From Heaven and from the whole Greater Universe, I come to awaken your souls and your consciousnesses to the infinite life of the Cosmos. In those divine spaces and divine dwellings, your inner beings have a favorite place before the Kingdom of God. It is in this way, children, that evolving life makes up part of a great experience of love, forgiveness and redemption throughout the entire Cosmos, where suns, stars and galaxies, unknown to humanity, rule.
Other humanities express themselves in the Universe, just as the rays that have their own colors and shapes. In the spaces of the Universe, evolving life is the keynote of the whole ancient experience and this transcends the history of your humanity. You, children, come from different parts of the Universal Heaven and from there you came to Earth in order to learn about rehabilitation and love in this Earthly school in which the Sacred Hearts deigned to also live for some time.
In the celestial spheres of the universe, the attributes are applied in life and each attribute is a divine experience that allows one to awaken their consciousness even more and implements them, liberating them from any error. Children, in the Universe, which is vast and infinite, laws are manifested as a principle of education and awareness for everything that is life; it is in this way that harmony, order and peace are expanded throughout the suns, stars and great galaxies. One lives a communion with the Consciousness of God and always seeks to learn through love.
Adonai is the principle and the reason for everything that exists in the different stellar governments. Life is impregnated by the Consciousness of the Father and the Presence of God is the spiritual guide in all of the paths. It is the One and Only Source of Adonai, which springs and re-springs in the galaxies and in the stars and the whole life is a participant of a divine font, which is able to restore and heal every creature.
In the Universe, children of Mine, your planet represents an initial Project of God, an experience of love that once had a purpose, and from genesis everything has changed. For this, after humanity has experienced many lessons and mistakes, your Eternal Father sought, contemplated and meditated upon what He would do for the Earth to again be a rescuable planet.
Thus, the Archangelic Hierarchies started working so that the best project of redemption, forgiveness and liberation could be manifested and, also, to avoid deviation and the decay of humanity. It was so that in the infinite spaces of the Universe, where the Spiritual Source of Abba expresses Itself, the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, worked in order to express the principle of divine love which would provide redemption to this material world. It was at that universal moment that God chose to become a man and a living consciousness on this Planet, through the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, through the Firstborn Son.
For this, in the Celestial Universe and in the other universes, the governments thought about manifesting this precious life through a Holy Woman. There, at that moment, God chose the consciousness of Mary to be the Mother of the Redeemer. The Spirit of the Sacred Hearts, which is divine and pure, gave Itself in order for this project to be carried forward.
And as Jesus was born from a womb touched by the Holy Spirit, Mary also was born from a generation that followed the Will of God. And My Maternal Spirit comes from the Universal Creator Source where the conception of life is the greatest present of the beauty of God. Mary and Jesus were one before the Project, They lived the experience of salvation, and Mercy defeated Justice before the world became lost.
Today, dear children, I wish I could make you understand with the heart the true history of this Creation, which continues learning and maturing through the universal life from which the world forms a part, even as ignorant as it may be of it. For this, I come to awaken your interest in divine life so that you may at least let go of Earthly life and believe in something greater that is waiting for you.
On this day, children, by means of prayer, reflect your true mirror of love to the world and help Me to dissipate the horrors that this blind world carries forward before the Celestial Father.
I tirelessly come to guide humanity towards the path of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the true universal life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more