Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Message of Mary for non-believers

Listen to the Voice of My Heart and just think that I exist within this vast universe of life and love.

Just think that I exist and that I govern a part of Heaven under the impulse of the Holy Spirit of God and that I pour the Gifts of this wise Spirit into the hearts that open to recognize it in the depths of their inner self.

Just think of Me as your Mother, the Mother of the Redeemer, Who throughout time has offered Myself to the world to be able to guide it and support it in the sacred Purpose of God.

Just think that I am this great Star and this great Sun that lights up the abysses and that converts fallen souls through the Love of God, Our Lord.

Just think about who I can be and not in what you believe.

My Consciousness comes from an eternal principle, from a most pure Source of Creation, which gave of Itself so that the whole universe could learn about real Love. It was this Divine Source that gave Me life and it was through this Divine Source that Jesus was able to incarnate in humanity.

Just think about what We are and not in what you believe. Open yourself to know the mystery of Love, which can do all things and which recreates all things, as it is written in the Heart of the Father.

Souls are born to live in faith, and it is this faith that allows the establishment of the true belief that God exists and loves you.

Everything has a meaning for the universe and the universe participates in this concept. Thus, the heart of each creature was created so that each one could feel the honor of being loved by God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you toward the essence of real faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Villa Serrana, Minas, Levalleja, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Princess of Peace and the Queen of the Universe, the rays of redemption and pity flow from My Heart. The stars rescued from the Earth shine upon My mantle. The world is beneath My feet, and My soles of light trample the head of the evil one. My crown radiates the twelve attributes of the New Humanity and from each star, the rays of the Mercy of God are born, those rays that guide souls.

Dear children, I am the Princess of Peace, I am the Mother who unties the impossible knots that no one can untie. Whoever is with Me, will win, whoever is with Me will always awaken to the new. In My Kingdom, there will be more than one flower, in My Kingdom there will be the redeemed mirror that will ignite in Mercy and radiate peace to the universe.

I am the one who guides the lost souls. It is through My children that I have guided all hearts that wander throughout the world without finding meaning or reason in life. I rescue what is lost. I convert what is wrong. I ignite in faith what has been extinguished.

I am the Princess of Peace, who brings within Her womb the perfect image of God and who gestates within the consciousness the new science of spiritual healing.

I am the one who prays for all, I am the one who covers good souls with Her mantle and makes them invisible before the eyes of Her adversary.

Dear children, I am the Mother who guides everyone towards the Purpose. I am the one who helps accomplish the mission of each being.

I thank you for responding to My celestial call, despite the time of the adversity!

Whoever is with Me will triumph.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
