My words fill you, inspire you, and also encourage you to follow this path, which makes you find, within yourselves, the perfection of God.
Your beloved companion and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as the Law indicates for the holy life, you will purify your being of every stain so that by being free from everything, you achieve the virtue of understanding and of humility.
You will purify your consciousness of every condemnation, desire or ambition so that by being free from every human perversion, your spirit glorifies the Eternal Father with the purity of the angels.
You will purify your mind and your thinking of every control, objection and judgment so that being free from everything, your consciousness acquires the spirit of wisdom that lives and dwells in the Heart of God.
You will purify your being of every deceit or deviation so that being free from everything you receive the eternal blessing, the one which will lead you to find the visible Purpose of the Universe.
You will purify all of your intentions and aspirations so that being free from them and silenced before the Celestial Universe, your soul does not carry the yoke of condemnation, and thus frees itself from all damnation.
You will purify even what is most hidden within you so that being free from everything, you clearly see the goal that the Universe has in place for you and thus you fulfill the part that you have come here to carry out.
You will purify each space of your being so that being free from everything, some day you will be worthy in the Lord and as pure as a flower before the Eyes of God.
The time of purification is already happening, may no one forget that through purification, debts are erased so that the Holy Spirit can labor.
Purify yourself in trust; the Universe will take action to liberate you from the chains of the prison so that the true spirit will emerge again with the Aurora of the morning.
Dear children, count on My intercession; purify yourselves in Christ.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who conducts you toward the school of liberation,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As a whisper of the Holy Spirit of God, I have come here to inspire within your lives the search for peace and goodness for the world.
The praying voice of the mothers of the world already resonates in My maternal Heart, and this makes it possible for the spirit of virginity and female purity to be preserved within the world. Even this, My children, is not sufficient, because the debt of humanity is more than spiritual, it has become universal.
Therefore, your Heavenly Mother unites you in the oratory of Her Heart of Light so that, united to all mothers, the planet in these times reaches a higher degree of love, beyond any error.
If the mothers loved as I love, prayed as I pray, and cried out as I cry out, I assure you, dear mothers, that the victory of My Immaculate Heart would be visible in all your hearts.
I only wish to teach you, dear mothers, the simple things of My maternity: to be patient, persevering and to love all My children as I love you, without conditions nor judgments.
If that is the case, your souls will soon be united to Mine, and we will be only one wellspring, only one feminine life expressed throughout the cosmos for the love to God, Our Lord.
Mothers, continue praying constantly and continue walking by My side, together we will pass this transition, and, in the end, the maternal love will triumph, and the planet will heal from the lack of maternal love. The world as a whole must accept the maternal spirit so that souls may find consolation and be reborn in life.
I thank all the praying mothers for responding to My call!
Peace be in the heart of all innocent mothers,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
With a joy that moves My maternal Heart, I invite you to seek on this day the true fusion with the Holy Spirit, so that under this Sacred Presence, full of love and of truth, you can walk towards the discovery of this Grace that comes from beyond the spiritual plane and that is born from the Divine Source.
Saint Joseph knew together with Mary the expansion of these Gifts, gifts of humility, of charity and of wisdom which brought to the world the Mercy of God and the good for all souls.
At the doors of this sacred knowledge, dear children, I invite you to seek the truth that dwells in the Heart of God.
Each time you ask the Chaste Heart to intercede for humanity, you are simply calling uponthe inner merits that Saint Joseph attained as a man of this Earth and, in the same way, your prayers attract the infinite gifts of the Holy Spirit of Joseph, as was the gift of consecration that He lived out of love for the project of humanity.
Dear children, open the doors of your hearts to find this divine reality and embrace this path towards the discovery of the true essence of all things.
Saint Joseph wants to help you to be simple, humble and good. There will be no other inner path nor other divine philosophy that you can follow, other than the holy path that Saint Joseph lived for all.
Christ is unique and there will be no other Messiah like Him, who has lived and preached among you. Christ is Glory and Divinity, and He will now only return to the heart of the one who, being a sinner, asks for His Divine Mercy to be forgiven.
Children, emulate the path of the Sacred Hearts, but do not want to be something that in truth you are not, be humble, serve and embrace with love the cross that My Son gives you. Follow Him, pray with fervor for this decadent humanity and replace in your minds all the ideas of a spiritualized life for your true self.
Your Heavenly Mother, Saint Joseph, the Worker of the poor, and Christ, your Lord, who is seated at the right of Abba, wish to inspire you to live a life of holiness. If at least somebody were holy and silent, the world would change and the path of humanity would be safe.
Believe, feel and see that Christ, the Glorified King, Holy Mary of Aurora and Saint Joseph the Worker visit you in this house as in other places of the world, that are today Centers and Marian Sanctuaries of Grace and of Mercy.
Recognize the Work of the Celestial Messengers, to which you are called to participate in humility and without realizations. The only miracle for your beings is the loving offer of Heaven on the path of forgiveness, redemption and conversion.
I thank you for having responded to the call of the Divine Messengers!
Who unites you to the only celestial truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Message of Mary for non-believers
Listen to the Voice of My Heart and just think that I exist within this vast universe of life and love.
Just think that I exist and that I govern a part of Heaven under the impulse of the Holy Spirit of God and that I pour the Gifts of this wise Spirit into the hearts that open to recognize it in the depths of their inner self.
Just think of Me as your Mother, the Mother of the Redeemer, Who throughout time has offered Myself to the world to be able to guide it and support it in the sacred Purpose of God.
Just think that I am this great Star and this great Sun that lights up the abysses and that converts fallen souls through the Love of God, Our Lord.
Just think about who I can be and not in what you believe.
My Consciousness comes from an eternal principle, from a most pure Source of Creation, which gave of Itself so that the whole universe could learn about real Love. It was this Divine Source that gave Me life and it was through this Divine Source that Jesus was able to incarnate in humanity.
Just think about what We are and not in what you believe. Open yourself to know the mystery of Love, which can do all things and which recreates all things, as it is written in the Heart of the Father.
Souls are born to live in faith, and it is this faith that allows the establishment of the true belief that God exists and loves you.
Everything has a meaning for the universe and the universe participates in this concept. Thus, the heart of each creature was created so that each one could feel the honor of being loved by God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you toward the essence of real faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
There is no greater sun than My Immaculate Heart, that which offers itself before God every day to be the path and the light among the darkness. My Heart incarnates the Holy Spirit of God and it is this Spirit that I pour as gifts of Mercy and Forgiveness to the world.
Children, now that you got to know the work of My Spirit and My Heart throughout the times, I offer you this moment of renewal so that certain internal values might become available to the service of God the Father.
For this, children, your paths are being straightened by the cycle of purification. May all of you be able to accept the call for responding to the Will of the Eternal Father, so those Plans of the Universe, which are not fulfilled by the hearts that are blind and distracted, will be able to be accomplished and fulfilled in the hearts that are opened to recognize the Will of the Lord.
For these times I bring to you the science of discernment, the time to be able to search for the inner resources that will help reforming the life over the planet. For this, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother gathers you in the cenacle of the Heart of Christ, so that you may feel the power of His trust and the love of His Consciousness, which will help you walk and take the correct steps towards the Sacred Purpose of Adonai.
In all this work, you, My children, have an important participation towards the Plan of the Divine Messengers; it is through an awake and less indifferent humanity that everything will be able to be converted and consecrated in time.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who blesses and cares for you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From Heaven and from the whole Greater Universe, I come to awaken your souls and your consciousnesses to the infinite life of the Cosmos. In those divine spaces and divine dwellings, your inner beings have a favorite place before the Kingdom of God. It is in this way, children, that evolving life makes up part of a great experience of love, forgiveness and redemption throughout the entire Cosmos, where suns, stars and galaxies, unknown to humanity, rule.
Other humanities express themselves in the Universe, just as the rays that have their own colors and shapes. In the spaces of the Universe, evolving life is the keynote of the whole ancient experience and this transcends the history of your humanity. You, children, come from different parts of the Universal Heaven and from there you came to Earth in order to learn about rehabilitation and love in this Earthly school in which the Sacred Hearts deigned to also live for some time.
In the celestial spheres of the universe, the attributes are applied in life and each attribute is a divine experience that allows one to awaken their consciousness even more and implements them, liberating them from any error. Children, in the Universe, which is vast and infinite, laws are manifested as a principle of education and awareness for everything that is life; it is in this way that harmony, order and peace are expanded throughout the suns, stars and great galaxies. One lives a communion with the Consciousness of God and always seeks to learn through love.
Adonai is the principle and the reason for everything that exists in the different stellar governments. Life is impregnated by the Consciousness of the Father and the Presence of God is the spiritual guide in all of the paths. It is the One and Only Source of Adonai, which springs and re-springs in the galaxies and in the stars and the whole life is a participant of a divine font, which is able to restore and heal every creature.
In the Universe, children of Mine, your planet represents an initial Project of God, an experience of love that once had a purpose, and from genesis everything has changed. For this, after humanity has experienced many lessons and mistakes, your Eternal Father sought, contemplated and meditated upon what He would do for the Earth to again be a rescuable planet.
Thus, the Archangelic Hierarchies started working so that the best project of redemption, forgiveness and liberation could be manifested and, also, to avoid deviation and the decay of humanity. It was so that in the infinite spaces of the Universe, where the Spiritual Source of Abba expresses Itself, the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, worked in order to express the principle of divine love which would provide redemption to this material world. It was at that universal moment that God chose to become a man and a living consciousness on this Planet, through the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, through the Firstborn Son.
For this, in the Celestial Universe and in the other universes, the governments thought about manifesting this precious life through a Holy Woman. There, at that moment, God chose the consciousness of Mary to be the Mother of the Redeemer. The Spirit of the Sacred Hearts, which is divine and pure, gave Itself in order for this project to be carried forward.
And as Jesus was born from a womb touched by the Holy Spirit, Mary also was born from a generation that followed the Will of God. And My Maternal Spirit comes from the Universal Creator Source where the conception of life is the greatest present of the beauty of God. Mary and Jesus were one before the Project, They lived the experience of salvation, and Mercy defeated Justice before the world became lost.
Today, dear children, I wish I could make you understand with the heart the true history of this Creation, which continues learning and maturing through the universal life from which the world forms a part, even as ignorant as it may be of it. For this, I come to awaken your interest in divine life so that you may at least let go of Earthly life and believe in something greater that is waiting for you.
On this day, children, by means of prayer, reflect your true mirror of love to the world and help Me to dissipate the horrors that this blind world carries forward before the Celestial Father.
I tirelessly come to guide humanity towards the path of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the true universal life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
With joy upon seeing you gathered in unity and love, may you receive, on this day, the coming of the Holy Spirit, at Pentecost, so that, invaded by the Gifts of the Spirit of God, your works may always be blessed by the Lord.
Your Heavenly Mother, Mother of the Holy Spirit, gathers you in the cenacle of Her Immaculate Heart so that you may offer to God your lives and consecrations, so that the Plan of the Most High may be fulfilled among creatures.
On this holy day, I wish to establish devotion to the Holy Spirit, for if you love the Gifts, before you know them, you will be within the great divine conception, the one that gave origin to the unity and love between Heaven and Earth.
From that divine place, I have departed to come here and show the whole world the path of simplicity that I desire that, in this era, you may experience.
By professing and experiencing unity, My children, you will build barriers of light that will allow you to be invincible against all persecution and disturbance.
Therefore, My children, as you experience your first school of purification and surrender, follow the flight of the Holy Spirit so that He may always give you the wisdom to one day attain inner discernment, which will be essential in order to distinguish the good from the bad, the false from that which is true.
I come today to awaken your interest and diligence to seek the Source of the Spirit of God. Thus, there will be souls on Earth who will be living receptacles of the new Gifts that the Celestial Father expects to pour out upon humanity.
My Presence in your lives will lead you to find the constant path of conversion of the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call for peace!
Who unites you to the Holy Spirit of the Almighty,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the world of today largely forgets to look to God and recognize Him, I come in this time to announce My last Call to you, that which shall congregate you out of love for a spiritual and higher task with Me.
However, the souls of today are different from the souls of yesterday; there is a need instilled in the hearts to seek the good and to satisfy their lives.
I come to give to you everything that you do not know of the universe. In the name of the Love of God, I come to awaken the last apostles who shall await My arrival in the cold night.
I know you all very well, I know about your certainties and difficulties; but I need, all the time, the pulsating heart of each being; that heart and that soul which shall allow me to work in critical times.
Your efforts of love must be greater. The moment shall come when you will love that which you have never loved and forgive that which you have never forgiven.
Now, in this time of changes and tests, I deliver to you the great key of meekness, something that I experienced for you during the Passion.
I feel comforted by this world when souls love My Sacred Passion, a mystery that I began to reveal to you precisely, so that both the faithful and the atheist may find the Light of Christ in times of tribulation.
Therefore, seek to penetrate the mystery of My sacrifice and My surrender, because through My Heart you will learn to bear the attacks of the enemy, like many beings that lived and worked in My holy Name.
Woe to those who will turn their backs on Me in this time; their own ignorance and vanity shall make them sink like a boat in the open sea.
Pray for all those who shall not recognize in time that I have returned first in Soul and in Divinity.
Happy are the responsive and the persevering, they shall never lose the opportunity of knowing me deeply and in a spirit of peace.
Be workers in plenitude. Be living bearers and witnesses of My sacred Message, for the hour indicates the moment of experiencing My redeeming Love.
I Am that Being Who was born out of the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. You are those who were also born from the Source of Love.
Remember the principles of your origins and serve God in complete peace.
I shall never fail you. Call out upon My Name, seek My Word to quench the inner thirst. Always be merciful.
Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Light of My Glorified Heart!
Peace upon the Earth.
Christ Jesus
I return to each city so that My children may triumph by means of My Immaculate Heart, so that in this way My plans of Peace may be fulfilled in this world that is in such suffering and sorrow.
Dear children, I return to the heart of Brazil to establish, in a definitive way, the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but this will only be possible through the adherence that all of My children may actualize without delay and without wasting time, because My requests are special and divine for these times when peace is lacking in the interior world of many beings from the Earth.
The Americas must continue working as a one and only Spiritual Nation in order to establish, in this time, the Kingdom of Peace and of Conversion. By means of unity and of prayer you will fuse together, by the action of the Holy Spirit, all of the groups of souls in the same Redeeming Purpose.
In each city that I visit I pour the power of the Graces, the same ones that I achieved in My passing through the Earth. Graces that were sown by the Angels of Heaven in honor to God and to the Redeeming Plan of humanity.
Dear children, with this aim I return to Brasilia to establish My Immaculate Kingdom of devotion and prayer in a greater group of souls, those that will awaken in time to answer to My call. Heaven today reunites the powers of the Mercy of God by means of the offer of My Immaculate Heart so that a greater number of children may find healing and forgiveness.
I come to announce peace in the heart of all of those who do not have it. For this I need your determination and union with Me. As a Mother I will be able to raise you to Heaven and in order for you to meet the Great Consciousness of Jesus, and in this way you will return to the House of God, that which has been very much forgotten by this world.
On this day My dears, My divine inspiration will be to awaken you to the universal consciousness of the power of prayer so that in this way you may resolve in time all of that which unites you with God and with His Project of Love.
In Glory I descend from Heaven in order to lift from the ground all of those who have fallen because of suffering and desperation. My Hope for you is promising and truthful for those who just may open their heart.
I pray for you all the time, I pray for the peace in your hearts, I pray for the end of the spiritual war, that which dwells in the mind of unjust men and women. I pray so that humanity may not continue loosing itself, I pray for those who consecrate themselves and for those who distance themselves from God without realizing it. My prayers are for all of you and for the world.
I adore the Father and I Glorify Him so that He may never cease to pour His Infinite Mercy over each one of My children. I traverse cities and nations in order to awaken the new soldiers of peace and of prayer because the urgency of redemption and of a great change in the consciousness is imminent. For this I pray so that the Angel of Justice of God may not come to the world in order to show what is not well in the deluded and sleeping humanity.
I wish for you to pray with Me every day, that you do not forget to do it, because the chalice was half full and now it is being filled more filled than I expected. Only through your transformation will the word be convert and achieve peace.
The Universe of God awaits your offers and sacrifices and, no matter how small they may be and the more insignificant that they may seem, all will be contemplated by the Divinity. I come to awaken you, I come to call you and to activate you for the service and for the prayer for those who do not adore, do not wait for and do not love God. I come from Heaven with the hope of reverting the grave outrages that many of My children continue to commit. I come to prevent the application of the Law and the Justice of God, something that humanity does not either know or understand.
As an Intercessor I come to approach you to the Heart of Jesus, I come to announce My last call before the return of Christ to the world.
Dear children, I come to listen to your Yes which is so crucial for the final time.
I thank My children from Brasilia for having answered one more time to My call for Peace!
I wish for them to know that I am truly very thankful.
My Peace and My blessing is upon each one of them.
Who thanks you now and always,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Brasilia
My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.
Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.
I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.
Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.
Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.
So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.
And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.
The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.
It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.
So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.
The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.
In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.
The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.
Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.
I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.
My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.
Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.
Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.
I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.
Love one another Christically.
Unite cosmically.
Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.
I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.
Peace to all, the Peace of God.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
The Merciful Christ Jesus
It has been thirty-three years since I have come to the world through Medjugorje as Queen of Peace to diffuse the call for peace and the universal love of God among the nations.
Today on the sacred anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, I announce to you that My Immaculate Heart thanks all children who awake to My maternal call and I thank all those who work to diffuse My call in Medjugorje as well as in South America. In this way, I wish to show the world that My Marian Consciousness is omnipresent and merciful, it brings the possibility of being liberated from the evil that suffocates the hearts and that extinguishes the light in the souls.
Dear children, that today may be a day of celebration and of graces to the Eternal Father and to Jesus Christ for having permitted that one more time, I may save you and intercede for your souls, which are divine treasures to the Lord and immaterial purity to the Celestial Universe.
On this day, in which thirty-three years of Apparitions in Medjugorje are accomplished My principle message is to call you again to prayer.
For all the pleas, prayers, fasting and offers of love on the part of My dear children, your sacred planet still may remain in the Great Project of God. Humanity, especially, is being considered before the universe as a rescuable project, which was impossible before due to the serious outrages committed.
That in communion with My Son, My beloveds, the Light of the Holy Spirit may open and expand your consciousnesses, in this way you will be worthy of receiving the Kingdom of God in your dwelling places.
My children, continue to walk in the law of effort and of sacrifice for those who do not do it and for those who do not want to see God in their hearts.
On a coming day, the Lord will show the world His Mercy and His Piety; when humanity, the one who is awake as well as the one who is asleep, sees the coming among the clouds, the suns and the stars, of the glorious presence of Christ Redeemer.
Now that, after so many Graces and Instructions you are more mature, I ask you that you open your hearts more so you may recognize the Will of the Lord, in this way you will give living testimony to those who do not live in Christ, the Savior.
Prayer of the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the 33 years of
Her Apparitions in Medjugorje.
A Star of Light shone upon the hill,
it was the presence of the Queen of Peace.
An eternal legacy was given to Her children,
it was the instruction of seeking the peace of the heart.
Redemptions and conversions were poured out as Graces,
it was the ray of Reconciliation with the Kingdom of God.
A bridge of light arose from the Earth,
it was the prayers of Her Children,
those who cried out for a New Humanity.
The response of a few,
became Grace for many,
it was the Love and the intercession of the Lady of Peace.
A profound communion
proclaimed the Great Universal Heights.
The Sovereign Queen of Peace,
once again united the hearts with the King of Love.
And, for a whilw, Heaven and touched Earth.
It was the unity of all Her children with the Celestial Father.
Hail, Mother of Love!,
Hail, Queen of Peace!
The stars of Your Crown, now and forever,
illuminate our walk.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Blessings and Peace to all My children of Sorocaba.
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón,
When we were in the last Hail Mary prayers, a dove of light that descended from the universe towards the house appeared inside the room.
It was called to our attention that the dove had acted in an intelligent way, while it descended, it performed some movements. For example, in the moment that it approached the house, a door of light was opened above the place where we were.
The dove flapped its wings with great strength and determination, it kept flapping the wings for a long time, white rays emanated from its wings and it expanded all over the place. It seemed that the house was being purified and another new energy was entering as if it were a new cycle.
We saw and felt that this dove represented the Holy Spirit. When the dove appeared, we noticed that someone had made it emerge from somewhere, we saw delicate hands that released that dove into the air and in this way, we knew that it had been the Divine Mother Who had made it appear.
Soon, the dove disappeared from the house and Our Lady approached. She manifested Herself today especially within a channel of celestial light, we saw that She was barefoot, Her feet were surrounded by a white cloud and Her face expressed kindness.
Then She told us to write Her Message to this prayer group and at the end She added that She would transmit a Message to each of the prayer groups that we visited during those days.
She will be doing a special task with each one of the prayer groups, as if they were one single group. This task that she will doing during these days, in the State of São Paulo, has a higher purpose that we do not know about now.
She will be acting through us as a Mediator and, today She told us it was the Grace of Her Son Jesus that enabled Her to perform this task here in the State of São Paulo.
Mother Mary told us that the Grace that allowed Her, through Her Son Jesus, to come here, comes from that which is contemplated by Christ; contemplation that He accomplished from the prayer groups during these last years, and from the steps that these groups have taken through the instruction and the service.
The Virgin Mary said that for Christ all this had a spiritual value, which represented a spiritual richness to all souls, and that the Sacred Hearts need this spiritual richness in order to act.
Dear children of Mine,
Today, with joy and goodness, I descend from Heaven answering to your precious call.
I have come with the spiritual mission that this sacred house, which today I visit and have visited due to the need of many poor hearts of spirit, may be consecrated, with your permission and charity, as the new service center for the most needy.
You, My children, by opening the doors to your hearts, will allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Master and Guide; Who in the past gave His life for you and now, through His Mercy, I come to your encounter to request this mission from you.
From the beginning, you should know who you will deal with. I ask you that, through the faith of Saint Joseph, you learn to give charity and goodness to those who will truly come to meet you.
I want to confess to you that the gift of your group of souls is service through healing, healing which you will discover through the act of prayer and the trustful union with My Immaculate Heart.
As with many other souls, I come to call you so that you step forward with confidence. Years of instruction and formation have served as support for the maturity of your hearts. Now, suffering, lonely and empty souls that have not found the God of Love for a long time, will come to your door.
You should know, My beloved children, that Christ is amongst you. He wishes to make Himself be felt more strongly as soon as you cross the threshold of the Greater Universe. This mission will have a predicted time and great will be the need that you will see in the faces that will come seeking for new spiritual food in order to nourish and quench their thirst through the Water of Life.
Your permission will open the doors that I have wanted to open for so long. Prayer will always be your great comforter.
I thank you for having received me!
I love you and bless you from the beginning.
Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of Charity
Dearest children of Cordoba and of the whole world:
In the name of the Love of Christ, Your Lord, I gather you to renew you by means of the Source of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
My Immaculate Heart attracts to your lives the gift of Piety, the gift of Strength and the gift of Science; these three gifts will be the ones that will renovate the life of the consciousnesses that participate in the Plan of God and in consequence, many hearts will see themselves benefited when My servants live and work through these three gifts.
As Queen and Mother of the Holy Spirit I call you on this day to reinforce the efforts in the mission of the prayer of the heart. My Divine Spirit will guide the steps of the souls who are willing to be active representatives of the Spirit of God on Earth because, in this time, only through the strength and the wise power of the Holy Spirit will be resolved many confusing situations.
Now the Holy Spirit embraces you and welcomes you in the Essence of the Love of God, so that in this era your walk in the Plan of God is totally defined and confirmed.
New soldiers must arise from the planetary chaos, for this My Holy Marian Spirit will accompany the servers that lovingly diffuse the Science and the Life of the Holy Spirit.
My Heart invites you to think and interiorize in the heart the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wishes profoundly to be a part of your lives and to transform that which still has not been transformed; for this your determination will be necessary, so that He may work.
Beloved children of Cordoba, in this way My Immaculate Heart returns to your dwelling places to light the Fire of the Holy Spirit. Only in the Holy Spirit of God may you find the inner strength and the determination to proceed accomplishing the Plan of the Father.
Cordoba and the North of Argentina have the mission of representing the Holy Spirit through His gifts and of being groups of pioneering souls of the divine gifts.
Through the daily prayer to the Holy Spirit and the invocation of the Supreme Consciousness of the Spirit of God, new and renovated sources will arise for the conversion and the redemption of the hearts of your nation.
The Celestial Universe of the Holy Spirit waits for you, so that the gifts that Argentina needs to live and to profess from the heart may descend and be materialized through your lives.
The Queen of the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven to give you this luminous impulse of devotion and of loving work dedicated to God the Most High.
May this day, of encounter and of celebration with the Holy Spirit of God be the reason for the renovation and the confirmation of your lives to the Sacred Universe.
I thank you, dear children of Cordoba for having trusted once again in My call!
I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit of God,
Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Holy Spirit
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more